One year old behaviors
Your toddler's developmental milestones at 1 year
Everything you need to know about your growing 1-year-old
Congratulations, you officially have a toddler! Toddlers are more active, curious and expressive. At this age, your child may begin to use words, be able to stand on her/his own and take a few steps. To help your little one learn and grow, read books to your child and encourage active play.
Social and emotional |
Language and communication |
Brain development |
Movement and physical development |
Food and nutrition |
Things to look out for |
Tips and resources |
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Social and emotional milestones at 1 year
Some of the ways you’ll see your little one learning to connect with the people around him at 1 year:
- Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story.
- Cries when his parents leave.
- Is shy around strangers.
- He’ll put out an arm or leg to help with getting dressed.
- Has favourite toys.
- Repeats sounds to get your attention.
Tips for parents
- Play social games with him like hiding something and coaxing him to find it.
- Try to get him to help with getting dressed by asking him to put his leg out, stand up, etc.
Language and communication milestones at 1 year
How your toddler is expressing her needs:
- Is using basic gestures like waving and saying basic words like “mama” and “dada.”
- Her babbles sound more like speech.
- Responds to simple requests you give.
- She will try to repeat words you say.
Tips for parents
- Encourage your toddler to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye.’ Praise your toddler when they do so, as this can help their socio-emotional development.
- Praise your toddler when she repeats words or tries to speak with others.
- Prompt her to point to characters and objects when you’re reading to her.
Brain development milestones at 1 year
How your child’s brain is growing:
- He is copying movements and gestures.
- Bangs objects together.
- Drinks from a cup and uses other objects correctly.
- Finds things that are hidden.
- He looks at the right object when it is named.
- Can follow simple directions and lets go of objects without help.
- He puts objects in containers and can take them out.
Tips for parents
- Give support and guidance to your toddler when he’s playing a game.
- As you notice your toddler gaining skills and being able to do some things on his own, you can progressively reduce your support but still observe and guide him.
Movement and physical development milestones at 1 year
How she’ll move through her environment:
- Can take a few steps without support.
- Gets into a sitting position without support.
- Pulls up to stand and walks while holding onto furniture.
Tips for parents
- Try placing your toddler on flat surfaces to help her develop her gross motor skills like crawling and moving her arms and legs.
Food and nutrition milestones at 1 year
What mealtimes look like at 1 year:
- Eats a greater variety of foods, such as soft-cooked vegetables and soft fruits.
- He is starting to learn how to eat on his own.
- Can thoroughly chew his food.
- He is beginning to be able to use an open cup.
Tips for parents
- Give your toddler half a cup of food four to five times a day, along with two healthy snacks.
- Continue to breastfeed if he wants to.
Things to look out for
While all children develop differently, you should speak to your paediatrician if your 1-year-old:
- Isn’t crawling.
- Won't search for hidden objects.
- Is unable to stand without support.
- Doesn’t point.
- Doesn’t say simple words.
- Loses skills she once had.
True or False?
Explore age groups
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One Year-Old Behavior -- Lucie's List Guide
It seems like just yesterday your child was a sweet, cuddly, perfect little baby. And then she turned one and became… a toddler. You may be feeling a bit concerned about some of her new toddler behavior.
Don’t worry! She’s still that same sweet, cuddly, perfect little angel.
She’s just a little more… opinionated now.
And guess what? You can relax, because that’s totally normal.
Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive behavioral-developmental synopsis. Rather, it’s a cheat sheet outlining broad toddler behavior norms for what you can expect as far as a one-year-old’s capabilities and conduct.
Between 12 and 24 months (right now!), your child’s cognitive abilities will explode.
You’ll probably notice major changes between 12 months and 18 months, and then again approaching the two-year mark.
For example, in comparison to one-year-olds, 18-month-olds are more likely to be resistant to change or transitions. Why?
Because they know what they want and when they want it (and also what they don’t want — like leaving the park when you say it’s time to go home), but they aren’t yet able to communicate their wishes to you — not in words, anyway.
They will tell you what they want — and don’t want — through crying, kicking, and that amazing way they arch their backs so you can’t pick them up (seriously, the back-arch-from-hell is the bane of every toddler parent’s existence).
And if you think your child is giving you extra trouble around his half-birthday, you’re not imagining things: according to the Gessell Institute, children from ages 1-3 tend to go through times of “equilibrium” around whole years (1, 2, and 3) and “disequilibrium” around half-years (1.5, 2.5, and 3.5). You may find your little dear to be sweet as they come at age one and again at two, and a total terror at one-and-a-half and two-and-a-half.
Toddler behavior is fascinating, right? Just know you’re not alone; it’s all part of the growing up game.
Toddler Behavior: Emotions, Amusements, and Language
It’s true: one-year-olds are like puppies… they’re only able to experience emotion in simple forms at this age, which equates to primitive kinds of affection, jealousy, sympathy, and anxiety.[1] Add to that: they don’t have much, if any, emotional control. They may just want to be held ALL the time.
See? You’re not crazy!
One-year-olds’ feelings tend to be erratic and unpredictable, and they’re already capable of violent, sudden displays of temper. Good thing they don’t have Twitter accounts — because that could be trouble…
One-Year-Old Mood Swings
One-year-olds are passionate little buggers. They act, move, and communicate with their entire bodies; you may notice they will turn around to look at something, rather than turning just their heads. In addition, they’ll often use their whole bodies to convey their emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, distress, etc.). That’s why your toddler will throw herself on the ground when you take away something she wants.
On the plus side, this is why you might catch your one-year-old CRACKING UP at something moderately amusing, like a funny noise or a new trick.
However, this also means that full-blown temper tantrums may erupt over the most trivial issues (how dare you take that sharp knife out of her hands? Didn’t you know how much it meant to her?! Her life is ruined!).
“She dropped a receipt we got from the gas station.”If you want a laugh, check out some of the many “reasons my kid is crying” montages out there on the interwebs. (I guess this doesn’t stop after the first year…)
As you can see, the toddler behavior associated with the “terrible twos” often emerges much earlier.
Ok, enough of the [ahem]… challenges. Let’s talk about what makes one-year-olds happy!
One-year-olds enjoy opposites and conclusions (i.e., closing things, things falling/hitting the ground… hence, that toddler game parents just love of throwing all their food on the floor).
They also like repetition (is there a Guinness Record for the number of times in a row reading Harry the Dirty Dog?), so don’t be surprised when they do the same thing over and over and over. (FYI, this fondness for repetition is one reason why so many experts tout routines as a go-to with young children. )
Language comprehension will absolutely explode during this year. At one, a child might only understand one or two simple commands (like “no” or “stop”), but by 18 months, you can bank on your child understanding most of what you say (it’s time to start watching your mouth — your grace period is coming to an end!). In fact, her level of language comprehension will far exceed her own vocabulary.
Still, one-year-olds will not be able to follow rational explanations. Although they may be beginning to understand cause-and-effect in a rudimentary fashion, they have no common sense and cannot comprehend or perceive the concept of physical danger. Telling my son that scaling the wall of our second-story deck is a “no-no” because he could fall and get hurt isn’t going to convince him to stop trying, for example, but bringing him inside every time he starts climbing just might.
Just to reiterate, there’s nothing in their little brains that will tell them not to run into a busy street, for example (it’s amazing the human race has evolved this far, no?).
One-year-olds will also start to remember things that have happened before, although their memories certainly won’t be as keen as an adult’s or older child’s.
Another small-but-useful tidbit: by one, a child’s eyesight is about as good as an adult’s… so hide your chocolate stash somewhere out of sight!
Senses and the Self
Me and… Me
A one-year-old basically doesn’t grasp that others exist as separate beings. He doesn’t understand that what he does can impact someone else, or that he even has control over his own behavior. As a result, a one-year-old is incapable of compassionate consideration (yes, what you suspected is true). Thus, they are naturally self-centered, only relating to other people when they feel like it. The result: a tiny human with “almost unbelievable egocentricity.” [2]
Furthermore, one-year-olds aren’t able to easily adapt to what’s going on and aren’t able to obey our requests. For example, they can’t “be quiet!” on cue, and they don’t transition easily from one thing to the next when we need them to… hence, “transition time” becomes a classic problem area at this age (e. g. leaving the playground to go home). You could sum this up by saying that one-year-olds are naturally uncooperative, but through no fault of their own. Hah.
Starting around 18 months (and continuing until about age three), the tension between independence and dependence is an ever-present theme. Once toddlers can string words together to form sentences, “do it myself” may become a familiar phrase!
Another way to think of this is the “need-reject syndrome”: your child may demand you one minute and reject you the next… constantly going back and forth. It’s a push-pull scenario, and it can be incredibly frustrating (and maybe even hurtful), but I promise you, it’s normal.[3] (We expand on this autonomy/dependence tension more in our piece about two-year-old norms.)
One-year-olds are sensory beings. For the most part, they learn by physically doing and experiencing things. They tend to “think with their feet,” often noticing other things only after they have bumped into them, for example.
They are “pure motor drive,” and run around rapidly and randomly. They are impulsive. (This also makes them really entertaining; it’s sort of like watching tiny, drunk — and sometimes belligerent — sailors.) Their attention spans are quite short, and they don’t tend to stay in one place, or with one activity, for very long (so do yourself a favor and don’t expect them to).
Social Interaction (or Lack Thereof) and Play
So, we talked about how one-year-olds live in a world where only they exist, but when they do express intimacy towards others, it’s almost strictly limited to their caregivers. Beyond that, they don’t really care for (or about) others.
When you have a one-year-old, you basically have a little sociopath running around your home (a cute sociopath, but a sociopath nonetheless)…
As such, “social behavior” at this point is all but nonexistent.
At this age, most interactions with others entail making demands — one-year-olds mostly see other people as a means to get what they want. Even in a group of children, they will remain rather isolated and play on their own, next to others. This is called parallel play and is very typical toddler behavior.
I know you’re just hankering for a playdate where your little one actually plays with your friend’s kid, but at this age, it’s probably just not gonna happen. In fact, most one-year-olds hardly pay any attention at all to other kids, except perhaps to the objects they possess, or as something that needs to be pushed out of the way.
Toddler Carjacking
When Lucie was one, we’d take her to the local park. One time, an older toddler brought a cool ride-on car. After Lucie zero’ed in on the car, she marched right over to the kid, shoved him off (Grand Theft Auto-style) and amid the screams of the victim, took off in the car.
Toddler carjacking, you guys. They don’t mean to inflict harm, but they won’t stop at anything to get what they want!
“That’s MY car, dude — get out!!”
Word to the wise, parents: if you bring cool sh!t to the park that can’t be shared, you’re just inviting trouble!
Most toddlers this age actually relate better to adults than children — they’ll babble at grown-ups, for example, but almost never with other kids.
Not to belabor the point, but it’s important to know that the typical child simply isn’t interested in other children, and if he is, he perceives them more as objects to be explored.
Marissa noticed this often with her 18-month-old twins. They poked and prodded at each other, pushed each other down, tugged each other’s hair, but (much to her dismay) almost never communicated or played in any real, “aww, look at that twin bond!” kind of way.
Thus it’s common toddler behavior for one-year-olds not only to ignore other children, but also to hit, push, or generally be rough with them. They aren’t terrible people; it’s just part of the exploration drive. Some experts say that one-year-olds can’t differentiate between people and things, and that they can be just as destructive to other kids as they are to objects (like that fancy glass vase from your wedding you probably should’ve placed out of reach…).[4]
BTW: it’s also a good idea never to leave toddlers alone with pets at this age, because a one-year-old may unintentionally harm a cat or dog; in fact, this is how many dog bites occur.
Another important toddler behavior expectation not to have: do not expect your one-year-old to share. At all. Not going to happen. You don’t need to be that over-explaining mom in the sandbox saying, “Oh Brixley, you need to share!” Nope, you’re off the hook!
Once we accept what is to be expected (and not!) for each age group, we can remain calm when they violate social norms. It may be embarrassing to you, but if others know (or have had) kids of their own, don’t worry — they get it!
Does that mean we should let our one-year-olds terrorize others at will?
When do we start teaching manners?
The thing is: kids won’t “get” manners until around 3, shortly after they begin experiencing empathy, although they can begin learning certain social habits at a younger age. Hence, you can literally train your child to say things like “please” (sounds more like “peeez”), “thank you,” “hello,” “goodbye,” etc. as early as one, although he probably won’t understand the concept of manners until later.
Now that you know what is considered “normal” cognitive, social, and developmentally appropriate behavior for a one-year-old, here’s a brief rundown of behavior that may warrant a discussion with your child’s pediatrician:
– Doesn’t show interest in others
– Doesn’t make eye contact
– Doesn’t smile
– Doesn’t babble by 12 months
– Doesn’t turn to see where a sound is coming from or react to loud, atypical noises
– Doesn’t like being touched
– Doesn’t point out objects she’s interested in
– Doesn’t wave by 12 months
– Doesn’t use single words by 16 months or two-word phrases by 24 months
– Loses verbal or social skills – used to babble or smile at others and now doesn’t
– Tunes others out and withdraws into his/her own world
Some of these signs may indicate a delay or a more serious problem — or it could be nothing at all.
To know for sure, please discuss with your child’s pediatrician.
In Conclusion
So parents, here’s what you need to remember: holding reasonable expectations for your one-year-old’s behavior, social skills, and general conduct is your first step toward maintaining your sanity and setting your child (and you) up for success. The truth is that one-year-olds are oftentimes little assholes — but they’re so cute, it’s okay! Haha.
It’s important to keep these behavioral generalizations in the back of your mind when it comes to experimenting with a disciplinary approach that works for you. When you’re ready, you can check out our tried-and-true disciplinary techniques for toddlers.
Good luck, stay strong, and enjoy this precious (yet challenging) new world of toddlerhood.
Written and edited by Brit, Marissa, Meg, and Alicia ~
Back to: Toddlerhood
- What to Expect at 2
- What to Expect at 3
See also: Fun Activities for your 13 -month-old
[1] Louise Bates Ames and Frances L.

[2] Ibid., 44.
[3] Charles E. Schaefer and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo,
Ages and Stages: A Parent’s Guide to Normal Childhood Development, 1 edition (New York: Wiley, 2000), 59–60.[4] Ames and Ilg,
Your One-Year-Old, 48.About the Author
Brit is the author of Carrying On: Another School of Thought on Pregnancy and Health and Rest Uneasy: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Twentieth-Century America. She has an MA and a PhD in history and previously worked as a medical history professor. She's taught and written on the history of women’s health, pediatrics, parenting, and motherhood. Brit lives in Maine with her family and spends her days reading esoteric academic literature, walking, listening to audiobooks, and writing about anything that interests her (which is many things). Outside of work, you can find her packing lunches, waiting out a tantrum, making a list, or looking for something one of her kids lost. Her favorite time of day is after her kids go to bed.
Ames, Louise Bates, Clyde Gillespie, Jacqueline Haines, and Frances L. Ilg. The Gesell Institute’s Child from One to Six: Evaluating the Behavior of the Preschool Child. 1st edition. New York: Harpercollins, 1979.
Ames, Louise Bates, and Frances L. Ilg. Your One-Year-Old: The Fun-Loving, Fussy 12-To 24-Month-Old. Reprint edition. New York: Dell, 1983.
“Cognitive Development: One-Year-Old.” Accessed August 24, 2017.
“Cognitive Development in 0-2 Year Olds.” Accessed August 24, 2017.
DiProperzio, Linda. “The Year Ahead: Age 1.”, n.d.
Myers, Robert, and PhD. “Moving Onwards – Your 18-Month-Old -.” Child Development Institute, June 28, 2015.
“Moving Onwards – Your One-Year-Old -.” Child Development Institute, July 6, 2015.
Schaefer, Charles E., and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo. Ages and Stages: A Parent’s Guide to Normal Childhood Development. 1 edition. New York: Wiley, 2000.
Sears, Martha, and William Sears. The Discipline Book: How to Have a Better-Behaved Child From Birth to Age Ten. 1st edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1995.
University of Michigan Medicine. “Milestones for a 1-Year-Old,” n.d.
Child development at 1 year old: what to look for, features of development
08. 10.2020 Reading time: 5 min 63735 nine0010
- Features of the development of a child at 1 year old
- Physiological changes
- Physical activity of a child at 6 months
- Psychoemotional development of a 1 year old child
- Features of the development of girls at 1 year old
- Features of the development of boys at 1 year old
- How to check a child's developmental level
- Development classes
- Possible developmental abnormalities
Babies are growing fast. It seemed that only recently a small squeaky bundle appeared in the house, which is difficult even to focus its eyes, and now it is already humming, looking around with interest and preparing to celebrate its first birthday. 11-12 months - the age when the child begins to carefully try to walk with support or on his own, his teeth continue to cut, and he himself actively learns about the world around him. This period, which has come so quickly, causes natural excitement in parents: what a child should be able to do in a year, whether it develops normally. It should be said right away that all children are individual, and you should not compare the baby with others, it is better to focus on medical criteria. nine0036
Features of the development of a child at 1 year old
Compared to previous months, the baby becomes much more active and inquisitive. Parents begin to notice this even after the first half of the year, but by the age of one, the child becomes even more intelligent and curious. Its weight is about three times greater than at birth, and averages 10–12 kg, and such children are about 72–77 cm tall. Much depends on genetics, on the pace at which the baby's parents grew at one time. The main thing is that the ratio of height and weight should be organic, for example, a tall child weighs more. If the baby does not fit into the criteria slightly, there is no reason for concern, even if the child at this age looks a little different for acquaintances. Every baby is unique. nine0010
Physiological changes
Starting from the age of one year, the growth rate will slow down a little. This is completely normal: only in the first 12 months of life the baby grows so rapidly, then the process will become a little less fast.
Weight loss. Strictly speaking, the weight itself does not decrease - only the rate of its growth. Infantile plumpness gradually begins to go away, but partially still remains. Over time, the baby will gain weight more slowly, and this indicates its normal development. nine0010
Teeth. A baby is already erupting several teeth per year - up to 8 on average. It is worth showing the child to the doctor if he has not had a single milk tooth in a year. When they are cut, the baby becomes restless, often sleeps poorly at night: he is uncomfortable, and this prevents him from falling asleep. Doctors give recommendations on how to reduce discomfort for a child during teething.
Feet. They are still flat in the baby, no bend has appeared on them. This will pass with time, when the child gets used to walking on his own, then the fat pads on the feet will disappear. If the baby has already begun to actively walk, the pads may disappear earlier, and a healthy bend will begin to appear on the legs. The doctor will examine the baby's legs during a routine checkup, and he will tell if everything is fine with them. nine0010
Child activity
What a child can do in a year cannot be compared with his skills just a few months ago. He has already learned to deal with his own body much better, he is very active, moves a lot and in various ways. In the handles, the baby calmly holds two objects, can collect a pyramid or even hold a spoon at the table while feeding. Of course, in many activities he still needs the help of his parents: such small children are able to concentrate on something for only a few minutes. nine0010
Active movements. The child crawls, stands up, including from a squatting position, kneels on his own. He can climb onto a chair or sofa or get down from there, and with the help of his parents, go up or down the stairs. Children are very inquisitive, so at this age they should not be left near open windows or dangerous objects. The kid can guess to get to the windowsill with the help of a chair. Fine motor skills become much better: the child can take some small object with two fingers, take a cup and drink from it. nine0010
Dancing. Little children love music. Many notice that, having heard an interesting melody, the baby begins to dance actively: he likes it. Some not only dance, but also try to sing along to children's songs. If the child does not do this, you can show him a simple dance, and he will begin to repeat without the prompting of mom or dad.
Rapid movement on all fours . Almost all babies at this age are already crawling, and quite quickly. Some skip the step of walking on all fours and immediately get on their feet, but this does not happen for everyone. Most often, a one-year-old child calmly crawls. nine0010
Walking with parental support. Some babies are already starting to take their first steps. Few people begin to walk on their own, but most babies can already walk uncertainly, holding the hand of mom or dad. Some people try to walk by holding on to walls or other supports. However, there are also children who are in no hurry to start moving on two legs, and this is completely normal. If your child has not yet gone, do not rush him. Dr. Komarovsky suggests that in such cases it may even be useful to delay walking: walking upright is a serious burden on the back, perhaps the baby is just not ready for it yet [1]. nine0010
Psychoemotional development of a 1 year old child
The kid is very curious, carefully looks at the behavior of adults and tries to copy it. It is important to remember this when educating: even if the child does not listen to you, he will definitely adopt your behavior. The child is very interested in folding and disassembling things, so he can be interested in cubes, pyramids, and build structures out of them. Some people like to leaf through books, hide and look for objects. Babies at this age already show a wide range of emotions, their vocabulary contains up to 10-15 simple words, they recognize different animals and remember the names of their parents. A one-year-old child is able to understand a simple instruction: “come”, “give”. He's starting to get interested in games with a story. Long-term memory also improves: the baby remembers what happened a few days ago. He recognizes animals and objects, and may learn to use some of them, such as opening a closet. nine0010
Features of the development of girls at 1 year old
Psychologically, boys and girls at this age are still very similar. They are interested in balls and pyramids, games with a story, toys with which you can interact in different ways. Therefore, you should not limit the child, say, to dolls, if it is a girl. There are no significant differences in the weight and height of boys and girls at this age. But the psychomotor and mental development of girls can be slightly ahead of that of boys. This will smooth out later, but for now, the baby can start walking earlier or, say, say words. nine0010
Features of the development of boys at 1 year old
Children at this age are very similar, as are the games they prefer. Toddlers can imitate the actions of their parents: hence the possible interest in toys that repeat "adult" objects. This applies to children of both sexes, so try to give them variety. Kids like different games, no need to limit them to cars and balls.
How to check the developmental level of a child
There is no need to make too strict requirements, it is better to focus on the features of development characteristic of this age. To understand how a child develops and what a child can do at 1 year old, you can conduct a few simple tests:
- see how the baby moves, how he crawls, whether he can walk, climb or get off sofas and armchairs;
- assess gesticulation, to see if the child can make meaningful gestures such as shaking his head or waving his hand; nine0017
- listen to his speech, understand if there is at least one meaningful word in the baby’s speech;
- to see how the child plays, what interests him, how his arms and legs work, whether he can use simple household items;
- estimate the number of teeth;
- play with the baby, offer him cubes or a pyramid, see if he will collect a turret from them or simply discard them.
Development classes
nine0002 You need to deal with kids: it has a beneficial effect on their development, helps in later life, including in adulthood [2]. So the child will begin to learn new skills and knowledge faster, later it will help him with his studies and will allow him to better and faster understand the surrounding reality.
Music. Children love musical toys, children's songs and melodies. In addition, the more various pleasant sounds the baby hears, the more developed his hearing will be. Therefore, include children's songs, melodies and collections that are specially designed for young children. In addition, it will be easier for the baby to play to the music, he may want to dance, thereby developing motor activity, or sing along - this contributes to the development of speech. Of course, if he does not like some melody (at this age, children are already beginning to acquire their own preferences), it is better not to turn it on, but turn on the one that suits your taste. nine0010
Dialogues and reading. The more you talk with the child, the more words you use in dialogues, the more extensive will be his vocabulary. Long conversations with the baby contribute to the development of speech. Try to communicate with the child all the time that you spend with him: describe the objects he looks at, point out various things and phenomena that are interesting to the child and pronounce their name while walking. Try to communicate with the baby because of his children's speech capabilities. When talking, name the words clearly and distinctly, so that it is easier for the child to remember them and repeat them, use soft and affectionate intonations: the baby at this age perfectly recognizes and feels the mood of others. You can and should read little books. At this age, he himself does not yet know how to read, but he can look at pictures and listen to his mother's voice, learning new words and learning to perceive simple stories. nine0010
Development of fine motor skills. It is by the age of one that the child fully learns to work with the index finger [3], uses it to point at something or pick up objects. Handles obey him much better than before, but the baby still needs the development of fine and gross motor skills. This can be done using mobile games:
- salt dough or special sand modeling;
- sandbox games with scoops and shovels; nine0017
- unfolding sorters, sticking labels;
- screwing and unscrewing caps;
- use of small toys, such as bathing.
You can teach your child simple activities such as washing and drying hands: this will also benefit him, in addition, it will help the baby take better care of himself. To master such skills, most likely, you will need to set your own example. Little by little, you can begin to teach him more complex actions, such as trying to fasten buttons. nine0010
Drawing. Children are very fond of drawing, so try to provide your child with paper, finger paints or crayons. Drawing perfectly develops the skills of recognizing surrounding objects, promotes spatial thinking and is generally useful. In addition, bright colors and the ability to create something are very pleasing to the baby.
Possible developmental abnormalities
Each child should be examined by a pediatrician every year. At a scheduled examination, a vaccination schedule is formed, the baby's condition is assessed, both physical and neuropsychic. The doctor will ask the parents questions, the answers to which will determine whether the child is developing normally. You should be wary only if the child shows serious deviations in behavior: nine0010
- cannot crawl, stands poorly, has difficulty moving;
- does not pronounce meaningful words, there is no gesticulation;
- does not understand even simple requests, interacts poorly with parents and other children;
- does not know how to use household items. At the same time, one-year-old children may well string the pyramid in the wrong order, this is normal.
If something has alerted you, tell your pediatrician about it during a routine examination. It will help you deal with problems if you have any. nine0010
A baby who has crossed the one-year milestone is very different from himself just a few months ago. Further, he will become more and more intelligent, active and independent, delighting his parents and learning about the world. Remember: every child is not like the other, and take into account the individual characteristics of the baby in the upbringing and development.
[1] Evgeny Komarovsky “The Beginning of Life. Your child from birth to a year nine0010
[2] John Medina, Rules for the Development of Your Child's Brain
[3] Elena Sosoreva “The first year of a baby's life. 52 most important weeks for a child's development
(33 ratings; article rating 4.5)
Child development calendar: 1 year
How to raise a child?
Child development calendar: 1 year
- Tags:
- Expert advice
- 0-1 year
Until the age of 12 months, the child is in close emotional connection with his mother and perceives himself as part of her. And in a year he becomes more autonomous, his personality begins to take shape. During this period, the child experiences the first internal conflict: on the one hand, he is used to the fact that his mother is always with him and fulfills all his desires, but at the same time he wants independence. When something doesn’t work out for him, he can start to act up, cry and get angry. Parents need to support the baby in his development, correctly correcting his behavior. nine0010
What can a child at 1 year old do?
One year old baby is able to:
- pronounce easy words and imitate sounds by himself;
- walk without support;
- bite and chew solid food;
- assemble a pyramid, build several figures from cubes;
- make cakes, roll sausages from plastic material;
- comment on what you are doing;
- to use a cup and spoon. nine0017
A one-year-old child has clearly defined interests, likes and dislikes. He behaves differently with different people and shows independence in choice and action, and also actively expresses emotions, including negative ones.
Development of a child at 1 year: 7 principles
I am a parent offers young mothers and fathers seven simple tips to ensure that your baby develops quickly and easily overcomes the "threshold of one year".
1. Encourage familiarity with the world around you
At the age of one year, the peak of the cognitive activity of the baby falls, so parents should encourage the desire of the crumbs to get acquainted with the outside world. Very often, children at this age are not at all interested in toys, but show interest in household items that adults use. So if your child is enthusiastically twirling the lid of a pot in his hands or trying to open the door of a washing machine, it is worth giving him the opportunity to explore a new object and try it “in action”! Of course, this does not apply to sockets and other dangerous items for the health of the baby. nine0010
2. Respect independent choice
Let the baby try, without your help, choose toys that he wants to take with him for a walk, put on a shoe or hat, decide what kind of porridge he will eat for breakfast. Such simple actions will let the child understand that you respect his independence and reckon with his opinion. If the baby does not succeed in some action, and he begins to act up and cry, you should not do everything instead of him: help him with advice. If the child cannot assemble a pyramid from rings of different diameters in any way, lay out the rings in front of him in the right order, but let the child try to assemble the pyramid itself. nine0010
3. Develop physically together
Closer to 12 months, the child actively crawls, can crawl under obstacles, climbs boldly on an inclined surface, easily climbs onto a chair or sofa, can stand without the support of an adult and takes his first independent steps.
One year old, you can already start doing the first exercises: children try to imitate the movements of adults. Repeating the simplest exercises after mom and dad will bring the baby a lot of fun and exciting minutes, and young mothers can combine business with pleasure - “throw off” a couple of kilograms! nine0010
4. Learn to use cutlery
One year old baby is able to use cutlery at the table. Some children at the age of one year already know how to prick small pieces of food on a fork.
5. Learn new words and counting
By the age of one, a child can already say a few words. Most often, these are imitating, lightweight words, consisting of simple repeating sounds: ba-ba, ma-ma, etc.
Children of this age distinguish between the names of close people and the names of certain objects. They willingly fulfill the requests of adults to show them a ball, a cube, a chair or a teddy bear. The child always looks in the direction of the person who was called by name, or the subject that is being spoken about. Therefore, if you call out loud new objects that fall into the field of view of the baby, your baby will quickly learn new words and learn to associate them with certain objects. nine0010
It is impossible to teach a one-year-old child to count, but a baby at this age can quite remember the meaning of the word “two”. Lay out pairs in front of the baby - socks, gloves, identical balls and say "two". Very soon the child will understand what is at stake, and imitating you, he will connect things in pairs.
6. Don't distract him from his studies
A baby understands the meaning of the words “possible” and “impossible” at the age of one, and when he is not allowed to do something, he will show his displeasure in every way. nine0010
One should not force a one-year-old child to do what he does not want to do. Do not offer the baby to take pencils and draw if he enthusiastically rolls a ball on the floor or builds a pyramid of cubes. Remember that children at this age prefer to be independent, so attempts to force them into unwanted actions will only cause negative emotions and whims.
7. Be patient
Child psychologists note that at the age of one, children begin to enthusiastically observe the people around them and strive to imitate their behavior.