Best way to get rid of constipation
How To Get Rid of Constipation
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- What is Constipation?
- Constipation Treatments
- Constipation Home Remedies
- Medical Treatment for Constipation
- When Constipation Is a Regular Problem
Lately you've been feeling a little -- to put it delicately -- backed up. You're not "going" as often as you should, and you feel bloated and uncomfortable.
A lot of Americans -- more than 4 million by some estimates -- deal with constipation on a regular basis. Women have constipation more often than men. This may have to do with the slower movement of food through a woman's intestines, as well as with the effects of female hormones on the GI tract.
There are a few effective constipation treatments.
What is Constipation?
If you can’t go, it's often because there isn't enough water in your stool, a problem that occurs when you don't drink enough fluids.
According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, part of the National Institutes of Health, constipation is a condition in which you have fewer than three bowel movements in a week, and your stools are hard, dry, and small, making them painful and difficult to pass. Some people naturally have a bowel movement a few times a day, while others go just a few times a week. You don't need constipation treatments unless you're going to the bathroom a lot less often than usual.
Constipation Treatments
You have a lot of options for treating constipation. What you choose will depend on why you’re blocked, and whether it’s a new or a long-term problem for you.
Constipation Home Remedies
You may be able to solve your constipation problem yourself, without your doctor’s help. It may seem obvious, but your diet has a big impact on how you poop.
Eat more fiber. Fiber makes stool bulkier and softer so it's easier to pass.
Gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet until you're getting at least 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily. Good sources include whole grains found in cereals, breads, and brown rice, beans, vegetables and fresh or dried fruits. Prunes and bran cereal are tried and true constipation remedies.
Stay hydrated. Water is important for preventing constipation, too. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Try coffee. While caffeinated drinks and alcohol can make you dehydrated, there’s evidence a cup of coffee of tea in the morning may help you poop.
Limit high fat/low fiber food.Cheese and other dairy products, processed foods, and meat can make constipation worse.
Watch your FODMAPs.Certain carbohydrates cause digestive problems, including constipation, in some people.
The names of the carbohydrates are abbreviated “FODMAPs.” Foods that contain them include dairy, apples, broccoli, wheat, and lentils. You might try cutting individual foods from your diet, but do it carefully. A lot of them are good sources of fiber and other nutrients you need.
Other things you can do to relieve constipation include:
Exercise regularly. Moving your body will keep your bowels moving, too.
Adjust your toilet posture. It may be easier to poop if you squat, raise your legs, or lean back.
Check your meds. Many prescription drugs can cause constipation. Ask your doctor if this might be the problem and if there’s an alternative.
Biofeedback. Some people get constipated because they unconsciously clench their muscles when they try to poop.
A therapist can help you train your pelvic floor muscles to relax.
Massage. Massaging your own abdomen in a certain pattern can help encourage bowel movements.
Enemas. You can irrigate your colon with either tap water or an over-the-counter preparation to soften and flush out the contents.
Suppositories. Some over-the-counter constipation medications are meant to be inserted directly into the rectum. They typically work faster than laxatives you take by mouth.
Prebiotics and probiotics. You may have digestive issues, including constipation, because of an imbalance in the bacteria that live naturally in your intestines. Supplements or foods containing prebiotics, like bananas and oatmeal, and probiotics, like yogurt and fermented foods, may help.
Laxatives for constipation treatment
A box of laxatives shouldn't be the first place you turn to relieve constipation. Reserve laxatives for constipation that doesn't improve after you've added fiber and water to your diet.
If your doctor recommends laxatives, ask what type is best for you, and for how long you should take them. Laxatives are best taken short-term only, because you don't want to start relying on them to go to the bathroom. Also ask how to ease off laxatives when you no longer need them. Stopping them too abruptly can affect your colon's ability to contract.
Laxatives come in several forms:
Bulk-forming fiber supplements include calcium polycarbophil (Equilactin, Fibercon), methylcellulose fiber (Citrucel), and psyllium (Fiber-Lax, Konsyl, Metamucil), and wheat dextrin (Benefiber). Unlike other laxatives, you can take these every day.
They make the stool bigger and softer. Although they are safe to use regularly, fiber supplements can interfere with your body's ability to absorb certain medicines, and they may cause bloating, cramps, and gas. Drink a lot of water with them.
Lubricant laxatives, including Zymenol, help the stool pass more easily through the colon. In general, doctors do not recommend using mineral oil or castor oil. Mineral oil can cause problems such as vitamin deficiencies, and castor oil can lead to long-term constipation.
Osmotic laxativessuch as lactitol (Pizensy), lactulose (Kristalose), magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia), polyethylene glycol (Miralax), and Sorbitol help fluids move through your intestines. If you have diabetes, ask your doctor before taking osmotics because they can cause electrolyte imbalances.
Stimulant laxativessuch as bisacodyl (Correctol, Dulcolax, Feen-a-Mint) and sennosides (Ex-Lax, Senokot) make the muscles in your intestines contract to help push stool out.
These laxatives work quickly, but they can cause side effects, including cramping and diarrhea, so use them for as short a period of time as possible.
Stool softeners such as docusate calcium (Surfak) and docusate sodium (Colace) make stools easier to pass by adding fluid to them. Having softer stool can prevent you from having to strain during bowel movements. Your doctor may recommend one of these products if your constipation is due to childbirth or surgery.
Medical Treatment for Constipation
If over-the-counter treatments don’t do the job, your doctor may prescribe a different kind of medication.
Prescription laxatives such as linaclotide, (Linzess) lubiprostone, (Amitiza) and plecanatide (Trulance) work by increasing the amount of water in your intestines and speeding up the movement of stool.
Note that Amitiza is approved for use only in women.
Serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 receptors. Prucalopride (Motegrity) is a powerful stimulant that’s used for chronic constipation without a known cause.
PAMORAs. This is a shorter way of saying “peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor antagonists.” These work on constipation that’s caused by opioid pain medicines. These drugs include methylnaltrexone (Relistor) and naloxegol (Movantik.)
Surgery for constipation treatment
Sometimes constipation is caused by a structural problem in your colon or rectum. Your colon may be blocked or unusually narrow, or you may have a partial collapse or a bulge in the wall of your rectum. In that case, surgery can correct the problem.
Surgery may also be a last resort if your colon just works too slowly and treatments haven’t helped. You may need to have a section of your colon removed.
When Constipation Is a Regular Problem
Regardless of what constipation treatment you use, give yourself enough time to sit on the toilet when you need to go. Holding in the urge can make your constipation worse. Set aside a regular time of the day when you know you'll be left undisturbed for several minutes.
Also, don't ignore the problem. Untreated constipation can lead to real problems, such as hemorrhoids and tears in the skin around the anus (called fissures) that make you bleed. If you strain too hard, you might even cause part of your intestines to push out through the anus -- a condition called rectal prolapse that can sometimes require surgery.
Call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms with constipation:
Stomach pain
Blood in your stools
Unexplained weight loss
Inability to have a bowel movement
Also, call if you've been having trouble going for more than three weeks and constipation treatments aren't working. You may have a condition called Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) which means your constipation may be caused by something other than physical or physiological.
13 home remedies to relieve constipation naturally
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Constipation is an incredibly common problem.
Constipation affects around 20% of people in the United States, resulting in 8 million doctor visits per year (1, 2).
People may experience constipation due to the foods they eat or avoid, their lifestyle choices, the medications they take, or the medical conditions they have. For many, the cause of their chronic constipation is unknown. This is known as chronic idiopathic constipation.
Constipation is characterized by the following symptoms (3):
- fewer than three bowel movements per week
- hard, dry, or lumpy stools
- difficulty or pain when passing stools
- a feeling that not all stool has passed
Constipation can have a serious negative effect on quality of life, as well as on physical and mental health (1, 4, 5).
There are many natural ways to help relieve constipation. People can do these in the comfort of their own homes, and most of them are supported by science.
Here are 13 natural home remedies to relieve constipation.
Share on PinterestA person with constipation should try to drink more water.Being dehydrated regularly can make a person constipated. To prevent this, it is important to drink enough water and stay hydrated (6, 7, 8).
When a person is constipated, they might find relief from drinking some carbonated (sparkling) water. This can help them rehydrate and get things moving again.
Some studies have found sparkling water to be more effective than tap water at relieving constipation. This includes in people with indigestion, or dyspepsia, and people with chronic idiopathic constipation (9, 10, 11).
However, drinking carbonated drinks such as sugary soda is not a good idea, as these beverages can have harmful health effects and may make constipation worse (12, 13).
Some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) find that carbonated drinks worsen their symptoms, so these individuals may wish to avoid sparkling water and other carbonated drinks.
Bottom line: Dehydration can cause constipation, so be sure to drink enough water. Sparkling water may be even more effective at relieving constipation.
To treat constipation, doctors often tell people to increase their dietary fiber intake.
This is because increasing fiber intake increases the bulk and consistency of bowel movements, making them easier to pass. It also helps them pass through the digestive system more quickly (14).
In fact, one 2016 review found that 77% of people with chronic constipation benefited from supplementing with fiber (15).
However, some studies have found that increasing fiber intake can actually make the problem worse. Others report that dietary fiber improves stool frequency but may not help with other symptoms of constipation, such as stool consistency, pain, bloating, and gas (16, 17).
This is because different types of dietary fiber have different effects on digestion.
There are many different dietary fibers, but in general, they fall into two categories: insoluble fibers and soluble fibers.
Insoluble fibers — present in wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains — add bulk to stools and may help them pass more quickly and easily through the digestive system.
Soluble fibers — present in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and peas, as well as some fruits and vegetables — absorb water and form a gel-like paste, which softens the stools and improves its consistency.
Non-fermentable soluble fibers, such as psyllium, are the best choice for treating constipation (18, 19, 20).
One 2020 review found psyllium to be 3.4 times more effective than insoluble wheat bran for constipation (18).
Various brands of psyllium fiber are available online.
Studies examining the effects of insoluble fiber as a treatment for constipation have yielded mixed results.
This is partly because insoluble fiber can make the problem worse in some people with a functional bowel problem, such as IBS or chronic idiopathic constipation (19, 20, 21)
Some fermentable soluble fibers may also be ineffective at treating constipation, as they are fermented by bacteria in the gut and lose their water-holding capacity (22).
To prevent constipation, people should aim to consume a mix of soluble and insoluble fibers. The total recommended fiber intake per day is 25 grams (g) for females and 38 g for males (14).
Bottom line: Try eating more high fiber foods. Supplementing the diet with soluble non-fermentable fiber, such as psyllium, can also help.
Various research studies have reported that exercise could help improve the symptoms of constipation (23, 24, 25, 26).
Studies have linked sedentary lifestyles with an increased risk of constipation. Because of this, some healthcare experts recommend increasing exercise to get the stool moving (23).
That said, not all studies agree that exercise treats constipation. Therefore, more research is needed (27).
Other studies have reported that although exercise did not always improve the number of times people went to the bathroom, it did reduce some symptoms and improved people’s quality of life scores (28).
In people with IBS, moderate exercise (brisk walking) can improve digestive symptoms and quality of life scores. However, vigorous exercise (jogging) could make symptoms worse for some (29).
Try doing some gentle exercise — such as going for regular walks, swimming, cycling, or jogging — to see if it helps.
Bottom line: Exercise may reduce the symptoms of constipation in some people.
Share on PinterestDrinking coffee may help relieve constipation.
For some people, consuming coffee can increase the urge to go to the bathroom. This is because coffee stimulates the muscles in the digestive system (29, 30).
In fact, one 1998 study found that caffeinated coffee can stimulate the gut in the same way that a meal can. This effect was 60% stronger than drinking water and 23% stronger than drinking decaffeinated coffee (31).
Coffee may also contain small amounts of soluble fibers that help prevent constipation by improving the balance of gut bacteria (32, 33).
That said, the bowel-stimulating qualities of caffeine may be stronger in people with IBS. It could also make digestive symptoms worse (30).
People with IBS can try removing caffeine from their diet to see if it helps.
Learn more about foods and beverages that can relieve constipation here.
Bottom line: Coffee can help relieve constipation by stimulating the muscles in the gut. It may also contain small amounts of soluble fiber.
Senna is a popular safe and effective herbal laxative that helps treat constipation (34, 35). It is available over the counter and online, in both oral and rectal forms.
Senna contains plant compounds called glycosides, which stimulate the nerves in the gut and help speed up bowel movements (36).
Doctors consider Senna safe for adults for short periods of time, but people should consult a doctor if their symptoms do not go away after a few days.
Doctors usually do not recommend Senna for pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding, or people with certain health conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease.
Bottom line: The herbal laxative Senna is a popular remedy for constipation. It stimulates the nerves in the gut to speed up bowel movements.
Probiotics may help prevent chronic constipation. Probiotics are live, beneficial bacteria that naturally occur in the gut. They include Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.
People can increase their levels by eating probiotic foods.
Some people who have chronic constipation have an imbalance of bacteria in their gut. Consuming more probiotic foods could help improve this balance and prevent constipation.
A 2019 review found that taking probiotics for 2 weeks can help treat constipation, increasing stool frequency and stool consistency (37).
They could also help treat constipation by producing short-chain fatty acids. These may improve gut movements, making it easier to pass stools (38).
Alternatively, try a probiotic supplement. Some studies have found that people started to feel the benefits of these supplements after 4 weeks (39).
Try taking probiotic supplements, which are available online, or eating more probiotic-rich foods to see if this helps with constipation. Prebiotic foods include:
- yogurt
- sauerkraut
- kimchi
Bottom line: Probiotics may help treat chronic constipation. Try eating probiotic foods or taking a supplement.
A person can speak to a doctor or pharmacist about choosing an appropriate laxative. Different types have varying methods of action, but all are effective for constipation (40, 41).
A doctor may recommend one of the following types:
- Bulking agents: These are fiber-based laxatives that increase the water content of stool.
- Stool softeners: These contain oils to soften stools and ease their passage through the gut.
- Stimulant laxatives: These stimulate the nerves in the gut to increase bowel movements.
- Osmotic laxatives: These soften stool by pulling water from the surrounding tissues into the digestive system.
However, people should not take most of these laxatives on a regular basis without speaking to a doctor.
Bottom line: Laxatives are effective for relieving constipation. Speak to a doctor or pharmacist about the best ones to use.
Constipation can be a symptom of IBS. The low FODMAP diet is an elimination diet that helps treat IBS and may relieve IBS-related constipation (42, 43, 44).
FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.
The diet involves limiting high FODMAP foods for a period of time before reintroducing them to determine which ones the body can tolerate (45).
In people with constipation-predominant IBS, the low FODMAP diet alone is often not enough.
Such people will probably need to pay attention to other aspects of their diet, such as getting enough water and fiber, to experience relief from their symptoms (46, 47).
Bottom line: A low FODMAP diet may help relieve IBS-related constipation. However, that alone may not provide sufficient relief.
Glucomannan is a type of soluble fiber from the roots of the konjac plant. Some research suggests that it is effective against constipation (48, 49).
As well as improving bowel movements, glucomannan may act as a prebiotic to improve the balance of good bacteria in the gut.
One study in children found that 45% of those taking glucomannan experienced relief from severe constipation, compared with only 13% in the control group (50).
However, another controlled study found no significant effects (51).
People can get glucomannan from supplements or by eating shirataki, or konjac, noodles.
Glucomannan supplements are also available. They vary in their benefits by brand, so it is best to compare brands before making a purchase. Glucomannan supplements are available online.
Bottom line: Glucomannan may help treat constipation in some people. Sources include supplements and shirataki noodles.
Prebiotics are an indigestible carbohydrate fiber. Prebiotics include oligosaccharide and inulin.
Although dietary fibers reduce constipation by improving the consistency and bulk of stool, prebiotics have their effects by improving digestive health.
Prebiotic fibers improve digestive health by feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which boosts probiotics and improves the balance of the gut bacteria (37, 52).
In fact, some prebiotics may help increase the frequency of bowel movements, as well as make stools softer (53).
Prebiotic foods include:
- chicory
- Jerusalem artichokes
- garlic
- onions
- bananas
- leeks
- chickpeas
However, garlic and onions are not included in a low FODMAP diet as these foods can trigger symptoms in people with IBS.
Bottom line: Foods that contain prebiotic fibers can improve digestive health and the balance of beneficial gut bacteria. Prebiotics may help relieve constipation.
Magnesium citrate is a popular home remedy against constipation. It is a type of osmotic laxative that people can buy over the counter or online.
Taking moderate amounts of magnesium supplements can help relieve constipation. Doctors use higher dosages to prepare and clean out the bowel before surgery or other medical procedures (54, 55).
Bottom line: Taking magnesium citrate, an over-the-counter supplement, can help relieve constipation.
Share on PinterestPrunes are a natural laxative.
People often tout prunes and prune juice as nature’s remedy for constipation — and for good reason. Prunes may be the most accessible natural solution available.
In addition to fiber, prunes contain sorbitol. This is a sugar alcohol that has a laxative effect (56, 57).
Some studies have shown that prunes may be more effective than fibers such as psyllium (58, 59).
The effective dosage may be around 50 g, or seven medium prunes, twice per day (59).
However, people with IBS may want to avoid prunes, because sugar alcohols are high FODMAP foods.
Learn more about prune juice for constipation and other juices for constipation here.
Bottom line: Prunes contain the sugar alcohol sorbitol, which has a laxative effect. Prunes can be a very effective remedy for constipation.
In people with an intolerance to it, eating dairy can cause constipation due to its effect on the gut’s movements (60).
This includes children who are intolerant to cow’s milk protein and adults with lactose intolerance.
If someone suspects a dairy intolerance, they can see their doctor for diagnosis. The doctor may recommend temporarily removing dairy from the diet, while increasing other calcium-rich foods, to see if it improves the symptoms.
Bottom line: Dairy or lactose intolerance may cause constipation in some people. In these people, removing dairy from the diet can help relieve symptoms.
Constipation is uncomfortable and has a number of potential underlying causes. However, many home remedies and natural methods can help.
If constipation persists, a person can talk to their doctor to identify the cause and find an effective treatment.
That said, many of the natural home remedies in this article can provide significant relief.
Read the article in Spanish.
How to get rid of constipation at home, remedies for adults
What is constipation
Constipation is considered to be a stool retention for more than two days. This condition is also characterized by incomplete emptying of the intestines, accompanied by discomfort, changes in the consistency of feces and the need for excessive straining during bowel movements.
People who neglect the rules of a healthy diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle most often suffer from constipation. Constipation is classified according to two criteria: etiology (cause) and pathogenesis (development mechanism).
According to the etiology, constipation is divided into:
- Primary. Occur as a result of congenital or acquired pathologies of the colon.
- Secondary. They are the result of another disease, injury, as well as side effects of pharmacological drugs.
- Idiopathic. Behind this definition lies the inability to find out the exact cause of the disruption of the intestines. Constipation with an unknown etiology is also called cryptogenic.
Classification by pathogenesis:
- Alimentary. It develops with a violation of the diet and a decrease in water consumption.
- Mechanical. Caused by neoplasms in the large intestine. They can be both tumors and polyps or clots of lymph nodes, as well as adhesions or kinks.
- Dyskinetic. It occurs due to a violation of intestinal motility, which became the result of nervous tension.
This type of constipation is also called neurogenic.
Symptoms of constipation
Strictly speaking, constipation itself is a symptom or a side effect. At least, modern medicine does not consider it as an independent disease, although constipation is formally included in the list of diseases according to ICD-10. If we talk about concomitant manifestations (not to be confused with the criteria), then they include:
- a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the rectum;
- decreased appetite;
- prostration, irritability, depression;
- bloating, flatulence;
- sensation of incomplete emptying of the bowels.
When to see a doctor?
Episodic constipation should not cause undue concern. Often the reason lies in malnutrition, stress or a change of scenery (moving, business trips, etc.), and the elimination of provoking factors solves the problem. However, if constipation continues regularly, this may indicate a health problem, so in such a situation, a visit to a gastroenterologist should not be postponed.
Particular attention should be paid to this problem for pregnant women, since excessive straining is contraindicated for them. In addition, constipation is fraught with the development of intoxication of the body, which is also completely useless for a pregnant woman.
People prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should also regard the increasing constipation as a signal from the body that the course of the disease is aggravated. Therefore, one should not expect that the problem will be solved by itself - in such situations, the help of a doctor is necessary.
Where constipation comes from
Stool retention occurs periodically in all people, regardless of age, gender and political views. Constipation can occur for a variety of reasons. Let's consider them in more detail.
Any situations associated with nervous tension can cause stool retention, since the nervous system regulates all vital processes in the body, including intestinal motility. Stress can have an unpredictable effect on digestive function, since the human gut contains an extensive network of neurons that communicate with the central nervous system.
That is why situations of emotional discomfort, whether it be a minor domestic conflict or chronic work-related stress, can lead to constipation. We should also mention the change of scenery: very often problems of this kind arise when moving to a new place of residence or in field conditions.
In pregnant women, constipation occurs quite often for several reasons:
- In the first half of pregnancy, a change in the hormonal background occurs, as a result of which the synthesis of progesterone increases. This hormone reduces the tone of the uterus and helps to avoid premature birth. However, it also weakens the tone of smooth muscles, thereby worsening intestinal motility.
- Around the end of the second trimester, the ever-increasing uterus puts pressure on the rectum, which also impedes peristalsis and leads to regular stool retention.
- Influence of drugs. Many women during pregnancy are prescribed antispasmodics, as well as iron and calcium supplements. One of the side effects of these medicines is hardening of the feces and weakening of intestinal motility.
Here you can add a decrease in motor activity, stress and severe toxicosis.
Sedentary lifestyle
Despite the fact that the skeletal muscles are of the striated type, and the muscles of the intestine are of the smooth type, there is a close relationship between their activity. In other words, the less a person moves, the greater the risk of developing constipation. Sedentary work and low physical activity are almost guaranteed to lead to stool retention.
Lack of fluids
In people who consume insufficient amounts of water, the production of digestive juices decreases. In addition, the feces become too dry and hard, which makes it difficult for them to move through the intestines.
Unbalanced diet
Constipation can be provoked not only by a lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet, but also by the consumption of muffins, large amounts of meat, rice, smoked and fatty foods. In addition, the lack of the habit of eating at the same time, evenly distributing the amount of food for each meal, also contributes to impaired intestinal motility.
Treatment of constipation
When choosing methods of treating constipation, the doctor first of all focuses on eliminating the causes that caused this condition. Treatment should be complex, but regardless of its main course, all patients should increase physical activity, adjust the diet and consume at least one and a half to two liters of water per day. Treatment methods can be grouped into groups, which we will discuss below.
When constipation is relieved, physiotherapy methods are used as adjunctive therapy. It should be noted that the expediency of using some of them is the subject of controversy and discussion in science. Far from all modern medical recommendations can find such information.
- Abdominal massage. It is assumed that this method helps to improve intestinal motility and relieve spasm. Predominantly sparing pressing and stroking movements are used, which are performed strictly clockwise.
- Electrical impulse therapy. Due to the use of electrical impulses, the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the intestine improves, which is especially important for atonic constipation.
- Inductothermy. It is usually used for spastic neurogenic constipation, as well as for inflammatory processes in the intestines that provoke stool retention. The essence of the method is the application of a high-frequency electromagnetic field.
- Electrophoresis with novocaine. Gauze tissue moistened with novocaine solution is placed on the patient's lumbar region. Due to the impact of direct or pulsed electric current, the drug enters through the skin to the lumbar nerve plexuses. The procedure is relatively painless - the patient feels only a slight tingling sensation.
Special mention should be made of such methods as acupressure (shiatsu), acupuncture (acupuncture), aromatherapy and other branches of Far Eastern folk medicine. At the end of the last century, these techniques were widely advertised by various medical charlatans as a universal remedy for almost any disease. Currently, their popularity is gradually fading away, and so far there has been no evidence of the effectiveness of such techniques.
It is important to understand that from the point of view of modern medicine, stimulation and piercing of various points on the body, supposedly responsible for improving bowel function, have no proven clinical effectiveness. At best, the patient can expect a placebo effect.
As an alternative to pharmacological preparations, herbal remedies with a laxative effect can be used. However, it is not recommended to choose them on your own, because if used incorrectly or unjustified, they will do more harm than good.
Some herbs have antispasmodic, others irritate the nerve endings of the intestines. The use of such effects should be related to the cause of constipation, and only the attending physician can understand it. Among the most common herbal remedies for constipation are licorice root, senna, buckthorn and oregano - decoctions are prepared from them. In addition, pharmacies sell ready-made laxatives. It should also be remembered that any laxatives with prolonged use (2 weeks or more) are addictive.
Herbal remedies for constipation should be used with caution. Photo: CUNDO / DepositphotosMedications
If we disassemble laxatives aimed directly at eliminating constipation, they can be divided into several groups.
This group of drugs does not give a quick laxative effect, since it is aimed at normalizing the composition of the intestinal microflora - this requires a certain time. In essence, prebiotics are a breeding ground for lacto- and bifidobacteria, without which the intestines cannot function normally. The main active ingredients of prebiotics are inulin and lactulose. They are poorly digested, and therefore reach the intestines almost unchanged, contributing to the growth of beneficial microflora.
Osmotic laxatives
These drugs provide quick relief from constipation, but are recommended for acute stool retention. Osmotic laxatives may also be given to the patient to cleanse the bowel prior to diagnostic procedures. The drugs of this group contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the intestine, which creates the osmotic pressure necessary for normal defecation. Osmotic laxatives are made on the basis of macrogol, lactitol and magnesium sulfate.
Preparations of this group improve peristalsis by improving the excitability of intestinal receptors. As a result, propulsive activity and motility of the gastrointestinal tract improves. It is not recommended to take such drugs on your own, as they can disrupt the heart rhythm. The active components of the prokinetics are itopride hydrochloride, domperidone and metoclopramide.
The laxative effect of this group of drugs is achieved due to the lubricating effect: the feces soften and their passage through the intestines improves. Lubricants are available both for oral administration (linseed and mineral oil) and for rectal administration in the form of suppositories (with glycerin or sodium docusate).
Stimulant laxatives
Preparations based on bisacodyl and sodium picosulfate improve peristalsis through irritant action. They are considered second-line drugs because they cause rapid addiction, contributing to the development of the so-called lazy bowel syndrome. In addition, the irritant effect is associated with side effects such as cramping abdominal pain or diarrhea.
Used only for spastic constipation. Most often, preparations based on drotaverine and bendazole are used, which relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine and contribute to its relaxation. In other forms of constipation, these drugs can cause the opposite effect.
Nutrition and lifestyle correction
You need to learn how to eat not only right, but also in a timely manner. The intervals between meals should be approximately equal. The same applies to the distribution of its volume throughout the day. What does it look like in practice?
Since the middle of the last century, many people in Russia have been accustomed to have breakfast in a hurry, and during the lunch break with a dry sandwich to interrupt their appetite. At the same time, during dinner, “compensate” for malnutrition during the day with an abundance of food, consuming the first, second and dessert at one time. Unfortunately, this is not the healthiest eating style.
Another suggestion is to prohibit eating after a certain time of day. However, the secret to maintaining a healthy weight lies not at all in evening fasting, but in the correct distribution of the balance of nutrients throughout the day, as well as in physical activity.
Overeating at night is really bad, especially when it comes to food rich in complex carbohydrates. However, there is no need to torture yourself with hunger: lean meat in combination with whole grain bread and vegetables or cottage cheese with kefir not only stimulate normal digestion, but also help maintain normal weight.
To ensure normal intestinal motility, you should eat at least three times a day, and preferably at the same time. If possible, it is better to eat fractionally, in small portions, about 4-5 times a day. To do this, you can either take a lunch box with you to work or study, or have lunch in the dining room.
It is important to ensure at least minimal physical activity. The work of a large number of modern people is associated with a long stay in a sitting position. This negatively affects intestinal motility. But you can find some time for physical activity. For example, you can replace taking the elevator with walking up the stairs, and public transport with walking. Perhaps this will slightly increase the travel time, but the result is worth it - in addition to intestinal motility, walking improves sleep and overall well-being.
It is very useful to do physical exercises, working out the legs, shoulder girdle and abdominal muscles. This is best done in the gym, but there are plenty of exercises that are easy to do at home. It is more effective to spend an extra hour exercising or walking than to spend the same time every day agonizing in the toilet.
You should also develop the habit of emptying the bowels at the same time of day and not create the need to regularly suppress the urge to defecate that appears at the wrong time.
Regular suppression of the urge to empty the bowels reduces the reflexes of the rectum, ensuring a normal bowel movement.
We should also mention the bad habit of eating dry food, which affects not only students, but also office workers who are embarrassed to take lunch boxes with them or go to the canteen. You can also add more liquid foods, such as soups, to your diet.
Folk remedies
Most of the folk methods aimed at the treatment of constipation, one way or another associated with the intake of any products or decoctions. Below we have outlined a range of foods that can help relieve the symptoms of constipation and support its prevention.
What to eat for constipation
Source: constipation occurs, there is no need to rush to buy a laxative. The first thing to do is to rethink your diet. Is there enough fiber in the diet? Fiber is the part of plant foods that the body cannot break down. When eating fiber-rich foods, the extra mass of dietary fiber helps keep stools soft and speeds up digestion.
All plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, contain fiber. Dietician recommends consuming 25 grams of fiber per day for women and up to 38 grams for men. After 50 years, its amount can be reduced to 21 grams for women and 30 grams for men. The percentage of fiber content is indicated in table No. 1.
Wheat bran | 43.5 | Oatmeal | 6.0 |
Flax seeds | 27.2 | Carrot | 3.2 |
Sprouted wheat | 17.0 | Broccoli | 3.0 |
Almond | 15.0 | Cabbage | 2.9 |
Green peas | 12.0 | Apples | 2.0 |
Prunes | 9.5 | White potatoes | 1.8 |
Hazelnut | 9.0 | White rice | 0.8 |
Bobs | 7.0 | Grapefruit | 0.5 |
If during the day you can not get the required amount of fiber through fruits and vegetables, you can compensate for its lack by eating granulated bran: 40-50 grams per day will be enough. At the same time, it is important to drink them with a sufficient amount of water, because otherwise they will enter the intestines in the form of dry food boluses. The author of The Charming Gut, Julia Enders, recommends drinking at least 2.5 liters of water a day, but you need to focus primarily on your own thirst. For some people, one and a half liters of purified water per day is enough (which, by the way, is also not so little), while others are able to drink all three. At the same time, of course, it must be remembered that the diet is only part of the treatment program prescribed by the doctor. What foods should be consumed?
We all heard from childhood that prunes help with constipation. The laxative effect is due to the fact that prunes have a moderate choleretic effect, and also suppresses the activity of opportunistic intestinal microflora, thereby normalizing the intestinal biocenosis. It is used both in the form of dried fruits and for the preparation of decoctions.
Plums and plum juice
As in the case of prunes, the laxative effect of plums and plum juice is due to their choleretic and antibacterial properties. When they enter the intestines, they retain moisture and increase osmotic pressure, which stimulates peristalsis.
Kefir improves the balance of intestinal microflora due to the high content of lacto- and bifidobacteria. However, it should be borne in mind that with a tendency to constipation, you should drink only fresh kefir - it is he who has a laxative effect. Two-or three-day kefir gives the opposite effect.
Olive oil
The mechanism of action of olive oil in constipation is simple: it envelops the intestinal wall and softens the stool, thereby improving peristalsis. As we already know, such products are lubricants. Usually one spoon on an empty stomach is enough to eliminate stool retention.
Baked apples
Apples contain digestion-friendly ingredients such as pectin, sorbitol, lactulose and cellulose. For constipation, it is advisable to eat apples both raw and baked, but remember that more is not better. Eating more than 3 apples a day can cause bloating, which can backfire and aggravate constipation. Baked apples cause less gas formation, so this option is considered more gentle.
Red beetroot
Beetroot contains a large amount of hemicellulose, which is poorly digested, but is completely eliminated from the body. Due to the slight irritating effect of undigested fibers, intestinal motility improves. In addition, polysaccharides in dietary fiber act as a prebiotic, being a nutrient medium for beneficial intestinal microflora.
Lemon juice and warm water
Some sources recommend drinking lemon juice diluted in warm water for constipation. However, no one has yet provided a convincing justification for its effectiveness in stool retention: supporters of the use of this recipe operate with general phrases from the series "effectively stimulates digestion" or "quickly eliminates congestion in the intestines. "
Lemon juice does have a number of health benefits, but academic and nutritional literature does not mention the benefits of lemon for constipation. In addition, it should be remembered that in a number of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lemon is contraindicated. Of course, you can try to agree on the appropriateness of using this prescription with your doctor, but the gastroenterologist will almost certainly not approve of this idea.
Flax seeds
Since flax seeds contain a large amount of dietary fiber, and they themselves, with sufficient water intake, increase in volume and stimulate intestinal motility, their use for constipation is quite common. It is important to know the nature of stool retention, since such a prescription is contraindicated with mechanical constipation.
Figs contain a large amount of dietary fiber that stimulates peristalsis. Pectin softens feces, due to which a mild laxative effect is achieved.
Constipation really often occurs due to insufficient water intake - with its lack in the body, the feces become excessively hard and dense, and this significantly complicates their movement through the intestines. Taking one and a half to three liters of water per day (it is advisable to agree on the exact amount with your doctor) improves intestinal motility and the production of gastric juice.
Save yourself a leaflet with products that help with constipation.
Source: MedPortalPrevention
To prevent constipation, the following recommendations should be followed:
- Consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of digestive disorders - constipation is often the result of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Do not eat dry food and chew food thoroughly.
- Provide sufficient physical activity - at least half an hour of walking a day, exercise, working out the muscles of the press. All this improves intestinal motility.
- Drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in fiber.
- Minimize the consumption of alcohol and fried, floury and fatty foods.
- Avoid nervous stress.
- Train yourself to eat and go to the toilet at about the same time.
You can also watch a video that discusses reliable home remedies for constipation.
Thus, constipation occurs either as a consequence of the underlying disease of the gastrointestinal tract, or as a result of errors in diet, stress and poor lifestyle. Self-administration of laxatives can cause a number of unpleasant addictive side effects. Treatment of constipation should always be comprehensive.
- V. T. Ivashkin, I. V. Maev, A. A. Sheptulin // Clinical guidelines of the Russian Gastroenterological Association for the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with chronic constipation
- Enders J.
// Charming Gut
- Fulghum D. // Chronic Constipation: Facts vs. Myths
treatment, food for constipation
According to experts, up to 35% of the adult population faces a delicate problem. But even among children, constipation is not uncommon. Why it occurs and how to treat it correctly - we will tell in our article.
What is constipation
Constipation is a defecation disorder that can manifest itself as:
1. Going to the toilet less than 3 times a week;
2. Dry hard stools requiring intense straining.
With constipation, the intestinal mucosa is often injured by dry feces, which can cause pain, inflammation, and even bleeding.
Constipation is a rather painful problem that significantly impairs the quality of life.
Pay attention! As a result of fecal retention in the intestines, toxins are reabsorbed into the blood, which leads to intoxication or poisoning of the body. As a result, a person feels weakness, apathy, suffers from chronic fatigue, headaches and loss of strength.
Why constipation occurs
Difficulties with stools can occur for a variety of reasons, and sometimes a combination of them. Let's consider the main ones.
One of the most common causes of bowel dysfunction is the mistakes we make in our diet:
- Lack of plant foods in the diet - fruits, berries, herbs and vegetables are rich in fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility, thereby contributing to the movement of feces through it.
- An overabundance of bread and rolls, rice and pasta.
- "Poor" drinking regimen, when a person drinks little pure water daily.
Psychological factors
Constipation can be greatly influenced by our psyche:
- Stress
- Quarrels
- Anxiety and worries.
Physical inactivity
A sedentary lifestyle with sedentary or standing work, lack of walking or at least light exercise can contribute to the formation of a "sluggish bowel".
Pregnancy or breastfeeding - an enlarged uterus squeezes the colon from the outside. Moreover, the longer the gestation period, the more often there are problems with defecation. By the way, these problems disappear after the birth of a child.
Often the cause of constipation is an elementary lack of pure water in the diet. It is important to remember that coffee and tea do not replace water, on the contrary, they remove it and, if used frequently, can also cause problems with the stool.
Diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to constipation:
- Colitis
- Crohn's disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Pathologies such as anal fissure, hemorrhoids and paraproctitis cause severe pain during defecation, so a person in every possible way restrains and postpones the urge to “go to the toilet”.
This, in turn, only aggravates the situation, as it makes the feces even more hard and dry. Passing through the intestines, it further injures its walls, sphincter and hemorrhoids.
- Intestinal neoplasms are polyps and tumors that create a physical obstruction that partially closes the intestinal lumen.
Hormonal disorders
As a rule, constipation is observed in diabetes mellitus. And this is not surprising, because an increase in blood sugar levels causes an increase in urination. In conditions of fluid deficiency, the stool becomes more solid and dry.
With hypothyroidism, metabolic processes are disturbed, including digestion - as a result, a wide variety of problems with stools, including constipation, can develop.
Neurological pathologies
It is believed that stress, increased emotional and mental overload can adversely affect digestion and defecation. Also, according to neurologists, 40% of people with multiple sclerosis and 50% of patients with Parkinson's disease experience constipation.
Poisoning, both food and resulting from exposure to the body of chemicals, and sometimes conventional drugs.
Pay attention! For example, iron preparations are often the cause of constipation. Therefore, when prescribing such funds, it is important at the same time to expand the drinking regimen and increase the amount of fruits, vegetables and berries rich in fiber in the diet.
What are the causes of constipation in adults?
There are many reasons for stool problems. These can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, polyps, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, intestinal cancer - they either cause pain and force a person to artificially restrain the urge to defecate, or create a mechanical obstacle to the passage of feces.
In the formation of constipation, we attach great importance to the diet - a lack of vegetable fiber, an excess of bread and sweets. The water regime also matters - if a person drinks little clean water, then the likelihood of constipation is very high.
It may seem strange to some, but problems with stools can be influenced by our mental state - stress, quarrels, anxiety and worries. And also - a sedentary lifestyle in the form of sedentary work, lack of walks and at least light sports. A separate category is pregnancy. As you understand, there are a huge number of reasons, so you need to figure it out not on your own, but together with a competent doctor.
Signs of constipation
Constipation is a condition that can manifest itself with a number of symptoms:
- No free bowel movements for more than two days
- Hard and dry feces
- Need for straining
- Bloating and rumbling of the abdomen
- Abdominal pain
- Increased fatigue
- Apathy
- Irritability
Hard and dry feces can injure the intestinal mucosa and cause anal fissures and other defects in the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, postponing a consultation with a doctor and treatment is not recommended.
Diagnosis of constipation
The doctor can diagnose "Constipation" based on the patient's complaints. But this is followed by another task - to find the cause of problems with the chair. To do this, the specialist prescribes an examination: Type of examination | Description |
Laboratory tests | coprogram and analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis with the determination of sensitivity to bacteriophages. Such studies help to evaluate the work of the intestine, as well as its microbiotic composition, which also has a great influence on the nature of defecation. |
Instrumental Research | Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, less often CT, MRI, irrigoscopy, defectography |
Case study:
A patient came to the doctor with complaints of chronic problems with stools - defecation is carried out no more than once every 3-4 days, while the feces are hard and dry. The doctor prescribed an emergency remedy - microclysters with a gel, and also recommended an examination - stool tests for coprogram and dysbacteriosis with the determination of sensitivity to bacteriophages, as well as a biochemical blood test and ultrasound of the abdominal organs. On the background of the examination, a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis was made and a correction was prescribed with the help of bacteriophages and probiotics.
How to cure constipation
To get rid of constipation, an integrated approach is recommended:
- Proper eating behavior - regular consumption of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as fermented milk products
- Sufficient clean water without gas
- The use of pro- and prebiotics for the correction of intestinal microflora
- Use of stimulant or osmotic laxatives - such drugs attract water into the intestines and create the correct pressure, which in turn stimulates bowel movements
- Administration of prokinetic agents that stimulate intestinal motility and consequently aid defecation
- Use of lubricants that have a lubricating effect - they make the stool softer and slippery
- Antispasmodics - irreplaceable remedies for spastic constipation
It is very dangerous to use laxatives on a regular basis, postponing a visit to the doctor. This will only worsen the condition and make the constipation more severe. In case of chronic problems with the stool, be examined, get a diagnosis and treatment for it.
Can I use natural laxatives
In fact, there are natural laxatives, however, doctors recommend using them as an aid. They cannot replace drugs for chronic constipation.
Pay attention! Left untreated can exacerbate constipation problems and cause anal fissures or other intestinal damage.
Is coffee good for constipation?
A cup a day will not be a problem, but this dose should not be exaggerated. The fact is that coffee-based drinks have a diuretic effect, which in turn can lead to hardening of feces and worsening of stool discharge.
How to poop with constipation?
If constipation happened once, it is recommended to do a regular water enema or purchase special microclysters based on a gel substance in a pharmacy. If the situation repeats itself again and again, it makes sense to seek help from a competent doctor and pass a fecal program and a stool test for dysbacteriosis with a determination of sensitivity to bacteriophages. They will help in the diagnostic search and this is very important. If we know the cause, we understand how to properly treat.
Why does dietary fiber help with constipation?
Because they first of all actively stimulate intestinal motility, which allows the feces to move well. Plus, these fibers are a kind of “brush” for the intestines, cleansing it and improving its functioning. Therefore, it is recommended to consume fresh vegetables, berries and fruits daily, especially with a tendency to constipation.
What are the foods that cause constipation in adults?
First of all, it is bread and bakery products. It is also necessary to highlight rice, it has a very pronounced “fixing” effect, so we even often prescribe it for diarrhea, for example, with rotavirus.
What to do with severe constipation in women?
Examine and treat. There are a huge number of reasons, starting with an improper diet and ending with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In women, this problem is especially common during pregnancy. . To deal with the problem, I would recommend contacting a gastroenterologist for examination], diagnosis and treatment.
How to sit on the toilet with constipation?
You should sit on the toilet, leaning forward slightly. This creates an additional stimulating effect on the intestines, improves its peristalsis and, as a result, accelerates the passage of feces.
What to do with constipation?
For emergency help, you can make an enema - water or gel-based, which can be purchased at the clinic. If the problem occurs again and again, I would recommend an examination to find the cause of constipation. Consult a gastroenterologist, he will prescribe a comprehensive examination, make a diagnosis and select corrective treatment.
What should you drink for constipation?
More clean water without gas is the best drink when. Constipation. Some still help a decoction of prunes or dried fruit compote, especially if it is mostly prunes and pears.
How to get rid of chronic constipation?
In order to achieve an effective result, I would recommend contacting a gastroenterologist and taking stool tests - a coprogram and a stool test for dysbacteriosis with a determination of sensitivity to bacteriophages, as well as a biochemical blood test. If this is not enough for the doctor, he may recommend abdominal ultrasound, CT, MRI, irrigoscopy, defectography. Such an examination allows you to determine the cause of problems with the stool, and, therefore, to accurately select an effective treatment.