What food eat in pregnancy
Pregnancy Diet: 13 Foods to Eat While Pregnant
Pregnant? Hangry? Looking for a snack that will make your tummy and your baby happy? You’re probably hearing it a lot: Eating nutritious foods while pregnant is essential.
We’re here to make your pantry into a one-stop shop of healthy and delicious foods that will give your baby the best start to life.
When building your healthy eating plan, you’ll want to focus on whole foods that give you higher amounts of the good stuff you’d need when not pregnant such as:
- protein
- vitamins and minerals
- healthy types of fat
- complex carbohydrates
- fiber and fluids
Here are 13 super nutritious foods to eat when you’re pregnant to help make sure you’re hitting those nutrient goals.
During pregnancy, you need to consume extra protein and calcium to meet the needs of your growing little one. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt should be on the docket.
Dairy products contain two types of high-quality protein: casein and whey. Dairy is the best dietary source of calcium, and provides high amounts of phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc.
Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, contains more calcium than most other dairy products and is especially beneficial. Some varieties also contain probiotic bacteria, which support digestive health.
If you’re lactose intolerant, you may also be able to tolerate yogurt, especially probiotic yogurt. Check with your doctor to see if you can test it out. A whole world of yogurt smoothies, parfaits, and lassi could be waiting.
This group of food includes lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts (aka all kinds of fabulous recipe ingredients!).
Legumes are great plant-based sources of fiber, protein, iron, folate, and calcium — all of which your body needs more of during pregnancy.
Folate is one of the most essential B vitamins (B9). It’s very important for you and baby, especially during the first trimester, and even before.
You’ll need at least 600 micrograms (mcg) of folate every day, which can be a challenge to achieve with foods alone. But adding in legumes can help get you there along with supplementation based on your doctor’s recommendation.
Legumes are generally very high in fiber, too. Some varieties are also high in iron, magnesium, and potassium. Consider adding legumes to your diet with meals like hummus on whole grain toast, black beans in a taco salad, or a lentil curry.
Sweet potatoes are not only delicious cooked about a thousand ways, they’re also rich in beta carotene, a plant compound that is converted into vitamin A in your body.
Vitamin A is essential for baby’s development. Just watch out for excessive amounts of animal-based sources of vitamin A, such as organ meats, which can cause toxicity in high amounts.
Thankfully, sweet potatoes are an ample plant-based source of beta carotene and fiber. Fiber keeps you full longer, reduces blood sugar spikes, and improves digestive health (which can really help if that pregnancy constipation hits).
For a fab brekky, try sweet potatoes as a base for your morning avocado toast.
Smoked on a whole wheat bagel, teriyaki grilled, or slathered in pesto, salmon is a welcome addition to this list. Salmon is rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids that have a host of benefits.
These are found in high amounts in seafood, and help build the brain and eyes of your baby and can even help increase gestational length.
But wait: Have you been told to limit your seafood intake due to the mercury and other contaminants found in high mercury fish? You can still eat fatty fish like salmon.
Here are the high mercury fish to avoid:
- swordfish
- shark
- king mackerel
- marlin
- bigeye tuna
- tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico
Plus, salmon is one of the very few natural sources of vitamin D, which is lacking for most of us. It’s important for bone health and immune function.
Those incredible, edible eggs are the ultimate health food, as they contain a little bit of almost every nutrient you need. A large egg contains about 80 calories, high-quality protein, fat, and many vitamins and minerals.
Eggs are a great source of choline, a vital nutrient during pregnancy. It’s important in baby’s brain development and helps prevent developmental abnormalities of the brain and spine.
A single whole egg contains roughly 147 milligrams (mg) of choline, which will get you closer to the current recommended choline intake of 450 mg per day while pregnant (though more studies are being done to determine if that is enough).
Here are some of the healthiest ways to cook eggs. Try them in spinach feta wraps or a chickpea scramble.
No surprise here: Broccoli and dark, green vegetables, such as kale and spinach, pack in so many of the nutrients you’ll need. Even if you don’t love eating them, they can often be squirreled into all kinds of dishes.
Benefits include fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium. They’re a bonanza of green goodness.
Adding in servings of green veggies is an efficient way to pack in vitamins and fend off constipation due to all that fiber. Vegetables have also been linked to a reduced risk of low birth weight.
Try this kale eggs Florentine recipe or blend some spinach into a green smoothie and you won’t even know it’s in there.
Lean beef, pork, and chicken are excellent sources of high-quality protein. Beef and pork are also rich in iron, choline, and other B vitamins — all of which you’ll need in higher amounts during pregnancy.
Iron is an essential mineral that is used by red blood cells as a part of hemoglobin. You’ll need more iron since your blood volume is increasing. This is particularly important during your third trimester.
Low levels of iron during early and mid-pregnancy may cause iron deficiency anemia, which increases the risk of low birth weight and other complications.
It can be hard to cover your iron needs with meals alone, especially if you develop an aversion to meat or are vegetarian or vegan. However, for those who can, eating lean red meat regularly may help increase the amount of iron you’re getting from food.
Pro tip: Pairing foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or bell peppers, along with iron-rich foods may also help increase absorption.
Toss some vitamin C-rich tomato slices on that turkey burger or whip up this steak and mango salad.
Berries hold a lot of goodness in their tiny packages like water, healthy carbs, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.
Berries have a relatively low glycemic index value, so they should not cause major spikes in blood sugar.
Berries are also a great snack, as they contain both water and fiber. They provide a lot of flavor and nutrition, but with relatively few calories.
Some of the best berries to eat while pregnant are blueberries, raspberries, goji berries, strawberries, and acai berries. Check out this blueberry smoothie for some inspiration.
Unlike their refined counterparts, whole grains are packed with fiber, vitamins, and plant compounds. Think oats, quinoa, brown rice, wheat berries, and barley instead of white bread, pasta, and white rice.
Some whole grains, like oats and quinoa, also contain a fair amount of protein. They also hit a few buttons that are often lacking in pregnant people: B vitamins, fiber, and magnesium.
There are so many ways to adds whole grains to any meal, but we’re especially liking this quinoa and roasted sweet potato bowl.
Avocados are an unusual fruit because they contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids. This makes them taste buttery and rich — perfect for adding depth and creaminess to a dish.
They’re also high in fiber, B vitamins (especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
Because of their high content of healthy fats, folate, and potassium, avocados are a great choice during pregnancy (and always).
The healthy fats help build the skin, brain, and tissues of your little one, and folate may help prevent neural tube defects, developmental abnormalities of the brain and spine such as spina bifida.
Potassium may help relieve leg cramps, a side effect of pregnancy for some women. In fact, avocados contain more potassium than bananas.
Try them as guacamole, in salads, in smoothies, and on whole wheat toast, but also as a substitute for mayo or sour cream.
Dried fruit is generally high in calories, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. One piece of dried fruit contains the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit, just without all the water and in a much smaller form.
One serving of dried fruit can provide a large percentage of the recommended intake of many vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron, and potassium.
Prunes are rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin K. They’re natural laxatives and may be very helpful in relieving constipation. Dates are high in fiber, potassium, iron, and plant compounds.
However, dried fruit also contains high amounts of natural sugar. Make sure to avoid the candied varieties, which contain even more sugar.
Although dried fruit may help increase calorie and nutrient intake, it’s generally not recommended to consume more than one serving at a time.
Try adding a small portion to a trail mix with nuts and seeds for an on-the-go protein- and fiber-filled snack.
Fish liver oil is made from the oily liver of fish, most often cod. It’s rich in the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are essential for fetal brain and eye development.
Supplementing with fish oil may help protect against preterm delivery and may benefit fetal eye development.
Fish liver oil is also very high in vitamin D, of which many people don’t get enough. It may be highly beneficial for those who don’t regularly eat seafood or supplement with omega-3 or vitamin D.
A single serving (1 tablespoon or 15 milliliters) of fish liver oil provides more than the recommended daily intake of omega-3, vitamin D, and vitamin A.
However, it’s not recommended to consume more than one serving per day, as too much preformed vitamin A can be dangerous for your baby. High levels of omega-3 may also have blood-thinning effects.
Low mercury fish like salmon, sardines, canned light tuna, or pollock can also help get you to your omega-3 goals.
Say it with me: We all have to stay hydrated. And pregnant folks especially. During pregnancy, blood volume increases by about 45 percent.
Your body will channel hydration to your baby, but if you don’t watch your water intake, you may become dehydrated yourself.
Symptoms of mild dehydration include headaches, anxiety, tiredness, bad mood, and reduced memory.
Increasing your water intake may also help relieve constipation and reduce your risk of urinary tract infections, which are common during pregnancy.
General guidelines recommend that pregnant women drink about 80 ounces (2.3 liters) of water daily. But the amount you really need varies. Check with your doctor for a recommendation based on your specific needs.
Keep in mind that you also get water from other foods and beverages, such as fruit, vegetables, coffee, and tea.
Pro tip: Try keeping a reusable water bottle on hand so that you can quench your thirst throughout the day.
Your growing baby is just waiting to slurp up all those nutrient-dense foods from a well-rounded eating plan of whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
There’s a whole world of delicious options that give you and your baby everything you’ll need. Keep your healthcare team informed of your eating choices and let them guide you on a plan with any necessary supplements.
This list should be a good start towards a healthy, well-nourished pregnancy.
Quick tips for foods to eat when pregnant
- Dairy products, especially yogurt, are a great choice. They help you meet increased protein and calcium needs.
- Legumes are super sources of folate, fiber, and many other nutrients. Folate is a very important nutrient during pregnancy.
- Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta carotene, which your body transforms into vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the growth and differentiation of cells in your growing baby.
- Salmon contains the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are important for brain and eye development in your growing baby. It’s also a natural source of vitamin D.
- Whole eggs are incredibly nutritious and a great way to increase your overall nutrient intake. They also contain choline, an essential nutrient for brain health and development.
- Broccoli and leafy greens contain most of the nutrients that you’ll need. They’re also rich in fiber, which may help prevent or treat constipation.
- Lean meat is a good source of high-quality protein. Beef and pork are also rich in iron, choline, and B vitamins, all of which are important nutrients during pregnancy.
- Berries contain water, carbs, vitamin C, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and plant compounds. They may help you increase your nutrient and water intake.
- Whole grains are packed with fiber, vitamins, and plant compounds. They’re also rich in B vitamins, fiber, and magnesium.
- Avocados contain high amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, folate, and potassium. They may help relieve leg cramps, too.
- Dried fruit may be highly beneficial for pregnant women since they’re small and nutrient-dense.
Just make sure to limit your portions and avoid candied varieties, to prevent excess sugar intake.
- Drinking water is important as your blood volume increases during pregnancy. Adequate hydration may also help prevent constipation and urinary tract infections.
Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy: Nutritious Options
During pregnancy, your little one depends on you to provide the nutrition they need. That’s why it’s time to make sure you’re making the best food choices for baby — and for yourself.
It’s important to eat a well-balanced diet that includes lots of fruits and veggies. These powerful foods have much of what you — and your baby — need to stay healthy.
Let’s talk about the very best ones you’ll want to keep on hand. And don’t forget: Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables are often just as nutritious as the fresh kind, so don’t feel like you have to get them all straight from the farmer’s market.
When you’re pregnant, it’s important to eat nutritious food and avoid empty calories. In fact, if you eat mostly junk food during your pregnancy, you may be setting up your baby for a lifelong preference for fat and sugar, according to a 2013 study.
Fruits and vegetables are filled with nutrients. When you add a variety of them to your diet, you’ll likely get most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that you and your baby need.
Eating fruits and vegetables also helps prevent constipation, a common symptom during pregnancy. Get thee to a produce aisle and you won’t regret it.
If you’re pregnant, you might be craving something sugary. But try not to make a habit of reaching for a piece of cake or a candy bar to satisfy that sweet tooth. Fruit is the perfect solution.
It offers the sweetness you crave and the nutrition you need. Enjoy these fruits as part of a healthy pregnancy diet in salads, in smoothies, over yogurt, or as a snack anytime.
1. Oranges
Oranges help you stay hydrated. They’re also a great source of folate, or folic acid. Folate is a B vitamin that’s very important in helping prevent brain and spinal cord defects, also known as neural tube defects.
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid per day before you start trying for a baby, then at least 600 mcg per day while pregnant.
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, too. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage. It also helps your body absorb iron.
Plus, it doesn’t hurt that these little vitamin bombs are so tasty.
2. Mangoes
Mangoes are another great source of vitamin C. One cup gives you 100 percent of your recommended daily allowance.
Mangoes are also high in vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency at birth is associated with lower immunity and a higher risk of complications, like diarrhea and respiratory infections.
Although rare, it’s possible to get too much vitamin A, according to a 2019 research review. Mangoes are a great addition to your pregnancy diet, but eat them in moderation, along with a variety of other fruits.
3. Avocados
Avocados have more folate than other fruits. They’re also a great source of:
- vitamin C
- vitamin B
- vitamin K
- fiber
- choline
- magnesium
- potassium
Some women say that avocados help relieve nausea, possibly because of the potassium and magnesium in the fruit.
Potassium may also help relieve leg cramps, a common pregnancy symptom. Leg cramps are often caused by low potassium and magnesium.
Choline is important for the development of your baby’s brain and nerves. Choline deficiency may cause neural tube defects and lifetime memory impairment.
Here are tons of ways to sneak delicious avo into your meals.
4. Lemons
In one 2014 study, pregnant people reported some success in using lemons or lemon scent to help relieve pregnancy-related nausea.
Lemons are also high in vitamin C. They help stimulate the digestive system to relieve constipation.
Consider adding some to your water or tea or using them in this Mediterranean lemon chicken recipe.
5. Bananas
Bananas are another good source of potassium. They also contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, and fiber.
Constipation is very common during pregnancy. It may be caused by:
- uterine pressure on the intestines
- worry
- anxiety
- a low-fiber diet
- iron in prenatal vitamins
Adding fiber-rich bananas may help. Research from 2014 shows that vitamin B6 may help relieve nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy as well.
6. Berries
Berries — such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and goji berries — are rich in all kinds of goodness, such as:
- carbohydrates
- vitamin C
- fiber
- folate
They also contain phytonutrients like flavonoids and anthocyanins.
Carbohydrates give you much-needed energy, and they pass easily through your placenta to nourish your baby.
It’s important to eat mostly nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates like berries instead of processed, simple carbohydrates like doughnuts, cakes, and cookies.
Consider whipping up a smoothie with both bananas and berries for a vitamin-packed meal or snack.
7. Apples
Apples are high in fiber and are a good source of vitamin C. Plus, they contain vitamin A, potassium, and pectin. Pectin is a prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria in your gut.
For the best bang for your nutrient buck, eat the peel — just make sure to rinse it with lots of water first.
Apples are portable and can be added to many recipes, so make sure to stock up when you’re filling your produce bag.
Medical professionals usually recommend eating two to four servings of fruit and four to five servings of vegetables each day.
In general, one serving of fruit is:
- a medium piece of whole fruit (about the size of a tennis ball)
- 1 cup of cut fruit
One serving size of vegetables is:
- 1/2 cup of raw or cooked vegetables
- 1/2 cup of vegetable juice
- 1 cup of leafy greens
When it comes to 100% fruit juices, as long as they’re pasteurized, they’re safe to drink. But you may miss out on some of the nutrients in juice form.
Dried fruit can also be used to get nutrients in an on-the-go form. Just be aware that they can be more calorie- and sugar-dense than their fresh counterparts.
Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluids than you take in. It’s always serious, but it’s especially concerning during pregnancy.
Water helps form the placenta and amniotic sac. It also supports your baby’s growth.
If you’re experiencing morning sickness, your risk of dehydration is higher. To avoid dehydration, drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily. Because fruits contain water, they can help you stay hydrated.
If possible, purchase organic fruit that hasn’t been treated with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. But keep in mind that eating nonorganic fruit is much better than eating no fruit at all.
To lessen your risk of consuming pesticide residue or bacteria, follow these tips:
- Wash fruit thoroughly, even if it’s prewashed.
- Remove any bruised areas where bacteria may lurk.
- Drink only pasteurized or boiled fruit juice.
- Avoid eating precut melons, or eat them immediately after cutting.
- Store fresh fruit in the refrigerator, away from raw meat.
Eating fruit during pregnancy helps ensure that you and your baby stay healthy and ready to take on the world.
Fresh, frozen, and canned fruits are all good options. Just make sure no sugar has been added to canned or frozen varieties.
Contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your pregnancy eating plan. If you need more advice on what to eat, here are 13 foods that are great choices.
What causes food cravings during pregnancy?
Anonymous patient
You may have heard that hormones or nutrient deficiencies cause pregnancy food cravings. For example, if you crave green apples, you may be deficient in pectin, potassium, or vitamin A. The truth is, it’s unclear what causes pregnancy cravings. You may simply want something that tastes tart and sweet. As long as you’re craving foods, it’s OK to give in now and then. If your cravings are unhealthy, try to find healthier alternatives. Call your doctor if you crave non-foods like laundry starch or dirt.
Nicole Galan, RNAnswers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.
What to eat during pregnancy and what not to eat - advice on proper nutrition
Table of contents:
- First trimester nutrition
- Second trimester diet
- Diet in the third trimester
- Is it possible to prevent allergies in a child
- Foods not to eat during pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is very important to eat right: a balanced diet of the expectant mother is one of the sources of the necessary components for the proper development of the baby.
For a pregnant woman, “eating for two” should not mean “eating twice as much”, but “eating twice as good”. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is important not only in terms of the health of the unborn child. This will help you feel better, be less tired, prevent you from gaining extra pounds, and help you quickly get in shape after giving birth. Here are some helpful tips 1 :
- Eat small, frequent meals.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Eat a varied diet, eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, cereals, soups, fruits, vegetables, grains.
- If you are experiencing nausea, you can try to satisfy your hunger with dry salted crackers and biscuits.
- Avoid fatty foods, fried, spicy, smoked and sweet.
It is also important to know that changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman in each trimester, so the diet at different times will be different. What foods do you and your baby need?
Nutrition in the first trimester
Usually there is little to no weight gain in the first and second months of pregnancy, while in the third month one or two kilograms are added to the weight. During this period, you need to eat nutritious foods, and the more varied your diet, the better. First of all, these are vegetables rich in folic acid: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, asparagus, avocados, lentils, red beans. There is a lot of it in flax and sunflower seeds and nuts: almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts. Folic acid is especially important in early pregnancy as it helps build the baby's major organs such as the heart and brain 2 .
At this stage, it is important to eat fish and meat - sources of iron, which support the formation of the brain and contribute to the development of intelligence. It is important to remember that these products must necessarily undergo heat treatment: eating them raw can lead to toxoplasmosis, helminthiasis 3 .
Many women in the first trimester of pregnancy suffer from nausea. One way to alleviate the situation is to eat little and often throughout the day, avoiding large meals.
Reduce your intake of saturated fats such as butter and cream as early as the first trimester to avoid gaining extra pounds.
Try to replace sweets with fruits. They contain vitamins and minerals that both you and your baby need. And they are rich in fiber, which helps the normal functioning of the intestines.
Diet in the second trimester
In the second trimester, a woman begins to gain weight, on average adding about five kilograms in three months. During this period, the bones of the unborn baby begin to form. That is why it is so important to eat foods rich in calcium. First of all, it is dairy - yogurts, cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir and so on. When choosing yogurt, give preference to natural ones - they do not contain dyes and sugar. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium better, so try to get out in the sun more often 4 .
The need for folic acid is still high in the second trimester. So stick with the green vegetables and other foods on your first trimester list.
The baby gets bigger and presses on the intestines of the expectant mother - this is how constipation occurs. Therefore, doctors advise drinking plenty of non-carbonated water and eating more fiber, which improves digestion. In particular, oatmeal or wheat bran will help with constipation.
Another common problem in pregnant women is heartburn. Avoid fatty and spicy foods (this also applies to pregnant women who do not suffer from heartburn), eat often, but little by little, chew thoroughly and do not go to bed immediately after eating.
Iodine ensures the functioning of the thyroid gland and the normal development of the baby's brain 5 . The easiest source is iodized salt. In addition, a lot of iodine is found in seafood.
Diet in the third trimester
During the third trimester, a pregnant woman gains about six kilograms, so by the end of pregnancy, the weight increases by an average of 12 kg.
Compared to the previous trimester, the diet should not change dramatically, but an additional 200 kcal per day should be added to the previous diet.
As the child grows and develops, the body needs more vitamin C and even more fibre.
Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron from foods. The main source of vitamin C is fruits. An orange or half a grapefruit for breakfast, a couple of kiwis for an afternoon snack, apples, pears, grapes, watermelon - and you have received a daily dose of 6 .
With the approach of childbirth, it is worth increasing the intake of iron, vitamins and antioxidants in the body, which will help you get in shape after the birth of your baby.
Below is the table of minerals necessary for proper development:
Vitamins and minerals | where they contain | ||
Folic acid | Broccoli, spinach, green salad, AVOKADO, NUSHICS 9009 | Calcium | Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese), mineral water rich in calcium0097 |
Iron | meat, fish | ||
iodine | Eggs, fish, crustaceans, dairy products, iodized salt |
Mom's diet during pregnancy during pregnancy, a truly important factor affecting the health of the little man. However, in Russia, 70-80% of women suffer from a lack of vitamins, regardless of the season of the year 7 . Vitamin-mineral complexes will help to fill the lack of vitamins and minerals in the mother's diet.
Is it possible to prevent allergies in a child
So far, scientists have not figured out how to prevent food allergies in a child during pregnancy. Just because you don't eat peanuts during your entire pregnancy, for example, doesn't mean your baby won't develop a peanut allergy later on. The mechanism of its development is still not sufficiently studied. Therefore, doctors do not advise pregnant women to refuse any product for fear of future allergies, because in this way you will deprive yourself of important nutrients.
Foods not to eat during pregnancy
Not recommended
Soy contains phytoestrogens, which can affect the hormonal system of mother and baby. Therefore, just in case, doctors recommend not to abuse soy-based products.
Drinking too much coffee and tea. Too much tea interferes with the absorption of iron from other foods. Drinks from lemon balm, or ginger, or rose hips do not cause complaints from doctors, but on the condition that you drink no more than two or three cups a day.
Avoid raw foods, all meat and egg dishes require heat treatment.
Nutrition of a pregnant woman
So, your plans and decisions to have a baby have come true - you are pregnant! But this news causes you a double feeling: - on the one hand, a feeling of joy, and on the other hand, a feeling of certain fear and even fear of unknown trials for your life and the fate of the unborn baby. What will he be like? - healthy, beautiful, happy?...
And this largely depends on the woman herself, on what lifestyle she will lead during pregnancy and, most importantly, how she will eat.
Nutrition of a woman in different periods of pregnancy
The main thing in the menu of a future mother is variety. She should consume foods from all food groups: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, bread and cereals.
A woman's nutrition during pregnancy can be roughly divided into three periods (trimesters).
If before pregnancy a woman ate normally, felt comfortable, did not experience allergies to any products, then it is not worth changing her diet at an early stage of the first trimester of pregnancy.
During this period, all organs and systems in the child's body are formed, tissues are formed. The body needs complete proteins and vitamins: lean meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey), fish and seafood, dairy products. Be sure to eat rice, fresh or frozen vegetables, seasonal fruits. In the first trimester, many expectant mothers are still working. No matter how difficult it is to control your diet in the workplace, you need to do it - find time for a full breakfast and lunch.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is an active restructuring of the body and adaptation to a new state. During this period, it is recommended to switch to a low-calorie diet, which includes more fruits, juices, decoctions of dried fruits, including rose hips. At the very beginning of pregnancy, especially if toxicosis torments, more frequent, but less plentiful meals are recommended.
Always keep a hematogen, a bag of nuts or dried fruit in your pocket to have a snack on the street. If your condition does not allow you to eat regular food, you should pay attention to baby food. Baby products literally save expectant mothers suffering from severe toxicosis. These are boxed cereals, children's curds, cookies and fruit purees.
In the first trimester, special attention must be paid to the quality of products. Gradually abandon sauces, semi-finished products and canned food containing harmful chemical additives. Do not forget that the placenta freely accumulates and passes chemistry. The importance of products containing folic acid is great, without it intensive metabolism is impossible, its deficiency can cause developmental abnormalities. Folic acid is found in greens, nuts, white cabbage and broccoli, beets, legumes, and eggs.
According to nutritionists, the diet of pregnant women should be 300 kcal / day higher than that of non-pregnant women, but in the first trimester there is no need to increase the energy value of the diet at all; in the second trimester, an additional 340 kcal / day is required; in the third trimester - 452 kcal / day. Pregnant women generally get enough calories, and more than 80% of women achieve and even exceed the required weight gain. These extra calories benefit the fetus. An underweight woman should gain 16–20 kg during her entire pregnancy, an overweight woman about 7 kg, and a normal body weight of 11–12 kg.
In the second trimester there are active jumps in the height and weight of the baby and uterus, so the caloric content of the diet needs to be increased. It is desirable to eat more and better. At this time, the need for trace elements increases: iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium. The child creates his own "reserve" of trace elements using the mother's resource, which means that the mother should have enough of them for two.
Very often in pregnant women in the second trimester hemoglobin drops, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, if it is not threatening to health. You can increase hemoglobin by eating red meat, chicken, fish, dried fruits, pomegranates, green vegetables and fresh herbs, buckwheat, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, lemons), rosehip and berry infusions.
In the second trimester, a pregnant woman should limit the intake of smoked and fried foods, as well as salt in her diet. In no case should you limit the liquid. Pure water is the best drink for a pregnant woman, and water should be consumed up to 2-2.5 liters per day. Water is a natural drink for the body, it does not cause complications and has no contraindications. Edema is caused not by water, but by salt, which we not only add in its pure form, but also consume with canned food, mayonnaise, cheese, and sausage. The absence of salt is not harmful, it is naturally found in many products: vegetables, bread, so the diet will not remain completely without it. Excess salt disrupts metabolism.
During this period, you can increase the calorie content of food. Childbirth must be approached physically strong. It is better to eat meat and fish in the morning, for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner, prepare dairy and vegetable dishes: cheesecakes, stewed vegetables, cottage cheese and vegetable casseroles. It is necessary to minimize the intake of canned food, smoked meats, pickles and marinades, hot spices and fatty foods. Frequent walks in the air, physical activity are recommended.
In the third trimester, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of foods at the expense of confectionery and flour products, eat less fatty meat, as well as cheese and sour cream.
By the end of this period, many experts advise pregnant women to give up meat altogether in order to increase tissue elasticity and prevent ruptures.
During the entire period of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the combination of products. If you combine foods wisely, you can ensure more efficient absorption of food. If the food is digested poorly, then this can lead to rotting and fermentation of products and the formation of substances harmful to the body of the mother and child. In addition, the fermentation process is accompanied by gas formation, which can lead to flatulence (bloating) and discomfort. This is especially harmful in the last stages of pregnancy.
Try not to take the first, second and third course at the same time; this overflows the stomach and presses on the fetus, the food is poorly digested and poorly absorbed. Eat little and often. It is not recommended to eat immediately before starting work, a long walk, before charging and immediately after it; it is advisable to rest for 10 minutes before eating.
Eat only when you are hungry, try not to snack on the go. Follow the diet, eat at about the same time.
Proper preparation of food will help to maximize the useful substances contained in the products. Do not overcook food, try not to reheat the same dish several times, it is better to set aside only the portion that will be used. Cook in the most gentle way: baking, steaming, stewing. Avoid frying, boiling in large amounts of water, with this method of processing products, many useful substances are lost. If possible, do not cook for several days at once. Do not use aluminum cookware when cooking. Remember that for a pregnant woman, it is not calories that are important, but the quality of food, its naturalness, primarily a “living cell” (whole cereals, raw vegetables and fruits, fresh meat and dairy products).
What can harm the pregnant woman and the fetus
Smoking and alcohol – quit smoking from the first days of pregnancy, if you have smoked before, avoid "passive" smoking, and do not consume alcoholic beverages in any doses.
Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body - their absence or deficiency can lead to irreparable consequences. So, for example, iodine deficiency can lead to mental retardation of a child, folic acid deficiency - to severe fetal deformities, calcium deficiency - to a violation of the formation of the child's skeleton, iron deficiency - to anemia and a delay in the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. It is necessary to consult a doctor, perhaps he will recommend switching to iodized salt, as well as supplementing your diet with a vitamin-mineral complex and folic acid.
Excess weight is the risk of having a large child, which means the risk of complications during childbirth and the child's tendency to become obese at an older age.
The use of food additives (sauces, seasonings such as vegeta, bouillon cubes), exotic fruits, semi-finished products, carbonated drinks - the risk of allergies and anomalies in a child, unfortunately, increases.
Recommended for pregnant women:
- Do not eat hot dogs and other snacks containing meat that has not been heated on fire or boiled in boiling water.