How much you have to pay for child support
How much is child support?
If you’re preparing for divorce, you’re probably wondering – “How much is child support?”
If you’re preparing for divorce or merely curious, you want to understand how child support is calculated. You might be surprised by the amount deducted from your paycheck. You may also wonder what a reasonable cost is for monthly payments, and which parent spends the most.
We have answers to those questions here.
The court will consult the child support guidelines for their state to determine your child support obligation before making an official support order. Like any average, there are quite a few variables. Parents who are in a lower income bracket might not have enough gross income for paying child support, while others who are more well-off end up paying a higher monthly amount. Every state calculation takes into account your total monthly net resources.
Parent’s Pro-Rata Share
How much child support you pay also takes into account whether you are the non-custodial parent, how much income the other parent makes compared to you, and other factors such as whether you or the other parent will provide health insurance coverage for the children, and who will pay for educational expenses and other child care expenses.
The general rule is that the child support obligation is shared by both parents in proportion to their incomes, but there are a lot of other factors that go into how much each parent will actually pay.
Custodial Parent’s Income
In some cases, the custodial parent’s income can be imputed (or assumed) for child support purposes. This usually happens when the custodial parent is not working or is not working to their full potential. The court will look at factors like education and work history to determine how much gross income the custodial parent could be earning, and base child support on that amount.
Other Factors Affecting Child Support
There are other factors that might affect how much child support you pay, such as whether you have other children to support, whether you are paying spousal support (alimony), and your personal expenses. Some states also factor in the cost of living in each parent’s household when determining how much child support to award in a court order.
Example Child Support Calculation
In our example, the court starts by determining your “adjusted” gross income – this is your total income minus deductions for state taxes and business expenses – and multiplies it by the guideline percentage for the number of children involved.
For example: if your yearly salary is $15,000 and you have one child, you would be paying 17% of your income per year in child support–this comes out monthly to $212.50 or annually as $2,550.
Average Child Support Order
We have seen according to the 2010 Census Bureau Reports, the average monthly child support payment is $430. Again, this is just an average of the monthly amount of child support payments across the United States and should only be used as an estimate. Your situation is unique, and the amount the court determines will depend on your circumstances and financial resources.
To get a more accurate estimate of how much you might owe in child support, speak with an experienced family law attorney in your state. They will be familiar with how child support is calculated where you live and can help ensure you are paying (or receiving) the appropriate amount of support for your children.
If you’re interested in an estimate of what your support payments should be, use our child support calculator.
And for more information on how you can better understand the child support laws and regulations in your state, visit our state resources section.
Florida Child Support Calculator: How to Calculate Your Child Support For Free
Child support guidelines in Florida exist to give some regularity when the court determines financial child support as a guide for out of court payments by separated parents.
Parents Name
Non-Custodial Parent
Custodial Parent Name
Number of children: 1 child2 children3 children4 children5 children6 children
Wages & Income
Non-Custodial Parent
Net Income after TaxNumber of OvernightsDay Care CostMedical Insurance
Custodial Parent
Net Income after TaxNumber of OvernightsDay Care CostMedical Insurance
A Guide To Understanding The Florida Child Support Calculator
Florida Child Support
For parents in the middle of a divorce, or if you do not live together with the father of your child, you may require Florida child support guidelines. Both parents must support their child/children through the Florida “Income Shares Model.”
It means that courts will use a Florida child support calculator to estimate the amount to be spent on the children for child care costs based on both parents’ income.
Florida child support guidelines demand that the children receive support until they turn 18 years. Florida law also suggests disabled children may continue receiving child support payments. Children still in high school and above 18 years are also entitled to child support from both parents.
At the age of nineteen, a child support award is not mandatory except where the child is disabled.
Child Support Regulation In Florida
The Department of Revenue manages the Florida Child Support services. These services include:
Children born out of wedlock need to determine legal paternity, either through marriage, acknowledgment of the child, genetic testing, court order, and legitimacy.
The Florida Child Support program can help you with a court-order application for child support if you do not have one in place; this is an essential requirement from the courts to legalize the alimony payment obligation.
Some parents may prove difficult with following the court orders on child support agreements. The Florida Child Support authorities may help enforce alimony payments by blocking the offender’s government requirements such as; licenses, passport issuance, scrutinizing tax refunds and freezing accounts /insurance settlement payments.
When a neglectful parent becomes adamant, he may face arrest.
Over time, circumstances change financially, and child support guidelines require modification. Either parent may call for a review of an existing child support order. In such a case, either parent’s economic situation must show sufficient evidence to produce at least a 10% change in monthly child support.
Usually, a parent must wait three years minimum to seek a child support modification.
Florida Child Support Payments
Raising children in Florida necessitates the payment of additional monthly costs, like health care premiums, educational costs, deductibles, and child care costs. Both parents should split these costs with each parent taking up his or her share of responsibility.
Typically, if the supported partner is unable to purchase insurance or to obtain medical insurance through her job, the supporting spouse will have to pay for the required health coverage or pay out of pocket.
The case is admissible in an alimony settlement case since the paying partner must support the lifestyle offered before the divorce occurred. However, if your job provides group health insurance, you may have to provide continuing health benefits under Florida Statutes to support your spouse and children.
How It’s Calculated
The Florida child support calculator determines the number of payments, the majority parent, and the non-majority partner. After this resolve, child support attorneys help to calculate child support and both parent’s net income based on their gross earnings, less the deductibles.
Total revenue for both parents includes salary/wages, self –employment income, overtime pay, bonuses, social security benefits; passive revenue from corporations and partnerships, alimony from a previous marriage, unemployment benefits, retirement pension, annuity payments, interest and dividends and rental income.
If one parent is underemployed or unemployed, the court may assign a monthly income for them. The allowed parents’ deductions in the computation of child support include:
- Daycare costs
- Income tax deductions
- Previous marriage Child/spousal support
- Union deduction
- Federal insurance costs
- fixed retirement expenses
- Number of Children
After arriving at a partner’s gross monthly income, next, you should factor the number of children. The court subsequently allocates a proportion of the net income to be contributed by each parent.
Adjustments of child support amount form the basis of the non-majority parental visiting rights i.e. at least 73 nights every year. In a nutshell, the noncustodial parent is authorized to pay the custodial parent monthly child support ranging 40%-60% based on their income calculations, as per family law of Florida.
Factors That Affect Child Support Amount
The courts scrutinize the standard of living and the needs for the child/ren before the separation/divorce. Child support courts guidelines ensure that the child obtains the same lifestyle even after the divorce. It also ensures that the child does not suffer extreme child care distress.
Parents must prove they will proportionally provide sufficient child support. The court ensures that the payments are fair to the paying partner’s income. If the payments cannot help child care according to the laws in Florida, the court allows the modification of the child support payment.
The first essentials divorced parents must provide for their child include food, decent housing, day care, education, health care, and special needs.
The courts may order child support payment in amounts varying with more than 5 percent upon a written order explaining why such guideline payments would be insufficient or inappropriate.
Child support guidelines may grant the basis for proving a modification where circumstances have changed. The basic child support amount for a single child in Florida is $74 where the supporting parent earns a minimum wage/salary of $650.
If the mother of the child is the custodial parent, the father has visitation rights of the recommended 73 overnights each year. The basic computation provides alimony payments to the custodial parent, depending on the agreed parenting plan.
If the laid out parenting plan includes a significant amount of time-sharing where both parents take care of the child in equal amounts of time; it necessitates for additional calculations for the partial child custody Average child support.
If there’s a requirement for alimony, the court must determine if the other partner can facilitate child care support payments. In exceptional circumstances, a court may decline to award alimony if the paying spouse cannot afford the required amounts where two or more children are involved.
Florida abides by the “Income Shares Model.” courts approximate the total cash parents would use on their child or children’s welfare if they still lived together as a family. Both parents contribute child support payments, according to their incomes.
For instance, for income over $10,000, the guidelines stipulate the lowest amount based on the following percentages: One child – 5%, two children – 7.5%, 3 children -9.5%, four children – 11%, five children -12% and 6 children up to 12.5%.
Is Child Support All-Inclusive?
In Florida, both parents have a legal duty to support their child within their financial capability to do so. The amount paid for child support is inclusive of all expenses incurred in the custodial parent’s household including the child’s daily food and upkeep expenses, health insurance and the total overnight visitations will factor in the total amount of child support.
What It Means To You
We all know that raising children is costly; the financial obligations may press in on a parent authorized by the courts to fulfill the Florida child support payments. It is unfortunate that a family undergoing financial constraints cannot co-exist together.
Divorce isn’t cheap, and the financial implications leave deep dents with the noncustodial parent. The living standards are lowered after a divorce, leaving courts the full authority to divide the existing scarce resources.
Although many divorced couples learn to adjust to their children’s pressing obligations, these changes require numerous court trips for child support adjustments. Some parents feel too burdened and skip the whole process, despite receiving many court orders.
Florida family courts remain overwhelmingly busy with family law cases, so you need a lawyer to speed up your child support payments.
How A Qualified Florida Family Lawyer Can Help
Although the Florida child support calculator isn’t as mysterious as many believe, it is beneficial for you to ask for professional assistance from our child support lawyers. We help you in filing all the necessary paperwork and ensure that you accurately reveal your gross income as per the legal requirements.
We also help with child support modifications in cases where you received a salary upgrade, or you changed jobs, or if you lost your job. Let us help you manage your child support financial calculations the right way. We are available to fix all your income compilation as well as your tax deductibles as required in any child support payments.
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Selection of court decisions for 2020: Article 120 "Termination of maintenance obligations" of the RF IC
(R.B. Kasenov) The court satisfied the plaintiff's claims to invalidate the decision of the bailiff on the calculation of alimony arrears. As the court pointed out, by virtue of paragraph 2 of Art. 120 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the payment of alimony, collected in court, stops when the child reaches the age of majority or in the event that minor children acquire full legal capacity before they reach the age of majority. In the case under consideration, one of the two children of the plaintiff, for the maintenance of which alimony was payable, had reached the age of majority. Thus, alimony for the maintenance of one child was subject to withholding, however, the bailiff-executor calculated the amount of alimony based on 1/3 of the plaintiff's earnings, which is not based on the law.
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Selection of court decisions for 2019: Article 120 "Continuation of alimony obligations" of the IC of the Russian Federation
(R. B. Kasenov) By virtue of paragraph 2 of Art. 120 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the payment of alimony, collected in court, stops when the child reaches the age of majority. At the same time, the court order of the justice of the peace did not contain information that the collection of alimony in the amount of 1/3 of the share stops when one of the children reaches the age of majority and then the alimony is subject to collection in the amount of 1/4 of the share. To reduce the amount of alimony established by the court, the bailiff-executor is not entitled to reduce. The reference to the fact that the bailiff had to apply to the court for clarification of the court order, but did not do this, does not indicate the illegality of his actions, since this appeal is a right, and not an obligation, of the bailiff. On the contrary, the debtor, being an interested party of enforcement proceedings, being active, was not deprived of the opportunity to resolve this issue. In addition, the court order contained no ambiguities and did not require clarification. Thus, the court dismissed the claim of the administrative plaintiff to declare illegal the decision on the calculation of the alimony arrears, the obligation to determine the alimony arrears.
Articles, comments, answers to questions : the amount of alimony per child
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Situation: Whoever Do I have to pay child support and how much?
("Electronic journal "Azbuka Prava", 2022) If an agreement on the payment of alimony for minor children has not been concluded, they can be collected in court. The amount of alimony that must be paid monthly will be determined by the court. As a general rule, the amount of alimony is: for one for a child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents. the court may increase or decrease the amount of these shares.
Regulations : Amount of child support
up to what age they pay, how much percentage of income they can withhold, and what documents are needed to file for child support
1. Who can apply for child support?
Alimony is maintenance that minor, disabled and/or needy family members are entitled to receive from their relatives and spouses, including former ones.
A child can count on alimony:
- if he is under 18 years old and has not yet become fully capable by decision of the guardianship authority or court. Alimony in favor of a child may be filed by his guardian, custodian, adoptive or natural parent with whom the child remains;
- if he is over 18 years old, but has been declared legally incompetent.
One of the spouses can count on alimony if:
- he is in need and recognized Disabled adults who are entitled to alimony are considered disabled people of groups I, II, III and persons who have reached pre-retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men) or the generally established retirement age.
- wife, including ex, is pregnant or less than three years have passed since the birth of a common child;
- a spouse, including a former one, needs and cares for a common disabled child under 18 years of age or a child disabled since childhood of group I;
- ex-spouse Persons in need are those whose financial situation is insufficient to meet the needs of life, taking into account their age, health status and other circumstances. marriage or within five years thereafter, and the spouses have been married for a long time.0004
Alimony can also be received by:
- disabled and needy parents, including stepfather and stepmother, from their adult able-bodied children. This rule does not apply to guardians, trustees and adoptive parents;
- disabled and needy grandparents - from their adult able-bodied grandchildren, if they cannot receive maintenance from their children or spouse, including the former;
- minor grandchildren - from their grandparents, who have sufficient funds for this, if they cannot receive alimony from their parents.
After the age of majority, grandchildren can count on alimony if they are recognized as disabled and they cannot receive assistance from their parents or spouses, including former ones;
- incapacitated persons under 18 years of age - from their adult and able-bodied brothers and sisters, if they cannot receive them from their parents, and incapacitated persons over 18 years of age - if they cannot receive alimony from their children;
- disabled and needy persons who raised and supported a child for more than five years - from their pupils who have become adults, if they cannot receive support from their adult able-bodied children or spouses, including former ones. This rule does not apply to guardians, trustees and adoptive parents;
- social service organizations, educational, medical or similar organizations that support a child may apply for child support. In this case, alimony can be collected only from the parents, but not from other family members. Organizations can place the funds received in the bank at interest and withhold half of the income received for the maintenance of children.
2.How to apply for child support?
If there is no agreement between the parties on the payment of alimony or the other party refuses to pay them, apply to the court at your place of residence:
- to the justice of the peace, if the recovery of alimony is not related to the establishment, contestation of paternity or motherhood, or the involvement of other interested parties;
- to the district court - in all other cases.
If one of the parents voluntarily pays support without a notarized agreement, the court can still collect support from him in favor of the child.
You can file for child support at any time as long as you or the person you represent are eligible.
The plaintiff does not pay state duty for consideration of the case on recovery of alimony in court.
3. What documents are needed to apply for child support?
The statement of claim for the payment of alimony must be accompanied by:
- copies of it - one for the judge, the defendant and each of the third parties involved;
- documents confirming the circumstances that allow you to apply for alimony.
Such documents, for example, may be a birth certificate of a child, a certificate of marriage or its dissolution;
- single housing document and income statements of all family members;
- calculation of the amount you expect to receive as alimony. The document must be signed by the plaintiff or his representative with a copy for each of the defendants and involved third parties;
- if the claim will not be filed by the plaintiff himself, additionally attach a power of attorney or other document confirming the authority of the person who will represent his interests, for example, a birth certificate.
As a rule, alimony is assigned from the moment the application is submitted to the court. They can be accrued for the previous period (but not more than three years before the day of going to court) if you provide evidence in court that you tried to contact the other party and agree or the defendant hides his income or evades paying alimony. Such evidence can be letters sent by e-mail, telegrams or registered letters with notification.
4. What is the amount of alimony?
The court determines the amount of maintenance based on the financial situation of both parties. Alimony for the maintenance of minor children, as a rule, is:
- per child - a quarter of income;
- for two children - a third of the income;
- three or more children - half of the income.
These shares can be reduced or increased taking into account the financial and marital status of the parties and other important ones, including the presence of other minor and / or disabled adult children, or other persons whom he is obliged by law to support; low income, health or disability of the support payer or the child in whose favor they are collected.
"> factors. When determining the amount of alimony, the court seeks to maintain the level of financial support that the child had before the divorce or separation of the parents. If each of the parents has children, the court determines the amount of alimony in favor of the less well-off of them.
In addition to the share income, the court may order child support or a portion of it in the form of a certain amount of money.As a rule, such measures are resorted to when the defendant hides part of his income and a share of his official income cannot provide the child with the standard of living that he had.
Under exceptional circumstances - illness, disability of the child, lack of suitable housing for permanent residence, etc. - the court may oblige one or both parents to additional expenses.
The amount of alimony is indexed in proportion to the growth of the subsistence minimum (for the population group to which the recipient belongs).
As a general rule, maintenance withheld from the debtor's income for the maintenance of a minor child cannot exceed 70% of his income. In other cases - 50% of income.

Parents are required to support their children after birth and up to 18 years of age, unless the child gets married earlier or there is no Emancipation - declaring a minor fully capable. It is possible if a minor who has reached the age of 16 works under an employment contract (including under a contract) or, with the consent of his parents (adoptive parents, guardian), is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The decision on the emancipation of a minor is taken by the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the consent of the parents (adoptive parents, guardian). If there is no consent from the parents, the decision on emancipation can be made by the court.
">emancipated. Parents must support the child, even if he does not need material assistance. Disability of parents, recognition of their incapacity in court or deprivation of parental rights also does not release from this obligation.