2 and half month baby
Your baby's growth and development - 2 months old
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Your 2-month-old is growing fast and becoming more alert. They will be making more sounds and getting more skilled at moving their body. They will still be crying a lot - but you've probably already seen that magic first smile (usually at 6 weeks) which somehow makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Your 2-month-old
By 2 months, your baby will have put on a lot of weight and may be looking round and chubby. As their muscles develop, their arms and legs start to move more freely, stretching out to make them seem taller and leaner.
During their first 2 months, your baby is growing very quickly. They will keep growing at this rate, probably gaining about 900g and growing 2. 5 cm to 3.8 cm every month.
Babies often have a growth spurt at about 6 weeks. This might make them more fussy because they want to eat more than usual. It might feel like you’re feeding all the time, especially at certain times of the day. You can sometimes tell your baby is hungry if they’re sticking their tongue out or sucking. If they doze off or turn their head away, they’re probably full.
At 6 to 8 weeks, your baby will have their scheduled vaccinations - 2 injections and the oral rotavirus vaccine.
Understanding baby growth charts
A growth chart helps you and your doctor keep track of how your baby is growing.
What can your baby do?
By 2 months your baby will have discovered their fingers and hands. They will hold their hands open and grab an object (although they don’t know how to let go yet!) They might also clasp both hands together.
2-month-old babies will start to learn how to coordinate their movements. Instead of the jerky arm and leg movements that made when they were born, they can move more smoothly and in more of a circular motion. They will kick both legs strongly and will be very wriggly. They may even roll over, so don’t ever leave them alone on a change table.
Their neck will be getting stronger all the time. During tummy time they might be lifting their head and moving it from side to side. Some babies can even lift their chest off the ground by now.
Some (though very few) babies can sleep through the night by the time they reach 2 months. But even if you’re not one of the lucky parents or carers, your baby will at least be sleeping for longer stretches at a time. They’ll probably be having 2 to 4 long sleeps and will be more awake and alert during the day — although babies’ sleep patterns still vary widely at this age.
Your baby’s eyes, which may have been crossed when they were younger, move together most of the time now. They will clearly recognise you, will look at you when you talk to them, and can follow you with their eyes. They will love looking at your face and will be giving you some lovely smiles. They will like looking at objects with more complex patterns and colours.
They will also be making a lot more sounds and gurgling, including sounds like ‘a’ or ‘o’, and they will seem to listen to you and talk back to you.
How can I help my baby develop?
As your baby develops more of a rhythm, you’ll find they are awake more during the day. This gives you more time to interact with them and help them develop. Spend plenty of time reading to them, singing, and talking. That way they’ll get used to sounds and words and will start to develop language and communication skills.
You can play with them by letting them look at and feel a variety of objects with different designs, colours, and shapes. Plastic toys and soft balls work well.
They will love looking at you, so make sure you smile at them a lot. It releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals in your baby’s body and helps them to feel safe and secure. You could also give your baby a massage to relax them. After a bath is a good time.
Continue with 1 to 5 minutes tummy time to strengthen their neck and upper body. It will help them develop the muscles they’ll need later to sit and crawl. But always put your baby to sleep on their back.
Development problem signs
Babies develop at a different rate. At 2 months, talk to your doctor or maternal child health nurse if:
- they aren’t smiling by 8 weeks
- they don’t calm down, even for a little while, when you pick them up to comfort them
- one side of their body seems to be stronger than the other
- they’re still holding their fingers in a tight fist
- sudden noises don’t startle them
- they aren’t feeding properly
- they’re floppy or stiff
Where can I go for help?
If you are worried or would like to discuss any issues with your baby’s development, speak to your doctor or child health nurse.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Raising Children Network (1-2 months: newborn development), Women's and Children's Health Network (Milestones: Children 0-4 years), Kids Health (Your baby’s health – 2 months), Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: October 2020
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Related pages
- Bonding with your baby
- How your baby learns - birth to 3 years
- Your baby’s growth and development – first 12 months
- Understanding baby growth charts
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Your baby's developmental milestones at 2 months
Everything you need to know about your growing 2-month-old.
Your 2-month-old is wide-eyed and curious, smiling at faces and engaging with everything around her/him. Babies at this age are social and love to interact. Here is how your little one will be growing, learning and changing during this sweet age.
Social and emotional |
Language and communication |
Brain development |
Movement and physical development |
Food and nutrition |
Things to look out for |
Tips and resources |
< Back to Parenting Milestones |
Social and emotional milestones at 2 months
Some of the ways you’ll see your little one learning to connect with the people around her at 2 months.
- Can self-soothe by sucking on her hand.
- Starting to smile at others.
- Attempting to look at her parents.
Tips for parents
- Engage in skin-to-skin contact. Your warmth will help soothe her.
- Hold your baby close to your face and make eye contact. This will help your little one learn your features.
Language and communication milestones at 2 months
How your baby is engaging and expressing his needs.
- Alerted by sounds and turns toward them.
- Making cooing noises.
Tips for parents
- Have “conversations” with your baby when he makes cooing noises by speaking back to him in a baby talk voice. This back and forth is important for helping him to develop language and communication skills.
Brain development milestones at 2 months
Your child’s brain is growing!
- Beginning to track people and objects with her eyes.
- Starting to get fussy if she’s feeling bored.
- Paying attention to the faces she sees.
Tips for parents
- Say the names of the objects or people your little one is showing interest in.
Movement and physical development milestones at 2 months
How he’ll move through his environment.
- Arm and leg motions will be smoother.
- Can push up while on his belly and hold his head up.
Tips for parents
- Participate in tummy-time with your little one by facing your baby and speaking with him while he is placed on his stomach in front of you.
- Encourage him to move his head, arms and legs by moving safe toys around him.
Food and nutrition milestones at 2 months
What mealtimes look like at 2 months.
- All of the nutrition your baby needs can be found in breastmilk.
- She’ll easily suck and swallow during feeding.
- Her tongue will move back and forward to suck.
- She’ll latch onto her mother’s nipple or a bottle.
Tips for parents
- You should see signs of hunger about 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. Newborn babies need to eat a lot because they’re growing rapidly. They double their birth weight in the first six months of life, or before.
Things to look out for
While all babies develop differently, you should speak to your paediatrician if your 2-month-old:
- Can’t latch while nursing or bottle feeding.
- Loses a lot of breastmilk or formula out of the side of his mouth while feeding.
- Won’t smile at people.
- Doesn’t bring his hands to his mouth.
- Has no response to loud noises.
- Doesn’t track people and objects as they move.
- Is unable to hold his head up while on his tummy.
True or false?
Explore age groups
2 Months | 4 Months | 6 Months | 9 Months | 1 Year | 18 Months | 2 Years
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Development of the crumbs in 2-3 months of life by weeks: norms of development
Contents of the article:
- The third month of life. What parents need to know
- Physical development of a two-month-old
- Small achievements in 2 months of life
- Motor activity and emotional development
- Vision
- rumors
- Emotions and behavior
- Care for a baby of 2-3 months
- Bathing
- Nutrition and daily routine
- Mental development (reflexes)
- Developmental activities
- Possible problems
By the 2nd month of life, the child is transformed. Thanks to the diligent development in the first months, the baby noticeably got stronger, he holds his head on his own, tends to look around when lying on his stomach, carefully looks at his mother and recognizes her, endowing her with his smile, sleeps less and stays awake more often. The time has come for diligent learning of new skills, study of one's own capabilities and the world around, the rapid fading of innate reflexes and the establishment of one's own, individual character and habits.
Third month of life. What Parents Need to Know
Your two-month-old baby continues to develop at a rapid pace. With some control over the limbs and body previously gained, the toddler learns new skills in half the time, and progress can often be seen on a daily basis. But the goals facing the crumbs for the next four weeks are quite complex. He will have to:
- gain about 800 grams;
- grow 3 cm;
- complete the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, leaving colic behind;
- improve the nervous system;
- learn to play with hands;
- improve grasping, shaking and more.
Hand movements
A small toddler between 2 and 3 months of age actively strives not only to completely subdue his hands, but also to learn to play with their help. Grab a rattle, shake it, bring it to your eyes and examine it. Reach out to the object laid out by the mother from the prone position and, finally, get the garland hanging in the crib. It is during this period that there is a desire not only to touch, but also to taste. Many crumbs pull pens and surrounding things into their mouths, learn to clap their hands.
Lifting and holding the head
Typically, by 2 months, babies will lift their head 45 degrees while lying on their stomach, using the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Between 2 and 3 months of life, the forearms will come to the aid of the crumbs, he will be able to increase the viewing angle. By the age of 3 months, the most active babies will already rest on their palms and raise their heads high. Thanks to the innate interest in the world around him, the desire to look at everything around, the baby will increase the time of holding the torso every day, helping the back muscles to train and prepare for new achievements. Having grown strong enough, by 2.5 months, the baby can surprise you with its strength. Lay it on your back and put your index fingers in your hands. The baby will grab onto them and try to rise to a sitting position. But do not help the little one to sit down so early. This exercise should be performed only by a child without the help of a mother. Daily back training will allow the baby to independently master the rise to a sitting position by 5-6 months without harm to health. The principle of self-fulfillment of the elements by the crumbs should prevail. Remember, despite the apparent strength and ability, the baby is still quite fragile. Each element must be brought to automatism at the stage of formation, new peaks, conquered gradually, without haste.
A new skill that is important for a 2-3 month old baby is the ability to roll over from back to side. The peanut comes to him gradually, and some crumbs require help from their parents. If by 3 months your child does not begin to toss and turn on his own, you can offer him an exercise to get this skill. Lay the baby on your back. Take his right hand and bring it over his left shoulder, lifting the barrel of crumbs above the ground. Lightly push the baby, offering to do a coup. Repeat on the other side. Thanks to the daily use of this simple exercise, the baby will gradually understand the principle of movement, learn how to do a coup on his own.
Drooling profusely
At about 2 months, most babies begin to salivate profusely. This is a harbinger of the appearance of teeth. Depending on the terms laid down by nature, they can appear both in 3 months and in six months. The appearance of the first teeth can be accompanied by various manifestations of anxiety and even fever. If you notice changes in your child's behavior, check their gums. If they are swollen and reddened, then the cause of concern is the eruption of the first teeth. The appearance of milk teeth is a natural process. But often it causes anxiety and even sleep disturbance. Teeth do not appear every second. Sometimes this process can drag on for a month, periodically causing the baby to experience discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you can use:
- special gels for pain relief. Consult a pediatrician before use;
- teething toys. In the children's departments, you can find special rubber devices filled with gel. Before use, they are kept in the refrigerator and offered to the baby during wakefulness;
- frequent breastfeeding. Mother's milk has an analgesic effect, and the process itself soothes the baby.
Bowel movements between 2 and 3 months depend on the type of feeding in terms of color, frequency and consistency. The regularity of this process is noticeable. Outwardly, the stool masses of a child on breastfeeding are mushy, almost completely absorbed into the diaper. Bowel movements occur daily, at approximately the same time, up to 5 times. Depending on the stage of maturation of the gastrointestinal system, stool delays of up to 3-4 days occur. This is the norm. No action is required in such a situation. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the baby has not pooped for more than 4 days. Formula-fed babies require more careful stool control. If, with a stool retention of 2 days, the baby shows concern, then you should consult a doctor and it is possible to change the mixture. Doctors often prescribe drinking water. This helps to solve the problem with the establishment of digestion of food. If your pediatrician gave you such advice, then try to follow it. The peanuts are supplemented with boiled water from trusted sources. In no case do not offer the baby raw water. Even if it is taken from a well or a holy spring. The child's body cannot yet resist a variety of pathogenic organisms in raw water, so it is necessary to purify the water by boiling.
Babies usually sleep up to 10 hours a night, during which they wake up 2 to eat. During the day, the baby sleeps up to 4 times. The duration of daytime sleep alternates. Usually there is a short sleep (20-30 minutes) after morning procedures and feeding, a long sleep (up to 2 hours) closer to dinner, a short (up to 30 minutes) lunchtime sleep and a long evening sleep before active games, swimming. Establishing a sleep and wakefulness schedule helps the mother distribute classes, choose the time for her rest and walk, and solve everyday problems.
It is worth noting that by the age of 3 months, many children develop sensitivity to weather changes. The reaction to the full moon and other natural changes can be expressed by anxiety, whims, and disturbed night sleep. But don't be afraid. In most cases, the baby will gradually get used to the new sensations, everything will work out.
Physical development of a two-month-old baby
If you look at a child at the age of 2-3 months and compare it with a newborn, then physical development is noticeable. The kid got stronger and grew up. Weight increased by almost 2 times, and height by 5-6 cm. The baby became plump, cheeks and folds appeared, due to the development of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Depending on the weight, genetics and nature of the toddler, by 3 months there may be a jump in motor activity or additional classes may be required to stimulate the development of skills. Some children toss and turn with pleasure and try to crawl, others prefer to get what they need with the help of crying and demands. During this period, it is already easy to recognize the features of the future character. At a monthly appointment with a pediatrician, it is imperative to measure the anthropometric data of the child, check their compliance with the norms of harmonious development. Weight and height gain occurs for each baby according to its own schedule, so you should not be upset if during this period the baby gains less or more, grows by 1 cm, and not by 2. The set of these important indicators for determining health occurs abruptly.
Some children can gain 1400 grams in one month, and only 400 in the next, grow 1 cm in one month, and 4 in the next. Changes in weight and height parameters occur depending on genetics, laid down by the nature of the development program, body features. Evaluation of the harmony of development is based on the observation and evaluation of changes in indicators over several months. The situation should cause excitement if the baby gains very little or a lot during all 3 months, if there is a significant difference between the indicators, the deviation from the boundary indicators is significant. When measuring the baby, the pediatrician compares the result with the established norms and indicates the harmonious development in the child's card. If any indicator bothers you, do not hesitate to ask your doctor what this may be due to. Measurement of the height and weight of babies born prematurely is measured according to separate tables. The goals of such little ones are higher. Normally, premature babies should approach their peers in weight by 3-6 months.
Measurements of the circumference of the head and chest at the reception at 3 months should show close indicators. By this period, the sternum should increase, almost reaching the girth of the head. 9Ol000
- Turn from back to stomach. Exercise helps stimulate this skill. It is recommended to lay the baby on a hard surface several times a day and show him how it is done;
- Confidently hold and turn the head in different body positions.
It is no longer necessary to hold the baby, it is enough to insure against sudden and uncontrolled movements;
- Rest your feet in a prone position, guided by your own desire. This skill gradually passes from a reflex into an independent one;
- Reach out for toys while lying on the stomach, try to get the garlands hanging in front of the eyes, grab the offered items;
- Laugh. This skill appears by 2.5 months, and depending on the nature of the crumbs, laughter can be very loud or almost inaudible;
- Walk. In addition to crying, children between 2 and 3 months actively learn new ways of communicating with the world. Singing vowels appear first, after which consonants are added to them. By 3 months, the baby can “sing” various sounds for a long time, trying to attract the attention of adults. When communicating with parents and other familiar people, he joyfully screeches, screeches and screeches;
- Keep your gaze on the object for up to 30 seconds, follow the movement of the object at a distance of up to half a meter;
- Taste toys.
The knowledge of the baby's world occurs through all the means available to him. The desire to taste toys is normal for a 2-3 month old baby. After evaluating the appearance, sound and texture, the little one wants to understand whether it is possible to eat it. It is worth paying attention to the cleanliness of objects in the field of view of the child and accessible to his pens.
Motor activity and emotional development
If up to 2 months the baby spent most of his time sleeping, then starting from the 8th week there will be a gradual reduction in rest time and an increase in the duration of active pastime. Increasing motor activity will gradually lead to the development of various skills and will become a guide to emotional maturation. By studying the possibilities of his body, examining and feeling everything around, the baby receives a large amount of information, which allows him to gradually form knowledge about himself, his capabilities, surrounding objects. The knowledge base about the surrounding world is built on simple sensations and information received through the senses. At 2 months, the baby is ready to fully immerse himself in the learning process. Offer to examine various objects, feel different materials, listen to different sounds. Train motor skills with morning exercises, periodic exercises, massage.
Safety and emotional comfort should be carefully monitored. Try to maintain the psychological balance of the crumbs, create ideal conditions for him. The psychological peace of the mother is also very important. At this age, children are very sensitive to their mother's mood swings, her condition and mood. Try to smile as often as possible and rejoice at your child, talk to him. You need to learn to control yourself and in any situation be able to tune in to a positive wave.
Anxiety, aggression, despondency, melancholy, resentment - all these emotions of the mother are felt by the baby. Not understanding what is happening, he reacts to them with crying, whims, sleep disturbance. This does not help the baby develop, but scares him. Try, being next to the crumbs, to always be cheerful, kind and happy.
At the third month of life, the baby's vision has already improved significantly. The peanut is already confidently focusing his eyes and studying the objects offered to him, he is looking for his chest not by touch, but by sight. Seeing a sisyu, the baby opens his mouth, hearing a sound - turns his head in his direction, in search of the object that issued it, seeing a familiar face - smiles, starts to roar. Vision begins to play an important role in the life of the crumbs. There is an ability to distinguish colors, highlight familiar objects, react positively or negatively to them.
A variety of exercises should be offered to stimulate visual activity. Keep playing the rattle in front of your eyes, stimulating you to follow its movements.Lay out different bright objects in the crib and on the table, let's have the opportunity to study your face and the world around you. Offer to play peek-a-boo.
It would be ideal to show the baby that any object can make a sound. Let him see you clap your hands, shake your rattle, sing songs. The formation of strong visual-sound connections will lay the foundation for future mental success, will motivate for independent study of the surrounding reality. Between 2 and 3 months, the baby begins to look in the same direction with both eyes. If before that it was possible to notice some discrepancy in the position of the pupils, then by 3 months it should disappear. If severe strabismus does not go away by 3 months, then it is urgent to consult a specialist.
Hearing development after 2 months requires variety. At this age, mother's singing and listening to classical music plays a special role. You can turn on soft music for up to 15 minutes a day, watching the reaction of the crumbs. Well, the development of the auditory centers is influenced by various exercises for the development of visual-auditory skills. Try tying a bell to your baby's hand and show him how to play. Offer to shake the rattle yourself. In addition to singing and music, try to talk to the baby as often as possible, while it is desirable that he sees your articulation. Have a dialogue with the baby, show how animals talk, read and show books. A variety of sounds will allow the baby to quickly form a sound base, stimulate the desire to repeat what he heard, to speak.
Emotions and behavior
A child of 2-3 months is not yet able to control his emotions, so their manifestation is always quite violent. Watching the little one, the mother can easily understand what the baby feels. The spectrum of emotions is already quite wide, so the expression options are expanding:
- things that are pleasant for the baby cause a smile and laughter.
The face of a loved one, the voice of the mother, familiar toys and music allow the baby to feel a surge of positive emotions;
- active movements, cooing accompany the desire to communicate;
- crying at different volumes, the little one announces that he wants to eat, he is wet or bored;
- crying accompanies pain, discomfort.
In the baby's voice one can distinguish the manifestation of new types of emotions. The kid can demand, ask, complain, play. It is recommended to try to learn to recognize the crumbs' emotions as early as possible. This will allow you to accurately meet the needs, assess the state and prevent possible negative changes in a timely manner.
Human speech does not appear by itself. It goes through a long process of development. Between the 2nd and 3rd month of a baby's life, an important change occurs. The kid learns not only to cry and scream, but also to express his emotions with the help of the speech apparatus. The appearance of cooing is an important step in the formation of speech. The absence of sounds in the speech of the crumbs by the end of the 3rd month of life may be signs of some hearing or nervous system disorders. It is recommended to stimulate the emergence of this important skill. Children develop in the same way as the adults around them. You need to try as often as possible to contact the baby, tell him fairy tales, rhymes, nursery rhymes, sing. The first sounds in most cases are the vowels "a", "o", "e", "i". Often they do not appear in their pure form, but paired with consonants. This is a good sign. Try to respond to the spoken beginnings of words, to show interest. If the baby understands that with the help of sound he can attract your attention, he will strive to improve this skill.
2-3 month old baby care
The principles of 2-3 month old baby care remain the same. Reducing the frequency of bowel movements and urination will allow you to set a rough diaper change schedule and calculate the amount of this hygiene item needed for a certain period. Mandatory daily activities for a 2-3 month old baby are:
- morning hygiene procedures. Changing diapers, washing, cleansing eyes, nose and ears;
- morning exercises;
- air baths;
- walking in the street;
- daily complex of exercises;
- evening bathing;
- educational activities.
The arrangement of these activities during the day remains the same. It is recommended to perform certain types at the set time and try not to violate the accepted regimen.
The baby is strong and holds his head quite well. Bathing becomes easier and more comfortable. The peanut sits comfortably in a special slide and watches with pleasure how mom or dad entertain him. The use of soap and other cleansers is not yet required. With sleep disorders, skin problems and other negative reactions of the body, the pediatrician may prescribe bathing in decoctions of herbs, infusions. When using bath additives, be sure to rinse the child's skin with clean water at the end of the procedure. A stronger 2-month-old baby can be offered a new type of bathing. In the children's department, purchase a special circle for the neck, suitable for age. Invite the baby to swim in the typed bath. Such bathing contributes to the complex development of the muscles of the child's body, relieves excessive tension, and normalizes mental balance.
Nutrition and daily routine
Breastfeeding at 2-3 months is recommended. Artificial feeding is used in cases of absence or small amount of mother's milk, inability to establish normal feeding, or in case of intolerance to breast milk components. If it is possible to maintain lactation, it is desirable to contribute to this by all means. Breast milk at this age is the most nutritious and healthy product containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is ideal for the emerging digestive system. Mother's milk contains antibodies that help fight infection. With pain, the chest allows the little one to feel relief. In the third month, a woman's hormonal background decreases, which can cause some problems with milk production. To avoid a decrease in milk production, you should:
- eat well and qualitatively;
- drink enough fluids;
- rest;
- observe breast hygiene;
- offer your baby more snacks or light breast massages.
Breastfeeding meals
Breastfeeding babies usually eat up to 10 times during the day and 2 times at night. The number of demands for food from the baby is reduced and reaches a pronounced certain frequency. Most children eat with an interval of 2.5-3 hours, while the feeding time is reduced to 15-20 minutes. The baby has become stronger and can eat the required amount of food faster. Often there is a distraction of the baby from food to extraneous noise, so it is worth feeding the baby in a quiet place. At 2-3 months, children are already more active, so feeding does not always end with sleep. Regurgitation after feeding is practically not observed, it becomes minimal.
It is recommended that you continue to carry your baby upright after each feeding for 5-10 minutes. Wait 30 minutes after eating before laying on the stomach.
Normally no additional foods or formulas are required during this period. The best indicator of milk sufficiency is a cheerful cheerful mood of the baby, calm sleep, constant bowel movement, weight gain from 125 gr. in Week. If you think your baby is malnourished and one of the above signs is missing, you should talk to your pediatrician about the need for complementary foods or formulas. It is not recommended to make a decision on supplementary feeding on your own!
Formula-fed babies need extra vitamins. On the recommendation of a pediatrician, you can enter the first juices. Most often start with apple juice offered in minimal doses. On the first day, a few drops in the morning. On the second day, half a teaspoon. On the third day, a teaspoon. Please note that the introduction of juice must be started after the baby is examined by a pediatrician in the absence of rashes, fever, nasal congestion and other manifestations of infection. All new products are introduced in the morning, without mixing. After the introduction of a new product, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby during the day. If a rash, irritation or moodiness occurs, the introduction of a larger dose should be postponed. Artificial feeding is often accompanied by some difficulties in digesting food. You should carefully monitor the constancy of bowel movements, the consistency of the outgoing masses. Too dry, tight feces indicates a lack of fluid in the body. A consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. When choosing a mixture for crumbs, always be guided by the recommendations placed on the pack.
Before buying, make sure that the age indicated on the package matches your child. Cooking must comply with the instructions on the packaging. Please note that each infant nutrition company specifies the method, amount of dry formula that is suitable directly for the specified product. Even if it seems to you that the consistency is too liquid, follow the indicated proportions.
Daily routine
At the age of 2 months, it is worth taking care of the constancy in the life of the crumbs. Early habituation to the regimen will avoid problems with sleep, nutrition and development in the future. Try to offer the crumbs a variety of procedures, exercises, feeding and sleep at the same time, while trying to keep the crumbs in a good mood. Excessive overexcitation, overstrain and fatigue of the little one should be avoided. During this period, there is an active knowledge of the world around and, along with emotions, the baby needs a good rest.
Mental development (reflexes)
In the period between 2 and 3 months of life, there is a gradual extinction of innate reflexes and the appearance of conditioned ones. The muscle tone of the child practically disappears, normally stepping and proboscis reflexes are barely noticeable. Among the remaining vivid manifestations of innate behavior are the sucking reflex, throwing up the arms in response to raising the legs and crawling (if the baby lying on the stomach is given support on the heel, he will try to push off). The gradual extinction of innate unconscious behavior indicates the improvement of the nervous system, the formation of conditioned behavior, and normal development. Between 2 and 3 months it is good to visit a neurologist for control.
For further development, it is necessary to stimulate a variety of motor skills, continuing to perform the previously studied physical complex and introducing new exercises into the life of the baby.
To help the baby learn the necessary skills, it is advisable:
- Offer to lie on the stomach several times a day, exercising the muscles of the back and neck;
- Lay out a variety of bright objects in front of a baby lying on his stomach, stimulating him to reach for them;
- Induce rollovers on the side while lying on the back.
Bring the crumbs handle over the opposite shoulder, motivating him to roll over;
- While lying on your back, ask your baby to grab your fingers and lift him up a little. With the constant performance of this exercise, you can gradually notice how the back muscles are strengthened, the baby tends to sit down. But don't be too stubborn. The ability to sit will appear closer to six months. At the moment, the back muscles are not yet strong enough, an extra load can adversely affect. Try not to help, but to stimulate!
By the age of three months, the baby will already have a practically formed nervous system and a readiness to start conquering new heights.
Developmental sessions
In addition to stimulation of motor activity, it is recommended to start training sessions at the age of 2 months. To do this, it is necessary to begin to acquaint the baby with a variety of activities. Suggest to the baby:
- Listen and look at books.
In stores you can find many small books for babies. The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the baby to speech. Watching you read, seeing your articulation, the little one will begin to understand how this is done, in the future he will definitely please you with early success. In the absence of special books, you can read any literature. The main requirement will be increased emotionality when reading, the pleasure of parents from the action performed;
- Enjoy your singing. Continue to sing to the baby, introduce simple poetic forms. The combination of speech and music will stimulate the hearing of the little one, introduce him to a variety of means of expression;
- View performance. Button eyes can be sewn to old socks and the resulting hero can talk with the baby lying in the crib. If desired, you can use ordinary toys depicting people or animals;
- Listen to how the animals and himself speak. When communicating with the baby, show him how various animals speak, repeat sounds after the baby, talk and smile;
- Talk face to face.
In addition to communicating in the crib, invite the baby to communicate, closely examining the mother's face. Take the crumb under the arms and bring it to your face. Tell him how much you love him or sing a song;
- Explore the world from a special chair, playpen, swing. You can purchase various devices that allow the baby to look around without being in his mother's arms. The main thing is to make sure that the selected devices are suitable for the child by age.
Possible problems
Even when offering the best care for a baby, no one is immune from some problems. Let's look at the most common questions and how to solve them.
Remains of scales on the head
If up to 2 months the presence of crusts on the scalp of the child is normal, then after 2 months they should normally disappear completely. If you notice that the baby still has these manifestations in some places, then you need to soak this area with petroleum jelly and carefully comb out. If the scalp does not lend itself to cleansing, it is necessary to contact the local pediatrician for advice.
No smile
Some babies do not begin to smile by 2 months. This does not indicate developmental delay. You should be patient and talk to your baby more often. Sometimes babies take this step closer to 2.5 months. In the absence of a reaction to a conversation and a smile by 3 months, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician to prescribe additional studies.
First teeth
It is not uncommon for a baby to drool profusely by the age of 3 months, the gums swell and the baby becomes capricious. The early appearance of teeth is quite normal. To reduce pain, offer the crumbs to play with the teether, consult a pediatrician about the use of drugs that facilitate teething, offer the breast more often.
Reaction to vaccination
During this period, many children receive the DTP vaccine at this age. One of the frequent complications of this vaccine is fever. In order to clearly understand how to act in this situation, when obtaining permission for vaccination, it is worth asking the district pediatrician in detail about possible reactions and the timing of its manifestation. To bring down the temperature in a child should be when it rises above 38.5 degrees. At a lower mark, the diaper should be removed from the child, let him lie down undressed. No need to wrap up and additionally cover the baby. Until the age of 3, children do not have the ability to control their own body temperature. Your attempt to cover and warm the baby can play a cruel joke, further raising the temperature. The child may be lethargic, eat little and sleep for a long time. This is a normal reaction to the vaccine.
Diaper dermatitis
Diaper dermatitis often occurs as a reaction to diapers. The reaction begins with redness, after a short time covered with a crust. In most cases, redness does not require treatment. It is enough to change the brand of hygiene items used, lubricate damaged areas with petroleum jelly, and arrange air baths more often. If 3 days after changing the brand of diapers and constant treatment of the affected area, the redness does not go away, cracks appear, then you need to contact the local pediatrician to prescribe special treatment. Age from 2 to 3 months is rich in events and changes. The gradual transformation of a child from a constantly sleeping crumb into a vigorous, mobile and talkative person is a real happiness. Be attentive to the baby, watch your own health, enjoy this wonderful time.
Infant 2 to 3 months old. What to do with him
By the end of the 3rd month, the child's behavior changes depending on the state of the environment. He listens intently to new sounds, carefully examines the room. Now the baby can open his fists and feel the toys with his palm, he notices the difference between hard and soft.
By interacting with your baby during feeding, bathing, dressing and getting ready for bed, you continue to educate and acquaint him with the world around him.
Things to do with your baby
- While feeding, bathing, dressing and preparing for bed, listen to the sounds your baby makes and try to imitate him. Remember to look at the child's face and pause while doing this. Soon it will turn into a kind of dialogue and will bring pleasure to you and your baby.
- Continue to sing melodic songs and tell rhythmic rhymes (lullabies, poems by A. Barto, etc.).
- After bathing, bring the child to the mirror and draw his attention to the reflection. Touch the baby's body parts and name them.
- From time to time, when you are changing your baby, lay your baby out on a colored blanket or patchwork rug. It is useful for developing tactile sensitivity and visual attention.
- Hang a balloon, silver or colored foil over the dressing table.
They will make the environment more attractive and interesting. First, the baby will examine them, and then try to reach them.
- While awake, it is good to rock the child on a big ball (in a rocking chair or hammock), because such rocking develops the vestibular apparatus. Carefully lay the baby on his stomach on the ball and, holding him by the sides, gently roll the ball back and forth. You can conduct daily special exercises with your baby to develop hearing, vision, smell, and tactile sensitivity. We advise you to use not only factory-made toys, but also home-made ones (any jars, plastic bottles and bottles filled with cereals or small toys).
- To stimulate vision, it is useful to put a black and white striped mitten on the child's hand (you can tie a striped piece of fabric), and the same socks on the feet. Moving their arms and legs, the baby will examine them, learn to coordinate their movements.
- Hang a spinning mobile with colorful toys above the crib.
The kid will consider them, try to reach out and grab them. Toys should be changed periodically to keep the child interested and stimulated to explore.
- Lift the baby up and down, turn in different directions. Be sure to comment on your actions: "Up - down, forward - back." Such exercises develop the vestibular apparatus and enable the child to look at objects from different angles.
- Teach your baby to locate the source of a sound and match the sound to the toy or object that makes it. To do this, use rattles or any sounding toys and extract sound at different distances and in different directions (far and close, front and back, above and below).
- Stick one or two pictures on the inside of a clear plastic bag, inflate and tie. Show the bag to your child and give it to your hand. He will be interested in the feeling of touching the package, and the pictures will attract attention. Performing such exercises will be beneficial in the future when the child looks at the pictures in the book.