Twin due date
Twin Pregnancy: Answers from an Expert
Twin Pregnancy: Answers from an Expert | Johns Hopkins MedicineReviewed By:
When you’re expecting twins, you know you’ll need two of everything for your registry. But what about staying healthy during your pregnancy? Do you need to double your food intake, weight gain and visits to the doctor? With regard to the babies, are there two placentas and two amniotic sacs, or can they share these?
Johns Hopkins maternal-fetal medicine specialist Jeanne Sheffield answers eight commonly asked questions.
Do twins share a placenta and an amniotic sac?
While some twins may share a placenta and an amniotic sac, that is not the case for the vast majority of pregnancies. Here are three major possibilities that exist:
- Two placentas and two amniotic sacs.
A twin pregnancy with two placentas and two amniotic sacs is the optimal twin pregnancy, as each baby has its own nutritional source and protective membrane.
- One placenta and two amniotic sacs. In pregnancies with one placenta and two amniotic sacs, you will definitely have identical twins. Additionally, when your babies share a placenta, there is a greater risk for complications, such as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Your physician will closely monitor your pregnancy to check for potential problems.
- One placenta and one amniotic sac. This is the riskiest and rarest type of twin pregnancy. Fetal complications can arise due to tangling of the umbilical cords or an imbalance in nutrients, blood or other vital life supporting systems.
- Two placentas and two amniotic sacs.
Do I need to double my caloric intake during a twin pregnancy?
A common misconception surrounding twin pregnancy is that you need to double your caloric intake to provide your babies with enough nutrients.
However, pregnancy nutrition guidelines aren’t simply based on the number of babies you’re carrying. Instead, they’re based on your body mass index at the time you became pregnant.
Your doctor will make individualized recommendations based on your starting weight. On average, it’s estimated that a woman’s caloric requirements will increase about 40 percent for a twin pregnancy. What’s most important, though, is that a woman eats as healthy as possible.
Do I need to take different prenatal vitamins for twins?
If you’re pregnant with twins, you should take the same prenatal vitamins you would take for any pregnancy, but your physician will recommend extra folic acid and iron. The additional folic acid and extra iron will help ward off iron-deficiency anemia, which is more common when you’re pregnant with multiples.
Will I need to visit my doctor more frequently?
While every pregnancy is different, most women carrying twins will have more frequent prenatal visits than women carrying only one baby.
If your twins are sharing one placenta, you will automatically have a more frequent monitoring schedule.
If your pregnancy doesn’t have complications, your prenatal visits may not differ much from a singleton pregnancy until you get to the end of your second trimester. At that point, you’ll be seen more frequently because there is a higher risk of pre-eclampsia and preterm labor.
Do I have to see a maternal-fetal medicine specialist for a twin pregnancy?
Maternal-fetal medicine specialists see high-risk pregnancies, but not every twin pregnancy will fall into this category.
To find the best care provider for your twins, make sure that the physician is comfortable managing twins, including vaginal delivery of twins rather than only offering a cesarean section (C-section) for delivery.
Are all twin pregnancies delivered preterm?
A little more than half of twin pregnancies end in preterm delivery (before 37 weeks).
While 40 weeks is the full gestation period of the average pregnancy, most twin pregnancies are delivered at approximately 36 weeks (range 32-38 weeks depending on the type of twin pregnancy).
Unfortunately, preventing preterm labor with multiples is more challenging than with a singleton pregnancy because the interventions used with singleton pregnancies are not as effective with multiples.
Can bed rest reduce the risk of preterm delivery?
Scientific data show that bed rest does not prevent preterm delivery. In fact, bed rest can increase your risk of developing blood clots and have negative financial and social consequences.
Although bed rest is not prescribed as frequently as it once was, your doctor may suggest reducing your activity level if you’re showing signs of early labor at the end of your second trimester or early in your third trimester.
Is labor and delivery significantly different with twins?
Labor is generally the same whether you’re having one baby or two.
During delivery is when things differ significantly.
When it’s time to deliver your twins, you will go to an operating room even if you are delivering vaginally. This is a safety precaution known as a double setup. Following the vaginal delivery of the first baby, there is a small risk of an emergency cesarean section for the second baby. There is also the possibility of the second twin being delivered breech, which is a safe form of vaginal delivery if the obstetrician is experienced in this type of delivery.
Of women giving birth to twins over 32 weeks, only about 4 percent who try for a vaginal delivery will have a combined vaginal and cesarean section delivery. While it doesn’t happen very often, by delivering both babies in the operating room, physicians are better prepared to protect the health of the mother and the babies.
Although being pregnant with twins can seem very different, your doctor will treat your pregnancy like any other unless a complication occurs.
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Different Size Twins and Due Dates During Pregnancy
by Joe Rawlinson - September 4, 2020I got a question from a mom who is about 29 weeks pregnant with twins. She says that at the last ultrasound, one of her twins was measuring 30 weeks and the other twin was measuring 29 weeks. She asks if that’s a reason for concern. Is it normal for twins to be different sizes?
Is it cause for concern? It depends. During our twin pregnancy, our girls did measure differently throughout the twin pregnancy. One was consistently bigger than the other, just like you’re describing. The ultrasound technicians and the doctor used size to determine due dates, but you can always view those as just estimates. Like in your example, one was 29 weeks and one was 30 weeks. Those estimates are based off the size of the babies.
Estimates and Averages
Keep in mind that twins do come really early, typically around 36 weeks, compared to 40 weeks for a singleton pregnancy. I would go off the earlier due date if you’re trying to plan out your babies’ arrival. Talk to your doctor about your concerns about different size twins.
Potential Risk
There is something called twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, or TTTS. That is a disease of the placenta that affects individual identical twins during the pregnancy. Essentially, blood can be transfused disproportionately from one twin, who we’ll call the donor, to the other twin, who is the recipient. This is a serious condition that would result in drastically different size babies. Here’s a more in-depth article on twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, what it means, and the odds that it could happen.
Twins with Different Due Dates
Can twins have different due dates?
It is natural for twins to be different weights and thus have different due dates.
However, once it is time for delivery, both twins will be born. The doctor doesn’t leave one twin in utero just because the due date hasn’t arrived yet.
Different sizes lead to different due date estimates. These size differences will likely hold true at birth too.
In fact, when our girls arrived, they were both different sizes. One weighed more than the other. Odds are that your twins, even though they may be identical, will be different sizes when they arrive.
If you need other help staying healthy and keeping the babies healthy through the twin pregnancy, I recommend that you check out the second chapter of my book, the “Dad’s Guide to Twins.”
This topic was originally addressed on the Dad’s Guide to Twins Podcast Episode 81: Dogs and Twins, Psychology of Raising Twins, Different Due Dates.
Picture by weatherking.
Further Reading
Don't forget to pick up a copy of the definitive guide to raising twins. "Dad's Guide to Raising Twins" was written for fathers of twins to help guide you through the first several years with twins. Click here to learn more about the book and get your copy.
dates, characteristics, compatibility of the zodiac sign
Easy-going Gemini - lovers of noisy companies and adventures, love to gossip and unravel other people's secrets. Why are they loved, what is their nature and compatibility with other people? The secrets of the third sign of the zodiac were revealed by astrologers Sergey Shestopalov and Irina Pigulevskaya.
The main characteristics of the sign Gemini
Smart and talented Gemini is always in the spotlight. In their quest for freedom, these people are able to quit overnight, get divorced, move and completely change their lives. We will find out what else the generous and courteous representatives of this sign are capable of.
Date and element of the sign
People born between May 22 and June 21 are under the auspices of Mercury, which makes them brilliant, artistic and sociable. Like all personalities born at the turn of the seasons, Gemini is charming and changeable.
What is the element of the zodiac sign Gemini? These are representatives of the trine of Air, which also includes Libra and Aquarius. The typical features of air signs (curiosity, eloquence, abundance of connections) are also found in Gemini. Their symbol is the wind. The sign is never at rest, says Sergey Shestopalov, author of the book Predictive Astrology.
What does the zodiac sign Gemini look like? It is a paired sign depicting two male figures (twin brothers) or the Roman numeral two - two parallel lines united by two moons, waning and growing. What does the zodiac sign Gemini mean? It symbolizes the division of matter into parts and the soul in two, it is considered a symbol of internal torment and duality.
The half-brothers Castor and Pollux, mortal and immortal, became the symbol of the sign. Irina Pigulevskaya in the book “Your sign in myths and legends” writes that brotherly love conquered Zeus, and he turned Castor and Pollux into a constellation.
Character of Gemini, representatives of the sign
What is the character of Gemini? They are adventurers with powerful intellects and complex, dual natures. They are prone to sudden mood swings, reckless and independent. They lead an active social life, love to shock the public, causing admiration of others.
Positive character traits of the sign:
- Sociability and easy temper.
- Generosity and responsiveness.
- Wit and enthusiasm.
- Mind and charisma.
Gemini is not perfect, they have negative character traits:
- Lies and pretense.
- Loquacity and frivolity.
- Indecision and instability.
- Selfishness and narcissism.
They speak quickly, but they do not know how to listen, therefore they perceive information superficially. They don’t like conservatives and love everything new, so there are many bright, outrageous talented personalities among them:
- Donald Trump and Prince William.
- Marilyn Monroe and Johnny Depp.
- Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Sholokhov.
- Robert Schumann and Paul Gauguin.
Life, friendship, career and health of Gemini
In everyday life they are unpretentious, but neat. Cooking, washing, cleaning, absolutely independent. They do not like rituals and conventions, they prefer comfort and simplicity. They know how to take care of those they choose.
Talented Gemini is loved and appreciated in society. They are not only very attached to their parents, but also devoted to friends. They love parties, host guests at home. Talented scientists are obtained from them, since intellectual professions are suitable for Gemini. These people achieve the best success in such professions:
- Lawyer and prosecutor.
- Teacher and nanny.
- Journalist and translator.
- Marketer and copywriter.
- Guide and traveler.
To stay healthy, Gemini needs to get rid of bad habits. They are prone to diseases of the skeleton and spine, have weak lungs. They often suffer from arthritis and migraines, colds and allergies.
Gemini in love and family who is compatible with
Who are Gemini compatible with? They reach mutual understanding with representatives of the elements of Air (Libra, Aquarius) and Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Gemini lives with them, raises children, sometimes from different marriages, since the air sign is easily divorced and again goes down the aisle.
What are Gemini looking for in a relationship? This is communication, joint pastime, recreation and entertainment. Passion and intimacy are second to none. They can negotiate with anyone, because they have incredible flexibility and the ability to adapt to almost any situation, according to Cass and Janey Jackson, authors of the book Astrology.
Who is not compatible with Gemini? Gemini does not get along with representatives of the Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). It is not easy with Gemini for water signs - Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. The accumulated mutual claims lead to a break in relations.
Let's take a closer look at what Gemini can expect from relationships with other signs:
- A wonderful union of two kindred souls with Aries. They create a strong, interesting and active couple. There are enough adventures in the life of a couple to live together to old age.
- An honest relationship with Taurus. They see each other's shortcomings, learn to smooth out sharp corners. To cope with the growing irritation due to the pragmatism of the earthly partner, hobbies, sports and recreation will help Gemini.
- With Gemini. Partners understand each other very well. They have a similar life credo, goals and values. To strengthen relationships, they must keep promises, be faithful and respectful.
- Conflicts are not uncommon in a pair with Cancer. The difference in temperament and attitude to life do not match, which creates a negative atmosphere in a couple. To be together, you need to agree and share areas of responsibility.
- With Leo, strong attraction alternates with outbursts of irritation and aggression. A very temperamental couple in which partners are interested, but difficult. To be together, you need to give Leo leadership.
- Virgo considers Gemini to be too superficial, and they do not tolerate partner's criticism. Signs are better friends than dating. In addition, they are not compatible intimately.
- With Libra Gemini easily reach mutual understanding. The couple enjoy each other's company. The head here is Gemini, and Libra remains the role of inspirer of the union. Easily enter into marriage and work to save it.
- With Scorpio. These people are too different, which is noticeable at first sight. Everything will be in a pair: jealousy, the struggle for power and material resources. There will be no harmony and common plans in it, each on its own.
- With Sagittarius there will be love, passion, interest and desire at first sight. Both partners are active, they have common goals, tastes and interests.
Power struggles can undermine the foundation of a relationship.
- A strong Capricorn is able to cope with the windy Gemini. Two opposites attract and can no longer part. Both are smart and striving for success, more often converge in adulthood.
- With Aquarius. The perfect compatibility of the signs of the elements of Air guarantees a happy marriage. Modern, active, future-oriented people will become an example for everyone. Possible common business or business for the soul.
- With Pisces. Partners prefer to transfer responsibility further. They have low compatibility, and only a small part of people will decide on marriage at the age of 45+. An interesting experience without a sequel.
Gemini are charming and caring people, not without cunning. Numerous connections allow them to succeed in life, but the path to success can be thorny. Having understood the dual nature of the sign, it is easier to get along and make friends with him.
Original article:
Gemini - Month and Date of Birth
In honor of the sons of Zeus, such a constellation as the twins came to us from myth. This zodiac sign includes the category of people who were born from 22.05 to 21.06. Gemini people have a rather unusual character, how to say this character has two different sides. Such people are quite changeable, able to be in two different places at the same time. To talk next to you and solve important issues by phone. Geminis are also great at hiding their feelings and intentions, which isn't always a good thing.
A baby born under the sign of the zodiac Gemini is quite restless and quite active. You will need to try to keep up with such a child in everything. The baby will have a dual character. You will not have time to do something according to his desire, as he will already want something completely different and in another place. Perhaps he will achieve his goal with a piercing cry, from which even the neighbors will deafen. Children like Gemini live in their own world, which is called fantasy. You will have to try very hard to get the child out of this world. If you do not tell the kid in time where reality is and where it is not, then he will get confused in these two worlds.
Gemini - the third sign of the zodiac, is under the influence of the air element, the sign is changeable. The date of the beginning of the reign of the astrological sign of the zodiac Gemini is May 22. The element of the sign is Air, the planet is Mercury. Lucky colors are yellow and purple. Aromas - geranium, rose, lavender, talisman - a silver or golden key. Representatives of this sign have a sharp, lively mind, think instantly, give birth to new ideas, they are characterized by frequent mood swings.