Sti and pregnant
Sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and breastfeeding
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are also called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs. STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, genital warts, HIV, and syphilis. Some STIs can pass from mother to baby during pregnancy and through breastfeeding.
How do STIs affect pregnant women?
STIs can cause many of the same health problems in pregnant women as in women who are not pregnant. But having an STI also can hurt the unborn baby's health.
Having an STI during pregnancy can cause:
- Premature labor (labor before 37 weeks of pregnancy). Early (preterm) birth is the number one cause of infant death and can lead to long-term developmental and health problems in children.1
- Infection in the uterus (womb) after birth
Can I pass an STI to my baby?
Yes. Some STIs can be passed from a pregnant woman to the baby before and during the baby's birth.
- Some STIs, such as syphilis, cross the placenta and infect the baby in the womb.
- Other STIs, like gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B, and genital herpes, can pass from the mother to the baby as the baby passes through the birth canal.
- HIV can cross the placenta during pregnancy and infect the baby during delivery.
What are the harmful effects of passing an STI to a baby?
The harmful effects to babies may include:
- Low birth weight (less than 5 pounds)
- Eye infection
- Pneumonia
- Infection in the baby's blood
- Brain damage
- Lack of coordination in body movements
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Acute hepatitis
- Meningitis
- Chronic liver disease, which can lead to scarring of the liver (cirrhosis)
- Stillbirth
I'm pregnant. What can I do to prevent problems from STIs?
You can prevent some of the health problems caused by STIs and pregnancy with regular prenatal care. Your doctor will test you for STIs early in your pregnancy and again closer to childbirth, if needed.
- STIs caused by bacteria, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be cured with antibiotics. Some antibiotics are safe to take during pregnancy. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotics for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis during pregnancy.
- STIs caused by viruses, such as genital herpes and HIV, have no cure.
- If you have herpes, antiviral medicine may help reduce symptoms. If you have symptoms of herpes or active genital herpes sores at the start of labor, you may need a cesarean section (C-section). This can help lower the risk of passing the infection to your baby.
- If you have HIV, antiviral medicines can lower the risk of giving HIV to your baby to less than 1%.2 You also may need to have a C-section.
You also can take steps to lower your risk of getting an STI during pregnancy.
Can I breastfeed if I have an STI?
Maybe. Some STIs affect breastfeeding, and some don't. The following are some general guidelines, but talk to your doctor, nurse, or a lactation consultant about the risk of passing the STI to your baby while breastfeeding:
- If you have HIV, do not breastfeed. You can pass the virus to your baby. In countries like the United States where clean water is available, using a breastmilk substitute like formula is recommended.
- If you have chlamydia, gonorrhea, or HPV, you can breastfeed your baby.
- If you have trichomoniasis, you can take the antibiotic metronidazole if you are breastfeeding. You may need to wait 12 to 24 hours after taking the medicine to breastfeed.
- If you have syphilis or herpes, you can breastfeed as long as your baby or pumping equipment does not touch a sore. It is possible to spread syphilis or herpes to any part of your breast, including your nipple and areola.
If you have sores on your breast, pump or hand-express your milk until the sores heal. Pumping will help keep up your milk supply and prevent your breast from getting overly full and painful. You can store your milk to give to your baby in a bottle for another feeding. But if parts of your breast pump also touch the sore(s) while pumping, you should throw the milk away.
Are STI treatments safe to use while breastfeeding?
If you are being treated for an STI, ask your doctor about the possible effects of the medicine on your breastfeeding baby. Most treatments for STIs are safe to take while breastfeeding.
Did we answer your question about STIs, pregnancy, and breastfeeding?
For more information about STIs, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or contact the following organizations:
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), HHS
Phone Number: 888-463-6332 - National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP), CDC, HHS
Phone Number: 800-232-4636 - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH, HHS
Phone Number: 866-284-4107 (TDD: 800-877-8339) - American Sexual Health Association
Phone Number: 800-227-8922
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2015). Preterm Birth.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). HIV Among Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children.
The Office on Women's Health is grateful for the medical review by:
- Jill E. Long, M.D., M.P.H., FACOG, Commander, U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Medical Officer, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Branch, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staff
All material contained on these pages are free of copyright restrictions and maybe copied, reproduced, or duplicated without permission of the Office on Women’s Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Citation of the source is appreciated.
Page last updated: February 22, 2021
STD Facts - STDs & Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, you can become infected with the same sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as women who are not pregnant.

I’m pregnant. Can I get an STD?
Yes, you can. Women who are pregnant can become infected with the same STDs as women who are not pregnant. Pregnancy does not provide women or their babies any additional protection against STDs. Many STDs are ‘silent,’ or have no symptoms, so you may not know if you are infected. If you are pregnant, you should be tested for STDs, including HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), as a part of your medical care during pregnancy. The results of an STD can be more serious, even life-threatening, for you and your baby if you become infected while pregnant. It is important that you are aware of the harmful effects of STDs and how to protect yourself and your unborn baby against infection. If you are diagnosed with an STD while pregnant, your sex partner(s) should also be tested and treated.
How can STDs affect me and my unborn baby?
STDs can complicate your pregnancy and may have serious effects on both you and your developing baby. Some of these problems may be seen at birth; others may not be discovered until months or years later. In addition, it is well known that infection with an STD can make it easier for a person to get infected with HIV. Most of these problems can be prevented if you receive regular medical care during pregnancy. This includes tests for STDs starting early in pregnancy and repeated close to delivery, as needed.
Should I be tested for STDs during my pregnancy?
Yes. Testing and treating pregnant women for STDs is a vital way to prevent serious health complications to both mother and baby that may otherwise happen with infection. The sooner you begin receiving medical care during pregnancy, the better the health outcomes will be for you and your unborn baby. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines recommend screening pregnant women for STDs. The CDC screening recommendations that your health care provider should follow are incorporated into the table on the STDs during Pregnancy – Detailed CDC Fact Sheet.
Be sure to ask your doctor about getting tested for STDs. It is also important that you have an open, honest conversation with your provider and discuss any symptoms you are experiencing and any high-risk sexual behavior that you engage in, since some doctors do not routinely perform these tests. Even if you have been tested in the past, you should be tested again when you become pregnant.
Can I get treated for an STD while I’m pregnant?
It depends. STDs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis and BV can all be treated and cured with antibiotics that are safe to take during pregnancy. STDs that are caused by viruses, like genital herpes, hepatitis B, or HIV cannot be cured. However, in some cases these infections can be treated with antiviral medications or other preventive measures to reduce the risk of passing the infection to your baby. If you are pregnant or considering pregnancy, you should be tested so you can take steps to protect yourself and your baby.
How can I reduce my risk of getting an STD while pregnant?
The only way to avoid STDs is to not have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
If you are sexually active, you can do the following things to lower your chances of getting chlamydia:
- Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results;
- Using latex condoms the right way every time you have sex.
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STDs during Pregnancy - CDC Detailed Fact Sheet
Detailed fact sheets are intended for physicians and individuals with specific questions about sexually transmitted diseases. Detailed fact sheets include specific testing and treatment recommendations as well as citations so the reader can research the topic more in depth.
Poems about pregnancy, verse about pregnancy
You are expecting a baby
You began to do everything slowly,
Moderate and patient
And every day you are more beautiful.
Pregnancy is a gift from heaven,
And they say that there are no miracles...
You will be the best mother in the world
Happy, kind and desirable.
Well, here you will fulfill your destiny,
What is given to a woman in the higher spheres
Like the most sacred commission:
Life is destined to begin in you! nine0007
Blossom, surprising the whole world with you!
Live - paying attention to yourself,
Diluting your routine with quirks!..
And I congratulate you with delight!
A little happiness under my heart,
Quieted, startled - I feel you.
You hear your mother's voice, and you hear everything around,
And with your foot you answer in my stomach: "knock-knock"
When you're sad, remind yourself of yourself,
And the world will turn over, I know where happiness is.
About a pregnant woman.
I like being pregnant-
What a pity that this is only temporary.
While you are in me we are together
And we sleep and eat and sing.
You will grow up as a smart and vigorous youth
And you will be a resourceful boy.
Of course you will love me and dad
And generously thank us with kindness.
I believe that you will be the best of all
And of course success awaits you in life.
Let your star be happy
And life tells you only "yes".
Will give resourceful, smart friends -
After all, you will have more fun with them.
You will confidently walk through life
And you will always help your family.
I wish you health and fortitude
And of course I dream of being your mother.
And of course dad wants to go with you
Hurry up and play volleyball and football.
Grow our little son to glory and pride
And let worldly wisdom help.
With Gena we tenderly hug you
And we are waiting for your appearance!
I am my mother's belly,
I live in the belly!
I eat mommy,
I breathe mommy.
I walk with my mother,
And I laugh with her. nine0003 And meeting daddy -
Terribly fun!!!
I am growing very fast.
I'm spinning and spinning...
And I'm awake at night,
And I want to sleep during the day.
From all kinds of chemicals
I feel a little sick,
Therefore, my mother and I
Let's give them up.
Mom and I are very friendly
We live in love, we live in warmth…
I am my mother's Buzzer!
And mommy is my home!
What a strange bliss-
To realize that there, inside,
Perfection grows and matures,
My angel, the fruit of my love…
For this divine gift
I bless heaven!
At the world that is so beautiful and bright,
One more eye will look.
Not a few euphonious names,
It's sweet for me to sort through them,
To choose the best of the best -
Name my child.
The time is not far off,
When, having embraced my child,
I will say to him: “Happy birthday!”
With immense tenderness in his eyes.
You live in me for nine months,
You grow and push with your legs. nine0003 You know that we are waiting for you,
And you are gaining strength for our meeting.
So much for you to learn;
I will help you, I will always be there.
You will see - there is so much beauty in the world:
River floods, and birdsong, and snowfalls ...
It is so pleasant for me to always be with you,
And not to part with you for a moment.
What a pity that you can't stay a little more,
Stay a little more pregnant!
Poems about pregnancy, verse about pregnancy
What happiness is Motherhood! nine0003 Hear the long-awaited first cry,
Feel the sacred unity,
And remember this moment forever.
The baby screams - he declares about life!
A new person is born!
And for the first time falls asleep under the breast,
The cilia of the sleeping eyelids tremble.
He can't do anything yet,
And the mother tenderly teaches the baby,
His heart warms with her heart,
And he sucks, worrying and hurrying.
When a baby stretches out his hands,
You forget pain and anguish.
The second heart beat in me,
What I dreamed about for so long...
I remember burning candles in the dark,
And rocking something in my arms...
And so, it turned out that happiness caught
What she didn't tell right away!
Which I checked day by day
Without any doubt…
A gift from GOD was made to me
In response to my suffering…
I was afraid and saw only in a dream,
But all wishes came true!!!
Baby, you have become a new meaning of life,
The most cherished dream,
Now I'm counting the days until the moment
Long-awaited meeting with you!!!
there knocks with legs,
Who moves his hands?
Our little miracle,
Our little miracle.
How do you like it in the dark?
How is mom's stomach?
Our little miracle?
Our little miracle!
What do you hear, our dear?
What do you know, golden?
We dream as soon as possible
To get to know you.
You yourself don’t know yet
How we are waiting for you, baby,
You are pushing with your little hands,
You can see that you are saying something 🙂
Starting. Pulls the stomach.
I'm a little worried in anticipation.
He will be born, he will go along,
And what will be his path?
Time drags on, it gets more painful,
But I'm strong, I can handle it, of course.
He will be more beautiful, smarter,
He will be kind, happy, successful.
And pain has a threshold.
It looks like they've reached the threshold...
You answer me, beloved son,
Tell me, is there still a long time left?
I don't want to! Let go! It is forbidden!!!
I will die! I can't do it! Save! nine0003 The midwife looks into my eyes,
I shout: “Let me go to my mother!”
I swim in endless pain,
Along a current I have never seen before,
I do something, somehow I live…
Short-term relief…
She gave birth… And frost on the skin:
Is he silent? Why doesn't he cry?
A loud cry. .. A waterfall of sweet tears...
And such a welcome: "BOY!"
Poems about pregnancy, a verse about pregnancy
Stomach pushing
From there - from within...
Well, who lives there? nine0003 Try to figure it out...
cheerful people live there.
He is somewhere ahead.
He lay down for the night.
Or maybe
went for a walk on the right side.
Twist into a ball,
straighten it out again...
Tossing and turning there,
probably grumbling...
knocking on my mother's drum with his knees...
Daddy, daddy are you awake?
The baby is talking to you
I'm here, in the dark
In mommy's stomach
We'll meet you soon
Are you waiting for me, dear?
When you sing, you read
I hear everything, I understand.
I have your nose and eyes,
I feel your caresses.
You are my father, dearer to all
And my mother too
You are all my family
Soon I will be with you.
I want to be born in love,
You will be happy to appear.
Can I ask dad?
Mom felt a tear?
Is this pain from me
Or did salt get into the wound?
You won't hurt your mother, will you?
It's so hard for her, you see.
My laughter will soon flow,
Cry rather, but not from grief. nine0003 This is my song, there is joy in it,
What is with you forever.
And while I'm growing up,
You protect your mother.
Dad should be a support,
Be patient, dear, I'll be there soon
I'll be next to you,
Let's chat among ourselves.
I already love you all,
Wait, I'll come to you soon.
A baby lives inside me,
And soon he will be born!
but for now, when you sleep,
He can only dream...
Snub nose like mine,
And eyes like daddy,
Head in white curls -
Well, there is no funnier paw!
Then when he says "Ma",
The heart will beat in happiness!
He will take his first step
In the spring storm.
He will take dad by the hand,
And give him a car,
He will lead him to play
Or draw a picture!
There is no limit to joy here!!!
And tears of happiness flow,
When this white light
Our son is born.
Poems about pregnancy, verse about pregnancy
Something strange happened! nine0003 Something happened to mom!
Her belly is growing
Like a mom hippo!
Maybe mom got sick?
Maybe even ate something! And an embarrassment happened to her:
The belly became like a watermelon!
There is no limit to surprise:
Mom eats pieces of chalk
A candy with a lollipop
Eats cucumber Why is dad happy!
Isn't it necessary to call a doctor?
We won't even have time to gasp:
Mom might burst loudly!
But all the relatives laugh
And they don't listen to me They say that the day will come
Everything will pass by itself!
Really! "Simple as that! »
Look at the stomach
Someone already lives there!
My mother has become plump,
Says she is expecting a baby.
Who will sort them out, adults,
Who, whom, from where is waiting?
Mom made me sit next to her
And she was terribly surprised:
She has almost a year
A sister lives in her stomach.
Sister knows everything about us,
When the radio plays,
Our bedtime story
Hears in his house. nine0007
She is small, baby,
She will grow up a little more,
She will kick her mother in the side,
So, she will come to us soon.
We called you from the expanses of the Ecumenical,
To give you life and hear the cry of a child
In the holy clearing, under a green birch,
Where the generic oak tree with its powerful crown
Wisdom will give, nourishing with inspiration,
Where the wind is circling , and, like a mother, hugs.
Caressed by the warm sun under the shining sky,
At the height of the red summer you appeared like in a fairy tale. nine0003 Fell into good hands, surrounded by Love.
Only joyful sounds have warmed us with you.
We are all together, the three of us, and the Creator is so tender.
He sings a song of happiness, and you sleep peacefully.
And the message spreads to the corners of the entire Universe.
You remember, as it is, the day and hour of appearance!
Every minute I pray for one thing!
So that only you survive in my womb!
So that only your heart beats!
My child, treasure, my happiness!
Just to see you I could! nine0003 So that only alive I gave birth to you!
Just to hold you tight!
To let your father hug you!
To see how your eyes shine,
To guess whether they are my father's or mine ...
To hear your ringing, effervescent laughter!
To make us the happiest in the world!
My baby, my angel, my sweet baby!
I know that now you are not sleeping at all ...
I know that it is not easy for you now,
What is disturbing and scary, just like me! nine0007
I'm afraid of losing you before I can find you!
I conjure! I beg you!!! Just grow up!!!!
Because we love you here and are waiting for you!
Because with you we can only find happiness!!!
Poems about pregnancy, verse about pregnancy
Interweaving of our feelings and genes,
A ball of flesh and soul!
I feel how gradually
You develop inside.
You are already more than an inch tall,
There is a first photo, with an ultrasound ...
I will hug you so tenderly,
Bringing you to my chest for the first time. nine0007
Pushing so delicately,
Stretching so sweetly inside...
Here are the arms and legs - so entertaining!
Dad, look at your tummy!
It doesn't matter if you are a son or a daughter,
Our dear little man!
The last days are coming,
We will meet with you soon...
I feel it in my stomach
Kicked me -
Two hearts beat
I'm with you... You are my hope
Sweet shackles... Little Nastya
Or maybe Vova. Will braid pigtails
You soon mother
Will be for sister
You are now a joy... For you, bloody,
The bed is already ready
Full house of toys
Katya il Serezha... With bated breath
Waiting for you, baby! What should I call you
Mashka or Mishka? Maybe Alyoshka
Or Daisy? Tell me baby,
Do you want to be born? You fight harder and harder,
You ask to come out… Whoever you were born —
The main thing — YOU NEED!!! It is a pity that there is no
Name "Bliss" in the world. I would call them
My female happiness!!
Poems about pregnancy, verse about pregnancy
Happiness does not wait for obstacles,
You are so close, you live in me!
Nothing more is needed in life,
Just listen and think about you.
I'm already kissing you in my sleep,
I'm talking, although I'm whispering,
In order not to frighten my dear.
I am silent about you to strangers.
My belly has long been your home.
Your Soul now reigns there,
Little, dear, priceless dwarf!
This Light is waiting for a miracle baby!
For me, your pushes are a reward,
Don't be afraid to hurt me.
How many movements, how glad I am -
You already communicate with signs!
I will always understand you, stroke you,
You will answer with a gentle wave,
Fumble a little, lie down,
I will hug you, my little ball.
Covering your little eyes with your hands,
On ultrasound you hid from us,
Our little miracle, a fairy tale,
How not to burst into tears at that hour.
Tears of joy from our meeting0003 The main thing is to grow healthy!
All so fragile, dear,
And sometimes it's scary for you,
Just don't be afraid, dear,
My beloved daughter!
After all, there are much more opportunities
The Lord has given than it seems at times.
You grow in me and sleep longer,
Gain strength, my kitten.
Overshadowing everything that is behind:
Glory brilliance, flights of inspiration,
Quietly breathing at my chest
My best poem.
Here it is - life, and my blood, and flesh,
The fruit of my suffering and doubts, —
Son, whom the Lord revealed to me
Motherhood, an incomparable genius.
I now pray to drive away
The fear of his loss is unaccountable,
And in the silence of the night to sort through
Children's fingers a tiny rosary,
And ask and cry about one thing,
Trusting in the Lord's mercy -
So that this earthly Angel
No evil will awaken.
Poems about pregnancy
Two stripes
Early February morning
Under the howl of a blizzard
Three bosom girlfriends
Worried, they looked at the papers.
Each in her own house.
Whether in joy, or in tears.
Everything converges. All over the form.
Each has two stripes.
- Sasha, honey, do you hear?
You and I will have a daughter!
As beautiful as you, you'll see!
Or maybe you want a son?
- Tanya, wait, let me penetrate. nine0003 In the morning you load the topic ...
You want to push me now
That we have problems?
- What's the problem, Sasha?..
It's just happiness!
Let's play our wedding!
Let's go buy a white dress!
- I didn't have enough diapers!
I need a crane, not a titmouse!
- But, Sasha, what about the child? ..
- March, I say, to the hospital!
- Olya, where have you been?
I can't call! nine0003 - Yes, I turned off the phone!
I'm calling you from the hospital!
- Did something happen, Olya?
Where are you? I'm coming!
- Yes, so .