Newborn baby triplets
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illeg. . And this is only the third case in the last 40 years.
Childbirth took place in the Ishim perinatal center on May 29. All three newborns are girls. Their parents named them Ekaterina, Valeria and Tatyana. They were born with rather big weight for triplets - 1610, 1410 and 1600 grams. The kids are still in the hospital. Mom is getting ready to be discharged.
The caesarean section was performed by two obstetrician-gynecologists. For Sergey Sergienko it was the first such experience. Inna Kartashova has already taken triplets, the press service of OB No. 4 reported. The doctor came to Ishim from Chita, where she worked in the district perinatal center. “All the babies are now on their own breathing, but this is not enough to discharge them from the hospital,” says the doctor. — They need to put on weight. It will be possible to talk about an extract if they reach at least two kilograms of two hundred grams.
The family already has a 3-year-old daughter. “When we found out that there would be triplets, to put it mildly, we were shocked,” says the mother of newborns. - We never even had twins in our relatives, let alone triplets. Now this happiness is tripled.”
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Triplets helped link low birth weight to left-handedness
Medical professionals found a relationship between the weight of the child at birth and development of left- or right-handedness reported at Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . On the basis of two samples, consisting of a total of 2252 triplets, scientists showed that the average weight of left-handed people with birth was significantly less than the weight of right-handed babies.
The vast majority of people on the planet (90 percent) are right-handed. Although the percentage of left-handers varies in different cultures, average among left-handed men by 2-4 percent more than among women. Ultrasonic studies show that the fetus begins to use dominant hand already on the ninth week. It is known that left-handedness inherited, but so far genetically factors succeeded explain only a quarter of the cases. Lefties more often meet among premature babies and among those who was born weighing less than one and a half kilograms, but Which of these two factors comes first? low weight or premature birth, was still not clear. Studying twins seems to confirm the influence reduced weight on shaping left-handedness. Research has shown, that left-handed twins meet more often, but at the same time these were children born with reduced weight. That is, the factor affecting the formation of left-handedness twins are more likely to underweight, not that, the twins are or only children.
To clarify this issue, Finnish, Dutch and Japanese explorers led by Eero Vuoksimaa (Eero Vuoksimaa from the University of Helsinki studied twin triplets. By Researchers say triplets are perfect suitable for learning addiction between the formation of left-handedness and low birth weight. Children from triplets at birth weigh less than single children and twins. At the same time, in on average, they weigh less than two, and most of them are less one and a half kilograms, which are considered the threshold weight for the formation of left-handedness. IN the study involved two samples triplets, 1305 trios from Japan and 947 from Netherlands. Scientists took data about them from national registries and interviewed either the twins themselves, or, if they were younger than five years, their mothers. Apart from questions about the dominant hand, scientists wondering what stage of pregnancy children were born, their birth weight, mother's age, and at what age babies start to turn sit down, crawl, stand alone and walk. Ambidextrous scientists from studies were excluded.
It turned out that all lefties had a birth weight lower than in right-handed children. In the case of triplets from Japan, the average left-handed weight was 1.599 kilograms, right-handers - 1.727 kilograms. The twins from the Netherlands were generally larger; average weight of left-handed babies was 1,794 kilograms, right-handed children - 1,903 kilograms. Also researchers found that left-handers (compared to right-handed) motor skills developed much slower (p < 0.001), a also in childhood they had less Head circumference. In the same time other parameters: mother's age, stress during pregnancy, complications time of birth and birth order of babies did not affect the development of left-handedness.
Scientists got conflicting results as to whether it affects occurrence of left-handedness gestational babies age. If this factor analyzed simultaneously with reduced weight, both of them are slightly associated with the emergence left-handedness.