When can you cut a newborn's nails
How to cut your baby's nails
How to cut your baby's nails | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content3-minute read
You may feel a little uneasy when you first cut your baby’s tiny nails. But as they grow, you will be able to take care of their nails with confidence.
Do I need to cut my baby's nails?
You may not need to cut your baby's nails for the first few months. Newborns' nails are very soft and will probably be worn down by their clothing.
However, babies can't control their arm or leg movements for the first 6 weeks. If their nails are sharp or jagged, they may scratch themselves. If you notice your baby's nails need to be smoothed, you may need to trim them.
Babies’ nails grow very fast, so keep an eye on them and trim them when necessary.
How do I cut my baby's nails?
The best time to cut your baby's nails is when they're asleep or very drowsy and calm. After a bath is a good time because their nails will be softer then.
Make sure you have plenty of light and that you hold your baby securely either in your arms or in a highchair. It can help if someone else holds the baby while you cut the nails.
You can use baby nail clippers or baby nail scissors with rounded ends. Pull the pad of the finger or toe gently away from the nail to avoid cutting the skin and then cut the nail straight across. Sometimes you may just need to use an emery board to smooth and round the nail.
Some babies might not like having their nails cut. You can soothe them by talking or singing to them, distracting them with a toy or making a game of it. Praise your baby when you have finished.
Things to avoid
It's not a good idea to bite your baby’s nails with your teeth because this can spread germs from your mouth and lead to an infection.
If you peel your baby’s nails, you can easily tear them back too far, which will hurt your baby.
Try not to shape the nail or cut down the sides of the nail. This can cause ingrown nails and infections.
What to do if something goes wrong
Even with the best of care, it's possible to accidentally nick the baby's finger or toe. If it's bleeding, gently press a soft, clean cloth over the cut until the bleeding stops. Don’t put on a dressing like a band-aid as the baby might suck on it and it could come off.
Sometimes young babies get an infection next to their fingernail or toenail. If this happens, you can use a little water-based antiseptic cream, lotion or a saline solution to keep the area clean. If you use cream or lotion, put a mitten on your baby's hand so they don't suck it.
If the infection spreads and the finger or toe becomes red and swollen, you will need to see a doctor since your baby may need an antibiotic.
Women’s and Children’s Health Network (Babies - common questions and answers), Raising Children Network (Trimming baby nails)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: April 2021
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Video: Baby Nails
Dr. Joe explains how to take care of our baby's nails.
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Cutting baby nails & baby nail care | Raising Children Network
Cutting baby nails is important, because short nails mean babies can’t scratch themselves. It can help to cut baby nails when baby is calm, drowsy or asleep.
Read more on raisingchildren.net. au website
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A New Mom’s Complete Guide to Cutting Baby’s Nails – Gerber Childrenswear
In the first few months as a new mom, there are so many new experiences to learn from and master. One of the most anxiety-inducing events for the parent of a newborn is learning how to cut baby’s nails for the first time. While you’ve been a pro at cutting your own nails for decades, a newborn’s nails are much different. For one, they’re much softer than those of an adult, which definitely makes it easier for you to cut their delicate skin or cause discomfort.
It can be tempting to try to avoid the practice or pass it off to a more experienced parent for as long as you can. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to avoid trimming your child’s delicate toenails and fingernails for more than a few weeks. Eventually, you’ll also have to be the one to do the job. Since we know you’re nervous and experiencing so many firsts, we want to do all we can to help you learn ways to make the practice safer and less stressful.
Let us explain what you’ll need to do to complete the cutting and filing, as well as how to trim with care. In just a short time, you’ll become more comfortable with the task. And if you ask us, mastering one of the toughest baby hygiene activities will also enhance your confidence as a parent. There’s nothing like learning one of the most crucial techniques of your baby’s first year.
Buy the Right Baby Nail SuppliesBefore you ever begin trimming, you’ll need the right nail supplies. Add everything you need to cut baby’s nails to your registry or buy the items ahead of your due date. If you wait until your little one arrives, buying your nail supplies is just one more thing to think about. It sounds like no big deal now, but with little sleep and a lot of time spent feeding baby, you’ll want to cut down on trips to the store as much as possible.
Let’s cover what to add to the list. According to the experts at Nemours Children’s Health, your supply kit should include a pair of baby nail clippers and an emery board made especially for infants. Many of the most popular brands sell these tools as a set. Don’t buy clippers or a filing board made for older children or adults. The National Institute of Health’s MedlinePlus says they’re too large and rigid for a newborn’s pliable fingernails and toenails. Some stores sell baby clippers with safety guards and special sights so it’s easier to see your child’s nail while you cut. If you’re curious about the best types of trimmers and tools, ask your pediatrician for their most trusted options.
Other helpful supplies to put on your registry list include baby nail scissors and a first aid kit. Some parents find scissors easier to use when their infant is especially small. Besides being helpful for every situation, you’ll want a first aid kit so you’ll always have gauze pads available. They’re essential in the event that you do draw a little blood. Don’t worry if you cause a little scrape. We know you feel bad about it, but it happens to nearly every mom! Being prepared is the best way to make the event less scary. In addition, it never hurts to have an extra nail set available for when you’re at grandma’s house or on vacation.
Now that you have the right trimming tools, it’s time to learn the proper way to cut your child’s nails. By memorizing a safe and reliable technique, you will trim quicker over time. Most importantly, you’ll avoid discomfort and injuries to the soft skin around the nail.
Begin by holding your baby’s finger with a gentle yet firm grip, say the health and parenting professionals at VeryWell Family. Press down on the pad of their finger so their nail is up and away from the skin. As you cut the first nail, follow the natural curve of your child’s finger. Do the same with all of the fingers, including the thumb. This technique will keep them looking neat and tidy as they grow. Work quickly, but don’t go too fast. You’ll want to take enough time to inspect and see the nail as you learn how to cut without poking the skin.
It’s helpful to know when to cut baby’s nails and when to avoid the practice altogether. If your newborn is hungry, tired or needs a diaper change, they’ll probably be too fussy for a trimming. Offer them a feeding, nap or dry diaper before you grab your tools. The calmer your child feels, the less they’ll move around and cause you more anxiety.
You can also try to trim nails after bathtime, when baby is soothed and their nails are at their softest. Apply a mild or unscented lotion to their hands and feet to keep their skin healthy and smooth. If socks make your child more comfortable, you can put them on right after you use the moisturizer. This will help keep their feet extra soft.
Believe it or not, your baby’s toenails can become just as razor sharp as the ones on their fingers. Thankfully, cutting toenails is similar to fingernails, but there are a few extra tips you should know. If the nails aren’t too long, you can always try using a nail file. This technique usually works better than with the fingernails because toenails don’t grow as fast. While you’ll be trimming baby’s fingernails up to multiple times per week, the pediatricians interviewed in this article by The Bump say that some babies don’t need toenail trimmings for a couple of weeks to a month.
If you need to cut the toenails with trimmers or clippers, doctors and baby care experts will recommend you follow a similar technique to the fingernails. Keep a firm but gentle hold on the skin of their toe near the nail just as you did with the finger. This approach will help you avoid an abrasion to your child’s skin. It will also help to prevent a tiny cut or the clippers from slipping out of your fingers. While the fingers should be cut with a natural curve, you need to cut each toenail straight across. This helps the toenails grow properly. If and when any bleeding occurs, hold a cotton swab or piece of gauze over the area for a minute or two.
Sometimes, your baby may get an ingrown toenail. This is a toenail that begins to grow into the skin of the foot. If you’ve ever had one, you know that they can swell and feel uncomfortable. If you notice any redness or discharge that can come with this condition, treat your little one right away. Place your child in a lukewarm bath or soak the foot in soapy water. Try to keep your baby’s toe in the solution for about 10 minutes. Pat the area dry and carefully massage an unscented baby lotion into the nail fold. If you do this daily, the nail should raise away from the skin and grow again naturally.
Using a Baby Nail FileWe get it—you’re not exactly clamoring to trim your baby’s delicate fingernails and toenails. Despite the hesitation, “when can you cut a newborn’s nails?” is still one of the most popular questions parents have for pediatricians. New moms want to make sure they are taking care of all of their child’s needs. While you’ll need to begin trimming while your infant is still in the newborn stage, you can get away with using a baby nail file in the first few weeks.
A baby nail file is a safe and simple choice for parents, especially when your child is little and their nails aren’t growing too fast yet. Check their hands and feet daily for sharp or long nails and then file as you can. Nap time is an excellent time for filing, especially when your newborn is sleeping most of the day.
Preventing Accidents and InjuriesWhen you sense your little one getting anxious or tired of the trimming session, try and distract them. Sing a familiar song, talk to them in a soothing voice or have your partner entice them with a toy. Some infants also respond well to a pacifier. If he or she begins crying or flailing, stop and try again later. Forcing it will only make you stressed and cause your baby to protest harder.
Experienced parents may suggest that you bite your baby’s nails, especially if they only have a few sharp pieces or a hangnail. Don’t do it! Biting can damage their brand-new hands and feet. Experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics also warn the practice can transfer bacteria and diseases from your mouth onto your child’s skin.
Even if you’re extra careful, you may pinch some skin or draw a little blood. Try not to panic about it. It will distress the baby and make him or her fearful. Instead, quickly collect yourself and follow what the pediatricians at WebMD consider basic first aid for small nicks and cuts. Run your child’s finger under clean, cool water. Soothe them as much as you need while gently covering the wound with a piece of gauze or a clean cloth. Apply a small amount of pressure to the area with your finger. When the bleeding stops, you can remove the cloth. If you’re interested in using an antibacterial cream, ask your pediatrician about the best brands for babies. Don’t put a bandage on top of the wound since your newborn can bite or choke on it.
Now that you know the right way to care for your baby’s nails, grooming will be that much easier. Keep just a few more tips in mind for safer relaxation and play after the trimming is over. If your little one has long or sharp nails, put on mittens if you can’t trim them right away. Newborns are notorious for touching their faces and scratching themselves without realizing they’re doing it.
You can also add an extra pair of trimmers or scissors to your diaper bag or car so you can tend to nail issues while you’re out of the house. You may find you can get a trimming session in while they’re napping in their car seat or that you have to attend to a hangnail during a play date. Whether your baby is playing or relaxing, make sure they’re wearing comfortable shoes or socks. Well-fitting slippers, sneakers and booties are essential to keeping baby’s feet protected while they’re crawling, cruising and learning to walk. Socks and shoes will help to avoid common issues new parents run into, such as hangnails, foot injuries and dry skin.
If your child has ingrown nails that won’t heal after a week or two, call your pediatrician’s office. They can advise you on the next steps or have you come in for an examination. You’ll also want to visit the doctor for a checkup if your baby suffers a foot injury or you suspect they have a finger or toe infection. According to the doctors at MyHealth Alberta, common signs of a nail infection in small children include pain at the infection site, blisters filled with pus and inflammation that doesn’t go away after a few days.
Better Nail Care for a Happier BabyWhen you’re attentive to your baby’s nails, he or she is less likely to suffer from uncomfortable infections or pesky ingrown toenails. A regular nail grooming schedule is also helpful in preventing injury to you and your child from poking or scratching. As long as you inspect their nails while bathing them or putting them to sleep, you’ll know when to cut or file them down. Besides making your infant’s hygiene easier, excellent nail care is a foundation for healthy hands and feet for a lifetime.
How to cut nails for newborns: technique for performing the procedure
Newborns need to cut their nails almost from birth. In infants, they begin to grow during fetal development. Babies are born with long nails. And they can scratch themselves, since they still do not control the movement of the handles. When to start doing a manicure for a newborn?
When to start cutting
You can cut the nails of a newborn on the tenth day of life. The baby's nails are long and thin, soft. Cutting them immediately after birth is not recommended - the risk of skin injury is high. So that the baby does not scratch himself in a dream, special mittens or clothes are put on the handles that completely cover the handles of the baby.
Which tool is needed
Do not use scissors with sharp tips. Since the movements of the arms of the baby are chaotic, injury can be caused. In addition, the whole family uses these scissors, which is also unacceptable for a baby. preference should be given to special scissors for babies. Their tips are rounded, which reduces the risk of injury.
Some mothers prefer to bite off their child's nails with their teeth. It is unacceptable.
Clipping is also not recommended. There is a high risk of injury to the delicate skin on the fingers.
After each procedure, the scissors are washed with warm water and cleaned in a separate place.
Selecting the time for the procedure
Some kids are quite calm about cutting nails. You can cut your baby's nails while you are awake. If the baby protests against the procedure, then the best time is his sleep. This reduces the risk of injury.
You can cut your hair after swimming. But here it is worth considering the fact that water makes the nails softer. Therefore, only dry nails are cut.
With a systematic procedure, the baby will get used to it over time. If you have any questions, please ask our doctors. At a remote consultation, they will explain the rules for cutting nails to a newborn, and help you choose the right tools.
How often is the procedure done
Trim nails as needed. All children's nails grow at different rates. For some, once a week is enough, for others, two or three times in 14 days. Toenails grow more slowly than on the hands. They can be trimmed once a month or as needed.
How to cut your nails properly
To properly cut your child's nails, you must follow simple rules:
- trimming is carried out only in good light;
- before use, rinse the scissors under water or treat with alcohol;
- do not cut your fingernails too short;
- scissors are held so that they are perpendicular to the nail;
- nails are given an oval shape.
Uncut corners can dig into the skin, causing inflammation;
- on the legs, the nails are cut in a straight line;
- the burrs do not come off, but are carefully cut off.
To cut, they take the child’s hand, firmly fix the finger, push the pad away and cut off the regrown nail platinum with smooth movements.
A newborn baby was not given to parents in any way to cut their nails. As soon as the mother took the scissors, approached the baby, took her by the hand, the baby began to scream and kick heart-rendingly. It was also impossible to divert the attention of a one-month-old baby. Then mom decided to resort to this procedure while the baby is eating. The baby was so passionate about the feeding process that he did not notice the manipulations of his parents.
Consequences of improper care of the nails of an infant
With improper care, the following complications are possible:
Name | Therapy |
Suppuration of fingers, redness | Treated with antiseptics, wound healing ointments |
Ingrown nail | Most often found on the legs. |
Important! Self-treatment of an ingrown toenail is not desirable. You need to contact the experts. If the pathology is accompanied by suppuration, severe inflammation, you do not need to open the abscess yourself and try to cut the nail.
What to do if the baby is injured
Sometimes, no matter how carefully parents try to cut their hair, small accidents still happen. When traumatizing the skin with scissors, it is necessary to apply a bandage moistened with an antiseptic. Press down for a couple of minutes. Once the blood has stopped, the procedure is no longer carried out. It is better to postpone it for a couple of days.
Why is it impossible to cut the nails of babies in the hospital?
Nail trimming is unacceptable in the first days of a baby's life. The fact is that the nail plate is very soft and can be injured. This can lead to deformation of the nail in the future.
When should a newborn's nails be trimmed for the first time?
The first time it is recommended to cut the nails of the baby at 14 days of age. And up to this point, be sure to use special mittens or clothing that covers the handles.
How to properly care for the nails of an infant?
The main rule when leaving is the timely trimming of the nails on the hands and nails. It is important to ensure that there are no hangnails, ingrown nails, suppuration.
Until what age do children cut their nails?
There is no exact age. Some children learn to cut their nails as early as 4 years old by biting their teeth. Someone at the age of five skillfully wields scissors, and someone at the age of 10 asks their parents for help. Everything is relative in this matter.
How to teach a child to cut his own nails?
Children are very observant. Sometimes they do not need to be trained, they carefully look at the manipulations of adults and repeat them. If it is necessary to teach, then they explain the correct location of the scissors relative to the nail, allocate their own scissors for the child, which only he will use. The task of the parent is to show exactly how the regrown nail plate is trimmed.
Expert opinion
You can cut your nails for the first time for a baby only two weeks after birth. For this procedure, safe scissors with rounded ends are chosen, but, here, the wire cutters will have to be abandoned. They can injure the nail. It is better to cut nails while the child is sleeping - this reduces the risk of injury. The procedure is carried out as the nails grow. On the legs, they grow much more slowly than on the hands.
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Article author
Pruzhinin Mark Yulievich pediatrician
Experience 30 years
Consultations 1572
Articles 104
An experienced pediatrician with extensive experience and clinical experience in various medical organizations in the field of general pediatrics, resuscitation and anesthesology and neuroinfection. Works with leading experts, attends international and Russian conferences.
How to cut the nails of a newborn? | Nutrilak
03/17/2021 Reading time: 3 min 57573
Contents of the article:
- Should nails be cut in the hospital?
- What tools do you need to cut your baby's nails?
- How to cut the nails of a newborn?
- How often should a newborn's nails be cut?
- Anti-scratch mittens and other ways to avoid scratches
An elementary, it would seem, hygienic procedure raises many questions in young mothers. Seeing for the first time what tiny fingers a newborn has, you may even consider the mission impossible. In fact, it is quite simple, but you need to know some rules and show skill, and sometimes imagination.
Should I cut my nails in the maternity hospital?
When buying a dowry for a baby, you probably bought children's nail scissors. Should I put them in a bag prepared at the hospital? No. In the hospital, they are unlikely to be useful to you. Immediately after birth, the baby's nails are very soft and fit snugly against the skin. When you try to cut them, there is a high risk of injuring the baby. Wait with the first procedure for at least a week, and preferably two. Then the newborn's nails will get a little stronger and grow enough to be easily trimmed.
But sometimes a newborn is born immediately with strongly regrown nails. If you see that long nails are uncomfortable for the baby, he scratches his face, contact your pediatric nurse. If necessary, she will help with the first manicure and explain how to care for the baby's nails.
What tools do you need to cut your baby's nails?
You will need comfortable children's scissors with rounded ends. It would be more habitual and neater to cut the baby's tender nails with ordinary nail scissors. But the trouble is that the baby will not patiently hold the pen still while you pore over his nails. The sharp ends of the tool are too dangerous.
This is important!
Choosing children's scissors must be very meticulous. If their canvases are too thick, it will be very difficult to capture the nail. It will be even more difficult to carefully cut the corners of the nails on the hands. If the canvases are thin, but not rigid enough, they will crush the nail, the cut will be uneven, torn.
The children's manicure set also includes a nail file and nippers. But using them is not easy. Incorrect movements with a nail file can damage the nail plate. Nails will peel and break.
The maximum that can be done with a nail file is to carefully file the sharp ends of the nail on your hands, if you did not manage to cut them with scissors.
With nippers, it is easy to grab the skin at its base along with the nail and injure it. Set aside the tweezers until the baby is a little older.
How to cut the nails of a newborn?
1. Before starting the procedure, wash your hands - both for yourself and for the baby.
2. Treat the instrument with an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine solution. Do not remove the antiseptic. You may need it if you accidentally injure your baby.
3. Take the child's finger with the index finger and thumb of the left hand. Slightly pull the skin away from the nail by lightly pressing on the pad of your finger.
4. On the hands, cut the nails in the shape of a semicircle. Sharp ends should be cut off. To make the edge even, try to cut the nail in one motion.
5. On the legs, it is impossible to round the edge of the nail. It must be strictly straight. If the tips of the nail are cut off, it will grow in.
6. In order not to injure the baby, cut the nail not under the root. Leave the edge at 0.5-1 mm.
This is important!
Cut your baby's nails when he is in a good mood and calm.
Cut your baby's nails when he is in a good mood, calm. Sometimes it is advised to cut your nails in a dream. This technique is suitable for those babies who sleep soundly and do not react to any activity next to them. If your baby wakes up from the slightest rustle, do not interrupt her sleep. A sleepy baby will be naughty and may be frightened by a sudden awakening.
Another trick, if a child actively protests against cutting nails, is to cut one or two nails at a time. You can continue the procedure after a few hours or even the next day. So the baby will not have time to get tired and get nervous from your manipulations.
How often should a newborn's nails be cut?
Newborn nails grow quickly. You need to cut them as needed: as soon as the free edge of the nail becomes long enough. On the hands, the nails grow faster. They will have to be trimmed every 4-6 days. On the legs, it will be enough to cut them once every two to three weeks.
Don't try to cut your baby's nails too often. This is not the most pleasant procedure for him. In addition, short nails are more difficult to cut, and the risk of injuring the child is higher.
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Mittens - anti-scratches and other ways to avoid scratches
Newborns do not coordinate their movements. Randomly waving his arms, the baby can easily scratch his face. The skin of a baby is very thin, delicate, so after such scratches, scars may even remain. But it is quite possible to do without scratches:
• Swaddling. Supporters of swaddling believe that the baby behaves calmer and sleeps better when his hands are fixed. It also eliminates the risk of scratches. True, from ordinary diapers, the baby easily gets pens. But the diaper-cocoon with a zipper will not let him reach his face.
• Anti-scratch mittens. In them, your baby will look like a microboxer. It's very sweet and quite effective. But some kids do not like them, they begin to worry, they try to free their hands.
• Clothes with closed sleeves. A good alternative to removable anti-scratches are blouses, undershirts, slips and bodysuits with a special cut of the sleeve. It can be folded over to fully cover baby's arms, or left free while awake for a tactile experience.
• Regular hygiene. Trim your baby's nails promptly and carefully. Make sure that there are no creases, sharp edges, or burrs on them.
If you are worried about how you will cut your baby's nails, remember:
- Newborns do not need to cut their nails in the hospital. Postpone the first procedure for 10-14 days.
- Use children's scissors with rounded edges. You can do without a nail file and nippers, but the choice is yours.