When am i going to have a baby
We Know How Old You'll Be When You Have A Baby
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It could happen anytime…
You’re walking down the street, minding your own business when all of a sudden you notice a new storefront selling baby clothes. The tiny babykins in the window, dressed head-to-toe in trendy clothes, beckon for you to nuzzle them in your bosom and nurse them through inShow More
It could happen anytime…
You’re walking down the street, minding your own business when all of a sudden you notice a new storefront selling baby clothes. The tiny babykins in the window, dressed head-to-toe in trendy clothes, beckon for you to nuzzle them in your bosom and nurse them through infancy.
But are you ready? Have you arrived at the chapter in your life when you want to start a family? Perhaps you have a prenatal bucket list that involves worldwide traveling, adventures, or career ambitions. Whatever the case may be, you can find out for sure which age is best for you to conceive with this quiz!
Tell us about your dreams, your situation, and the ticking of your biological clock, and we’ll give you a number! Make sure to share your results, and tag a friend who should be your newborn’s godparent!
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How old were your parents when you were born?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- 18-21
- 22-25
- 25-35
- 35+
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
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- President
- Doctor
- Celebrity
- Mother
- Astronaut
- Explorer
You just won the lottery! What's the first thing you're gonna do?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Buy a house.
- Marry my High School sweetheart.
- Travel the world.
- Spend it on a graduate degree.
- Move to a tropical beach in the middle of nowhere.
In a perfect world, how many children would you like to have?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Just the 1!
- 2
- 3
- The more the merrier! 4+
Not to pry...but what's stopping you from starting a family right now?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Simple. I don’t want kids.
- I haven’t found the right partner.
- I’m still in school.
- I’m too busy with my career.
- I can’t afford the extra expenses.
How much free time do you usually have during the week?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- My schedule is completely open!
- I definitely find time for “me time.
- Barely any. I’m super busy.
- No time! I’m busy working.
Which potential aspect of raising a child excites you most?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Dressing them up in cute clothes.
- Watching them grow up and have kids of their own.
- Creating the perfect family unit.
- I can’t explain it…it’s just a biological instinct to be a parent.
- Tax benefits
How much $$$ would you like to save up before having children?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Enough to pay for their college!
- Enough to buy a house.
- Enough to quit my job.
- I don’t worry about money. The child will get everything they need.
- None! Just gimme the baby.
Before you have a child, you've gotta raise this pet. Which one is best for you?
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Which is more important to you at this moment in life: Career or Family?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Family
- Career
- Why not both? Life is long…
You get to raise a child in ANY location of your choosing! Where's "home?"
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Tropical bungalow
- Cottage in the country
- Penthouse in the city
- A two-story home in a cul-de-sac!
- Mountain village
Do you feel mature enough to handle the responsibilities of motherhood?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- I’ve been ready for this since as long as I can remember!
- Uh…no? I’m still in party-mode.
- Maybe, but like I said. I’m awfully busy with work.
- Yes. But I’m not ready to give up all my free time!
Milk is for babies. What is your go-to drink of choice?
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Would you prefer to be married before having a child?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Yes! It’s a deal-breaker.
- Not really. Marriage isn’t really my style.
- As long as the father stays in the child’s life, it doesn’t bother me.
- Whatever happens, happens. You can’t trust people!
What is the most important criteria for choosing a place to raise your child?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Good schools
- Open space
- A vibrant local culture.
- Proximity to extended family members.
For your first child, do you want a boy or a girl?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Boy
- Girl
- Twins – one of each, please!
- Gender doesn’t matter to me at all.
When you retire in your old age, how many generations would you like to leave behind you?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Just my kids.
- Grandkids
- Great-Grandkids
Congrats! You've finally decided to have a baby! How do you want to give birth?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Natural birth at home.
- Natural birth in a hospital.
- Planned C-section. I’m not going through labor…
Babies grow to be teens. Will you give your teenager privacy?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Nope! I will keep a close eye on them to ensure their safety.
- They’ll be allowed some privacy…until they break my trust!
- They are their own person! I would never spy on them.
Babies aren't just cuddles and cuteness. What are you least looking forward to as a parent?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Diapers
- Spit up
- No sleep
- Crying
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First signs of pregnancy | Ready Steady Baby!
Chances are you already know you’re pregnant. Getting pregnant might have been emotionally and physically hard, and taken a long or unexpectedly short time. Everyone reacts differently.
Missed period
The first sign of pregnancy is usually missing a period, about 2 weeks after you’ve conceived. This isn't always reliable and if your periods aren’t regular you might not notice you’ve missed one.
Some women have a bit of bleeding as the egg embeds. Many women also experience tender breasts. This may be around the time they would have expected a period and can be confusing.
Home pregnancy test
A home pregnancy test is a reliable way of checking to see if you’re pregnant. You can do a test on the first day your period's due.
The test measures a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in your urine. For the result to be positive, your body must be making enough for the test to pick it up, usually about 2 weeks after you conceive.
You can get a free pregnancy test, support and advice at a sexual health clinic.
Find a sexual health clinic in your area
Assisted conception
If you’ve had assisted conception (such as IVF), you need to wait about 2 weeks after the transfer of an embryo before doing a pregnancy test.
When you find out you’re pregnant, you’ll have an ultrasound scan. From then on, you’ll have the same care as other pregnant women.
Dating your pregnancy
The start of your pregnancy's dated from the first day of your last actual period, although you probably conceived about 2 weeks after that. That means by the time you miss a period you could technically be 4 weeks pregnant if you have a 28-day cycle. But every woman's different.
Pregnancy usually lasts between 38 and 42 weeks. Your due date will be estimated when you attend your first ultrasound scan appointment. Most babies are born in the 2 weeks before or after this date.
When you know you're pregnant
As soon as you know you’re pregnant:
- phone your GP practice and ask how to make an appointment with a midwife
- stop drinking alcohol as there's no safe amount to drink
- make sure you eat a healthy diet and start taking folic acid
- be active every day and drink plenty of water to prevent constipation
- stop smoking and don’t take drugs
- you must stop dieting as you must not go on a weight-loss diet in pregnancy
- tell your GP, midwife and obstetrician if you’ve had mental health issues before
Seeing your midwife early
Seeing a midwife as early in your pregnancy as possible gives you and your baby the best start. You'll be able to discuss how your lifestyle might impact on your baby and the choices you can make during pregnancy.
How you might be feeling
You might be feeling:
- overjoyed and excited
- have mixed emotions or not feel the way you expected
Maybe your pregnancy is a surprise and it’s taking a while to get used to the idea. Your partner can feel the same.
Talk about your feelings
Whatever your situation, it’s important to talk about how you’re feeling and make sure you’ve got support.
Your midwife's there for you, dads and partners too.
If you’ve got any worries or questions, the people involved in your care are happy to listen and help give you the support you need.
Your privacy
Sometimes young people worry about sharing their pregnancy with a professional.
Young people aged 13 and over have the same rights to medical confidentiality (privacy) as an adult and the same rights and responsibilities as all parents.
It’s important you're able to:
- access the care and support you need and are entitled to
- speak to an adult you trust so you can get the support you need during your pregnancy and once your baby's born
Your midwife can help you find out more about the support available from the NHS and other services.
Your midwife or doctor won't tell anyone else about your pregnancy without your agreement if they believe:
- you fully understand the information and decisions involved
- there's no risk to your health or wellbeing
More about your right to confidentiality when using the NHS
Family Nurse Partnership
Most first-time young mums are eligible for support through the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP).
Specially trained FNP nurses:
- work with and support first-time young mothers during pregnancy and their child’s first 2 years
- can put you in touch with local young parent groups, where you can meet other young parents
The Scottish Government has more information about Family Nurse Partnership
Translations and alternative formats of this information are available from Public Health Scotland.
How to determine at what age you will give birth to a child. "Will I have a baby?"
Almost from childhood, every future woman imagines herself a mother: dolls - daughters who can be dressed, put on shoes and do their hair, as well as feed and walk, hares, bears - sons, constantly getting into fights with others, who are constantly need to educate and teach about decent behavior. The girl grows up, but few people pass the desire to become a mother, because the main purpose of the fair sex is motherhood, that is why she lives in the world, and then already exists for the sake of her crumbs or several babies. nine0003
So many girls have a question about how many children they will have in order to live and cherish their dream until it becomes a reality. Magic and palmistry can help reveal this secret, if you turn to sorcerers and fortune-tellers, as well as self-made predictions for big church holidays - Christmas and Epiphany, Easter and Trinity. However, there is another time-tested method - numerology: how many children you will have, the answer is without deceit, based only on the birthday of the one who turned to this great science, and the number of children in the family that raised her. nine0003
First of all, you need to calculate the number of your birth, for example, you were born on August 2, 1990 in a family in which two more children grew up besides you (by the way, children who are from different parents are also considered - the mother got married a second time and another one appeared brother or sister, dad also got married, where the boy or girl was born, they are also needed for counting). So, we consider: 2+8+1+9+9+0+3 (there are three of you - you and your two brothers or sisters) = 32 = 3+2 = 5. Your number is 5.
You can calculate your number yourself and find out how many children you will have:
You can become a mother of many children if you wish, however, it may happen that higher forces take away your baby, who has not yet been born. There can be many reasons - a miscarriage, an abortion, or a combination of circumstances related to health. However, if you keep all your pregnancies, you will feel like the happiest woman in the world, even if before that you thought that your career was most important. The best part is that your children will be from one man with whom you will live a wonderful family life. nine0003
You have been given from above to have one child, but if you wish to conceive another, then this is permissible, however, you should not be upset when it does not work out the first time. The first baby will give you only positive emotions - calm, intelligent, well-mannered and very loving you, but his younger brothers and sisters, alas, will not be able to give you so much good, because, firstly, they will be emotionally attached to their father or another to a relative, secondly, conflicts are possible due to misunderstanding, and thirdly, even if everything goes as well as possible, these children, unlike the first, will very quickly and far fly away from their family nest. nine0003
Most likely, you will not find the person in your life with whom you decide to get pregnant, so the number of your children depends only on you. Once you understand that you are ready to become a mother, you can realize your plan. True, sometimes higher powers can “hint” that now is not the time, not the right person, or some other reason to wait, preventing you from accomplishing your plans soon. By the way, very often such women fail to get pregnant also because they offended someone - it can even be just a monetary debt or an insult to a loved one. Everything can be fixed if you really want to! nine0003
This number is a sign that you will have two children of different sexes of different ages. This is a good combination that will please both the father of the family, holding his successor in his arms, and the mother, rejoicing at the beauty of her baby. The first child will appear at your early age, and the second, when you or your spouse achieve something in this life, which means that you will already be ready both morally and financially for the birth of a baby. Children will love each other, even if their age difference is more than 8 years. nine0003
You will definitely give birth to twins or twins, especially if there are such in the family. But, by the way, they can become younger or older brothers or sisters, so get ready to become a mother of many children. I would like to draw attention to the fact that children can be from different men, since you are fickle and amorous by nature.
You will have many children, but they will all be from different husbands, however, there will be no quarrels and omissions between the children, they will become a support for each other, even when they become adults, although you will often torment yourself with the thought of whether you did the right thing that each time they proved their love to a man by giving birth to children. nine0003
You love yourself very much, so you are ready to exist all your life for the sake of your whims, without sacrificing the usual cycle of life events; him to his mother. Although, having become a mature woman who has achieved a lot, remember more than once that you did not want to change your way of life for the sake of a crumb. Your child will love and appreciate you, even if you do not put your strength and energy into him. nine0003
Life can happen in such a way that you will not have your own children or you will have one, but you will adopt a baby, giving him yourself and your blessings. By the way, you will even treat a foster child better than your own, which can provoke big scandals in the family. Be gentle and considerate with everyone!
It was written in your family to be a mother of two children, but you yourself can change your destiny either to reduce or increase the number of children. Most likely, you will focus on your material well-being in planning how many children to have, and relationships with your soulmate will also make adjustments to this issue. I would like to add that your children can be of different nationalities, because, based on your number, you will get married several times and will think that this is true and eternal love, and then again step on the same household rake. nine0003
There is such a widespread opinion that the main purpose of a woman is to bear and give birth to a child. Someone can argue with this, someone can support such an idea, but it cannot be denied that the birth of a baby is a real miracle that an ordinary woman is capable of. But why does it happen that when you really want to become a mother, a miracle does not happen? Women in a panic turn to fortune tellers with one question: "Will I have a baby?" What can you advise them?
Comes from childhood
Think back to school and kindergarten. Probably, together with the girlfriends, they chose suitors from among classmates, and then planned the ideal number of children. There were even "tested" ways to find out if you were going to have children. Usually, wrinkles on the inside of the wrist were counted for this, guessing on cards and books.
The family never seemed complete without a child. We learned this from childhood. But for the time being, the question "Will I have a baby?" only caused panic, since under 18 years of age such a surprise is highly undesirable. This is regularly talked about at school, at home, in the media. But at the same time, adolescents begin to have sex quite early, and they don’t think much about protection. nine0003
But a woman turns 18, 20, 25, and no children. Naturally, she begins to worry. He goes to the doctor and gets tested. Let the results be good, but the excitement still remains. For inner peace, the lady goes to fortune-tellers and palmists.
The stars will say
In fact, going to a fortune teller will not give a guarantee in this matter, but it will make a hole in your budget, so think three times before you go. However, after all, you were going to the fortuneteller not for a warranty card, but for faith in a brighter future. So it prevents you from doing home fortune-telling. "Will I have a baby?" is the main question that needs to be answered. nine0003
Ideally, you need to tell fortunes for big church holidays, when the general human light energy accumulates. These are such holidays as Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and Trinity. Of course, you can also use numerology to find out about your future by date of birth.
Guessing on a pendulum
Let's start with the simplest thing - you are alone at home and you are not limited in time. It's time to try simple and easy divination on a pendulum, for which you will need a ring or a needle with a white thread. Thread the ring (or needle) with thread. Now turn your left hand palm up, and pull your index finger back. Lower the resulting pendulum three times (alternately - with your thumb, index and middle fingers). And again pass the pendulum between the thumb and forefinger. nine0003
Now lift it over your left hand. If the pendulum began to swing, then you will have a boy, and in the event that the movements of the pendulum are circular, then you will be the mother of a girl. To the question "Will I have a child?" with such fortune-telling, the answer can be exhaustive, since after the first time you can repeat the actions.
If the pendulum no longer moves, then you have only one child. Fortune-telling has no restrictions, it can be carried out at any age, but it should be borne in mind that for women with children, the pendulum will show all offspring - both born and planned. nine0003
What will numerology say?
"How many children will you have?" - a difficult and annoying question. But you don't have to answer to anyone! And to satisfy your personal interest, use an interesting numerological divination. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Write down your date of birth and add everything up. Add the number of children in your family (together with you) to the result. As a result, one digit should remain. So she will show what is written in your family. If a unit has come out, then you have every chance of becoming, but there is a risk of miscarriages. nine0003
If your result is a deuce, then the child will be alone, and subsequent conception can be a problem. Women with a result - three - it is difficult to find a man from whom they want to give birth. The "four" can have two children of different sexes, moreover, with a strong difference in age. The "five" has every chance to give birth to twins or twins. The "Six" will become a mother of many children at all, but, however, it can change husbands all its life.
"Seven" in itself is not ready for motherhood and therefore often classifies itself as a "child-free". She can have children, but does not want to. But the "eight" probably will not be able to feel the joy of motherhood, unless she takes a foster baby. The amorous "nine" is destined to have two children, but the irascibility of character and the rebelliousness of the spirit can make her leave her lover. nine0003
According to "grandmother's" recipes
Question "Will I have a baby?" often asked by girls who were tortured by relatives who are eager to babysit the baby. Knowledgeable people can advise the right signs in order to become a mother sooner. For example, you need to buy before the conception of baby things: rattles and booties.
It is worth visiting places of pilgrimage, planting ficus and willow at home and gently hinting to loved ones that you would like to receive pearl beads as a gift. These are sure signs that pregnancy is just around the corner. A sign is considered to be a homeless kitten sitting under the door, the rapid growth of domestic plants. By the way, grandmothers are advised to lean on cereals, nuts and milk. With them, pregnancy will not have to wait long. nine0003
At Christmas time
Well, there is a topic "When will I have a baby?" fortune-telling is one that is distinguished by its simplicity. Nothing special and you don't need to cook. On the night of Christmas time, go to bed with this question in your head, and before that, put the ring in a glass of water and take it out into the cold. If in the morning the ice on the water is smooth, then this year there will be no offspring. If there are depressions on it, then be a daughter, and if there are tubercles, then you will have a son.
The ancient science that studies numbers and their influence on people's lives is called numerology. A person is influenced by various planets, each of which corresponds to a certain number. Each letter of the name has a numeric value. Simple mathematical calculations help to find out information about the future of anyone, which is embedded in his name and date of birth. Using numerology, predict how many children a couple will have, as well as find out the gender of the child and when he will be born. nine0003
Features of using the Pythagorean system in numerology
In numerology, calculations are performed using the Pythagorean system and a special table consisting of 9 numbers and all letters of the alphabet. It is important to remember that when calculating, you need to find a single digit, that is, a number that is written by any number of digits.
Using the addition method, regardless of the number of proposed digits, any combination must be reduced to a single digit. Add up the components and repeat the addition until you get the final amount. nine0003
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
A | B | B | G | D | E | Yo | F | Z |
I | Y | K | L | M | N | O | P | R nine0112 |
C | T | U | F | X | C | H | W | W |
b | s | b | E | Yu | I |
How many children can there be or how to calculate the number by date of birth
It is easy to find out how many children there will be. You need to know the date of your birth and how many children are in the family (children born in another marriage are also taken into account). For example, the date of birth is November 5, 1991 years old, has a sister (or brother) – 5+1+1+ 1+9+9+1+2=29= 2+9=11=1+1=2. It turns out the number "2". Characteristics of numbers:
With the help of numerology, it is possible to find out when the baby will appear in the family
Numerology makes it possible to find out when the baby will appear in the family plan a pregnancy. For this, the personal number of the year is calculated. For the calculation you will need:
- day, month, year of birth;
- digits of the current year.
The total sum of all values will become a personal number. Numerological characteristics:
- 1st - pregnancy can become an obstacle to career growth.
- The 2nd is a great time for motherhood, but only if the working period does not last until the very birth.
- 3rd - neutral year for conception.
- 4th - social problems.
- 5th - favorable year for the conception of twins.
- 6th - excellent social conditions and health.
- 7th - pessimistic and depressive period.
- 8th - possible unplanned pregnancy.
- 9th - there is a chance to end up in the hospital for a long time.
Anyone can determine the gender of a child by date of birth
Anyone can determine the gender of an unborn child
Everyone has the opportunity to find out the gender of their unborn child, you need to know a little data. nine0261 It is necessary to know the dates of birth of the partners, as well as when the conception occurred (month). The result is obtained by adding all the numbers, namely the dates of birth. When you get a numerical value, divide it by the serial number of the month of conception. If the result is a number with a remainder, then it should be rounded without taking into account the remainder.
The remainder is a probability percentage indicating the gender of the unborn baby. At the end of the numerological calculations, an even number will indicate a girl, and an odd number will indicate a boy. nine0003
The following data helps to determine the sex of the baby:
- Date, month, year of birth of the expectant mother.
- Day, month, year of the future dad.
- The month when conception occurred.
Determine the sex of the baby by the numerology of the name and. about. mothers. For calculations, you need: all the letters of the name, the number of vowels and consonants that are included in it. The result is three numbers. The first value is added to the second, then the third is subtracted from this. Seven should be subtracted from the amount received. An even number indicates the birth of a girl, an odd number indicates the birth of a boy. The gender of the peanut is calculated using:
- the number of letters in the name;
- number of vowels;
- number of consonants.
Do not forget that if you change your maiden name to your husband's name, the prognosis for the sex of the unborn baby may change. Thus, the gender of the crumbs and how many children will be found out in any way you like.
How to choose the right name for a baby by numerology
How to choose a name for a child by referring to numerology
Future parents think about choosing a name even before the baby is born. I want it to be harmonious with the last name and patronymic, to have a good effect on the baby, to become for him a kind of talisman that brings happiness and good luck. To select the best combination, you can use the numerological method. nine0003
The letters of the name correspond to a certain number that directly affects a person - his abilities, character and talents. Having calculated the sum of all the numbers in a series of names, you can find out about the natural data of the child, about his ability to a certain field of activity. Calculating the number of a name is easy and using the square of Pythagoras.
The full name is used in the calculation. Each name code has its own meaning. Thanks to the numerological method of choosing a name, future parents have a unique chance to learn about the likely qualities of a child. In the future, this helps moms and dads to choose the best methods of education for their crumbs, to properly develop the child's personality, his abilities and inclinations. nine0003
Using numerological calculations, everyone has the opportunity to find out not only how many children will appear, but also to calculate their birth, and also to choose the perfect name for the baby.
Recently received wide popularity, originates in ancient times. Immediately after the invention of numbers, people noticed that each of them has not only mathematical, but also magical properties.
After studying them for many centuries, it is safe to say that life among numbers has a huge impact on the fate of a person. And the most important number is the date of birth, which largely determines the future. nine0003
How to determine how many children will be?
It is easy to calculate the treasured number that will reveal for an inquisitive girl the secret of how many children will call her mother.
To do this, you need to add up all the numbers that make up the date of birth, and add to the result the number of children your parents have, including yourself. In this case, it is necessary to take into account everyone - extramarital and from previous marriages, both mother and father.
When a two-digit number is received, its components are added again, until reaching a total of one number .
For example, if the date of birth is October 13, 1990, and there are 2 children in the family, the calculation will look like this: 1+3+1+0+1+9+9+0+2=26, 2+6= eight. So, the magic number 8 is the determining number of children . It remains only to see: how many children will I have?
Values of divination numbers
"1" - You are destined to have many children, but it is possible that for this you will have to go through trials - survive a frozen or miscarriage, have an abortion for medical reasons. nine0003
Even if at the moment of divination you share the beliefs of child free or prefer a career to arranging a family hearth, after the appearance of offspring you will have to reconsider your views.
It is motherhood that will give true happiness and the feeling that you have realized yourself in life. Importantly, numerology predicts that all your children will be born from one man, and this will ensure a strong family and well-being. .
"2" - There will be one child, but with some effort on your part, perhaps more. It will be easy to conceive, endure and give birth to the first child. And with the next pregnancies, problems are possible due to poor health. nine0003
Enhanced supervision and assistance from physicians will be needed, both during planning and later. It is possible that a child born as a result of hard work will be spoiled and cause a lot of trouble.
"3" - How many children you will give birth to depends only on you. Most likely the appearance of one child in adulthood due to the long-term choice of a partner.
The absence of a reliable man in life or a combination of circumstances in which you have to postpone planning a baby for later all the time will greatly affect the number of children. nine0260 You can give birth to more than one only with a strong desire and going against fate .
The option of infertility of the beloved man is not excluded , which can lead to a difficult moral choice - to get divorced and look for another, to take a child from an orphanage, or to turn to the services of a surrogate mother.
"4" - You will have two children of different sexes with a significant difference in age . Between their birth will pass from 5 to 8 years. But, despite this, the brother and sister will love and support each other throughout their lives. nine0003
They will also give happiness to parents: a mother will admire the beauty of her daughter, and a father will be happy to pass on his knowledge and skills to his son.
Do not rush and try to reduce the time between pregnancies: fate will give a second child just when the whole family is ready for it as much as possible both morally and materially.
"5" - You will become a mother of many children , and one of the pregnancies will end in the birth of twins or triplets, especially if there have already been such cases in the family. They will also have older or younger siblings. nine0003
It is very likely that because of your amorous and fickle nature children will be born from different fathers and with a large difference in age . But this will not bear any consequences for their psyche. In your large family, everyone will be happy and friendly with each other.
"6" - Fate promises you three children . The first two pregnancies will be early, up to 30 years. And the third child will be obtained already in adulthood, perhaps even after 40.
It is possible that he will be the fruit of late love and a second marriage. Fortunately, this will not affect his health and the attitude of older brothers or sisters towards him in any way - their love for the baby will be limitless. nine0003
"7" - Your to yourself and unwillingness to change the usual course of life are so great that you may not give birth to a child . And if he is born, then, unable to give up your goals and freedom, hand him over to be raised by your parents or relatives.
Perhaps this will be regretted in a more mature age, when entertainment fades into the background. But no matter how little you invest in your baby, he will always answer you with sincere love.
"8" - You will have two children . You will probably think about the third, but do not dare because of various factors: age, health concerns, disagreements with your husband, unstable financial situation.
Although, with the desire and a little determination, you have every opportunity to become a mother of many children . Motherhood will not be a difficult task, pregnancies will be easy, and children will grow up obedient and calm.
"9" nine0261 - It is possible that you will not be able to give birth to a child, or there will be one conceived through artificial insemination . But you can become a wonderful mother for a baby from an orphanage, and not even one.
Moreover, you will love the adopted child no less, and maybe even more than your own. This is where the danger lies: you need to learn how to give warmth to all children who need it equally, and then peace and harmony will reign in the family.
Forecast accuracy
If the result is not what you expected, don't panic. You can change your destiny if you do not go with the flow, but take purposeful actions for this.
In addition, scientists specializing in numerology have not yet come to a consensus whether all children predicted by numbers are native and born. According to some versions, the number of children is independently born and born babies.
According to others - these figures include abortions, miscarriages, as well as conceptions that should have occurred , if this were not prevented by modern means of protection.
Another opinion that has its followers is that godchildren and nephews are included in the total number of children , for which the woman is the second mother.
Therefore, do not take numbers to heart - better analyze the situation and do everything possible to obtain the desired result and the birth of as many children as you want. nine0003
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How to find out how many children there will be by date of birth
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Oksana TarasovaOksana Tarasova Journalist, copywriter Society116 864 nine0003
Photo: Depositphotos / Wavebreakmedia
Numerologists talked about a way to find out how many children a couple will have by the dates of birth of the spouses. This does not require special knowledge and complex calculations. Those who are not yet in a relationship can use this method, but the results will not be entirely accurate - with the appearance of the second half, the result will change. nine0003
So, in order to predict your parental future, experts are sure, it's enough just to sequentially add up all the numbers from the dates of birth of both partners. For example, if it is 12/25/1988, then the scheme looks like this 2 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8, for a total of 36. Then add 3 + 6 and get 9. The same with the date of the chosen one. For example, 12/12/1986 is 1+2+1+2+1+9+8+6, for a total of 30, that is, the number 3. 9+3 gives 12, 1+2 leads to 3. Next, we look for the value of our numbers below.
If you get one, this is a good sign for those who dream of a big family. Number 1 will allow a man and a woman to give birth to as many heirs as they want. The number 2 promises no more than two children, and 3 suggests some difficulties in this matter. A couple with a triplet may repeatedly delay the moment of conception due to health problems or financial difficulties.
The number 4 means that the spouses can become parents of a friendly quartet, and 5 guarantees more than one child, the appearance of twins is not excluded. nine0454 6 also implies having many children, but, most likely, the heirs will be from different marriages and with a big difference in age, MK writes. If the sum is 7 - this is a maximum of one baby, often the seven corresponds to couples who do not want replenishment at all or are convinced childfree.
The number 8 may mean that children from previous marriages will be accepted into the family. Adoption is possible, but a common child is not excluded. And if it turned out 9, then we are talking about two heirs. It is extremely rare for “nines” to have many children. But no matter what the numbers say, in the desire to find parental happiness, it is important to be guided by the heart - yours and your loved one.