Things 10 month old babies do
10-month-old baby: Development, Milestones & Growth
- Baby
- Baby Development Month by Month
By Chaunie Brusie, R.N.
September 21, 2021
Your 10-month-old is busy developing the strength and coordination to stand and walk. Picking up objects is easier now, which means your baby may be able to eat a meal and drink from a cup without much help from you. Your little one may have a few teeth by now, and be down to two naps a day. Casual baby playdates may be fun for your 10-month-old – but don't expect them to share or take turns!
Photo credit: Katie Rain for BabyCenter
- Your baby's development
- 10-month-old sleep
- Your baby's health
- Your 10-month-old baby: Week by week
Your baby's no longer a helpless infant who can't do anything without you. They still need plenty of care and support, of course, but their growing independence is becoming apparent. It's all part of the transition to toddlerhood – which is coming up quickly.
If you're planning a first birthday party, start thinking about a theme, who you'll invite, and gifts for your 1-year-old. You may also want to hire a photographer and get some family portraits made to commemorate the big event. But keep in mind that there's no right or wrong way to celebrate your baby's first birthday; your baby won't care whether you have an all-out bash or keep things low-key at home. (If you do have a party, make sure to take precautions to keep everyone safe from COVID-19.)
Your baby's development
At 10 months, your baby is really starting to show their personality. They're excited about communicating with you, and may be very expressive in how they interact.
Your baby may now be more assertive with their siblings and others, and may enjoy parallel play – contentedly playing alongside (but not with) another baby. Informal baby playdates can be a great way to encourage your little one to develop social skills. Just remember that babies this age are too young to understand the concepts of making friends, sharing, taking turns, or cooperating.
Your baby now understands simple instructions, though they won't always follow them. The desire to explore is stronger than the desire to listen to your warnings! Infants have very little self-control or impulse control. They may cognitively start to understand what "no" means, but that doesn't mean they can control their behavior consistently.
Set up safe areas for your baby to play so you don't constantly have to say "no" or worry about keeping them safe. As your baby gets more and more mobile, baby gates are a must-have. When you're babyproofing, don't forget to cover outlets, secure drawers and toilet seats, and move unsafe items such as household cleaners out of reach. Also, save the number for Poison Control (800-222-1222) in your cell phone, and also keep it somewhere easily accessible, like on the fridge.
10-month-old milestones
Here are some of the milestones your 10-month-old may reach:
- Crawling.
Your baby may still be working on crawling, and that's fine! Encourage your little one to move by placing toys just out of reach. You can also use pillows, cushions, and boxes to set up fun obstacle courses for your baby to complete – just be sure to supervise.
- Standing up. Soon, your baby will start standing by pulling themself up on furniture and using it to balance. At first, your baby may need some help figuring out how to get down. (They may even get "stuck" standing up and cry for help.) Eventually they'll figure out how to bend their knees, squat, and sit down – no small feat!
- Walking. Once your baby masters standing, it's on to walking. Those first few steps will be exciting, and they mark the transition from babyhood to toddlerhood. Most babies will start to walk when they're between 9 and 15 months old.
- Playing differently. Your baby may explore toys in different ways – shaking, banging, and throwing them to see what happens.
Many 10-month-olds love to stack toys and take things in and out of containers.
- Using signs to communicate. By 10 months old, your baby's desire to communicate with you has really kicked in – but their verbal communication skills may lag a little behind. Introducing sign language can help bridge that gap. Start by teaching your baby signs for simple words - like "more" for food – and you may be amazed at how quickly they pick it up.
- Imitating words. Your baby may try to say words that you say, and also imitate the speech patterns and tones you use. Because of this, your 10-month-old's babbling may sound more like real speech.
- Using gestures. Now or in the coming weeks, your baby may start pointing at things they want, waving "bye-bye," and shaking their head back and forth for "no."
Although babies follow fairly predictable patterns of development, all babies are different. It's a good idea to be aware of milestones and tell your baby's care provider if you have any concerns about a developmental delay. But keep in mind that some babies just need a bit more time to learn skills and hit milestones.
10-month-old weight and length
How much should a 10-month-old weigh? It varies, but on average, here's what you can expect:
Baby boys
Average weight for a 10-month-old: 20 pounds 5 ounces
Average length for a 10-month-old: 29 inches
Baby girls
Average weight for a 10-month-old: 18 pounds 12 ounces
Average length for a 10-month-old: 28 1/4 inches
10-month-old feeding
Your 10-month-old may be munching their way through various types of food, much like a certain hungry caterpillar.
Your baby's food doesn't have to be bland and boring. You can use spices and seasonings to make baby food with flavor. See our age-by-age guide to feeding your baby, and these sample menus for meal ideas and recommended amounts to serve.
As your baby grows and masters eating new foods, you can begin to serve them what the rest of the family eats. But keep making sure that what you're serving is safe for your baby, and watch out for choking hazards. Cut finger foods into small pieces, slice foods like grapes and hot dogs lengthwise (not into circular slices), spread nut butters thinly, cook veggies until they're soft, and avoid giving your baby popcorn, gum, nuts, seeds, hard or sticky candy, or marshmallows.
Unsafe foods for babies include:
- honey
- juice (the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against juice for babies)
- cow's milk (not recommended until age 1)
- raw vegetables
- sticky or crunchy foods
- nuts and seeds
- unpasteurized foods
If your baby is reluctant to try new foods, don't worry. Babies may need to be introduced to a new food many times before they actually accept it. To encourage your baby to try new foods:
- keep portions small
- be patient and persistent
- use different cooking techniques
- try different textures and temperatures
- let your baby make a mess
- model eating a variety of healthy foods
Your baby may also enjoy having a special baby bowl and plate, baby spoon and fork, and a few sippy cups so they can eat and drink like a big kid.
Keep in mind that breast milk or formula is still your baby's main source of nutrition. Your 10-month-old still needs about 24 to 32 ounces of breast milk or formula per day. That works out to about three to four bottles or nursing sessions per day. Check out these 10-month-old baby schedules to see how other parents fit their baby's meals, snacks, and bottles or nursing sessions into their day.
10-month-old sleep
At 10 months old, your baby will still need anywhere between 12 and 16 hours of sleep (including naps) every 24 hours. That might look like this: 11 hours at night, and 3 hours during the day in a morning and an afternoon nap. (At 10 months, most babies are down to two naps a day.)
Most likely, your baby will be awake for a shorter time in the morning (meaning their morning nap will come shortly after breakfast), and awake for a longer stretch of time in the afternoon.
Babies this age are capable of sleeping through the night and can learn to sooth themselves when they naturally wake up at night. (Fun fact: We all wake up at night; we just learn to put ourselves back to sleep!)
Of course, sleep can go off the rails this month, thanks to all the changes your baby is going through – from developmental leaps to separation anxiety to teething. The best thing you can do to promote healthy sleep habits for your little one is to be consistent. Stick to a regular bedtime routine and a predictable schedule.
Even champion sleepers can have sleep regressions. Whether you've already tried sleep training your baby or not, it may be time to use (or revisit) some of these strategies to help you and your baby get better sleep.
Your baby's health
Your little one won't have a well-baby visit this month (the next is the 12-month checkup). But you can always call your baby's doctor about any concerns you have, or schedule a vaccine visit if your baby needs to catch up on their shots.
As your baby gets older, they'll encounter more illnesses, from minor colds to flu and various other viral bugs. It's important to know when to call the doctor, when a cold is actually a more serious illness, and what to do when your child has a fever. Fever in babies can be tricky because you'll need to assess symptoms as well as take your baby's temperature to know when to call your child's doctor.
Here are some health tips to keep in mind:
- Taking your baby's temperature. Being able to take your baby's temperature accurately is important. The best baby thermometers make this task easier than ever, but if you ever need help, you can ask your baby's doctor for a demonstration. Or, read this guide to taking your baby's temperature.
- Using medication. Always check with your baby's doctor before giving them any medication for the first time. This acetaminophen/Tylenol dosage chart and this ibuprofen dosage chart can help you determine the correct dose, which is based on your baby's weight.
- Car seat safety. If you have an infant car seat, your baby may hit the seat's height or weight maximum soon.
For most babies, this happens around their first birthday – but bigger babies may outgrow their car seats by the time they're 9 months old. At that point, you'll need to switch to a convertible car seat to keep your baby safe. Make sure to install your baby's car seat rear-facing – it's the safest way for kids to ride in a car, and with modern car seats, children can ride in rear-facing seats until they're 3 or 4.
Your 10-month-old baby: Week by week
Want to learn more about what's happening with your baby this month? Get more details on your 10-month-old's weekly development:
- Your 10-month-old: Week 1
- Your 10-month-old: Week 2
- Your 10-month-old: Week 3
- Your 10-month-old: Week 4
BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.
AAP. 2020. How Often and How Much Should Your Baby Eat? [Accessed September 2021]
AAP. 2018. AAP Schedule of Well-Child Care Visits. [Accessed September 2021]
Hirshkowitz M et al. 2015. National Sleep Foundation's sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results summary. [Accessed September 2021]
CDC. 2001. Data Table of Infant Weight-for-age Charts. [Accessed September 2021]
CDC. 2021. Your Baby's Milestones at 12 Months. html [Accessed September 2021]
CDC. 2021. Recommended Vaccinations for Infants and Children (birth through 6 years). [Accessed September 2021]
CDC. 2017. How Much Sleep Do I Need? [Accessed September 2021]
Stanford Children's Health. Undated. Feeding Guide for the First Year. [Accessed September 2021]
American Academy of Pediatrics. 2021. How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained. [Accessed September 2021]
CDC. How Much and How Often to Feed Infant Formula. [Accessed September 2021]
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Baby Development: Your 10-Month-Old
Written by Stephanie Watson
In this Article
- Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Motor Skills
- Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Sleep
- Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Eating
- Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Communication
- Tips for Your Baby’s Tenth Month:
Now that your baby is 10 months old, you’ve probably been noticing a lot of big changes. And you may be amazed at how fast your baby is turning into an independent little person who gets around, plays, and communicates like a pro. You also should be getting a sense of your baby’s personality by now -- quiet or outgoing, calm or adventurous. And you no doubt have noticed that your baby already has a few favorite books, stuffed animals, songs, and games.
In this portion of WebMD’s month-by-month guide, you’ll discover what baby milestones you can expect your child to achieve when they are 10 months old.
Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Motor Skills
Your 10-month-old is enjoying the freedom of exploring in many different ways. Babies at this age can crawl, pull from a seated position to standing, squat while holding on or sit back down, and cruise around while holding onto the furniture or your hands. Walking is now just a couple of months away, so you can expect your baby to soon be on the go even more.
At 10 months, your baby’s coordination has improved a lot. Children at this age are pretty adept at picking up small objects in their pincer grasp. They can also spot items easily at this age and quickly get to them. Just make sure you keep anything small enough to pose a choking hazard, such as coins and other small items, out of their reach. If you haven't done so already, baby proofing the house is crucial now with your baby on the move and being able to grasp objects.
They're also figuring out how to fit smaller objects into larger ones, which makes stacking cups a lot of fun. And 10-month-olds have the skill to hold a toy in one hand while using the other hand for a different task.
Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Sleep
By 10 months, your baby may be down to a single one-hour nap during the day. but there's nothing to worry about if they are still taking 2 naps. If you’re going to skip a nap, it’s better to skip the morning one. An after-lunch nap will help baby stay awake through the afternoon and avoid pre-bedtime crankiness. Your baby should make up for the lost nap by sleeping for an extra hour or two at night, and sleeping through the night.
Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Eating
You can continue to expand your baby’s palate by offering a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurt, and meats. Be sure to avoid choking hazards such as popcorn, raisins, nuts, hard candy, whole grapes, and hot dogs cut into circles.
Now that a few teeth have come in, introduce thicker consistencies and more table foods cut up into small pieces that you serve as finger foods.
Letting them feed themselves these finger foods allows them to practice their pincer grasp, and it helps them practice their coordination skills by picking the food up and putting it in their mouth.
If you haven’t done so already, try giving your baby a spoon and letting them feed themselves. Pick a utensil with a large, easy-to-grasp handle. The first few times your baby feeds themselves will be messy, but every mess can be cleaned, and eating independently is an important skill to learn. You may want to put a mat under their chair for easier clean-up and to protect your floors.
Some parents make their baby food by boiling fruits, vegetables, and meats and then grinding them or blending them for baby to eat.
Other parents prefer to buy organic baby foods instead of the traditional brands. These foods are more expensive, but are they worth the extra cost? There is some evidence that organic baby foods contain fewer pesticide residues than conventional baby foods. But they don’t have any more vitamins or other nutrients than the regular brands. Ultimately, the decision of whether to go organic depends on your own preference.
Tenth Month Baby Milestones: Communication
Babies at this age are mimics, and you may notice your baby copying just about everything you do, from brushing your hair to picking up the phone. Your baby will listen to the sound of your words and will watch you carefully to gauge your reactions to situations. If you cry at a sad movie, for example, you may see your baby’s face crumple up, too.
Ten-month-olds can understand and follow simple, one-step commands, such as “wave bye-bye” or "clap hands." They also can attach meanings to certain words. When you say “car” or “dog,” your baby may point at the object, and they should respond to the sound of their own name.
Tips for Your Baby’s Tenth Month:
- Even though your baby isn’t talking yet, engage them in real conversations. For instance, respond to their babbles with “Really?” or “That’s so interesting!” Or carry on a conversation using a stuffed animal or puppet. You’ll encourage your baby to keep talking and learning new words.
- Turn on the tunes. Any type of music will work, whether it’s pop, country, or show tunes. Your baby will love bopping and bouncing along to the rhythm.
- Hide toys and help your little one look for them to practice object permanence-the idea that things continue to exist, even when they can’t see them.
- At 10 months, your baby should be babbling, making eye contact, and responding to your words and actions.
If you are worried that your baby isn’t communicating appropriately, call your pediatrician for an evaluation.
Child development at 10 months: skills and abilities
In the first year of life, the baby develops very actively. Every month brings noticeable changes. Parents should know how the child develops in different periods in order to notice possible deviations in time.
Contents of the article:
- Features of the development of a 10-month-old baby
- Physiological changes
- Physical development
- Mental development
- What a 10-month-old baby can do
- Developmental differences between boys and girls
- Day mode
- Terminals
Features of the development of a 10-month-old baby
Ten-month-old babies already have many developed skills and are very different from six-month-old babies. They move a lot and actively babble, crawl on all fours, stand on their legs and move around, holding their hands on the side of the arena or the edge of the sofa. With the support of adults for both hands, they can walk. Some children at this age can stand without support or already walk on their own.
Physiological changes
Weight gain slows down by ten months. Since the physical activity of the crumbs increases, his body weight does not increase as quickly as in previous months.
The child's movements become more confident and coordinated. Fine motor skills develop. The baby freely picks up not only large, but small objects in his hands, holds them tightly, shifts from one hand to another. He also knows how to throw toys and other things on the floor, pick them up and throw them again. He likes this activity very much. At this age, it is already possible to determine whether the child is right-handed or left-handed.
The kid easily finds the right item in a pile of others and quickly gets to everything that interests him. Therefore, parents need to be especially careful and hide all dangerous things away.
The amount of sleep required by the body is reduced. Usually, by 10 months of life, the child sleeps only once during the day, and is awake the rest of the time. Although some babies still need two naps.
Physical development
During the tenth month of life, the baby usually grows by about a centimeter and a half and gains about 400 g of weight. His body is getting stronger every day. Usually by this time the child erupts from four to six teeth.
The baby becomes very active and explores the environment with interest. He crawls all over the house and picks up everything he can reach. He opens the doors of cabinets and bedside tables, pulls out their contents and throws them on the floor. In this way he trains his motor skills.
At the age of ten months, the child already has enough balance to stand and move with the support of adults. The baby is usually held by two hands, and he rearranges his legs and walks. With such support, he can walk not only on a flat floor, but also overcome low steps. For independent walking, the baby uses an attached step and moves by holding on to a wall or furniture.
Mental development
Mental and emotional development of the baby also does not stand still. He does not know how to speak yet, but already understands many words. The child knows the words "can" and "impossible". If he is not given the desired object or is denied something, he begins to act up, trying to insist on his own. These are the first signs of manifestation of independence, which will become more pronounced by the age of one.
The child actively expresses not only negative, but also positive emotions. He smiles and laughs when they play with him, it is very easy to cheer him up by making a face or telling a rhyme.
A ten-month-old child shows interest in other children and animals. He still does not know how to communicate with peers, but is already drawn to them. Animals also make him sympathetic. If there is a cat or dog in the house, do not prevent the baby from playing with it. The main thing is to make sure that he does not hurt the pet.
At this age, children begin to imitate adults in literally everything. The child begins to perform simple movements that parents usually do. He imitates combing his hair, talking on the phone and other actions that adults perform before his eyes. The baby knows what many of the objects around him are for. For example, he picks up a cup and brings it to his mouth, pretending to drink tea.
He also remembers where everything is in the room and can reach into the closet or table for the item he needs. Often he does this when the adults are not watching. And then mom or dad is surprised to find the child in his hands with his mobile phone or passport, which he took out of the nightstand. Therefore, the doors of the lockers must be closed with a key or additional protection should be used.
What a 10-month-old baby can do
The skills of a ten-month-old baby are quite extensive. Normally, he should be able to do the following:
- It is good to crawl on your knees and hands. The baby crawls not only within the same room, but throughout the apartment.
So he explores the territory. No need to forbid him to move freely around the house. The main thing is to remove all dangerous items from access.
- Get off a low bed or sofa on their own, stand up, stand holding on to furniture or a wall, walk with the support of an adult with both hands.
- Copy the movements of adults. From the outside, it may seem that the baby is grimacing, repeating what they do after mom or dad. In fact, imitation is the main mechanism for learning everything new. By copying the actions of adults, the child remembers them and learns to reproduce them independently.
- Skillfully hold toys in hands, throw them and pick them up again. Take small objects not with the whole palm, but with two fingers. Hold two toys at once - in one and the other hand, knock them against each other.
- Retrieve objects of interest independently, even if they are not near the baby.
- Know the purpose of certain items (dishes, mobile phone, combs, etc.
- Roll a ball on the floor, collect a pyramid of rings, put cubes on top of each other, put small items in containers. The kid shows resourcefulness in the game. For example, he can put small items in the back of a toy car and transport them to the other side of the room.
- Independently hold a non-spill mug and drink from it, master the spoon.
- Know your name and respond to it, turn to the voice of an adult, respond to his requests (for example, give a toy to your mother at her request or find the right item in a pile of things).
- Show emotions during play and communication.
- Babble, repeat sounds and some words after adults.
- Show interest in other people, other children, animals and birds.
❗If by ten months the child does not know how to do all of the above, you need to contact a specialist and find out if he has developmental delays.
Differences in the development of boys and girls
Physical differences between babies of different sexes at this age are not very noticeable. But the differences in the mental development of children are more pronounced. Girls carefully observe adults and try to repeat everything after them. They are more obedient. Boys strive for independence, are more often capricious and refuse to obey their parents.
Girls are very attached to their mother, try to spend time with her, get upset when their mother leaves. Boys don't like to sit still. They explore the surrounding space, climb into all corners and touch everything around. If adults scold them for this, they are indignant and protest.
In general, girls are much more diligent and patient than boys. They can sit on the floor for a long time and fiddle with cubes, sorters, pyramids. Boys usually do not stand long sitting at one lesson. Fussing with toys quickly bothers them, and they switch to more active activities.
Girls start talking earlier than boys. They usually speak their first words by 10 months. Boys are more silent, their speech develops later. Often they are limited only to the repetition of sounds, and not whole words.
Boys are much more likely than girls to break and dismantle toys. It’s not worth scolding them for this, because children are driven not by a desire to harm, but by a natural research interest.
Daily routine
In order for the child to develop properly, it is necessary to follow the daily routine. Usually babies at this age eat five times a day at intervals of 3-4 hours. The total duration of sleep reaches approximately 14 hours. Night sleep lasts about 10-11 hours. During the day, the child can sleep once or twice.
Each baby develops its own biorhythm, which should be guided by when drawing up a daily routine. An approximate mode for crumbs can be:
07:00 | Waking up, toileting, washing and other hygiene procedures. |
07:30 – 08:00 | First feeding. |
08:00 – 10:00 | Wakefulness, games, activities. |
10:00 – 11:00 | First nap. |
11:00 – 11:30 | Second feeding. |
11:30 – 14:00 | Outdoor walk |
14:00 – 14:30 | Third feeding. |
14:30 – 16:00 | Second daytime sleep. |
16:00 – 17:00 | Wakefulness, games, activities. |
17:00 – 17:30 | Fourth feeding. |
17:30 – 19:00 | Wakefulness, games, activities. |
19:00 – 20:00 | Evening walk. |
20:00 – 21:00 | Calm studies, reading. |
21:00 – 22:00 | Bathing, hygiene procedures. |
22:00 – 22:30 | Fifth feeding. |
22:30 | Going to bed. |
Based on this example, you can create your own daily routine, taking into account the individual characteristics of the crumbs and the employment of parents. The main thing is to adhere to the chosen regimen and try not to break it so that the body does not fail.
✅Advice to parents
To make your baby grow up healthy, active and cheerful, listen to the advice of experts.
- Carry your baby. Despite the fact that the baby already knows how to move on his own, he needs to be picked up. Physical contact with parents is very important for the baby.
- Talk to your little one more often. In speech, use simple, short words, pronounce them clearly and legibly. When giving or showing the baby various objects, say what they are called.
- Play with your child not only entertaining, but also educational and educational games. Buy sorters, special sets of cards, large puzzles, cubes with various images. Organize games with sand, water, cereals, small stones. They train fine motor skills and have a positive effect on cognitive development.
- Free up space in your home so your baby can crawl freely. Remove everything unnecessary from the floor, close and fix the doors of cabinets and bedside tables so that the baby does not open them.
- Do not scold your child for throwing toys. At this age, this activity is one of the most interesting for him.
- Read fairy tales and poems to your child, sing songs, turn on the music.
All this has a positive effect on its development.
- Introduce your baby to other children of the same age. He needs to communicate with peers. Invite friends with small children over or take a walk on the playground.
- If possible, go swimming. It perfectly develops motor skills and strengthens the immune system.
❗ The level of physical and mental development of children depends not so much on innate characteristics, but on the involvement of parents in the educational process. The more mom and dad are involved in raising a child, the faster and better it develops.
A ten-month-old baby is an active creature that needs constant monitoring. He learns to walk, talk and communicate with peers. At this age, the baby begins to show the first signs of independence.
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Baby development at 10 months video - what a baby should be able to do at 10 months
At ten months, babies become smarter, resourceful and active. As the child grows, many parents ask themselves the question - does the level of development of the baby correspond to the norm and are there any deviations in his physical and psycho-emotional development? In order to recognize possible violations in time, you need to know what skills and knowledge a ten-month-old child should have.
Features of the physical development of a ten-month-old baby
At this age, babies become quite active. They begin to crawl a lot and move around with the help of support. Some learn to walk on their own. In this regard, the increase in body weight is less noticeable than in previous months of life. For the tenth month, the child adds 350-500 grams and grows a few centimeters. Children of this age should have 4 teeth, some have 6 teeth erupted by this time.
Fleece joggers
from 446 ₽
68-92 cm / 4-24 months
Long sleeve bodysuit
from 483 ₽
62-86 cm / 2-18 months
Zipped jacket with hood
1290 ₽
74-92 cm / 6-24 months
Baby footer shorts
from 553 ₽
74-92 cm / 6-24 months
Every baby develops differently, so the height, weight and number of teeth will vary between 10 month old babies. This is due to hereditary factors, gender, physiological characteristics and other circumstances.
Mental development of a 10-month-old child
Regarding psychological development, a ten-month-old child's arsenal of knowledge includes:
- Understanding many requests and words of adults. At this age, the baby knows what is “possible” and what is “not”. In protest and getting what he wants, he can be capricious and stubborn. Also, the child knows how to rejoice when he is praised or amused. At the request of adults, the baby can give the object or toy that is in his hand.
- Smile and laugh during games. During tickling or comic games, the child begins to rejoice and have fun.
- Stretching hands up. Thus, the child consciously asks to be held. Tactile sensations help him calm down and feel safe.
- Showing interest in peers and animals. Children are curious about birds and animals. If they want to touch another child or animal, they should not be prevented from doing so.
Thus the child learns the environment.
- Repetition for adults of some simple words, sounds.
- Understanding the purpose of some items. For example, a baby can take a spoon or a cup and present it to his mouth.
- Remembering the location of certain items. Ten-month-olds know where their things are and can choose the right item on their own.
- Showing dissatisfaction. A child of this age can consciously begin to scatter toys, get nervous and act up. The main thing is to stay calm and be able to distract the baby and switch his attention to something else.
What skills should a ten-month-old child have? Baby crawling should not be limited to one room. The child needs to be given freedom so that he can confidently explore new territory.

At this age, babies are quite active and quick-witted, so it is important for parents to ensure proper safety for the baby and not to leave him unattended.
What should alert parents of a ten-month-old baby
What a child can do and what knowledge he has, parents can determine the level of his development.
If the child:
- does not know how to sit up and stand up with support;
- does not repeat at least a few words after adults;
- does not understand when he is offered to take some thing or asked for some item;
- does not crawl to the toy he likes;
- does not attract attention with gestures, crying or babbling -
Parents should seek specialist advice. After a series of examinations, the doctor will be able to determine whether the absence of any of the above knowledge is a deviation or is it a feature of individual development.
Menu and diet of a ten-month-old baby
The diet of children of this age should consist of various soups and cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, cookies, casseroles and other products. From drinks, it is better to give preference to natural juices and compotes. Despite the variety of the baby's diet, you should continue to apply to the breast or give an adapted milk formula in the morning after sleep, at night and before bedtime.
The child should eat 5-6 times a day. Breast or mixture is recommended to be given 2 times (in the evening and in the morning). The rest of the feedings remain for regular food. The frequency of eating food is every 4 hours. Dishes for a child must be steamed, baked or boiled. Fried foods are not recommended for children of this age.
The daily menu should be rational, complete and rich in vitamins. Together with food, the baby should receive proteins, minerals, fats and nutrients. This will ensure the full development of all systems of his body. Since the child already has teeth, he needs to be given medium-sized solid food to practice biting and chewing.
This table shows an approximate diet for a 10 month old baby
No. | Feeding periods | Sample dishes |
one. | First feeding | Breast milk or formula |
2. | Second feeding (breakfast) | Rice, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge cooked with milk. |
3. | Third feeding (lunch) | For lunch, the child must be given the first course. It could be vegetable soup. Instead of mashed meat for the second, you can cook steamed meatballs, meatballs or cutlets. Also, the baby can be given fish. It is better to bake, boil or steam it. |
four. | Fourth feeding (afternoon snack) | For an afternoon snack, you can give your child cookies, cheese or yogurt. |
5. | Fifth feeding (dinner) | It is recommended to give preference to easily digestible products. It can be kefir or mashed fruits, vegetables |
6. | Sixth feeding | Before sleeping at night, the child should be given breast or formula milk. |
During the day, your baby can have a small cracker, bagel, apple or carrot as a snack. Children of this age need to bite, gnaw and chew food in order to develop their teeth.
Daily routine of a ten-month-old baby
The daily routine of children of this age (sleep, wakefulness, eating) remains unchanged. The night sleep of the child lasts 8-10 hours. Some babies, especially those who are breastfeeding, tend to wake up at night to nurse. During the day, the child goes to bed twice for 1.5-2 hours. Special attention should be paid to developmental activities, physical exercises (gymnastics) and walks on the street. In order to avoid fatigue and whims of the baby, parents are advised to adhere to the established routine. In addition, a violation of the daily regimen can adversely affect the behavior and health of the baby.
Tips for parents on the development of a ten-month-old baby
The level of physical and psycho-emotional development largely depends on parents. For a full and normal formation, mom and dad must take a responsible approach to the issues of upbringing, care and adhere to the following recommendations:
Carry the child in your arms. Despite the fact that the baby began to actively crawl or walk independently, it still needs to be picked up and carried. The child still needs parental hugs. This parenting tactic is called holding. It is recommended to carry a child in your arms for 1-1.5 hours a day. At the same time, you can sing songs to him, kiss him, walk around the room, tell tales, say pleasant words.
- Talk to the baby. When communicating, use simple words and simple sentences. You need to speak clearly and balanced. For better development during a conversation, you can show and talk about various objects, toys, etc.
- Play with baby. Parents should play with the baby not only entertaining, but also educational games. You can mold from plasticine or special dough, draw, put pyramids or cubes, etc.
Play games are also important. Laughter and positive emotions have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional formation of the child.
- Provide space for crawling. At the same time, the house must be safe. Dangerous things must be hidden in places inaccessible to the child. You also need to make sure that the house is clean, regularly mop the floor and wipe the dust.
- Reading. It is recommended to allocate a certain time for reading every day. Ten-month-olds understand simple words or even repeat them, so you can start reading short stories to your baby. You should also provide a shelf for books, to which the child can independently reach out and get the book of interest to him.
- Do not prohibit throwing toys. Thus, ten-month-old children learn about the world around them. The child can have a separate box in which he can throw toys. To develop coordination of both hands, the position of the box must be periodically changed (to the right or left of the child).
- Continue developing motor skills. For this, it is not necessary to buy special games or devices. You can get by with homemade products (flour, pasta, beans, peas, etc.).
- Perform gymnastics. It is recommended to pay special attention to gymnastic exercises that develop walking and crawling. To do this, an adult needs to unbend and bend the baby's legs, support him so that he can get up, squat and walk.
Kids at this age get tired quickly, so it is recommended to allocate 15-20 minutes for any activity.
From the age of ten months, parents are encouraged to ensure that their children have active interaction with peers. A large number of children will be tiring for the child. It is better if a friend or acquaintances who also have a child will come to visit you. At home, the baby will feel more comfortable, so it will be easier to get to know other children. It is in the form of a game and the process of communicating with peers that kids begin to repeat what they saw and learn new skills.