Pregnancy makes you tired
Tiredness and sleep problems - NHS
Is it normal to feel tired in pregnancy?
It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks.
Hormonal changes at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous and emotional. The only answer is to rest as much as possible.
Make time to sit with your feet up during the day, and accept any offers of help from colleagues and family.
Being tired and run-down can make you feel low. Try to look after your physical health – make sure you eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of rest and sleep.
Later in pregnancy, you may feel tired because of the extra weight you're carrying. Make sure you get plenty of rest.
As your bump gets bigger, it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep. You might find that lying down is uncomfortable or that you need to use the loo a lot.
Feeling tired will not harm you or your baby, but it can make life feel more difficult, especially in the early days before you've told people about your pregnancy.
Strange dreams during pregnancy
You may have strange dreams or nightmares about the baby, and about labour and birth. This is normal.
Talking about them with your partner or midwife can help. Remember, just because you dream something, it does not mean it's going to happen. Relaxation and breathing techniques may be helpful in reducing any anxiety you might be feeling.
Bump-friendly sleep positions
The safest position to go to sleep is on your side, either left or right. Research suggests that, after 28 weeks, falling asleep on your back can double the risk of stillbirth. This may be to do with the flow of blood and oxygen to the baby.
Do not worry if you wake up on your back – the research looked at the position pregnant people fell asleep in, as this is the position we keep for longest. If you wake up on your back, you can just turn over and go to sleep again on your side.
You can try supporting your bump with pillows and putting a pillow between your knees.
The baby charity Tommy's has a video about safer sleeping in pregnancy.
Insomnia remedies in pregnancy
Try not to let it bother you if you cannot sleep, and do not worry that it will harm your baby – it will not. If you can, nap during the day and get some early nights during the week.
Avoid tea, coffee or cola drinks in the evening, as the caffeine can make it harder to go to sleep.
Try to relax before bedtime so you're not wide awake. Relaxation techniques may also help, ask your midwife for advice. Your antenatal classes may teach you some techniques, or you could use a pregnancy relaxion CD or DVD.
You could join an antenatal yoga or pilates class. Make sure the instructor knows you're pregnant. Exercise can help you feel less tired, so try to do some activity, such as a walk at lunchtime or going swimming, even if you feel tired during the day.
If lack of sleep is bothering you, talk to your partner, a friend, doctor or midwife.
Read about preventing insomnia, including daytime habits, such as exercising, and bedtime habits, such as avoiding caffeine.
Medical reasons for insomnia in pregnancy
Occasionally, sleeplessness – when accompanied by other symptoms – can be a sign of depression. If you have any of the other symptoms of depression, such as feeling hopeless and losing interest in the things you used to enjoy, speak to your doctor or midwife. There is treatment that can help.
Read about mental health in pregnancy. has videos and written articles of people talking about their symptoms and feelings in the early weeks of pregnancy, including tiredness.
Video: how can I sleep comfortably with my bump?
In this video, a midwife explains the various ways pregnant mothers can get more comfortable at night.
Media last reviewed: 25 January 2020
Media review due: 25 January 2023
The Most Tired You've Ever Felt
Growing a human is exhausting. It’s as if a magical spell was cast the day your pregnancy test came back positive — except Sleeping Beauty’s fairy didn’t gift you with 100 years of rest and true love’s kiss is what got you into this.
If only you could sleep more…
It’s completely normal for a pregnant woman to feel fatigued, especially during the first and third trimesters.
Somewhere between morning sickness and elastic waistbands, Little Bo-Peep has lost your sheep (she probably sold them to Sleeping Beauty) and there are none left for you to count to sleep.
One of the first signs of pregnancy is fatigue. It smacks you by surprise, like the sliding glass door you assumed to be open.
Beginning as early as conception and implantation, pregnancy hormones instantly affect your body, mood, metabolism, brain, physical appearance, and sleep pattern.
In the second trimester, which begins at week 13, many women get a fresh surge of energy. This is a great time to tackle those important before-baby-arrives chores, because as you enter the third trimester, which begins at week 28, that extreme exhaustion returns.
Simply put, you feel tired because you’re growing a baby.
In addition to hormonal changes, physical and emotional changes also lower your energy levels and make you feel fatigued.
Some of these changes include:
- increased levels of estrogen and progesterone (which, by the way, acts as a natural sedative)
- lower blood pressure and blood sugar
- increased blood flow
- disrupted sleep
- digestion issues
- morning sickness
- stress and anxiety
- frequent urination
- heartburn
- back, hip, and pelvic pain
When to contact your doctor or midwife
If insomnia, restless legs syndrome (the uncontrollable urge to move your legs while resting), sleep apnea (a potentially serious disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts), preeclampsia, or any other condition is hindering your sleep, talk to your doctor or midwife during your next appointment.
Other reasons to contact your doctor or midwife include, if you:
- feel concerned that the pregnancy fatigue is a sign of something more, like anemia, gestational diabetes, or depression
- develop any changes in your vision
- experience dizziness
- urinate less frequently
- have shortness of breath, pain in your upper abdomen, or heart palpitations
- experience severe headaches
- notice a swelling of your hands, ankles, and feet
Your healthcare practitioner can help you uncover any problems and offer additional solutions.
Growing a baby obviously takes a toll on your body. Don’t ignore the signals your body is sending you. Reach out to others if you’re struggling to sleep throughout your pregnancy. Ask for help from your partner.
No matter how tired you get, you should avoid taking any over-the-counter medicines as a sleeping aid.
Most pregnant women should spend at least 8 hours in bed, aiming for at least 7 hours of sleep every night. If possible, try going to sleep a little earlier than usual.
As your body changes, make sleep a priority and follow these tips to combat pregnancy fatigue:
Keep your bedroom dark, clean, and cold
Create the right atmosphere for optimal rest.
In order for your body to reach deep sleep, cover any windows with blackout curtains. Turn off any digital clocks and unplug nightlights illuminating a glow (cover the display with electrical tape if you don’t want to completely turn the device off).
Set the bedroom temperature a little cooler than the rest of your home, for optimal quality of sleep. Eliminate any needless clutter and wash your bedsheets often. Save your bed for sleep, cuddling, and sex.
Take a nap
Napping can make up for any sleep lost at night, due to frequent trips to the bathroom, body aches, and every other pregnancy irritation. Avoid napping in the late afternoon and early evenings.
If your employer frowns upon nap time, find a good spot in the breakroom and put your feet up while you eat lunch.
Eat healthy meals and stay hydrated
In the beginning, pregnancy can also lower your blood pressure and blood sugar, which can make you feel tired. But a lack of sleep can cause your blood sugar levels to rise, increasing the risk for gestational diabetes.
Keep your blood sugar and energy levels balanced by eating often, such as six small meals a day. Frequent meals that are high in nutrients and protein help to combat fatigue.
To avoid nighttime leg cramps, stay hydrated by drinking enough water and fluids throughout the day.
Keep a pregnancy journal or dream diary
Keep a journal throughout your pregnancy. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, try writing in it.
Pregnant women experience more vivid dreams and better dream recall, due to hormonal shifts affecting sleep patterns, increased fatigue, and repeatedly waking in the middle of a sleep cycle.
Sleep diaries can also be enlightening, providing concrete data about your bedtime, how long it takes for you to fall asleep, nighttime awakenings, awake time, and sleep quality.
Avoid caffeine after lunchtime
As far as stimulants go, caffeine may keep you awake long into the night or cause you to wake more frequently. It can also keep your baby active, kicking and rolling around inside your belly as you try to sleep.
Experts recommend pregnant women limit their caffeine intake to two home-brewed cups of coffee, or less than 200 milligrams, per day.
Pamper yourself
Ask for help from family and friends. Take a warm bath. Ask your partner for a massage. Take a break.
Wear soft, non-restrictive clothing and sit in a cozy chair with a good book and read for a little bit. Light a lavender candle. Play soothing instrumental music. Have a cup of warm chamomile tea.
You get it.
The demands of pregnancy together with the weight gained puts an enormous amount of pressure on your body.
In addition to more restful sleep, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states the following benefits of exercise during pregnancy:
- reduced back pain
- eased constipation
- decreased risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and cesarean delivery
- healthier weight gain during pregnancy
- improved overall general fitness
- strengthened heart and blood vessels
- improved ability to lose the baby weight after your baby is born
It can take a few hours for your body to fully wind down after energetic workouts, so plan for any physical activity to take place earlier in the day. If the exercise is light, like yoga, it’s unlikely to interfere with your sleep.
Always check with your medical practitioner or midwife before beginning a new exercise program during pregnancy.
Pregnancy can be a tiring experience — both emotionally and physically. It’s important to remember: You are not alone.
Nearly all women experience more fatigue than usual at some point during their pregnancy. Take it as a message from your body. It’s telling you to rest, and you should definitely listen.
Pregnancy and nursing | Elite Clinic
- Tips for caring for a pregnant woman
- Temperature increase
- Fatigue
- Symptoms requiring medical attention?
- Anemia
- Increased urination, sweating
- Beli
- Spotting
- Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
- Chest
- Scars
- Skin darkening
- Heartburn
- Edema
- Varicose veins
- Convulsions
- Hemorrhoids and constipation
- Back pain
- Physical education
- Safety belt
- Sexual intercourse
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol
Recommendations for the care of a pregnant woman
Despite the fact that pregnancy is a normal state, it tires a woman's body. All organs must adapt to the new state. Metabolism is accelerated, breathing and blood circulation are more efficient, the uterus is enlarged. During pregnancy, the placenta secretes many enzymes and hormones, which, along with the corpus luteum and the lower cerebral appendage, regulate the changes that occur in the body.
At the beginning of pregnancy, body temperature usually rises slightly, but this does not require treatment.
During pregnancy, you should not take any medication on your own initiative, even the most common flu medication. Some medicines harm the fetus. You should always tell your doctor and dentist about your pregnancy in order to take it into account during treatment.
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Pregnancy affects women differently. Some of them feel better than ever before, while others feel very tired both in the first three months and in the last two to three months of pregnancy. A lot here depends on the physique. A large woman is easier to bear the weight of the loads than a small woman, for whom carrying 3-4 kilograms in the uterus is quite a lot of work.
Fatigue should be taken seriously. In the middle of the working day, you should try to rest, or at least sometimes raise your legs up. If fatigue continues for two weeks, you should consult a doctor.
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Symptoms requiring medical examination?
- Constant itching of the skin. This may be a sign of liver dysfunction
- Vomiting and nausea continuing after the fourth month of pregnancy
- Unexpected weight gain is a sign of excessive accumulation of fluid in the body
- Edema of legs and arms
- Low hemoglobin, anemia
- Burning sensation during urination may be a sign of inflammation of the urethra, which requires medical treatment
- Severe headache
- blood comes out of the vagina
- amniotic fluid will begin to leak
- there is a sharp pain in the lower or upper abdomen
In these cases, there is a risk of preterm birth.
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Fatigue can be a sign of anemia. Blood hemoglobin during pregnancy often decreases due to the fact that the amount of blood increases and the blood seems to be diluted. If necessary, the doctor or nurse will recommend iron supplements. Walking in the fresh air and vitamin C (obtained from fruits and vegetables) contribute to the absorption of iron.
Increased urination, sweating
At the beginning of pregnancy and especially before the next menstruation, the expectant mother often feels a vague pressure in the lower abdomen. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels and the acceleration of blood circulation. The need for urination increases especially at the end of pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus presses on the bladder. Fetal push can cause involuntary urination. During pregnancy, sweating also increases, as the entire metabolic process speeds up. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene.
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During pregnancy, the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina usually increases. When they cause itching or have a strong odor, it is necessary to do an analysis, as these leucorrhoea can be a sign of inflammation. Washing is done with clean water without soap and sanitary napkins, which can irritate the mucous membrane. Douching is not recommended as it increases the risk of preterm birth.
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Bloody discharge
During pregnancy, menstruation does not appear because the uterine mucosa, which is released during menstruation, is necessary for the development of pregnancy: a fertilized egg is attached to it. However, in the first two months of pregnancy, small spotting may occur when, in the absence of pregnancy, menstruation should have occurred. In addition, any bloody discharge from the vagina is an alarming sign, when it appears, you must immediately go to the hospital or see a doctor.
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Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
Approximately half of pregnant women suffer from painful nausea in the first half of pregnancy, especially in the morning when the stomach is empty. This may be accompanied by dizziness and darkening of the eyes when getting out of bed. Nausea usually stops by the fourth month of pregnancy. Nausea can be relieved by eating, for example, wholemeal biscuits, crackers, a slice of bread, a glass of milk, etc., before getting out of bed. These "snacks" can be put in the evening by the bed. Get out of bed slowly and calmly. It's good to lie down for a while before getting up.
Nausea may appear unexpectedly during the day if the stomach is empty. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a little during the day.
However, severe, uncontrollable vomiting is not normal even during pregnancy. In this regard, you must consult a doctor.
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From the beginning of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase. They may become tender and swollen. From the second month of pregnancy, colostrum may ooze from the nipples. At this stage, the mammary glands are sensitive to cold and must therefore be kept warm. In winter, while walking, you can, for example, wrap your chest with a large woolen scarf. Swimming in cold water is not recommended.
It is good to massage the nipples with a basic cream, which is sold in a pharmacy, so that the skin of the nipples becomes rough and withstands sucking. If the nipples are small or inverted, they should be pulled out daily for several months before delivery to make it easier for the baby to latch onto them.
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Pregnant women, especially those who easily gain weight, may appear on the mammary glands, abdomen and thighs of the so-called. scars. These reddish stripes, resembling tears, turn pale in many and become almost invisible after childbirth. In the initial period, they can be lubricated with a base cream.
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Darkening of the skin
During pregnancy, the skin usually darkens, especially the nipples and external genitalia. A brown line often looms from the lower abdomen to the navel. Dark spots may appear on the face. They turn pale after childbirth, but there are no special treatments for them.
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In the second half of pregnancy, heartburn usually torments you, and to avoid it, you should refrain from spicy foods, do not drink coffee and strong tea. Also, dishes fried in oil cause heartburn.
Consumption of soda and salt increases swelling. In the antenatal clinic you can get information about safe remedies for heartburn. It will disappear by itself after the birth of the child.
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Slight edema is common unless it is associated with increased blood pressure or protein excretion in the urine. A sharp excessive weight gain (for a mother of average height - over 500 g per week) is a sign of a violation of the normal state, so you should immediately contact a antenatal clinic or a doctor.
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Varicose veins
During pregnancy, varicose veins and spasms increase and become more prone to them, because the uterus presses on the veins. To reduce painful sensations in the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to purchase a special bandage belt and elastic stockings. Stockings should be worn on the legs without getting out of bed. It is good to rest your legs in the middle of the day by lifting them perpendicularly upwards, and at night keep a pillow under them. Shoes should not compress the foot, not have very high heels. It is good to change shoes during the day.
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Those who suffer from cramps are advised to stretch their legs by squeezing and stretching the fingers, straining and relaxing the legs from the knees. With convulsions, the knee is stretched, they are taken by the big toe and lift the leg up. Night socks also help.
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Hemorrhoids and constipation
The growing uterus puts pressure on the rectum and thereby increases the tendency to hemorrhoids. Constipation worsens hemorrhoids, so special attention should be paid to the diet. Constipation is reduced by fiber, which is contained, for example, in bread and porridge from whole grains, vegetables, berries and fruits, which should be consumed daily in large quantities. It is necessary to drink enough liquid, you can eat
add wheat bran, wheat kernels and dried fruits to stimulate bowel function. Physical exercise also contributes to the functions of the stomach.
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Back pain
When the abdomen grows, the back muscles experience a lot of stress, which is often felt as pain. Good posture, i.e. drawing in the abdomen (before it is possible during pregnancy) reduces pain. Good bras and a bandage and sufficiently spacious low-heeled shoes lighten the load on the back. It is best to sleep on a mattress that, while acquiring the shape of the back, simultaneously supports it. Tight muscles relax if they are gently massaged and rested. Strengthen the abdominal muscles and light exercise. Recommendations for proper exercise can be obtained from the antenatal clinic.
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Physical education
During pregnancy, it is important for a mother to strengthen her health by doing as much physical activity as possible, walking in the fresh air. The good physical condition of the mother contributes to the good health of the child. Physical activity can usually be continued until the end of pregnancy. However, just in case, you should avoid such sports and dances in which jumping, stretching and other sudden movements are performed. Also, due to the risk of inflammation and uterine contractions, one should carefully consider whether to bathe in cold water. Experience shows that a quiet daily walk is a very useful form of physical education.
Light housework also gives the necessary muscle load. Heavy domestic work, such as washing carpets by hand, increases the risk of miscarriage. Long-distance car trips or motorcycling are also not recommended. Flying in airplanes where the air pressure cannot be adjusted can make it difficult for the fetus to get oxygen.
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Safety belt
The obligatory use of the seat belt now also applies to those sitting in the rear seats. The current three-point safety belts are also reliable for the baby. However, sometimes the use of the belt is difficult towards the end of pregnancy. If the use of the belt is difficult due to illness, the doctor may issue a certificate exempting the use of the belt.
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Sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse is possible during the entire pregnancy, unless otherwise advised by the doctor. as then there is a risk of miscarriage. With an increase in the abdomen in sexual intercourse, you should try different positions. Some women feel tired at the beginning of pregnancy and have no desire to have sex, but usually sex during pregnancy is more pleasant than usual, since there is no need to take care of protection. If one of you has no desire for sexual intercourse, show affection to each other in other ways. Everything that brings pleasure to both relates to love life.
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Tobacco smoke often causes nausea in pregnant women. Both mother and father should quit smoking for the benefit of their own health and the health of the child. Nicotine and fumes in smoke pass from the mother's blood through the placenta into the fetus and interfere with the functions of the placenta. The babies of women who smoke are usually smaller at birth than those of non-smokers.
During breastfeeding, nicotine is absorbed into the mother's milk, causing anxiety, digestive upset and tearfulness in the baby. Tobacco smoke can cause cough and catarrh in the upper respiratory tract during the first year of life. Smoking is thus harmful to the child in many ways.
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Drinking alcohol
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm both the fetus and the mother. Even small doses can be harmful if alcohol is consumed daily. The safe limit of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not yet known. Therefore, a pregnant mother is advised to refrain from drinking alcohol throughout her pregnancy.
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Contraindications for early pregnancy and 2nd and 3rd trimesters
Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but also a responsible one. The course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child depend on the behavior of the expectant mother.
Lifestyle changes during pregnancy, of course. Today we will talk about contraindications during pregnancy, about those prohibitions that her condition imposes on a woman.
It is known that the entire period of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. And in each of them there are different contraindications during pregnancy.
Contraindications in the first trimester of pregnancy
The first trimester of pregnancy is the most critical period of the entire pregnancy, because at this time all the main systems of the new organism are formed. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the list of restrictions is the most voluminous.
In order for a child to be healthy and develop properly, he must be provided with high-quality building materials and nullify all adverse factors that may affect the development of the body.
What should not be done in the first trimester of pregnancy?
- First of all, it is necessary to give up such a bad habit as smoking. If you smoked before pregnancy, then it is necessary to leave cigarettes immediately! Smoking has an extremely negative effect on intrauterine development and leads to the formation of pathologies of varying severity. Passive smoking should also be avoided. It is unacceptable to be in the same room with a smoker. Very often, a woman's body takes care of itself - when pregnancy occurs, she begins to experience a strong aversion to the smell of cigarette smoke.
- Alcohol is the second enemy of the normal course of pregnancy.
The influence of alcohol is especially harmful in the early stages, when the main systems of the body are being formed.
- Crowded places should be avoided as there is a risk of infection in crowded places. Infectious diseases have an extremely negative effect on pregnancy, especially since the list of medicines that can be used during this period is extremely small.
- The same applies to colds, which, among other things, can lead to serious complications due to the weakness of the body. Therefore, it is advisable not to overcool, not to be in a draft, not to wet your feet.
- Fluorography and other x-rays should not be done except for vital indications. X-ray radiation has an extremely negative effect on the development of the child and can lead to developmental pathology.
- Before taking medicines during pregnancy, you should read the package leaflet very carefully and consult your doctor. Many medicines are contraindicated during pregnancy, and it is strictly forbidden to take them.
These drugs include many antibiotics, tranquilizers, painkillers, narcotic drugs, and some others.
- Stress is also a contraindication during pregnancy. Excessive nervous tension and negative emotions have an extremely negative effect on the development of the child. With stressful loads, hormonal collection often occurs, which negatively affects the development of pregnancy.
- A very important contraindication during pregnancy is weight lifting. You can not heavily load the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. Exhausting physical exercises should be abandoned. And, of course, to exclude various extreme sports, giving preference to more relaxed activities: swimming, walking, simple yoga exercises, physical therapy and breathing exercises.
- Nutrition during pregnancy should be taken very seriously. Dyes, chemical flavoring additives in food are contraindicated.
- With regard to products of animal origin, they require complete heat treatment before consumption.
It is forbidden to eat half-cooked food, as dangerous parasites and bacteria that cause serious illness can be present in uncooked foods.
- If you have pets at home, especially cats, entrust the care of the cat to someone from the household. Cat feces can contain pathogens of toxoplasmosis, a dangerous disease that negatively affects the development of the child.
Pregnancy contraindications - controversial issues
Some of the restrictions during the first trimester of pregnancy are controversial today. Let's focus on the most important points.
- Sex life
During sexual intercourse, there is an active contraction of the muscles of the uterus and small pelvis, so it is advisable to abstain from sex in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is especially true with the threat of miscarriage. However, even if your pregnancy is going well, sexual contact can cause complications because the fetus may be displaced or disturbed.
Over time, the embryo becomes more protected, so after the first trimester of pregnancy, if you feel good, there are no restrictions on your sex life.
- Cosmetics
During the first trimester of pregnancy, you must continue to take care of your body. However, it is recommended not to use cosmetics with fragrances and strong odors. Currently, many hypoallergenic personal care products are being produced, you can also use children's cosmetics.
It is good to use natural remedies: vegetable and fruit masks, such as a cucumber or strawberry mask, as well as honey and olive oil. In specialized stores there is a large selection of cosmetics for expectant mothers.
Hair coloring is not a contraindication during pregnancy. However, it is not recommended to dye your hair with any paint. The chemical elements that make up the paint negatively affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, if you decide to dye your hair, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, give preference to expensive proven dyes. And it is best to use natural substances: henna or basma.
- Physical activity
Heavy physical activity is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy. Serious stress on the body should be avoided, so if you were involved in extreme or power sports before pregnancy, change activities. It is possible and necessary to engage in physical education during the first trimester, but change your occupation, give preference to swimming, yoga, physiotherapy exercises, and walks in the fresh air.
There are special complexes of therapeutic and breathing exercises for pregnant women.
- Tanning and solarium
Ultraviolet is necessary for normal health and functioning of all body systems. Therefore, sunbathing is not forbidden. Of course, it is best to do it on the beach. It is only necessary to remember that it is necessary to be in the sun in the morning and evening hours, before 11 am and after 4 pm, since in the daytime the sun is very active and can harm the body.
Remember to protect yourself from sunburn and use sunscreen. Sunbathing should not be prolonged, and at the slightest sign of indisposition, they should be stopped. It is best that exposure to sunlight on the body occurs in partial shade.
Is a solarium a contraindication in the first trimester of pregnancy? Here the opinions of experts differ. However, if there are no complications of pregnancy and strict contraindications, then you can visit the solarium, observing the precautionary measures: the stomach must be covered with a cloth, and you should also carefully monitor your well-being, and at the slightest sign of malaise, stop the procedure.
- Travel
Traveling long distances is recommended to be postponed. The fact is that vibrations in the train and on the plane lead to tension in the muscles of the back and abdomen, and can provoke an increased tone of the uterus. In addition, when traveling by plane, the body experiences stress caused by pressure differences.
However, if the pregnancy is normal, the woman is in good physical shape, flying and train travel are not contraindicated. You just need to follow some precautions: drink plenty of water during the flight, wear loose clothing, and walk around the cabin several times during the flight. As for the train, here one should not save on amenities, it is not advisable to travel in a reserved seat, and even more so in a common carriage, a place, of course, should be chosen on the lower shelf.
Trips bring a lot of positive emotions, so if there are no serious contraindications, consult a doctor and feel free to hit the road!
- Power supply
Fast food and foods that cause allergic reactions should be excluded from your diet. But if you really want to eat a hamburger, then you can sometimes afford it. Just don't get carried away!
In the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience morning sickness. Therefore, fatty and heavy foods become a contraindication in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Coffee and cocoa
Coffee excites the nervous system and affects the heart. Therefore, coffee is a contraindication during pregnancy if you have problems with the heart or blood vessels. At the same time, in moderation, coffee is useful for maintaining tone and uplifting mood. Also, coffee is recommended at reduced pressure. But everything should be done in moderation.
Cocoa is a very useful product, it contains many vitamins and microelements. At the same time, cocoa also has negative properties: cocoa washes calcium out of the body and prevents its absorption. Cocoa also provokes the appearance of uterine tone, which is very dangerous especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Cocoa is high in calories, so it contributes to weight gain, which is highly undesirable. Based on the foregoing, the use of cocoa is rather a contraindication during pregnancy
Contraindications in the second trimester of pregnancy
The second trimester of pregnancy is the most pleasant time! Toxicosis and ailments associated with the first trimester of pregnancy are already behind, but the size of the fetus and abdomen is still small, so a pregnant woman can enjoy her excellent condition.
Contraindications during pregnancy become much less compared to the first trimester, and many of them are not so strict.
And yet, let's dwell on some of them.
What is forbidden in the second trimester of pregnancy?
- Power
Toxicosis of the first trimester of pregnancy has passed, and now the woman can return to her usual diet. However, in the second trimester there are a number of restrictions.
First of all, you should give up fatty heavy food. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that can cause an allergic reaction, such as nuts, as well as foods with food additives and preservatives. Before you buy products, carefully study their composition on the label!
It is advisable to limit the intake of salty and smoked foods. Daily salt intake should also be reduced, as salt retains fluid in the body, which can cause swelling and is an additional burden on the kidneys, and increases blood pressure
sushi, as there is a risk of infection with helminths.
A healthy, balanced diet is the basis for your well-being and the health of your baby. The basis of a healthy diet in the second trimester of pregnancy is cereals, followed by dairy products, fruits and vegetables in second place, and fish and meat in third place. It is advisable to refuse semi-finished products during this period.
- Vitamins and trace elements
Currently, an increasing number of experts adhere to the point of view that synthetic vitamins and microelements do not bring any benefit to the body, since they are not absorbed. Of course, vitamin complexes are not a contraindication during pregnancy, but you should not rely on their miraculous power, preference should be given to natural products.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and don't forget calcium-rich dairy products as your baby's skeleton begins to take shape during the second trimester.
- Skin, nails, hair
When it comes to caring for your body, contraindications and recommendations for pregnancy in the second trimester remain the same as in the first. Get more rest and be outdoors, and from cosmetics (including hair dye), give preference to natural hypoallergenic products.
- Alcohol and smoking
The answer to this question is unequivocal: alcohol and cigarettes are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy.
- Medicines
The list of drugs that are not a contraindication during pregnancy is significantly expanded in the second trimester. However, before you start taking any medication, carefully read the attached instructions and consult your doctor.
For colds and to improve immunity, it is good to use traditional medicine: tea with honey and lemon, raspberry jam, sea buckthorn berries.
Other illnesses often require medication. It is necessary to be treated during pregnancy, including taking medications. Just let your doctor know about your situation, and he will select you drugs that are not contraindicated during pregnancy.
- Sexual relations
In the second trimester of pregnancy, sex is not a contraindication if the pregnancy proceeds without complications.
Different women have different attitudes towards sex during pregnancy. For some, sexual relationships are a joy and pleasure. In this case, you can have sex, and it is useful. However, there are women who are psychologically unable to have sex while pregnant. Then it might be worth asking your partner to wait a little for the health of mom and baby.
Thus, sexual life in the second trimester of pregnancy is not contraindicated, it all depends on the well-being and psychological state of the expectant mother.
- Sports and fitness
Moderate exercise during the second trimester of pregnancy is very beneficial. Contraindication during pregnancy is only extreme sports and heavy power loads.
Continue to swim, do yoga, exercise therapy.
Outdoor walks are highly recommended.
However, potentially hazardous sports should be excluded. You should not ski or ride a bike, even if you feel well!
- Travel
The second trimester of pregnancy is the best time to travel! Just follow the recommendations of doctors during the trip and enjoy new experiences!
Choose a mode of transport where you can get up and stretch when necessary.
You can also travel to exotic countries if you take precautions.
Flight is not a contraindication during the second trimester of pregnancy. However, take care of yourself in flight: wear anti-varicose tights, loose clothing, drink plenty of fluids during the flight, fasten the seat belt under your stomach.
Contraindications in the third trimester of pregnancy
The third trimester is the most difficult period for a pregnant woman. The child is already large, and the size of the abdomen is a significant inconvenience. The body of the future mother is being rebuilt and preparing for the upcoming birth.
There are many more contraindications in pregnancy in the third trimester than in the second.
What not to do in the third trimester of pregnancy?
- Power
In the third trimester, a woman begins to experience various inconveniences associated with digestion, such as heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to review the diet and diet during this crucial period.
One of the most important tasks during this period is to monitor your own weight. Excess weight is an additional burden on the body, which can lead to complications during pregnancy.
However, watching your own weight does not mean starving! Diets during pregnancy are strictly contraindicated!
Foods that are not nutritionally useful, but only lead to excess weight, should be excluded from the diet. Such products include cakes, pastries, pies, buns, sweets, cookies.
Preference should be given to dairy products, lean fish and meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Eat a balanced, varied diet in small portions.
Overeating is also a contraindication during pregnancy. You should not take part in feasts at this time.
- Drinking mode
With regard to drinks, some of them are contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy.
First of all, these are any drinks containing alcohol, as well as energy drinks, sweet carbonated water, especially Pepsi and Fanta, strong coffee and tea.
Preference should be given to drinks such as herbal teas, natural juices, fruit drinks and compotes with a low sugar content. It is also recommended to drink ordinary mineral and table water.
In terms of fluid intake, gynecologists currently do not limit fluid intake during the third trimester. If a woman has edema, then this is not due to fluid intake, but to a violation of the kidneys, which can lead to a severe complication, preeclampsia.
If edema occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor and take medical measures.
- Medicines
Some drugs are still contraindicated during pregnancy in the third trimester. However, the list of drugs, the use of which is possible, is expanding more and more.
Therefore, doctors often postpone the treatment of certain diseases until the third trimester, when a woman can undergo drug therapy without harming either her health or the health of her unborn baby.
The rule for taking medications in the third trimester remains the same for the entire duration of pregnancy: before taking this or that drug, carefully read the instructions and consult a specialist.
- Physical activity
The physical condition of a woman in the third trimester imposes many restrictions on physical activity.
Contraindications during pregnancy during this period are weight lifting, strength exercises, active and potentially traumatic sports.
The child grows, takes up more and more space in the woman's body, and it becomes more and more difficult for her to move. Shortness of breath appears, previously normal movements become difficult: bending or climbing stairs.
However, exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy is not a contraindication. On the contrary, walking, swimming, special exercises for pregnant women are useful.
You should rely on your own well-being. Physical education should please, improve mood and not cause severe fatigue.
- Sex life
Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy is not contraindicated. However, sex should be treated with caution, given that not all methods are appropriate at this time.