What age does fontanelle close
When Does the Fontanelle Close?
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By Cashmere Lashkari, B.Sc.Reviewed by Dr. Catherine Shaffer, Ph.D.
A newborn baby can look quite unlike what is usually seen in the media. The head looks misshaped, the skin is blotchy and there are many wrinkles. However, within a few days, the features begin to change and the baby begins to look like a tiny version of the parents.
The one part of the baby that still requires care is the fontanelle. Fontanelle, also spelled fontanel, is derived from the Latin term fonticulus as well as the Old French word fontaine, which means fountain or little spring. The presence of the fontanelle is essential for the protection and proper development of the baby’s brain.
Image Credit: Demkat/Shutterstock.com
What is the fontanel or fontanelle?
The skull of a baby is made up of six different bones that are held together by a flexible, elastic tissue called a suture. There is one frontal bone, one occipital bone, two parietal bones and two temporal bones. Sutures are present along the edges of all six bones and hold them together to form the cranium.
When you feel along a baby’s skull, there are soft places where the bones are not quite knit together. These soft areas are called the fontanelles. They are bordered by the suture lines which will eventually close and produce a solid skull.
If the sealing of the suture is done along the sagittal suture that runs the length of the skull, a long and narrow head is produced. Should the permanent seal take place along the coronal suture, which tends to run from side to side on the skull, it will produce a short and wide-shaped head.
Different types of fontanelle in newborn babies
When the six skull bones are bound by suture lines, six fontanelles are formed along them. The two primary fontanelles are the a nterior fontanelle and posterior fontanelle. The anterior fontanelle is found between the frontal bone and parietal bones. The posterior fontanelle is located between the pair of parietal bones and the occipital bone.
In addition to these two larger-sized fontanelles, there are four smaller fontanelles along the sutures of the remaining bones. Two are known as sphenoid fontanelles and the remaining two are called mastoid fontanelles.
The sphenoid fontanelles are on the front side of the skull between the sphenoid bone and the parietal bone. The mastoid fontanelles are found between the temporal bone and the occipital bone. This fontanelle lies towards the rear of the skull.
Time taken after birth for the fontanelles to close
The anterior fontanelle takes the longest time after birth to close. It will take between 12 to 18 months for the sutures to solidify here. The fontanelle is usually closed by the time the baby completes its second birthday.
The posterior fontanelle closes much earlier. By the third month after the baby’s birth the soft spot on the rear of the skull is usually sealed up as the suture knits the bones together. As the suture solidifies, the back of the skull is closed completely.
The sphenoid and mastoid fontanelles also close up within a couple of months of the birth of the baby. They are small and so are not noticed by most parents as soft spots on the baby’s skull.
Skull fontanelles
Precautions to take while fontanelles are open
The soft bones and flexible sutures can cause the head of the baby to flatten out. Should the flat area appear at the back of the head it is known as plagiocephaly, while if the flatness appears on the side of the head it is referred to as brachycephaly.
The appearance of this flatness is directly related to the position the baby’s head lies in when he sleeps. Parents should encourage the baby to sleep on the back and when awake to rest the rounder part of her head on a pillow. A rolled-up towel or a pillow in the shape of a doughnut may also be used to take the weight off the bones.
To get the baby to look from one side to the other, change the position of a favorite toy. As the neck muscles grow stronger make him lie on his stomach. As the baby grows older and can turn his head and sit up the pressure on the skull will decrease and the flatness will round out into a regular skull shape.
Should the shape of the head still appear abnormal after the baby has reached the toddler stage, discuss it with the doctor. He may perform a physical examination of the fontanelles to see if there is any development issue with the cranial bones. Should a problem exist a physiotherapist may be able to help correct it.
References- Medline Plus, Cranial Sutures, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002320.htm
- BabyCenter, Soft Spots, http://www.babycentre.co.uk/x552709/what-are-the-soft-spots-on-my-newborns-head
- American Family Physician, The Abnormal Fontanelle, http://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/0615/p2547.html
- Kidshealth, http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/newborn-variations.html
Further Reading
- All Fontanelle Content
- What are Fontanelles?
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2021
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(2021, March 31). When Does the Fontanelle Close?. News-Medical. Retrieved on November 14, 2022 from https://www.news-medical.net/health/When-Does-the-Fontanelle-Close.aspx.
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Lashkari, Cashmere. "When Does the Fontanelle Close?". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/health/When-Does-the-Fontanelle-Close.aspx. (accessed November 14, 2022).
Lashkari, Cashmere. 2021. When Does the Fontanelle Close?. News-Medical, viewed 14 November 2022, https://www.news-medical.net/health/When-Does-the-Fontanelle-Close.aspx.
Fontanelle Closures | Children's Hospital Colorado
Your baby has two places where their skull bones don’t fully fuse together in the first several months of life. These “soft spots” are fontanelles, a normal part of your baby’s development.
Issues with fontanelles, such as bulging or sinking, can be signs of other health concerns. Additionally, babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or those with ongoing health conditions will have additional considerations related to their fontanelles.
Children’s Hospital Colorado neonatal experts explain how your baby’s fontanelles should feel and develop and when to seek care.
What are fontanelles?
Fontanelles are the soft spaces on your baby’s head where their skull bones have not yet fused together. These spaces allow for the skull bones to shift as needed during birth and for your baby’s brain to grow. They will close as your baby grows. You should keep your eye on two fontanelles:
- Anterior fontanelle is located near the front, top of your baby’s head. This is the larger of the fontanelles.
- Posterior fontanelle is located near the back of the head.
It’s OK to lightly touch your baby’s fontanelles. A healthy fontanelle should feel soft and flat. A bulging or sunken fontanelle may be a sign of a health issue.
When do fontanelles close?
Typically, fontanelles close by the time your baby is 18 months old. The posterior fontanelle usually closes first — within 2 months of birth. The anterior fontanelle closes between 7 and 18 months. If you feel your baby’s fontanelles are closing too soon or haven’t closed in 18 months, consult your pediatrician.
Fontanelle closure for babies with medical conditions
Premature babies or babies with ongoing medical conditions might have fontanelles close on a different schedule. Conditions like hydrocephalus and brain bleeds commonly affect when fontanelles close, although other conditions can have the same effect.
Your baby’s care team can tell you when to expect your baby’s fontanelles to close based on their condition.
Premature closure of the anterior fontanelle
Sometimes, the anterior fontanelle closes too early. This is known as craniosynostosis and can limit brain growth or create an abnormal head shape. If your baby’s doctor suspects craniosynostosis, they may recommend seeing pediatric craniofacial specialists or pediatric neurosurgeons. Contact your baby’s pediatrician if you feel their fontanelle has closed too early.
Delayed closure of the anterior fontanelle
Just as fontanelles can close too early, fontanelles that close late can also be a sign of medical issues. The most common causes of fontanelles closing outside the normal time range are:
- Achondroplasia: A genetic disorder that affects cartilage and bone growth
- Hypothyroidism: An issue in the thyroid gland that affects hormone production
- Down syndrome
- Increased pressure in the brain
What does a bulging fontanelle mean?
Sometimes when a baby cries or lies down, their fontanelle will bulge above the skull bone. This is normal, as long as the fontanelle returns to its regular position when the baby sits up or stops crying.
A bulging fontanelle when not crying or lying down, it may indicate a more serious medical issue, such as:
- Hydrocephalus: A buildup of fluid in the brain
- Encephalitis: Swelling of the brain usually caused by infection
- Meningitis: Swelling of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
- Bleeding or pressure in the brain
A fontanelle that bulges when your baby is not crying, vomiting or lying down is a medical emergency. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
What does a sunken fontanelle mean?
A fontanelle that is sunken into the skull can also signal certain medical issues, including:
- Dehydration: When your baby isn’t getting enough fluid; this is the most common cause of sunken fontanelles
- Failure to thrive: Babies who are not gaining enough weight for their age
- Malnutrition: Not getting enough food or having a very imbalanced diet
If your baby has a sunken fontanelle, contact their doctor immediately and seek care as soon as possible.
Fontanelle considerations for babies with medical conditions
Babies born early or with certain medical conditions may have different sized fontanelles than babies born at full term. A larger fontanelle can be a sign of various medical conditions. Your baby’s NICU care team will diagnose such a condition and arrange the right care. If you feel your baby’s fontanelle is larger than typical, talk to your care team.
Babies born prematurely also have a higher rate of bleeding in the brain, which can lead to hydrocephalus. If your baby had bleeding in their brain, pay close attention to their fontanelles and their head circumference. Talk to your baby’s care team if you have any concerns.
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Large fontanel in newborns. Examination IPM Clinic for Children Krasnoyarsk
The birth of a baby is a very important and joyful event in the life of young parents. After birth, there are a lot of questions about the health, care and proper development of the baby. The very first questions are often asked about the fontanel.
Fontanelle - soft, non-ossified area of the cranial vault of newborn babies, consisting of the remnants of the membranous skeleton and connecting the bones of the skull. In the area of the fontanelles, a pulsation of the arteries of the brain and membranes is felt, which is why these areas are called pulsating, gushing. Fontanelles allow you to “compress” the cranial vault during childbirth for a better passage of the baby through the birth canal. Four of them close in the first days of a child's life, the fifth in the second month of life, and the sixth, the largest (anterior), closes from 3 to 24 or more months. Very often, fontanelles and the pace of their closure cause great concern to parents.
Role of the fontanel:
- The growth of the skull bones depends on the growth of the brain. The fontanelles provide elasticity to the skull during the most rapid growth. This period is from birth to two years of a child's life.
- Fontanelles also protect the baby's skull from injury: upon impact, the possibility of elastic deformation of the skull remains, which extinguishes all the kinetic energy of the impact and protects the child.
- The brain of a newborn baby is very sensitive to overheating, and a kind of natural “window” brings excess heat out and naturally cools the meninges, thereby playing an important role in the processes of heat transfer and thermoregulation of the body.
The size of the anterior (large) fontanel varies greatly. On average, the normal size of the fontanel at birth is 3.0 * 2.5 cm, it has a diamond shape.
With active growth and constant development of the baby, the free space between the bones gradually hardens and decreases in size, the pulsation becomes almost imperceptible.
Timing of fontanel closure may vary. On average, complete closure occurs by the year (normally also up to two years).
When the fontanel closes too slowly, the parents start to worry. But premature closure also does not speak well.
Causes of the “big” fontanel:
- Achondroplasia (hereditary disease)
- Down Syndrome
- Hydrocephalus
- Premature birth
- Neonatal Hyphyeriosis
- RACHIT 9000,0006 RACHITS is one of the most common causes slow closure of the fontanel. Most often, rickets develops in premature babies and in children who do not receive preventive treatment with vitamin D. In a child with rickets, the edges of a large fontanel are flexible, the back of the head flattens, and characteristic bone thickenings form on both sides of the sternum.
The change in the appearance of the fontanel also indicates a number of certain problems:
- Furious fontignant occurs against the background of
- an increase in temperature to febrile numbers
- multiple vomiting
- diarrhea
- Burring of the native nourish
- meningitis
- encephalitis
- intracranial bleeding
- increased intracranial pressure
Many factors are affected by the Rodnichka:
- for mom:
- a balanced diet
- sufficient intake of calcium in the body
- polyvitamin complexes
- for the child:
- prescription of vitamin D 9000
— sunbathing
Dispensary examination of a child under one year old allows the pediatrician to examine the baby every month. During the examination, a complete examination of the child is carried out, weighing, measuring height, head and chest circumference. The size of the large fontanel is also measured.
Be healthy!
Phone number for making an appointment with a pediatrician (391) 200-50-03
everything you need to know about fontanelles in newborns and children - Children - tsn.ua
they are a little worried: how to do everything correctly and accurately, without injuring the fragile bones of the baby? They are especially afraid of washing the head of the baby and combing the hair because of the fontanel. Maya Smolyar, head of the department of post-intensive nursing of premature newborns of the Zhytomyr Regional Perinatal Center, spoke about whether special care is needed for the fontanel and what changes in it should alert.
What is the fontanelle and what is it for
The fontanel is that part of the child's head where there is temporarily no complete ossification. The largest fontanel is on the crown, where the bones do not converge together, leaving a diamond-shaped area. Physiologically, the child is designed so that during childbirth, these bones of the skull are slightly deformed, allowing the fetal head to pass through the birth canal. In addition, the fontanel is a kind of reserve, due to which the brain of a newborn child will then grow.
Normally, a child has 6 fontanelles. The largest is located on the crown, the second largest is the occipital, it is typical for premature babies. The smallest are located on the sides of the cranium.
When do fontanelles overgrow?
At the time of birth, a full-term baby has only one large fontanel on the crown of the head. All others must be closed. In extreme cases, traces of the occipital fontanel may remain, which should close within the first month. And the lateral fontanelles must be overgrown by the time of birth.
When does the parietal fontanel close?
Normally, a large fontanel closes in the period from one to 1. 5 years. If the closure occurs earlier, for example, at 6-8 months, then this may be a normal variant or a family predisposition, but this should be paid attention to and consulted with a pediatrician. Premature closure of the fontanel may indicate the manifestation of certain problems.
What should I do if the fontanel actively pulsates or sinks?
If the child's parietal fontanel pulsates when crying, you should not pay attention to it, but if the pulsation is noticeable in the child's calm state or during sleep, then you need to contact a pediatrician, who will refer you to a pediatric neurologist. Most likely, the child has increased intracranial pressure, or the so-called hydrocephalic syndrome.
Sometimes, the fontanel, on the contrary, sinks inward. This can only happen in children of the first month of life. And if it sinks after the first month, then this indicates that the child has lost fluid with diarrhea or is not eating enough. Parents should know that a normal fontanel should be at the level of the skull bones.