Painful heartburn pregnant
Indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy
Indigestion, also called heartburn or acid reflux, is common in pregnancy. It can be caused by hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing against your stomach.
You can help ease indigestion and heartburn by making changes to your diet and lifestyle, and there are medicines that are safe to take in pregnancy.
Symptoms of indigestion and heartburn
Symptoms of indigestion and heartburn include:
- a burning sensation or pain in the chest
- feeling full, heavy or bloated
- burping or belching
- feeling or being sick
- bringing up food
Symptoms usually come on soon after eating or drinking, but there can sometimes be a delay between eating and developing indigestion.
You can get symptoms at any point during your pregnancy, but they are more common from 27 weeks onwards.
Things you can do to help with indigestion and heartburn
Changes to your diet and lifestyle may be enough to control your symptoms, particularly if they are mild.
Eat healthily
You're more likely to get indigestion if you're very full.
If you're pregnant, it may be tempting to eat more than you would normally, but this may not be good for you or your baby.
Find out more about a healthy diet in pregnancy and foods to avoid.
Change your eating and drinking habits
You may be able to control your indigestion with changes to your eating habits.
It can help to eat small meals often, rather than larger meals 3 times a day, and to not eat within 3 hours of going to bed at night.
Cutting down on drinks containing caffeine, and foods that are rich, spicy or fatty, can also ease symptoms.
Keep upright
Sit up straight when you eat. This will take the pressure off your stomach. Propping your head and shoulders up when you go to bed can stop stomach acid coming up while you sleep.
Stop smoking
Smoking when pregnant can cause indigestion, and can seriously affect the health of you and your unborn baby.
When you smoke, the chemicals you inhale can contribute to your indigestion. These chemicals can cause the ring of muscle at the lower end of your gullet to relax, which allows stomach acid to come back up more easily. This is known as acid reflux.
Smoking also increases the risk of:
- your baby being born prematurely (before week 37 of your pregnancy)
- your baby being born with a low birthweight
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or "cot death"
There's lots of help available to stop smoking. Talk to your midwife or call the NHS Smokefree helpline on 0300 123 1044. Find out more about stopping smoking in pregnancy.
Avoid alcohol
Drinking alcohol can cause indigestion. During pregnancy, it can also lead to long-term harm to the baby. It's safest to not drink alcohol at all in pregnancy.
Find out more about alcohol and pregnancy
When to get medical help
See your midwife or GP if you need help managing your symptoms or if changes to your diet and lifestyle do not work. They may recommend medicine to ease your symptoms.
You should also see your midwife or GP if you have any of the following:
- difficulty eating or keeping food down
- weight loss
- stomach pains
Your midwife or GP may ask about your symptoms and examine you by pressing gently on different areas of your chest and stomach to see whether it's painful.
If you're taking prescription medicines
Speak to your GP if you're taking medicine for another condition, such as antidepressants, and you think it may be making your indigestion worse. They may be able to prescribe an alternative medicine.
Never stop taking a prescribed medicine unless you're advised to do so by your GP or another qualified healthcare professional who's responsible for your care.
Medicines for indigestion and heartburn
Medicines for indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy include:
- antacids – to neutralise the acid in your stomach (some are available over the counter from a pharmacist)
- alginates – to relieve indigestion caused by acid reflux by stopping the acid in your stomach coming back up your gullet
You may only need to take antacids and alginates when you start getting symptoms. However, your GP may recommend taking them before symptoms come on – for example, before a meal or before bed.
If you're taking iron supplements as well as antacids, do not take them at the same time. Antacids can stop iron from being absorbed by your body.
If antacids and alginates do not improve your symptoms, your GP may prescribe a medicine to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. 2 that are widely used in pregnancy and not known to be harmful to an unborn baby are:
- ranitidine – a tablet you take twice a day
- omeprazole – a tablet you take once a day
Causes of indigestion in pregnancy
Symptoms of indigestion come when the acid in your stomach irritates your stomach lining or your gullet. This causes pain and a burning feeling.
When you're pregnant, you're more likely to have indigestion because of:
- hormonal changes
- the growing baby pressing on your stomach
- the muscles between your stomach and gullet relaxing, allowing stomach acid to come back up
You may be more likely to get indigestion in pregnancy if:
- you had indigestion before you were pregnant
- you've been pregnant before
- you're in the later stages of pregnancy
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In this video, a dietitian gives advice on how to eat healthily on a budget.
Media last reviewed: 13 January 2021
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Indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy
Indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content6-minute read
Key facts
- Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a feeling of pain or discomfort in your stomach, while heartburn is a burning pain in your stomach and chest caused by stomach acid.
- Heartburn is very common in pregnancy because of hormonal changes and your uterus pressing up against your stomach as your baby grows.
- Heartburn is often triggered by fatty or spicy foods, caffeine, chocolate or citrus fruit juice.
- You can try to avoid heartburn by eating small meals more often, eating slowly, not lying down or exercising after meals and sleeping on several pillows.
- There are medicines you can use to control indigestion and heartburn, so see your doctor if your symptoms don’t settle down on their own.
What are indigestion and heartburn?
Indigestion and heartburn are symptoms that are very common in pregnancy. If you’re pregnant, you have an 8 in 10 chance you will experience these symptoms at some point in your pregnancy.
Indigestion, also called 'dyspepsia', is a feeling of pain or discomfort in your stomach . This mostly occurs after eating or drinking.
Heartburn, also known as reflux, is a burning pain in your stomach or chest going up towards your throat. It’s caused by stomach acid coming up your oesophagus (the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach). The acid irritates the lining of your oesophagus.
Sometimes food might come back up from your stomach into your mouth. You might also notice a bitter taste in your mouth.
Why might I get heartburn when I’m pregnant?
Heartburn may be caused by changes in your hormone levels. One of the pregnancy hormones, called progesterone, can relax the muscle that usually holds your oesophagus closed where it meets your stomach. This allows food and acid from your stomach to go back up your oesophagus.
Heartburn becomes more common as your pregnancy progresses. This can happen when your uterus (womb) pushes up against your stomach as your baby grows. This also pushes the contents of your stomach up into your oesophagus.
You’re more likely to get heartburn during pregnancy if you’ve had a baby before or if you get heartburn when you’re not pregnant.
What kinds of things will give me heartburn?
Heartburn can be triggered by what you eat and drink, such as:
- a big meal
- high-fat foods
- spicy foods
- chocolate
- citrus fruit juices
- drinks containing caffeine, including coffee, tea and cola
- alcohol (which is not recommended in pregnancy)
Other things that may trigger heartburn include:
- doing exercise soon after eating
- lying down after eating
- feeling anxious
Because everyone is different, it's a good idea to take note of the particular foods, drinks or activities that give you heartburn while you are pregnant.
Can heartburn hurt my baby?
Heartburn usually won’t cause any problems for your baby, but it’s uncomfortable for you.
A healthy diet is important for both your and your baby’s health. If heartburn is making it hard to eat healthy food, it’s best to treat it.
How can I avoid getting heartburn?
If your symptoms are mild, changing how you eat may help prevent heartburn. You could try:
- eating smaller meals more often and eating slowly
- avoiding eating for 2 or 3 hours before exercise or going to bed
- avoiding foods and drinks that give you heartburn
- avoiding eating and drinking at the same time, which can make your stomach more full
- sitting up straight while eating and not lying down after a meal
- raising the head of your bed or sleeping on at least 2 pillows
- sleeping on your left side
You might find it helpful to chew gum, which makes you produce more saliva to help neutralise the acid from your stomach. Drinking milk can also help neutralise acid.
Is there any medicine I can take?
If your heartburn doesn’t improve by changing how you eat, your doctor or midwife may suggest that you take medicine for it.
Antacids are the first type of medicine to try. They can relieve your symptoms quickly. Antacids are safe in pregnancy as long as you don’t take more than the recommended dose. There are many different types — talk to your pharmacist to find one that’s most suitable for you.
If antacids don’t control your symptoms, speak to your doctor about other medicines you can take.
When should I see a doctor?
If your heartburn symptoms don't go away with medicine, it's important to see your doctor. A serious pregnancy condition called pre-eclampsia can cause pain under your ribs and a feeling of heartburn.
You should also see your doctor immediately if:
- you are vomiting up blood
- you are losing weight
- swallowing is painful or difficult
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Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (Pregnancy care guidelines – reflux (heartburn)), NSW Health (Heartburn in pregnancy and breastfeeding), NSW Government (Having a baby), King Edward Memorial Hospital (Minor symptoms or disorders in pregnancy), Mater Mothers (Managing pregnancy discomforts), Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (Heartburn and indigestion), MSD Manual (Dyspepsia), RANZCOG (Pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure during pregnancy)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: September 2022
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- Common discomforts during pregnancy
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Heartburn during pregnancy - maternity hospital "Leleka"
Heartburn in pregnant women is a fairly common occurrence. Even if a woman has never experienced this phenomenon before, during pregnancy she may regularly feel a burning sensation in the esophagus, the urge to vomit, and a bitter and sour taste in her mouth. It is not dangerous for the life and health of the mother and child, but unpleasant. In addition, heartburn can be a harbinger of more serious diseases of the digestive system. Digestive juices, getting from the stomach into the esophagus, irritate and injure the walls, creating a risk of developing esophageal ulcers and cancer. nine0003
There are two main causes of pregnancy heartburn, hormonal changes and intrauterine pressure.
In the body of a pregnant woman, the content of the hormone progesterone increases. Under the influence of this natural steroid, the wall of the uterus acquires the ability to implant a fertilized egg. But the same hormone slightly relaxes the sphincter, which blocks the entrance to the esophagus. This causes digestive juices to leak from the stomach up the digestive tract. Such heartburn occurs only in the first semester and quickly passes by itself. nine0003
In the second half of pregnancy, heartburn is usually associated with increased intrauterine pressure. The growing fetus presses down on the stomach and causes gastric juices to rise up the esophagus. These symptoms are more difficult to get rid of. Of course, they will naturally go away after childbirth, but up to this point, the attacks can be quite unpleasant.
In order to make them rarer and less painful, you can take the following measures:
- Eliminate foods that cause heartburn from the menu.
As a rule, these are pickles and smoked meats, fried and fatty foods, which are not indicated during pregnancy anyway. nine0014
- Switch to fractional meals: eat more often, but less. After a dense meal, the volume of the stomach increases sharply, and intrauterine pressure also increases. If the portion is smaller, this does not happen.
- Fractional nutrition will also prevent heartburn attacks that occur on an empty stomach, when digestive juices spread along its walls under the weight of the stomach.
- It is also recommended to give up coffee, alcohol, smoking and other bad habits. They can adversely affect the health of the fetus, and they also provoke seizures. nine0014
- Do not lie down after eating, especially on your back. In this position, the fetus presses down on a full stomach. It is better to rest in a half-sitting position, leaning on a pillow.
- Do not wear clothing that constricts or constricts the abdomen. It also increases intrauterine pressure.
For expectant mothers who continue to play sports during pregnancy, it would be wise to review the usual set of exercises, and exclude those in which the stomach is squeezed: squats, forward bends. nine0003
From folk remedies, pregnant women are advised to take flax seeds. If you add them to a salad, they will harmoniously combine with vegetables and prevent heartburn attacks. You can also brew flaxseed jelly: grind 50 grams of seeds in a coffee grinder and pour 100 ml of boiling water. The cocktail is not very pleasant in taste, but effective.
It is also advised to eat seeds, nuts and milk. But these products can both relieve an attack and provoke an increase in it, so you need to use these products with caution. nine0003
Antacids can be taken if heartburn is particularly painful or unpleasant. They reduce the acidity of the stomach, remove unpleasant symptoms. Some of them contain additives with a slight analgesic and cooling effect. But you shouldn't get too carried away with them either.
Do not ingest baking soda solution. Yes, for a while soda neutralizes stomach acid, but then the discomfort will resume. And soda can provoke puffiness. In the last trimester of pregnancy, many women already suffer from edema and swollen legs; it is not worth aggravating the situation with soda. nine0003
It should be noted that these changes occur in all pregnant women, but not everyone develops heartburn. If a pregnant woman does not complain of such symptoms, this is not a cause for concern.
why it occurs and how to get rid of it
The prevalence of heartburn increases from the 20th week of pregnancy and covers the vast majority of women by the time of delivery. Usually, the symptom is provoked by the "heavy" food eaten the day before, so it can be repeated many times throughout the day, and one episode of heartburn lasts minutes or even hours. In addition to heartburn itself, there may be belching of air, pain behind the sternum, and swallowing is disturbed 1 .
Causes of heartburn in pregnant women
There are a number of factors that predispose to heartburn during pregnancy. These include2:
heartburn before pregnancy
multiple pregnancy
overweight before or
significant weight gain
during pregnancy
The main causes of heartburn in pregnant women are divided into: mechanical (physical) and hormonal 2 .
The mechanical cause of is an increase in the size of the pregnant uterus. The growing uterus displaces and compresses other organs in the abdomen, which increases intra-abdominal pressure. At the same time, the stomach is “squeezed” to the diaphragm, the locking mechanism that separates the esophagus from the stomach is weakened, which predisposes to the development of hiatal hernia. In general, the described mechanisms often lead to acid reflux - the backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus, accompanied by heartburn 2 .
Hormonal causes include an increase in progesterone production. Progesterone reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, protecting the pregnancy from the threat of termination. In the same way, progesterone acts on other smooth muscle organs. Under the influence of hormones during pregnancy, there may be a decrease in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and a weakening of intestinal motility, including due to a violation of the sensitivity of intestinal receptors to biologically active substances - serotonin and histamine. As a result, food can linger in the stomach, increasing the likelihood of acid reflux. Due to the weakening of peristalsis, there is also a risk of constipation and changes in the intestinal microflora 2 .
First trimester
A complaint in pregnant women at an early stage appears due to toxicosis with repeated vomiting, when the mucosa of the esophagus is constantly irritated by vomit 1 .
First trimester
A complaint in pregnant women at an early stage appears due to toxicosis with repeated vomiting, when the mucosa of the esophagus is constantly irritated by vomit 1 . nine0003
Second and third trimesters
In the second and third trimesters, symptoms may occur due to decreased pressure in the esophagogastric sphincter and functional failure of the upper stomach 1 . Also, in late pregnancy, the factors provoking heartburn may include an increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to an increase in the volume of the uterus and an increase in the level of gastrin in the blood of pregnant women 1 .
Second and third trimesters
In the second and third trimesters, symptoms may occur due to decreased pressure in the esophagogastric sphincter and functional insufficiency of the upper stomach 1 . Also, in late pregnancy, the factors provoking heartburn may include an increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to an increase in the volume of the uterus and an increase in the level of gastrin in the blood of pregnant women 1 .
postpartum period nine0046
Unfortunately, the symptoms of heartburn do not always disappear without a trace after childbirth: about 20% of women who experience heartburn during pregnancy also experience heartburn in the postpartum period 2 . It is possible that the development of heartburn in the postpartum period may be associated with the lactation period, this relationship has yet to be established. According to the instructions for the medical use of the drug Maalox®, the absorption of combinations of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium salts in the mother is limited, therefore, Maalox® can be used during lactation after consulting a doctor. For occasional heartburn, use 15 ml each or 1-2 tablets of Maalox® once . 4-6
Unfortunately, the symptoms of heartburn do not always disappear without a trace after childbirth: about 20% of women who experience heartburn during pregnancy also notice it in the postpartum period 2 . It is possible that the development of heartburn in the postpartum period may be associated with the lactation period, this relationship has yet to be established. According to the instructions for the medical use of the drug Maalox®, the absorption of combinations of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium salts in the mother is limited, therefore, Maalox® can be used during lactation after consulting a doctor. For occasional heartburn, use 15 ml each or 1-2 tablets of Maalox® once . 4-6
Symptoms of heartburn in pregnant women
Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation of burning, warmth behind the sternum, which can spread to the neck area 3 . The symptom may appear about an hour after eating. Often entails heartburn eating fried, spicy, fatty, sour foods, as well as overeating. Physical activity and changes in body position, such as leaning forward or lying down, may increase heartburn symptoms 3 . In pregnant women, heartburn is often accompanied by belching and difficulty swallowing 1 .
Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation of burning, warmth behind the sternum, which can spread to the neck 3 . The symptom may appear about an hour after eating. Often entails heartburn eating fried, spicy, fatty, sour foods, as well as overeating. Physical activity and changes in body position, such as leaning forward or lying down, may increase heartburn symptoms 3 . In pregnant women, heartburn is often accompanied by belching and difficulty swallowing 1 .
Why is heartburn dangerous in pregnant women?
Heartburn that occurs during pregnancy may increase the chance of developing GERD after childbirth. Moreover, the risk of developing the disease is proportional to the number of births. It was noted that in the presence of heartburn in the 1st pregnancy, GERD subsequently develops in 17.7% of women , and two pregnancies with heartburn increase this figure to 36% 2 .
It is important to note that if heartburn occurs during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since heartburn can manifest other diseases of the digestive system, including severe pathology of the gestation period - acute fatty liver of pregnant women. In this case, heartburn is short-lived at first, then its intensity and duration increase, accompanied by painful swallowing of not only food, but also liquids. Heartburn in this case is often accompanied by vomiting of the color of "coffee grounds", weakness, lethargy. Such a dangerous condition requires close medical attention and control 1 .
Heartburn that occurs during pregnancy may increase the chance of developing GERD after childbirth. Moreover, the risk of developing the disease is proportional to the number of births. It has been noted that in the presence of heartburn in the 1st pregnancy, GERD subsequently develops in 17.7% of women , and two pregnancies with heartburn increase this figure to 36% 2 .
It is important to note that if heartburn occurs during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since heartburn can manifest other diseases of the digestive system, including severe pathology of the gestation period - acute fatty liver of pregnant women. In this case, heartburn is short-lived at first, then its intensity and duration increase, accompanied by painful swallowing of not only food, but also liquids. Heartburn in this case is often accompanied by vomiting of the color of "coffee grounds", weakness, lethargy. Such a dangerous condition requires close medical attention and control 1 .
In most cases, a doctor will only need information from a questioning and examination of a pregnant woman to determine the cause of heartburn.