When can you tell people your pregnant
When to tell people you are pregnant
When to tell people you are pregnant | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
For many women, choosing the right time to tell family and friends that they are pregnant is hard. There is no right answer. But there are several things you may wish to think about when making this decision.
Ask yourself the questions below to help work out what’s right for you.
Who should I tell first?
If you have a partner, the decision about who to tell, as well as when and how, is best made with them.
In many ways, it may be harder to tell close family and friends that you are pregnant than people you do not know as well. So, it may be worth planning who you will tell first about your pregnancy and how you will do it.
You may decide you want to tell your family and close friends first. Then they will be available to provide support as early as possible.
How do I tell them?
Close friends and family may prefer to be told personally.
It’s worth remembering that if you announce your pregnancy on social media, you may have little control over who views your announcement and when. These public announcements may draw significant attention, personal stories, and advice, which may or may not be invited and/or wanted.
How do I tell someone who’s infertile or lost a baby?
When you tell people you are pregnant, your friends and family will almost certainly be very happy for you. But some people may not be able to show their happiness for you as enthusiastically as others. Those who have lost a baby, or are having trouble getting pregnant may find the news difficult.
It may help to tell these friends in private and before you tell others, letting them know you realise your news may not be easy for them.
What if I tell people I’m pregnant and then have a miscarriage?
Many women choose to delay announcing a pregnancy at least until the end of the first trimester (12 weeks into their pregnancy). This is usually because of concerns about the risk of miscarriage (pregnancy loss) during this time.
When deciding the right time to tell people you are pregnant, you might want to think about how you would handle a miscarriage were it to happen. Many people would consider a miscarriage so devastating that they would be too distressed to discuss it with others.
On the other hand, by telling people you are pregnant, support may be available in the event of a miscarriage.
When should I tell my employer that I’m pregnant?
Unless your doctor has told you it is unsafe, it is possible to work while you are pregnant.
There is no law saying you need to tell your employer at any specific time that you are pregnant. But both Australian law and your employment contract, agreement or award (if you have one) will include certain rights and responsibilities.
You need to give your employer at least 10 weeks notice if you are planning to take parental leave. You must give them written notice of your leave and return dates. These dates should be confirmed at least 4 weeks before your leave starts.
It’s a good idea to tell your employer you are pregnant before they hear it from somebody else. That’s because there may have to be some changes made to your working arrangements. For example, you may have to avoid certain tasks that are a health and safety risk, depending on what your work involves.
In Australia, you are protected by law against discrimination during pregnancy. That means you cannot be treated unfairly because you are pregnant. This means you can’t be sacked, given fewer hours, or overlooked for a promotion because you are pregnant.
When should I tell my colleagues?
Early in your pregnancy you may experience symptoms such as tiredness or morning sickness. You may also need to take time off for appointments.
This could affect both your personal and working relationships with your co-workers if they don’t know why it’s happening. It’s often a good idea to tell your co-workers you are pregnant once you have told your boss.
A workplace can offer significant personal support during pregnancy. It may be especially valuable should you experience pregnancy complications.
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Raising Children (Pregnancy and work: women's rights and entitlements), Fair Work Ombudsman (Maternity and parental leave), The Royal Women's Hospital (Miscarriage)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: May 2022
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When To Tell People You Are Pregnant
Learning you’re pregnant is an exciting moment in your pregnancy journey. After savoring the news yourself, you might wonder when to tell people you are pregnant and how to share this moment with your community, including your partner, parents, family, friends, and coworkers. Though when to announce your pregnancy is ultimately a personal choice, some factors might influence the timing, and we’ve gathered all the helpful details.
This is a very common question with a not-so-clear-cut answer. There really is no “best” time to announce your pregnancy or a rule for when you should tell people you’re pregnant. When you share the news is totally up to you!
But in addition to the question “When should I announce my pregnancy?” you might be wondering how long to wait to share the news. It might help to consider the following when deciding when to announce your pregnancy:
First trimester. When is it safe to announce a pregnancy? This is a concern for many parents, as early pregnancy loss (a miscarriage earlier than 13 weeks) occurs in about 10 percent of known pregnancies. But the risk of miscarriage is much lower after the first trimester, which is why many feel it’s safer to wait until the following trimester to share the news.
First prenatal appointment.
If you think you might be pregnant and take an at-home pregnancy test, you might want to confirm the pregnancy with your healthcare provider before sharing the news. At this appointment, which often takes place at around 8 to 10 weeks, your provider might do a health screening and determine any risk factors. You may feel better knowing these details before sharing your announcement.
Sonogram. If you wait until after an ultrasound exam to share your big news, you'll likely have a sonogram (an ultrasound image) that you could include in your pregnancy announcement, which could be a fun idea! You’ll likely have at least one ultrasound during your pregnancy, typically a standard ultrasound at around 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. However, your healthcare provider may recommend more.
If you’re on the fence about when to tell people you are pregnant, it might help to consider the pros and cons of waiting a little longer to reveal the news:
When you share the news, you have people there to support you. Those early signs of pregnancy aren’t always the most fun (morning sickness and fatigue, for example), and you may want someone in the know to help you along the way. Plus, it’s fun to have your partner, friend, or family member there to discuss exciting things, like choosing a unique baby name or decorating the nursery.
Cons. Once you share the news, get ready for all the questions! Everyone will want to know how you’re feeling and might even want to touch your belly. And one con to really think about is what happens if you do have a miscarriage after announcing your pregnancy. It’s a personal choice, so ask yourself if it’s better for just one or two people in your inner support circle to know or if you’re OK with others knowing.
So, when do people announce their pregnancy?
Everyone is different, of course, with various factors at play that could influence when to tell people you are pregnant. You can share the news right away or wait until that baby bump of yours is starting to show. It’s really up to you! But keep reading for a little more advice on when to tell people you are pregnant, starting with your partner and even your acquaintances.
When it comes to a pregnancy announcement to your husband or partner, there are two popular times to reveal the news:
As soon as possible. Some like to share the news with their partner right away! It’s exciting for both of you, and it might be helpful to have your partner’s support from the get-go.
After the first prenatal visit. If you’d like to get your pregnancy confirmed by your healthcare provider, you could wait until after that initial prenatal appointment.
For cute pregnancy announcement ideas, check out the video below:
When to Tell Your Parents You're PregnantWhen to tell your parents you’re pregnant depends on personal circumstances, but some popular times include:
As soon as possible.
Some people like to tell their entire inner support circle right away, and that might include your parents.
After telling your partner. If you want your partner to be the first to know, your parents are usually the next in line, and it might be fun to surprise them together!
After the standard ultrasound. Using the sonogram photo is a great way to announce your pregnancy to your parents, so you might want to wait until after your ultrasound.
As for your siblings, aunts, uncles, and other members of your immediate family, there are quite a few popular times:
After telling your partner and parents. Once your partner and parents know the news, siblings and immediate family are typically the next to find out.
After the standard ultrasound. Again, if you’d like to use your sonogram photo to reveal the news, you can wait until after your ultrasound.
As you start to show. Your baby bump could be a clue to others, so sharing the news when you start showing might be the best time.
When do people announce their pregnancy to other friends, bosses, coworkers, and casual acquaintances? These groups are typically the last to know, and you can share your news with them whenever you want! A baby announcement at work might look different than a casual social media post. Still, here are a few popular timings:
After the standard ultrasound. A cute little photo or social media post of your sonogram is a great way to announce your pregnancy. Plus, you might feel it’s safe to share your news with your wider circle by that time.
As you start to show. Once you start showing, it’ll be tricky to hide the news from friends, coworkers, and acquaintances.
When your belly bump arrives might be the time to announce your pregnancy.
With a birth announcement. For casual friends or acquaintances that you see only once in a while or interact with on social media, you might want to wait until your baby is born and send or post a birth announcement.
Once you decide when to tell people you are pregnant, you can start thinking about how to share your news. You can really get creative with this, whether you’re telling your partner you’re pregnant or surprising your parents, but a few typical ways to reveal your pregnancy include:
In person. Revealing the news face-to-face can make the moment even more special. Share your announcement over dinner or with a fun night in!
At a party. When you want to tell a group of people the news, you might want to consider a party for your friends, family, and/or coworkers.
This way, everyone can celebrate together!
On a virtual call. If family or friends live far away—or you want to embrace the digital age—there’s always a virtual call. You can stand up to reveal your baby bump as a surprise!
On social media. Announcing your pregnancy on social media has become the go-to method after letting your close family and friends know. It’s a great way to share the news with a wide audience all at once.
With a card. A classic card via snail mail or e-mail is always an option. You can design a pregnancy announcement card to send in the mail or opt for an e-card.
Via phone. Sometimes, all you need is a phone call or even a text! You can send something first like “I have news…” to set up your announcement.
How you tell people you’re pregnant may depend on who they are and your unique situation. It’s common to share the news in person with your partner and parents, and some enjoy telling their immediate family in person, too, or with a party.
If your family lives far away, virtual calls, classic phone calls, or pregnancy announcement cards are all great options. Deciding on how to tell friends you are pregnant may depend on how close you are and could include an in-person visit, party, or card. A cute social media post might be all you need for other acquaintances.
The Bottom LineDeciding when to announce your pregnancy comes down to personal choice and may be dependent on a few factors. Some like to tell their inner support circle (partner, best friend, or parents) early to have some help from the start. But others like to wait until after the first trimester when the risk of miscarriage is low. Everyone’s situation is different, so consider the information above to make the right decision for you and your family.
As you start to prepare for your little one’s arrival, don’t forget to download the Pampers Club app so you’re rewarded for all those diapers and wipes purchases. If this is your first child, you might be surprised with how many diapers a baby will need!
Questions from pregnant women • pregnancy • answers from a gynecologist
Questions from pregnant women • pregnancy • answers from a gynecologistI agree
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Answers to questions prepared by gynecologists, specialists in childbirth clinic Premium Medical.
What week of pregnancy should I register and why? Open
- You need to register before the 12th week of pregnancy in order to do all the necessary tests, including genetic, and ultrasonoscopy. Based on this information, the doctor can timely detect and better help in case of various complications, as well as more accurately calculate the expected due date.
How many times during pregnancy will I need to visit a gynecologist? What for? Open
- According to the state program, visits to the gynecologist during pregnancy are provided at least 6 times, but in each case the doctor draws up an individual plan for monitoring the pregnant woman, and it often happens that additional examinations or a visit are needed. You need to go to the doctor in order to detect complications in a timely manner, which, if not eliminated, can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus. For example, advanced urinary tract infection or anemia adversely affects fetal development, and undiagnosed and untreated diabetes or high blood pressure can even be life-threatening for the mother and fetus.
What does the gynecologist do during the monthly follow-up visit? Open
- During a monthly visit, the gynecologist discusses the course of pregnancy with the pregnant woman, listens to complaints, explains the results of tests, answers questions, gives recommendations on the regimen and nutrition at each stage of pregnancy, examines and evaluates the general state of health (if there is anemia, high blood pressure, edema), weighs the woman and evaluates weight gain, measures the diameter of the abdomen, which indicates adequate fetal growth, determines the position of the fetus, which is necessary for planning childbirth, sends for a urinalysis to prevent urinary tract infections that are common in pregnant women, listens to the fetal heartbeat and based on the information received, he prescribes the necessary tests or additional examinations for the next time.
Is spotting normal during pregnancy? In what cases - yes and in what - no? What to do in this case? Open
- Many women complain of spotting during pregnancy. In most cases, everything ends well, but discharge cannot be considered normal, because it often indicates serious problems, so you should always consult a doctor. Without a doctor's examination, it is impossible to say whether spotting is dangerous or not.
For which sensations, complaints and symptoms, you should definitely contact your gynecologist or the nearest hospital? Open
- A doctor should be consulted in case of sudden, sharp, severe pain in any part of the abdomen that does not go away, in case of pulling, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies, or bleeding. A consultation with a doctor is also necessary if there are serious symptoms not related to pregnancy, for example, prolonged, repeated vomiting, high fever (above 38.5), etc.
About Magne B6, folic acid, iron supplements and vitamins - do all pregnant women need them? Open
- All pregnant women before the 12th week of pregnancy should take folic acid, because it is responsible for the development of the fetal nervous system. The need for the use of other vitamins is determined by the gynecologist, depending on the time of year, diet and the general condition of the woman. Iron-containing drugs should be taken if the tests indicate anemia (including latent) or its threat. The need to take magnesium supplements is also assessed by the doctor. These drugs should not be taken by all pregnant women - you should consult your doctor.
Will I harm myself and my baby by attending pregnancy gymnastics classes? Open
- Gymnastics for pregnant women cannot do any harm to the baby - on the contrary. If there is no risk of abortion and the doctor allows gymnastics, it must be done. Exercising helps prepare for childbirth, reduces back pain that often occurs during pregnancy, improves overall well-being and provides additional energy.
What is 1st trimester screening? Why is it being done? Open
- The 1st trimester biochemical screening is a blood test that a pregnant woman takes around the 10th week of pregnancy to determine the level of PAPP-A and free b-HCG in the mother's blood. For more accurate results, this analysis is combined with fetal ultrasonoscopy at 12-13 weeks. To make the screening results more accurate, the exact gestational age, weight and age of the pregnant woman are important, because taking into account these indicators and the results of the study, the risk of Down syndrome is calculated using a computer program.
First trimester screening identifies approximately 80% of fetal genetic abnormalities, and the number of diagnosed cases increases to 90% if fetal ultrasonography is accurate. The changes revealed by the screening method do not yet mean the presence of a congenital pathology. The purpose of screening is to timely identify a group of pregnant women at risk of giving birth to a child with genetic diseases or congenital malformations.
Pregnant women from the high genetic risk group are referred to a geneticist for additional research.
How to interpret "poor" results of the first trimester screening? Open
- "Bad" results of biochemical screening do not yet mean that the fetus really has some kind of congenital pathology. The results only show the risk. For example, a score of 1:50 is considered high risk, which means that out of 50 women, one may have a fetus with a genetic disease. If biochemical screening and ultrasonoscopy of the first trimester state an increased genetic risk, the pregnant woman is referred for an additional examination to a geneticist.
I am 8 weeks pregnant and have a 4 cm cyst! Is it harming my pregnancy? There were pains in the lower abdomen, from the side of the back, in the side where the cyst was found. Open
- During pregnancy, the so-called corpus luteum works in the ovaries, which produces progesterone, a hormone that protects pregnancy.
Sometimes it happens that a cyst forms around this corpus luteum during pregnancy. These cysts usually resolve on their own before the 16th week and are rarely operated on unless the cysts are very large. These cysts, as a rule, do not have any bad effect on the development of the fetus. The size of the cyst can be monitored by ultrasonography. The final decision on what and how to deal with the cyst will be made by your doctor, after evaluating other factors as well.
Can 4D USG (4D Fetal Imaging) be done at Premium Medical Clinic? What does it give? Does this affect the course of pregnancy? Open
- Yes, 4D USG can be done at Premium Medical Clinic. This does not affect either the course of pregnancy or the fetus and allows you to get an anatomical image of the fetus, examine the face (jaw anomalies), bone pathologies, heart function, etc.
What does listening to fetal heart sounds mean? When is it done and why? Open
- Fetal heart sounds from about the 12th week can be heard through the mother's abdomen with the so-called doppler.
Previously, this was done with a stethoscope. Thus, the doctor hears how fast the fetal cardiac activity is, whether it is rhythmic. This check is carried out at each visit. At the end of pregnancy, the fetal heart sounds can be recorded on paper tape - this is called cardiotocography (KTG).
KTG recording takes 15-30 minutes. There are two detectors on the woman's abdomen: one registers the heart sounds of the fetus, the second - the activity of the uterus. The results of KTG are evaluated by a specialist on a 10-point scale. KTG at the end of pregnancy is a good and easy test to check the health of the fetus. If the KTG is low, the doctor knows how to act to help the fetus. If the KTG readings are good, then the fetus is doing well at the moment.
What should I do if I am afraid of giving birth and my gynecologist thinks that I have no gynecological obstacles for natural childbirth? Open
- You need to understand why you are afraid of childbirth.
The advice of a professional is best here - talk with your doctor, with a psychologist, attend preparatory classes. We are always afraid of the unknown, and knowledge helps to overcome fears. If you are afraid of pain, then talk to your doctor about the possibility of epidural anesthesia. If you're afraid of being alone, look for opportunities to give birth with your chosen doctor, midwife, or "spiritual midwife". If there are no serious obstacles to this, then an easy natural birth is the best way to bring a child into the world (it is the best way for both mother and child).
How to prepare for an easier birth? Open
- Premium Medical gynecologist, childbirth specialist Gita Ruttasa answers.
Today, there are several ways to reduce the pain of childbirth and make the experience of childbirth easier if needed. Although expectant mothers have this option in mind, most still want to fully experience the birth of a baby. It may seem that natural and easy childbirth do not go hand in hand, but this experience largely depends on the woman herself, on the attitude to childbirth and understanding of how it occurs.
In order not to tremble with fear in anticipation of this big event, both the body and the mind must be prepared for it.
What should a mother-to-be take into account already during pregnancy in order to prepare for an easier birth? Open
- Expectant mothers during the entire period of pregnancy should keep in mind that the purpose of pregnancy is childbirth, and to achieve this goal, you need to prepare for the entire period of pregnancy. It is very important to be physically active during pregnancy and eat a balanced, light diet. It is no longer believed that a pregnant woman should "eat for two." This, of course, is a woman's dream - to eat whatever you want, without consequences, but the wrong choice of food will affect it during childbirth, and will also affect the figure of a woman after childbirth. During pregnancy, each day a woman should receive an additional 200 calories, which is equal to one bowl of grain products. Childbirth requires not only physical effort from a woman, but also a lot of emotions, so emotional preparation is very important.
The expectant mother must gain calmness and determination in preparation for an important event. The more a pregnant woman is aware of the process of childbirth, the easier it is. The unknown scares us, and knowledge reduces fear.
During pregnancy, you should try to establish an emotional connection with the baby, the mother should feel with him as a whole, this will help her to obey her instincts during childbirth. Emotional connection can be achieved if you regularly talk to the child, putting one hand on the stomach in the place where the fetal head is, and with the other hand stroke the stomach and talk. The baby begins to hear from the 14th week of pregnancy. You can listen to your favorite music and play it during childbirth, which will help create a pleasant atmosphere.
Birth is the day the baby comes into the world, it is the first day of a newborn's life, and pain is part of that wonderful process. The fuller the contractions, the easier and faster the baby is born - this must be realized and accepted.
If the expectant mother has a low pain threshold, there is no need to be afraid of using epidural anesthesia or the so-called laughing gas. The most important thing is for a woman to be in harmony with what is happening.
How can you physically prepare for childbirth to make the process easier? Open
- To physically prepare your body for childbirth, you need to follow a diet. Many moms-to-be may frown upon hearing this, but it's a sad truth. The period of pregnancy is not provided in order to feast on everything that the soul desires. Modern food products have a high energy value and are very seductively decorated, it is difficult to refrain from eating them. If you really want, from time to time you can afford some kind of delicacy, but observing the measure. Pregnant women should try to avoid foods with wheat and refined carbohydrates, which, unfortunately, are present in desserts, chocolate, bread, cookies, etc. Foods containing wheat lead to water retention in the body, which can contribute to swelling of the vaginal tissues and prevent easy opening and dilation of the cervix.
If you refuse wheat products, the body will absorb iron better, and you will have to take less iron supplements. You should try to eat meat with salad once a day, which will help to avoid anemia - lack of iron. In the case of anemia, tissues receive less oxygen and cannot fully function, and during childbirth, a lot of energy is needed. You should also try to reduce your intake of sugar and sugar-containing foods. There may be days when you feel frustrated and angry because you can't eat everything you want, but you need to remember that the compromise you make now will pay off in the future.
Healthy eating must be combined with physical activity. Many women cut back on physical activity as they become pregnant. At the very beginning of pregnancy, this is natural, since weakness, nausea and other phenomena that prevent physical activity are possible. However, if only laziness interferes, you should not indulge in it. During pregnancy, a woman is rapidly gaining weight, and it becomes a big burden on the bones and joints.
Proper nutrition will help not to gain extra pounds, and everyday physical activity will allow you not to feel like a "ball". Walks are highly recommended. While walking, the baby's head moves with every step, which can stretch the cervix. It is advisable to walk in a rhythmic step, but without accelerated breathing, so that the walk does not feel like a difficulty. A walk along the sea or through a pine forest will help you achieve peace and inner harmony. Swimming and water aerobics are recommended during pregnancy. Swimming helps the child to take the correct position, and also unloads the joints of the pregnant woman, this is an excellent load for the circulatory system. Gymnastics for pregnant women is also a good way to increase your physical endurance under the guidance of a specialist. To make childbirth easy, it is important that the joints in the lower back, lower back and coccyx are mobile.
From time to time a pregnancy massage should be done, focusing on the areas where you feel the most tension.
You can also massage the intimate area with massage oil, lightly, in a circular motion, applying a small amount of oil to the skin of the perineum. It is advisable to use proven products so that the oil does not contain parabens, preservatives and other chemical impurities.
How can a future mother emotionally prepare herself for a big event, how to overcome fear if it arises? Open
- The process of childbirth is very dependent on the psycho-emotional state of the woman. The resulting fear of childbirth can be overcome by reading positive stories about childbirth, getting acquainted with the experience of other women. Sometimes you can get encouragement from a mother who has had a positive experience with childbirth. It is recommended not to read anything on the Internet about difficult, unsuccessful births. Fear is a major hindrance to easy labor because it releases adrenaline, which tightens the muscles, which can stop the cervical dilation and prevent effective contractions.
Breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety and fear.
Proper breathing during childbirth will divert attention from pain and improve the oxygen supply to mother and baby. It is recommended to master diaphragmatic breathing. Sit on a chair or stand with your back straight, if you want, you can lie down on the floor, it is important that the base is hard. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach, inhale slowly through your nose, counting to four. Try to push the air that you inhale into the stomach - the stomach rises like a ball. You feel the hand placed on your stomach rise. Exhale slowly through your mouth to the count of six. Light pressure of the hand on the abdomen can help the diaphragm to descend. Exercise is recommended to be performed at least 1-2 times a day daily. Only in this way will the body learn to recognize the relaxing effect of breathing. Deep breathing has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, reduces the symptoms of anxiety and does not allow them to grow.
Note that with this breath, the exhalation should always be longer than the inhalation.
Our body instinctively knows what it has to do - it is fear and anxiety that raise their heads and make us feel nervous tension. To better prepare for the big event, you can also attend childbirth preparation courses. If you have received more information and understand how the birth process proceeds, you will not have the feeling of meeting the unknown, and this is one of the reasons for fear. Classes are a great way to involve your partner in the process of preparing for childbirth, the opportunity to get closer to him even more.
How can a partner help make childbirth easier? Open
- The role of a man is to support - both emotionally and physically, especially if a woman has a bad relationship with her mother, from whom she should draw positive experience and encouragement. In this case, it is desirable that this role be performed by a partner.
The father is not physically involved in the pregnancy, but his presence is extremely important for the woman. For a woman, the feeling that she is being cared for and pampered plays a very important role in the emotional preparation for childbirth. The more a pregnant woman trusts her partner, the more secure she will feel during childbirth. A woman herself manages her birth, and often the support of a partner is needed for her to realize this. Childbirth is a transition from the status of a daughter to the status of a mother, this is a time of great change for a woman, the most beautiful moment in her life!
How to avoid stretch marks and how to deal with them after childbirth? Open
- Premium Medical cosmetologist Marina Tkachenko answers
During pregnancy, the shape of the female body rapidly changes, it becomes fuller, in some places ruptures of connective tissues are possible. Subcutaneous tissue ruptures, or stretch marks, are caused by excessive stretching of the skin.
If the skin is not elastic enough and lacks collagen, then in places that react most quickly to weight changes (anterior and lateral walls of the abdomen, thighs, forearms), we can observe the formation of stretch marks. Stretch marks are not only dependent on the elasticity of the skin, they are influenced by a number of factors - the woman's age, heredity, general health and lifestyle, as well as the time and attention paid to skin care during pregnancy. Although you cannot completely prevent stretch marks, you can cosmetically reduce their formation, reduce the area, even out them and achieve the skin looking young and firm.
What can be done to reduce the risk of stretch marks? Open
- To avoid the formation of stretch marks, you need to think about skin care during pregnancy in a timely manner. Preventive skin care is the most effective way to avoid stretch marks and other problems. It is important to skillfully use the resources that we already have in us so that we do not have to deal with the problem in an artificial way.
Prevention is based on a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy and balanced diet is the first step to good health and appearance. The body, taking healthy food, receives all the vitamins and nutrients it needs, vitamins A, D3, E, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids will take care of the skin condition. To be sure that her diet is balanced and complete, a woman can go to a consultation with a nutrition specialist who will talk in more depth about the principles of proper nutrition. If you still have to take additional vitamins, this will be reported by a doctor who monitors your state of health. It is also very important to drink enough water so that the body functions fully and the skin is provided with the right level of hydration.
Since the received vitamins and nutrients are mainly spent on the normal functioning of the body, very little remains for the skin. The main function of the skin is protective, so we must additionally help it to be in good shape using various cosmetic products.
Already from the first months of pregnancy, it is recommended to smear the body with cream or body oil. The offer of body care products is very wide, you can buy special creams against stretch marks, but the nourishing and moisturizing cream that we use on a daily basis is also suitable for this. The most important thing is not only to apply cream or oil to the body, but also to massage it thoroughly, giving the process more time and attention. This is how you care for and show love not only to the unborn child, but also to your body.
Contrast showers, Charcot showers are also excellent prophylactic measures, if only these procedures are pleasant for the expectant mother and do not cause discomfort. Do not forget about physical activity, you should be in the fresh air as much as possible, take long walks or go to therapeutic exercises.
If stretch marks still form, can they be reduced by any procedures, cosmetics? Open
- If stretch marks are nevertheless formed and there is a desire to reduce them, it is advisable to do this as soon as possible, while the stretch marks are relatively fresh and easier to correct.
If you are a breastfeeding mother, you should consult your doctor before undertaking any cosmetic procedures.
One of the most common treatments for reducing stretch marks is body massage. Depending on the type of massage, it will help restore skin elasticity after childbirth, strengthen muscles, stimulate skin blood circulation, which in turn promotes the formation of collagen. To improve skin tone, wraps, vacuum massage, lymphatic drainage massage, body peeling (AHA, chemical and abrasive peeling) are recommended to help reduce stretch marks. It should be noted that these procedures are carried out in a course, one or two times will not be enough. Also, body treatments should be combined with regular physical activity (walking, swimming in the pool, therapeutic exercises) and a balanced, healthy diet.
Body mesotherapy is often used to reduce stretch marks. These are subcutaneous injections of natural, biologically active substances that stimulate the self-healing of the skin, contribute to its elasticity and tone.
The procedure uses microneedles, through which extracts of plant and animal origin, vitamins, amino acids and minerals are injected under the skin, which in the form of injections act much more effectively than traditional cosmetics. Getting under the skin, active substances act on certain places - mesotherapeutic preparations are injected in small doses precisely into problem areas. Depending on the desired effect, you can choose different mesotherapy cocktails. This procedure is carried out in a course, and then prevention is desirable - a repetition of the procedure every 3-6 months.
One of the most advanced treatments for effectively reducing stretch marks is Plasmolifting, or I-PRF. This is a progressive treatment method that helps to restore the skin and improve its condition. The main advantage of this method is the absence of side effects, because the patient's own blood is used, to which no other chemicals are added. Thus, there is no risk of allergic reactions and infections.
This is a reliable and natural method that allows you to improve the condition and appearance of the skin, using the resources of the patient. In addition, during the procedure, the patient feels only slight discomfort, because thin needles are used, which practically do not cause pain. During the procedure, after checking the patient's health status, blood (approximately 15-30 ml) is taken from a vein, and valuable, platelet-rich plasma is separated from it using a centrifuge. The separated plasma is injected into problem areas by injection. In a small amount of blood, the concentration of platelet and stem cell growth factors is much higher, and they act on the problem area. I-PRF plasma in cosmetology is used to restore and revitalize dry, tired skin, improve the condition of problem skin in case of scars and stretch marks.
Pregnant Dad Syndrome | How to help a pregnant wife
The signs of pregnancy in women are well known to everyone: the stomach grows, strange taste preferences appear, and mood swings occur. Usually during pregnancy, the mother leads a less active lifestyle, sleeps longer and eats more. What is dad doing at this time? As a partner, he often also adjusts to a changed lifestyle. And ... it changes not only inside, but also externally. His general motor activity decreases, nausea occurs in the morning, his tummy grows, drowsiness appears, etc.
Proven is the fact that the hormonal background of the "pregnant dad" is different from the pre-pregnancy state. The amount of testosterone (male hormone) decreases, and the level of estrogen and prolactin (female hormones) increases. Most likely, these changes are secondary, that is, they come after a changed daily routine, the nature of nutrition, and are more common in men who are sensitive, attentive and caring.
Whatever changes happen to your husband, remember that he is also human. He may have his own fears, weaknesses and worries before the upcoming fatherhood. Try to let your husband understand how important he is to you, talk to him about your feelings, consult, confess your love. Spend time together more often, go for walks, go to concerts, exhibitions and visits. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a wonderful state of waiting for a baby. And if two people share it, it's wonderful!
Coping with the difficulties of pregnancy together
The body of each woman is individual, but some changes are observed in almost all expectant mothers. Many of them may have never been experienced by a woman before pregnancy, so they can be worrisome. Some of the changes are spiritual, some are physical. Some are due to the action of hormones, others are the consequences of an increase in the abdomen and body weight.
Here are the most common inconveniences encountered in mid-pregnancy:
• Edema.
• Problems of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, accumulation of gases, belching, heartburn.
• Varicose disease of the lower extremities.
• Expansion of the veins of the vagina.
• Spasms of calf muscles.
• Back pain.
• Pain in the womb and duck walking.
All these conditions are temporary, but neither doctors nor modern medicines are able to save the expectant mother from them. And, perhaps, only dad can significantly brighten up the life of mom. How?
There are many ways to please a pregnant woman. Here are the 10 most faithful of them:
1. Accompany the woman to the appointment with the doctor and ultrasound
It is pleasant for the expectant mother to realize that her beloved man is nearby, or at least outside the office door, in which she experiences not the most pleasant sensations. She will be able to share her experiences and the news she heard from the doctor with her dad, when they are still fresh and not blocked by the comments of her friends on the phone.
2. Give small gifts regularly
It is not necessary to give a new iPhone, a car or a ring. Even the most modest gift will be a wonderful sign of attention.
3. Giving flowers
Flowers are especially pleasing when they are given just like that, for no reason. Dad can set a recurring reminder on the phone for a specific day of the week.
4. Talk about your love
There are magic words in the world, and of course they are about love.
5. Cook breakfast
Even if a man does not know how to cook at all, he is able to build breakfast - boil eggs, make toast, brew delicious tea. Does not work? Then you can bring your favorite dessert from the restaurant after a business dinner.
6. Invite to a restaurant
It is sometimes useful to take a break from pregnancy. Oddly enough, many women do not want to go to the cinema during pregnancy - it is dark and noisy there. As an option, you can consider going to the theater, to a concert. Or you can just buy a new movie and watch it at home.
7. Massage
Massage your wife - this is the sacred duty of every future dad. Massage technique is not important, gentle touches are important.
8. Help around the house
During pregnancy, mom does not need to breathe dust or carry bags of groceries. Any woman will appreciate the opportunity to take a break from worries if her husband takes on these responsibilities.
9. Forgive breakdowns and tantrums
Change plans every five minutes and demand the impossible? Oh, how familiar! But sometimes a man just needs to agree with a woman so that she immediately changes her mind and acts sensibly.
10. Compliments
Most women get prettier during pregnancy, but they don't even know it! It is in the power of a man to convince a woman how beautiful she is!
Did any of these points get you hooked? Or did you come up with something of your own? Regular evening walks in the park? Shopping trips together? Discussing plans? Don't wait for a man to guess or read this article. Just ask him to do something that will change your pregnant life for the better.
Preparing for childbirth
A woman prepares for childbirth in special courses. Dad can also attend such courses, especially if he is planning a partner birth. But at the same time, many organizational issues lie on it, which you need to think about in advance, even during pregnancy.
• Organization of transportation to the maternity hospital
This is the duty of the Pope. He may not have a car, but it is desirable for him to organize the transportation of his wife to the hospital. How and what car to go? Which route? How quickly can you get to the hospital? Let there be no surprises in this matter for both of you.
• Collection of things for the maternity hospital
In fact, it is necessary to collect not one, but as many as three bags for the maternity hospital - in the maternity block, in the postpartum department and for discharge! And don't forget the documents! The help of the pope will be especially relevant if you have to go to the hospital when the woman has already begun contractions or the water has broken. She is noticeably nervous in this situation, and the composure of a man can do a good job.
• Arrangement of a children's room
Many parents start renovations while they are expecting a child. This is understandable, because the living space needs to be adapted for a new tenant. Repair dust and noise are not very compatible with an interesting situation, so it would be wiser if dad joins the home improvement.
A partner is also a partner in Africa
If the family decides on a partner birth, then this is one situation, but if the mother goes to the birth alone, this does not mean that the father can relax and do nothing. What business could he have? What should he do?
• Be as free from work as possible on the date of delivery and for a few weeks after it
Childbirth is something that concerns all family members and does not happen so often. Despite the fact that the man is not in the hospital, the very fact that he worries about his family, without being distracted by something else, will give the woman in labor strength.
• Stay in touch
Dad needs to take care of topping up his phone and his wife's phone. Before the expected date of birth, you need to regularly charge them, do not forget to turn on the sound. Alas, we often forget about such simple things. Often women are frustrated just because their phone runs out during childbirth, runs out of money on it, or they can't get through to their husband because he's unavailable!
• Being around
A well-known picture is a sleeping husband in a car near the walls of the maternity hospital. Yes, it's still relevant. Although in many maternity hospitals it is already possible to wait in a cafe, in a hall, in a corridor, etc. In any case, the closer the future dad is to the hospital, the better.
• Be ready to help
Sometimes relatives are required to buy something, go somewhere, help make a decision. After the birth, dad's help will also be needed: to bring things for the woman and the child to the postpartum department, buy something from the dowry, organize an extract.
Born - not free
When the time comes to pick up the child and wife from the hospital, dad should be fully armed.
It is not necessary to decorate the walls of the maternity hospital, it is better to prepare the apartment for the arrival of mother and baby. It should at least be clean. A young mother will also appreciate if a bouquet of flowers, balloons and, possibly, a poster (or at least a piece of paper) with a touching inscription will be waiting for her in the apartment. Dad needs to think about how to organize transportation from the hospital home. If you are accompanied by relatives on discharge, who will then go to visit you, you will need to buy a simple treat. Do not plan long feasts. Baby and mom need rest now.
Going to be discharged, dad should not forget women's, children's things, a camera or a video camera. Be sure to buy flowers for the wife and the medical staff!
At the maternity hospital, upon discharge, a woman should be given an exchange card, a certificate from the registry office for registering the child, a sheet with recommendations and conclusions about the baby’s health, indicating the procedures performed and the vaccinations made. The husband needs to check if the wife has forgotten these documents.
Now dads often organize a solemn discharge - balloons that fly into the sky, a limousine, musical accompaniment, professional photography and video filming. Think about whether you want it and whether it will please you. If you answered yes twice, go ahead.
As you can see, pregnancy and childbirth are a lot of things for mom and dad. How to do everything and not forget anything? Write lists! A wife should write to her husband what to do! It's easier for men to navigate. Not all of them know how to take the initiative and can immediately understand the situation. To shrug and say: “But mine didn’t think of it before” - this is not about moms, mom is, first of all, a manager. If this science of managing people is not familiar to you yet, then it's time to start mastering it.
Memo for future dads
How to organize help for a mother with a child after childbirth?
1. Define your male childcare responsibilities and stick to them. The more specific they are, the better. You can bathe the child. You can take the child and nurse him, say from 6 to 8 in the morning, giving the wife a chance to sleep. You can walk with the baby, go grocery shopping, buy diapers and baby water, etc.
2. Choose what appeals to you and suits your daily routine, and do it constantly. Such regularity will allow you to cope with the role of the father at first and give mom time to rest and recover faster after childbirth.
3. You can register a child and receive a birth certificate within 30 days after his birth. In order for your mother not to go to the registry office or the MFC, take these chores on yourself.
4. A newborn person also needs certificates! Don't forget about it! Registration, medical insurance, foreign passport - these are just some of them. But it is still necessary to draw up documents for receiving benefits and, if this is not the first child, maternity capital.