Did i miscarry quiz
How to tell if a miscarriage has happened
If you’ve heard the term miscarriage, you probably know that it means the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks’ gestation. Miscarriage is something that no one wants to think about during early pregnancy, but 10-20% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Being able to recognize miscarriage symptoms and knowing what to do next can help you be more prepared in case one happens.
Miscarriage symptoms
A miscarriage can happen suddenly or gradually, which means that you may not notice any particularly early symptoms of a miscarriage. But no matter how fast it happens, key symptoms include:
- Pink, red or brown vaginal bleeding or spotting
- Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen
- Passing tissue or blood clots from the vagina
Every miscarriage is different. The heaviest bleeding and cramps may be over within a few hours, but bleeding could continue off and on for as long as three weeks. And although most people experience cramps, a miscarriage isn’t always painful.
Both vaginal spotting and mild cramps are common during early pregnancy, so it’s possible to have a miscarriage and not know it. This is why you should call your care provider if you experience any of the above symptoms once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy.
When do miscarriages happen?
Most miscarriages happen during the first trimester, which is the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you’re not tracking your menstrual cycle or fertility, it’s possible to mistake an early miscarriage for a period. And although miscarriages can still happen after the first trimester, the chances drop significantly – to around 3-4%. It’s also possible to have a pregnancy loss after 20 weeks, but this is referred to as a stillbirth. It’s treated differently and is much less common than a miscarriage.
Will a pregnancy test be negative after a miscarriage?
It takes time for your hormones to return to their pre-pregnancy levels after a miscarriage. The amount of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may still be high enough to trigger a positive result on a pregnancy test for several weeks after a miscarriage.
What causes miscarriages?
One of the most important things to know about miscarriages is that they’re often caused by things that you have no control over, including:
- Chromosomal abnormalities: This is when a fertilized egg has too many or too few chromosomes. Chromosomal abnormalities account for around half of all miscarriages and are usually random. They can either prevent the embryo from developing or from forming in the first place.
- Uterine or cervical issues: In some cases, conditions related to the uterus or cervix can interfere with embryo development and lead to miscarriage. This includes conditions that create growths or scar tissue in the uterus like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and cervical insufficiency – which is when the cervix opens too early, typically in the second trimester.
- Infections: Untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause you to miscarry. It’s important to get tested for STIs before you get pregnant, as you can have an infection without symptoms. You may also miscarry if you become infected with listeriosis, which is a type of food poisoning. This is why it’s recommended that you avoid eating certain foods during pregnancy.
In addition to the above, there are other factors that can increase your risk of miscarriage and other pregnancy complications. These risk factors include:
- Age: Pregnancy after age 35 comes with a higher risk of miscarriage. This is because as you age, eggs with extra or missing chromosomes become more common.
- Environmental exposure: Working around or otherwise being exposed to radiation, toxins or contaminants.
- Health conditions: Certain health conditions, like autoimmune disorders, thyroid disorders, severe diabetes and being over- or underweight.
- Lifestyle choices: Smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs.
- Previous miscarriages: Having two or more miscarriages in a row can be a sign that you have a higher chance of miscarrying in general.
What does NOT cause a miscarriage
Physical activity and sex have not been linked to miscarriage. But if you’re ever unsure about whether something is safe to do during your pregnancy, talk to your care provider.
Some studies have shown that stress or high caffeine intake during pregnancy may increase miscarriage risk. More research is needed, but it’s recommended that you try to manage your stress as best you can, and keep your daily caffeine intake below 200 milligrams.
What to do if you have a miscarriage
Again, if you notice potential symptoms of a miscarriage, call your care provider. They will want to confirm the miscarriage and make sure that you aren’t at risk for heavy blood loss or infection. This is usually done with a pelvic exam and an ultrasound.
Miscarriages frequently resolve on their own without any need for treatment. It may take a few days to pass all of the tissue, and you may have moderate bleeding that lightens over the course of a couple weeks. Seek immediate medical treatment if you have heavy bleeding that does not lighten, fever, weakness or other signs of infection.
Medical treatment for a miscarriage
There’s no treatment that can stop a miscarriage. Instead, miscarriage treatment focuses on preventing excessive blood loss and infection, which can happen if the uterus isn’t completely cleared of tissue. Once a miscarriage has been confirmed, options for treatment may include:
- Medication: Medication can be used to speed up the passing of pregnancy tissue.
- Surgery: If there’s leftover tissue in the uterus or signs of heavy blood loss or infection, a minor surgery called dilation and curettage (D&C) may be performed. In a D&C, the cervix is dilated so that the remaining tissue can be gently removed.
This option can also be chosen based on preference.
Tips for recovering from a miscarriage
- To prevent infection, avoid putting anything in your vagina during a miscarriage, and for two weeks afterwards. This means avoiding sexual intercourse and using pads instead of tampons.
- If you’re having painful cramps during or after a miscarriage, take acetaminophen – follow the label instructions.
- Your iron levels may drop as a result of the bleeding. To offset this and support your body’s blood production, eat a healthy diet that’s high in iron and vitamin C. Iron can be found in red meat, shellfish, beans and leafy green vegetables. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruit, kiwis, bell peppers and many other vegetables.
- A miscarriage can be an emotionally difficult time, and there’s no right or wrong way to feel. It’s common to experience a variety of emotions, including mood swings, grief, anger and loneliness. Talk with family, friends or a counselor if you’re feeling overwhelmed or need support after a pregnancy loss.
- Be kind to yourself. The physical and emotional toll of a miscarriage can be draining. It’s okay to take a step back from your regular activities if you need to rest and recuperate.
- Once your miscarriage has been confirmed, go to any recommended follow-up appointments, and report new or worsening symptoms to your care provider as soon as possible.
Can you avoid a miscarriage?
After a miscarriage, it’s normal to wonder if you could have done anything differently. Remember, a miscarriage is rarely anyone’s fault, and there’s no sure way to prevent one from happening. That said, there are a few healthy lifestyle choices you can make to minimize your risk:
- If you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs, quit as soon as possible.
- Get tested for STIs.
- Talk to a medical professional about any health conditions you haven’t had treatment for.
- Stick to any treatment plans or other methods you’ve already been given for managing health conditions.
- Get enough physical activity.
- Eat a balanced diet.
Keep your risk low
If you aren’t pregnant yet, one of the best things you can do to minimize your risk of miscarriage and other complications is to make a preconception appointment. This is an opportunity for your care provider to review your medical and lifestyle histories, and make recommendations that can give your pregnancy the healthiest possible start.
And if you’re already pregnant, stick to your prenatal appointment schedule. Your prenatal appointments ensure that you and your little one are getting all the care you need. Plus, these appointments give your care team the chance to catch signs and symptoms of complications before they affect your pregnancy.
Make a preconception appointment or a prenatal appointment.
Am I having a miscarriage?
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Article was originally published on Nov. 7, 2017 and updated on June 6, 2019.
It can be stressful when your period is later than expected. Although menstrual cycle length can vary, some people may worry that their late period is actually a very early miscarriage (also known as a spontaneous abortion).
What to expect during an abortion
If you have access to a legal abortion, here is what to...
by Hannah Reiser, OBGYN
Miscarriage, or the loss of a pregnancy in the first 20 weeks (1), is common. At least 1 in 3 pregnancies end in a miscarriage (2), though people do not always know that they were pregnant when miscarriage occurs. Sometimes the egg implants only for a short period of time, and then the pregnancy ends. Most people would not know they were pregnant in this scenario. About 1 in 5 clinically recognized pregnancies (pregnancies recognized with a positive pregnancy test), end in miscarriage (2, 3).
Miscarriages are most common in the first six weeks of pregnancy, becoming less likely as the pregnancy develops (2,3). If a pregnancy loss happens, it’s most likely in the first trimester (the first 13 weeks by gestational age) (4).
When a miscarriage occurs before a person knows that they are pregnant, it may be difficult to tell the difference between a normal menstrual period and miscarriage.
Symptoms of both menstrual periods
and miscarriage can include (1, 4-7):If you are experiencing a
miscarriage, someone may also notice:Reduction in or disappearance of pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or sore breasts (5)
Signs of being sick, like a fever (if the miscarriage is caused by an infection) (5,6)
If you get your period less than 2 weeks after your period is expected, it is difficult to know whether it is a late period or a miscarriage. Miscarriages in this time frame are not usually experienced with heavier or longer bleeding (7). People who miscarry in less than or equal to two weeks after an expected period are likely to experience bleeding similar to a period (7). There may be about half a day more of bleeding than the typical period (7).
Download Clue to track your period and bleeding.
App StorePlay Store
It is unlikely that a single early miscarriage occurring before it’s even detected has implications for long-term fertility. Early miscarriages are common and many people who experience these types of miscarriages don’t know they miscarried at all.
Although miscarriages that happen around the time of a period don’t represent a threat to a person’s health, people may be concerned about their chance to have healthy pregnancies in the future. But people who miscarry, even later into pregnancy and multiple times, can go on to have healthy pregnancies in the future (2, 6, 8).
If you’re unsure about whether or not you might be pregnant and want to know if your bleeding is a miscarriage or a normal period, take a pregnancy test or visit your healthcare provider.
If you have a late period, are trying to get pregnant, or are worried you are pregnant, and you’re unsure if you should take a pregnancy test, consider your risk of pregnancy:
For people with typical cycles (the number of days between periods rarely varies by more than a couple days):You are at risk of pregnancy if you had unprotected penis-in-vagina sex or had a high risk of sperm touching your genitals. The risk varies over the course of your cycle. Find out here if you are unsure about how you can get pregnant.
Sperm exposure poses the highest risk of pregnancy from around the middle of the cycle to about 2 weeks before your anticipated period, because this is when most people ovulate. This is only true in general, and it might not be reflective of any given cycle, so you shouldn’t rely on this rough estimate for pregnancy prevention.
(Note that the ovulation day displayed in Clue is only an estimate — your actual day of ovulation might have different timing, which can vary cycle-to-cycle along with the start date of your period)
Sperm exposure towards the beginning or the end of the cycle in general poses less risk of pregnancy, because it’s less likely that a person ovulated close to or during those times.
Take a pregnancy test or contact your healthcare provider if your period is nine or more days late.
If you want to take a pregnancy test sooner, wait at least two weeks after your estimated ovulation day, or around when you expect to get your period. For the most accurate results, wait a few days after your expected period. Some pregnancy tests advertise that you can take them earlier than that, but the earlier you take a test the less accurate it is (9). It’s up to you if you want to take it sooner.
If you have an unpredictable cycle (you don’t know when your period is going to come, and the difference between your longest cycle and shortest cycle is more than 7–9 days):Unprotected sex or exposure of sperm on your genitals at most times represents a higher risk because it’s harder to estimate when in your cycle you were ovulating. You can take a pregnancy test about two weeks after your last unprotected sexual encounter, though waiting a few days longer will help improve the accuracy of the results.
(We talk more about how pregnancy tests work here.)
If you are using an active form of natural birth control (fertility awareness-based methods or natural family planning) or are tracking fertility signs for body literacy, you will have a better idea of the timing of your ovulation and can use that to assess your risk of pregnancy.
(Remember, any form of unprotected sex at any time represents a risk of sexually transmitted infections)
If you know you are pregnant and begin bleeding:It is important to contact your healthcare provider. Bleeding during early pregnancy is common and isn’t necessarily a sign of a miscarriage (10), but it’s good to let them know what’s going on.
If you experience abnormal bleeding, severe pain from your pelvis to your shoulders, and are feeling weak or are fainting, you should seek medical care immediately (11)
These could be signs of an ectopic pregnancy (when a fertilized egg attaches and grows somewhere other than the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube) (11).
Ectopic pregnancies are life-threatening and should be treated as medical emergencies.
What to expect after a miscarriage
Miscarriage is a common pregnancy outcome, but that doesn’t make it any...
by Sarah Toler, DNP, CNM
How to tell the difference between a period and a miscarriageSometimes, it’s impossible to tell the difference in the symptoms between a late period and an early miscarriage. Taking a pregnancy test may tell you if you were pregnant, but it might not. The best way to prevent pregnancy is to use some form of birth control. This includes both hormonal birth control and non-hormonal birth control methods.
Download Clue to track your cycle or your pregnancy.
Feedback from participants about the quiz "Warcraft"
Good quiz! I have long been interested in military history, battles, and such tasks are another reason to sit over encyclopedias, dictionaries and learn something new. I will gladly take part in the "War business" next time.
Marienko Ivan, 9th grade
Thanks to the organizers of the quiz for interesting questions.
Dmitry Limakov, 10th grade
Thank you for the quiz. I wish the questions were more difficult for high school students.
Vladislav Pavlovich, 9th grade
Very interesting tasks. I learned a lot! Most of all I liked the question about the soldiers of the Apsheron regiment. It became even more pity that Peter III ended this war in such a way.
Sofia Prokhorova, 7th grade
The event turned out to be wonderful, meaningful and bright. It helped me test my knowledge and learn a lot of new things. I hope to continue participating in such competitions in the future. Many thanks to the organizers.
Dmitry Kondratiev, 9th grade
Excellent assignments, wonderful!!! I even got a verse - According to history, they gave me a task. I did it with diligence. I answered the first without difficulty, And with the third I had trouble. I've exhausted hundreds of bytes of memory, So my keyboard is tired. In Excel, I can deftly print, And I'm not at all shy with this task. I quickly solved all tasks with a computer, Thank you my “supermachine”
Maxim Degtyarev, grade 6
Thank you very much! Very interesting quiz.
Zhokin Alexander, 8th grade
Thank you..)
Starikov Vladislav, 8th grade
Dear creators of the quiz "Warcraft"! It is always interesting to test your knowledge in the field of history, walking through the centuries and the events taking place in them. The history of our state has captured the bright and heroic deeds of the Russian people. As we grow older, we are faced with the need to acquire a conscious attitude towards our era, our goals and values, our usual way of life and ourselves. You bring us closer to the history of the Russian people. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this.
Chernyak Ekaterina, 10th grade
Thanks to all the organizers of this quiz. There are difficult, but very interesting tasks.
Roman Rybakov, 6th grade
I really liked these tasks. Thanks to everyone who works with interest for children.
Krylova Victoria, 7th grade
Very interesting. Thank you!
Yuliya Zherebyateva, 7th grade
Thank you. All holidays sat with parents on assignments. I learned a lot of new things, and my parents tested their knowledge in history.
Artamonova Elena, 5th grade
I really liked the quiz "Warcraft", I almost never left the library, I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I wish to participate in such events in the future!!!
Bantsekina Ksenia, 5th grade
I liked your quiz. My mother and I spent the whole holidays looking for answers to questions. I learned a lot of new things in this competition.
Yury Bychkov, 5th grade
I really liked your quiz "Warcraft". My mother and I sat all the holidays and looked for answers to it. Thanks to your quiz, I learned a lot of new things. My mom is very grateful to you for creating this quiz for kids.
Zhukova Veronika, 5th grade
I really liked this quiz. I want to participate more!!!
Zakharkina Anastasia, 5th grade
I liked the quiz, I learned a lot of new and interesting things from it.
Alena Zuikova, 5th grade
I liked the quiz questions very much! These questions interested me very much because they were about the history of Russia.
Lipilkina Anastasia, 5th grade
I really enjoyed participating in this quiz. Thanks to your quiz, I learned a lot, a lot of interesting things, and my parents are happy with it.
Litra Tudor, 5th grade
I really liked the questions in the quiz, and especially the creative task. But a very complex and incomprehensible filling, it took a lot of time to figure it out. In general, the questions in the quiz were interesting…..
Malynina Vladislava, 5th grade
This game is composed at the proper level, taking into account various intellectual and age characteristics. Many tasks are aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and repeating what, for example, I already know. But in any case, this event is an excellent incentive to learn about history. Thank you!
Antsiferova Anastasia, Grade 8
Very interesting quiz. I took part in many history quizzes, but this one is the most informative. I had to apply not only my knowledge, but also look for material in reference books and additional literature. This allowed me to learn a lot of interesting things related to the history of my country. many historical figures and their exploits.
Solomennikova Anastasia, 10th grade
Very interesting, but I would like more questions. Concerning specifically the history of the army, weapons. Thank you!
Alekseev Valery, 6th grade
Thank you very much! I really liked it. I would like more questions about the history of the Russian army, the weapons of ancient warriors, knights, etc. I will look forward to the results.
Anatoly Belinsky, Grade 5
Very interesting and exciting. My dad helped me, we really liked it. I love history, so I learned new facts with great pleasure.
Elena Zazulina, 6th grade
Especially interesting is the creative task and tasks related to illustrations. I would love to participate in more like this!
Danil Karagodina, 6th grade
Very interesting, we decided together with my mother, it was interesting
Ulyana Kokorina, 5th grade
Thanks for the interesting quiz! There would be more of these!
Fur Nikita, 6th grade
I love history, especially military history. Since childhood, I have been fond of military subjects. Therefore, I participated in the quiz with pleasure. I hope to win. Looking forward to the results. I would like to have the opportunity to participate in such events more often.
Aidar Musaev, 5th grade
I liked it, I'll wait for the results. I would also participate.
Dmitry Stepanov, 5th grade
Thank you, very interesting! I worked with pleasure. Some things were completely new and unfamiliar to me.
Chernyshov Nikita, 5th grade
Very interesting! Thank you
Shkurin Pavel, 6th grade
Participated with pleasure, but I would like more questions related to the armament of the Russian army, the weapons of ancient Russian warriors, the history of the army in different periods. In this case, mostly general questions. Thanks for the quiz!
Yasyukevich Alexander, 5th grade
4 Task very interesting
Avdonina Nadezhda, 5th grade
I liked the task No. I liked the issues 28.23 I liked the task 13 I liked the task 5 Creative task interesting I liked the task No. 12 I liked the task No. 16 Suprunov Dmitriy , Grade 7 Liked task №12,13, Liked task 18.3 Hello, I enjoyed answering the questions of your competition so much that I completed them during the school day and by the end of the sixth lesson I gave it to the history teacher and asked to send my work on April 29th. I really liked the questions, they are very specific and you can even find answers in school textbooks on the history of Russia. My classmates regretted not taking part in this competition. Hello. I really enjoyed the assignments. I even had to dig in military encyclopedias. But basically I answered most of the questions right away, because I have been fond of military history and tactics for a long time. I am preparing for a military career and therefore it was very interesting for me. I have not seen similar quizzes anywhere on other competition sites, so I was glad to take part. And if I manage to win, I will proudly report this to my brother, a submarine officer, who is now serving far in Kamchatka. I look forward to new quizzes on military history. The quiz is just super! Thanks to all organizers. I liked all the tasks of the quiz, informative, interesting. Thanks to the organizers. Thank you for your interesting questions. Very interesting and informative questions. Decided with pleasure. I will wait for the correct answers to compare ... I liked the quiz and I liked working on it. I would like to read the correct answers later to compare with my own and find out where I made a mistake. Hello! The tasks are very interesting and not very simple, I had to work hard, looking for answers, the whole family answered! Thank you! Sonulya loves history very much, we are waiting for new quizzes! Thank you, I did the quiz with pleasure, discovered new facts for myself, which made me very happy. Dear organizers! The assignments are good, but there are questions that cause difficulties. I am a 6th grade student, the Patriotic War of 1812 was in the 19th century, and we study history until the end of the 16th century, so question 15 caused great difficulty for me. I liked all the questions of the quiz, especially №10, 11, 15, 18,19. It was interesting to dive into the history of Russia. I learned a lot about the exploits of the military and ordinary people, about various weapons and military equipment, which was used in various military operations. Thank you for these assignments. They teach us not to forget the history of our Motherland, its heroes. Many thanks to the organizers of this Olympiad. I really liked the tasks with pictures, I would like more such tasks! I liked this Olympiad. When I was looking for answers to questions, I learned a lot of new things from the history of Russia, about military operations, about weapons, about the heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union. Hello! I liked this quiz! Tasks on military subjects are very interesting. Dear organizers! I really liked your assignments, especially creative ones. This quiz made me seriously "break my head". But most importantly, these tasks tested my erudition and expanded my horizons! I liked the quiz "Warcraft". The questions were interesting and exciting. I will be glad to participate in your quiz again. Not very clear creative task, the number is missing 6 The competition "Warcraft" was very interesting and exciting. I learned a lot of new things for myself. Daria Tretyakova, 5th grade There are errors in the wording of the questions, which makes it difficult to complete the task. First of all, I would like to thank the compilers of this Olympiad. I liked everything without exception. But most of all, I learned a lot of things that I did not know, as well as the fact that in several questions I was able to give answers myself, without resorting to any sources of information. I hope this type of work will please our eyes and minds more than once. I liked questions No. 13 about the capture of Berlin, No. 17 about the Patriotic War and No. 29 about the pilot N. Gastello. I liked the last task. I liked questions #13, #20, #22, #24 and tasks, it was very interesting and exciting. 30,0004
Bezruchko Matvey, 5th grade 9000
Elizaveta Bushmina, 5th grade
Maxim Danchenko, 5th grade
Mashkova Anna, 5th grade
Riter Arina, 5th grade
Citizens Timur, 5th grade
Tishchenko Anastasia, Grade 5
Khakimov Maksim The questions are not difficult, but with a catch. Thanks for the interesting contest .
Galiya Mirkadirova, 6th grade
Mutigullina Dilyara, 6th grade Only I would be allowed to answer all questions, regardless of the class. Whoever can. I'll dig myself. I'm just curious. And I already know something. Best regards, Nikita
Farafonov Nikita, 5th grade
Maslakhov Niyaz, 5th grade
Sitdikova Gulnaz, 6th grade
Kharisova Almira, 6th grade
Vyacheslav Kozherov, 6th grade
Loginov Nikita, 8th grade
Shulepov Evgeny, 5th grade Good luck to you, I will look forward to the next season of the game. P.S.: the last, creative task, is not very clearly formulated.
Jamalov Abdula, 10th grade
Mark Sotnikov, 6th grade
Anastasia Abramova, 7th grade It is very pleasant to plunge into the history of your Fatherland, which goes beyond the knowledge of the lessons. Military operations inspire feats: I was once again convinced that all wars are dedicated to women - the most beautiful half of humanity. Many thanks to the organizers of this Olympiad. It is very pleasant to plunge into the history of your Fatherland, which goes beyond the knowledge of the lessons. Military operations inspire feats: I was once again convinced that all wars are dedicated to women - the most beautiful half of humanity.
Golovin Vladislav, grade 9
Alekseeva Polina, 5th grade
Ekaterina Gulevskaya, 8th grade I would especially like to note the creative task. I learned a lot about the military history of our country and I am very glad about it. I wish the organizers of this intellectual event creative success, keep it up!
Polina Klimova, 8th grade
Korablev Denis, 5th grade
Pakhomova Alina, 7th grade
Soroka Misha, 8th grade For example: What medal was awarded to soldiers if they "took" enemy cities? or Attention, if for on the field of letters or errors: click among the letters.
Shlyakhova Victoria (grade 5), Saltykova Olga (grade 8)
Saltykova Ulyana, Grade 8
Polina Golovacheva, grade 11
Pukhova Veronika, 11th grade
Tolmacheva Margarita, 11th grade With a certain riddle, I moved on to other tasks =) We are waiting for some other exciting quiz)))
Shilyaeva Diana, 6th grade
Dear organizers of the quiz! I took part in the quiz with great pleasure, answering questions about the military history of my country, its most glorious traditions, its most worthy sons and daughters. Answering questions, I repeated the material already studied, got acquainted with new facts from the biography of my favorite generals. I especially liked the questions in which it was necessary to determine the event by the image, as well as the creative task. I would like to wish the organizers success, creative ideas, new interesting tournaments. Sincerely, Alexandrova Kristina!
Alexandrova Kristina, 9th grade
Thank you for the opportunity to remember the glorious pages of the military history of our Motherland! Assignments are creative. They require careful response. It is important that there are many questions about people who glorified our Motherland with their exploits. I also liked the fact that the tasks included hints that allow you to look at the characters in a different, human way. I would like to include tasks related to immersion in that era in the Olympiad, but then these should be detailed answers. Sincerely, Darina
Dzhavadova Darina, 10th grade
Many thanks to the organizers of this competition! For myself, I learned a lot of new and interesting things! But I wish there were more questions about the Great Patriotic War. This competition gives us new knowledge, and everyone should know the feat of our people!
Elena Kirpichenko, 6th grade
I would like to thank the creators of this exciting competition! It is very important to turn to military history, to immerse yourself in that era, to remember your origins. I especially liked the creative tasks related to unraveling encrypted surnames and matching them with portraits. In the future, I will take part in the Olympiads of this type. After all, you learn a lot of new things from them.
Martirosyan Ara, 10th grade
Thanks to you, I learned a lot of new things. It was especially interesting to read about the exploits of the Heroes and about weapons (question 21). In the future, I would like to see several tasks that require a more complete form of answer, as well as creative tasks, essays, for example. Sincerely, Poda Tatiana.
Poda Tatiana, 9th grade
I really liked this Olympiad. It was interesting to answer questions and learn something new. I would like more tasks of a creative type related not only to history but also to literature, music and art. It is very good that the assignments spoke about those people who defended our country from enemies and fought for our lands. Sincerely, Repin Vika.
Repina Victoria, 10th grade
Dear organizers of the Olympiad! Thank you very much for the carefully selected and interesting assignments. It is remarkable that the questions were not only about the history of the Great Patriotic War, but also about the course of military history. Assignments are creative and require you to think. I learned a lot of interesting things about the heroes of our country. I would like to propose to include in the tasks questions that are related to knowledge of the map, battle patterns, geographical names. For example: mark on the map the route of the squadron ... etc.
Alexander Tezin, 5th grade
A very interesting and instructive intellectual event that allows you to remember history and test your knowledge.
Dobrovolskaya Irina, 8th grade
A very interesting competition. When I did it, I discovered a lot of new things, but of course there were questions that I knew. In general, this quiz left me with good reviews and thoughts. Thank you !
Markina Valeria, grade 8
This is the first time I participate in such an Olympiad. Parents and the Internet helped answer some questions. I liked the Olympics very much, and especially the questions. There are questions that will make us remember the history of our country and that terrible war, for which we are all grateful to our great-grandfathers and grandfathers. I hope to participate again next year.
Mikhail Sokur, 7th grade
I really enjoyed participating in this Olympiad. I am taking part in this Olympiad only for the first time, so my dad helped me. When we had doubts, we used a history book. Next year, if we are invited to participate, I will take part in the Olympiad.
Yunkina Anastasia, 6th grade
Thank you for the educational tasks! I really liked the tasks with the use of pictures and works of art.
Levagina Tatiana, 6th grade
Dear organizers of the competition. I took part in it with great interest. I really enjoyed the questions. Thanks to your competition, I managed to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of our Motherland. Thank you very much.
Belous Olga, 7th grade
I will be happy to participate. I liked it very much!!!
Sandrevskaya Ksenia, 8th grade
Such competitions arouse interest in search work. The tasks are so interesting and informative that it is impossible to be distracted by something else. Thank you!
Erofeev Artem, 9th grade
I learned a lot of interesting things for myself. Participation in such competitions provides an opportunity to study the history of your state in depth. Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!
Latypova Anzhela, 8th grade
Competitions are interesting. But most of all I like questions about history, especially about the history of personalities and battles. I propose for the next academic year to make more competitions from the history of our Motherland in different historical periods. We will be very happy! Thank you very much for organizing the contest! Regards, Anastasia! Many of my classmates also want to participate in competitions!!! We are waiting for questions! Thank you!
Herzen Anastasia, 5th grade
Very interesting questions and assignments. We thank the organizers for the nomination of the competition. I've always liked history. Looking forward to more questions and assignments on history. Thank you.
Lukashova Anna, 8th grade
The coolest competition! The coolest questions! Very interesting creative work! But ... few questions! More history contests: puzzles, crossword puzzles, quizzes! And so very cool! Thanks to the organizers!!!
Pogozhev Maxim, 9class
Wonderful questions, the whole heroic history of our Motherland is covered. Too bad there are typos.
Andrey Khafizov, 5th grade
I really liked everything! I learned a lot of new and interesting things. Only some of the exercises were very difficult for me.
Polina Tremzina, 5th grade
Thank you for Thank you for the quiz, I learned a lot, looked at reference books, there were a lot of amazing things
Alexey Smalkov, 5th grade
Thank you. This is a very exciting and educational activity, both for me and for my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yuliya Mezenina, 5th grade
I really liked the questions, it was interesting to think, to search.
Loskutov Vladislav, 5th grade
The tasks are interesting!!!
Kirill Shpankov, Grade 5
Interesting! Thank you!
Artyomenko Svetlana, 9th grade
Thank you very much for the interesting questions!!!! I liked it very much!
MIRONOV Ilya, Grade 9,
Victoric in English "Happy Englsh"
Grade 2, 1st year of study
9000 9000
To consolidate the lexical, grammatical and phonetic skills acquired in the academic year
To instill interest in English
Material used, Equipment:
Snowman letters
Loost cards
SISTEN results on the board
tape recorder
The course of the quiz game
1. The beginning of the lesson. Organizing time.
- Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
- Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you too.
Thank you. Sit down, please. How are you today? I hope you are well. I see no one is away today. Let's begin our lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson. There are a lot of guests at our lesson. But don't pay attention to them and don't be afraid to answer and to make mistakes. We are just students and learn English. I forget all your names and want you to introduce yourselves. (I forgot your name and I want you to introduce yourself. The teacher asks each student a question. What is you r name? (children answer: My name is… )).
Good! thank you!
- And now let's greet each other. Let's greet each other. (Children take turns greeting each other and answering the greeting)
Before the start of the game, students are divided into two teams (by class) and sit at tables along the wall and windows opposite each other. They have drawing paper, felt-tip pens/pencils.
Before the start of the game, I suggest that the teams learn the motto One for all and all for one
We start the quiz with the choice of the captain: the children must answer the questions in turn:
I began to learn colors
Color in English ... colour.
I have no doubts
Red of course … red.
Having licked the cat ate
Yellow yolk. Yellow...yellow.
I'm sinking, I'm sinking
Blue of course … blue.
Very Black Black Jack,
Black in English … black.
Brown dress bought this Frau,
We know very well, brown … brown.
Oh, not a ripe tangerine.
It's green, just... green.
Gray mouse, run away quickly!
English Grey.
Mouse - ... mouse, cat - ... cat
White ... white, and black ... black.
Pink roses fall into the ring.
Beautiful pink, in English pink.
I'm sure you will remember:
Orange… orange.
Don't be lazy, but repeat:
Family otherwise ... family.
She dreams of being an artist
My sister is my … sister.
My brother broke a vase today
My brother is a baby,
My brother is … brother.
The clubfoot bear can barely walk.
Bear, bear cub in English ... bear .
They shot at the wolf: poof and poof!
Wolf in English ... wolf .
Red-haired miracle phlox!
Red Fox ... fox .
Grandfather robs the grass with a rake.
Wants to eat our rabbit ... rabbit .
Jumped out of the garden, right on the threshold,
Green beauty, in English ... frog .
Someone was jumping through the trees.
An intellectual among animals,
Elephant, baby elephant ... elephant .
So funny and clever
Monkeys ... monkey .
The pig wants to eat every moment,
We call the pig ... pig .
Everyone knows the chicken,
In English it is . .. hen .
My cat ate an omelette yesterday,
He is a thief, this one ... cat .
The bee buzzes me: “Go away!”
And the bee in English ... bee .
In English every day
we call the pen … pen .
I hung my drawing
and put it in a pencil case - what? … pencil .
I see a lot of hands in the class!
Book in English ... book .
I am learning English words,
I just take a run.
Briefcase, I know it is ... bag ,
Hush, children, don't, shout:
English teacher comes into the classroom.
I was wrong: ah-ah-ah!
I am a pronoun ... I .
You do not stand on the edge,
You and you - otherwise ... you .
We declared our love,
We are the pronoun ... we .
He laughed: hee hee hee.
He is a pronoun ... he .
She was in a hurry! Do not rush!
She is a pronoun . .. she .
Mine, mine, remember!
My, mine, otherwise ... my .
I drew a bucket.
Draw - otherwise ... draw .
He is the king of beasts, our formidable lion.
To have, I have, means ... have .
It is useful to read a lot of books.
Read, read means ... read .
I love to play cowboys,
Riding a horse -
To ride to the kitchen and back,
It's a pity there is not enough space.
Do you see anything in the distance?
see in English see .
Sing a song about the blue sky.
Sing, sing and sing ... sing .
You will go swimming, but not alone,
To swim, to swim means ... swim .
All alone you wander there.
One, one - otherwise ... one .
Two raisins in the mouth.
In English, two ... two .
Come here quickly! see:
The cat has three kittens - three .
The car has a wheel,
There are only four ... four .
Never forget
That five is ... five .
In the example x is unknown.
Six in English will be ... six .
I am young and green.
Seven years to me means ... seven .
My sister is eight years old.
eight in English ... eight .
Nine - you remember -
In English, just ... nine .
The tenth day has already begun.
Ten in English ... ten .
Those who made a mistake sit down one by one. Questions are asked at a fast pace. The remaining 2 people (one in each team) are appointed captains.
I congratulate the captains and announce the start of the game.
Contest #1: Can you count?
Will three pupils from each team come up to me? I want to see which of you are the best at mathematics.
Team members are located opposite each other at a certain distance, and the teacher in turn tells each of them an arithmetic example and throws the ball. The student catches the ball and calls the result of the arithmetic operation.
Each correctly solved example (addition or subtraction within 10) brings the team 0.5 points.
1 command:
6+4=10 9002
2 command:
9008 9008 Competition No. 2: “Arrange the letters in alphabetical order” (“Assemble the snowman”)Two sets of letters are “scattered” on the left and right sides of the board. You need to collect them in order. The captains come to the board. Who is faster - 1 point.
Contest #3: “Invent Your Own Little Man”
Dear children, meet my friend! He is Timmy. Timmy is very lonely. The task for you is to draw your little man using as many English letters as possible
The ABC song. Let's sing! Athletes from different countries run0768 Noisy, rejoicing stadium
In the light of bright lamps.
The champion jumped great!
And he will jump - jump
Our Maxim loves to swim,
Swim - in English - swim
Ball, ball, fly away!
Fly, remember, it will be - fly
That is good. stand up!
3 people are invited from each team. Children, moving near the chairs, execute commands:
go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc.
At the command: “sit!”, the children should sit on the chairs. The student left without a chair is out of the game. The last player left wins. His team gets 5 points
Competition No. 5: "Interview"
2 students participate from each team. One must ask any questions to the opponent, and the opponent must answer them correctly.
Competition No. 6: Decorating the Christmas Tree
There is a drawing of a spruce on the board, but there is not a single toy on it. The toys are on the table. Team members come out one by one, take a toy, name the color and attach it to the Christmas tree with glue. Each correctly named color is 0.5 points. When the Christmas tree is decorated, the teacher attaches a yellow star.
Competition No. 7: "Captains, go ahead!"
For the last task, we will need the captains of both teams. First, one captain works, and after the completion of work by the first captain, the task is performed by the second. Task: in 30 seconds you will need to click on all the letters of the English language in alphabetical order. http://english5kids.russianblogger.ru/english-alphabet-flash-game.html If students fail to meet the time when completing a difficult task, then it is taken into account who “passed further”.
Reconciliation contest:
Hand in hand, all the children sing the song “If you are happy and you know it…”.