How do i know what school district my child is in
Find Your School | My Tennessee Public Schools
Age, Grade Level, and School Location
Your child’s age and grade level are the indicators of the right school level: elementary, middle, or high school.
Your child’s age is your first indicator of his or her eligibility for beginning school. Students may start kindergarten if they turn five on or before August 15. A
child does not have to enroll in school at age five, but must enroll no later than his or her sixth birthday. TCA 49-6-3001a, b, c.
Voluntary Pre-K program in some districts. Enrollment in the Voluntary Pre-K program is based upon a child’s eligibility as identified in TCA 49-6-101─104.* Available space in each school system is limited and is based on the funding awarded each year through a grant process. Children must be four years old by Aug. 15 prior to the new school year and reside in the area served by the school district. No child who is age eligible for kindergarten (five years of age on or before Aug. 15 prior to the new school year) may be enrolled in pre-K.
Grade Level
Schools are traditionally organized by grade bands.
- Elementary school: Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and grades 1-5. Some districts include grade 6 in the elementary school
- Middle school: Grades 6-8
- High school: Grades 9-12
Most schools follow this grade distribution, though some districts may include a sixth grade or ninth grade school/academy to help students adjust to middle school and high school. A few other arrangements exist in some districts, such as grades K-8 in one school.
The following link gives information about public, charter, non-public schools, and home schooling.
School Location
Which actual school is your child to attend?
Your residence address determines which actual school building your child will attend. In some districts, specialized magnet schools and academies may accept students from multiple zones; criteria for magnet and academy school eligibility are available directly from those districts. Additional attendance zoning exceptions may occur from district to district; policies regarding exceptions are also available directly from those districts.
District and Individual School Information
You may access your county’s district information either of the following ways:
- Click on either of these two links:
- It opens to a page with all the county/district names. Under the district name is the superintendent/director’s name. The address of the district office follows. Clicking on the name of the district links you to a page with phone numbers and web addresses for contacting the district. On the right side of the page (before clicking on the district name) there is a link to schools in the district, active and inactive.
Clicking on the “active” link takes you to a list of all schools in the district, addresses, phones, principal’s name, and the grades served by the individual school. Some schools have included a hyperlinked web address for the school. If no web address is listed, contact the school or district at the phone number provided for that information. Also on the right side of the page is a link to the CORE office which is the regional office overseeing information and needs for that district. These offices are used by the district; they are not intended for parents to access.
- A link above the county name, “Active District Schools,” takes you to a list of all schools in that district with their addresses, phone numbers, principal’s name, and other basic information. Each school name is linked to a page with the school address and phone number. If you already know which school your child will attend, you may contact the school directly. Some school Websites show zoning maps or zone assignments to help you locate your child’s school.
A district office phone also appears on that page. If the district Website does not guide you to the information you need, call the district office. They will assist you in finding that information. A school’s web address usually has a Parent link. Information about attendance zones may be found here if multiple schools exist for your student’s grade level.
- It opens to a page with all the county/district names. Under the district name is the superintendent/director’s name. The address of the district office follows. Clicking on the name of the district links you to a page with phone numbers and web addresses for contacting the district. On the right side of the page (before clicking on the district name) there is a link to schools in the district, active and inactive.
School websites are also listed on individual TDOE district pages. They are not hyper-linked. Go to the district’s web address and access the Parent link. Information about attendance zones may be found here if multiple schools exist for your student’s grade level. A link above the county name, “Active District Schools,” takes you to a list of all schools in that district with their addresses, phone numbers, principal’s name, and other basic information. Each school name is linked to a page with the school address and phone number. If you already know which school your child will attend, you may contact the school directly. Some school Websites show zoning maps or zone assignments to help you locate your child’s school. A district office phone also appears on that page. If the district Website does not guide you to the information you need, call the district office. They will assist you in finding that information.*Copy and paste the school address into your browser window OR you can go to the district site and access each school from there. In the actual district Website, schools’ Websites are hyperlinked.
NOTE: Because each district maintains its own Website, there is not a consistent format or heading title for locating the details of how to enroll; use the search window or an identified link on the site to help find your child’s correct school. It may be necessary to call the district office for assistance.
This site provides information about schools when you click the county name. It includes data about the schools, academics, and the local community as it relates to schools.There are phone numbers for the schools, so you can contact them for more information.
Changes in School Zones
In districts with multiple schools for each level, zones may change occasionally. It is important to check your residence zoning regardless of what it has been in previous years. Some districts provide a ‘Transportation’ link to guide you through finding the appropriate zone for your child’s school.
Transportation and Buses
Information about available transportation and details regarding school bus routes is available from the school or by contacting the district Transportation Department. Some districts include a Transportation link that may provide the needed information.
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MassGIS Data: Public School Districts
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June 2019
These polygon data layers depict the boundaries of public school districts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
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A school district is an administrative unit responsible for managing primary and secondary school services within a defined geographical boundary defined by one city or town or by multiple municipalities. District information, as of December 2018, was obtained from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
A public school district consists of one or more public schools operated under the supervision of an elected or appointed school committee and a superintendent. The majority of school districts serve a single city or town, and are considered a department of the municipal government. Two or more municipalities can also join together to form a regional school district, which is considered a separate and independent unit of local government. A regional school district can offer all grades (PreK-12), just certain grades (for example, just elementary grades or just high school), or just certain types of instruction (for example, vocational and technical programs).
The June 2019 update from MassGIS divided the districts into two layers:
1) municipal and regional public school districts, and
2) charter, collaborative, superintendency union and vocational districts.
The municipal and regional districts layer includes the following district types:
- Municipal Elementary - Elementary school district administered by a city or town school committee. Either is part of a regional secondary district, or tuitions students to other districts for secondary level education.
- Municipal K-12 - All-grades school district administered by a city or town school committee. May include pre-kindergarten level.
- Regional Elementary - Elementary school district comprising multiple cities/towns, administered by a regional school committee.
Either is part of a regional secondary district, or tuitions students to other districts for secondary level education.
- Regional Secondary - Secondary school district (starting in junior high or high school) comprising Municipal Elementary and Regional Elementary districts, administered by a regional school committee.
- Regional K-12 All-grades school district administered by a regional school committee. May include pre-kindergarten level.
- No Schools Four towns in western Massachusetts do not administer any of their own schools and have tuition agreements to send their students to neighboring school districts.
This feature class is named SCHOOLDISTRICTS_POLY.
"CCUV" districtsThe charter, collaborative, superintendency union, and vocational (CCUV) districts layer includes the following district types:
- Charter - Charter schools are independent public schools that operate under five-year charters granted by the Commonwealth's Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).
The increased freedom available to charter schools coupled with increased accountability, infuses all aspects of BESE's oversight of charter schools, beginning with the rigorous application process that groups must go through to receive a charter. Once BESE has awarded a charter, the new charter school has the freedom to organize around a core mission, curriculum, theme, or teaching method. It is allowed to control its own budget and hire (and fire) teachers and staff. In return for this freedom, a charter school must demonstrate good results within five years or risk losing its charter.
- Collaborative - Educational Collaboratives are formed by local school committees and charter boards under the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 4E. The purpose of an educational collaborative is to supplement and strengthen the programs and services of member school committees and charter boards. All educational collaborative agreements and amendments must be approved by the member school committees and charter boards and BESE.
- Superintendency Union - Superintendency unions (sometimes called "school unions") are cooperative arrangements between two or more school committees (typically in small towns) to share the services of a superintendent of schools and central office staff, while allowing each town to keep its own school committee and school buildings. The law authorizing school unions was enacted in 1870, predating the law authorizing regional school districts, which was enacted in 1949.
- Regional Vocational Technical - Career/vocational technical education programs is the term used to denote Chapter 74-approved vocational technical education programs and non-Chapter 74 career and technical education programs. Administered by a regional vocational school committee.
This feature class is named SCHOOLDISTRICTS_CCUV_POLY.
Regional Town LabelsPolygons for the towns within regional districts are included in the download. They come from the Municipalities layer. They can be used to outline and label the towns that comprise each regional district.
This feature class is named SCHOOLDISTRICTS_RglTownLabels.
MassGIS created the geographic data in ArcGIS 10.3 software by selecting (and in some cases aggregating) polygons from the Municipalities dataset. Communities that do not directly operate a school district are classified as non-operating and are not represented with individual polygons in this layer. The "non-op" towns belong to a regional school district (included in this layer) or pay tuition for their students to attend another school district.
Each regional district was created by "dissolving" municipal polygons. A community was included in a regional district if it is listed by DESE as a "member" of the regional district, meaning it participates in the governance and funding of the overall district. If the city/town is not a member of a regional school district at particular grade levels, it must enter into an agreement with another school district to educate the students in those grade spans at the city/town's expense. Such city/towns in a "Grade Tuition Agreement" with a regional district were not dissolved into the regional district polygon. (For example: The "non-op" towns of Monroe, Mount Washington, New Ashford and Tyringham have only grade tuition agreements with other towns or districts for all grades and are not part of any feature in the layer.)
Selected attribute data in tabular format were obtained from DESE and linked to the geographic features.
The nature of the single- and multiple-community districts results in extensive overlap between the different district types. For example, a city/town may operate its own local school district at some grades and belong to a regional district or tuition out its students at other grades, and at the same time it also may be a member of a regional vocational technical school district and/or a charter school district.
The 2019 update of this data recreated the school districts based on a Community Boundaries layer with a less detailed coastline.
The municipal and regional districts data layer's attribute table contains the following fields:
ORG4CODE | Text/4 | Unique 4-character identifier for each school district as defined by DESE. This field may be used to join to tables provided by DESE on its website. These IDs contain only numbers but the field must be of type text since many of them begin with leading zeros. |
ORG8CODE | Text/8 | Unique 8-character identifier for each school district as defined by DESE. This field may be used to join to tables provided by DESE on its website. These IDs contain only numbers but the field must be of type text since many of them begin with leading zeros. ORG8CODE is the same as ORG4CODE with the addition of four trailing zeros. Both fields are included as DESE data may use either field. |
DISTRICT_NAME | Text/255 | The full school district name |
DISTRICT_TYPE | Text/15 | Type of school district. For more details see Profiles Help or the About Public School Districts link when searching the districts. |
MEMBERLIST | Text/255 | Member towns in a regional school district |
TUITION | Text/1 | Does the region have a tuition agreement to send students to other districts for any grades? (Yes/No) |
TUITION_GRADES | Text/10 | Range of grades for which the district tuitions students |
TUITION_TO | Text/255 | District(s) where the tuitioned students go |
SUPERINTENDENCY_UNION | Text/10 | Union number for districts with a shared superintendent |
START_GRADE | Text/4 | The lowest grade offered by the district |
END_GRADE | Text/2 | The highest grade offered by the district |
The CCUV districts data layer's attribute table contains the following fields:
TYPE | Text/50 | Type of school district. For more details see Profiles Help or the About Public School Districts link when searching the districts. |
NAME | Text/255 | The full school district name |
MEMBERS | Text/1000 | District's member towns |
NICKNAME | Text/50 | District nickname |
ORG8CODE | Text/8 | Unique 8-character identifier for each school district as defined by DESE. This field may be used to join to tables provided by DESE on its website. These IDs contain only numbers but the field must be of type text since many of them begin with leading zeros. ORG8CODE is the same as ORG4CODE with the addition of four trailing zeros. Both fields are included as DESE data may use either field.![]() |
SCH8CODE | Text/8 | Unique identifier for each charter school as defined by DESE. This field is populated only for charter districts and is different than ORG8CODE. These IDs contain only numbers but the field must be of type text since many of them begin with leading zeros. |
ORG4CODE | Text/4 | Unique 4-character identifier for each school district as defined by DESE. This field may be used to join to tables provided by DESE on its website. These IDs contain only numbers but the field must be of type text since many of them begin with leading zeros. |
The three code fields are not populated for the Superintendency Union districts.
Search the profiles of each public school district in Massachusetts at the Organization Search. Additional information not included in this GIS layer may be found and downloaded from there.
MassGIS maintains these datalayers and will update them based on regular updates from DESE.
Also see the Schools layer for point locations of PreK-12 schools in the commonwealth.
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You can find out how a child learns through the State Services
Identification of students at the entrance to the school by their faces, electronic textbooks, virtual performances of the Bolshoi Theater, a demonstration of the device of an internal combustion engine in 3D on the screen. All this seems like an unreal technology of the future. However, according to the assurances of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, changes are coming. Once upon a time it seemed that looking on the Internet and finding out what your child was given even before he came home from school was also the technology of the future. Meanwhile, electronic diaries and journals are now firmly established in the modern educational process.
The student's electronic diary provides information about the student's progress. Here, parents can find out grades, see teachers' comments on setting a particular point for a completed task, and track missed lessons.
In the Shlisselburg Secondary School No. 1, the systems of electronic diaries and journals have been working for nine years (they started working gradually: first they connected 1 class from the parallel, then 2-3 classes. The whole school has been working with the platform since 2014) . The administrator responsible for the work of teachers with Dnevnik.RU Olga Kurtseitova shared her impressions and said that in the future the school plans to completely abandon the paper version of the magazine.
Olga Olegovna, what gives the use of services to teachers, parents, students?
- For teachers, using the electronic diary service allows you to quickly exchange information with the parents of students through personal messages. Thanks to the electronic journal, it became possible to quickly create a report on the progress and attendance of the class as a whole and each participant separately. If earlier, once a month, the class teacher (writing out marks from a paper journal in the student's diary) pasted a sheet with grades into the diary, now the report is created automatically.
For parents - this is round-the-clock access to the child's electronic diary (you can clearly control the progress - you won't be able to hide the deuces, and you won't be able to cheat about homework and lesson schedules). It is possible to find out the average grade.
Schoolchildren need not be afraid, not to write down their homework, everything is in the electronic diary. This is convenient for those who are sick or missed classes. In the diary, you can use the library with the works of the school course, audio and video materials.
What are the advantages of these systems?
- This is a large database that helps to track the educational process as a whole, the transparency of grades, saving time, the ability to quickly notify participants in the educational process through announcements. Several teachers can work with an electronic journal at once, and, of course, now it cannot physically get lost.
Are there any plans to stop paper versions?
- Yes. Today we have already abandoned the paper version of magazines in elementary school.
Most parents also see positive aspects in using the service, the main thing is to get used to it.
Lyubov Yuzgin: There are many pluses. Basically, I like it. I learn grades and homework before the child. There is an opportunity at any time to understand what needs to be corrected, tightened up.
The minus is the cost for the mobile version. But we don't use the app. Site only. And it's very affordable.
Tatyana Pavlova
photos from open Internet sources
Registration of an electronic diary
After the questionnaire is checked, the participant will receive a standard office and will be able to register in the diary . ru through public services.
Such registration is performed as follows:
- Enter into any search engine a request for an online document of a student in the desired region. There is no specific reference because each region has its own service.
- Follow the link.
- Enter temporary access information received on the Internet resource of public services.
- Enter the required information.
- Follow the active link to the student's online document.
After the registration of the electronic diary through the State Services, all the news of the educational institution will now be available to students and their relatives.
Registration of an electronic diary through ""
D about the start of using the learning resource must be taken from the responsible employee of the educational institution for authorization on the site, indicating the full name, birthday and SNILS number.
Access the authorization page in the student's online document by clicking the login button on the main page.
Enter the received information for activation into the input form, press the access button.
Once on the page of individual information, you need to perform a thorough check of the correctness of the data and press the "Next" button.
Having discovered inaccuracies, it is required to approach the responsible employee of the educational institution to correct them.
Opens a security page where you need to enter a phone number and email address.
Then you need to change the temporary password to a permanent one. Choose a complex password, do not use a birthday. Perhaps the only change to the login.
To complete the registration process, you need to confirm your e-mail box using the link from the incoming message.
how parents themselves add complexity
Svetlana Logvina
Author profile
Two of my children study in different classes of the same school, and I voluntarily joined the parent committee in each class.
More precisely, she did not join, but proposed her candidacy at the parent meeting. And she turned out to be alone: no one else agreed to this heroic deed.
I decided to do this because I want to help the class teacher solve everyday issues and not distract him from teaching children. I also do it for the sake of my son: I immediately learn about school events and conflicts between children. I don’t talk about the child’s progress with the teacher: I don’t want my voluntary help to affect grades.
I live in Moscow and I don’t know how it is in other regions, but at our school they don’t collect money for new blinds, a cleaner, classroom repairs and water coolers: the school provides everything. Parents are left with holidays, workbooks and small purchases for the comfort of children. For 9years of work in the parent committee, I met different parents: those who simply transfer money without discussing spending, and those who constantly argue, and donate money reluctantly.
Being a member of the parent committee is technically simple: you can collect money from parents through transfers by phone number, you can order textbooks and workbooks online and with delivery directly to the school. If you need to organize a holiday, then I buy tickets for the performance on the theater website, and I agree with the animators in advance the conditions and the fee in the messenger.
But in practice things are not so smooth. I will tell you how my parents add complexity to my voluntary unpaid work.
They don't want to help
This is the main problem - no one wants to participate in the life of the class, there are many excuses: I work, I have no time, I don't understand. At the same time, it is not clear to me what exactly the problem is. As a rule, at least a third of mothers do not work, there is one child in the family, but no one can simply buy something on the Internet with the collected money and order delivery to school.
Same problem with field trips and school activities. I am a mother of many children, I work on weekdays on the other side of the city and cannot come to school to, for example, decorate the classroom. But before work, I can bring tinsel, garlands, balls and treats.
One day, before the New Year, a party was organized at the school. I agreed with the animators - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - I bought and brought gift sets for children, juices and cakes in advance. In the parent chat, I asked the parents to help the teacher give the children gifts and treat them with juice and cakes. Silence. As a result, one mother agreed to come in the last stages of pregnancy.
But all the parents came to the holiday itself. When I was at work, I saw notifications in the messenger: photos from the holiday flew. A complete class of parents! Only me was not there. That is, almost everyone was able to come to the holiday, but they refused to help the teacher in the class.
Parents' rights at school
Our school often holds competitions to see who can decorate the class best. Once I was lucky, and the child's class teacher was a young girl who brought a stepladder and was able to decorate the office. What if the teacher is an elderly woman? Then children hang decorations, and this is dangerous: the ceilings in schools are higher than in ordinary houses.
We never went on excursions as a class, because we need several accompanying parents. Therefore, we ask other classes to take our children with them.
They do not trust the choice of the parent committee
Many parents are outraged that they have to donate money for school supplies. This number includes different categories of purchases.
Notebooks for tests, teaching aids. I have heard comments from various departments many times that textbooks that the school gives out free of charge are enough for education. By law, all education should be free and students should not buy textbooks. But textbooks, in my opinion, help children to better study and consolidate the material - that's why teachers ask to buy a workbook for the textbook.
You can also buy workbooks on your own, but it happens that the content differs in different batches: for example, the teacher asks to open page 10, and half of the class has the right text on page 11.
Pens. Black gel pens are needed for test papers: as they explain to us at school, papers are scanned, therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to write with black gel pens. Others may not be recognized correctly by the scanner.
Older children already cope with this issue on their own, and it is easier for kids to buy a pack of pens for the class so that no one forgets a pen at home before the test.
Of course, you can buy all this, as well as coasters, organizers and other stationery items on your own. But someone will definitely forget to buy a pen, and someone will buy the wrong notebook that the teacher asked for.
Several times a year I buy workbooks and school supplies for 30 people from the biggest online stores. Due to the volume of purchases, I have good discounts:
- in the "Labyrinth" there is a constant 15% discount and additional promotional codes come regularly. As a result, the total discount can reach up to 40%;
- in "Myshop" a 15% discount and you can regularly add additional discounts to the price;
- Lifetime free premium account on Ozone with free shipping from 99 RUR
I can buy contour maps for 107 R. Source: And a collection of problems for 121 R. More than two times cheaper. Source:
But some parents refuse such an offer and say that they will buy everything themselves. Once I was very surprised by my mother, who, with a scandal, refused to hand over money in May, after finishing the first grade. I bought workbooks for the rest of the children for the second year of study - with big discounts and free shipping. In September, when classes began, her child found himself without workbooks, according to which homework had already begun.
As a result, at the parents' meeting, this woman came up to me and said: “I went to all the shops, these notebooks are nowhere to be found. Here's the money for you, buy us a kit where you buy them there." I had to upset her that she would have to continue the search on her own, since there were no such prices in September and delivery would be more expensive than the notebook itself.
They don't want to discuss anything
Various events are held in our class infrequently, mostly they are timed to coincide with the New Year, February 23, March 8 and Teacher's Day. That is, there are only four holidays in a year, for which the whole class gathers. But it is almost impossible to find out from parents what would be interesting for their children.
Usually only six or seven people express their wishes, the rest silently donate money or don't hand it over in silence. You can order any animators for the holiday, but it’s better to choose characters that are interesting to all children, and not Luntik, whom I suddenly decide to order - because my child loves him.
Or you can order a pizza, but at the party it suddenly turns out that some child is allergic to tomatoes: if the mother of this child warns in advance, I can ask the pizzeria to do without tomatoes in one pizza. But usually this does not happen - everyone is silent in the chat when I ask what to feed and how to entertain children.
How to transfer a child to another school
As a result, I began to organize all the holidays and choose gifts on my own. I discuss only with the teacher. Parents usually don't mind. I collect money in installments before significant events: we collect a maximum of 3,000 R per child per year. In the first half of the school year, money is spent mainly on teaching aids, then gifts for the holidays for children and teachers, household items for the class: liquid soap, paper towels.
I've heard about wars in parent chats going offline, but I haven't experienced this. I don’t even know which is better: active discussion with fierce arguments or a quiet swamp of indifference.
Money is not paid on time
In general, I have no questions: I buy everything online, electronic checks are always at hand, I keep a report on expenses in a table, which I periodically drop into the general parent chat. From this school year, I plan to make a report in a Google document so that any parent can come in and look at the expenses of the parent committee.
For convenience, I do not calculate the total balance, but individual for each studentDespite the fact that I report on expenses, from time to time parents ask where the money went and why his child has minus 1000 R. I suggest that they take a closer look at the table.
I fully agree that the parent committee is a form of self-organization of parents, so no one can be forced to donate money, this is a voluntary matter. But, in my opinion, the point of collecting money and spending it afterwards is a little help for children, and not a complete financial support for the educational process.
See for yourself. The child goes to school every day. The school has drinking water, but, for example, after a drawing lesson, you need to wash your hands from paint, these children do in class. And what do they use to wipe their hands? Paper towels bought by the parent committee. The teacher told me that I needed towels, and I already passed it on to the other parents.
Gifts from Santa Claus don't appear just like that either. And after all, parents see that the child went to the holiday and brought a gift, but they don’t want to think about where all this comes from. I buy gifts for the whole class because I'm worried about children whose parents have not handed over money. Imagine a situation: a couple of children are taken aside and told that their parents did not return the money for gifts, so while everyone is eating candy, they need to do something else.
What parents of first graders can expect from a school
It's a terrible situation, but it doesn't happen often.