Showing at 13 weeks
Baby Development, Symptoms and Tips
Pregnancy Week by Week
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Key Takeaways at 13 Weeks Pregnant
- Good news: You should hopefully start feeling more like yourself soon, as you enter your second trimester. The initial pregnancy exhaustion may fade and the nausea might too! The honeymoon phase of pregnancy is approaching, meaning you might get a burst of energy for a few weeks.
- You might have a 13-week ultrasound or possible non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which looks for chromosomal abnormalities. Baby’s sex might be detectable at this point too—but not guarantees.
The end of week 13 is the end of the first trimester! We’re not just talking about getting through those work meetings without falling asleep (or puking), we’re talking about how you’re now 1/3rd of the way through your pregnancy! At 13 weeks pregnant, you’ve grown a fetus that has vocal cords, teeth and even fingerprints (wow!), and you’ve probably kept this incredible news (mostly) secret while wishing you could shout it from the rooftops—or, at the very least, use it as an excuse for getting to work late.
Watch Week 13 Highlights
Baby at Week 13
That little cutie of yours is growing fast as you approach the second trimester. Here’s what you can expect.
How big is baby at 13 weeks?
At 13 weeks, baby is as big as a lemon. Your 13-week fetus is about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and proportion-wise, their head is now about 1/3 the size of the body instead of 1/2.
13 weeks pregnant is how many months?
At 13 weeks pregnant, you're three months pregnant, although doctors track pregnancy by week, not month. This is the last week of the first trimester. (We can’t say it enough because it’s so great to be here!)
13 week ultrasound
A 13-week ultrasound could detect baby’s sex, but since it can be pretty tough to make out little boy or girl parts, your doctor will probably wait until the mid-pregnancy ultrasound (around 18 to 22 weeks), when it will be much more obvious, to look and see whether you’re having a girl or a boy.
If you’ve chosen to have prenatal cell-free DNA testing, also known as non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), to screen for chromosomal abnormalities, you’ll be able to find out the sex when you get your results. Hey, at 13 weeks, you may already know! Oh boy! (Or girl!)
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Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 13
You might notice that around 13 weeks pregnant, your symptoms change a bit. You might actually be able to get through the day without nausea (if not now, soon) or feeling the need to nap. But you may be experiencing a few of these 13 weeks pregnant symptoms too:
Visible veins
You can see all those blue streaks and spider veins under your skin because you have increased blood flow.
Increase in energy
The second trimester is known as the least symptomatic and the most energetic. As you start to feel more like yourself and get that energy surge, you’re going to want to knock a bunch of to-dos off your list. Also, if you’ve found yourself too sick and tired to exercise lately, now’s the time to get back to a fitness routine. Exercise will only benefit you and baby and can even make labor easier. Worth it!
Increased sex drive
If you’re one of those lucky pregnant women who feels up for a roll in the hay at 13 weeks, enjoy! You may notice a bit of post-coital spotting during pregnancy at 13 weeks. A little spotting is normal simply because your cervix is more sensitive. But heavy bleeding (like a period) isn’t, so call your doctor if it’s more like a flow. Otherwise, you and your partner can use your increased sex drive to enjoy some together time before baby arrives!
Sorry, twin moms-to-be. If you’re 13 weeks pregnant with twins, you might still be experiencing some morning sickness and fatigue. That’s because twin moms can have more of the pregnancy hormone hCG in their systems. If your nausea and vomiting is super severe, definitely bring it up to your OB. If you’re able to hold down food and liquids but you’re still feeling ill, just wait it out a little longer.
What should I expect at 13 weeks pregnant?
At 13 weeks pregnant, you’re turning the corner and may even feel like a new woman after a first trimester of morning sickness, fatigue and other issues. You may experience 13 weeks pregnant symptoms, as well as some indigestion, achiness and tiredness that’s typical in the first trimester. Expect to feel a lot more at ease in the second trimester!
Your Pregnant Belly at 13 Weeks
Your uterus is now big enough that it’s growing up and out of your pelvis. That means you’re starting to actually look pregnant. Finally, right? Expect to look more and more pregnant from here on out, because carrying a 13-week fetus calls for a weight gain increase. OBs recommend you gain weight in the healthiest way possible—that means slowly and steadily throughout your pregnancy. Here are the weight gain guidelines outlined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG):
If you’re underweight (BMI under 18.5):
- Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 28 to 40 pounds.
- In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain about a pound (1 to 1.3 pounds to be exact) per week.
If you’re normal weight (BMI of 18.5 to 24.9):
- Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 25 to 35 pounds.
- In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain about a pound or a little less (0.8 to 1 pound to be exact) per week.
If you’re overweight (BMI of 25 to 29.9):
- Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 15 to 25 pounds.
- In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain a little over a half pound (0.5 to 0.7 pounds to be exact) per week.
If you’re obese (BMI of 30 and above):
- Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 11 to 20 pounds.
- In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain about a half pound (0.4 to 0.6 pounds to be exact) per week.
If you’re 13 weeks pregnant with twins:
- Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 37 to 54 pounds.
- In the first half of your pregnancy, aim to gain about a pound per week. In the second half, aim to gain a little over a pound per week.
Of course, you don’t want to stress yourself out about these numbers. What’s important is that you’re eating a healthy diet full of a variety of different foods, eating about 300 extra (nutritious) calories per day more than you did pre-pregnancy and getting plenty of exercise.
How does your belly feel at 13 weeks pregnant?
You’re probably feeling great in terms of nausea and morning sickness! However, to make room for your fast-growing 13-week fetus, your uterus is moving upward and outward. This expansion can cause stretch marks and itchy belly skin. Don’t forget to moisturize and eat well to keep skin soft and supple!
Can you feel the baby at 13 weeks?
Possibly! It’s different for everyone, but some women (particularly those who have been pregnant before) may start to feel those telltale movements when baby’s at 13 weeks. If you haven’t felt the first flutters yet, don’t worry—it can take up to 25 weeks along to feel what’s called “the quickening.”
“It's debatable how much calorie needs actually increase during pregnancy, because the data shows that it varies widely between women (though usually in the ballpark of 300 to 500 calories extra). One researcher suggests that the adage of ‘eating for two’ be replaced with ‘eating for 1.1’ to better reflect the moderate increase in calories per day. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, so every bite is as packed with nutrition as possible.” - Lily NIchols, RDN, CDE, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and certified diabetes educator.
Tips for 13 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Know the signs of a UTI
Left untreated, a urinary tract infection can potentially travel to the kidneys and pose a health risk for Mom and baby. If you need to use the bathroom more often than usual, feel burning during urination or it looks or smells unusual, visit your doctor, who can test for bacteria and prescribe antibiotics.
Strengthen your pelvic floor
When you’re carrying a baby at 13 weeks, your body needs all the support it can get. Your pelvic floor can weaken from pregnancy and labor, but you can do Kegel exercises to strengthen the area. They don't take a lot of time or effort, and a regular routine during pregnancy can pay off with less urinary leakage after you give birth and enhanced sexual sensations. Sounds good!
Find some together time
You and your partner may be hot and heavy between the sheets right now, but have some fun outside the bedroom too, so you can spend quality time with each other before baby makes three.
Eat a good breakfast
No more morning sickness? Breakfast is served! It’s the perfect time to get calcium, protein and the powerful nutrients that come from produce and whole grains. A healthy morning meal can also help you set the tone for nutritious eating for the rest of the day.
Pregnancy Checklist at 13 Weeks Pregnant
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13 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Ultrasound and Baby Bump
UnsplashWhat to expect at 13 weeks pregnant.

At 13 weeks pregnant your first trimester is now over and you’re heading into your second. There have been lots of changes going on in your body and your baby has been rapidly developing over the last few weeks. This has brought on new feelings, emotions and side effects you may not have experienced before. Thankfully, you might notice some of the unpleasant symptoms from the early stages of pregnancy easing off at this point.
However, as your baby continues to grow, and your body produces varying levels of pregnancy hormones, there are still a number of pregnancy symptoms you’re likely to experience at week 13. Read on for everything you can expect from your body and your baby at 13 weeks pregnant.
Think you missed something? Re-visit what to expect at 12 weeks pregnant or head over to our pregnancy week by week guide for more information at every stage of your pregnancy.
Your Baby at 13 Weeks Pregnant
By the end of your first trimester, your baby is about the size of a lemon. At 13 weeks pregnant, the foetus is usually 2.9 inches (just over 7cm) and weighs nearly 23 grams. Your baby’s body is lengthening, and so now the head equates to about 1/3 of its body size. Although their eyes are now forming, they still won’t open for another few weeks. At this point, your baby’s eyelids are fused shut.
After developing the ability to suck over the previous couple of weeks, your little one may begin sucking their thumb and fingers at this stage. Additionally, your baby will start to swallow the amniotic fluid. This is mainly just water, but also contains vital nutrients needed for further growth and development. Your baby will also start to pass the remaining fluid as urine produced in his kidneys.
At 13 weeks, if you’re having a girl she will have finished developing her ovaries and they will now contain around two million eggs. If your baby is a boy, his testicles will have formed but his penis is still growing.
13 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
As you head into your second trimester, your early pregnancy symptoms may settle and many woman claim they discover a new lease of energy after the three-month stage.
However, there are still a number of side-effects and symptoms that may affect you at 13 weeks pregnant and beyond.
Dizziness and feeling faint
The extra blood pumping around your body can cause you to feel light-headed, dizzy and even faint. To ease these symptoms, try and remember to stand up and sit down slowly and keep sugar levels up with regular (healthy) snacks. If you feel faint, make sure you take a seat and rest up as soon as possible.
Visible veins
The increased blood flow will also cause your veins to become more visible. Although, you might not appreciate this aesthetically, it’s a good sign as it means there’s an increased blood supply to your growing baby.
Heightened sense of smell
You may notice that you’re still sensitive to certain smells and tastes at three months pregnant.
Food cravings
As you approach your second trimester, your fluctuating hormones might lead to a hankering for unusual foods and strange culinary combinations.
As progesterone levels increase, one side effect can be constipation. This often occurs around the second and third month but may worsen as your pregnancy continues.
Bloating, indigestion and heartburn
This pesky progesterone has a lot to answer for. Increased levels of the hormone in your body can also cause bloating at 13 weeks pregnant. This is because it slows down the digestion process so that there’s more time to pass the nutrients on to your baby. However, in doing so, your growing uterus will squash and press onto your stomach and intestines. Your hormones also relax the valve between your stomach and esophagus, causing heartburn.
Higher energy levels
One positive symptom many women experience as they enter their second trimester is a lease of energy. This is because the placenta begins to kick into action and takes over the job of providing nutrients for your baby.
Increased sex drive
Another plus, with higher energy levels and a new rush of hormones, you may find yourself with increased libido. It’s said your new-found high sex drive can even have health benefits for you and your baby. These include improved mood, better sleep and tightening of your pelvic floor muscles – which can help speed up your recovery after birth. However, doctors advise you should abstain if you have a history of early labour miscarriage.
Your Body at 13 Weeks Pregnant
By the end of your third month of pregnancy, your placenta will be fully developed. This means it will take over the role of making sure your baby gets enough oxygen and nutrients via the umbilical cord. It’s also responsible for getting rid of waste products and producing the hormones needed for the rest of your baby’s development.
For some women, the 13-week stage is when you might start to see the beginnings of a baby bump. It’s normal to start showing anywhere between 12 to 16 weeks, however, other women might not have a bump until well into their second trimester.
13 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound
This is where things get exciting. From about 10 or 11 weeks you’ll be ready for your first of two very important scans. This is known as the ‘dating scan’.
Although often dubbed the 12-week scan, this can take place anytime between 10 and 14 weeks. At this appointment, a sonographer will carry out an ultrasound which will be used to give you an estimated due date.
The scan will also look at a few other things. These include:
- Size of your baby – they’ll check your baby is growing and developing correctly.
- Number of babies – at this scan you may find out you’re expecting twins (or more!!).
- Heartbeat – this is usually the time you’ll be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat.
- Vital organs – the sonographer will also make sure you’re baby’s organs are developing.
Read more: Everything you need to know about the harmony test
For more information on development and milestones at every stage of your pregnancy, visit our pregnancy week by week page.
Read more: What is Cranial Osteopathy?
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13 major shows of the Women's Fashion Week Fall-Winter 2022/23
The starting point for the collection was Silvia Venturini-Fendi's blouse from the 1986 Fendi show, in which one day her daughter, jeweler Delfina Delettre-Fendi, caught the eye designer Kim Jones. He borrowed the geometric print from the piece, recolored it, and also took some bulky silhouettes in dark colors from the archives, making them from denim and fabrics that are usually used for tailoring menswear. For balance, Jones also turned to the spring-summer 2000 collection, filled with looks in light sheer chiffon. In a new interpretation, slip dresses are made from it, complemented by cropped fur jackets, skirts stretching from under corsets, suits with accents of red and lace-up blouses, as in the original, only with an O'Lock motif. He originally came up with Delettre-Fendi for the jewelry line, and now, among other things, he sets the form for thin straps and bags. nine0005
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The Prada women's show featured the same set design as the men's show: a dandelion-colored walkway and an octagonal sci-fi corridor. Similar ideas were visible in the collection itself: Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons continue to revive the craftsmanship of traditional tailoring, intertwining it with the vocabulary of evening wear. For example, folded gray wool jackets are combined with weightless skirts reminiscent of sea foam and decorated with beaded embroidery and floral appliqués. Interestingly, the design is also applied to the black plain dresses made of light fabrics, which appeared closer to the finale of the show. In them, the designers reflected their mutual love for the uniform - "clothes timeless, going against the trends of the season." The same category obviously includes alcoholic T-shirts with Prada's triangular logo, one of which was worn by the brand's new ambassador, Euphoria star Hunter Schafer. nine0005
After two years away, Gucci is back at Milan Fashion Week with a collaboration with adidas. Within its framework, a pattern appeared that combined the GG monogram with the shamrock emblem. He, along with another signature element of the sports brand - three white stripes as stripes - adorned numerous relaxed suits, some of which also featured a combined Gucci and adidas logo on the chest pockets. However, Alessandro Michele does not consider such an abundance of branding as guerrilla marketing. Inspired by photography 19At 93, in which Madonna poses in a low-cut red adidas gown from the brand's first collaboration with Label NYC designer and curator Laura Whitcomb, Michele set out to rethink casual fashion through a sports lens. By the way, Madonna's dress was included in the new collection almost in its original form, along with the same "sported" cape, corset, beret and mitts.
Donatella Versace likened the fall-winter 2022/23 collection to "an elastic band stretched to the limit and then released with all its latent energy. " This energy was reflected primarily in the set design of the show: a bright red podium with lacquered surfaces, hanging screens and a La Greca pattern overhead. The latter also appeared on clothes: for example, knitted suits, fur hats and voluminous fur coats. However, this is not the only print used: Versace also enlarges or, on the contrary, reduces the houndstooth, adding it to tweed jackets, miniskirts and dresses that rhyme surprisingly well with latex tights. Otherwise, the collection expressed itself through design techniques. So, corsets were present in most images: somewhere as an independent element, and somewhere as part of coats, dresses and jumpers, sculpting the body. “This is both an element of the armor of a modern strong woman, and proof of her attractiveness,” the press release says. nine0005
The Italian fashion house Trussardi started its 111th year with a rebrand. Its creative directors are Serhat Ishik and Benjamin A. Huzby, the founders of the Berlin-based brand GmbH, who have been entrusted with hosting the first Trussardi show after a five-year hiatus. Their style was visible in the V-neck that exposed the upper body, wide architectural shoulders, a silhouette with an emphasis on the waist (in some looks, built-in corsets were used for this), as well as fur trim and wide boots. Otherwise, the design duo drew inspiration from European urban wear, such as skinny jeans tucked into boots and light, heavily quilted down jackets. The heritage of the house, which grew out of a glove workshop, was referenced by the abundance of leather, from which not only outerwear was made, but also dresses and jumpers. But from logomania, which Trussardi has sinned in recent years, Ishik and A. Khuzby decided to get rid of. The rethought emblem - now the Italian Greyhound is drawn in less detail and seems to be biting its own tail - can only be seen on the inside of new products. nine0005
Bottega Veneta
Milan Fashion Week also saw the debut of Mathieu Blasi as Creative Director of Bottega Veneta. Before that, he was always on the sidelines: he worked at Raf Simons, Maison Margiela, Celine, Calvin Klein and finally at Bottega Veneta as a design director under Daniel Lee. Since it was Blasi who was behind the latest collections of the Italian brand, one should not expect cardinal changes from independent work. However, #NewBottega has clearly become cleaner, simpler and more functional - what are only alcoholic T-shirts, classic jeans, plain shirt-and-pants suits and wool jumpers. In addition, clumsy images have practically disappeared - closet-like raincoats made of thick leather and bulky long fur coats. Blasi relied on lightness and dynamism, expressed in wide fringed skirts and pleated dresses. Moreover, in order for everyone to be able to watch things in motion, Bottega Veneta launched its own application with the broadcast of the show. nine0005
“The idea was to bring back energy, a silhouette that really expresses action, because Bottega is a bag company first and foremost, so you are always going somewhere and not staying at home,” comments the designer.
By the way, bags, as well as accessories in general, have traditionally been given a special place in the collection. Blasi wanted to eliminate machine embroidery and bring Italian craftsmanship to the fore, so the Kalimero bucket bag, hand-woven seamlessly as a single piece, opened the show. In the autumn-winter 2022/23 season, it can only compete with a pillow bag, which appeared both on the catwalk and on the front row. Guests were invited to sit right on it, and then take it home as a gift. nine0005
What classic womenswear brands showed at Milan Fashion Week
The show of the new Off-White collection, conceived by Virgil Abloh and completed by his staff after the death of the designer, began with an excerpt from an interview with Pharrell Williams, in which he talks about the importance of learning codes and sharing them. It was this exchange that took place on the show, which was based on the key symbols of the brand: the emblem in the form of crossed arrows, which set the shape for jewelry, the branded belt, stylized as industrial tape, faded tapestries, transferred to outerwear, numerous holes, which first appeared in the collection of the season. spring-summer 2020 under the name "Meteor Shower" ("Meteor shower"), and a corporate font with which things are signed in the spirit of Captain Obvious. So, Kendall Jenner came out in a little black dress with the inscription "Little black dress", stylized baseball cap with devil horns and a veil. By the way, among other famous models who honored the memory of Virgil Abloh were Bella and Gigi Hadid, Cindy Crawford with her daughter Kaia Gerber, Joan Smalls, Karlie Kloss, Naomi Campbell, Helena Christensen and Amber Valletta. Also on the podium appeared tennis player Serena Williams, whom Off-White, in collaboration with Nike, has repeatedly collected for tournaments. nine0005
Maria Grazia Chiuri continues to speak about feminism, using fashion and art as her mouthpiece. This time, the show was designed by the Italian artist Mariella Bettineschi, who hung famous female portraits on the walls, such as Leonardo da Vinci's "Lady with an Ermine" and Jan Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring", reinterpreted in the author's vein. The art installation included dozens of paintings and was named "The Next Era" ("The Next Era"), which appeared as a print on alcoholic T-shirts. If Bettineschi meant by it the era belonging to women, then for Chiuri it is also the era of technology. D-Air Lab, a company that produces high-tech clothing for extreme situations, took part in the creation of the collection. She equipped the iconic Dior Bar jacket with sensors that monitor body temperature, and also designed a jumpsuit with LEDs, in which Russian model Sofia Steinberg opened the show. nine0005
Loewe creative director Jonathan Anderson is once again experimenting with volumes and silhouettes, creating surreal Instagram-intensive pieces. In the women's collection, these are mainly dresses: with a hem, in which a car seems to be stuck, a bodice in the form of lipstick and oblong bolsters, on which it is convenient to rest your head on a trip. But the most remarkable styling element is the balloons that imitate breasts on dresses, and on shoes they break out from under the straps and protrude instead of heels. “The balloon creates tension,” Anderson says. - He'll burst. It's not forever." The same symbol of impermanence for him are images referring to primitive and medieval clothing, including fur skins from which capes and skirts are made. nine0005
Historically, Valentino has been associated with a certain shade of red, which has received its own name - Valentino Red. However, with the advent of Pierpaolo Piccioli, the collections were gradually dyed in pink, and in the last of them this trend reached its climax. Of the 81 looks, 48 were made in a single shade, PP Pink, which Piccioli developed with the Pantone Color Institute for the show. The designer came to this risky decision because he wanted to focus on silhouettes rather than color combinations, as well as neutralize the interpretation of pink as an exclusively girly color (menswear was also included in the collection). The risk was justified: even the walls and the catwalk, also painted in PP Pink, did not prevent one from seeing embroidered dresses in the style of bulky hoodies, sheer jumpers peeking out from under down jackets, ribbed sweaters with accentuated breasts and majestic capes made of sheer knitwear. Fabrics and details, such as bows on the belts and floral appliqués on the dresses, were chosen to emphasize the power of color, which, after all, is associated with tenderness and love. nine0005
Pierpaolo also spoke about love in his welcoming speech on the events in Ukraine: “We are reacting to what is happening in the only way that we know - work. Responding to not let the fear of war hit us, remembering that being free today is a greater privilege than ever before. Our thoughts are with those who are suffering. We see you, we feel you and we love you. Because love is the answer."
The victory of love and peace was also dedicated to the Balenciaga show, which Demna Gvasalia did not want to hold until the last moment. According to him, what is happening today in Ukraine provoked the pain of the trauma that he has been carrying in himself since 1993 years old, when “he became a refugee forever” as a result of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. “Forever, because it stays with you. Fear, despair, the understanding that you are not expected anywhere, ”explains the designer.
With his show, Demna decided to support those who today feel the same as he once did. Since it was impossible to remake the collection (its development began at least six months before the events), the Balenciaga team put T-shirts in the colors of the Ukrainian flag on the chairs of the guests, and at the beginning of the show they included a poem by Ukrainian poet Oleksandr Oles "Live, Ukraine, live for beauty." After that, models appeared under a glass dome imitating a snow globe, who made their way through a blizzard in black clothes and with bag-bags in their hands. nine0005
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton show for the first time in a long time took place not on the last day of Paris Fashion Week and not in the Louvre. The location was the Musee d'Orsay, located in the former building of the railway station of the same name on the banks of the Seine. The first on the impromptu catwalk was Jung Ho Young, who has repeatedly participated in the Louis Vuitton show as a model, but now acts as an ambassador: the French fashion house announced a collaboration with the girl immediately after her debut in the Squid Game series. She wore a voluminous leather jacket, wide striped trousers, a white shirt and a flowery tie - the perfect image of an 80s student. Nicolas Ghesquière, who never ceases to work at the intersection of the past and the future, in the new collection refers to the "inconstancy and variability of young age", expressing this idea not only in silhouettes, but also in prints. The pictures of the girls and boys that appeared on jacquard T-shirts closer to the finale belong to photographer David Sims. nine0005
Virginie Viard decided to pay tribute to the tweed that Chanel has historically established. In the 1920s, Gabrielle Chanel spied a hunting and fishing jacket in the wardrobe of her lover, the Duke of Westminster, and then made a women's tweed jacket in her likeness. However, in the new collection, not only jackets were made of tweed, but almost everything else: dresses, cardigans, skirts and jockey trousers tucked into wide, like fishing boots. Probably in the same Viard walked along the river Tweed (Tweed) in Scotland in search of inspiration, as Chanel once did. The founder of the fashion house collected ferns and bouquets of flowers, and then took them to local craftsmen with a request to repeat the color scheme in clothes. nine0005
A show in silence and sanctions: how Fashion Week is going on against the backdrop of the situation in Ukraine.
Tags: fashion collections , brands
13th week of pregnancy what happens to the fetus
The first trimester, which was troublesome for the mother, is over, early toxicosis is over, the psychological background is gradually improving. The 13th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the second trimester.
There is still a lot of time before the birth of a child, which means that a woman can fully enjoy her condition and calmly watch how the baby grows and develops in her. This is the time for new experiences and sensations.
Fetal development at 13 weeks
The beginning of the second trimester is the active growth of the baby. By this period, the length of his body is 7 cm, and the child already weighs 25-28 g. This is already an almost full-fledged tiny man, whose body parts acquire proportionality. His head is not so big, because the active growth of the rest of the body begins.
Interesting! The eyes of the child are located closer to each other, and the facial features acquire individuality. Although at this stage of pregnancy it will not be possible to understand who your child looks like. nine0005
Changes that occur with the fetus:
- The heart works at a rate of 140 0 170 beats per minute and is able to distill 23 liters of blood.
- A system of 20 milk teeth has been formed, which are still in the gums. Mom needs to be more careful about her diet and introduce more calcium-containing foods into it.
- This is the time for the active development of the digestive system. The pancreas begins to produce insulin, and the gallbladder - bile. Villi appear in the intestines to process food. nine0090
- The skeletal system is strengthened.
- Vocal cords are forming.
- The first signs of ear development appear.
- On the 13th week, nature makes its own adjustments to the appearance of the sexual characteristics of the unborn child. During this period, the prostate gland develops in boys, and the ovaries in girls, and there is a laying for the penis or female genitalia.
- The baby's skin is still thin and has a red tint due to translucent blood vessels.
- Muscles are developing, the neck is no longer so tightly pressed to the head. Mimicry is also supplemented - the child learns to make sucking movements.
At the 13th week of pregnancy, the development of the baby does not bypass the emotional sphere. He can listen to external sounds, moves less erratically, perceives smells and even tastes better. During the time that a woman is carrying a child, he gets used to a certain diet, as he is sensitive to the taste of amniotic fluid. Therefore, it is not recommended for a mother to change her eating habits after childbirth.
The child is not yet moving so actively to let the mother feel it. Some women often confuse the movements of the fetus with the processes occurring in the intestines. But now the baby begins to grimace more strongly. nine0005
Important! During this period, the mother can actively communicate with her child - talk, sing songs, tell stories. Her voice soothes the little man.
Mom's well-being at 13 weeks
The second trimester is the best period of pregnancy. The birth is still far away, the hormones have finally fulfilled their function and calmed down, the toxicosis has receded. The growing uterus is already changing the contours of the waist, but so far the woman herself sees this to a greater extent, unless, of course, she has a multiple pregnancy. nine0005
Since the uterus rises into the abdominal cavity, the pressure on the intestines increases, which means that constipation, flatulence, shortness of breath, and heartburn are more common. A woman's weight increases, so a feeling of heaviness and fatigue may appear, especially at the end of the day. The back may ache a little and pull the lower abdomen, but this is due to the growing uterus.
Important! There should be no suspicious vaginal discharge and severe pain. If such symptoms bother a woman, she should immediately consult a doctor. nine0005
If the pregnancy is properly managed, the first planned ultrasound should have already been completed by this time. If you haven't done it yet, now is the time to fix it. This examination helps to clarify the number of fetuses, to exclude developmental anomalies.