How to file for child support in san diego
Apply for Child Support Services
To request versions of these forms accessible to persons with visual disabilities, make a note of the form name and click here.
A child support services case can be opened by either parent, or a legal guardian, whether or not a child support court order exists. If you already have a court order, opening a case offers neutral assistance with every part of the process, keeps records, and helps both parties stay on track. If you do not have a case, applying for child support means your local child support agency will help you locate the other parent, establish legal paternity/parentage if required, get a court order and see that it is enforced in every state and many foreign countries. To start the process, you have several options:
- To apply for services online, click here. (Mire en la esquina superior derecha para cambiar el formulario a español.)
- You will be taken to a secure website where you can enter all the information necessary to complete an application, which will then be automatically routed to the child support agency in your area.
- Please plan to take 30-45 minutes to complete all of the parts of the online application.
* The Upload Document feature is currently unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
* Please note, persons currently receiving CalWORKS (government cash assistance/welfare) are automatically referred to their local child support agency for services. If you are a CalWORKS beneficiary and have questions about your case, please contact your local office.
- To apply in person, download and complete an Application for Child Support Services Packet (found below).
- Then, return it to the child support agency in your area to be processed.
- Applications are also available on a walk-in basis at all county and regional child support offices.
As stated above, if you are receiving CalWORKS (government cash assistance/ welfare), you will automatically be referred to a child support office in your area.
Self-Service “Application for Support Services” Packet
- English | Spanish | Request accessible version
The following forms are included in the application packet:
- Participant Responsibility to Protect Confidential Information
- English | Spanish
- Notice of Child Support Services Program
- English| Spanish| Request accessible version
- Simplified Application for Child Support Services
- English | Spanish
- Confidential Parentage Questionnaire
- English | Spanish
- Request for Support Services
- English | Spanish
- Family Violence Questionnaire Cover Letter
- English| Spanish
- Family Violence Questionnaire
- English | Spanish
- Visitation Verification
- English | Spanish
- Health Insurance Information
- English | Spanish
- Income and Expense Declaration
- English | Spanish
- Declaration of Support Payment History
- English | Spanish
- Instrucciones Con Respecto Al Uso De Formularios Judiciales Traducidos En Español
- Spanish
- Complaint Resolution – State Hearing Information
- English | Spanish
Lawyers for DCSS & DA Child Support in La Mesa, CA
The Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) is a department of the California Health and Human Services Agency that exclusively handles child support issues. While DCSS employs attorneys who assist individuals collecting or paying child support, those attorneys do not represent any parties involved in child support litigation – they represent the government, which has an interest in ensuring that children are receiving support from both parents.
Family Law San Diego has a long history of protecting clients from paying too much or receiving too little support, modifying child support orders when circumstances change, and effectively enforcing existing orders. We provide aggressive, comprehensive, and detailed representation at DCSS to make sure your interests are protected.
When Is DCSS Involved?
There are essentially two types of cases in which DCSS might be involved:
- Cases in which a parent seeks child support from the other; and
- Cases in which DCSS seeks reimbursement from non-custodial parents when custodial parents have received governmental aid benefiting the children.
Both types of cases can involve substantial outstanding child support and interest. There are special rules that apply when government benefits are involved, making it exceedingly important to take action as soon as possible under the guidance of a competent attorney.
DCSS hearings are different from normal court hearings. Before appearing before a judge, you are required to take part in a settlement conference with a DCSS attorney and the opposing party. These negotiations are stressful and are made easier if you have an attorney guiding and advising you throughout the process.
If you are unable to settle your case, then you will proceed to the courtroom to be heard by a judge. It is often best to avoid having a judge make an order in your case by settling, but that is not always true. When you and your ex cannot get along, large sums of money are at stake, or there are complex financial issues in your case, an attorney’s representation can be a saving grace.
If You Are Receiving Child Support
If you receive or ought to receive child support, you will likely find that the assistance you can receive at DCSS is limited to completing and filing paperwork. DCSS will not assist you in conducting discovery (the process of obtaining information and documents from the opposing party in your case), help with divorce, custody, or visitation, nor will they provide you with legal advice about your specific situation.
It is important to seek the advice of an attorney before seeking child support and when seeking to modify existing orders. If you need child support, need to increase support, or are not receiving payments under an existing order, contact an attorney to discuss your options.
An attorney can help you avoid common mistakes, make a legal argument, and use appropriate evidence to support your case – which is vital to convincing a judge of your needs, especially in contentious or complex situations.
If You Are Paying Child Support
If you have been ordered to pay child support, it is important to comply with court orders until they are changed and approved by a judge – otherwise, you might wind up with a huge bill of past-due support, which collects interest at 10%.
DCSS is usually not very helpful for payors and non-custodial parents, so if you owe child support, it is especially important to speak to an attorney before filing any papers or making any court appearances. Mistakes can cost you thousands of dollars, and past-due child support can rarely be forgiven or wiped out, even in bankruptcy.
If you owe past support or are current in payments but believe you should pay less, contact an attorney to discuss your options.
Contact Our Law Firm
If you have questions and wish to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, contact our law firm by phone at (619) 577-4900 or by completing our online contact form.
Family Law San Diegohas their primary law office in La Mesa, California, near San Diego State University. We also have a satellite office in La Jolla available by appointment only.
Divorce Filing in California -
There are many reasons why marriages fail. It doesn't always have to come with scandal and litigation.
If you are planning to make a divorce proceeding, provided that you have minor children, there is a division of real estate, there is no agreement on the distribution of parental rights, alimony - STOP READING THIS ARTICLE AND CALL THE LAWYER .
If the divorce proceedings are in good faith (uncontested), in this case you can file a divorce yourself or with the help of the LDA ( Legal Document Assistant ).
In the state of California, divorce proceedings usually take at least 6 months. The court must provide 2 postal addresses for each of the spouses, which will receive court correspondence. Spouses can live together or separately. The court establishes requirements for postal addresses in order to avoid sabotage of the divorce process by one of the spouses.
The plaintiff is obliged to officially notify the defendant of the commencement of the divorce proceedings. This can be done with the help of acquaintances or friends, a representative of the Sheriff Department (Sheriff Department) or special licensed "notifiers". If both parties agree to the terms of the divorce process, then the quickest and cheapest way is to use acquaintances.
Some companies or professionals file divorce applications with the need for clients to submit these documents to the court on their own, stand in line, and come to hearings. In other words, you should always make sure what exactly is behind the high-profile announcements of “$200.00 Divorce”, what is included and not included in the service. Based on our 26 years of experience in the industry, the existence of a divorce contract ( Marriage Dissolution Agreement ) in many cases illuminates the need for a personal appearance in court and a court hearing.
Some couples, in order to expedite the process, by hook or by crook, file for divorce in Nevada, California's neighboring state, where there is a simplified and expedited procedure, but for this you need to be a resident of this state. We recommend that you consult with a licensed attorney as well as a tax professional before going this route.
Due to COVID-19 , many lawsuits are taking significantly longer than before the pandemic. Queues, waiting times, layoffs of court staff and court closures do not improve the situation. However, if you turn to professionals, the whole process will be much faster and less problematic than if you turn to yourself. This will cost money, but it will save a lot of personal time and help avoid additional stress.
Speaking of money, if the plaintiff is considered low-income or on public assistance, there is an option to waive legal fees, which is $435.00 today.
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For more information, fill out the form below 903 903 Let's talk about the features and timing of the divorce process in California. The US is currently the second most divorced country in the world. Divorce rights in California are: Important: Unlike a lawyer, the Legal Document Assistant cannot represent you in court and give legal advice. The applicant may also file a divorce on his own. At the moment, we are seeing a large number of negligent professionals who take on clients' cases and justify dishonest execution with delays in court. Indeed, there is an overload in the courts. However, with proper registration, significant delays should not occur. Many courts have introduced the possibility of electronic filing . This process costs $150 more, but saves applicants a lot of time. As a large company, we try to use the electronic method of filing documents. Let's share some of the important nuances that we have seen while working with divorces in California. In the absence of a contract, the couple must appear for a hearing, which will indeed take a long time. In such situations, the divorce process lasts about 9 months.
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