Can you break your vagina
Vaginal Tear (Non-Obstetric)
A vaginal tear (laceration) is a wound in the tissues of the vagina. It can be caused by damage during sex. Putting a foreign object into the vagina may also cause a tear. Other factors that can make a tear more likely include thinning of tissue in the vagina due to aging or scarring of the tissue due to surgery. An injury in the crotch area during activities such as cycling (straddle injury) can also lead to a vaginal tear.
Treatment depends on how severe your tear is:
Shallow (superficial) tears. These may cause mild pain and light bleeding. These tears often heal on their own with very little treatment.
Deep tears. These are more likely to cause more severe pain or heavy bleeding. They must be fixed with surgery.
Home care
To help ease pain:
Use over-the-counter pain medicine as directed.
If needed, stronger pain medicines may be prescribed.
Soak in a bath with a few inches of warm water. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day, or as directed.
If you lost a lot of blood, you may feel weak. Rest as needed until you feel stronger.
Don't touch the tear while it is healing.
Don’t douche unless your healthcare provider says it’s OK.
Wait to use tampons or have sex until the tear has healed. This may take a few weeks or longer.
If the tear was an accidental injury during sex, ask your provider how you might prevent similar injuries in the future.
This may include using a water-based lubricant during sex.
Follow-up care
Follow up with your healthcare provider, or as advised. If stitches were used to repair your tear, these will dissolve on their own and don’t need to be removed.
When to get medical advice
Call the healthcare provider right away if any of these occur:
Bleeding continues or gets worse
Pain continues or gets worse
Abnormal or bad-smelling discharge from the vagina
Fever of 100.4ºF (38ºC) or higher, or as directed by your provider
Dizziness, weakness, or fainting
© 2000-2022 The StayWell Company, LLC. All rights reserved. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions.
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5 Ways You Can Injure Your Vagina
Yeast infections, STDs, and ingrown hairs: Our lady parts are no strangers to unwanted, uncomfortable issues. And they're not immune to injuries, either—we're talking bumps, bruises, scrapes, and tears. Here are five ways you can hurt yourself down there and what to do if you find yourself in one of these precarious situations.
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When Jules Wainstein of Real Housewives of New York climbed through a window and wound up with a vaginal hematoma, we thought, a vaginal what? It turns out a hematoma is just a bruise, says Fahimeh Sasan, DO, an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. You might notice a bump, swelling, and black-and-blue color—the result of blood collecting under the skin, she explains.
But unless you're straddling a windowsill a la Jules, such an injury is rare, since your lady parts are pretty well protected. "You'd really have to be doing something special to have this happen in everyday life," says Sasan. A few real-life instances where it's more common: intense mountain biking or childbirth, says Sasan. For the most part, though, the bruise will heal with a little bit of ice and time, she says.
Fractured pelvis
Breaking the bones in your pelvic area (the ones right next to your reproductive system) is pretty rare; they account for just about 3% of all fractures, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. But, hey, stuff happens. In fact, the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma estimates that about 8 to 9% of blunt trauma incidents—falls and car or bicycle accidents—result in injuries to the pelvis.
The good news? Most pelvic fractures are minor—and while they hurt like heck, they usually don't require surgery. Regardless, if you've been in an accident or are worried about a break, get an X-ray to find out.
MORE: 5 Very Bad Things That Can Happen To Your Vagina In Old Age
Most injuries below the belt are related to hair removal, says Sasan. And anyone who's ever shaved or suffered through a bikini wax knows both can result in unintentional cuts. Ow. The main problem with nicks: They up your risk for issues like ingrown hairs, which can become inflamed and painful, says Sasan. Going bare below the belt could increase your chances of infection, too. One French study found a link between ladies who removed their down-there hair through waxing and shaving and Molluscum contagiosum, an infection that causes irritated bumps. Sound familiar? Give your skin a break by cutting back on your routine. And to rule out issues like genital herpes or warts, check in with your doc any time you notice a lesion or bump, says Sasan.
juergen faelchle/shutterstock
A bad Brazilian is any girl's worst nightmare—and for good reason. Too-hot wax can lead to serious irritation and even burns. A good technician will know the ideal temp for your wax (and use a thermometer to gauge it), but if it feels too hot, it likely is. Most reputable places keep wax at a steady warm temp, but if you get scalded, ask for a cold compress, which can relieve the redness and pain while you wait for the wax to cool. Waxing yourself? Make sure to test the temperature on your wrist before applying anything to your bikini area.
MORE: What To Do Before And After A Brazilian Wax So Your Skin Doesn't Freak
Torn labia
marjan apostolovic/shutterstock
If you're too dry down there or had very rough sex, you could get a labia tear, says Sasan. How you can tell: If you bleed, feel uncomfortable peeing, or are in pain down there, that could signal a tear. While this is rare—often, your natural lubrication (and lube!) is enough to prevent a tear—it happens. Also, tears tend to be a little more common if you're using a sex toy or if it's your first time, says Sasan. If you think you may have a tear, see your doc. Often the treatment plan is just to let the area heal on its own, but sometimes you may need stitches, says Sasan.
Clitoris Facts Every Girl Should Know
We've already talked about the penis, so why not collect interesting facts about the clitoris? Interestingly, they have a lot in common with a member, but unlike a member, the clitoris is needed for one single purpose.
Anastasia Maksimova
Plastic surgery
plastic surgeon
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The clitoris has long remained one of the most mysterious organs, moreover, scientists still argue about its evolutionary meaning. So far, it is known for sure that his main task is to bring pleasure to a woman. Expert, sexologist Valeria Aginskaya helped us collect the most curious facts about the clitoris, for sure, you did not know at least some of them before.
If you want to have an orgasm, stimulate the clitoris
Very few women cum during vaginal sex. To be precise, approximately 50-75% of women need clitoral stimulation to experience an orgasm.
Why a girl can't cum
That is to say, most women can't get a release by having vaginal sex exclusively. So the main thing to know about the clitoris is not to leave it unattended during sex.
A penis was once a clitoris too
It could have become a penis, but changed its mind. An interesting fact about the clitoris: according to research, it is a "homolog" of the penis. This means that they have similar structures, although the clitoris is much smaller than the penis. And more and more scientists agree that once upon a time, in the womb, when the embryo had not yet decided whether it would be a boy or a girl, the penis was also a clitoris.
Testicle facts: these 10 facts will surprise you
Valeria and other stars who have the status of mothers of many children
Singer Valeria is the mother of three adult children who were born in marriage with producer Alexander Shulgin. But the heirs practically do not communicate with their abusive father. The singer's sons - Artemy and Arseniy - got married one after the other. The wedding of the elder took place in Switzerland, only the closest relatives of the couple were present. The younger celebrated a grandiose event in a big way - all secular Moscow was invited to the celebration (except for father Alexander Shulgin). Valeria's daughter is building a personal brand under the pseudonym SHENA.
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Until the appropriate hormones kicked in and began to enlarge it to the size of a penis.
You can get clitoral orgasms until old age
The good news is he never gets old. Yes, yes, you have heard this fact about the clitoris. One well-known advantage is that you, unlike him, can come many times in a row, another is that you can do this until death. Once the clitoris becomes "mature", it remains at the peak of its strength throughout your life, and nothing prevents you from indulging in carnal pleasures even in 90, at least at 100 years old - you can get orgasms in the same way as if you were a teenager.
An interesting fact about the clitoris: it is twice as sensitive as the penis.
There are twice as many nerve endings in the clitoris as in the penis. Sorry guys, but it's true. There are approximately 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, twice as many as in the head of the penis. Curious fact about the clitoris, right?
The clitoris is bigger than you think
It's bigger than you think. About four times. The rest of the clitoris is inside your body. Only the head of the clitoris “sticks out” outward, and even then it is partially covered by a hood or foreskin at the junction of the labia. Fact about the clitoris - its full length, including the inner part, is from 8 to 20 cm.
An organ for pleasure only
Talking about the facts about the clitoris, we cannot but note that it has only one function - to give you pleasure. Seriously, the clitoris is not needed for anything else.
The female orgasm lasts longer than the male
You won the competition for duration! Female orgasm lasts an average of about 20 seconds, while the duration of male satisfaction is estimated at 10-15 seconds. Moreover, a woman can also have multiple orgasms in a row. But, in general, a female orgasm can last from 10 to 30 seconds. In general, this is a clear victory ... And yes, this is also a fact about the clitoris, because - read the next paragraph.
In fact, any orgasm is clitoral
Was there a vaginal orgasm? Remember we talked about the internal clitoris? When a woman is aroused, the legs of the clitoris, which cover the vagina, and the G-spot become engorged and enlarged. So these zones become available for stimulation during vaginal sex with a hand or dildo. So many sexologists (A. Kinsey, W. Masters, v. Johnson, S. Schnabl) currently deny the existence of different types of orgasms. “Traditionally, female orgasm is divided into clitoral and vaginal,” says Valeria Aginskaya, sexologist, program director of the Secrets Sex Education Center. “Yeah, and also uterine, mixed, anal, and so on,” sexologists laugh. In fact, there are no separate varieties of it, but there are experiences of varying degrees of intensity. Here's another useful fact about the clitoris - the entire vagina is covered by the nerve endings of the clitoris - the so-called "legs", which are stimulated during sex. This means that any orgasm, in fact, is clitoral. And in general, it initially originates in our brain, which, in turn, already gives a signal for pleasure.
What you need to know about the clitoris: it grows every year
It grows. An interesting fact about the clitoris is that it gets bigger over the course of your life. No, this has nothing to do with your sex life, only with the hormonal level and its changes throughout the life cycle. When a girl begins her period, the clitoris begins to enlarge. By the time puberty is over, the clitoris is about 1.8 times larger. By the age of 32, the clitoris is almost four times larger than at puberty. But this is not the end either. After menopause, the clitoris will be seven times larger than it was at the time of birth.
All mammals have clitoris
Not only humans, but all mammals have clitoris. It is especially developed in monkeys and lemurs and, like the penis in animals, the clitoris has a small bone. An even more surprising fact about the clitoris: it is also present in turtles, ostriches and crocodiles.
Fact about the clitoris: it is changed through plastic surgery
The clitoris is changed. It's not that women often talk about this, but some do the procedure, during which they remove the hood. It is performed to increase the sensitivity of the clitoris. An interesting fact about the clitoris: its size can also be adjusted surgically. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 2,000 American women underwent "vaginal rejuvenation" in 2012.
Clitoris vary in size and sensitivity
The clitoris can vary in size and shape from woman to woman. Some clitoris are hidden under the hood, others stick out. In some women, they are very sensitive, and you need to barely touch them, while others require a more thorough approach. These are important facts about the clitoris that men should also know about.
Fun fact: "the clitoris" is the key
Here's another interesting fact about the clitoris. The word "clitoris" itself comes from the Greek language and means the key. The key to joy, of course.
The clitoris is almost like a penis in structure
The clitoris is really almost like a penis in structure. Facts about the clitoris: it has a head, "foreskin" - the hood of the clitoris, and even more: it rises during arousal.
Clitoral stimulation can be overdone
Here's what you need to know about the clitoris: its possibilities are not endless either. In the sense that the clitoris can also reach "maximum potential" during stimulation. If you continue to "process" it after that, you may experience discomfort and pain.
Take care of your clitoris, you only have one!
Photo: Getty Images
Photo by Janis Sinaiko About the author:
Galina Rymbu is a poetess, curator, researcher, translator, gender. Born in 1990 in Omsk. Graduated from the Literary Institute. Gorky in Moscow. She studied socio-political philosophy at the European University in St. Petersburg. Co-curator and founder of the Arkady Dragomoshchenko Poetry Prize. In 2018, she emigrated to Lviv.
Author of poetry books “Mobile Space of Revolution” (M.: “ARGO-RISK”, 2014), White Bread (New York, After Hours LTD, 2016), “Earth Time” (Kharkov, publishing house kntxt, 2018) , Life in Space (Moscow: New Literary Review, 2018), Kosmiskais prospekts (Latvia, Ozolnieki: Literature Without Borders, 2018), Tijd van de aarde (Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Perdu, 2019). Laureate of the poetry award of the international festival "Poetry without borders" (Riga, 2017). In 2019, she became a participant in the 50th International Poetry Festival in Rotterdam, dedicated to the theme of the future. In 2020, the winner of the London Pushkin House competition for a stay in an Oxford residence dedicated to the translation of contemporary Russian-language poetry (together with translator Helena Kernan).
On May 17, 2013, to the music of the group "Semantic Hallucinations"
, my son came out of my vagina,
and then - the placenta, which the midwife held like a butcher -
weighing on the palm of his hand. The doctor put my son on my chest
(then I didn't know my son's name yet)
and said: your son. And the son immediately described my chest and stomach to me,
and the world became my vagina, son, his hot stream,
his wet warm head, my empty
Then my vagina was stitched up,
she changed shape. Has become narrow and tight,
vagina-prison, vagina-wound. At that time I was wearing
white compression stockings - all covered in blood,
a cheap red robe bought in a Chinese pavilion, and on it -
two women holding treetops,
and animals holding women.
Without panties, without support, with tangled hair
I went after the operation along the sunny corridor of the maternity hospital
to pick up my son. I took him and thought:
his fingers are like little gummy worms.
Now my vagina is a mink
for your brown animal with a big red head.
where he sometimes slips to gain strength. This is a hole
for your tender tongue, for your thin strong fingers, similar to
writing instruments from the last century.
My vagina is contracting now, next to her, a little higher - the clitoris swells,
it looks like a bead and is wrapped in a delicate
folded hood, which can sometimes be removed
under a blind rain of light touches.
You can... Gently...
When I was 13, I tried to put a summer cucumber
into it: I wanted to understand what sex is.
I didn't know then that this was not only
penetration. I often looked at my clitoris in the small
broken mirror that my dad used to shave.
I was a dry tree that burned
more and more every day.
I lived in the world of school literature, where everything is visible only with a male gaze,
in the world of district fights and padiks full of sweaty0144 guys in black jackets and torn boots. I loved to sit on the courts, I loved
tight jeans,
clitoris squeezing and big lips.
Then I didn’t know yet that everyone cares about my vagina:
to the state, parents, gynecologists, unknown men,
to Orthodox priests who have shoulder straps under their cassock,
and on the cassock there is female blood,
to employers, eshniks , the military, Nazis, migration services,
banks, conservative critics of the "lecherous lifestyle",
to patriotic cultural figures using traditional values
with cognac.
My vagina bleeds once a month,
and then my lover goes to the store for pads
(I like thin, chamomile-scented ones).
Sometimes the blood falls out in clots, similar to the
round helmets of small astronauts.
My menstrual cosmos in miniature: planet of the womb,
ovary comets, swollen vulva milky galaxy.
Sometimes blood flows like vodka,
from a special narrow neck souvenir bottle.
Sometimes she is not.
I like to have sex during my period,
the whole body becomes super sensitive.
I love it when your penis is covered in my blood,
and I like to imagine that you also have your period,
that salty warm blood drips from a small hole
on your head.
I love it when your hands are sticky with my blood,
when it dries on your nails and burrs,
I love to feel my uterus pulsing in my stomach,
like a second heart, how the chest swells and becomes hot,
as if milk is about to pour out of it.
I'll give it to you to drink, darling, it will flood your face,
your tender pink nipples (almost like a girl's),
make your chest hairs wet,
your neck, tummy, in which,
I dream, you once someday you can bear our daughter.
I love it when you talk about my vagina
and when we discuss it together
while you sit on top of me
in my T-shirt and green earrings,
which I gave you.
I love it when you lightly smack my lips.
It's good that you're not doing this in Russia,
where they want to send Yulia Tsvetkova to prison for delicate vagina drawings,
where my friends are afraid to kiss on the street,
where Katya and I lay on the carpet for a long time after school
at her house and touched each other, turned into one
salty sea, and then
were afraid to talk about it.
Our vaginas and vulvas are called pussy
but I don’t have a pussy, but rather a homemade decorative mouse,
is small, fluffy, restless.
Will she die prematurely?
Will she die in a cage?
Once I touched my mouse at a lecture at the university,
touched it in an empty bus crawling through the city at night
from factories to panels, from cemeteries to shopping centers.
I touched it behind the garages, on an autumn morning,
while sitting on a rusty pipe,
I touched it in the ambulance that was taking me
for the operation, and touched after the operation,
when there was a catheter in the urethra, when blood was flowing from the urethra,
touched when my stomach was huge, in the stuffy
department of the maternity hospital,
when I wrote in a jar in the clinic,
when I wrote and cried at night in the old dacha garden,
full of grasshoppers and night moths,
when she wrote on the Irtysh embankment right into her pants
for fun, when she wrote on the snow
at the factory entrance,
when she wrote in the hostel in her son’s pot,
when I wrote after a beer in the park of culture, and nearby
cops wandered,
touched in the summer forest while insects stuck around me,
hugged trees.
Touched her after she accidentally cut her lips and clitoris with a razor,
after a quarrel with a friend and after
a forensic examination,
after a trip to the cancer center and after
arrest, in a rented apartment,
after protests on Bolotnaya Square
and after actions protest on the Field of Mars.
touched while reading Nicholas of Cusa,
reading Gastev,
Ernst Bloch,
Alain Badiou's Ethics,
textbook on physics,
an anthology of German poetry,
I touched my mouse when I was crying and wanted to leave you,
I touched it when I was crying and wanted a baby from you,
I touched it while sitting on your face,
and I touched it, pressing my face
against your dark crotch,
and just - looking into your eyes.
And still I still don't know, I don't fully understand it,
my mouse,
I'm afraid and shy.