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Healthy Pregnancy Recipes - American Pregnancy Association
During your pregnancy you need to meet your daily nutrition needs plus your baby’s. This is the time you want to enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables are key, but lean proteins and healthy fats are essential too. Fish is a great source of protein, folate, calcium and other important nutrients. We recommend Safe Catch salmon and tuna because every fish is tested for mercury to ensure it’s safe for pregnant moms.
Cooking StyleGluten-Free | GFKeto | KTOKid-Friendly | KFPaleo | PALVegetarian | VEGWhole30 | W30
Tuna and Ants on a Log
(0 votes)
Tuna that is fun, tasty and healthy delights pregnant women. Proteins, the essential omega-3s, aid in the development of babies, pregnant mothers and hungry children.
Chocolate peanut butter “superfood” shake
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This simple milkshake combines the health benefits of Nightfood ice cream with “superfood” properties of chia and cacao, which provide additional fiber, minerals, and antioxidants without any added sugar. The result is a thick and decadent milkshake you can feel good about eating.
Healthier Banana Split
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Banana splits are a classic dessert, but not all support your health. This version includes all the health benefits from Nightfood ice cream combined with healthy fats from shredded coconut and walnuts, antioxidants from fresh berries and dark chocolate, and a touch of natural sweetness from simple homemade date caramel. It’s also loaded with fiber and magnesium which support healthy digestion and stable blood sugar. You won’t be able to resist it!
Brownie Ice Cream Sundae
(0 votes)
Brownies and ice cream are the ultimate indulgence when you’re pregnant (and beyond!). This brownie recipe has hidden fiber and protein from black beans that you wont even notice, but your health and your taste buds will certainly love. Unlike most brownie recipes, this one is also gluten free and is naturally sweetened with maple syrup.
Tuna and Avocado Salad Lettuce Boats
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Tuna salad combined with avocado, almonds, tomatoes is a delicious way for pregnant women to get the protein, essential fats and vitamins they need to support their nutrition needs and their baby’s.
Salmon Poppers that Pop with Holiday Spice
- GF, KTO, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
Delight pregnant moms and their holiday guests with salmon poppers appetizers packed with nutricious holiday flavors like pumpkin, sweet potato and cranberry.
Delicious Apple Harvest Tuna Salad
(0 votes)
Pregnant moms and babies need a delicious meal that’s cool, delicious and packs a nutritious wallup.
Delicious Apple Harvest Tuna Salad
(0 votes)
Pregnant moms and babies need a delicious meal that’s cool, delicious and packs a nutritious wallup.
Easy Tuna Salad is the Easiest for Pregnant Moms
- GF, KTO, KF, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
Protein, essential fats and flavors combine in this tasty tuna salad to delight pregnant moms. Not only easy, this recipe is versatile and is fantastic with cottage cheese, pairing with greens in a rollup taco or like a dip with crackers or celery.
Power Bowls to Energize Pregnant Moms
- GF, KTO, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
The beauty of a clean protein-powdered meal this delicious is that pregnant moms can enjoy nutritious energy anytime of day. Roast the vegetables ahead of time and refrigerate or freeze for later for a fast-make combination.
Salmon Tacos with Avocado
- GF, KF
(0 votes)
The delicious tacos are easy to make and pack tons of healthy protein and essential fats for baby’s brain development and mom’s breast milk. Leftovers are even more delicious in another batch of tacos or a salad.
Yummy Salmon Frittatas Serve Up Protein, Veggies and Lots of Flavor
- GF, KTO, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
Healthy wild salmon, your favorite veggies are an easy, delicious way for mom and baby to get a nutrition-packed meal. Serve warm or cold and pair with avocado slices or greens.
Tasty Avocado Tuna Salad & Zucchini Bruschetta
- GF, KTO, W30
(0 votes)
Pregnant moms need healthy protein and fats. Whether on crostini or zucchini, avocado tuna salad is the perfect pairing of two deliciously better-for-you nutritional sources; tuna for protein and avocado for vegetable-based fats.
Quick and Easy Mediterranean Tuna Salad
- GF, KTO, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
Pregnant moms and their babies need healthy Omega-3s for healthy nervous system development and this Tuna Salad is full of protein, fiber, healthy fats and nutrients from fresh veggies.
Ahi Tuna Stuffed Bell Pepper Bites for Pregnant Moms
- GF, KTO, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
This fresh, clean salad supplies the protein moms and their growing babies need. The combined sweetness of Ahi tuna and bell peppers, countered with the lemon juice and pickles are sure to please anyone seeking a healthier and better tasting quick bite.
Nutritious Salmon Meatballs
- GF, KF, PAL, W30
(0 votes)
Veggie-packed salmon meatballs are a flavorful and easy quick dinner. Serve over riced cauliflower, noodles or a spinach salad.
Due date calculator | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Due date calculator | Pregnancy Birth and BabyUse our calculator to estimate your due date
There is a total of 1 errors on this form, details are below.
- Please select your last menstrual period.
- We can't calculate your due date accurately if the date entered for your last menstrual period is more than 9 months ago or is in the future.
First day of your last menstrual period (LMP):
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Average cycle duration:
This is an estimated date of when your baby is due. Babies rarely keep to an exact timetable, so your full-term pregnancy can be anywhere from 37 and 42 weeks.
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5th week of pregnancy what happens to the fetus
This is a period of rapid growth of the embryo. At the fifth obstetric week, the heart of the crumbs already begins to beat, and organs and tissues are also differentiated.
What happens to the child?
The fetus is not yet quite like a small child. Its weight is only one gram, and its height is 1.5-2 mm. Nevertheless, important changes are taking place in this tiny organism, internal organs are intensively formed.
- The embryo already has the rudiments of limbs and even fingers, the cochlea of the inner ear, eyes and mouth are formed. At this stage, cells begin to form that are responsible for the sex of the child.
- The spine and internal organs such as the liver, intestines, pancreas are intensively formed, the digestive and urinary systems are taking shape.
- The cardiovascular system develops, the first blood vessels appear. By the middle of the fifth week, the tiny heart is beating at about 100 beats per minute. Over time, contractions will reach 180 beats.
- The development of the nervous system begins, tissues of the spine and spinal cord appear.
At this time, the placenta is actively developing - one of the most important and unique organs that exists only during pregnancy. The placenta connects the mother and the unborn child, providing the latter with all the necessary nutrients. Such a close relationship between mother and baby through the placenta is a reason to reconsider your work and nutrition regime, to give up bad habits.
Do not forget that the fifth obstetric week coincides with the third embryonic week, that is, the real age of the baby is two weeks less.
What are the changes in the woman's condition in the fifth week?
A woman's pregnancy will be indicated by the absence of menstruation, as well as new symptoms and sensations.
- Signs such as drowsiness or insomnia, mood swings, fatigue, tearfulness, taste changes, increased sense of smell, if they were before, persist.
- In addition to breast engorgement and increased sensitivity, pigmentation of the nipples and a strip down from the navel may appear.
- At this time, the first signs of toxicosis are likely, so avoid the factors provoking it: strong odors, fatty and too specific food. Add foods rich in vitamin B6 to your diet.
- The urge to urinate is usually more frequent.
- Always watch the nature of your sensations in the lower abdomen.
If the pain is minor and short-lived, then do not worry. If they intensify or are accompanied by spotting, cause you discomfort, contact your doctor immediately.
Do not forget that the absence of the above symptoms is also considered normal, because the size of the baby is still very small.
If, apart from this, nothing bothers you, then most likely the pregnancy is going well.
If any of the above symptoms are present and no menstruation is present, a pregnancy test is negative, it is recommended to repeat the pregnancy test after 3-5 days. Sometimes the cause of a negative test may be a low amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
An ultrasound examination at the fifth week of pregnancy can determine the presence of a gestational sac and how it is attached, see the size of the embryo, evaluate its development and, most importantly, determine the gestational age.
Remember that your body has already begun to change, although it is not visible yet.
Avoid stressful situations, do not overwork. During this period, physical activity is undesirable. Rest more, spend time outdoors and enjoy your position. After all, morale is no less important than physical readiness.
6th week of pregnancy what happens to the fetus
At this time, the size of the fetal egg has increased to 25 mm, and the baby has already grown to 6 mm. Its main organs and systems continue to develop, these are the lungs, and the bone marrow, and the spleen. Significant changes occur with the digestive tract - the esophagus and stomach appear. External manifestations of the genital organs also become noticeable, a little more - and you can find out the sex of the baby. But the most important process of this period is the active formation of the central nervous system, which allows a 6-7-week-old baby to already respond to external influences.
Just now a significant event is happening in the development of a small organism - its tiny heart begins to beat, beating the beat of life at a speed of 140-150 beats per minute, and launching important processes of blood circulation in a tiny little man.
At the sixth week of pregnancy, the ears, nose, eyes begin to form in the crumbs, the rudiments of arms and legs appear.
And what happens to mother?
By the sixth week of pregnancy, most women are already aware of their pregnancy. The absence of menstruation, as well as hormonal changes in the female body, give this confidence more and more confirmations, which will be clearly demonstrated by a positive pregnancy test result and witnessed when visiting a gynecologist and an ultrasound room or donating blood for chorionic gonadotropin.
Need to know!
If you don't get your period and the pregnancy test shows only one line, you need to see a specialist immediately. This state of affairs can indicate both problems in the body and, unfortunately, a problem pregnancy.
The 6th week of pregnancy is characterized by inconstancy of the emotional state, when periods of high spirits are replaced by periods of apathy and fatigue. Some women become passive and tired, while others, on the contrary, become more active and active.
Gastronomic preferences will also change. Someone begins toxicosis, accompanied by headaches, nausea, increased salivation. But in the interests of the future baby, you should carefully monitor your diet and look for opportunities to fully eat. If you do not experience these problems, you need to calculate your diet taking into account the good nutrition that the baby needs, but remember that being overweight will bring discomfort not only to you, but also to the baby, interfering with its full development. In addition, a newly-made expectant mother may be faced with a constant desire to try something “such” and she may become hypersensitive to all kinds of smells and aromas.
The woman's body is also transformed. The breast swells and obviously changes in size, while painful sensations may appear in it, darkening of the nipples is possible. Pulling and aching pains can be felt in the lower abdomen, if this is situational - do not worry, if not, then you should consult a doctor.
Together with the baby, the uterus itself grows in size, which is especially noticeable for your bladder. That is why you need to urinate more often than before.
But with the intestines, on the contrary, constipation may appear, which is caused by changes in the hormonal background of pregnancy. Also, increased gas formation can occur in the intestines, increasing its volume and waist size, which can be mistaken for changes in the size of the abdomen due to an increase in the uterus.
At the same time, a third of women may not experience any discomfort or any new sensations at all. Is it normal? Of course!
Pro ultrasound
If you conduct an ultrasound examination of the fetus at the sixth week of pregnancy, you can find out its size, how it develops, where it is located in the uterus and what its tone is. In addition, ultrasound will provide an opportunity to track the work of the baby's heart.