Sore ankles pregnancy
Swollen ankles, feet and fingers in pregnancy
It's normal to get some swelling in pregnancy, particularly in your legs, ankles, feet and fingers.
It's often worse at the end of the day and further into your pregnancy.
Swelling that comes on gradually is not usually harmful to you or your baby, but it can be uncomfortable.
A sudden increase in swelling can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a condition that needs to be monitored as soon as possible.
Non-urgent advice: Call your midwife, GP or labour ward immediately if you have:
- a sudden increase in swelling in your face, hands or feet
- a very bad headache
- problems with your vision, such as blurring or flashing lights in your eyes
- severe pain just below your ribs
- vomiting with any of these symptoms
These could be symptoms of pre-eclampsia, which can lead to serious complications if it's not monitored and treated.
Normal pregnancy swelling
Swelling is caused by your body holding more water than usual when you're pregnant.
Throughout the day the extra water tends to gather in the lowest parts of the body, especially if the weather is hot or you have been standing a lot.
The pressure of your growing womb can also affect the blood flow in your legs. This can cause fluid to build up in your legs, ankles and feet.
What can help to reduce swelling
Try to:
- avoid standing for long periods
- wear comfortable shoes and socks – avoid tight straps or anything that might pinch if your feet swell
- try to rest with your feet up as much as you can
- drink plenty of water – this helps your body get rid of excess water
- exercise – try to take regular walks during the day or doing foot exercises
Foot exercises
You can do foot exercises sitting or standing. They improve blood circulation, reduce swelling in the ankles, and prevent cramp in the calf muscles:
- bend and stretch your foot up and down 30 times
- rotate each foot in a circle 8 times one way and 8 times the other way
Get more tips on exercising in pregnancy.
Page last reviewed: 10 March 2021
Next review due: 10 March 2024
5 ways to manage swollen legs and feet during pregnancy | Your Pregnancy Matters
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Your Pregnancy Matters
September 14, 2021
Your Pregnancy Matters
Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, M. D. Obstetrics and Gynecology
Of all the body parts you expect to get bigger during pregnancy, feet might not be at the top of your list. But most pregnant women experience swelling in their lower legs and feet.
If your ankles appear puffy and your shoes don’t feel quite right, you’re not imagining things. The additional fluid and blood your body creates to support healthy fetal growth also slows down blood circulation. That can cause blood to accumulate in your lower extremities, causing swelling.
During pregnancy, you also produce more relaxin, a hormone that helps your tendons, ligaments, joints, and muscles – you guessed it – relax. While relaxin helps your pelvis open to give birth, it also loosens the tendons and ligaments in your feet.
The combination of extra weight and hormones during pregnancy can cause your feet not only to widen but also flatten and lengthen. Leg or ankle swelling likely will decrease a week or two after your baby is born, but your feet may never be the same again.
Studies have shown that pregnancy can cause a permanent decrease in your arch and increase in foot length – typically only after a woman’s first pregnancy.
While more research is needed to determine whether these structural changes can be prevented, there are a few things you can do throughout your pregnancy to reduce swelling and feel more comfortable.
Coping with swollen legs and feet during pregnancy
1. Wear compression socks
Wearing 15-20mmHG compression socks that end at your knee can help alleviate achiness. The socks gradually increase pressure in your legs and move some of the excess fluid back into your blood vessels and the rest of your body.
Avoid socks with a tight band at the top. The tightness might worsen swelling by blocking blood return. That can increase your risk of developing a blood clot – which is already five times higher during pregnancy. You don’t need to purchase medical-grade socks, but you can find a good pair of compression socks for $10-$20.
Compression socks also can prevent the formation of new varicose veins, which occur in 15% of pregnant women for the same reason that causes swelling. The risk doubles after your first pregnancy and is four times higher in women over 35. These veins start out as little bumps under your skin; the socks squeeze them just enough to prevent backward blood flow and bulging. Existing varicose veins aren’t likely to shrink, but compression socks can reduce the pain and discomfort they cause.
2. Rest efficiently
You can easily improve blood circulation during downtime and sleep:
- Elevate your legs above heart level while reading, watching TV, or doing other seated activities.
The simple change in body position decreases pressure on your veins, which no longer have to work against gravity to send blood to your heart. Use cushions for comfort and elevate in 15- to 20-minute intervals a few times a day.
- Sleep on your left side. While you can safely sleep on either side during pregnancy, the left side is often recommended to avoid putting pressure on the inferior vena cava, a large vein that carries blood from your lower extremities to your heart.
3. Get your feet wet
Immersing your feet and ankles in cool water for 20 minutes a few times a week can minimize swelling, whether you use a pool, bathtub, or even a large bowl. Bonus: It’s also a great way to deal with the Texas heat if you’re pregnant during the summer.
Be sure the water temperature is moderate and not ice cold. Cooler temperatures cause the smaller blood vessels close to your skin to constrict, which reduces blood flow to and swelling within the affected area. Water that is too cold can have the opposite effect. Whether you stand and sway or sit and dangle your feet, water therapy is a great way to relieve stress and pain.
Related reading: Water immersion during labor
4. Invest in supportive shoes that fit.
Unsupportive and uncomfortable shoes can cause even more leg and foot pain, plus backaches. Even if your feet return to their pre-pregnancy size, you’ll feel more comfortable in shoes that fit your feet and support your additional body weight. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends wearing shoes that:
- Have a low heel but are not flat
- Provide good arch support, such as athletic shoes
Many patients prefer shoes that have mesh, which allow their feet to breathe, and can easily slip on and off to limit bending over while pregnant. More shoe brands are merging comfort and style, so even the most fashionable patients will have no problem finding footwear they feel good about wearing.
5. Visit a podiatrist or pedicurist.
Another reason to wear shoes that fit: Stress from tight shoes can cause ingrown toenails, and so can infrequent nail trimming. In the first two trimesters you probably won’t have any difficulty trimming your toenails. But once you reach the third trimester, it might get more challenging.
Try propping up your feet on a stool or ask your partner to help trim your toenails. Nail salon gift cards are a great item to add to your baby shower (or sprinkle!) registry, too.
Seeing a podiatrist is another option to prevent or treat painful foot conditions, such as ingrown toenail, bunions, or plantar warts.
When swelling becomes serious
While gradual swelling in your lower and upper extremities is normal, sudden or severe swelling in your face, hands, or feet might be a symptom of preeclampsia. This pregnancy complication involves very high blood pressure.
If you have preeclampsia, you may need to stay in the hospital until you give birth. Delivery is the only way to “treat” preeclampsia. Left untreated, the condition can cause seizures, kidney or liver damage, and in rare cases, death.
Related reading: Postpartum hypertension: When a new mom's blood pressure is too high
Talk with your doctor about foot and leg swelling, as well as any other pregnancy symptoms. The more we know about your current condition, the more we can help reduce your risk of future complications.
While we can’t fully prevent foot and leg swelling, we can recommend ways to reduce your risk, such as:
- Regular exercise
- Good-quality sleep
- A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Discomfort during pregnancy is to be expected, but our goal is to partner with you to minimize it – as well as the risk of more serious conditions.
To discuss your pregnancy concerns or symptoms with an expert, call 214-645-8300 or request an appointment online.
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Leg pain during pregnancy: causes and how to get rid of it
Feet in pregnant women hurt for various reasons. Since there is a considerable load on the legs during pregnancy, this is not surprising. Just don't ignore the pain. Sometimes, if a woman feels pain in her legs, we can talk about pathology.
We tell you what pain in the legs during pregnancy can be associated with and what to do to alleviate the symptoms.
Why my feet hurt during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the center of gravity usually shifts, which creates an excessive load on the legs. Therefore, many women who are carrying a child experience pain in their feet. In general, during pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt, so pain can also occur for other reasons that are also not associated with the development of diseases.
Causes of leg pain in pregnant women
The most common causes of foot pain in pregnant women include:
Natural increase in body weight;
The shift in the center of gravity, which increases the load on the feet;
Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body can cause swelling and, as a result, throbbing pain;
Aching pain, swelling after walking or standing for a long time - these symptoms appear in women prone to varicose veins;
Cramping that cramps the legs or only the feet can occur due to an increased concentration of progesterone in the blood, as well as due to iron and calcium deficiency.
Consider the cases when the feet hurt during pregnancy due to existing diseases.
Flat feet
If flat feet have already been, then during pregnancy, if the disease is not treated, it only gets worse. There are cases when a woman had the first stage of flat feet, and in the last trimester - already the third. Usually, transverse flat feet are more acutely tolerated. Its symptoms:
Burning in the feet;
By the end of the day, the legs are very tired, they may swell;
In the evening there are cramps in the area of calves and shins, which are accompanied by pain in the feet;
Pain in the area of the kneecaps, pelvis and back - these symptoms appear when flat feet are neglected;
Calluses and growth that affects the base of the thumb;
Hammer toe deformity.
It is important to diagnose the transverse flatfoot of the foot in time. Usually orthopedic traumatologists deal with this issue. To diagnose the disease, the doctor sends an x-ray. Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication for x-rays. Radiation should be avoided only in the first three months of pregnancy. Before the procedure, be sure to warn the doctor about your situation.
Only after studying the radiographs, the doctor can confirm the diagnosis. Further steps will depend entirely on the stage of the disease. At the initial stages, the disease is cured by conservative methods, in advanced cases, surgical intervention is required.
Conservative treatments include:
treatment with medications if there is inflammation;
wearing orthopedic insoles and other devices;
exercise therapy.
In the fight against flat feet, orthopedic insoles, which are designed for pregnant women, have proven themselves well. They help to evenly distribute the load on the legs of women.
Varicose veins
Even if a woman has never suffered from this disease, there is a risk that pregnancy will worsen the condition of the vessels.
Since mother and baby have a common circulatory system, varicose veins can provoke oxygen starvation in the fetus. The fact is that it is with the mother's blood that the child receives all the necessary substances to maintain his life.
It is not difficult to recognize varicose veins on your own. The most obvious signs that can be seen with the naked eye are pronounced vascular networks. It is worth making an appointment with a doctor if you have symptoms such as:
Aching pain in the legs, especially after exercise;
Fatigue and heaviness in the legs at the end of the day;
tingling, itching and burning;
Numbness of limbs or cramps.
The treatment of the disease is carried out by a phlebologist (vascular surgeon).
Is it possible to do foot massage during pregnancy?
If the attending specialist does not see any contraindications for massage, then the procedure will only benefit. Foot massage during pregnancy will help not only alleviate the condition of the legs, but also improve the mood of the expectant mother. Massage has a positive effect on the emotional state of the mother, and therefore on the unborn child.
How to get rid of foot pain
Often, with pain in the legs, a woman can help herself. These recommendations will help get rid of leg pain or at least reduce it:
During pregnancy, aching and tired feet come to the rescue in the evening foot baths. Water should be at room temperature. It is also useful to rinse the feet with cold water;
It is advisable to sleep on the left side - on the right is the inferior vena cava, which carries the bulk of the blood, so it is better to remove the load from it;
A contrast shower helps to get rid of pain in the legs - this procedure will also strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
To avoid unpleasant pain in the legs, it is also important to follow preventive measures:
Drink enough water.
Edema appears when the body is dehydrated, and not vice versa;
Movement. To improve blood flow, it is useful to move and do light exercise. Walking is the best activity for pregnant women. When driving, it is important to take regular breaks to stretch your legs;
Leg lift. If you have to sit for a long time, it is advisable to raise your legs more often. To do this, you can put a stand or a small bench near you;
Balanced diet. This applies mainly to the consumption of salt, since it is it that retains water in the body. In general, the diet should be varied, with sufficient protein;
Weight control. Almost all women gain weight during pregnancy. It is only important to ensure that the “increase” fits into the norm, since excess weight provokes swelling;
Avoidance of heavy workloads. Long stay on your feet, lifting weights and any physical labor - all this negatively affects the health of blood vessels during pregnancy.
You should also pay attention to the position of the body. For example, a pose in which the legs are crossed harms the vessels;
Correct posture. With proper posture, the load on the legs is distributed evenly. It is important to ensure that the lower back does not bend too much or the body does not lean back too much;
Comfortable shoes and clothes. Clothing or shoes that are tight on the body can block blood flow. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear socks with tight elastic bands that leave marks on the body, and shoes that are too narrow and short;
Be careful with sunburn. If there is a tendency to varicose veins, you should not stay under the sun for a long time - ultraviolet rays weaken blood vessels.
If you follow these simple recommendations, you can minimize the pain in the legs during pregnancy. If you suspect flat feet, you can always contact our orthopedic center. A specialist doctor will diagnose and, in case of illness, prescribe an effective treatment regimen.
Pregnancy and your feet article on the website of the Preobrazhenskaya Clinic
Pregnancy causes many different changes in a woman's body. Many women during pregnancy present the same complaints.
One of these complaints, which is practically not taken into account, is the complaint of pain in the legs.
Due to the natural weight gain during pregnancy, the body's center of gravity shifts forward. This causes a redistribution of the load on the limbs and an increase in pressure in the knee joints and feet.
Pregnant women have two main problems, they are excessive pronation of the foot and swelling of the legs.
These changes can cause pain in the heels, arch, or metatarsus. Many women experience leg cramps and varicose veins. Therefore, all pregnant women need to have the necessary information about their health and, in particular, about the function of the legs, so that the nine-month pregnancy period is more comfortable for them.
Excessive stress on the feet and swelling of the legs are the most common problems during pregnancy.
Overload occurs because the arch of the foot flattens under the weight. This can cause congestion and inflammation of the plantar fascia that runs from the heel to the toes.
Excessive stress on the feet can make walking painful due to increased stress on the legs, calves and spine.
Edema, or swelling of the legs, usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy.
Edema is caused by obstruction of the outflow of blood due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the veins of the lower extremities. In a woman's body, the total volume of fluid in the body remains the same as before pregnancy, but its distribution changes. Swollen legs become bluish.
During pregnancy, an extra volume of fluid accumulates in the body, which contributes to an increase in edema.
If the hands or face swell, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor.

There are effective ways to deal with deformity and swelling of the feet during pregnancy.
Foot deformity can be corrected with ready-made orthotics . These orthotics must have sufficient arch and hindfoot support. It remains important to choose the right footwear. A pregnant woman should choose comfortable shoes with proper foot support and cushioning.
Foot deformity should be treated not only to relieve pain, but also to avoid complications such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, inflammation of the posterior tibial muscle, or deformity of the toes.
Pregnant women can be given the following advice:
- Raise your legs as often as possible. If you have to stay in a sitting position for a long time, set up a small stool and place your feet on it.
- Wear rational footwear. Too narrow and short shoes impede blood flow in the lower extremities.
- Measure the circumference of the lower leg and thigh, as well as the size of the foot, several times during pregnancy.