Preparation for baby delivery
Preparing for Baby: 21 Things to Do Before Birth
Are you wondering how to prepare for a baby? If you’re an expectant parent, this question might be on your mind day and night! But preparing for a baby isn’t just about getting your home in order—it also means preparing for labor and making a list of fun things to do before having a baby, which can support the end of your pregnancy journey. Read on for our top recommendations of what to do before your little one arrives!
How to Prepare for Labor
When you’re preparing for your baby, much of your timeline and many tasks will focus on getting ready for labor and birth. Check out our master list so that you know how to prepare for birth.
1. Take a Childbirth Class
Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, it’s a good idea to take a childbirth class. Taking a class can support you with preparing for labor physically and emotionally—learn about breathing techniques, pain relief strategies, and how your body prepares for labor with practice contractions, known as Braxton Hicks.
Further, childbirth classes can help you understand what to anticipate in labor, how your healthcare provider will support you, and what happens after delivery, so take advantage of this resource!
2. Create a Birth Plan
For some, crafting a birth plan is essential to preparing for labor. Though childbirth can be unpredictable, and you may need to deviate from the plan, it helps to have a written record of your preferences and best to provide a copy to your partner, family, and healthcare provider. You’ll thank yourself later when everyone’s on the same page while you’re amid labor!
3. Pack Your Hospital BagAlthough this is a relatively easy task, don’t put it off until the last minute! Only 5 percent of babies are actually born on their due date, so packing your hospital bag in advance may very well save the day! We have a handy hospital bag checklist you can use to make sure you don’t forget the essentials.
4. Talk With Your Birthing PartnerA birthing partner (or labor coach) might be your partner, but a parent, sibling, or friend could also take on this role. Not everyone chooses to have a birthing partner, but if you do, it helps to make sure you’re in sync and supported while preparing for labor and during labor.
It's likely that you’ve been paying attention to what you eat and following a healthy pregnancy diet. If not, now’s the time to start! Eating well helps keep you and your little one healthy, promotes steady growth, and supplies the energy you need for childbirth and motherhood—so it’s a crucial component of how to prepare for a baby.
6. Try to Get Daily ExerciseIn addition to eating well, exercising every day can help your body prepare for labor. Exercising while pregnant can help strengthen the muscles that you’ll use when giving birth. Experts recommended about 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
7. Practice Relaxation TechniquesIf you're taking a childbirth education class, you’ll likely learn several relaxation techniques that can help in preparing for labor. Prenatal yoga, meditation, and deep breathing have been known to reduce labor pains and can help you minimize those common anxieties and worries about giving birth and the big changes that lie ahead.
Once your new addition arrives, you may want to send out birth announcements. Whether you plan to post on social media or send out a card, you can prepare the basic announcement ahead of time and add details like time and date of birth and your baby’s name after delivery.
How to Prepare for a BabyThe next step in the process is preparing your home. What to prepare for your baby and how to get ready for their arrival can include numerous tasks. These can range from stocking up on baby essentials to getting some chores done in advance (like shopping for household staples or preparing and freezing meals), so you can focus on baby care and rest.
9. Get All Those Baby EssentialsHow to prepare for your baby’s arrival also includes assembling those newborn baby essentials! Many parents wonder what to bring their baby home in and what that first week will be like with a newborn. These are very common questions, and gathering equipment and items like a car seat, diapers, baby clothes, and feeding supplies will help you feel prepared and put your mind at ease.
Getting ready for a baby can include preparing for those first few weeks as new parents when you’d rather not worry about shopping and cooking. One helpful strategy is making and freezing some meals for you and your family. Having a few options that you can simply stick in the oven or microwave can make a world of difference.
11. Stock Up on NecessitiesAs you plan ahead for those first few weeks, do a quick inventory of your household essentials and stock up where needed. Eliminate last-minute trips to the store by purchasing extras of necessities like toilet paper, medication, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.
12. Prepare SiblingsBringing a tiny newborn home from the hospital means a big change for everyone in the family. If you have other children, they might also need a little preparation. Introducing your newborn to their siblings is a special moment that you’ll likely cherish forever. To help your older children adjust, doing some prep—such as setting up the baby’s room and moving older kids to other rooms in plenty of time or letting siblings visit the baby in the hospital—can go a long way.
It’s not just the older siblings that need help preparing for a baby—your furry family members will also need to adjust! Things like putting up gates to keep dogs and cats out of certain rooms and slowly introducing your pets to your new arrival with gentle interactions will help those first weeks at home with a newborn go more smoothly.
14. Babyproof Your HomeYou might be wondering when to start preparing for your baby’s arrival—and when that preparation ends. When it comes to babyproofing your home, the process doesn't really end! It’s best to start babyproofing early when you have the energy and can move around easily (in other words, before that baby bump of yours gets too big). But as your baby grows and starts to crawl and walk, more babyproofing is needed. Get a start now and prepare for what you’ll need to do in the future.
One of the more important tasks is choosing your baby’s healthcare provider. You’ll want to choose one in plenty of time so that you’re not scrambling at the last minute. Your baby’s first official appointment will be a few days after birth, and the provider will have advice to share and answer any questions. You’ll continue to see them through the first weeks and months of your little one’s life, such as your baby’s 1-month health check.
Fun Things to Do Before the Baby ArrivesThere’s a lot that goes into preparing for a newborn, and it begins way before labor and your baby’s arrival. It's a good idea to work in some fun things to do before your baby arrives! Enjoying yourself toward the end of your pregnancy journey can help you feel refreshed and ready to welcome your little one into their new world.
Going on a babymoon has become more popular than ever before, and why not take this opportunity to travel before giving birth? Think of it as one last hurrah before your little one arrives. Of course, consult your healthcare provider about when it’s OK to travel and whether traveling while pregnant is right for you.
17. Pamper YourselfAll those pregnancy aches and pains can take a toll on your body, and it’s important to care for yourself. A pregnancy massage, pedicure, relaxing bath, or even a nap are great ways to pamper yourself. Consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns.
18. Decorate the NurseryCheck out some nursery themes and, after settling on something you like, start decorating! Preparing the nursery might satisfy the urge to nest during pregnancy. Nesting is a fairly common phenomenon that can keep you occupied and distracted if you feel nervous.
19. Find Your Parenting CommunityPerhaps your friend group already consists of a bunch of parents, but if not, you may want to find a parenting group that you can lean on as you navigate those first weeks (and years)! You can find these communities online or in your town or city.
One thing you might want to do before your baby arrives is a date night with your partner. Your lives are about to get busy, and you may enjoy time alone, whether that means going to your favorite restaurant or staying in for a cozy night at home.
21. Attend Your Baby ShowerIf you’re feeling overwhelmed with preparing for your baby’s impending arrival, remember that you don’t have to plan the baby shower and can simply enjoy being the guest of honor! Even if you help with the guest list or choose the venue, a close friend, family member, or loved one will do the bulk of the planning. Just relax and have fun.
Getting Ready for Baby: Checklist“I’m having a baby—what do I need to do?!” No worries—we’ve got you covered with this checklist detailing what to do before your baby is born. You can download the checklist and view it below!
The Bottom LineIf you’re wondering how to prepare for a baby, we hope our list helps you wrap your head around this task! Feel free to download our checklist above, giving you an organized look at things to do before your baby arrives. And as you begin to get all those essentials in order, don’t forget to sign up for the Pampers Club app. You’ll earn rewards for any diapers and wipes purchases, which you definitely deserve!
Preparing for Baby: 10 Things to Do Before You Give Birth
Whether you are expecting your first child or your fourth, giving birth can be a roller coaster of emotions. Having a new baby can be pure bliss, but it can also be equally exhausting and overwhelming. Particularly during the newborn phase, you may find once routine tasks difficult due to either lack of time, lack of energy or both.
To help you prepare for baby, here are 10 things to do before you give birth that will help you savor those precious, fleeting newborn moments.
1. Prepare All the Baby GearBefore the baby arrives you should have certain things purchased, assembled, and tested to make sure they work and you know how to use them. We’re firm believers in the less is more philosophy when it comes to baby gear. The most important essentials are a properly-installed car seat and a safe place for baby to sleep such as a bassinet or crib. If you plan to use other items like an infant swing or changing tables, you’ll want to assemble those as well. Some things you will not use until the baby is bigger such as an exersaucer, but if you have the storage space you may want to assemble everything you can while you have time.
This does not have to be seen as a huge chore as many people find decorating and furnishing a nursery enjoyable. Some women have “nesting” urges while pregnant, and this is the perfect place to funnel that energy. Having a completed nursery, plenty of seasonally appropriate clothes, diapers and wipes will give you peace of mind.
2. Make and Freeze MealsIn the weeks leading up to your due date, consider premaking and freezing meals so you are not scrambling for things to eat or relying on less healthy packaged and take-out options. Sometimes friends and family will offer to bring meals to meet the baby, but you can’t always rely on that.
There are plenty of recipes out there that are easy to make and can be frozen and reheated. An easy way to stock your freezer is by doubling the recipe for something you are already making for dinner. Enjoy half that night and freeze the other half for later.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in caring for a newborn, but it’s important for parents to take care of themselves and eating a balanced, healthy diet is a big part of that.
3. Stock Up on Household EssentialsThe last thing you need when caring for your new baby on little sleep is to run out of toilet paper. Before the baby comes, stockpile things like toilet paper, paper towels, safe cleaning products, and personal care products that you use regularly such as shampoo and soap. If buying in bulk isn’t your thing, use technology to your advantage and automate as many things as you can through subscription services like Amazon’s Subscribe & Save. You can save by setting up regularly scheduled deliveries from monthly to every six months. And don’t worry, you can modify or cancel your delivery schedule at any time.
Another thing that may not be essential for everyone, but absolutely essential for many is making sure things are in order for your pet to be properly cared for after the baby comes.
You can make sure your pet is cared for by stocking up on food, treats, toys, and any medications they may be on like monthly flea and tick prevention. Also, arrange for someone to stay with them or take them to be boarded while you are in the hospital if necessary.
If you are worried they will suffer from lack of attention, you can ask friends and family who are offering to help to come play, walk them, or simply give them some time and attention.
If you think your pet might have problems adjusting to the new dynamic and are worried about them developing behavioral issues, you can work with a pet care professional like your vet or a trainer to come up with a plan for everyone to safely coexist.
If you or someone in the family takes certain medications regularly, or know you will need them in the future, make sure to get prescriptions filled shortly before the baby comes so you’ll have them on hand. Take inventory of your medicine cabinet and stock up on over the counter medications and first-aid essentials your family may need.
6. Make Sure You are Up to Date on Preventative CareLeading up to the birth of your baby, it may seem like all of your healthcare has been pregnancy oriented. However, before the baby is born, you should take care of other routine healthcare tasks. Go to the dentist and the optometrist for preventative care. If you need dental work or new glasses or contacts, take the time to get these things done while you do not have to worry about bringing a newborn along.
7. Get a Jump Start on Baby ProofingThis won’t be needed until the baby is older and mobile, but getting ideas and making lists of things you need to do can’t hurt. Also, many parents say that it is worth beginning to babyproof early if you can swing it. Your baby could be mobile and trying to get into everything in the blink of an eye. Here’s a helpful checklist for babyproofing the house so you do not forget anything.
We also recommend taking some time to review recommendations from The National Safety Council about important safety measures to protect your child.
8. Take Some Time for YourselfThe time before you have your baby is valuable for more than checking logistical things off a list. Taking time out for yourself, both alone and with your partner, is important. You’ll love your new baby in an all-consuming way, but you might still miss having alone time or a quiet moment with your partner. Take the opportunity to enjoy the things you love before the baby comes.
Some people go on vacations, or “babymoons,” before their babies are born. If you have the means, time, and energy for this type of vacation, then go for it! It will probably be the last time you’ll be able to have a child-free getaway for a while. Be sure to plan it during a time in your pregnancy when it is safe to travel.
If you can’t swing a full-fledged vacation, don’t sweat it. Weekend staycations in your town or even just planning downtime to stay home are great ways to take time for yourself and with your partner.
9. Get Ready for the Hospital or Birthing CenterAs the due date approaches, you should prepare for your stay in the hospital. This includes knowing the best routes to the hospital and packing suitcases to have on hand in case you need to leave in a hurry. Here is a helpful list of suggestions for what to pack in the hospital bag. Again, remember less is more. Most of the essentials will be provided for you at the hospital.
10. Plan Birth AnnouncementsNewborn photographers can book well in advance so if there is a particular one you’d like to work with, contact them now.
If you are going to send birth announcements in the mail, go ahead and select the design ahead of time. You can finalize the birth details later. Most services have an option to sync your address book so you never have to address or stamp an envelope. You can even opt for digital birth announcements or forgo a formal birth announcement altogether. The choice is up to you, but we suggest deciding ahead of time.
At Kernodle OB/GYN, we know that preparing for a baby can be both exciting and overwhelming. We want to make your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. So, while you take care of these tasks, we’ll be here to take care of you. If you would like to schedule an appointment, contact us at (336) 538-2367 or schedule online.
Preparing for childbirth - useful tips | Blog
The birth of a child is an exciting event that has a significant impact on the lives of parents. After the birth of a child, habits, daily routine, home environment and life change. And for the appearance of the baby, both future parents need to prepare. That's right - both. And we will talk about this in order in the article.
- Let's start with what future parents need to know about childbirth?
- Birth plan
- Psychological preparation for the birth of a baby
- Physical training of pregnant women for childbirth
Let's start with what future parents need to know about childbirth?
Once you find out you're pregnant, do you think about what you need to know about childbirth? This question is especially asked by women who are expecting their first birth.
The main thing to remember is that childbirth is a physiological natural process that can proceed painlessly, in comfort and peace. No need to transfer the experience of your mother, grandmother or girlfriends to yourself - this is their experience, not yours.
A positive attitude towards natural childbirth is already a huge success in the birth of a healthy child.
Labor can begin with training contractions. Starting from the 32nd week of pregnancy, the uterus contracts 10-12 times a day, but there is no pain. Why is this happening? Everything is simple. The uterus is a muscular organ that must perform training exercises before a serious competition. The cervix does not open during training contractions, and only real labor can open it.
Childbirth has 3 periods:
- first period - contractions;
- second period - attempts;
- third period - afterbirth or birth of the placenta (afterbirth).
The duration of labor can vary from woman to woman. Moreover - even for one woman, if she gave birth to more than one child - the duration of labor is different. In a first-born woman, childbirth can last 12-14 hours, and with repeated births - 6-8 hours. Therefore, do not worry, but it is better for both future parents to be patient and trust the doctor who will conduct your birth.
There are 2 options for the onset of labor:
- discharge of amniotic fluid,
- or the appearance of contractions (contractions).
If your waters break , tell your doctor right away and call the maternity hospital, and come to the maternity hospital within 2 hours.
If your contractions start every 7-10 minutes is also a wake-up call that you already need to go to the hospital, because you are starting the first stage of labor.
You can assume any position during contractions. And you not only can, but you must! Focus on your feelings.
Don't forget about breathing during childbirth. It is special - "abdominal". In order to learn how to breathe like this, you should practice in advance. Put your palm on your stomach and inhale through your nose so that your stomach rises with your palm, and you need to exhale air through your mouth, lips folded into a tube. This is necessary in order to increase the resistance to exhaled air.
And it is important to remember that the tandem of the patient and the doctor in childbirth is the key to success. The period of attempts is especially important. Follow in turn what the doctor tells you and your attempt will be as effective as possible.
Birth preparation plan
Birth preparation should start early and should include:
- psychological preparation for both future parents;
- mother's physical training;
- organizational issues of childbirth.
And above all, we recommend that you draw up a plan for preparing for childbirth, according to which you will act in the future.
We have put together some useful items for you to include in your birth plan.
- Training. First of all, you need to remember about the need to attend classes for future parents.
Lelek, for example, operates School of Responsible Parenthood , where lectures for pregnant women, classes on preparation for childbirth, breastfeeding, newborn care, etc. are held.
The courses tell about how labor begins, when you need to go to the hospital, what positions in the pushing period, and which one to choose, what is the role of a partner in childbirth and what he needs to do, breathing during childbirth and much more. - Choosing a maternity hospital. This issue should be approached as carefully as possible and take into account the most important points for you: the level of medical care, the qualifications of medical personnel, technical equipment, the level of comfort for future parents.
To make it easier for future parents to get to know the maternity hospital and its staff, learn about its level, and also get answers to their questions - Leleka Maternity Hospital holds Open Days for childbirth . - Doctor's choice. For some pregnant women, making an appointment with a doctor or midwife can help them feel more confident and relaxed.
If you plan to choose a doctor for childbirth, then do it in advance. Then you can consult with your doctor in the last weeks of pregnancy. This will allow the doctor to monitor your condition until the onset of childbirth and be constantly in touch with you. - Birth planning .
If you have chosen a doctor, it is advisable to discuss the birth plan with him.
- In order for you to have a step-by-step understanding of what will happen, prepare in advance a list of questions that you want to ask the doctor. Questions can be very different: how are contractions, attempts, how to breathe and push properly. It is especially important to discuss the period of attempts.
The partner birth scenario should also be discussed and selected. Some women are more comfortable giving birth in the presence of a person they trust, who can be taken into a partner birth. It can be a husband, mother, sister, girlfriend. We at Leleka support partner births, because we know for sure that the presence of a loved one at such an important moment in a woman's life is a great support.
If you have answers to all questions, you will definitely be calm and set for a physiological, easy birth. - Pack things for the maternity hospital. Of course, you need to take a minimum to the Leleka Maternity Hospital and this:
- pregnancy exchange card and documents;
- fluorographic examination of the future partner of childbirth;
- baby clothes;
- mum's clothes for discharge.
But if you will give birth in another maternity hospital, find out in advance what you need to take with you and fold your bag.
Enema is not required. But if by the time of the onset of labor you have a 2-3 day absence of bowel movements, then in this case an enema is indicated. In Leleka, you can ask the staff about it yourself.
When everything is collected, you have discussed everything with the doctor, you can safely go with the future dad to the most long-awaited meeting - the birth of your child!
Psychological preparation for the birth of a baby
When we talk about psychological preparation for childbirth, we mean not only the moment the baby is born in the maternity hospital. It's only a few days in a parent's life. And we are talking about the appearance of another family member, which significantly affects the life of parents in general, their habits, daily routine, life, etc.
It must be remembered that a man is a person who helps a woman to realize herself as a mother, satisfies the needs of the family and is support. Of course, he also has his own needs. Therefore, the couple needs to negotiate, talk about needs, and not forget about romance.
In addition, the husband and wife should have a common time, which they will spend only together. Without an element of romance, there will be no such mutual understanding.
If the family does not get along before the baby is born, then it will be more difficult to do it later. A couple should be united when they have a baby.
Children inspire to move on and develop. They can force self-organization, build boundaries, find help. Often Ukrainian women want to be strong, so they don't talk about their weaknesses. It is worse when they bring themselves to such a state when apathy sets in, depression that prevents them from finding their needs.
Therefore, the psychological preparation of both future parents is of incredible importance. To do this, you should:
- conduct individual conversations and lectures with your doctor, clinic psychologist;
- attend group classes in special gymnastics;
- should only be read and listened to verified information from highly qualified doctors.
At Leleka, we made every effort to ensure that future parents receive all the necessary preparation before the birth of a baby.
Throughout their pregnancy, women who monitor their pregnancy at Leleka have the opportunity to:
- attend classes for pregnant women and young parents with their husband;
- get ready for childbirth together;
- talk to a psychologist;
- attend exercise therapy or massage for pregnant women, etc.
Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth is also carried out, aimed at eliminating negative emotions and forming positive conditioned reflex connections in a woman:
- removal of fear of childbirth and labor pains in a pregnant woman,
- engaging her in active participation in the birth act.
Physical training of pregnant women for childbirth
Do not forget about physical training.
In today's world, pregnancy doesn't have to limit you. Continue to engage in physical activity that you did before, unless your doctor has decided that it is contraindicated for you.
If you want to take up a new sport while you are already pregnant, you should choose swimming pool, Pilates or yoga. In these sports, breathing exercises are of great importance, which will later come in handy in childbirth.
Also, don't forget that outdoor walking is also part of the sport. However, walks should be done in such a way that you feel comfortable and that they add strength, and not vice versa.
We hope you find our advice on preparing for childbirth helpful.
We wish all future mothers an easy delivery and the birth of healthy babies. And we will gladly help you with this.
Childbirth from preparation to the postpartum period
Preparation for childbirth
Of course, childbirth is a natural process, but preparation for this important crucial moment is necessary. Proper preparation for childbirth will prevent physical and emotional stress, reduce the likelihood of complications, and speed up the process of mom's recovery after childbirth.
What should this training include, what should it be directed towards?
Knowledge. What scares us the most is the unknown. Studying the theoretical foundations of childbirth, a detailed explanation of what will happen and how, medical answers to questions will help get rid of this fear. Such classes should be conducted by an obstetrician-gynecologist, to whom you can ask any questions, share anxieties, and find out disturbing moments.
Psychological preparation. Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth is carried out starting from the first visit of a pregnant woman to a antenatal clinic. However, special classes are carried out from the 30-week period every 10 days - a total of 5 classes. The main task that is solved during psychoprophylactic preparation is to remove the feeling of fear during childbirth, which lowers the threshold of pain sensitivity.
School of fathers. Not only mom, but dad also needs preparation - dad will need both baby care skills, and massage techniques that he can help by being present during childbirth, and conversations with a psychologist.
Skills. This includes relaxation exercises between contractions, breathing exercises, which will later reduce pain during childbirth, and facilitate attempts. Massage and self-massage techniques will allow you to help yourself in the initial period of childbirth.
In addition to labor pain relief, classes teach pregnant women the correct behavior during childbirth (following all the instructions of medical personnel, the ability to push, understanding the need for a doctor to examine the birth canal after childbirth, etc.). This contributes to the normal course and prevention of complications of the birth act. Sanitary and hygienic training, which is part of the complex of physioprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth, includes issues of lifestyle, work and rest, rational nutrition, personal hygiene and the use of natural factors that have a beneficial effect on the body.
In addition, it will be useful for the expectant mother to learn the skills of caring for a newborn child, to learn the secrets of breastfeeding.
Gymnastics. Physical preparation for childbirth begins early and continues throughout pregnancy. Exercises and complexes that are available and useful for pregnant women are in Pilates, callanetics, yoga, and aqua aerobics. By combining them, an experienced exercise therapy instructor gets an excellent system that helps improve mood and well-being, cope with back and joint pain, optimize metabolism, prepare the body for childbirth and restore shape after childbirth.
Morning exercises can be done by all healthy women, but during pregnancy it is necessary to exclude jumping, running, lifting weights. Classes should be feasible, aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and perineum, not cause overstrain, overwork.
The best option for conducting effective physical education classes is teaching a pregnant woman a set of exercises by a methodologist or a specially trained midwife in a antenatal clinic. To check the correctness of the exercises, it is necessary to contact the methodologist in the antenatal clinic once every 2-3 weeks.
Air baths and hydroprocedures (showers, wet rubdowns), which are elements of physical culture, are very useful. Systematic physical education during pregnancy contributes to a more favorable course of childbirth, a decrease in perineal tears and a significant reduction in complications in the postpartum period.
Biofeedback method. We will take it out as a separate paragraph, because it is unusual and not known to everyone. This is a non-drug, painless and safe method of teaching the mechanisms of self-regulation of any organs and systems, which allows you to consciously use the huge functionality of the body. The method works great in preparation for childbirth, helping to cope with fears and psycho-emotional stress, master proper breathing, learn to voluntarily relax muscles and reduce pain.
How does childbirth go
Almost every woman is afraid of giving birth for the first time. It is difficult for her to imagine how it will be, what will actually happen. She does not know how doctors will and should behave, will they do everything right? It is these questions that torment a woman towards the end of pregnancy before the upcoming birth.
The very first piece of advice that can be given to a future mother is to attend a maternity school, which is located at the antenatal clinic, or choose a private school. It is there that they will explain how childbirth goes, how many hours it lasts, what you need to be afraid of and how to behave. If the expectant mother did not think about this school at one time, then this article will be especially useful to her.
Harbingers of the first birth
Before the imminent birth, a woman should pay special attention to her condition: notice when her stomach hurts, how much back pain intensifies, this will help her understand that childbirth is very soon. Perhaps the woman decides to go to the maternity hospital in advance in order to be in the safe hands of doctors from the very beginning.
Many people are skeptical about this and do not want to spend time in the hospital, but this is not as bad as it seems. Mom will be calmer if the child's life is under the control of doctors, especially if there are any indications for premature hospitalization.
Condition before childbirth
- It became difficult to walk, lower back pain
- Insomnia
- Loose stool possible
- Fetus less mobile
- Poor appetite
- Often there are false contractions - painful, but not regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus
- Mucus plug comes off one or two days before delivery. She looks like gooey and thick slime
How long does childbirth last for the first time
Even before the start of childbirth, a primiparous woman needs to tune in to the fact that the first childbirth lasts from ten to twelve hours. If you are giving birth for the first time, then childbirth will last an average of 8-18 hours. Repeated births last less, approximately 5-6 hours. Therefore, it will be necessary to be patient and tune in to long-term contractions. Childbirth is generally divided into three phases.
The first is contractions and dilatation of the cervix. It is the longest.
The second is the expulsion of the fetus.
The third is the birth of the afterbirth.
First phase
The contractions of a woman who gives birth for the first time are strong and long. They usually start with abdominal pain or severe back pain. At first they last for a few seconds, the break is up to 30 minutes. They are painful after a certain period of time. As a result, contractions and pain intensify, and the pause between them is reduced. There is a break between contractions, at which time the muscles of the uterus rest, which means they gain strength.
During the cervical dilation period, the midwife or doctor will observe the intensity of contractions, the nature of cervical dilatation, the degree of advancement of the baby's head in the pelvic tunnel, the baby's condition. Once your uterus has fully opened, you will be transferred to the delivery room, where a new phase of labor will begin, during which your baby will be born. By this time, that is, at the height of labor activity, contractions are repeated every 5-7 minutes and last 40-60 seconds.
Naturally, contractions cannot be stopped, this is a natural process in which the cervix opens. How to endure painful contractions?
- Before giving birth, you need to learn special breathing, which relieves pain during contractions. You need to learn either at school or on your own using video lessons.
- During a contraction, it is necessary to rub the lower back or lightly tap on it, this will distract from the pain.
- You can wash your face with cool water to keep your strength and not fall apart, as strength will be needed during childbirth.
When the cervix dilates twelve centimeters, the second phase of labor will begin.
Second phase
During the second stage of labor, your baby is born. It is much shorter than the first one: 20-25 minutes for the first birth and a little less for subsequent ones.
After the cervix has opened completely, then under the weight of the amniotic fluid, the fetal bladder should burst, this is the discharge of water from the woman. But still, this is not a rule, since the body of all women is different. It happens that the water breaks during contractions. And for some women, the water does not go away on its own and, for one reason or another, they pierce the fetal bladder with the help of medical instruments. You should not be afraid of this, as it is completely painless and will not bring any harm to the child.
As a result of contraction of the uterus and simultaneous contraction of the muscles of the thighs, the abdominal wall, attempts begin. That is, the child begins to move along the birth canal. During this period, attempts are added to contractions - contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. The main difference between attempts and contractions is that these are arbitrary contractions, that is, they depend on your will: you can delay or intensify them.
With each contraction, the baby's head appears more and more, and at some point you will be asked not to push, but to breathe quickly and shallowly, since one extra attempt now can sharply push the baby's head out and cause a rupture of the perineum. After the head comes out, the midwife releases the baby's shoulders one by one, and the rest of the body comes out without difficulty.
- Listen to what the doctor says and follow his commands.
- You can't get lost, you need to focus on childbirth, because you have to work hard.
- It is necessary to think only about the good. The fact that the baby will be born soon, so thoughts of pain need to be driven away.
- Sometimes labor activity weakens or is not intense enough from the very beginning, it is very dangerous for the baby, so if the doctor suggests stimulant medications, you must agree.
After the baby is born, the umbilical cord will be cut, washed, weighed and height measured. For a woman, the birth of a child is not the end of childbirth, so there is still a third stage.
Third phase
After the birth of a child, the woman must deliver the placenta. This period in primiparas from repetitives differs in time. In primiparas, the placenta departs ten or twenty minutes after the baby, and in multiparous, after half an hour at most. When, after the expiration of time, the birth of the placenta does not occur, the doctor performs an operation - manual separation of the placenta.
- Need to relax mentally and rest.
- Tell the doctor if there is severe pain anywhere.
- After giving birth, be sure to hold ice on the stomach as directed by doctors, this will help contract the uterus and stop bleeding.
After that, the mother and child will be transferred to a ward where they will be observed for several days. If all goes well, the newborn and mother will go home on the fifth day. The main thing is not to be afraid and pull yourself together, because a lot depends on the mood of the mother. Childbirth is a natural process that any woman can endure.
Postnatal Department
After delivery, our patients are placed in the Postpartum Obstetric Physiological Department.
A newborn in our maternity hospital stays with the mother in the postnatal ward. Pediatric neonatologists and nurses explain and help young mothers learn the rules of caring for a newborn.
The department has single rooms with improved conditions of stay, as well as "Lux" rooms, consisting of two rooms, one of which is a mother with a child, the other is for guests.0003
Every day, mothers receive training in newborn care, postpartum hygiene, and if necessary, qualified psychological and legal assistance can be provided.
Vaccination is carried out only with written consent and in the presence of the mother. Children are vaccinated against hepatitis "B" (in the first 24 hours of a child's life) and tuberculosis (weakened BCG-M vaccine on the 3rd day of life).
Before discharge, all women undergo uterine ultrasound and a clinical blood test. Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, recommendations are given on possible methods of contraception, taking into account the nature of concomitant extragenital diseases and the method of delivery.
With a favorable postpartum period for the puerperal and early adaptation period for the newborn, discharge home occurs on the 3rd day after birth, on the 5th day after the caesarean section.
All children are examined according to the program during the 1st month in the pediatric center. In the maternity hospital, there is the possibility of observing the child according to various programs in the pediatric center.
The department employs experienced, caring staff who help women easily adapt to her new condition and facilitate the care of a newborn.
The staff of the postpartum department is a team of like-minded people, in which the exceptional friendliness, respectful attitude of employees create a particularly warm atmosphere.
Our maternity hospital has a program of "support and encouragement of breastfeeding", "technologies" of proper feeding, information is provided on the benefits of natural breastfeeding. The child is applied to the mother's breast immediately after birth, directly in the delivery room.
A mother's milk is ideal for her baby. It contains a large amount of immunoglobulins that protect the child from infections and allergies until his own immune system begins to work at full strength.
Our maternity hospital does not provide supplementary feeding. It is prescribed only by a neonatologist if the weight loss of the child is greater than is physiologically accepted, i.e. more than 10% per day.
Milk comes, as a rule, 2-4 days after birth. In the first days after childbirth, to establish and maintain lactation, you need to drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters of fluid per day).
Proper Feeding Technology
- Mouth wide open and lips pulled back.
- The nipple is located deep in the mouth of the newborn, while its tip is in the very depths of the mouth.
- The lips and gums of the child are pressed against the areola.
- The lower lip must be turned inside out. The child should take not only the nipple, but also the areola, more from below than from above.
This technique promotes better emptying of the mammary gland, eliminates injury to the nipples, and also prevents the child from swallowing air.
When breastfeeding, you can eat: meat (lean beef or pork), chicken, turkey, fish (cod or flounder), eggs (2 times a week), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), wholemeal bread, butter or vegetable oils, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits (bananas, green apples).
When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to consume: red vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, red apples, strawberries, etc.), citrus fruits, sweets, sweets, chocolate, seafood, spicy spices, garlic, onions, celery. Alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa.
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