Morning sickness relief tips
Morning Sickness Remedies | American Pregnancy Association
Morning sickness is the nauseous feeling commonly experienced during around the 6th week of pregnancy. It can occur at any time of the day, and for most women, it seems to stop after the 12th week of pregnancy. Morning sickness is not harmful to you or your baby, but if you experience excessive vomiting and cannot manage to keep your food down, you may have hyperemesis gravidarum and lack essential nutrients and electrolytes . Inform your doctor when these symptoms appear and discuss possible treatment options.
Why Am I Nauseous?
Blame the increasing hormones, but you’re not alone. More than 50% of pregnant women experience morning sickness. But take heart. Many doctors think morning sickness is a good sign because it means the placenta is developing well.
Prenatal Vitamins can make nausea worse, mostly because of the extra iron. Pair your prenatal vitamins with a light snack before you go to bed.
What helps with morning sickness? While not all morning sickness remedies may work for you, there are several options you can try to find some relief.
In the Morning:
Allow yourself plenty of time to get out of bed. If you usually get up at 6:00 a.m., set your alarm for 5:00 a.m. It is a good idea to keep a stash of crackers or dry cereal by your bed so you can put something in your stomach as soon as you wake up. Get out of bed slowly as you start your day.
During the Day:
Eat small meals throughout the day to avoid getting too full or too hungry. Progesterone slows the speed of food passing through your digestive tract. To further prevent your stomach from getting too full or too empty, drink fluids a 1/2 hour before or after meals, but not with meals. Also, make sure to drink fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
Get plenty of rest when you can. This is especially important if you have to get up early in the morning. However, DO NOT take a nap right after a meal because this can increase nausea.
Avoid foods or smells that make your nausea worse, and avoid being in warm places, which can increase your nausea.
In the Evening:
For dinner avoid spicy, greasy foods. Prepare foods that are bland and do not have a strong odor. You may have to avoid cooking for the first trimester.
Most importantly, go to bed early! You need your rest to have the energy to get up early and do it all over again. If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, try to eat something small from your bedside stash.
Suggested Meals
- Cold foods (sandwiches, raw vegetables, salad when properly prepared to prevent listeria)
- Bland foods (chicken soup, broth, plain baked potato)
- Plain vegetables or fruits
- Keep meals small, but eat as frequently as you need
- Foods rich in vitamin B6
Suggested Snacks to Eat
- Lemons (Eat them, suck on them, or sniff them.
- Ginger (ginger ale soda, ginger tea, ginger jam on toast, ginger snaps)
- Peppermint tea
- Crackers
- Jell-O
- Flavored popsicles
- Pretzels
Treatments & Supplements
PregEase: natural product is shown to relieve morning sickness and heartburn. Includes a comprehensive formula with vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients demonstrated to help easy common pregnancy discomforts.
- Delicious, chewable, orange-flavored tablets provide safe and effective relief
- Doctor-designed, natural formula with no artificial dyes, colors or preservatives
- Includes Vitamins B6, B12, calcium carbonate, ginger, and many other ingredients to soothe nausea.
Preggie Pops: lollipops in flavors known to reduce nausea. (Available flavors include ginger, mint, lavender, sour raspberry, sour lemon, and sour tangerine).
- A natural way to ease nausea
- Drug-free and doctor recommended
- Great for labor
- Alleviates dry mouth
- Quick energy boost
Sea-Bands: wristbands that use acupressure pulse points to fight nausea.
- For all forms of nausea, including morning sickness
- No drugs and no side effects
- Used by doctors and hospitals
- The only clinically tested wristband
- One size fits all
Nip the Nausea: Drops flavored with a combination of ginger and lemon, which collectively soothe upset stomachs and reduce nausea symptoms.
Relief Band Device: a device that can be worn continuously for relief of mild to moderate nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.
Vitamin B6: Taking Vitamin B6 (50 mg) daily has been shown to help with pregnancy-induced nausea.
Talk with your health care provider about any supplements and treatments for morning sickness. If morning sickness is so severe that you are constantly throwing up and not keeping anything down, consult your health care provider about the possibility of having hyperemesis gravidarum.
- Nightfood Nighttime Ice Cream
- Role of Vitamin B in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Nutrition
Compiled using information from the following sources:
Williams Obstetrics Twenty-Second Ed. Cunningham, F. Gary, et al, Ch. 8
American Academy of Family Physicians,
12 Tips To Help Calm Morning Sickness – Cleveland Clinic
If you’ve had morning sickness during pregnancy, you probably know that the name is cruelly misleading. Feelings of nausea or vomiting can strike anytime — day or night. There’s good news, though. There are several things you can do to help tame your turbulent tummy.
Morning sickness is common. In fact, one study shows that up to 80% of pregnant people experience at least some symptoms of morning sickness — but that doesn’t mean you have to simply accept it.
Certified nurse-midwife Jessica Costa, MSN, APRN, CNM, explains what causes morning sickness and how you can ease it.
What causes morning sickness?
It’s not clear exactly which hormones trigger symptoms — which can range from mild nausea to frequent vomiting — but doctors suspect that surging human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and progesterone levels are the culprits.
Two pieces of good news: Though unpleasant for you, these symptoms won’t harm your baby. And pregnancy nausea is often short-lived, with symptoms typically ending early in the second trimester or sooner.
“Usually, we see an increase in morning sickness symptoms between eight and 10 weeks gestation, with many people reporting relief by week 16,” Costa says.
But not everyone who’s pregnant has morning sickness, and those who do have it don’t always have the same severity of symptoms. You may even find that your experience varies from one pregnancy to the next.
Remedies for morning sickness
If morning sickness has your stomach in knots, try one (or all!) of these tips to help ease your discomfort and start feeling like yourself again.
1. Eat often
“It may seem counterintuitive, but an empty stomach can actually make nausea worse,” Costa says. Every few hours, eat small meals or snacks that are easy to get down, like a handful of nuts or a few crackers.
Speaking of crackers — bland, starchy foods can help soak up gastric acid and settle the stomach, so keep some on hand.
2. Avoid food triggers
Pay attention to which foods seem to set off your nausea. Spicy, greasy, fatty and otherwise heavy foods are common culprits, while bland foods (like those found in the BRAT diet) are easier to stomach, literally.
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3. Prioritize protein
Studies show that protein-rich offer longer-lasting relief from nausea than foods that are high in carbohydrates or fats, so keep a supply of high-protein snacks at the ready to stave off the nausea. Costa’s favorite picks are yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, nuts and seeds.
4. Go sour for sweet relief
Fight a sour stomach with sour candies. “Sour flavors seem to help curb nausea,” Costa says. Try sucking on a piece of lemon-flavored hard candy.
You can also go straight to the source and suck on a slice of citrus fruit (think lemon, lime or orange). They’re all high in citric acid, which can help with digestion and may ease that nausea.
5. Drink for two
This one can be a bit of a “Catch-22”: Being dehydrated can contribute to nausea, but so can being uncomfortably full after drinking a lot of water. In short, you want to do your best to stay hydrated, but you don’t want to drink so much water that you make things worse.
And you don’t have to always go the plain water route, either. Give yours a squeeze of lemon or another fruit infusion, or try sipping ginger ale, clear soda or a fruity tea.
6. Stay vertical
You may feel inclined to lie down when you’re not feeling well, but the opposite is actually best for pregnancy nausea.
Avoid lying down after eating, which can cause the gastric juices in your stomach to rise. “This hinders digestion and contributes to that queasy feeling,” Costa explains.
7. Wait awhile to brush
Brushing your teeth right after eating can trigger your gag reflex, which is the last thing you want when you’re prone to nausea. “For best results, try to hold off on brushing for 30 minutes or so after you eat,” Costa suggests.
8. Avoid strong odors
“Odors that might seem innocuous when you’re not pregnant may suddenly turn your stomach,” Costa says.
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Studies show that everything from food to perfume to body odor can lead to nausea when you’re pregnant, thanks to the surging hormones. Try to steer clear of strong or offensive smells in the meantime.
9. Embrace pleasant aromas
Lightly scented essential oil scents can help ease nausea symptoms quickly. “For the fastest results, dab a few drops on a cotton ball and sniff,” Costa advises. Try:
- Chamomile.
- Ginger.
- Lemon.
- Orange.
- Peppermint.
Of course, every pregnant body is different, so if any of these scents seem to make your nausea worse, skip them and move on to the next.
10. Try a motion-sickness band
“These wristbands curb morning sickness, motion sickness and seasickness by putting pressure on the P6 pressure point on your wrists,” Costa explains. In acupressure terms, this spot is also known as the nei guan point.
If you don’t have a motion-sickness band handy, you can put light pressure on the nei guan spot on your own. Place three fingers on your wrist, just below your hand; the nei guan point is just below them, directly beneath your index finger.
11. Take your pills at night
Prenatal vitamins are an important part of a healthy pregnancy, but some people find that taking them in the morning contributes to an upset stomach. If you suspect this is the case for you, switch to taking them in the evening with a small, healthy snack.
12. Take care of yourself
Healthy lifestyle choices can go a long way toward keeping you and baby healthy — and help ward off nausea in the process. Aim to get a good night’s sleep, regular exercise and plenty of fresh air, all of which can help keep queasiness at bay.
When to see your doctor for morning sickness
Sure, pregnancy comes with its share of discomfort — but don’t ignore unusual symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing any of these troubling symptoms:
- Abdominal pain.
- Difficulty urinating.
- Fever.
- Inability to keep food/drinks down for 24 hours.
- Vomiting blood.
- Weight loss.
“It’s important to keep in mind that the hormones responsible for making you feel sick also play an important role in helping your baby develop and grow,” Costa says. “But if you’ve tried everything and your symptoms are still severely impacting your daily life, talk with your healthcare provider.”
Acupressure for nausea and vomiting
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This information explains how to use acupressure (AK-yoo-PREH-sher) to help with nausea and prevent vomiting. Nausea is the sensation of vomit. Vomiting is the eruption of vomit.
Acupressure is a type of massage. It is based on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture (AK-yoo-PUNK-cher). With acupressure, pressure is applied to certain points of the body. Such points are called acupuncture points (AK-yoo-points).
Pressing these points allows the muscles to relax and improves blood circulation. It also helps relieve many of the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting.
You can do acupressure at home by applying pressure to various acupuncture points with your fingers. To learn how to do acupressure, watch this video or follow the steps below.
This video will show you how to perform acupressure to help relieve nausea and vomiting.
Details on video
Massage point P-6 is also known as nay-gwann. It is located on the back of the hand next to the wrist. Massaging this point helps relieve nausea and prevent vomiting.
Massage of this point is not recommended in the following cases:
- The skin at or near the point is scaly or blistered.
- Open wound at or near a point.
- Rash at or near this point.
- Redness, swelling, fever or pus at or near the point.
How to find a massage point P-6
To find the P-6 massage point:
- Position the hand so that the fingers are pointing up and the palm is facing you.
- Place the first 3 fingers of your other hand on your wrist (see figure 1). Your fingers should be just below the crook of your wrist.
- Place your thumb just below your index finger. Remove 3 fingers from your wrist, but leave your thumb in place (see Figure 2). Press on this place with your thumb. Under the thumb, you should feel 2 large tendons (tissue that connects muscles to bones).
This spot between the two tendons is the P-6 massage point.
- Once you have found the massage point, you can relax your hand and keep it in a comfortable position.
Figure 1. How to place 3 fingers on the wrist to locate the thumb
Figure 2. How to press the thumb to the point under the index finger
- Press this point with your thumb. While pressing, make circular movements with your thumb. You can move it clockwise (right) or counterclockwise (left). Do this for 2-3 minutes.
- Some people may find it difficult to use their thumb. Instead, you can use your index finger.
- Press hard enough, but not so hard that it hurts. You may feel some discomfort or tenderness, but it should not be pain. If you feel pain, then you are pressing too hard.
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 on the other wrist.
You can massage this point several times a day until symptoms improve.
Acupressure is an additional treatment. Complementary therapies are treatments that can be used alongside primary cancer therapy. They can help relieve symptoms.
For more information about complementary treatments, call MSK's Integrative Medicine Service at 646-449-1010 or visit
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We fight against toxicosis - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Alexandrova Anna Evgenievna
Clinic "Mother and Child" South-West
get more rest
Very often in the first trimester, the expectant mother feels weak, drowsy, she wants to lie down to rest, and sometimes she simply does not even have the strength to move. This, of course, is not toxicosis, but if such sensations arise, then they must be indulged so as not to inadvertently provoke another attack of nausea. Get plenty of rest and do not make any sudden movements, because even if you just fail to get up from a chair, you can provoke an attack of nausea.
Sleep with open windows: the air in the bedroom should be fresh and cool. Go to bed on time, do not sit at midnight in front of the TV or at the computer, eliminate all irritating factors: an uncomfortable mattress, blanket, pillow, hard bedding - lack of sleep can respond with morning sickness.
eat right
Eat small meals, 5-6 times a day, or even more often. When you wake up, don't get out of bed right away. One of the most effective methods against toxicosis is breakfast in bed. In the evening, put crackers, yogurt, or any product that you can tolerate well next to your bed. Eat it before you get up, and then lie down for a while. Most likely, morning sickness will either not appear at all, or will be very weak.
Usually, in case of toxicosis, it is not recommended to eat fatty, smoked, salty, pickled, drink soda (the usual set of food hazards). But it is likely that some not very healthy product will now be well tolerated, and something from healthy food, on the contrary, will cause nausea. "Pregnant whims" - a cake with herring or pineapples at night - these are the requests of the body that it needs one or another component in food. For example, the desire to chew chalk is a sign of calcium deficiency. So eat what you like and what you want, within reason, of course. And if you don’t feel like something, even if this product is extremely useful and necessary, don’t eat it. If you feel sick from some dish, it means that the body signals you: I don’t need this now!
drink more often
Toxicosis may not be limited to nausea, some may also vomit. This means fluid is lost. Therefore, between meals, drink more often: a sip or two of mineral water or tea with lemon will help to cope with nausea and replenish lost fluids. But drink in small sips. Also, you should not drink food and you should give up soups for a while - a large amount of food drunk and eaten, on the contrary, only provokes nausea and vomiting.
breathe fresh air
Outdoor walks are good for everyone, but especially for toxicosis. Firstly, when walking, the blood of the expectant mother and baby is saturated with oxygen, which is very important for health, and secondly, walking calms the nervous system. Together, this helps to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. You need to walk at least two hours a day - but not just along the street, but in the place where the air is really fresh: in the forest, park, square, and best of all outside the city. Before you go out, think over the route: go away from gas-polluted highways, street cafes, food stalls and other "fragrant" places.
exclude fragrances
Taste and smell preferences change during the first trimester. Now even your favorite perfumes can cause nausea, headaches and allergic reactions. Therefore, put away all fragrant cosmetics that irritate you: perfumes, deodorants, creams, and so on. You will have to stop using your favorite perfume for both your husband and loved ones. Explain to others that this is not a whim, but a temporary measure, very soon everything will return to normal.
And do not worry that now you will be left without your usual beauty products. Both the cosmetic store and the pharmacy are full of different creams, tonics, shampoos without fragrance or with a minimal smell.
work with yourself
Psychologists believe that the cause of toxicosis is not only in hormonal changes, but also in the psychological state of a woman. The more a woman experiences, the more anxieties and fears she has, the more pronounced toxicosis can be. Ideally, it is better to limit yourself during pregnancy from any stress. Of course, it’s not always possible to eliminate nervous work or crowding in public transport, but watch less TV, don’t read negative news and various pregnant “horror stories” on the Internet, and don’t react to minor or even major everyday troubles everyone can do. Therefore, if you are worried about toxicosis, create your own comfortable world during pregnancy. If you can’t cope on your own, contact a specialist (psychologist). Toxicosis is really well treated with psychotherapy. The main thing is that the expectant mother should want to get rid of her own anxiety.
No matter how unpleasant toxicosis is, it does not last forever. It is necessary to suffer until the beginning or (less often) the middle of the II trimester. And very soon all the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis will remain in the past!
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Clinic "Mother and Child" South-West
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