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How Does Pregnancy Happen | Planned Parenthood Video
How Does Pregnancy Happen | Planned Parenthood VideoHow does pregnancy happen?
In order for pregnancy to happen, sperm needs to meet up with an egg. Pregnancy officially starts when a fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus. It takes up to 2-3 weeks after sex for pregnancy to happen.
How do people get pregnant?
Pregnancy is actually a pretty complicated process that has several steps. It all starts with sperm cells and an egg.
Sperm are microscopic cells that are made in testicles. Sperm mixes with other fluids to make semen (cum), which comes out of the penis during ejaculation. Millions and millions of sperm come out every time you ejaculate — but it only takes 1 sperm cell to meet with an egg for pregnancy to happen.
Eggs live in ovaries, and the hormones that control your menstrual cycle cause a few eggs to mature every month. When your egg is mature, it means it’s ready to be fertilized by a sperm cell. These hormones also make the lining of your uterus thick and spongy, which gets your body ready for pregnancy.
About halfway through your menstrual cycle, one mature egg leaves the ovary — called ovulation — and travels through the fallopian tube towards your uterus.
The egg hangs out for about 12-24 hours, slowly moving through the fallopian tube, to see if any sperm are around.
If semen gets in your vagina, sperm cells can swim up through the cervix. The sperm and uterus work together to move the sperm towards the fallopian tubes. If an egg is moving through your fallopian tubes at the same time, the sperm and egg can join together. The sperm has up to six days to join with an egg before it dies.
When a sperm cell joins with an egg, it’s called fertilization. Fertilization doesn’t happen right away. Since sperm can hang out in your uterus and fallopian tube for up to 6 days after sex, there’s up to 6 days between sex and fertilization.
If a sperm cell does join up with your egg, the fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. It begins to divide into more and more cells, forming a ball as it grows. The ball of cells (called a blastocyst) gets to the uterus about 3–4 days after fertilization.
The ball of cells floats in the uterus for another 2–3 days. If the ball of cells attaches to the lining of your uterus, it’s called implantation — when pregnancy officially begins.
Implantation usually starts about 6 days after fertilization, and takes about 3-4 days to complete. The embryo develops from cells on the inside of the ball. The placenta develops from the cells on the outside of the ball.
When a fertilized egg implants in the uterus, it releases pregnancy hormones that prevent the lining of your uterus from shedding — that’s why people don’t get periods when they’re pregnant. If your egg doesn’t meet up with sperm, or a fertilized egg doesn’t implant in your uterus, the thick lining of your uterus isn’t needed and it leaves your body during your period. Up to half of all fertilized eggs naturally don’t implant in the uterus — they pass out of your body during your period.
What are early pregnancy symptoms?
Many people notice symptoms early in their pregnancy, but others may not have any symptoms at all.
Common signs and symptoms of pregnancy can include:
Missed period
Swollen or tender breasts
Nausea and/or vomiting
Feeling tired
Peeing more often than usual
Some early pregnancy symptoms can sometimes feel like other common conditions (like PMS). So the only way to know for sure if you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. You can either take a home pregnancy test (the kind you buy at the drug or grocery store), or get a pregnancy test at your doctor’s office or local Planned Parenthood Health Center.
How do people get pregnant with twins?
There are 2 ways that twins can happen. Identical twins are made when 1 already-fertilized egg splits into 2 separate embryos. Because identical twins come from the same sperm and egg, they have the same genetic material (DNA) and look exactly alike.
Non-identical twins (also called “fraternal” twins), are made when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm, and both fertilized eggs implant in the uterus. This can happen if your ovaries release more than one egg, or during certain kinds of fertility treatments. Non-identical twins have completely different genetic material (DNA), and usually don’t look alike. They’re the most common type of twin.
What is gestational age?
The term “gestational age” basically means how far along into a pregnancy you are. Gestational age is counted by starting with the first day of your last menstrual period (called LMP).
Gestational age can be kind of confusing, since it measures pregnancy from your last period — about 3-4 weeks BEFORE you’re actually pregnant. Common knowledge about pregnancy says it lasts 9 months, and it’s true that you’re usually pregnant for about 9 months. But the way pregnancy is measured makes it a little longer. A typical full-term pregnancy ranges from 38-42 weeks LMP — around 10 months.
Many people can’t remember the exact date of their last menstrual period — that’s totally okay. Your nurse or doctor can find out the gestational age using an ultrasound.
More questions from patients:
Can you get pregnant from precum?
Your chances of getting pregnant from precum are pretty low. But it is possible.
Precum (also known as pre-ejaculate) is a small amount of fluid that comes out of the penis when you’re aroused, but before ejaculation happens. It doesn’t usually have any sperm in it. But some people’s precum does have a small amount of sperm in it sometimes. This means sperm can get into the vagina and possibly fertilize an egg.
There’s no way to know who has sperm in their precum and who doesn’t, so that’s one reason why the withdrawal method (pulling out) isn’t the best at preventing pregnancy.
If you don’t want to get pregnant, put on a condom before your genitals touch your partner’s. Even better, use both condoms and another kind of birth control together.
What are the stages of pregnancy?
Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. The stages of pregnancy are divided into 3 trimesters. Each trimester is a little longer than 13 weeks.
You’ll go through many changes during each trimester. Some people feel lots of discomfort. Others don’t feel much at all.
During the first trimester, you’ll probably have lots of body changes, including:
Tender, swollen breasts
Morning sickness
Cravings or distaste for certain foods
Mood swings
Needing to pee more often
Weight gain or loss
Most of these symptoms go away when you get to the second trimester. This is when your belly gets bigger and you’ll feel the fetus move. You may also notice:
Body aches
Stretch marks
Darkening of your areolas
A line on your skin running from your belly button to pubic bone
Patches of darker skin
Numb or tingling hands
Itching on your abdomen, palms, and feet
Swelling of your ankles, fingers, or face
In the third trimester, some of the same symptoms may continue. You may also experience:
Shortness of breath
Needing to pee even more often
Your breasts leaking a watery pre-milk called colostrum
Your belly button sticking out
Trouble sleeping
The baby "dropping" or moving lower in your abdomen
If you aren’t sure if your symptoms are normal, call your doctor or midwife or visit your local Planned Parenthood health center.
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Pregnancy Calendar: A Week-By-Week Guide
Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — By Ashley Marcin on October 26, 2017
Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with lots of milestones and markers. Your baby is growing and developing at a rapid pace. Here’s an overview of what the little one is up to during each week.
Keep in mind that height, weight, and other developments are only averages. Your baby will grow at their own pace.
Though you aren’t pregnant in weeks 1 and 2, doctors use the start of your last menstrual period to date your pregnancy.
The follicles on your ovaries are developing until one or two dominate and are released during ovulation. This occurs around 14 days after the start of your period.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 2.
Conception occurs at the beginning of week 3 — after ovulation — when your egg is released and fertilized by the father’s sperm. After fertilization, your baby’s sex, hair color, eye color, and other characteristics are determined by chromosomes.
Your baby has just implanted in your uterine lining and is now a tiny fetal pole around 1/25-inch long. Their heart is already forming along with arm and leg buds, brain, and spinal cord.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 4.
To get an idea of your baby’s size, look at the tip of a pen. The embryo now has three layers. The ectoderm will turn into their skin and nervous system.
The mesoderm will form their bones, muscles, and reproductive system. The endoderm will make up the mucous membranes, lungs, intestines, and more.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 5.
By week 6, your baby’s heartbeat can usually be detected as a fast flicker on an ultrasound.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 6.
Your baby’s face is slowly getting some definition this week. Their arms and legs look like paddles, and they’re a little bigger than the top of a pencil eraser.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 7.
Your baby has now graduated from embryo to fetus, and is an inch long from crown to rump, and weighs less than 1/8 ounce.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 8.
Your baby’s heart is beating regularly, their fingers and toes are sprouting, and their head and brain continue to develop. Soon their organs will be working together.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 9.
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Boy or girl? Your baby’s genitals are beginning to develop this week, though you won’t be able to detect the sex on an ultrasound yet.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 10.
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Your baby is about 2 inches long and weighs 1/3 ounce. Most of the length and the weight are in the head.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 11.
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You baby is 3 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce. Their vocal cords are beginning to form, and their kidneys are now functioning.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 12.
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Welcome to the second trimester! Your baby has started urinating in the amniotic fluid, and their intestines have moved from the umbilical cord to their abdomen. The riskiest part of your pregnancy is over, and your chance of miscarriage has dropped to only 1 to 5 percent.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 13.
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Your baby weighs approximately 1 1/2 ounces, and their crown to rump length is about 3 1/2 inches.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 14.
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If you have an ultrasound at week 15, you might see your baby’s first bones forming.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 15.
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Your little one is 4 to 5 inches long from head to toe and weighs around 3 ounces. What’s happening this week? They’ve started making sucking motions with their mouth.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 16.
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Fat stores that will keep your baby warm and give them energy are accumulating beneath the skin. Your baby weighs 7 ounces and stretches 5 1/2 inches from crown to rump.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 17.
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This is a big week for your baby’s senses. Ears are developing, and they may start hearing your voice. Their eyes may start to detect light.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 18.
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You might wonder how your little one’s skin will fare in the amniotic fluid for so long. This week, vernix caseosa is coating their body. This waxy material serves as a protective barrier against wrinkling and scratching.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 19.
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Talk to your baby. This week they’ll start to hear you!Your baby weighs around 9 ounces and has grown to a whopping 6 inches long. By now you should be able to feel kicking inside your womb.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 20.
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Your baby can now swallow and has fine hair called lanugo covering most of the body. By the end of this week your baby will be about 7 1/2 inches from crown to rump and weigh a full pound.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 21.
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Although your baby still has a lot of growing to do, ultrasound photos will start looking more like what you might imagine a baby to look like.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 22.
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You will likely feel lots of kicks and jabs at this stage as your baby experiments with movement in their extremities. Babies born at 23 weeks can survive with months of intensive care, but may have some disabilities.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 23.
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Now your baby is 1 foot long from head to toe and weighs 1 1/2 pounds. Their taste buds are forming on the tongue and their fingerprints and footprints are nearly complete.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 24.
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Your baby’s startle reflex is now developing. You may also notice that they have specific rest and active times.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 25.
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Your little one is approximately 13 inches from crown to rump and weighs just less than 2 pounds.Your baby’s hearing has improved to the point that they might recognize your voice. For fun, try singing or reading to them.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 26.
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Your baby’s lungs and nervous system continue to develop this week. Now is a great time to track your baby’s movements. If you notice a decrease in movement, call your doctor.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 27.
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You baby’s brain is starting to develop this week. Deep ridges and indentations are forming, and the amount of tissue is increasing.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 28.
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You’re in the home stretch! At the start of your third trimester, your baby is 10 inches from crown to rump and weighs a little over 2 pounds.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 29.
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Your baby weighs 3 pounds and has grown to 10 1/2 inches this week. Their eyes are now open during their waking hours and their bone marrow is collecting red blood cells.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 30.
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Your baby is 15 to 17 inches from head to toe and tips the scales at about 4 pounds. The eyes can now focus, and reflexes like thumb sucking are probably starting to occur.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 31.
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Your baby has a great chance of survival with medical assistance if born after 32 weeks. Their nervous system has developed enough to regulate their body temperature.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 32.
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You probably know your baby is sleeping a lot, but did you realize that they might be dreaming? It’s true! Their lungs have also matured almost completely by this point.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 33.
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Your baby is about 17 inches long from crown to rump.Their fingernails have grown all the way to their fingertips, and the vernix is getting even thicker than before.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 34.
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Now begins your baby’s most rapid weight gain stage — up to 12 ounces each week. Right now, they’re around 5 pounds, 5 ounces. Most of their fat is depositing around the shoulders.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 35.
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Your baby is an impressive 17 to 19 inches long from head to toe and weighs 5 to 6 pounds.They’re running out of space in your uterus, so they may move around slightly less than normal. Speak with your doctor about counting kicks to assess fetal health.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 36.
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Your baby is now gaining about 1/2 ounce in fat stores each day. And your baby’s major organs are ready to work outside the womb.
Learn more about what’s happening in week 37.
By week 38, baby is over 18 to 20 inches long and weighs approximately 6 pounds and 6 ounces.
Congratulations! Your baby is officially full term.
Most babies born at 40 weeks are about 19 to 21 inches long and weigh between 6 and 9 pounds.
Boys typically weigh more than girls. Keep in mind that only 5 percent of babies are born on their due dates. Don’t be surprised if you deliver a few days or even a week or so earlier or later than your due date.
No matter where you are in your pregnancy, there’s something interesting going on.
Remember, your doctor is always your best resource regarding your pregnancy and your baby’s health. If you have any concerns about development, jot down your questions to bring to an upcoming appointment.
The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages - how to determine whether conception has occurred?
Table of contents:
- General information
- First signs of pregnancy
- Minor signs of pregnancy
- Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding
- Types of pregnancy diagnostics
Not every woman realizes that the long-awaited pregnancy has already begun. Indeed, the first signs of the birth of a new life can easily be mistaken for the harbingers of menstruation. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages and prepare for the thought that you will have a baby? In this article, we will give an answer to this question.
General information
Some women quickly realize that they are about to become a mother, others do not notice any changes in their condition for a long time. But if you listen to yourself, it will not be difficult for you to recognize the first signs of pregnancy even before the test shows the coveted two strips. This will allow you to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to undergo the necessary examination and ensure peace of mind for the next nine months.
After how many days can you find out about pregnancy?
In the very first days after conception, the body will not give you any specific signals. Signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be observed no earlier than the 8-10th day from the moment of fertilization of the egg, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and the pregnancy hormone, chorionic gonadotropin, begins to enter the mother's body. How noticeable they appear depends on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes. On the 20th day of embryo development (coincides with the first days of delayed menstruation), most women usually guess about their condition.
Important! Standard rapid tests determine the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine at the 3-4th week of pregnancy, i.e. 1-2 weeks after fertilization 1 .
During this period, it is extremely important that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the development of the baby. Therefore, as soon as you begin to suspect that you are expecting a baby, start taking special vitamin and mineral complexes. This is important because the formation of all organs and systems of the embryo occurs from the very first weeks.
The first signs of pregnancy
After the fertilization of the egg and its passage from the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, a series of hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, which quickly make themselves felt in the form of the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages1.
Breast enlargement and tenderness
A few days after the expected date of menstruation:
- breasts swell,
- Nipple halo widens and darkens,
- pimples on the halo, the so-called Montgomery tubercles, increase in size.
If swollen breasts cause discomfort and pain during sleep, try wearing a padded bra without wires at night.
Important! The mammary glands are designed in such a way that they do not have muscles that could prevent the skin from stretching, therefore, during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to wear a supportive bra and change it in accordance with breast growth to avoid squeezing.
This is not a sure sign of pregnancy, as nausea can also be caused by digestive problems. But in combination with other symptoms, nausea often signals that you will have a baby. In the first trimester, this is an absolutely normal, albeit unpleasant, manifestation of your new condition.
Nausea is more often mild and occurs only in the morning, but if it continues throughout the day and is accompanied by vomiting, then you should consult a doctor.
A few simple tips will help you overcome the attacks that often overshadow the first weeks of pregnancy.
- If you feel sick in the morning, drink plenty of fluids. Before you get out of bed, you can eat low-fat yogurt - this will make you feel better. Avoid long breaks between meals, as even increased salivation when you are hungry can cause nausea. Salty crackers and biscuits are good snacks.
- Eliminate coffee with milk, sweets and fried foods.
- Eat more often, but in small portions.
B vitamins and vitamin D can help reduce morning sickness. Add more whole grains, wholemeal bread, beef liver, cheese, dairy products and nuts, cabbage, apples to your diet. In addition, vitamin-mineral complexes specially designed for taking in the 1st trimester can replenish the reserves of these components.
Urination frequency
In the very first weeks of pregnancy, many women experience frequent urination. This is due to the increased production of the hCG hormone. Especially often the urge to go to the toilet disturbs at night.
Carefully monitor your condition, drink more fluids to make up for its losses. During this period, mineral water without gas, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes, juices half diluted with water are useful. They will not only replenish the volume of fluid, but also help reduce the severity of nausea.
Hypersensitivity to smells
If you feel nauseated by morning coffee, perfume, or any other strong smell, you may be expecting a baby. Some women note an increased sensitivity to smells and a sharp change in taste preferences as one of the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation in the early stages. Do not rush to get rid of perfume, the aroma of which has become unbearable: after the baby is born, the old aromas and tastes will again become pleasant to you.
To reduce nausea caused by odors, spend more time outdoors and walking more. While at home, ventilate the room for 5-10 minutes every two hours. Access to fresh air will help reduce discomfort.
Drowsiness and fatigue
Decrease in blood pressure at the beginning of pregnancy and more intense metabolic processes in the body often provoke severe fatigue. A balanced diet and walks in the fresh air will help to improve the general condition.
Important! If in the early stages you are haunted by dizziness, we can talk about anemia, that is, a lack of iron, or changes in blood pressure. It is necessary to consult a doctor.
To reduce the risk of anemia, it is necessary to eat foods containing iron: red meat, offal (beef liver, heart). In order for iron to be better absorbed from food, it is worth adding foods rich in vitamin C to the diet: fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, garden greens. Meat dishes, complemented by vegetable salad, are a great option. Special vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women with the inclusion of iron will help replenish stocks. They contain the necessary daily dose of this mineral.
Delayed menstruation
One of the most reliable signs of pregnancy. After menstruation stops, because the endometrium creates optimal conditions for the development of the child. However, cycle disorders can also be associated with stress, diseases of the reproductive organs and hormonal disruptions.
Important! About a week after conception, small spotting is possible, which accompanies the attachment of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Doctors call this phenomenon implantation bleeding. It is also considered one of the early signs of pregnancy.
Important! From the very first days you learn about pregnancy, you need to start taking folic acid. The active form of this substance is metafolin. When ingested, metafolin is 100% absorbed and helps the proper development of the baby's heart and brain.
Secondary signs of pregnancy
In addition to direct, there are indirect signs of pregnancy that will help confirm your guesses. They also shouldn't cause you concern.
Heaviness in the lower abdomen
The uterus is preparing to receive its new inhabitant, therefore the blood circulation in it increases, which is accompanied by characteristic sensations in the pelvic region.
Increased appetite
At the beginning of pregnancy, the body consumes more energy - no wonder you are constantly hungry. However, bouts of hunger attack just before the onset of menstruation, stress can also be the cause. In any case, you should not lean on fast food, sweets and starchy foods, especially if the suspicion of pregnancy is confirmed.
Diversify your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, protein products (fish, chicken). An excellent snack between meals can be nuts, dried fruits, dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt). They saturate well without giving an excess of calories.
It happens that as a result of hormonal and psychological changes, the expectant mother has difficulty falling asleep and often wakes up at night. Try to compensate for the lack of sleep by resting in the afternoon at least on weekends, before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air and ventilate the bedroom for at least 10-15 minutes.
Important! Never take sleeping pills without consulting your doctor. There are many ways to improve sleep without drugs. A warm (not hot) shower or bath, reading a book, relaxing music helps. At least an hour before bedtime, you must stop using gadgets and watching TV: they overload the nervous system. Warm milk with a spoonful of honey before bed will help you fall asleep.
During pregnancy, the increased production of progesterone relaxes the intestinal muscles, making it difficult for digestion to work. Include high-fiber foods in the menu in reasonable quantities: whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables.
Magnesium helps in the regulation of the intestines, it is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle function. Magnesium is found in grains and nuts, dark chocolate, legumes, leafy vegetables and dairy products. To provide the body with a daily dose of magnesium will help to take a specialized vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women.
Magnesium not only regulates bowel function, but has a sedative, anti-stress effect and is important for the prevention of increased uterine tone.
Due to the same hormones , the expectant mother feels a headache in the early stages, which can also be one of the signs of pregnancy. It is necessary to consult a doctor in order not to miss arterial hypertension.
Make it a rule from the very beginning of pregnancy to regularly measure the pressure twice a day: in the morning, just waking up, before breakfast and hygiene procedures, and in the evening, at about 19-20 hours, after a 15-minute rest.
Many pregnant women complain of emotional instability and mood swings in the early stages. When you find out the good news about the addition to the family, warn your loved ones that your whims had a very good reason.
If you forgot about skin rashes after you got out of adolescence, then during pregnancy you will probably have to remember: acne can reappear on the face and again under the influence of hormones. Be patient, over time, the condition of the skin will return to normal.
It is important during this period to pay attention to face and body care. The immune system is being rebuilt to protect not only you, but also the baby, so choose hypoallergenic care products. They do not contain dyes and fragrances that can irritate the skin.
Pigmentation on the abdomen
The appearance of a dark strip running from the navel to the lower abdomen is also included in the list of signs of early pregnancy.
Tingling in the groin
Under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the ligaments become more elastic so that the stomach can further increase in volume without hindrance. This process can respond with mild discomfort in the groin area.
Leg cramps
If you have calf cramps, this indicates a change in metabolism and, in combination with other symptoms of pregnancy, signals your condition.
Consult your doctor, he will select a set of measures that will save you from cramps, and tell you about measures to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy. Wear shoes with low heels, do foot baths with alternating cool and warm water, a light massage of the calf muscles and feet.
An increase in vaginal secretions is normal during pregnancy. But if the discharge has become liquid and has acquired a gray-white color with an unpleasant odor, or, conversely, has become cheesy, flaky or purulent, be sure to consult your doctor. In these cases, the risk of infectious complications, including infection of the fetus, increases.
Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding
The myth that a nursing mother cannot become pregnant is one of the most persistent. If the birth of another child is not in your plans, do not forget to use reliable methods of contraception. Your doctor will help you choose a contraceptive. If you are preparing to give your baby a brother or sister, it is not at all necessary to stop breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is also possible during pregnancy if your doctor allows it. It is important that you get all the minerals and vitamins you need. Pay attention to the sufficient intake of iodine: it helps in the formation of the brain and thyroid gland of the baby.
Why pregnancy diagnosis is important
The sooner you find out that you are pregnant, the sooner you will be registered at the antenatal clinic and will meet with doctors who will exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy, hereditary and genetic diseases of the fetus, and will also provide all the necessary information about how to behave during pregnancy. They will tell you the rules of nutrition and recommend taking special vitamin and mineral complexes for the proper formation of organs and the development of the baby, they will warn you about what changes will happen to you during this period, and indicate the timing of screening examinations that allow you to assess the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
Types of pregnancy diagnostics
Pregnancy test
The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases gradually, so a standard rapid pregnancy test will give a reliable result only two weeks after conception.
Blood test
A laboratory blood test for hCG will give reliable information starting from the 7th day after the fertilization of the egg.
Ultrasound will confirm pregnancy no earlier than 3-4 weeks after fertilization.
Gynecological examination
By examining the condition of the uterus, the gynecologist will also be able to diagnose pregnancy after egg implantation.
No matter how your assumptions are confirmed, the joyful news will surely make you forget about the slight ailments that pregnancy makes itself felt. All of this is survivable. The main thing is not to worry unnecessarily, trust the doctor with whom you can consult in case of doubt, and behave prudently. By the second trimester, the discomfort characteristic of the first three months disappears, and the expectant mother feels great.
First signs of pregnancy before delay, early symptoms
Significant hormonal changes occur during pregnancy. This causes a number of symptoms. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms right away, while others may only have a few. About the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage and when exactly the initial signs of pregnancy appear in the article.
At what time do the first signs of pregnancy appear
The answer to the question of when the first signs of pregnancy appear is rather ambiguous, because some women do not feel any signs at all during the first few weeks. At what week do the first signs of pregnancy appear in others? When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception? Symptoms of very early pregnancy (such as breast tenderness) may appear before a missed period, as early as six to seven days after conception, while other early signs of pregnancy (such as spotting) may appear about a week after ovulation. We will tell you more about the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation and when the signs of pregnancy appear.
What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?
The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages:
- delayed menstruation - 29%;
- nausea - 25%;
- mood swings - from 14 to 23%;
- breast changes - 17%;
- pain in the lower abdomen - 15%;
- depression - 15%;
- fatigue, drowsiness - 13%
- decrease in immunity - 6%;
- the first signs of pregnancy - discharge or implantation bleeding - only 3%.
Physiological first signs of pregnancy
What are the very first symptoms of pregnancy?
The most common physiological signs of pregnancy include:
- Tender and enlarged breasts. Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception include breast changes (1-2 weeks after conception). The area around the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.
- Drowsiness and fatigue. Fatigue is also among the signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone rise dramatically, which can cause drowsiness.
- Nausea with vomiting. When do these signs of pregnancy appear? Morning sickness, which can appear at any time of the day or night, often appears between the second and eighth weeks after conception.
- Dizziness and fainting . This may be due to dilation of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
- Spasms. Some women experience symptoms of pregnancy in the early days, such as slight cramps in the uterus.
- Headaches and back pains. Many pregnant women complain of frequent headaches, while others experience back pain.
- Insomnia - another first sign of pregnancy before the test.
Causes can include stress, physical discomfort, and hormonal changes.
- Change in taste preferences. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these eating habits can be attributed to hormonal changes.
- Temperature. Early signs of pregnancy include fever (37-37.5).
- Delayed menstruation. How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to appear? If you are of childbearing age and a week or more has passed without your expected period, you may be pregnant. However, this symptom can be misleading if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.
- Bloody discharge - the first signs of pregnancy . This bleeding, known as implantation bleeding, occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, approximately 10 to 14 days after conception.
- Bloating, heartburn. Hormonal changes can cause problems with the stomach and esophagus - these are common signs of pregnancy at 2 weeks.
- Lock . Hormonal changes cause the digestive system to slow down, which can lead to constipation (signs of pregnancy after a delay).
- Frequent urination. You may urinate more than usual, which is a common sign of pregnancy at 5 weeks. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the body increases, causing the kidneys to process excess fluid that enters the bladder.
- Runny nose. The appearance of this symptom is associated with excessive production of the hormone estrogen.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is a sign of pregnancy after ovulation.
- Increased salivation. Also associated with hormonal changes.
- Sense of smell enhancement . Signs of pregnancy in the first two weeks may cause sensitivity to certain smells and the sense of taste may change.
Emotional first signs of pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy before the delay (earliest signs of pregnancy) include psycho-emotional symptoms.
- Mood swings.
- Irritability.
- Vulnerability, tearfulness.
- Capriciousness.
- Depression.
These are all emotional signs of early pregnancy that many women report. They describe feelings of heightened emotion or even bouts of crying, which are associated with rapid changes in hormone levels in the body. Also, signs of pregnancy at week 4 can make you feel PMS-style cranky. In addition, about 15% of women suffer from depression or anxiety during pregnancy. And after childbirth, these conditions suffer even more. In this case, it is better to seek help from a doctor.
Do everything you can to improve your mood: get plenty of rest, eat well, get enough sleep, do things you love, and pamper yourself.
However, be aware that mood swings can be caused by a number of conditions other than pregnancy.
Influence of early pregnancy on daily routine
Early signs of pregnancy, mainly those that bring discomfort, may cause a change in daily routine. Here are some tips on what you can do with some of them:
- In case of toxicosis, avoid too hot or too cold food - this provokes an attack of vomiting. Eat often - at least 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
- For nausea or vomiting, try ginger, chamomile, or vitamin B6.
- Drink plenty of water, in small sips between meals, to replenish lost fluids. Teas, juices, fruit drinks are also suitable.
- For back pain, wear shoes or shoe insoles designed for pregnant women and avoid high heels. Sleep on a firm mattress.
- For chest discomfort, wear a special bra that supports enlarged breasts.
- For constipation, eat more fiber-rich foods such as wheat bran and fresh vegetables and fruits.
- If you suffer from headaches and mood swings, try stress reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation.
- Get outdoors more often, at least half an hour a day. This helps to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, calm the nervous system.
- Maintain daily physical activity for as long as you feel comfortable doing certain activities.
- Eat a balanced diet with enough protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Important! All these tips are advisory in nature, be sure to consult your doctor if you encounter discomfort.
What to do if you find early signs of pregnancy
To make sure the signs of pregnancy are accurate, you can use the following methods to diagnose early pregnancy:
- Donate blood for hCG. This method can be used a few days after conception. This type of pregnancy test is done using a small sample of blood that is analyzed in a hospital. It determines whether there is a pregnancy hormone in your body and in what quantity. Its accuracy is 99%.
- Use a test strip. It can be used at home from the first days of delay.