Pregnancy and abortions
The Abortion Pill | Get the Facts About Medication Abortion
In This Section
- The Abortion Pill
- How does the abortion pill work?
- What can I expect after I take the abortion pill?
- How do I use the abortion pill?
- How safe is the abortion pill?
- How do I get the abortion pill?
- How much does the abortion pill cost?
The Abortion Pill | Planned Parenthood Video
The Abortion Pill | Planned Parenthood VideoWhat is the abortion pill?
Medication abortion — also called the abortion pill — is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.
How does the abortion pill work?
“Abortion pill” is the common name for using two different medicines to end a pregnancy: mifepristone and misoprostol.
First, you take a pill called mifepristone. Pregnancy needs a hormone called progesterone to grow normally. Mifepristone blocks your body’s own progesterone, stopping the pregnancy from growing.
Then you take the second medicine, misoprostol, either right away or up to 48 hours later. This medicine causes cramping and bleeding to empty your uterus. It’s kind of like having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage. If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine, call your nurse or doctor.
Your doctor or nurse will give you both medicines at the health center. When and where you’ll take them depends on state laws and your health center's policies. Your doctor or nurse will give you detailed directions about where, when, and how to take the medicines. You may also get some antibiotics to prevent infection.
How effective is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is very effective. The effectiveness depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy when you take the medicine.
- For people who are 8 weeks pregnant or less, it works about 94-98 out of 100 times.
- For people who are 8-9 weeks pregnant, it works about 94-96 out of 100 times.
- For people who are 9-10 weeks pregnant, it works about 91-93 out of 100 times. If you're given an extra dose of medicine, it works about 99 out of 100 times.
- For people who are 10-11 weeks pregnant, it works about 87 out of 100 times. If you're given an extra dose of medicine, it works about 98 out of 100 times.
The abortion pill usually works, but if it doesn’t, you can take more medicine or have an in-clinic abortion to complete the abortion.
When can I take the abortion pill?
Depending on where you live, you may be able to get a medication abortion up to 77 days (11 weeks) after the first day of your last period. If it has been 78 days or more since the first day of your last period, you can have an in-clinic abortion to end your pregnancy.
Why do people choose the abortion pill?
Which kind of abortion you choose all depends on your personal preference and situation. With medication abortion, some people like that you don’t need to have a procedure in a doctor’s office. You can have your medication abortion at home or in another comfortable place that you choose. You get to decide who you want to be with during your abortion, or you can go it alone. Because medication abortion is similar to a miscarriage, many people feel like it’s more “natural” and less invasive.
Your doctor, nurse, or health center staff can help you decide which kind of abortion is best for you.
More questions from patients:
Can the abortion pill be reversed after you have taken it?
Here’s the deal: The “abortion pill” is the popular name for a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy using a combination of two medicines: mifepristone and misoprostol. The first medicine (mifepristone) is given at a health center or your health care provider’s office. After taking mifepristone, you take a second medication (misoprostol) at home 6-48 hours later. This causes cramping and bleeding and empties your uterus.
Claims about treatments that reverse the effects of medication abortion are out there, and a handful of states require doctors and nurses to tell their patients about them before they can provide abortion care. But these claims haven’t been proven in reliable medical studies — nor have they been tested for safety, effectiveness, or the likelihood of side effects — so experts like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reject these untested supposed treatments.
Studies on the abortion pill do show that if you take the first medicine but not the second, the abortion pill is less likely to work. So if you’ve begun the process of having an abortion using the abortion pill but are having second thoughts, contact the doctor or nurse you saw for the abortion right away to talk about your best next steps and what to expect.
What is the RU-486 abortion pill?
RU-486 is the former name of mifepristone — one of the medications that you take to have a medication abortion. RU-486 is now called "the abortion pill" or "Mifeprex" (the brand name for mifepristone).
RU-486 was developed in the 1980s. It's been safely used in Europe since 1987, and in the US since 2000.
RU-486 blocks a hormone that your body needs to continue a pregnancy. It works best when you use it with another medication called misoprostol, which causes bleeding to empty your uterus.
The RU-486 abortion pill is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.
What happens if I take the abortion pill after 11 weeks?
The abortion pill is very effective, but it works less well when you’re more than 8 weeks pregnant. The effectiveness depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy and when you take the medicine. After 11 weeks, there’s a bigger chance of stronger bleeding or cramps.
You can make sure that your medication abortion worked by taking a pregnancy test, ultrasound, or blood test. Your nurse or doctor will also walk you through everything you need to know during your medication abortion appointment.
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Should I Get An Abortion?
In This Section
- Considering Abortion
- What facts do I need to know about abortion?
Is abortion the right option for me?
Abortion is common, and people have abortions for many different reasons. Only you know what’s best for you, but good information and support can help you make the decision that's best for your own health and well-being.
Why do people decide to have an abortion?
If you’re thinking about having an abortion, you’re not alone. Millions of people face unplanned pregnancies every year, and about 4 out of 10 of them decide to get an abortion. Some people with planned pregnancies also get abortions because of health or safety reasons. Overall, about 1 in 4 women in the U.S. will have an abortion by the time they’re 45 years old.
Sometimes, the decision is simple. Other times, it’s complicated. But either way, the decision to have an abortion is personal, and you’re the only one who can make it.
Everyone has their own unique and valid reasons for having an abortion. Some of the many different reasons people decide to end a pregnancy include:
- They want to be the best parent possible to the kids they already have.
- They’re not ready to be a parent yet.
- It’s not a good time in their life to have a baby.
- They want to finish school, focus on work, or achieve other goals before having a baby.
- They’re not in a relationship with someone they want to have a baby with.
- They’re in an abusive relationship or were sexually assaulted.
- The pregnancy is dangerous or bad for their health.
- The fetus won’t survive the pregnancy or will suffer after birth.
- They just don’t want to be a parent.
Deciding to have an abortion doesn’t mean you don’t want or love children. In fact, 6 out of 10 people who get abortions already have kids — and many of them decide to end their pregnancies so they can focus on the children they already have. And people who aren’t already parents when they get an abortion often go on to have a baby later, when they feel they're in a better position to be a good parent. The bottom line is, deciding if and when to have a baby is very personal, and only you know what’s best for you and your family.
What can I think about to help me decide?
Family, relationships, school, work, life goals, health, safety, and personal beliefs — people think carefully about these things before having an abortion. But you’re the only person walking in your shoes, and the only person who can decide whether to have an abortion.
Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about an abortion:
- Am I ready to be a parent?
- Would I consider adoption?
- What would it mean for my future if I had a child now?
- What would it mean for my family if I had a child now?
- How would being a parent affect my career goals?
- Do I have strong personal or religious beliefs about abortion?
- Is anyone pressuring me to have or not have an abortion?
- Would having a baby change my life in a way I do or don’t want?
- Would having an abortion change my life in a way I do or don’t want?
- What kind of support would I need and get if I decided to get an abortion?
- What kind of support would I need and get if I decided to have a baby?
Decisions about your pregnancy are personal. There are lots of things to consider, and it’s totally normal to have many different feelings and thoughts when making this decision. That’s why it’s important to get factual, non-judgmental information about abortion. Support from family, friends, partners, and other people you trust can also be helpful. But the decision is 100% yours.
Who can I talk with about getting an abortion?
Lots of people lean on others to help them with their decision. It’s good to choose people who are understanding and supportive of you.
Your local Planned Parenthood health center has caring professionals that can answer any questions you may have. They'll give you expert care, accurate information about all your options, and non-judgmental support along the way — no matter what you decide about your pregnancy.
Other family planning centers, private doctors, and abortion providers may also talk with you about your decision. But when you’re looking for a reliable health center, beware of anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers. ” These are places that may seem like normal medical clinics and claim to offer information about pregnancy options and abortion, but they don't provide abortion or a full range of health care. They often give you false or misleading information about pregnancy, abortion, and birth control, and they usually don't have to follow privacy laws. Crisis pregnancy centers are often located very close to Planned Parenthood health centers or other real medical centers, and have similar names — they do this to confuse people and trick them into visiting them instead.
No one should pressure you into making any decision about your pregnancy, no matter what. So it’s important to get the info and support you need from people who give you the real facts and won’t judge you.
If you’re having a hard time finding someone in your life to talk with, check out:
- All-Options: All-Options has a free hotline that gives you a confidential space to talk about making decisions about a pregnancy.
They’ll give you judgment-free support at any point in your pregnancy experience, no matter what you decide to do or how you feel about it.
- Abortions Welcome: Abortions Welcome has nonjudgmental written and interactive resources to support you in making your decision, including a clergy counseling line, where you can talk to compassionate clergy and religious counselors about spiritual concerns.
When do I have to make a decision?
It’s important to take the time you need to make the best decision for you. It’s also a good idea to talk to a nurse or doctor as soon as you can so you can get the best medical care possible. The staff at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center is always here to provide expert medical care and support, no matter what decision you make.
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Pregnancy or abortion - City Clinical Hospital No. 3 named after. BI Alperovich
The statistics are sad: in Russia, out of three pregnancies, only one ends in childbirth. Almost 10% of women of childbearing age have an abortion once a year, and 60% of women terminate their first pregnancy in this way. That is, abortion remains the most common method of "contraception".
Establishing the facts of pregnancy
Pregnancy or delay?
I think it's superfluous to remind you that it's a holy woman's job to keep track of her monthly cycle. At the slightest uncertainty that you are now ready to save, endure and give birth to a child, in the very first days of a delay in menstruation - run to the doctor. Pregnancy of a teenage girl, which is currently not so rare, is rarely detected before the notorious three months: it happens that the girl has not had regular periods at all or she has not yet got used to keeping a calendar, as adult women do. As a result, hopes that everything will “come” or “dissolve” are not justified.
Of course, if you're not pregnant, everything will work itself out. What if you are still pregnant? The later you decide to have an abortion, the greater the likelihood of complications. The fact is that most non-surgical methods of abortion are effective only in the early stages, with a delay of several days. But ladies, unfortunately, in such a situation, most often "wait for the weather by the sea" ...
How to establish the fact of pregnancy?
A missed period is not necessarily pregnancy. Nervous tension, lack of sleep, weight loss (whether it's just malnutrition or taking weight loss pills) have the right to affect your cycle. By the way, even in the most healthy woman, when weight is reduced to the minimum, interruptions in menstruation will begin, and then they will stop altogether. Nature is arranged so that in critical situations of a global scale (wars, revolutions), which are necessarily accompanied by stress and hunger, women do not lose blood, and do not become pregnant, and do not give birth.
Will an ultrasound always help?
The only reliable way to determine pregnancy is an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Ultrasound is one of the most reliable diagnostic methods. However, in the first weeks of delay, he is still not able to reliably “consider” pregnancy, and time is running out.
Establishing pregnancy by hormone levels
"Test strip". This is the simplest of the express pregnancy diagnostic tools you can buy at any pharmacy kiosk. The principle of such a diagnosis is simple - during pregnancy, from the very first day after conception, there is a change in the level of hormones in the woman's blood. The fetal egg (future fetus) produces hormones that enter the bloodstream, and from there into the urine, the test is based on determining the level of one of these hormones (chorionic gonadotropin).
Advice - buy the test in the evening and use it in the morning: in the morning urine, the concentration of the hormone is much higher than during the day.
Laboratory tests. More sophisticated methods for determining pregnancy are based on measuring the level of hormones in a woman's body in a laboratory way. You take an analysis: blood from a vein or urine, and after a while you get the result. In this case, the level of another, more specific hormone, trophoblastic beta-globulin, is usually determined, which gives more reliable information about the timing of a possible pregnancy.
The laboratory method is much more reliable, although more time consuming.
So, pregnancy has been established
You are not going to keep this pregnancy for some reason. What is the first thing a good doctor should tell you?
First, that all sorts of artisanal methods, like sitting in a hot bath with a glass of vodka, are effective only if there was no actual pregnancy. Conclusion: never try to get rid of a pregnancy on your own!
Secondly, about the fact that any, even a well-performed abortion, can lead to negative consequences for the female body: the menstrual cycle can be restored in 3-4 months; in nulliparous, the restoration of all functions can be delayed for up to six months or more;
abortion is the most common cause of gynecological diseases, after an abortion every fifth woman develops them;
abortion disrupts the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, reduces the body's resistance;
a woman subconsciously perceives abortion as violence against her own body - this is a psychological stress that can lead to changes in the psyche;
Like any other operation, abortion can cause a number of complications of varying severity.
Thirdly, if all these arguments do not convince you and you still decide to have an abortion, a good doctor should tell you how to act in order to minimize the consequences of an abortion. And he will advise you something like this:
Inform the father of the unborn child about the pregnancy and make a decision together.
Have an abortion as soon as possible (it is safer to terminate a pregnancy before 6 weeks). In general, at the first suspicion of an unplanned pregnancy (delayed menstruation), you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Don't delay - every day is precious.
Depending on your situation, choose the safest method of abortion.
What method is right for you, the doctor will tell you, the purpose of this article is to acquaint a woman with all the possibilities of modern medicine, to acquaint and once again (alas, often not superfluous!) Warn: when determining the method of abortion, you only choose the least of several evils; The choice of a person who really cares about his health is the choice of contraceptives!
Non-surgical abortion
Efficiency of not more than 20%
Efficiency up to 40% with a small (10-15 days) delay and depends on the qualifications of the specialist
Magnetic induction (“Magnetic cap)
based on artificial disruption of the normal transmission of electrical impulses from the uterus to the brain, causing contractile activity of the uterus and provoking miscarriage
Effectiveness 50% with a delay of no more than 3-5 days, is used only if there are no contraindications
Medical abortion ("French pills") eggs
Efficacy 90-95% up to 42 days late
Surgical abortion
vacuum aspiration (“mini-abortion”)
for pregnancy periods up to 4-5 weeks
Medical abortion
Instrumental removal of the fetal egg with simultaneous wrapping of the uterine cavity
for 12 pregnancy periods up to 12 weeks
“Late abortion”
Solutions inducing labor are introduced into the fetal bladder
For periods of more than 12 weeks of pregnancy for special indications
Small Caesarean section
Breeding pregnancy for a long period for medical reasons
Good abortions do not have
, Abortions are usually divided into early (Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy) and later (from 12 to 28 weeks) performed according to special indications. In practice, induced abortion is most often used in early pregnancy. There is also such a thing as a mini-abortion, it is done at an extra early date (from 12 to 25 days of delay).
Methods of termination of pregnancy
Non-surgical methods of termination of pregnancy have a huge advantage over traditional abortion, as they minimize possible complications. There is no penetration of instruments into the uterus, so there are no tears, ruptures or any other mechanical injuries. There are no inflammatory complications and, finally, there are no complications associated with anesthesia. Among the disadvantages are the presence of a number of contraindications and a sharp decrease in effectiveness as the gestational age increases.
But if the deadline is missed, only a classic abortion remains in stock. When choosing a clinic for this operation, it is important to pay attention to the following circumstances: first of all, the clinic must have a license, and the doctor must have a certificate. The operation must be performed under general anesthesia (narcosis). To do it, of course, should be in sterile conditions. It is also highly desirable to conduct a course of antibiotic treatment after an abortion to prevent infection.
Russian legislation on abortion
In pre-revolutionary Russia, abortion was considered a crime, the responsibility for which was borne both by the woman herself and by the person who performed the operation (the woman was threatened with imprisonment in a house of correction, and the doctor was in prison).
After the revolution, the situation changed: By the Decree of the People's Commissariat of Health and the People's Commissariat of Justice of November 16, 1920 On the artificial termination of pregnancy, abortions were legalized.
Then, in 1936, due to the difficult demographic situation, abortions were again banned on pain of criminal liability (Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 27, 1936 "On the prohibition of abortion").
On November 23, 1955, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the abolition of the prohibition of abortion”, the operation of artificial termination of pregnancy was allowed for all women in the absence of medical contraindications. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 29On November 1956, the Instruction “On the procedure for performing an artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion)” was adopted, which regulated this issue in detail, in 1961 some changes were made to it regarding the issuance of sick leave.
At the same time, the performance of an illegal (criminal) abortion entailed a rather severe punishment. Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (1960) provided for liability (from 1 to 8 years in prison with deprivation of the right to engage in medical activities) for illegal abortion by a person without a higher medical education and even by a doctor without special training, as well as for abortion outside a specialized medical institution . A number of the Criminal Codes of the Union republics also provided for liability for forcing a woman to have an abortion.
Currently, abortion is officially permitted, but its production is strictly regulated by the Instructions on the procedure for performing an artificial termination of pregnancy (approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 242 of June 11, 1996), the deviation from which entails criminal liability in the form of freedom for up to 5 years with deprivation of the right to engage in medical activities.
Abortion is allowed only in stationary medical institutions specially designed for carrying out such operations, with a gestational age of not more than 12 weeks.
If there are medical or social indications, it is possible to have an abortion even after 12 but up to 22 weeks. Medical indications are considered to be the presence of diseases in a woman that pose a threat to her life and health during pregnancy and childbirth; serious illness in the unborn child. These indications are contained in the List of medical indications for artificial termination of pregnancy (approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 302 of December 28, 1993).
Abortion for social reasons: minority of a pregnant woman, large families, stay in a correctional institution, pregnancy during the war, etc. (their list was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 567 of May 8, 1996) is carried out after consideration of each specific case by a special commission.
Underage pregnant women under 15 years of age have an abortion only with the consent of their parents or persons replacing them (Article 32 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Healthcare of the Russian Federation).
Termination of pregnancy from the point of view of a medical psychologist
A modern woman is very different from her great-grandmother. The main difference is the possibility of reproductive choice, which our ancestors did not have.
The priorities of contemporaries are arranged differently, career, desire for personal growth, travel. The whole world is open to a woman today, and the birth of a child does not always fit into her plans.
It often happens that pregnancy just happens at the wrong time. Lack of material base, education, work, loneliness often push a woman to terminate a pregnancy.
According to statistics, there are more than 55 million abortions worldwide. More than half a million is made in Russia. Despite the fact that with the development of medicine, mortality from abortions in clinical settings is minimized, such cases do occur. 30% of maternal deaths in Russia are associated with abortion.
Abortion is the only operation that does not cure diseases and is contrary to the very nature of a woman. This is an interruption of the natural process. No matter how long, and no matter what method it is produced, it never passes without a trace for the physical and psychological health of a woman. Often women do not think about the real dangers of abortion and consider it a means of contraception.
Abortion translated from Latin - abortus - "miscarriage".
Can only be performed in a specialized medical clinic with a license, exclusively by a specialist doctor. Every woman has the right to independently decide on the issue of motherhood, which is enshrined in federal law No. 323 "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation"
Three methods of artificial termination of pregnancy are used. The most common of these is the "scraping" method, today WHO has recognized it as obsolete. In second place is the vacuum aspiration method or mini-abortion and medical abortion.
The most common method of abortion "curettage" can cause great complications already during the operation. Such an abortion is performed almost blindly, and artificial opening of the uterus can result in her injury. This abortion can cause severe bleeding, and the most serious consequence of such an abortion may be the removal of the uterus.
This termination of pregnancy is carried out under anesthesia, therefore, it is necessary to remember the possible consequences of the use of anesthesia. In addition to the risk of an allergic reaction, there may be a heart rhythm failure, respiratory failure, a violation of the functions of the liver and other internal organs.
Vacuum aspiration is a less traumatic way for a woman to terminate a pregnancy, but the risk of anesthesia remains.
Medical abortion is performed for up to 9 weeks, on an outpatient basis and up to 12 weeks in an inpatient setting, requires virtually no anesthesia. But it also deals a significant blow to the hormonal system of a woman. Uterine bleeding may also occur or the abortion will be incomplete. In this case, vacuum extraction and treatment will be required.
During and after an abortion, various complications are possible.
Early complications of abortion
- profuse bleeding,
- rupture of the uterine walls,
- filling of the uterine cavity with blood,
- the occurrence of painful contractions,
- incomplete removal of the dead fetus.
There are later consequences of abortion. They can appear in the first weeks after the abortion.
- sepsis,
- metroendometritis (inflammatory processes on the mucosa and muscles of the uterus),
- adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages).
Long-term complications of abortion may occur even several years after the abortion. Each abortion undermines the health of a woman and never goes completely without a trace.
- menstrual disorders,
- amenorrhea,
- obstruction of the fallopian tubes,
- endometriosis,
- inflammation of the genital organs,
- difficulties in conception and pregnancy,
- ectopic pregnancy,
- miscarriage,
- premature birth and complications in them,
- infertility,
- increased risk of breast cancer,
- increased risk of developing uterine tumors.
In case of termination of the first pregnancy, the body can change the “carrying program” of the pregnancy to the “miscarriage program”. And the subsequent, already desired pregnancy will end in spontaneous abortion at an early stage. The body will launch a new program, and the pregnancy will not be saved.
A woman going for an abortion does not think about the fact that she may be forever deprived of the happy opportunity to become a mother. Termination of pregnancy cannot go unnoticed by the whole organism as a whole. First of all, it affects the menstrual cycle and the work of the ovaries. But, in addition to the ovaries, there is a violation in the work of such organs as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland. There comes an imbalance of hormonal, immune, renal and hepatic functions, regulation of blood pressure, blood volume. The woman becomes irritable, sleep worsens, fatigue increases. That is, there is an "ideal state" for the penetration of any infection that provokes the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Very often, when deciding to have an abortion, a woman is aware of the possible consequences for her body, but does not want to know about the consequences for her psyche.
Artificial termination of pregnancy is contrary to the very nature of man. The body does not know if it is carrying a wanted or unwanted pregnancy. The “program of childbearing” laid down in the woman strives to preserve the pregnancy. No matter how the pregnancy is terminated, it is unnatural for the woman's body.
Abortion causes not only physical but also psychological damage to a woman's body. After an abortion, a woman often experiences mental discomfort. 60% of women develop post-abortion syndrome - PAS. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the moral and ethical harm of abortion. Even those who do not believe in God consider this procedure a sin and experience pangs of conscience and guilt.
What is PAS - a set of mental consequences and illnesses that can result from an abortion.
PAS can occur immediately after an abortion and manifest itself in the form of such experiences as a feeling of emptiness, loss, grief. Often women feel guilty, become irritable, aggressive. Anxiety and depressive disorders can often develop.
Abortion is the strongest stress for a woman's psyche. In fact, this is the death of a child, even if not yet born. This feeling is reinforced by the fact that the woman herself made the choice in favor of an abortion.
Every woman who terminates a pregnancy feels guilty. Abortion is generally condemned by society, condemnation from the staff, misunderstanding of loved ones, articles and videos on the Internet only increase the feeling of guilt. After an abortion, a woman is left alone with herself. As a rule, she always understands that all the reasons why she refused to give birth (except for medical reasons) are better called excuses.
When pregnancy comes, a woman feels something inside herself, she feels that this is her child, she can imagine how he will grow and develop, what he would become when he was born. She subconsciously feels that he wanted to be born, but she did not give it to him.
Conditions such as panic and helplessness accompany PAS during the first time after an abortion. After a perfect abortion, there remains a deep feeling that everything, nothing can be returned, no one will help. Relatives often do not know how to behave, and the phrases “you will still give birth”, “now is not the best time for children”, “where would you live with him” and others cause only anger and irritation.
A woman has many questions to which there are no answers. How to be further? Do you speak to loved ones? How will your relationship with your husband develop? How will this affect children? Will I still be able to get pregnant and give birth? What “punishment” will I bear for my sin?
When you decide to have an abortion and sign your consent, no one gives you a list of answers to these questions.
Aggression, irritability, anger, "hardening", intolerance. These qualities can manifest themselves both in the first days after an abortion, and after a fairly long time. Sometimes women talk about how they cannot communicate with pregnant women and feel annoyed when they meet strangers on the street. Some say that even commercials showing small children have become unpleasant to them. All this often leads to the fact that a woman is fenced off from the environment, reduces communication with loved ones to a minimum.
Violation of relationships in a couple up to physical and psychological disgust. Abortion will forever stand in the relationship between a man and a woman. Guilt may be the third in such a pair for many years. The future of an aborted couple is often in doubt.
An unplanned pregnancy is not the fault of only the woman or only the man. Very often, partners begin to mutually blame each other for what happened. A woman often blames a man for pushing her to have an abortion. Many couples break up after an abortion. Many women say that after an abortion it is difficult to physically let a man near them. Libido decreases, it becomes more difficult for a woman to achieve orgasm, in rare cases anorgasmia, frigidity, vaginismus develop.
Negative attitudes towards people and life events in general can persist for a long time after an abortion. Even after a few years, a woman may feel guilty about having an abortion, for example, carrying a desired pregnancy. Because she saved this child, but did not allow the previous one to be born. Some admit that when they become pregnant and give birth to a child after an abortion, instead of warm feelings, they sometimes experience irritation and anger.
The hormonal system is the basis of the woman's psyche. When pregnancy occurs, it is rebuilt so that a woman can bear and give birth to a child. If the pregnancy is terminated, serious disturbances occur in the hormonal system, the woman loses the ability to control her own emotions and feelings.
Endless mood changes, depression, conflicts, insomnia, breaking of consciousness and the existing model of perception of the world - all these are the mental consequences of abortion.
According to the law, every pregnant woman has the right to make her own decision: to give birth or not. But, before deciding to take such a step, every woman should weigh everything well and think it over, because the consequences of an abortion can appear even many years after the operation itself.