How much does a child passport cost in canada
Travel Document and Notarial Fees
Australian High Commission
Responsibility for Bermuda
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Travel Document & Notarial Fees as at 1 January 2023
10-year validity passport (for persons aged 18 and over) * | CAD $ 431 |
10-year validity passport (for persons aged 16 and 17) * | CAD $ 362 |
5-year validity passport (for children under 16) * | CAD $ 215 |
5-year validity passport (optional for persons 75 and over) * | CAD $ 284 |
Replacement pasport (conditions apply) ** & *** | CAD $ 187 |
Emergency passport overseas *** | CAD $ 187 |
* Price is inclusive of the Overseas Surcharge (Adults CAD $ 134, Children CAD $ 65)
** For eligible applicants: your old passport must be full and must have more than two years validity remaining
*** Overseas Sucharge is not applicable to this service
Other Travel Documents
The fees above apply and are payable under the provisions of the Australian Passports (Application Fees) Act 2005 and the Australian Passports Determination 2008 (No. 1).
Fees are subject to change each month.
Fees are subject to annual indexation. No GST is payable on the above passport fees.
Notarial Services
Verifying and certifying a copy of a document | CAD $ 73 |
Preparation and issue of an Authentication (verifying signature on document) **** | CAD $ 84 |
Preparation and issue of an Apostille | CAD $ 84 |
Witnessing a signature or seal on a form or declaration | CAD $ 73 |
Preparing a declaration or other document | CAD $ 73 |
Issuing a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage | CAD$147 |
Administering an oath or receiving a declaration | CAD $ 73 |
Issuing an affidavit of service of a document | CAD $ 73 |
**** Only those signatures that are listed in the database can be authenticated
Notarial Services Disclaimer: Notice to Clients
Please ensure that the documents relating to notarial services you require from the High Commission / Consulates are presented in the correct form, and that you provide the correct instructions to our staff (for example, on how your signature must be witnssed on the documents).

Please check with the requesting organisation to find out which service you require (for example, whether you need a certified true copy of a document or an authentication).
If you are unsure of the legal requirements relating to the notarial service you require, you should seek independent legal advice.
Neither the Australian Government nor the High Commission/Consulates accept liability for any loss damage or injury arising out of the use of, or reliance on, the document or its contents.
For further information pertaining to legalising documents, please see:
Postage and Payment
Payments are to be made in Canadian dollars by credit card (Visa, MasterCard) or Debit card only.
For Consular and Passport Outreach sessions, please use the credit card authorisation form and bring this to your appointment. Cash will not be accepted at outreach sessions.
Unless collected in person, passports and documents are returned by Canada Post registered mail for which additional fees apply.
If you prefer, you may provide a prepaid self-addressed express or priority envelope from Canada Post or from the courier company of your choice for the return of your documents. Applicants outside of Canada, including Bermuda, must provide a prepaid self-addressed courier envelope for the return of your documents and new passport.
A passport application fee is generally non-refundable, even if the passport is not issued.
Minor Applicants | Texas Global
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Operations Notice
Due to large volumes of customers, Passport Services often has to close early. To increase your chances of being served, we strongly recommend arriving prior to our office opening. For Tuesday, January 17th, we will be accepting a maximum of 55 applications. Also, we will be closed on Monday, January 16th, for MLK Day. Thank you.
Applicants and their parent(s) must be present to apply for a U.S. passport. Passports for applicants age 15 or younger are valid for five years. Applicants age 16 and 17 are regarded as adult applicants.
Be Prepared for Your Visit
Required Documents:
- Check or Money Order
- The Minor’s Birth Certificate
- Proof of U.S. Citizenship
- Proof of Identity for Parents
- Form DS-11
- Photo
We recommend arriving as early as possible during our business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.) as we may close early or for periods of time throughout the day.
We are located in the Texas Global building at 2400 Nueces St, Suite B.
When staff are available, they will enter guests' names and phone numbers on a waitlist so they can be texted when ready to be seen. Guests will not have to wait on site once they are on the waitlist.
Decide What Passport the Minor Needs
Apply for a passport book, passport card, or both. The passport book and passport card are both U.S. passports. They are proof of your U.S. citizenship and identity.
(A) A passport book can be used for international travel by land, sea or air. The vast majority of applicants choose the book. You can also choose how many pages the book has—between 28 (standard) and 52 (large) with no difference in price
(B) A passport card cannot be used for international air travel. The passport card can only be used for entering the United States at land border crossings and seaports from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.
(C) You can also apply for both products with the same application.
Prove the Minor’s U.S. Citizenship
Bring one of the following documents:
A) U.S. Birth Certificate that meets the following requirements*:
- Issued by the city, county, or state of birth
- List applicant’s full name, date of birth, and place of birth
- List parent(s)’ full names
- Has the signature of the city, county, or state registrar
- Has the date filed with the registrar’s office
- Has the seal of issuing authority
B) Undamaged U.S. passport, even if expired
C) Certificate of Naturalization
D) Certificate of Citizenship
E) Birth Certificate Abroad
Examples of what is NOT acceptable: photocopies, social security cards, birth announcements from churches or hospitals.
*Applicants born in Texas may only provide the short-form birth certificate if it has the letter “I” next to the date filed.
Otherwise, they must provide the long-form birth certificate. Applicants born in California must always provide long-form birth certificates. Short-form certificates, also referred to as birth abstracts, will not be accepted.
Prove Parent-Child Relationship
To prove parent-child relationship, a parent/guardian must:
- Bring one of the following for evidence of child’s relationship to the parent/guardian(s):
- Certified US birth certificate including parent(s)' names
- Adoption decree including adopting parent(s)' names
- Court order establishing custody
- Foreign birth certificate including both parent(s)' names with official English translation
- If a parent is deceased, please provide a death certificate
This parent-child relationship document is still needed even if a minor has been issued a U.S. Passport.
- Provide parents’ valid government-issued ID.
Please remember to submit images of parents’ ID when screening for an appointment. Neglecting to do so will delay the process. The most common IDs are driver’s licenses or passports.
Complete the Correct Form
For each applicant, you must complete a passport application, form DS-11, for both first time and renewal in-person applicants. We have provided a fillable version of this form. To save your edits, we advise printing and then selecting “Save as PDF” to have an electronic backup of this form. The only application our office can process is the form DS-11.
Note: On box 8, mailing address line 2, after the phrase “C/O” [Care Of], please write the first and last name of a parent who is living at this address.
Please print out the DS-11 and make sure the form is on two separate pages –not front and back—and that it is completed in black ink.
The size of the form must fit the standard size of 8 ½ x 11 inches.
Provide a Photo (Printed on Photo Paper)
This can be done in one of two ways:
- Applicant provides their own photo, printed on photo paper, that meets all the requirements found here.
- Use our photo services for a fee during your visit.
Since the top reason applications are delayed is due to poor quality photos, we recommend having your photo taken at our facility.
Note: We do not accept digital photos and cannot print them out.
Pay Passport Fee With Check or Money Order
The passport fee must be in the form of a check or money order and made out to the “U.S. Department of State”. Also, please write the first and last name of each applicant, as well as their date of birth, on the front of the check or money order. Do not write anything on the back of the payment.
Fees per minor applicant: $100.00 for Passport Book, $15.00 for Passport Card, and $115.00 for both. Routine processing time is currently 6-9 weeks.
You can choose expedited processing, and receive the passport in 3-5 weeks, by paying an additional $60.00 per applicant. If expediting, we recommend adding the faster shipping fees found below to avoid postal service.
Return Shipping:
For Passport Books only, you can purchase 1-2 day return shipping for an additional $18.32 per applicant that can be included in the check or money order used to pay the passport fee.
Outbound Shipping:
Our office also offers 1-2 day outbound priority mail express shipping from our facility which can be paid with Visa or Mastercard. This price will be at least $26.78 but mail prices can vary daily.
Note: Adding the Return and Outbound Shipping fees only reduces shipping times. Processing speeds will still remain at 3-5 weeks (expedited) or 6-9 weeks (routine).
Pay Execution and Photo Fees
All acceptance facilities are required to charge a $35 execution fee per application. This is separate from the passport fee and does not need to be in check form. We accept Visa, MasterCard or money order to pay this fee.
If you are applying for both a passport book and card, you will only need to pay one execution fee of $35.
Our office charges $15 to take and print two passport photos. One is attached to the application, the other the customer can keep. This can also be paid using Visa, MasterCard or money order.
Passport issues
In accordance with Article 6 and Article 7 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation" of 1996, documents proving the identity of a Russian citizen abroad are: a passport for traveling abroad (foreign passport), a diplomatic passport , service passport, sailor's passport.
The Consulate General of Russia in Toronto issues new foreign passports for citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in Canada, and also accepts applications for the exchange of foreign passports from Russian citizens registered in the Russian Federation and temporarily staying in Canada on a legal basis. nine0003
The passport is issued for a period of five years (regular passport) or ten years (biometric passport) and must be replaced upon expiration. An expired passport cannot be used as an identity document when performing various actions of a notarial and other civil law nature cannot be used .
Russian consular offices abroad are engaged in issuing only foreign passports . Internal passports are issued by the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of residence or stay of citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. nine0003
The state service for processing and issuing a passport is provided to citizens who apply to the Consular Section personally or through their legal representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, custodian) and is regulated by the following Administrative Regulations: of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for the issuance and issuance of a passport proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic storage medium "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 20, 2016 N 42198)
Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 1136 "On Amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for the issuance and issuance of a passport proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic media information, approved by order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 29March 2016 No. 4270"
Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia of March 29, 2016 N 4271 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance and issuance of a passport proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 20, 2016 N 42196)
Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 1137 "On Amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for the issuance and issuance of a passport proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation from 29March 2016 No. 4271"
The regulations define a unified procedure for issuing foreign passports by foreign agencies of the Russian Foreign Ministry for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation residing (permanently or temporarily) outside the Russian Federation. It, in particular, implies the obligatory receipt from the Russian Federation of approval for the issuance of a passport for all persons over 14 years of age. Passport processing takes up to three months from the date of application.
The date of submission of the application is the date of submission of all required duly executed documents and photographs. nine0003
We inform you that due to the large number of visitors applying for a passport, the specified consular action is carried out by prior electronic appointment. Submission by applicants of documents for a passport without making an appointment is carried out if the employee receiving the documents has a free period of time.
If there are no valid documents confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, that is, the validity of the international passport has already expired, and there is no internal Russian-style passport, not exchanged upon reaching the owner of 20 or 45 years of age, or there is an internal Soviet-style passport (regardless of from the presence of an insert about citizenship in it), then the execution of passport documents will be preceded by a procedure for confirming the presence of Russian citizenship. nine0008 Only after that the application for a passport can be accepted for consideration. At the same time, the time spent on confirming citizenship is not included in the period for issuing a passport.
Dear visitors, in case of submission of documents on the same day by several family members, one money order should be made for the total amount of payment of consular fees.
You can check the readiness of the passport for a period of for 5 years here.
nine0002 You can check the readiness of a biometric passport for a period of for 10 years here. 90,000 Russian Citizenship for children living in the USA or Canada
Citizenship of the Russian Federation Born abroad: in the USA, Canada and other countries
Russian Agency in the United States offers the service of citizenship of the Russian Federation for children born abroad, including in the USA, Canada and other countries. We are asked a lot of questions about the process of obtaining Russian citizenship for children abroad. We will try to answer them in as much detail as possible.

Read this article in Russian
If a child was born abroad, can he get Russian citizenship?
A child acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth if on the day of birth both parents or the only parent have citizenship of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of birth of the child (Part 1, Clause “a” of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated 31 May 2002 No. 62-FZ). This means that parents have no choice whether or not to issue Russian citizenship to such a child - in order to enter Russia, the child must obtain a foreign passport of the Russian Federation. We will be happy to help you with the registration of both citizenship and a Russian passport for your child. nine0062
If one of the parents of the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the second is a foreigner, the child can obtain citizenship and a separate international passport of the Russian Federation at the mutual desire of the parents (but this is not mandatory).
Here you can find detailed information about our citizenship services for children in case one of the parents is a citizen of another state.
What will the finished set of documents look like? Do I need to get a Russian birth certificate? nine0008
No, a Russian birth certificate is not issued, since the fact of birth has already been initially registered by the relevant authorities of a foreign state (for example, the USA or Canada). In accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On acts of civil status” dated November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ, an official document confirming the fact of the birth of a child for Russia, absolutely equivalent to a Russian birth certificate, is a foreign birth certificate with an apostille (or state authentication for Canada), translation into Russian and Russian notary (consular) certification. nine0062
The information below applies to cases where both parents of the child are Russian citizens.
If one of the parents is a foreign citizen, you can find detailed information here.
What is included in the complete set of documents issued to a child through RUSSIAN AGENCY?
literal translation of a foreign birth certificate and apostille (in the case of Canada - state authentication) into Russian,
consular certification of the fidelity of the translation and stitching of all documents by the consul of the Russian Federation,
on the back of the consular stitching - a stamp of citizenship of the Russian Federation,
a separate foreign passport for a period of 5 years.
Terms of performance and cost of the service, if BOTH parents (or the only parent) are citizens of the Russian Federation:
Standard clearance within 6-8 weeks - $1,350.00.
Expedited Clearance within 3-4 weeks - $1,800.
urgent processing in 2-3 weeks - $2,000.00,
super urgent processing in 1-2 working days - $2,600.00.
Citizenship and a foreign passport will be issued without the personal presence of both parents and the child. The cost of the service includes consular fees for verifying the accuracy of translations and issuing an old-style international passport. Important: if the parents are married outside the Russian Federation, in order to apply for citizenship to the child, the marriage certificate of the parents must be legalized for use in Russia and have a translation into Russian, certified either by a Russian consular institution or a notary of the Russian Federation. If you need such legalization, we can provide it as an additional service. nine0062
For all questions regarding the process of registration and submission of documents, you can contact the hotline (888) 9-RUSSIA or (888) 978-7742.
STEP 1 (You need to mail or bring to any of our offices the following documents):
original foreign birth certificate with an apostille (for birth certificates issued in Canada - with the state authentication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada in the form of a red seal and legalization performed in any consular office of the Russian Federation in Canada). If you do not yet have an apostille for your birth certificate, we can issue it as an additional service. nine0062
personal check/money order/cashier check with payment (including return shipping* if you want to receive finished documents by post) addressed to RUSSIAN AGENCY.
STEP 2 (You need to mail, email or bring to any of our offices the following documents):
Passport photograph of the child,
Copies of internal passports of both parents (main spread and all pages with registration), if any,
Copy of marriage certificate, if parents are married,
If the parents of the child had a change of surname in their life, then copies of documents confirming each change of surname are required,
Information about the current place of work of the parent-applicant (name of organization, position, address and telephone number).