Soft spot closed too soon
Facts about Craniosynostosis | CDC
Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which the bones in a baby’s skull join together too early. This happens before the baby’s brain is fully formed. As the baby’s brain grows, the skull can become more misshapen.
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What is Craniosynostosis?
Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which the bones in a baby’s skull join together too early. This happens before the baby’s brain is fully formed. As the baby’s brain grows, the skull can become more misshapen. The spaces between a typical baby’s skull bones are filled with flexible material and called sutures. These sutures allow the skull to grow as the baby’s brain grows. Around two years of age, a child’s skull bones begin to join together because the sutures become bone. When this occurs, the suture is said to “close.” In a baby with craniosynostosis, one or more of the sutures closes too early. This can limit or slow the growth of the baby’s brain.
When a suture closes and the skull bones join together too soon, the baby’s head will stop growing in only that part of the skull. In the other parts of the skull where the sutures have not joined together, the baby’s head will continue to grow. When that happens, the skull will have an abnormal shape, although the brain inside the skull has grown to its usual size. Sometimes, though, more than one suture closes too early. In these instances, the brain might not have enough room to grow to its usual size. This can lead to a build-up of pressure inside the skull.
Types of Craniosynostosis
The types of craniosynostosis depend on what sutures join together early.
- Sagittal synostosis– The sagittal suture runs along the top of the head, from the baby’s soft spot near the front of the head to the back of the head. When this suture closes too early, the baby’s head will grow long and narrow (scaphocephaly).
It is the most common type of craniosynostosis.
- Coronal synostosis – The right and left coronal sutures run from each ear to the sagittal suture at the top of the head. When one of these sutures closes too early, the baby may have a flattened forehead on the side of the skull that closed early (anterior plagiocephaly). The baby’s eye socket on that side might also be raised up and his or her nose could be pulled toward that side. This is the second most common type of craniosynostosis.
- Bicoronal synostosis – This type of craniosynostosis occurs when the coronal sutures on both sides of the baby’s head close too early. In this case, the baby’s head will grow broad and short (brachycephaly).
- Lambdoid synostosis – The lambdoid suture runs along the backside of the head. If this suture closes too early, the baby’s head may be flattened on the back side (posterior plagiocephaly). This is one of the rarest types of craniosynostosis.
- Metopic synostosis – The metopic suture runs from the baby’s nose to the sagittal suture at the top of the head. If this suture closes too early, the top of the baby’s head shape may look triangular, meaning narrow in the front and broad in the back (trigonocephaly). This is one of the rarest types of craniosynostosis.
Other Problems
Many of the problems a baby can have depend on:
- Which sutures closed early
- When the sutures closed (was it before or after birth and at what age)
- Whether or not the brain has room to grow
Sometimes, if the condition is not treated, the build-up of pressure in the baby’s skull can lead to problems, such as blindness, seizures, or brain damage.
How Many Babies are Born with Craniosynostosis?
Researchers estimate that about 1 in every 2,500 babies is born with craniosynostosis in the United States.1
Causes and Risk Factors
The causes of craniosynostosis in most infants are unknown. Some babies have a craniosynostosis because of changes in their genes. In some cases, craniosynostosis occurs because of an abnormality in a single gene, which can cause a genetic syndrome. However, in most cases, craniosynostosis is thought to be caused by a combination of genes and other factors, such as things the mother comes in contact with in her environment, or what the mother eats or drinks, or certain medications she uses during pregnancy.
CDC, like the many families of children with birth defects, wants to find out what causes these conditions. Understanding the factors that are more common among babies with a birth defect will help us learn more about the causes. CDC funds the Centers for Birth Defects Research and Prevention, which collaborate on large studies such as the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS; births 1997-2011), to understand the causes of and risks for birth defects, such as craniosynostosis.
Recently, CDC reported on important findings from research studies about some factors that increase the chance of having a baby with craniosynostosis:
- Maternal thyroid disease ― Women with thyroid disease or who are treated for thyroid disease while they are pregnant have a higher chance of having an infant with craniosynostosis, compared to women who don’t have thyroid disease.
- Certain medications ― Women who report using clomiphene citrate (a fertility medication) just before or early in pregnancy are more likely to have a baby with craniosynostosis, compared to women who didn’t take this medicine.3
CDC continues to study birth defects, such as craniosynostosis, and how to prevent them. If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, talk with your doctor about ways to increase your chances of having a healthy baby.
Craniosynostosis usually is diagnosed soon after a baby is born. Sometimes, it is diagnosed later in life.
Usually, the first sign of craniosynostosis is an abnormally shaped skull. Other signs may include:
- No “soft spot” on the baby’s skull
- A raised firm edge where the sutures closed early
- Slow growth or no growth in the baby’s head size over time
Doctors can identify craniosynostosis during a physical exam. A doctor will feel the baby’s head for hard edges along the sutures and unusual soft spots. The doctor also will look for any problems with the shape of the baby’s face. If he or she suspects the baby might have craniosynostosis, the doctor usually requests one or more tests to help confirm the diagnosis. For example, a special x-ray test, such as a CT or CAT scan, can show the details of the skull and brain, whether certain sutures are closed, and how the brain is growing.
Many types of craniosynostosis require surgery. The surgical procedure is meant to relieve pressure on the brain, correct the craniosynostosis, and allow the brain to grow properly. When needed, a surgical procedure is usually performed during the first year of life. But, the timing of surgery depends on which sutures are closed and whether the baby has one of the genetic syndromes that can cause craniosynostosis.
Babies with very mild craniosynostosis might not need surgery. As the baby gets older and grows hair, the shape of the skull can become less noticeable. Sometimes, special medical helmets can be used to help mold the baby’s skull into a more regular shape.
Each baby born with craniosynostosis is different, and the condition can range from mild to severe. Most babies with craniosynostosis are otherwise healthy. Some children, however, have developmental delays or intellectual disabilities, because either the craniosynostosis has kept the baby’s brain from growing and working normally, or because the baby has a genetic syndrome that caused both craniosynostosis and problems with how the brain works. A baby with craniosynostosis will need to see a healthcare provider regularly to make sure that the brain and skull are developing properly. Babies with craniosynostosis can often benefit from early intervention services to help with any developmental delays or intellectual problems. Some children with craniosynostosis may have issues with self-esteem if they are concerned with visible differences between themselves and other children. Parent-to-parent support groups also can be useful for new families of babies with birth defects of the head and face, including craniosynostosis.
Other Resources
The views of these organizations are their own and do not reflect the official position of CDC.
- Children’s Craniofacial Association (CCA)
CCA addresses the medical, financial, psychosocial, emotional, and educational concerns relating to craniofacial conditions. - The National Craniofacial Association (FACES)
FACES is dedicated to assisting children and adults who have craniofacial disorders resulting from disease, accident, or birth.
- Boulet SL, Rasmussen SA, Honein MA. A population-based study of craniosynostosis in metropolitan Atlanta, 1989-2003. Am J Med Genet Part A. 2008;146A:984–991.
- Rasmussen SA, Yazdy MM, Carmichael SL, Jamieson DJ, Canfield MA, Honein MA. Maternal thyroid disease as a risk factor for craniosynostosis. Obstet Gynecol. 2007;110:369-377.
- Reefhuis J, Honein MA, Schieve LA, Rasmussen SA, and the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Use of clomiphene citrate and birth defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997–2005.
Hum Reprod. 2011;26:451–457.
The images are in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities) be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.
The images are in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities) be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.
Craniosynostosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine
What You Need to Know
- Craniosynostosis is common and occurs in one out of 2,200 live births.
- The condition affects males slightly more often than females.
- Craniosynostosis is most often sporadic (occurs by chance) but can be inherited in some families.
What is craniosynostosis?
In fetuses and newborns, the skull consists of several plates of bone that are separated by flexible, fibrous joints called sutures. As infants grow and develop, the sutures close, forming a solid piece of bone.
Craniosynostosis is a condition in which the sutures close too early, causing problems with normal brain and skull growth. Premature closure of the sutures may also cause pressure inside the head to increase and the skull or facial bones to change from a normal, symmetrical appearance.
What causes craniosynostosis?
Craniosynostosis is a feature of many different genetic syndromes that have a variety of inheritance patterns and chances for recurrence, depending on the specific syndrome present.
It is important for the child with craniosynostosis and his/her family members to be examined carefully for signs of an inherited genetic disorder, such as limb defects, ear abnormalities or heart defects.
Craniosynostosis Symptoms
In infants with this condition, the most common signs are changes in the shape of the head and face. One side of your child’s face may look markedly different from the other side. Other, much less common signs may include:
- A full or bulging fontanelle (soft spot located on the top of the head)
- Sleepiness (or less alert than usual)
- Very noticeable scalp veins
- Increased irritability
- High-pitched cry
- Poor feeding
- Projectile vomiting
- Increasing head circumference
- Developmental delays
The symptoms of craniosynostosis may resemble other conditions or medical problems, so always work with your child’s physician to clarify a diagnosis.
Different Types of Craniosynostosis
Anterior brachycephaly involves fusion of either the right or left side of the coronal suture that runs across the top of the baby’s head from ear to ear.
This is called coronal synostosis, and it causes the normal forehead and brow to stop growing. The result is a flattening of the forehead and the brow on the affected side, with the forehead tending to be excessively prominent on the opposite side. The eye on the affected side may also have a different shape, and there may be flattening of the back of the head (occipital). When the suture fusion is all the way across the back of the child’s skull, the result is posterior plagiocephaly.
Trigonocephaly is a fusion of the metopic (forehead) suture. This suture runs from the top of the head down the middle of the forehead, toward the nose.
Early closure of this suture may result in a prominent ridge running down the forehead. Sometimes, the forehead looks quite pointed, like a triangle, with closely placed eyes (hypotelorism).
Scaphocephaly is an early closure or fusion of the sagittal suture. This suture runs front to back, down the middle of the top of the head. This fusion causes a long, narrow skull. The skull is long from front to back and narrow from ear to ear.
Craniosynostosis Diagnosis
Craniosynostosis may be congenital (present at birth) or observed later, often during a physical examination in the first year of life.
The diagnosis involves thorough physical examination and diagnostic testing. Your child’s doctor will start with a complete prenatal and birth history, asking about any family history of craniosynostosis or other head or face abnormalities.
The doctor may also ask about developmental milestones, since craniosynostosis can be associated with other neuromuscular disorders. Developmental delays may require further medical follow-up for underlying problems.
During the examination, the doctor will measure the circumference of your child’s head to identify normal and abnormal ranges. Craniosynostosis can be diagnosed by physical exam. If needed, your neurosurgeon may recommend imaging tests.
Craniosynostosis: Fitz’s Story
When Fitz was born, it was obvious that his skull was misshapen. By 5 weeks old, Fitz had been diagnosed with craniosynostosis. His skull had fused early and was constricting his brain growth.
See Fitz's story
Craniosynostosis Treatment
The key to treating craniosynostosis is early detection and treatment. Specific therapy for craniosynostosis will be determined by your child’s physician based on:
- Your child’s age, overall health and medical history
- Extent of the craniosynostosis
- Type of craniosynostosis (which sutures are involved)
- Your child’s tolerance for specific medications, procedures or therapies
- Expectations for the course of the craniosynostosis
- Your opinion or preference
Surgery is typically the recommended treatment, since it can reduce pressure in the head and correct the deformities of the face and skull bones.
Early diagnosis and consultation with a specialist are important. In general, the best time to operate is before the child is 1 year old, since the bones are still very soft and easy to work with. If your child’s condition is severe, the doctor may recommend surgery as early as 1 month of age.
Before surgery, your child’s physician will explain the operation and may review before-and-after photographs of children who have had a similar type of surgery.
Calvarial Vault Remodeling
In this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the infant’s scalp and corrects the shape of the head by moving the area of the skull that is abnormally or prematurely fused, and then reshapes the skull so it can take more of a round contour. Surgery can last up to six hours. Your baby will likely spend one night in the intensive care unit, plus an additional few days in the hospital for monitoring.
Even if your child’s deformity is seen early on, this surgery is best suited for babies 5-6 months of age or older to ensure the bone is thick enough to perform the needed reshaping. This surgery may commonly involve a blood transfusion.
After surgery, there may be temporary facial swelling. Unlike other surgical options, there are no additional steps post-surgery unless a recurrence of craniosynostosis is found. You can expect to follow up with your surgery team one month post-surgery to check on the surgery incision site, and again at six and 12 months after the procedure to ensure healing is progressing.
Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery
Some hospitals may offer the option of this minimally invasive surgery, which may be performed when the baby is 2–3 months old, depending on the type and degree of craniosynostosis.
The procedure involves the use of an endoscope, a small tube that the surgeon can look through and see immediately inside and outside the skull through very small incisions in the scalp. The surgeon opens the prematurely fused suture to enable the baby’s brain to grow normally.
The surgery itself takes approximately one hour and involves less blood loss compared with cranial vault remodeling, so there is less chance of requiring a blood transfusion. Your baby will stay in the hospital overnight for monitoring before being released to go home.
This type of surgery is followed by the use of a molding helmet to reshape the skull. Additional appointments with the helmet provider (orthotist) will be necessary for fitting the helmet to your child. You can expect to follow up with your surgery team every three months for the first year post-surgery to check progress of the skull reshaping.
After Craniosynostosis Surgery
Following craniosynostosis surgery, your child will likely have a turbanlike dressing around his or her head, and may experience swelling in the face and eyelids. Your child will spend the period after surgery in an intensive care unit for close monitoring.
The care team will watch closely for any problems after surgery, such as:
- Fever (greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Redness and swelling along the incision areas
- Decreased alertness
These complications require prompt evaluation by your child’s surgeon.
Follow-Up Care
The recovery process is different for each child. Your child’s health care team will work with your family, giving you instructions on how to care for your child at home and outlining specific problems that require immediate medical attention.
Craniosynostosis can affect a child’s brain and development. The degree of the problems depends on the severity of the craniosynostosis, the number of sutures that are fused, and the presence of brain or other organ system problems that could affect the child.
The physician may recommend genetic counseling to evaluate the child’s parents for any disorders that may run in families.
A child with craniosynostosis requires frequent medical evaluations to ensure that the skull, facial bones, jaw alignment and brain are developing normally. The medical team will provide education and guidance to help you make the most of your child’s health and well-being.
The Johns Hopkins Cleft and Craniofacial Center
Each year, the Johns Hopkins Cleft and Craniofacial Center treats approximately 650 babies and children with cleft lip and palate or other craniofacial conditions. Our goal is to help our patients achieve their full potential, without being defined or limited by facial differences.
Learn More about the Cleft and Craniofacial Center
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Lucy has no luck with bosses. Each time, leaving her next job, my neighbor is convinced that a mentally ill person cannot be helped, but it is more expensive to spoil her own worldview. It's easier to look for a more adequate option.
This is how she approaches the process of finding a job, involving everyone around her, including me. For her, work and the boss are inseparable from each other, she treats him as a constant value. “He has been around all his adult life. Not a husband! He can happen, or he can again go into dreams. And not a friend, sooner or later he will meet a woman and settle under her heel. A guaranteed place is reserved for another… - Lucy points a spoon smeared with cake at me, pauses and sits down on her favorite skate again: - The boss is the burden that everyone carries on their shoulders from adulthood to retirement. Some of this oppression bypasses them, they are lucky for healthy people, while others always have a couple of stories for conversation about his oddities. nine0003
Unaware of how close to the truth she is, the neighbor dives headlong into her neurotic memories of her relationship with her superiors. Despite the fact that a lot of leaders passed through her soul, they all fit into several categories with minor nuances:
1. Controlling boss. The weak link is the inability to trust people. Or, if you look at the other side, the desire to control everything, to the smallest detail, by yourself. Lyusya, working for such a person, each time came to her tones, hearing a familiar baritone in the receiver at the end of business negotiations: “We are not satisfied with your offer. And you come to my office…”
Another patron respected spending a couple of days a week calling every employee on the carpet and deciphering the minute-by-minute efficiency of being at the office keyboard. A pile of tattered reports, women's tears and men's annoyance settled in the room behind the oak door. This punishment bypassed only those who in the mornings in a friendly string carried diaries with items of daily cares to the cherished chambers and in the evenings reported on their implementation.
2. An individual unable to resist temptation. Alcohol, excessive passion for women (men), greed in its most extreme manifestation and the like - transformed Lucy's priorities to the point of absurdity. She hated the boss, angry from the lack of alcohol in the blood, and was afraid of him to convulsions after the balance was restored: “But it was fun with him: by and large, we didn’t care when he went into a squeal. We were playing cards at that time, fortunately, he did not pay attention to the movement of the mouse. The loser went to him with cognac ... "
Already six months later, in a new company, she was looking for unexpected and frank meetings with the chosen one of the head of the department. Naturally, not without equally random and very expensive gifts. The next day, following the results of accounting, the shock wave carried away the bonuses of most of the employees. But not her. There, experiencing the delights of matrix submission, she planned whom to throw into the fire of public humiliation on the day of pay and free up time for work. Nobody canceled it ... Because the second leader, he is also the owner, did not like passion on the tenth day of each month. For unknown reasons, it was on the day of the payment of salaries that he could not cope with excessive excitability, tore and metal until he poured out his anger on a specific staff unit. nine0003
Gradually, Lucy, tired of the hustle and bustle, overcame the point of no return. She remembered that now is not the Middle Ages, and again wrote a letter of resignation.
3. His Majesty, he is a petty tyrant. The trouble and strength of such a leader is in an extremely unbalanced temperament. It seems that his business is based not on the laws of management or, for example, marketing, but only on the instinct of fear of his subordinates. Once I was brought to such an office, to give the keys to Lyuska on the way to the airport, so that she would visit the cat for a couple of weeks. nine0003
The secretary greeted me like a puppet on behalf of a leading company in her industry. It was as if she was opening her mouth under the included voice recorder. Office plankton, merged into one whole with computer technology, barely dared to raise their eyes to the uninvited guest. Looking around anxiously, my friend pulled me out into the rain...
As it turned out at the next revelation session, the Majesty kept each employee in emotional slavery and found an individual approach. Shouting and humiliation acted on someone, demagoguery on someone: as a result, people came to the conclusion that they were worth nothing, and only here they were not only treated with condescension, but even paid money for it. Anxiety and depression did not let go of Lucy until she found the strength to break off such relationships. “If you leave me, you will remain a nonentity. But you will be back! Just think - do I want to take you back ... ”the tyrant respected by her threw after her. nine0003
Now Luska is happy. The chief of her direction is one of her own. A former performer who rose to the top for his irrepressible zeal for work. Even there, at the heights, he can never forget how to work. He is convinced that he knows his business to the smallest detail and therefore performs the usual duties himself.
True, he often does not see the forest behind the trees: brilliantly coping with the subtleties, he loses sight of the main thing. But the most interesting thing is that there is no time to manage a person, so much needs to be done in a day! Therefore, without noticing it, he shifts responsibility to others and obediently fulfills their instructions. And to pick up the initiative of our Luska with such and such experience - just spit . .. I think that soon the evening gatherings will move from my five-meter kitchenette to some restaurant, no less. But what kind of empress my neighbor will become, I don’t know. Psychologists say that a person is a lazy creature, he does not look for new ways. It takes as a basis a model of behavior that has already been seen and tested on itself. nine0003
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Oscar Hartmann — Forbes: “No matter what happens, you just move on”
The hero of the new issue of Forbes Digest is serial entrepreneur Oskar Hartmann, the founder and co-investor of many projects, the most famous of which, KupiVIP, closed just a few weeks ago. How not to stop believing in yourself after another failure and why participate in everything at once?
Oskar Hartmann founded the KupiVIP online shopping club in 2008 and has become a prominent player in Russian business. In April 2011, the company attracted investments, which was then a record $55 million for the Russian market. But times have changed, it has become impossible to compete with Wildberries, and the shopping club has closed. Despite the fact that Hartmann left the project a few years ago, KupiVIP is associated with him. nine0148
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KupiVIP's business model is dead
Unfortunately, every company has a beginning and an end, which happened recently. For me, the story ended three years ago when I ceased to be a shareholder, but now they [the shopping club] have finally stopped operations. In general, there is probably no person in this world who would be more worried about KupiVIP than me. The first time I thought about buying the company back was when they closed the marketing department and outsourced everything to one agency. For an Internet company, this cannot work. We also changed the conditions for suppliers, which led to the fact that KupiVIP no longer had any goods that would not be in other stores. Accordingly, you have no supplies, no marketing, what then is the point of the whole event? nine0003
Initially, the business model of the shopping club worked like this: stock sales, a very large discount, but slow delivery. But this model stopped working globally due to slow delivery. Of the 40 established shopping clubs, only two exist today. Almost all of these businesses have either been reformatted into something else, or have disappeared, it's just that this business model has ended. To remake it, you need to make a huge amount of effort, it's a big thing, and it works at high speeds. Even until the very last moment, KupiVIP had over 500 employees. I thought: do I want to sell brands at a discount again, do I want to waste my time? But all my mentors said that it would be a big mistake, do not enter the same river a second time. nine0003
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After the club closed, I received 500 calls, and they were all positive, people thanked me. I received calls from those who grew their brands with us, those who worked with us. They were worried because the news said something about me and they considered it unfair. They called and said: "Oscar, we want to tell you something good, because you are being beaten." 100 employees from those who worked with me gathered a party where everyone said how KupiVIP positively influenced his life. nine0003
Depression and new markets
Simultaneously with the closure of KupiVIP, my big deal to merge two assets “broke down” and a person very close to me died from the coronavirus. And I have accumulated a huge amount of anger because everything is going wrong. I went to play football and immediately tore the hip flexor muscle, this is a serious injury, it heals for a very long time, and I was just preparing for the master of sports. And it turns out that I can’t walk at all, I can’t move, I have both physical and emotional pain. All this happened to me at the same time in August of this year, and it was quite hard. nine0003
When it's so hard for me, I know that I need to keep going, I need to do something constructive. Four years ago, we thought that digitalization would completely change the distribution of food products, and we were looking for new business models. And one of the key investments was Flaschenpost in Germany, where we bought a large stake. They were engaged in the construction of so-called darkstores, from where it is possible to deliver products to the buyer very quickly, within an hour or even 10 minutes. Like Samokat and Yandex.Lavka, this is a very narrow assortment [like Flaschenpost], due to which you can super-efficiently build logistics. In Germany, they focused only on drinks, and the company grew very quickly, despite only covering 25% of the cities in Germany. Last year, Dr.Oetker (German company, produces various food products. - Forbes ) bought Flaschenpost for €1 billion, and I was on the board of directors for four years, accompanied this story and therefore knew this business model.
Today, this fast food delivery is such a global megatrend, it is everywhere. But I found out that there is no player in Japan, Australia and Canada yet, and I decided to make more investments in these countries. We created OniGO, an analogue of Yandex.Lavka, in Japan. I made a deal with my partner that if we launch before the end of the Olympics and create a scalable business model and everything works, I will give him 32 grams of gold - a gold medal. And Japan has a very conservative market, everything is slow, they will only do market analysis for six to seven months. But we launched, however, not on the day of the end of the Olympics, but two days later, so my partner received 32 grams of silver instead of gold. nine0003
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And a week later, our main competitor 7-Eleven (operator of the largest chain of small stores in 18 countries around the world. - Forbes ) puts out a press release that they also create darkstores and will launch them in 2026. In general, it was a very difficult summer for our family as a whole, not just for me. But at the end of this process, I have a large stake in the new business in Japan, I have stakes in the Australian and Canadian businesses, I raised investments there and made it all work. nine0003
Now the Yandex. Lavka model is available in all these three markets, and we are the first to do it. And it helps me, even despite the fact that I was, one might say, depressed. But no matter how hard it is, you must always act and still find some opportunities, because then time passes and you see that it is precisely from these difficult states that sometimes, like a Phoenix, comes the most interesting thing that you have built in life. I just understand that without this state, all the most beautiful things are impossible. nine0003
About Ozon
I was an Ozon shareholder and left the company at the same time as Leonid Boguslavsky (private investor, ranked 39th in the 200 richest people in Russia 2021 rating with a fortune of $ 3.6 billion - Forbes ). We sold our shares, and then there was a hundredfold increase in the company's capitalization within three years. This was clearly a huge mistake, much bigger than anything else I've dealt with. I had about 3% of the shares that I sold for $100 million, and now they would be worth $200-300 million.
There were shareholders who believed and invested a lot of money to play Amazon Amazon is a very expensive game, it requires a lot of investment. Alexander Shulgin, a new CEO, appeared (since 2017 - Forbes ), he showed his effectiveness within several quarters of one year, after many years of no growth, the company began to grow very rapidly. Actually, he made it more technological, created a different product strategy, pricing and everything else, and the company began to grow very quickly. He earned the trust of the shareholders, they gave him the opportunity to work and within three years they reached the IPO. nine0003
Now the company is growing at a phenomenal rate, and many shareholders think that within 10 years Ozon will become a 100 billion company and it will indeed be the Russian analogue of Amazon. This is the power of one man.
How to Survive Failure
About 20 of my 50 completed projects have completely failed. This is a huge pain, I spent 90% of my time on something that no longer exists, trying to save, trying to change teams. Most of the time was spent trying to get the money back. You just think: at least get your money back. The top funds don't try to get their money back, they focus on their winners. nine0003
My friend was doing a project at Google, he had 250 developers, and then one day they came to him and took all the people to some other project, which began to grow very quickly. They simply wrote it off, did not try to return it, but strengthened the strong and closed the weak. And this happens all the time.
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I myself had an amazing investment. A person in a large German Internet company was doing the Lia Meo project, I was his first investor. He bought jewelry for €250,000, set up an online store, and two months later said that he was closing the project because the check was two times lower than planned, the margin was lower, the cost of attraction was higher, and the business model was not working. I then told him that I had never seen a person give up so quickly and offered to try again, because there was still goods worth € 200,000 in the warehouse, we had to sell it somehow and return part of the money to investors. And he simply replied that, if we were interested, we could sell what was left ourselves. Then I was terribly offended by him, but now I think maybe he is even right. Because you can spend your whole life like this, but how much will you really get back? If he had been selling this old jewelry for a year, well, he would have returned €20,000-30,000.
I think if I could change something, I would force myself to spend more time not on problems, but on what is developing well. The most successful companies require the least amount of attention. If you want to venture into venture capital, then one of 10 companies can return you a hundred times more than what you have invested in others. If you take everything that I created, it is ten times more than any of my losses.
We are like children who leave the university and choose some business models. Someone makes cups for coffee, someone came up with a chair, someone rents a studio, someone makes fast food delivery. This is completely random, people do not know the whole world, do not understand how the economy works, and just choose. Someone succeeds, someone doesn't, because the topic is important, plus the team, plus the combination of resources. We cannot predict the weather for three days, how can we predict that someone will want to buy someone. nine0003
One time they bought it a year later for $100 million, the company went bankrupt from another, the founders quarreled with a third or a criminal case was opened. And now, based on this first experience, they take the next step. 90% of projects don't add up, and sometimes things that you don't expect at all work out. When I became an investor, the first five companies that I most hoped for went bankrupt, and the sixth investment was in Auto1 (an online platform for selling used cars. - Forbes ). Now it's a $12 billion company, but I might not have made it to that sixth investment. The main thing is not to write yourself off, and I was close to this. In 2012, the shareholders started pushing me out of KupiVIP, out of my own company. At the same time, I created a lot of companies in order to at least survive, in order to find my success somewhere sooner or later, and some of these companies begin to die.
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I had a period when I was 90 days in a row I didn’t sleep normally, I had a huge anxiety, I thought I was going to die. It all ended in the hospital, my nervous system created a very strong pain, and I began to drown in the pool, I could no longer move. This is what is called "burn out". Fully.
Most importantly, you begin to question everything you believe. I have some beliefs that people are basically good, that you can succeed by doing everything in a kind way. I always tried to motivate the team, I tried not to fire people so that they would not lose their sense of dignity, I always tried to do everything in a kind way and then, at some point, I thought: “Maybe this is not working? » But absolutely all the people who have ever been with me found their success sooner or later, because they did not write themselves off. I could say in 2013 that this is not mine, but I continued. I founded Home Market in 2013, CarPrice in 2014, Aktivo in 2015, CarFix in 2016, Factory Market in 2017, HR Capital and Larix Capital in 2018, and so on. Further. You just move on. I will go as long as I have enough energy. Whatever happens to you, you just go on stupidly - that's all, and this is the only answer I have. nine0003
Information Gypsies
Of course, I am offended that they call me Information Gypsies. You always want something good, but you get like a club in the face. Well, please, if trying to make an educational product is infogypsy, then so be it. Of course, in some ways it is right that some part of this is being fought, because there is so much obvious fake. People are disgusted when they create an Instagram profile with a fake world, rent flowers, a Lamborghini, an apartment in Moscow City, create a picture, “optics of success”, and then against this background, without creating anything real, tell people about success. They have never actually done anything, but they sell some information products to people and earn money on it. nine0003
Is there a malicious element in this? 100%, and it needs to be eliminated, and it's very good that people are doing this. But I don't consider myself an information gypsy. I will teach people all my life, I want to inspire people to take actions that improve the quality of their lives. But I only teach what I do myself, I will never teach something that I have not actually made with my own hands.
If I am a rower, I can teach rowing. I set a world record for indoor rowing (from the English indoor - "indoors." - Forbes ), I certainly have some kind of right. Can I educate people about entrepreneurship? I founded more than 30 companies with my own hands, there were successes, and failures, and medium and very different options. Can I tell my story? Do I have the right to speak? Yes I have.
People share their experience, the world is becoming more open, and this is a good trend in general, people want to learn, education is growing. If we want to evaluate something as good or bad, we should just look to see if it helps people achieve their goals, improve the quality of their lives, become leaders, entrepreneurs, build their lives. I know what I'm doing. I act in accordance with my values, and if I see something good, I will continue to do it, no matter how many people who scold me along the way. Because if you want everyone to love you, you won't do anything. nine0003
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I used to perform a lot for free, but then I realized that free stuff is not appreciated. Once I was simply shocked, I gave 1000 tickets for free to students, and when I came to the performance, these 1000 seats were free. But I still speak for free in schools, in front of students. There is a scholarship program to pay for tickets for those who show that they cannot pay.
Last year I received more than 700 invitations to speak somewhere, and I made 10 speeches, although I could do all 700. I could basically do this all the time. Now there is a huge demand for speakers, but very few people know how to make people come out [after the speech] and want to do something. I believe that the world thrives on diversity, and not on the fact that somewhere there is a regulator that decides whether you have the right to say something or not. nine0003
Investment climate
There is no country with an ideal business climate, it's hard everywhere. As my friend, who opened businesses in 160 countries, said, “everywhere is an ass”. It is almost impossible to attract Western investments in Russia, the venture business here is incredibly difficult due to underfunding. Buyers of startups can buy them very cheaply. In New York, the venture capital market is huge, 1000 times larger than in Russia, but there are problems with employees. When there are so many funded startups, they all need a marketing director, an IT director. nine0003
Recently at a startup in New York, our marketing director was lured to another job with a fixed salary of $1 million, and we had $100,000, but with shares, that is, 10 times more. It turns out that you have no problems with financing, but in order to assemble a team of six or seven people, now you need plus or minus a couple of million dollars a year. And then there is the level of competition. Now you are doing something, and next to you there are 20-30 others just like you, who also receive investments and all go in the same direction. nine0003
For example, there are now 10 fast food delivery companies in England with funding of $50 million or more. 10 companies. Crazy competition for advertising, attracting one new client costs 1000 pounds, in Russia $30. Accordingly, in Russia there is a small venture capital market, but a crazy availability of personnel. In Moscow, you can build any startup, in general, of any complexity. There are experts in artificial intelligence, in IT, in marketing, in biotechnology, whatever you want. At the same time, the base office will cost 10 times cheaper than in America. The cost is 10 times less, but the funding is 100 times less. nine0003
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Then, in the US there is a capitalization market. If you have already won, if you have built something valuable in this chaos with a lot of sacrifices, you have an asset, and everyone appreciates it very much. That's what I like, for example, in Germany and in America. And I especially felt it in Japan. There is very little entrepreneurship in Japan, a very conservative market, people don't change, and customers behave the same way. People are accustomed, for example, to selling cars in one place, a new opportunity appears to sell cars at a higher price, but they don’t go, they just don’t go. The adaptation of new services takes a very long time, so it is very difficult to build something because of the conservatism of the market. nine0003
The market does not appreciate the new, many companies have a policy not to work with legal entities under the age of five. But if you build something and it starts working, people look at it as a miracle and appreciate it. In Russia, on the contrary, customers move very easily [from product to product], very low loyalty, high staff mobility. People easily change jobs, customers easily change services, very high sensitivity to prices.
In Germany, many underestimate the bureaucracy. Many who start doing business in Germany, thinking that it is worse in Russia, face very great difficulties. Firstly, in Germany, to open a legal entity, you need €25,000. Secondly, you need to submit all the reports right away, from the first month, and there is a very strict tax system, there is no room for error. Thirdly, in Germany it is very difficult to close a legal entity, it takes almost five years. nine0003
Of course, it is equally difficult to build something of value everywhere. But for me Moscow is the best city in the world. Not for everything, of course, but for high-tech startups, Moscow is probably in the top 3 cities in the world. I think that Moscow is greatly underestimated.
Repeat, not invent
No need to invent, you need to repeat what others have done. We are not at the stage of invention. There are countries that have made economic breakthroughs, where GDP has grown 10 times, for example, Israel. There were 2 million people and the GDP per capita was $3000. Now 9million population, and a GDP of $40,000, a tenfold increase over the past 30-40 years. There is a study that shows that 80% of this growth came from 1,000 new companies.
In order for the Russian economy to double, 1,000 new companies are needed, new ones that do not exist now. They will be created, because 10 years ago there were not many of today's companies. There was no VkusVill, there was no FixPrice, there was no Ozon, which is now.
An even more phenomenal breakthrough was made by England. From 2008 to 2012, the country was losing 100,000 legal entities a year, and they considered it an absolute disaster. In 2012, the StartUp Britain project to develop entrepreneurship in England appeared, and by 2014 they had gone to zero. There were as many newly created companies as there were dead ones. Then the growth began, and over the past year they already have plus 600,000 companies! The goal of this project was to create a huge number of communities. Not one community is the right one, but a variety of communities that bring together entrepreneurs, engineers, artists, and so on.