Signs of a missed miscarriage in first trimester
Missed Abortion: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Outlook
A missed abortion is also known as a missed miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. It’s a miscarriage in which the fetus didn’t form or is no longer developing, but the placenta and embryonic tissues are still in your uterus.
A missed abortion is not an elective abortion. Medical professionals use the term “spontaneous abortion” to refer to miscarriage.
A missed abortion gets its name because this type of miscarriage doesn’t cause symptoms of bleeding and cramps that occur in other types of miscarriages. It’s common to have no symptoms during a missed abortion. This can make it difficult for you to know that the loss has occurred.
In this article, we’ll cover the causes of missed abortion, as well as how its diagnosed, treated, and more.
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that secured a person’s constitutional right to an abortion.
This means that individual states are now able to decide their own abortion laws. As a result, many states will ban or severely restrict abortion access.
The information in this article was accurate and up to date at the time of publication, but the facts may have changed since. Anyone looking to learn more about their legal rights can message the Repro Legal Helpline via a secure online form or call 844-868-2812.
It’s common to have no symptoms with a missed miscarriage. You may also notice:
- brownish discharge
- lessening or disappearing early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and breast soreness
This is different from a typical miscarriage, which can cause:
- vaginal bleeding
- abdominal cramps or pain
- discharge of fluid or tissue
- lack of pregnancy symptoms
The causes of missed abortion are not fully known. About 50% of miscarriages happen because the embryo has the wrong number of chromosomes.
Sometimes, miscarriage may be caused by a uterine problem like scarring.
You may be at higher risk for missed miscarriage if you have an endocrine or an autoimmune disorder, or are a heavy smoker. Physical trauma can cause a missed miscarriage as well.
If you have a missed miscarriage, your doctor likely won’t be able to pinpoint a reason. In a missed miscarriage, the embryo stops developing, and there’s usually no clear explanation.
Stress, exercise, sex, and travel do not cause miscarriage, so it’s important not to blame yourself.
You should always see a doctor if you suspect any kind of miscarriage. Call your doctor if you have any miscarriage symptoms, including:
- vaginal bleeding
- abdominal cramps or pain
- discharge of fluid or tissue
With a missed miscarriage, a lack of pregnancy symptoms may be the only sign.
For example, if you were feeling very nauseated or fatigued and you suddenly don’t, call the doctor. Most people likely won’t be aware of a missed miscarriage until their doctor detects it during an ultrasound.
A missed miscarriage is most often diagnosed by ultrasound before 20 weeks of gestation. Usually, the doctor diagnoses it when they can’t detect a heartbeat at a prenatal checkup.
Sometimes, it’s simply too early in the pregnancy to see a heartbeat. If you’re less than 10 weeks pregnant, your doctor may monitor the level of the pregnancy hormone hCG in your blood over a couple of days. If the hCG level doesn’t rise at a typical rate, it’s a sign the pregnancy has ended.
They may also order a follow-up ultrasound a week later to see if they can detect the heartbeat then.
There are several different ways to treat a missed miscarriage. You may be able to choose, or your doctor may recommend a treatment they feel is best for you.
Expectant management
This is a wait-and-see approach. Usually, if a missed miscarriage is left untreated, the embryonic tissue will pass and you’ll miscarry naturally. This is successful in more than 65% of women experiencing a missed miscarriage.
If it’s not successful, you may need medication or surgery to pass the embryonic tissue and placenta.
Medical management
Your healthcare professional may prescribe a medication called misoprostol. This medication helps trigger your body to pass the remaining tissue to complete the miscarriage. This means it will cause cramping, bleeding, and possibly blood clots.
You’ll take the medication at the doctor’s office or hospital and then return home to complete the miscarriage. It usually takes about 4-5 hours for most people to pass the remaining pregnancy tissue.
Surgical management
Dilation and curettage (D&C) surgery may be necessary to remove the remaining tissue from the uterus.
Your doctor may recommend a D&C immediately following your diagnosis of a missed miscarriage. They could also recommend it later if the tissue doesn’t pass on its own or with the use of medication.
Physical recovery time after a miscarriage can vary from a few weeks to a month, sometimes longer. Your period will most likely return in 3 to 6 weeks.
Emotional recovery can take longer. Grief can be expressed in a variety of ways. Some people choose to perform religious or cultural memorial traditions, for example. Talking with a counselor may help as well.
Talking with other people who’ve experienced pregnancy loss is important. You can find a support group near you through Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support at
If your partner, friend, or family member has a miscarriage, understand that they may be going through a tough time. Give them time and space if they say they need it, but always be there for them as they grieve.
Try to listen. Understand that being around babies and other pregnant people might be difficult for them. Everyone grieves differently and at their own pace.
Having one missed miscarriage doesn’t increase your odds of having a future miscarriage.
If this is your first miscarriage, the rate of having a second miscarriage is between 14-21%, which is about the same as the overall miscarriage rate. But having multiple miscarriages in a row increases your risk for a subsequent miscarriage.
If you’ve had two miscarriages in a row, your doctor might order follow-up testing to see if there’s an underlying cause. Some conditions that cause repeated miscarriages can be treated.
In many cases, you may be able to try to get pregnant again after you’ve had a regular period. Some doctors recommend waiting at least 3 months after the miscarriage before trying to conceive again.
But one 2017 study suggests that trying again before 3 months may give you the same or even increased odds of having a full-term pregnancy. If you’re ready to try to become pregnant again, ask your doctor how long you should wait.
In addition to being physically ready to carry another pregnancy, you’ll also want to make sure that you feel mentally and emotionally ready to try again. Take more time if you feel you need it.
Missed miscarriage - The Miscarriage Association
A missed (or silent) miscarriage is one where the baby has died or not developed, but has not been physically miscarried. In many cases, there has been no sign that anything was wrong, so the news can come as a complete shock.
Why does it happen?
It’s not at all clear why some miscarriages happen within days of a baby dying and others take much longer before the pregnancy hormone levels drop and the physical miscarriage begins. Sometimes that delay may be a matter of days, but it might take several weeks.
Why didn’t I know?While many miscarriages begin with symptoms of pain and bleeding, there are often no such signs with a missed miscarriage. Pregnancy hormones may continue to be high for some time after the baby has died, so you may continue to feel pregnant and a pregnancy test may well still show positive.
In the first few weeks of the second trimester, it may be too early to feel the baby kick so without any bleeding or pain, you are likely to assume all is well.
There often is no way you could know, except by having an ultrasound scan.
The scanNurses told me the baby probably died around seven weeks, four weeks before I realised anything was wrong. Four weeks in which I was marching around with a big smile on my face.
A missed miscarriage is often diagnosed at a routine ultrasound scan, whether around 12 weeks or at the 20 week ‘anomaly’ scan. However it might also be seen at a non-routine scan, NHS or private, whether or not there are any symptoms.
With a missed miscarriage, the scan picture usually shows a pregnancy sac with a baby (or fetus or embryo) inside, but there is no heartbeat and the pregnancy looks smaller than it should be at this stage.
After taking lots of pictures I was told ‘I’m sorry there is no heartbeat, the baby died at 9.5 weeks’, so it was a missed miscarriage and my body thought I was still pregnant. It hit me hard.
In some cases, the scan shows an empty pregnancy sac or no clear sac at all. The embryo has either not developed or it stopped developing at a very early stage and been reabsorbed by the body. You might hear that called ‘early embryonic demise’ or the old-fashioned term ‘blighted ovum’.
The diagnosis of a missed miscarriage can be very shocking, especially if you had no indication at all that anything was wrong.
You might have been full of excitement about seeing your baby and looking forward to sharing your news, as Tina was:
As we got to the 12 week scan, I was looking forward to it. I wanted that to be the benchmark when I could tell everybody.
Perhaps you had an early or additional scan because of spotting, pain or bleeding, or just a sense that something wasn’t right. The diagnosis might have confirmed your worst fears but it might still have come as a real shock, perhaps especially if it was some time since the baby had died.
On the other hand, you may have had several scans before the miscarriage was confirmed, and this can be a very stressful time.
The scan showed the “baby” was only the size of a 5 week pregnancy and there was no heartbeat. We were told we would have to wait a week to see if there was any growth and if there had been, then the baby might be big enough to have a detectable heartbeat. That was one of the longest weeks of my life.
This period of waiting can feel like you’re ‘in limbo’, whether you try to be positive, as in this story, or you prepare for the worst. You might move between the two.
Being faced with decisionsAt the same time as dealing with the news that you have a missed miscarriage, you may also be asked to make some difficult decisions about how to manage the miscarriage process. (We write about this here.)
You might feel ready to make that decision very quickly, or you might need a few days to take everything in before making a decision. You are very welcome to contact us if you’d like to talk things through.
What about work?
Work may be the last thing on your mind right now. But if you need more information about your rights and support for you and your employer, our Miscarriage and the Workplace hub has more information for everyone.
You might also find it helpful to read some of the following stories:
- Jennifer’s story
- Hayley’s story
- Little sesame
- Never thought it would happen to me
- Amy Abrahams writes about her experience (originally published by The Pool), ‘Breaking the silence of a missed miscarriage’
Our animation ‘Helping people through’ shares one couple’s experience of a missed miscarriage:
You might also want to talk with others who have been through something similar:
- by phone (contact us for details of a support volunteer)
- in a support group, or
- through our online forum.
You don’t need to go through this alone.
90,000 signs, symptoms and causes. How to determine a frozen pregnancy. Clinic Ak. Grishchenko
Not always long-awaited and such a desired pregnancy ends with the birth of a baby. Sometimes women find out that the pregnancy has stopped. Unfortunately, this problem is not rare. According to statistics, in about 15% of cases, the planned babies "freeze" in the womb for one reason or another.
- What is it?
- Dangerous timing: when can it happen?
- Why is this happening?
- How do doctors determine missed pregnancy?
- Signs and symptoms
- How to recover from a missed pregnancy?
- What tests to pass after?
- Answers from experts on whether ST cleanup is required.
- Frequently asked questions for which go to the forum.
What is it?
A dead pregnancy is a pregnancy that initially met all medical standards, but suddenly stopped developing in a certain period. The cessation of progress in the development of the fetus leads to its death, but it remains in the uterine cavity. For this reason, such a pathology is called a failed miscarriage.
In fact, at the very beginning, everything happens, as in a normal pregnancy - the egg is fertilized, enters the uterus and is implanted for further development, but it stops at one moment. This pathology also includes the syndrome of "empty fetal egg". It is the development of fetal membranes in which there is no embryo. With this syndrome, a pregnancy test is positive, as well as an analysis for hCG.
Dangerous timing: when can it happen?
The development of the fetus can stop at any time up to 28 weeks (in rare cases, the cessation of development can occur later), but the greatest likelihood of such a pathology occurs in the first trimester. There are also several periods with the highest risk of miscarriage, these include the following periods:
- 3-4 weeks;
- 8-10 weeks;
- 16-18 weeks.
It is these terms that most often become critical for pregnancy.
Causes of miscarriage?
Even doctors are not always able to find out exactly why a miscarriage happened. In modern medicine, there are a number of reasons that can cause such a pathology. All of them are divided into several large groups:
- Genetic pathologies . It is these reasons that most often provoke a halt in fetal development. Pathological genes or the presence of an extra chromosome in the embryo can cause the development of many defects that are incompatible with life, leading to termination of pregnancy. Often, genetic pathologies cause a stop in the development of pregnancy in the eighth to tenth week.
- Infections . A missed pregnancy can also often happen due to the presence of infectious diseases, since during the period of bearing a child, a woman experiences a rather serious decline in immune defenses. Especially dangerous for this period are TORCH infections, which include rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes and toxoplasmosis.
The greatest danger to the fetus is the first "meeting" of the mother with the infection in an already pregnant state. Therefore, when registering, pregnant women are strongly recommended to be screened for these types of infections. Even seemingly simple and familiar diseases such as influenza or SARS can cause pathology, especially in the early stages, when vital organs are formed in the fetus. The infection can affect the fetus directly, causing various types of anomalies, or on the membranes, resulting in a significant lack of oxygen or nutrients to the fetus.
- Hormonal disorders . Hormonal balance is extremely important for the normal bearing of a child. Therefore, with a lack of progesterone or an excess of male hormones (androgens), the likelihood of miscarriage significantly increases. Any hormonal disruptions are recommended to be treated before pregnancy.
- Antiphospholipid syndrome . Because of them, the formation of placental vessels or their blockage may also decrease, which leads to a violation of the fetus receiving the necessary nutrition.
- Teratozoospermia . This cause of a missed pregnancy is associated with pathologies in the seminal fluid of a man. With teratozoospermia, spermatozoa have an irregular structure, so fertilization with such a cell leads to abnormalities in the development of the embryo.
- Lifestyle . The presence of bad habits, as well as lifestyle during childbearing (and the planning period) can also adversely affect the development of the embryo, causing it to freeze. The use of alcoholic beverages, smoking, stress, occupational hazards, daily routine, sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet - all this is considered negative factors for pregnancy.
- Other factors. Pregnancy fading can also occur due to a sharp change in climate, a history of abortions (especially if there were several).
In some cases, several causes may be found at once, which could lead to a pregnancy fading.
How do doctors determine missed pregnancy?
At each examination of a pregnant woman, the gynecologist determines the size of the uterus, so if they do not correspond to the current period, the specialist may suspect the fetal fading. But such a diagnosis is made only after an ultrasound examination. In rare cases, ultrasound is not performed - if the woman turned to the doctor late and intoxication of the body has already occurred due to the death of the fetus.
Signs and symptoms
The symptoms of miscarriage are the same in any trimester. The main signs that may indicate such a pathology are:
- vaginal discharge with blood impurities;
- general weakness, chills, fever;
- drawing pains in the lower part of the abdomen;
- cessation of swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
- abrupt disappearance of manifestations of toxicosis;
- absence of fetal movements (with pathology in the second trimester).
Despite the presence of characteristic symptoms of pathology, often the cessation of fetal development goes unnoticed, since the basal temperature can remain within 37 degrees, and the hCG level remains high for several more weeks. In this case, the woman learns about the problem only at the next appointment with the doctor or a planned ultrasound.
How to recover from a missed pregnancy?
If such a pathology occurs, it is imperative to remove the dead embryo from the uterine cavity, if this did not happen naturally. For this, a cleaning is carried out, with the help of which all particles of the fetal membranes are removed from the uterus. Both scraping and vacuum can be used. If the fading occurred at a very early date, doctors may suggest a medical abortion, which is somewhat more gentle for the woman, including psychologically.
Doctors recommend to refrain from the next pregnancy for six months (according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization). This time is enough for the body to recover after what happened. Therefore, during this time, women are advised to take oral contraceptives, which minimize the likelihood of conception, and also allow you to normalize hormonal levels.
During recovery, it is also recommended to lead the most healthy and active lifestyle, take care of a balanced diet and take vitamin complexes. A woman definitely needs psychological support, and if she endured the incident especially hard, she may need the help of specialists - a psychologist or psychiatrist. This will help you get back to normal and prepare for your next pregnancy.
What tests to take after?
Before becoming pregnant after a missed pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a recurrence of what happened. Treatment should be appropriate to the problem that caused the pathology. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a complete examination, which will help determine the cause of the fetal development fading. According to the results of the examination, doctors prescribe treatment in accordance with the detected diseases.
It is recommended to undergo an examination after the restoration of the woman's menstrual cycle (usually it takes about 30 days after cleansing). But both spouses should be tested. The full examination includes:
- genetic testing of spouses;
- tests for TORCH infections;
- study of hormonal levels;
- blood coagulogram;
- Gynecological ultrasound;
- spermogram;
- immunogram.
This examination is usually sufficient to determine the causes of miscarriage, both early and late. The attending physician may prescribe additional studies if necessary. All these examinations can be done at the IVF and infertility treatment clinic of Academician V.I. Grishchenko.
Frozen pregnancy is not a verdict - in 90% of cases, after the occurrence of such a pathology, spouses become happy parents of healthy babies in the near future. The main thing is to undergo a complete examination and eliminate the cause of the pathology. And if necessary, you can go through the procedure of artificial insemination (IVF).
Answers from specialists in the field of reproduction, fertility, women's health about whether cleaning is mandatory during a missed pregnancy.

On the Internet, the question is often asked: “Is it necessary to do curettage during a missed pregnancy (ZB)?”
We asked this question to our doctors:
Parashchuk Valentin Yuryevich
Head Physician of Academician Grishchenko Clinic, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist.
Good afternoon. If the pregnancy froze at an early stage and there are no signs that it is going to resolve itself, that is, there is no bleeding, then it is advisable to evacuate the contents of the uterine cavity, that is, to do curettage. If the pregnancy seeks to resolve itself, then it can come out on its own. And then curettage is not required, you can just look at the ultrasound as soon as the discharge ends, that there are no inclusions in the uterine cavity, that there are no elements of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.
Another situation is when the pregnancy has stalled and you really need to evacuate the contents, and then there are alternative methods, sometimes they offer the so-called "medical abortion", that's the term. And it is more correct to do a scraping, or a vacuum, if the time permits. Because, sometimes, after these very medical abortions, you have to do scraping, but already in fact of complications. Because the entire contents of the uterine cavity does not always come out completely, and then inflammation joins, this is a big trauma for the uterus, this is already a conditionally urgent condition, and it is better not to allow it. Therefore, it is better to do a moderate, without severe injury and without complications, curettage on time than to do it as a necessary measure. When it is already clear that this is a frozen pregnancy, tactics can be discussed, but it is important to really understand when it is, which are such dangerous or alarming calls.
The main complaint is if the uterus is already frozen and the uterus is trying to get rid of the pregnancy, then this is bloody discharge, that is, the pregnancy is already rejected. But it happens that she freezes and the patient knows absolutely nothing about it, and they become a godsend at a later date, when she is told that the fetal egg does not match in size, that she stopped earlier, and this cannot be suspected in any way. Therefore, if there are pains, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, spotting, you should definitely consult a doctor. Firstly, because it is not a fact that it is frozen. Or maybe it’s a threat of pregnancy fading, and you can turn in time, respond in time, stop the process and save the pregnancy. And if she really froze, then react in time and get rid of the fetal egg that has already stopped in development, without allowing any complications. In any case, if pain or spotting occurs during pregnancy, at any time, this is an indication to consult a doctor. There should be no pain, there should be no blood.
Alipova Elena Konstantinovna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, ultrasound specialist.
The question is unconditional that the miscarriage must be removed from the uterus. That is, non-developing tissues, they are the source of the inflammatory process in the first place, and these tissues should be removed as soon as possible. The best method is still scraping.
As for not deleting at all, this is not even discussed. You can talk a little about medical abortion, but in my opinion, he also has no right to exist with a missed pregnancy. First, because everything needs to be done:
- fast;
- as carefully as possible.
And most the main thing is that scraping products, concept products, as they say now, can be sent in this case for genetic testing . And this, with a frozen pregnancy, is very important because, well, what happened, it happened, and everyone is interested in the question of why it happened. A genetic study of abortive material helps in about 80% of cases to answer the question of what happened after all. If genetics is to blame, this is one conversation, if everything is in order from a genetic point of view, additional examinations will be directed in another direction.
Lutsky Andrey Sergeevich
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist.
Hello. Today we will talk about missed pregnancy. There are surgical methods, such as curettage, vacuum aspiration and hysteroscopic removal of the ovum, and medical methods, the so-called "medical abortion" . Medical methods of abortion are indicated for women who have already had pregnancies in the past and had natural childbirth. This is due to the fact that the cervix of the uterus in such women is ajar and during induction, artificial induction of uterine contractions, a complete spontaneous abortion occurs, no residues remain in the uterine cavity. If the girl is nulliparous, then medical abortion often gives complications. Not everything comes out of the uterine cavity. Parts of the membranes remain, clots, and, let's say, a delay of these parts occurs and there may be an inflammatory process, as a result of which, subsequently, surgical intervention is required - curettage or vacuum aspiration. The method of terminating a missed pregnancy is chosen by the attending physician based on these data. In our clinic, we often encounter missed pregnancy in those women who want to give birth to their child. And to understand the genetics of the fetus, we often recommend hysteroscopic removal or vacuum aspiration of the ovum.
Yulia Vladimirovna Labuznaya
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the department of operative gynecology, doctor of the cervical pathology office
Hello. Today I will try to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding non-developing pregnancy. Perhaps I’ll start with such a rink: “Is it necessary to do vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity, that is, the evacuation of a missed pregnancy, if a non-developing pregnancy is diagnosed?” And so let's deal with the concept. Non-developing pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the pregnancy fades, but spontaneous expulsion from the uterine cavity does not occur. At the same time, the woman herself does not immediately understand what happened to her. The first signs of a missed pregnancy can appear 2-3 weeks after the incident. The fetal egg, which is located in the uterine cavity, undergoes various pathological changes, adversely affecting the endometrium, thereby causing an inflammatory process called "endometritis".
If a woman decides to wait for the spontaneous expulsion of a missed pregnancy from the uterine cavity, what happens? The endometrium tries to reject the frozen fetal egg, but the inflammatory processes taking place in this endometrium slow down this process, and the process can last from several days to several weeks. Which absolutely negatively affects the endometrium and contributes to the development of the inflammatory process further. There is an act that the fetal egg from the uterine cavity, as it were, came out, but not completely. There is a part of him left. From this part, often, a placental polyp is formed. The presence of a placental polyp in the uterine cavity contributes to the prevention of a subsequent pregnancy. Before the onset, planning a subsequent pregnancy, such a pali must be removed. In addition, the presence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity for four weeks or more significantly increases the risk of bleeding. Therefore, the best solution to such an issue, in the presence of a missed pregnancy in a patient, is vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity with the appointment of subsequent anti-inflammatory therapy.
The second issue is errors in the diagnosis of non-developing pregnancy. For example, at 5-6 weeks, an ultrasound examination, in order to avoid such errors, is carried out by at least two specialists. If there are no clear criteria for non-developing pregnancy, it is recommended for the patient to repeat this study after 3-7 days. Again, to avoid mistakes. In addition, in parallel, the task of such an analysis as an analysis of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is mandatory. If the pregnancy develops, the hCG will increase accordingly, if the pregnancy is still frozen, then the hCG will either fall or not grow at all. If the gestational age is 7-8 weeks, then according to the ultrasound examination, the heart rate of the embryo will be absent. In addition, there will be a discrepancy between the size of the fetal egg and the gestational age. At gestational age 9-12 weeks, in addition to the lack of heart rate and the discrepancy between the gestational age and the size of the fetal egg, there will also be no movement of the embryo. It should always be remembered that every woman has the right to take a closer look at the ultrasound in a few days for an accurate diagnosis, to control the human chorionic gonadotropin, in fact, in order to avoid errors in the diagnosis of "non-developing pregnancy".
Answers to frequently asked and discussed questions on the forums:
✅ Can an ultrasound erroneously show a miscarriage?
Misdiagnosis of non-developing pregnancy occurs in the early stages. In our clinic, in order to avoid such errors, ultrasound at 5-6 weeks is performed by at least two specialists. If there are no clear criteria for non-developing pregnancy, then the patient is recommended to do a second study after 3-7 days. And on re-examination, it may turn out that the frozen pregnancy turned out to be normal.
✅ With a missed pregnancy, is it possible to do without cleaning?
If a frozen pregnancy seeks to resolve itself, then it can come out on its own, and then curettage (cleansing) is not required. As soon as the discharge ends, it is necessary to check on an ultrasound scan that there are no elements of the ovum left in the uterine cavity. If the pregnancy froze at an early stage and there are no signs that it is going to resolve itself, that is, there is no bleeding, then it is advisable to do a curettage.
✅ Frozen pregnancy - cleaning or pills?
Medical abortion is indicated for women who have had previous pregnancies and vaginal deliveries. But it is more correct to do a scraping, or a vacuum, if the time permits. Because, sometimes, after medical abortions, you also have to do scraping, but already in fact of complications. Because the contents of the uterine cavity do not always come out completely, and inflammation is added, and this is a big trauma for the uterus and it is better not to allow this. Therefore, it is better to do a moderate, without severe injury and without complications, curettage on time than to do it as a necessary measure. And most importantly, scraping products can be sent for genetic testing to identify the causes of fetal development fading.
✅ Can there be a miscarriage without symptoms?
It happens that the pregnancy stops, and the patient knows absolutely nothing about it, and this is discovered at a later date, when she is told that the fetal egg does not correspond in size, that the pregnancy stopped earlier, but this, unfortunately, it is impossible to suspect in advance. The first signs of a non-developing pregnancy can appear 2-3 weeks after the incident. These are spotting or pulling pains in the lower abdomen. With these symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.
✅ How long does it take to have a miscarriage with a missed pregnancy?
If a woman decides to wait for the spontaneous expulsion of an undeveloped pregnancy, what happens? The endometrium tries to reject the frozen fetal egg, but the inflammatory processes taking place in this endometrium slow down this process, and the process can last from several days to several weeks. Which negatively affects the endometrium and contributes to the development of the inflammatory process of "endometritis". It happens that the fetal egg does not come out completely, leaving some part in the uterine cavity, from which, often, a placental polyp is formed, which prevents the onset of a subsequent pregnancy.
Frozen pregnancy: causes, signs, symptoms
Definition - "frozen pregnancy" means the cessation of fetal development and death. If this pathology manifests itself in the first trimester of pregnancy, then there are few symptoms, since the child from the nutria does not yet show its movements. At this time, it is worth visiting your doctor as often as possible and taking all the necessary tests in order to cope with the problem in time.
Every woman who plans to become a mother must know all the symptoms and signs of a miscarriage . First of all, you should pay attention to your condition. If pain, bleeding or other unpleasant symptoms appear, then you should immediately contact a specialist to find out the reasons. Of course, you should not focus on this pathology, since it occurs quite rarely, in one case for several hundred times.
Get a consultation with a geneticist-reproductologist online or make an appointment at one of our medical offices 8-495-660-83-77 |
Termination of pregnancy can occur under the influence of many factors at different times. If this happened in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, then the specialist will prescribe an abortion or special medications to cause a miscarriage. The timely intervention of a doctor is very important, since the consequences of a pregnancy fading can significantly affect a woman's health. The most dangerous periods for the manifestation of this pathology are 3-4 weeks, 8-10 and 16-18 weeks.
Only in the first weeks of pregnancy a successful outcome is possible, as spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Starting from the second trimester, if this pathology is detected, severe complications and specialist intervention are possible. If you do not notice the signs of a frozen pregnancy in time, then the work of the internal organs of the mother may be disrupted. In some cases, complete intoxication of the body occurs, which can lead to the death of a woman.
The first signs of a miscarriage are severe pains in the abdomen. Don't wait too long, it's better to ask for help right away. If the specialist determines the pathology, then special medications are prescribed that will help the body provoke a miscarriage.
Signs of a missed pregnancy
Most often, the first trimester passes without any symptoms of the disease. At this time, it is quite difficult to identify signs of missed pregnancy. In order to determine the pathology in time, it is necessary to visit a doctor twice a month and undergo the prescribed tests. After the moment when the baby begins to move in the womb, you can follow his pushes and movements. Quite often, attending physicians issue a special form with a table where the expectant mother can conduct her observations. If the movements of the fetus are not felt for more than a day, or they have changed their nature, you should contact the observing doctor.
If a woman has symptoms of missed pregnancy , this is the first reason to seek help from a specialist and even call an ambulance. Symptoms may be as follows:
- Blood discharge from the vagina.
- Weakness in the body.
- Apathy.
- Abrupt cessation of toxicosis for unknown reasons.
- Temperature increase.
- Abrupt stop in breast augmentation,
Causes of miscarriage
Hormonal failure in the mother's body. First of all, a lack of the hormone progesterone is detected, which, in fact, ensures the vital activity of the fetus and allows it to remain in the uterus. Also, there are cases when an excess of the male hormone androgens is detected in the female body. This fact can cause pregnancy to fade in the first trimester. In order to identify violations in the hormonal plan, it is necessary to contact specialists during the planning of conception and pass the appropriate tests. If there is a deviation from the norm, then this can be corrected in time with the help of medications. The full course of treatment will be from 3 to 10 weeks, depending on the fluctuation of hormones in the blood.
The most common cause of miscarriage is genetic failure. It refers to any genetic abnormalities in the fetus. In most cases, they are simply not compatible with life and the fetus dies. If the embryo has such pathologies, then before the eighth week of pregnancy, an arbitrary miscarriage will occur. Anomalies may concern the internal organs or the appearance of the fetus. The genetic failure occurs at the chromosomal level and can be passed on from the father or mother. In exceptional cases, the genes of partners are simply not compatible and a woman will not be able to bear a common baby. Then doctors offer to replace the genetic material of one of the partners with the chromosomes of another person. This procedure will help to completely get rid of fetal anomalies and the baby will be able to fully develop in the womb.
During the period of bearing a baby, in case of the slightest signs of pregnancy fading, they should not be ignored. To minimize the risks of pathologies, it is worth following the right lifestyle, because this significantly affects the development and growth of the fetus. From the moment the conception is planned, you need to take care of your health in the first place. It is recommended to completely abandon the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. It is necessary to take as many vitamins as possible to strengthen immunity.
Infections are also one of the rather important reasons for termination of pregnancy. In this case, the mother's immunity weakens, as in most cases she tries to protect the fetus from infection. Then the mother becomes vulnerable to various infections and viruses. During the planning period of pregnancy, it is necessary to take tests for cytomegalovirus and herpes. In most cases, it is these diseases that provoke the fading of pregnancy in the early stages. It is worth refraining from dubious sexual contacts during the period of bearing a baby. Treatment of viral infections is possible, even in full, the most important thing is to notice and get rid of them in time.
Of course, it will not be possible to prevent all diseases, since anything can happen during nine months of bearing a baby. But, nevertheless, it is worth protecting yourself somewhat from infections that lie in wait everywhere. And if at least some signs of a missed pregnancy are noticed, you should immediately contact your doctor.
First of all, wash your hands as often as possible, avoid large crowds of people and take as many vitamins as possible to maintain immunity. Also, you should protect yourself from rubella by avoiding contact with those who are infected. This disease is quite dangerous during pregnancy, but if the mother had rubella a few years ago, the body, on the contrary, produces antibodies that do not exacerbate the disease.
ARVI is quite dangerous for a pregnant woman, which can serve as the first factor in terminating a pregnancy in the early stages. The disease in a pregnant woman is quite difficult, as the immune system is weakened. Do not self-medicate. First of all, you need to contact a specialist. A large number of people, when an illness occurs, first of all use antibiotics, which are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. The doctor can prescribe gentle drugs that will help strengthen the immune system and remove the symptoms of the disease. In most cases, folk methods of treatment are used: decoctions of herbs, milk with honey, inhalations over boiled club potatoes, gargling, washing the nose with aloe juice. Symptoms of SARS are: fever, chills, sore throat, cough. It is necessary to engage in therapy in time to prevent complications. If you still observe any signs of missed pregnancy , call an ambulance.
Blood clotting disorders have a significant effect on fetal development. In order to eliminate this ailment, it is necessary to pass the necessary tests in advance. Antiphospholipid syndrome is treated with medications. If the disease is not noticed before the onset of pregnancy, then this may threaten a miscarriage in the sixth week. This is due to the fact that the formation of the placenta, which is so important for the baby, does not occur properly.
One of the causes of miscarriage may be abdominal trauma that occurs after a blow or fall. The expectant mother needs to use only low-soled shoes in her everyday life, not to wear weights. In the last months of pregnancy, you should not be alone, as leg cramps and swelling are possible, which greatly interfere with proper movement.
In medical practice, there have been more than once cases when a completely healthy mother experienced the fading of pregnancy. Of course, such pathologies are quite rare, but they can still occur. Do not forget that stopping the development of the fetus is not a sentence, and if this happened once, do not be afraid to plan a new baby. If a pregnancy has already been terminated, it is worth consulting with a specialist.
Consequences of fetal death
The loss of a baby is a terrible tragedy for a woman. In some cases, only a psychologist can help to cope with it. Of course, even despite the depression, there is a strong desire to try to have a baby again. First of all, after the fading of pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a specialist and find out the cause of the fetal fading. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, which will reveal the cause. After that, appropriate treatment will be prescribed, and after it a new pregnancy can be planned only after a year. Of course, the time interval depends on causes of missed pregnancy and is set for each individually. Until the time limit expires, partners must protect themselves. You should not worry that the fading of pregnancy will repeat again, since these cases happen only once, for reasons established. But, in order not to face this tragedy again, you should go through the entire course of treatment and take care of your health and your partner.
Recommendations for future mothers
- Review your diet. Include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Do not take large amounts of coffee, soda, cholesterol products, fatty foods.
- Exercise, even light exercise, will help keep your immune system working properly. Walking in the fresh air, going to nature or the sea helps to strengthen the body, which in any case will have a positive effect on the health of mother and baby.
- The course of vitamins can be started from the time of pregnancy planning and continue until the very birth. It can be both medicines and folk remedies.
- The psychological state of a woman also affects her health. During the treatment period, it is worth taking care of the expectant mother. A man needs to surround her with affection and care, give as many gifts as possible and spend time together. A positive attitude, and good spirits, will certainly contribute to a positive outcome of pregnancy.
It is very important to monitor your condition, which will help you to identify possible signs of miscarriage in a timely manner. After the implementation of the course of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and only then plan a re-conception. If you follow all the above tips, take care of your health and listen to the doctor's opinion, then the risk of a missed abortion is quite low and can be completely eliminated.