13 weeks pregnancy images
13 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Belly, Cramping & More
Fading first-trimester symptoms
As you cruise into the second trimester, you may get some relief from early pregnancy symptoms such as tender breasts, fatigue, food aversions, morning sickness, and the constant need to pee.
Breastfeeding prep
You can't feel it, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid that feeds your baby for the first few days after birth, before your milk starts to flow. Later in pregnancy, your breasts may leak a little colostrum.
Making a baby registry
Our Registry Builder will help you keep all your baby registries organized, and there's only one link to send friends and family.
13 weeks is how many months?
You're in your third month!
Baby development at 13 weeks
Your baby can pee!
Your baby has started swallowing amniotic fluid and excreting urine, recycling the full volume of fluid every few hours.
Making meconium
As your baby swallows amniotic fluid, they also produce meconium. This black, sticky substance accumulates in the bowels, and becomes your newborn's first poop.
Teeth and bones
Bones are beginning to harden in your baby's skeleton, especially longer bones and the skull. Your baby's teeth and bones are becoming denser.
Your baby at 13 weeks Tap the plus for more details
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Your baby is about the size of a peapod
head to bottom
Pregnancy symptoms during week 13
Occasional cramping during pregnancy is common. It could be caused by anything from gas and bloating to round ligament pain. Sometimes a little movement, a hot bath or shower, drinking more fluids, or lying down can do the trick to ease abdominal pain. But in some cases cramping can signal a problem. Call your doctor or midwife if your cramping doesn't go away after several minutes of rest, the cramping or pain is severe, you have pain or unusual sensitivity in your upper abdomen, or you have other symptoms such as fever or dizziness.
Returning appetite
If you've suffered from morning sickness and food aversions until now, you may get some welcome relief in the next few weeks as you enter the second trimester. As your appetite returns, food cravings may pop up. Some experts think that cravings for certain foods are linked to a woman's nutritional needs, but many think that pregnancy cravings can't be explained that easily.
Stuffy nose
Are you congested lately? Nearly one-third of pregnant women get a stuffy nose due to hormones and increased blood volume. However, if you have a fever, coughing, sore throat, or swollen glands, it's probably a cold or another infection. Find out which cold medicines are safe when you're expecting, and eat foods high in vitamin C to keep your immune system strong.
Visible veins
Because your body produces 30 to 50 percent more blood during pregnancy, your veins enlarge and are more visible. You may start seeing blue, prominent veins across your chest, breasts, and belly. You may also develop varicose veins in your legs and lower body as your uterus grows. Happily, these usually disappear or improve after you have your baby.
Vaginal discharge
It's totally normal to have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy: It's because of higher levels of estrogen. If your discharge is odorless or mild-smelling and milky white, there's no need for concern. But call your healthcare provider if you have discharge that's gray, yellow, or green; causes pain or itching; or seems unusual in any other way. This could be a sign of infection or another problem.
Hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy can lead to heartburn (also called acid indigestion or acid reflux). It's an unpleasant burning sensation between your lower throat and the bottom of your breast bone. If you're having heartburn, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Try eating smaller meals, eating slowly, and chewing gum after eating to neutralize your stomach acids. If that doesn't help, ask your provider about pregnancy-safe heartburn medicines.
Don't see your symptom?
Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page.
Your body at 13 weeks Tap the plus for more details
Pregnancy checklist at 13 weeks pregnant
Get ready for more prenatal visits
During the second trimester, you'll typically see your doctor or midwife once every four weeks. Find out what will happen at second trimester prenatal appointments.
Stock up on healthy pregnancy foods
During pregnancy, good nutrition is more important than ever. But it can be hard to eat well when you're dealing with nausea, food aversions, heartburn, or indigestion. Do your best to incorporate these healthy pregnancy snacks and pregnancy superfoods into your diet. During pregnancy you need lots of protein and healthy fats, and more of certain vitamins and minerals (such as folic acid, iron, and calcium). See our list of the pregnancy nutrients you need.
Learn about pregnancy complications
It's good to know the signs of common pregnancy complications just in case. Your healthcare provider will monitor you for these conditions (such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia) throughout your pregnancy. But it's helpful if you're aware of the warning signs of these and other complications.
Try sleeping on your side
Experts say the best pregnancy sleeping position is on your side, especially as you get closer to mid-pregnancy. Side-sleeping puts the least pressure on your veins and internal organs. This ensures the best blood flow to the uterus, which means your baby will get maximum nutrients and oxygen. Good circulation also helps you avoid swelling, varicose veins in your legs, and hemorrhoids. If side-sleeping isn't your thing, don't give up until you've tried a pregnancy pillow – the right one can make a major difference in your sleep comfort.
Have sex if you feel up to it
In most cases, sex during pregnancy is totally safe. Many women find their libido plummets in the first trimester thanks to exhaustion and nausea. But for many, sex drive returns in the second trimester. Some good news: Because of increased blood flow, sex during pregnancy may feel better than ever. And having sex during pregnancy won't hurt your baby. They're protected by your uterus and a layer of muscles, and are safely cushioned by the surrounding amniotic fluid. The mucus plug inside your cervix helps guard against infection.
Save money on maternity clothes
You may be excited about shopping for maternity clothes, or you may be dreading spending money on a new wardrobe you'll only wear for a limited time. Luckily, there are lots of options for finding affordable maternity clothes. You can search for used maternity clothes online or at secondhand and consignment shops. Clothing swap groups on social media (or in person) are another good way to find cute maternity clothes without breaking the bank.
13 weeks pregnant bellies
You're one-third of the way (or more) through your pregnancy at the end of this week! Though pregnancy is different for everyone, you're probably happy to say goodbye to the first trimester and hello to the second. Now's the time when you may start getting more energy, feeling more like yourself, and looking more visibly pregnant. The top of your uterus is moving up and out of your pelvis, making your bump more noticeable to anyone who's looking closely.
This week's video
14 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Belly, Bump and More
Welcome to your second trimester!
This is many moms' favorite part of pregnancy. You'll feel your baby move, see them on an ultrasound, and get a break from some unpleasant early and late pregnancy symptoms.
Maternity photo shoot ideas
If you're thinking of taking special maternity photos, here are tips on when, where, and how to get the best pregnancy pictures.
Gaining weight?
Check out our medically reviewed chart to find your target pregnancy weight gain depending on your pre-pregnancy weight and whether you're carrying one child or twins.
14 weeks is how many months?
You're in your fourth month!
Baby development at 14 weeks
Making faces
Thanks to brain impulses, your baby's facial muscles are getting a workout. Those tiny features can squint, frown, and grimace. Your baby is also making sucking and chewing movements.
Growing hair
Soft baby hair is coming: Hair follicles have started to form deep in your baby's skin. Around 20 weeks, fine downy hair will sprout from these follicles on your baby's eyebrows, upper lip, and chin.
Your active baby
Though you can't feel those tiny punches and kicks yet, your baby is quite active and has flexible hands and feet.
They grow so fast!
You may wonder why this week's fetal length measurement (below) is so much bigger than last week's. Your baby hasn't doubled in length in a week – there's just a change in how they're measured at 14 weeks (from head to bottom to head to toe).
Your baby at 14 weeks Tap the plus for more details
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Your baby is about the size of a lemon
head to toe
Pregnancy symptoms during week 14
No more morning sickness?
Your energy is likely returning, and your queasiness may have eased by now. If not, hang on – chances are good that morning sickness will soon be behind you if it's not already. Although it's uncommon, some expecting moms will still feel nauseated months from now. Tell your healthcare provider at your next appointment if you're still having nausea or vomiting.
Starting to show
The top of your uterus is a bit above your pubic bone, which may be enough to push your tummy out a tad. Starting to show can be quite a thrill, giving you and your partner visible evidence of the baby you're waiting for. If you're curious about how other women look at 14 weeks pregnant, check out our pregnant bellies photo gallery.
Bleeding gums
About half of pregnant women have swollen, red, tender gums that bleed when flossed or brushed. This gum inflammation, called pregnancy gingivitis, is partly caused by hormonal changes that make your gums more sensitive to the bacteria in plaque. Be sure to brush your teeth twice daily, and floss daily.
Round ligament pain
On either side of your uterus, you have two ligaments that stretch and thicken to accommodate your growing belly. These changes may cause round ligament pain. It can feel like a short, stabbing pain in response to movement, or a dull ache after an especially active day. If round ligament pain strikes, try to stop and rest, pay attention to your posture, change positions, gently massage the area, or take a warm bath. Some women find that wearing a maternity belt for extra support helps relieve the pain.
Increased appetite
Pregnancy hunger starts and peaks in the second trimester. Your body is working hard to support your baby, and that requires plenty of energy. Your meals are also fueling your body's pregnancy changes – which include a much higher blood volume, your growing breasts and uterus, and increased fat stores. You need an extra 300 to 350 calories per day in the second trimester. If you're wondering how it all fits together, learn about planning healthy pregnancy meals.
Don't see your symptom?
Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page.
Your body at 14 weeks Tap the plus for more details
Pregnancy checklist at 14 weeks pregnant
Get your teeth cleaned
Not only is it safe to go to the dentist during pregnancy, it's highly recommended. Pregnant women are susceptible to inflammation of the gums, which can lead to periodontal disease. Be sure to tell your dentist and dental hygienist that you're expecting before you have your cleaning.
Find a prenatal exercise class
If your energy is back, take advantage of it and get moving. Pregnancy exercise can boost your mood, help you sleep better, lower your risk of pregnancy complications, reduce stress and physical discomfort, and even help prepare you for childbirth. If you have trouble motivating to exercise on your own, try joining a class like prenatal yoga or water exercise. Prenatal exercise classes are also a great way to meet other expecting moms.
Brainstorm baby names
Whether you've had a secret name picked out since high school or haven't thought much about it at all, it's not too early to start pondering baby names. Look up baby name meanings, history, and popularity in our Baby Names Finder. You can also look at our baby name inspiration lists and see the top baby names for every year from 1880 to the present.
Get better sleep
There are plenty of reasons why it's hard to sleep well when you're pregnant, but there are plenty of remedies to try, too. Cut down on caffeine (which you'll need to do during pregnancy anyway), try relaxation techniques, and experiment with the right pregnancy pillow. Establish a bedtime routine and try some warm milk and a light snack before bed. If nothing seems to help, ask your provider about safe sleep medications during pregnancy. One caution: Though they may seem more natural and harmless than prescription drugs, herbal and hormonal sleep remedies like melatonin aren't necessarily safe during pregnancy.
Invest in a good moisturizer
Slathering on lotion and creams may not prevent stretch marks, but this will reduce itchiness. Find out more about stretch marks and itchy skin during pregnancy.
Ask for support at work
Working while pregnant isn't always easy. If your job is strenuous, you're around harmful chemicals, or you have certain pregnancy complications, you might have to modify your tasks or stop working. (There are laws in place that protect you from discrimination because of pregnancy, and you may be able to receive disability benefits.) If you're doing very physical work – on your feet for hours at a time or doing heavy lifting – talk with your doctor or midwife, then approach your supervisor about making adjustments.
14 weeks pregnant bellies
There's no right or wrong when it comes to pregnant bellies and how they appear. Some women worry that their baby bump is too small, while others are concerned that they look more pregnant than they really are. A lot of this can be driven by comments from friends, family members, and even strangers – many people think a pregnant woman's body is an open topic of conversation. You may hear "You don't even look pregnant!" or "Wow, are you due soon?" Try not to take it to heart. As long as your healthcare provider says your baby is developing well and you're having a healthy pregnancy, it's all good.
This week's video
13th week of pregnancy, baby weight, photo, pregnancy calendar | Mamovedia
The number 13 is often associated with something not very good, somewhat mystical... However, the 13th week of pregnancy does not portend anything bad, but on the contrary - only good news and good mood.
The 4th month of pregnancy begins, the first trimester is difficult and rich in risks, 1/3 of the path called “Pregnancy” has been completed ?! nine0003
What's going on?
The child has already grown to the size of a ripe peach: height from head to tailbone is in the range of 6.5 - 7.8 cm, weight ranges from 14 to 25 g . The baby is 11 weeks old.
The 13th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the active growth of the baby, which will last until the 24th week. Important is the fact that the baby's body begins to grow much faster than before, while the growth of the head noticeably slows down .
Your child's face is looming: eyes are already closer, but still lidded; the chin and nose become clearer, the ears take their usual place for an adult - on the sides of the head.
Photo by Lennart Nilsson
Putting the thumb in the mouth - the baby moves the sponges, this contributes to the development of muscles
This is necessary to develop the sucking reflex, which will be so necessary for the baby after birth. The formation of bones (primarily the head and limbs) begins through the laying of the appropriate tissue . Blood cells are already beginning to form in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow. B-lymphocytes with immunoglobulin receptors appear in the spleen. Insulin is already produced by the baby's pancreas. 20 teeth - this is how many rudiments of teeth are formed in the 13th week.
The intestines are placed in the abdominal cavity
Villi important for the process of digestion begin to form in it. Depending on the sex of the child, the reproductive system develops: in boys, the prostate begins to develop, and in girls, the reproduction of germ cells - oogones. The external genital organs are already quite well developed.
The placenta is already formed so well that it takes on the function of producing hormones important for a successful pregnancy, namely estriol and progesterone. Also, the placenta at the 13th week of pregnancy plays a leading role in such processes as the supply of oxygen, nutrition and removal of processed products. nine0003
Photo by Lennart Nilsson
The baby is already beginning to smell – the sense of smell is developing . Thus, the child distinguishes the aroma of the food that the mother enjoys and gets used to it. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of dishes so that after childbirth you do not drastically change your diet and do not harm the process of breastfeeding.
What does it feel like?
Most pregnant women at the 13th week experience long-awaited relief, a surge of strength and energy. nine0014 The second trimester is considered the safest and most enjoyable period of pregnancy. So, it's time to enjoy the moments of happiness that pregnancy gives you. If the toxicosis has not yet passed - do not be discouraged - it is about to leave you, a maximum of another 1 week and everything will pass :).
The uterus is growing very fast, just like your baby. Now it has already filled the hip area and is moving into the abdominal area. It is likely that in the mirror you began to notice your rounded tummy, but the wasp waist began to gradually disappear. In no case should you be upset because of this, since a rounded tummy always paints a woman, and the waist will definitely return after childbirth - you just need to monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle. And now your body needs to increase its weight - this is an inevitable phenomenon: the baby is growing - accordingly, you are gaining weight .
Blue streaks can be seen on the chest, the nipples have become darker.
Your body is already accustomed to a large number of pregnancy hormones, so you feel good and comfortable in the role of an expectant mother.
Nutrition of the expectant mother
As a rule, toxicosis is replaced by a good appetite. On the one hand, this is very good, on the other hand, you need to limit yourself a little so as not to gain excess weight. Eat a balanced and healthy diet. Remember that everything that the baby lacks, he will draw from the reserves of your body. Accordingly, your hair and nails, as well as your teeth, will suffer, first of all. nine0003
Proper nutrition can also help prevent common problems such as hemorrhoids and constipation.
Risk factors for mother and child
The second trimester of pregnancy, which starts from the 13th week, brings with it relative peace and harmony.
Unpleasant phenomena that can bother a pregnant woman are hemorrhoids and constipation, the prevention of which lies in proper nutrition. In case of exacerbation, consult a doctor. nine0003
It will not be superfluous to avoid crowded places during the flu season, to carry out disease prevention using methods that are acceptable for pregnant women. Maintain personal hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly and frequently.
There is a categorical taboo for you on self-treatment, excessive physical activity, alcohol. All this remains extremely dangerous for the development of the baby.
Changes in blood pressure are also possible
Its decrease to 15 points, as a rule, does not affect the state of health and is the norm. This is due to the formation of the uteroplacental circulation. But in case of deterioration of health and a strong decrease in pressure, it is better to consult a doctor. An increase in pressure may indicate the presence of problems with the kidneys. Therefore, you should inform your doctor and undergo the necessary examination of the kidneys. nine0003
Before the 13th week, as a rule, a woman gets registered, undergoes an ultrasound scan and passes the first necessary tests. Therefore, this week can be spent without running around the offices of the clinic and the antenatal clinic. However, do not rush to lie down on the sofa, hiking in the fresh air is the best alternative for spending free time. It is best to share them with the future dad - it will be much more pleasant for the baby to spend time with both parents at once, because mom is always there, and the baby misses dad. nine0003
While walking, be sure to communicate with your child, tell him about everything you see around, about how the day went and what plans your family has for tomorrow.
If you haven't chosen a prenatal exercise program, yoga for pregnant women or swimming in the pool, it's time to take care of it
It is necessary to keep your body in good shape and prepare it for childbirth. Swimming is considered the safest sport for pregnant women, it has the fewest contraindications and at the same time will have a good effect on well-being. However, you should first coordinate your loads with your doctor. nine0003
There is one more good news – having sex can be more regular, the threat of losing a child has been minimized, health has improved – why not?
Of course, a man should be more attentive and careful, but there is no reason to deny yourself pleasure.
The first trimester has passed. Looking back, every woman remembers the first time she saw two stripes on the test... For some it was a long-awaited event, for some it was a joyful surprise, someone was in despair from the untimeliness of such an event... However, it passed time, the first emotions passed, life inside is constantly gaining strength and developing, for the first time on ultrasound, the mother heard the heartbeat of her child, saw his movements ... Mother's love forever settled in the heart of each of them . .. ⇒
Ultrasound photo during pregnancy
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