What is your gp
Seeing a doctor or general practitioner (GP)
Developing an ongoing relationship with a general practitioner (GP) who you trust and are comfortable with is an effective way of managing your health and wellbeing.
Role of a doctor
Your local doctor or GP is your first point of contact for non-emergency and preventative medical care during clinic hours (which will vary for each clinic). GPs are trained in medicine and are qualified to treat people for general health problems, such as illnesses or injuries that cannot be treated by over-the-counter medication. Some GPs specialise in particular areas, such as children's health or aged care.
Developing an ongoing relationship with one GP is often the most effective way of managing your healthcare. They will get to know you over time and become familiar with your medical history. You may need to visit a few GPs before you find the one who you trust most and feel comfortable with.
If you are seeing multiple healthcare practitioners for either the same or different health issues, your GP is the best person to coordinate your overall healthcare.
Typical services provided by a GP include:
- diagnosing and treating disease, pain and other conditions
- vaccinations
- mental health advice
- family planning advice
- wound care
- prescribing medication
- writing referrals for tests or scans
- referring you to specialists.
Making an appointment with a doctor
When you make a doctor’s appointment, you are automatically given a short appointment (10-15 minutes is standard). If you are worried that it will not be enough time, ask for a long appointment. For example, you may like do this the first time you see a new doctor or if it is for a family visit.
If you are concerned about how long you’ll have to wait, try making your appointment for the first time slot in the morning, or the first time slot after lunch.
Sometimes, because of cultural and other beliefs, or preferences, it is important for a person to see a doctor or other health professional of the same gender. If this is the case, make sure you ask when making your appointment. If you need an interpreter, you should also ask for this to be organised when you book in.
Preparing for your doctor’s appointment
To get the most out of your appointment with the doctor, a little preparation can save a lot of time or return visits. Think about what you want to get out of your consultation. For example, do you want to talk about new symptoms or do you need a new prescription?
It can be a good idea to:
- make some notes about specific symptoms you are experiencing. It will help the doctor if you record when they occurred, how long they lasted and what you were doing right before you felt them
- make a list of questions. Be sure to list the most important ones first
- think about your medical history and any illnesses in the family. Ask other family members if you do not know
- write down what medication you are taking and the dosage. Include over-the-counter medication, vitamins and herbal remedies as well
- take copies or reports from any recent tests
- allow plenty of time to travel to the clinic so you do not miss your appointment
- be sure to take your Medicare card and your health care or Veterans’ Affairs card if you have one
- bring your health insurance details
- remember you are always welcome to take a support person with you.
Talking to your doctor
The most important thing when speaking with your doctor is to be honest and upfront. To make the best assessment of your needs, your GP will need to have a full understanding of your medical history, all medication you are taking and lifestyle habits such as smoking, illicit drug use, diet and physical activity.
Be as specific as you can about your symptoms. Rather than just saying ‘I have a sore arm’, explain exactly where the pain is, what type of pain it is (dull, throbbing, sharp, stabbing, constant, intermittent), and things that make it feel better (such as heat packs, rest or elevation) or worse (such as exercise).
If your doctor recommends a course of treatment you are not comfortable with, ask about the alternatives and ask your doctor to explain the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed decision.
Make sure you are clear about your doctor’s instructions before you leave. If you are in doubt about what they mean, ask for more information. Take a notebook if you want to take notes or bring a support person with you to help you remember the information. Ask for printed information to take home with you if necessary.
Paying to see a doctor
GP visits in Victoria are covered either partly or fully by Medicare. The decision about how much is covered is left up to each GP or clinic. There are also different prices for long consultations. Medicare reimburses doctors for consultations at a set rate. If a doctor wishes to charge more than the set rate, those extra charges will be passed on to you.
‘Bulk-billing’ means that the full cost of your GP consultation is covered by Medicare. The doctor will bill Medicare directly for the consultation, rather than you.
Payment varies from clinic to clinic. Some GPs bulk-bill for children and ‘walk-in’ patients (who have to wait for the next available appointment) while charging a fee for patients who wish to make an appointment and for all consultations on the weekend.
All GP clinics will charge for travel vaccinations and some will charge for complex procedures such as mole removal. There is, however, no standard practice across Victoria. For specific information, check your clinic’s website or ask when making your appointment.
After your doctor’s appointment
If your doctor has prescribed medication, you will need to visit a pharmacy (or chemist) to have your prescription filled. Ask the pharmacist questions if you are unsure about your medication. They may be able to provide you with extra information to help you understand your prescription, over-the-counter or herbal medicines.
The pharmacist may offer you a ‘generic’ brand of medication that is cheaper than the brand your doctor prescribed. Ask the pharmacist to explain any differences between what was prescribed and the generic brand. The choice is then up to you. Sometimes, your doctor will specify that you should not substitute the prescribed brand for a generic brand. If this is the case, follow your doctor’s instructions.
If, once you start taking the medication, you have problems with your treatment:
- Don’t change the treatment without speaking to your doctor.
- Tell your doctor about any unwanted side effects.
- Work with your doctor to find a treatment that works better for you.
Where to get help
- Your GP
- The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), call 1800 472 247 or email [email protected]
What Is a General Practitioner? What They Do, When to See One, and What to Expect
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- What Does a General Practitioner Do?
- Education and Training
- Reasons to See a General Practitioner
- What to Expect at the General Practitioner
Also called family doctors or internists, general practitioners often develop an ongoing relationship with you, providing continuity of care. They treat common medical conditions and perform routine exams. They refer you to other medical services or doctors if you need urgent or specialized treatment.
A general practitioner focuses on your overall health: physical and mental. They serve an important role in a much wider healthcare system. One of their main goals is to keep you healthy and out of the hospital.
What Does a General Practitioner Do?
If you’re seeking treatment for a physical or mental health concern, a general practitioner is likely your first point of contact. They help everyone from newborns to older adults.
General practitioner duties include assessing you with a physical exam and a review of your medical history. From there, they may order additional tests, recommend treatment, or connect you with a specialist. As part of emerging telehealth services around the world, they can provide a consultation over the phone or through a video call.
In an emergency, a general practitioner can provide life-saving treatment until emergency services arrive.
General practitioners work as a part of a larger team — including nurses, pharmacists, psychiatrists, and others — to support your holistic ( whole-body) care. They’re an essential part of preventative medicine and health education.
The general practitioner’s duties are broad. Some examples of the care they provide include:
●Routine exams
●Mental health checks
●Chronic (long-term) illness care
●References to specialists
●Follow-up care
Education and Training
Training to become a general practitioner takes from seven to 15 years. Their curriculum is constantly updated to align with the latest medical advancements, research, public health concerns, and community needs.
General practitioner education includes a broad scope of knowledge. The process includes:
- A bachelor’s degree — preferably in a relevant science
- A satisfactory Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score
- An average of four years in medical school
- A three- to seven-year residency during which the doctor focuses on their specialty
- Certification by the American Board of Family Medicine, American Board of General Practice, or American Board of Internal Medicine
Reasons to See a General Practitioner
General practitioners can help you with many routine and serious conditions. There are several reasons to visit your general practitioner, including:
Wellness Exams and Preventative Medicine
One of the general practitioner’s most important roles is performing routine screenings for health conditions. You may benefit from visiting a general practitioner to check for conditions, such as:
- High blood pressure
- Risk factors for heart disease
- Risk factors for diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Cancer
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Depression
General practitioners can be instrumental in the early detection of health conditions as well as preventative medicine. If you have a family history of chronic illness, are at-risk for a chronic condition, or are experiencing symptoms, a screening by your general practitioner will benefit your health and peace of mind.
Beyond this, general practitioners are a great resource for staying updated on all necessary immunizations and preventative care.
Urgent Care for Illness or Injury
An equally important duty of the general practitioner is treating illness and injuries. Visit your general practitioner when you’re sick, injured, or experiencing concerning symptoms.
A general practitioner can use lab tests to diagnose illness, prescribe medication as treatment, assess your overall health, and connect you with a specialist if needed.
General practitioners can treat acute (short-term) conditions, such as:
- Minor wounds
- Asthma attacks
- Migraines
- Urinary tract infections
- Colds and flu
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Minor broken bones
- Skin infections or rashes
- Muscle strains and sprains
In the case of a mental health crisis, your general practitioner can connect you with a mental health specialist.
Chronic Conditions
General practitioners can provide prescriptions, lifestyle recommendations, and follow-up care for chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and some mental health conditions.
What to Expect at the General Practitioner
A general practitioner appointment typically lasts 10 to 30 minutes. Your general practitioner may:
- Assess your health
- Discuss your medical history and symptoms
- Run diagnostic tests
- Develop a treatment plan
- Advise you about ongoing lifestyle changes
- Give you thorough information about your condition and treatment
- Prescribe medication
- Refer you to a specialist or arrange a follow-up appointment
Quiz: What Kind of Doctor Would You Be?
This article was created by Onedio. There were no changes from the editorial side. You can also create your own articles on our website.
Onedio Favorites > Tests-ata_day Onedio user
Ever thought about a career in medicine? Which profile do you think is right for you? We'll help you decide.
1. Why would you like to become a doctor?
Because of religious or political views
Because someone close to me suffered from a disease
I would not want to become a doctor
To earn a lot of money
Not sure
I have always been drawn to science
To help people
2. Which of these funds would you invest in?
Leukemia Foundation
International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW
Start in Life Charitable Foundation
Red Cross
Family Planning Fund
None of them
3. What do you think is most important in the ability to find an approach to the sick?
Calm coped with a difficult patient?
I will transfer it to another doctor
I will accept. After all, he has to go through a lot
I will try to hear what he wants to tell me
I will try to distract and calm him down
I will use authority to control the situation
I will just give him what he wants

Social worker
7. What toy would you not refuse?
Board game
8. Where would you go on vacation?
To a spa resort
Would stay at home
To Disneyland
Touring Europe
To a tropical island
9. What would you focus on if you were a doctor? ?
To defend the rights and interests of patients
To care for and comfort people
To fight everything that gets in my way
To help people feel better
To make the future better
On studying and treating diseases
10. Which of the following best describes what you saw in this inkblot?
Crab or similar animal
Crying person
Two people talking
Halloween mask
Nude figure
I see something completely different
You could be a veterinarian!
Veterinarians are known to treat animals. You love people, but animals are your real passion. Although this profession is not at all easy! Veterinarians need to know a lot about a wide variety of animals, from dogs and cats to horses and chickens. At the same time, it is important not only to be able to treat their diseases, but also to know how to cope with them, how to calm them down, and this can be difficult. But what happiness you will give the animal and its owner thanks to the care shown! This is truly priceless.
You could become an oncologist!
An oncologist specializes in the fight against cancer. This is not an easy task, where you will have to face a broken heart more than once. You have strong empathy, but at the same time you are very attentive to details and have a passion for science. You also need to be emotionally stable in order to face tragedy on a daily basis and, of course, enjoy every remission and recovery.
You could become a pediatrician!
Pediatrician specializes in working with children. Of course, first of all, you must love them. But it is also important to be a patient and calm person who can cope not only with children, but also with their parents. You must be able to quickly make contact with completely different people, especially since your patients will often see you over the next 18 years
You could become a plastic surgeon!
Plastic surgeons often face misunderstandings in the field of medicine. Sure, you want to help people look their best, but it's not just about vanity. There are many nobler aspects in this realm as well. For example, facial reconstruction after an accident so that the patient can feel like himself again. In addition, it happens that a person is born with defects, which also sometimes want to be eliminated. You know that real beauty is inside, but you would like to help it break out.
You could become a general practitioner!
He is sometimes called a family doctor. This is the doctor you visit for everyday illnesses and injuries. But it is by no means boring work! General practitioners have to deal with a wide range of problems, build close relationships with patients, and that is why they are so trusted. You have constancy, you do not shy away from problems, and you are also a jack of all trades. There is no problem too big or too small for you!
You could become an obstetrician-gynecologist!
You would have to deal with women and their health problems, and also deliver! You must be a caring person and a good listener. In addition, you respect women (and perhaps you are even one of them) and worry about the future generation. Remember that today's newborns may become doctors tomorrow!
Source: playbuzz.com
This article was created by Onedio. There were no changes from the editorial side. You can also create your own articles on our website.
Quiz: If you were a doctor, what would be your specialization? Ustaliy.ru
in Career Guidance Tests
published Psychologist
The profession of a doctor is a complex and responsible one. Have you dreamed of devoting yourself to her, but in the end you are doing something else? Do you want to know about your possible future? Answer just 5 questions, and we will tell you what kind of doctor you could become.
Send him to another doctor
Would try to divert attention in order to calm down
I would take matters into my own hands
Would try to get him what he wants
I would just endure
Make sure I really understand him
Research and treatment of diseases
Advocacy for the rights of the sick
Seeking to make people feel better
Care and comfort for people
Striving for a better future
Solving all the problems that appear on the way
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singlepageObstetrician-gynecologistVeterinary doctorGeneral practitionerDoctorMedicalOncologistPediatricianPlastic surgeonWorkspecializationTest
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