Mens during pregnancy
Period during pregnancy: Is it possible?
During a period, the uterus sheds the lining that has built up in case of pregnancy. While a woman can experience uterine bleeding during pregnancy, it will not be due to a period.
In this article, we take an in-depth look at menstruation and pregnancy and discuss other potential causes of bleeding during pregnancy.
A period will not be the cause of any bleeding during pregnancy.
When a woman is pregnant, she does not continue to ovulate and will not have a period. Menstruation only occurs when a person is not pregnant.
Although it is possible for women to experience some bleeding during pregnancy, this will not be due to their menstrual cycle.
Some women also do not have any periods while breast-feeding. However, they may still begin to ovulate again soon after giving birth. Therefore, doctors may recommend some form of birth control while a woman is breast-feeding if she does not wish to get pregnant.
The menstrual cycle occurs to facilitate pregnancy. The cycle begins on the first day of a person’s period and ends on the first day of the following period.
Ovulation, when the ovary releases an egg, occurs midway through the cycle.
An egg is only viable for about 12–24 hours after a woman ovulates. If sperm cells are present and able to fertilize the egg, the egg will implant itself in the uterus, resulting in pregnancy.
If there is no fertilization, menstruation will occur, and the body will shed the uterine lining so that it can begin making a new one for the next cycle.
Although a woman will not have a period when she is pregnant, she may still experience some bleeding.
While bleeding is not necessarily a sign of an underlying problem, it is essential to understand the potential causes and know when to speak to a doctor.
First trimester
Bleeding tends to be more common during the first trimester. Some mild spotting can occur as the placenta implants in the uterus.
A woman can also experience changes in the cervical cells during pregnancy, which may cause some light bleeding, especially after having sex.
Other causes of bleeding in the first trimester include:
- ectopic pregnancy, which is a medical emergency
- an infection
- miscarriage, or pregnancy loss
- subchorionic hemorrhage, also called subchorionic hematoma, when bleeding occurs between the uterine wall and the placenta
- gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), a very rare condition that can simulate pregnancy by causing a tumor that may contain abnormal fetal tissue
After 20 weeks
Causes of bleeding later in pregnancy may include:
- Cervical examination: A doctor may inspect the cervix to check for any abnormalities. This procedure can result in some minor bleeding.
- Placenta previa: This is a condition that occurs when a woman’s placenta implants close to or on the cervical opening.
- Preterm labor or labor: During labor, the cervix will dilate, and the uterus will contract to help move the fetus down. This can result in some bleeding.
- Sexual intercourse: While most women can continue to have sex while pregnant, unless a doctor advises otherwise, they may experience some spotting and bleeding due to increased sensitivity of the vaginal and cervical tissues.
- Uterine rupture: This is when the uterus tears during labor, which is a medical emergency. This condition is rare but is more likely to occur if a woman has previously had a cesarean delivery or surgery on the uterus.
- Placental abruption: This is a condition in which the placenta begins to separate from the uterus before the baby is born. It is also a medical emergency.
If a woman does experience bleeding at any stage of pregnancy and is concerned, she should note the color, amount, and consistency of the bleeding and speak to a doctor.
Women should seek emergency medical attention for bleeding during pregnancy if they have additional symptoms that include:
- pain and cramping
- dizziness or fainting
- heavy bleeding or passing clots
- severe pain in the stomach and pelvis
A woman should also see a doctor about bleeding that is bright red and soaks a pad.
Vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain early in pregnancy may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, especially if these symptoms occur before an initial ultrasound. Any woman who suspects an ectopic pregnancy should see a doctor as soon as possible.
If a woman is bleeding and has symptoms of preterm labor, which is labor before 37 weeks of gestation, she should seek medical attention. These symptoms may include a constant ache in the lower back, abdominal cramping, and regular contractions.
Bleeding during pregnancy does not indicate that a woman is having her period.
Sometimes the bleeding can be the result of regular changes in the body during pregnancy.
Heavy bleeding may indicate a health issue that requires treatment. If a woman experiences bleeding during pregnancy, she should speak to a healthcare professional for guidance.
Read the article in Spanish.
Pregnant and Period: Is It Possible?
The short answer is no. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn’t possible to have a period while you’re pregnant.
Rather, you might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown in color.
As a rule of thumb, if there’s enough bleeding to fill a pad or tampon, then it’s a sign you’re probably not pregnant. If you’ve had a positive pregnancy test and are bleeding heavily, seek medical care.
Your period occurs every month or so in lieu of an egg becoming fertilized. Eggs are released once a month from the ovary. When they aren’t fertilized, the egg travels out of the uterus and sheds through the vagina.
Bleeding during a “normal” period often starts off light, then gets heavier and darker red. It also lightens in color and quantity toward the end of the cycle.
The differences between menstruation and being pregnant are supposed to be clear-cut: Once you’re pregnant, you don’t get periods anymore. But it isn’t always so obvious.
Some people claim they’ve gotten periods while pregnant. Fueling some of the inquiries in the “periods while pregnant” conspiracy are social media, blogs, and even television shows like “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant.”
Bleeding is a warning sign, but it doesn’t have to be something bad. Many people go on to have healthy babies after experiencing spotting during their first trimester. If you do bleed during pregnancy, it’s related to something else other than regular menstruation.
After all, periods only happen when you’re not pregnant. Learn about the different types of bleeding during pregnancy and when you need to call your OB-GYN.
Between 15 and 25 percent of people spot during early pregnancy. Some of the causes are:
- implantation bleeding
- changes in the cervix
- infection
- molar pregnancy (abnormal mass fertilizes instead of a fetus)
- ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside of the uterus)
- early signs of a miscarriage
Implantation bleeding
This happens in the earliest stages of pregnancy. At this point, you likely haven’t gotten a pregnancy test yet. This type of bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg implants into the uterus, usually around the time your period would be expected.
Implantation bleeding is sometimes mistaken as a period, though the bleeding is usually light or just spotting.
Shortly after pregnancy, you might also experience spotting from cervical changes. Unless there’s an infection, this isn’t often cause for concern.
Other causes
Other types of early bleeding that can indicate an emergency medical issue include:
- infections
- ectopic pregnancy
- molar pregnancy
- miscarriage
These can also be accompanied by:
- severe cramps or abdominal pain
- back pain
- faintness or losing consciousness
- fatigue
- shoulder pain
- fever
- vaginal discharge changes
- uncontrollable nausea and vomiting
The bleeding is also much heavier, unlike spotting. It’s more like a normal period.
Bleeding beyond the first trimester often requires medical attention. Regardless of whether bleeding during the second and third trimester is light or heavy, with or without any other symptoms, you need to call your doctor for an emergency visit.
Common causes of bleeding during the rest of pregnancy include:
- term or preterm labor or cervical dilation
- miscarriage
- placenta previa
- placental abruption
- uterine rupture (rare)
- vasa previa (rare)
Preterm labor
This refers to any birth that happens before 37 weeks. Before preterm labor, some people experience symptoms similar to a period as well as a large amount of mucus discharge.
While cramping may also be felt, preterm labor also causes contractions. Symptoms of preterm labor might also include:
- backache
- a sensation of pressure in the vagina
- changes in discharge
Placenta previa
This happens when the placenta is implanted low in the uterus and very close to, or covers, the cervix. The bleeding varies, but there are no other symptoms. Placenta previa can hinder labor and delivery.
Placental abruption
This occurs most commonly during the last few months of pregnancy. The placenta detaches from the uterus, usually causing heavy bleeding and possibly severe stomach pain and cramping. Certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure, can increase the risk of placental abruption.
Uterine rupture
A uterine rupture means that the muscle of the uterus separates or tears. This can cause uncontrolled bleeding. It occurs most commonly in those who have delivered via cesarean delivery in the past. Though rare, this type of tear happens on old scar lines along the uterus.
Many of the conditions that happen in the latter part of pregnancy cause bleeding and other symptoms similar to a period. These aren’t really menstruation, though.
It’s not possible to get your period while pregnant. You may, however, experience similar symptoms of a period during the first trimester. These include:
- vaginal bleeding (light and short term)
- light cramping
- fatigue
- irritability
- lower back pain
The difference is that these symptoms are related to your body’s natural preparation methods for pregnancy. If any of the above symptoms are severe or don’t go away, you’re in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, or both apply, seek immediate care.
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether bleeding is indicative of a medical emergency or not. As a rule of thumb, if you’re bleeding at any stage of pregnancy, call your doctor right away.
What’s the earliest you can test and get a positive pregnancy result?
Anonymous patient
Home pregnancy tests measure a level of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. Urine usually has less measurable hormones than blood, so urine tests may not be as accurate early in the pregnancy. Several factors can affect the accuracy of the home urine pregnancy test: the type of test or brand, error in interpreting the results, female cycle length, and interference from another diagnosis or treatment are a few examples. The best time to take a home pregnancy test is at the time of a missed menstrual cycle. However, even on the first day after a missed period, more than a third of pregnant women will have a negative home pregnancy test result. Some women report having positive results before the date of their expected menstrual cycle, though this isn’t common.
Kimberly Dishman, MSN, WHNP-BC, RNC-OBAnswers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.
The role of a man in pregnancy
So, your wife is pregnant, which means that you are expecting a baby together. And, most likely, you are interested in questions about how this pregnancy will directly affect you, your wife and your relationship in general. In order for everything to turn out well, you need to understand what your wife expects from you, and what is your role in this difficult period.
The first thing your wife always expects from you is fulfilling a male role, fulfilling male duties, which can manifest themselves as participation and support in everyday ordinary life.
However, the time of pregnancy differs from the usual life of the spouses. Moreover, pregnancy itself consists of trimesters, which also have their own characteristics. Therefore, your participation and support should be different in each trimester.
First trimester
The wife's emotional state can be described as "here and now".
- During this period, it is important for your wife first of all to accept her pregnancy, to accept all the changes that are happening to her and in her.
- She becomes helpless because the physiological and hormonal restructuring of the body in this trimester takes a lot of strength.
A woman in her emotional state in the 1st trimester approaches the characteristics of a small child who needs parental care and priceless love.
On the other hand, it is the realization that both of you are becoming parents that prompts her to “test” you again and again for your readiness for fatherhood: what kind of father are you for her child, how do you cope with your role…
Therefore, your task during this period is to try to be a father for both - for your wife and baby. And you won’t be able to come up with anything better than the simplest thing - to fulfill her “strange” desires, pamper her, protect her and show her how much you love her. Because attention to her, to her condition means for the wife that you will also take care of the child.
Supporting your wife at the beginning of pregnancy, you will get much more than you gave: you will get her confidence that you are there, that you can take care of her in a difficult responsible period, that you are an attentive, feeling father and you can have children with you.
Second trimester
The emotional state of the wife fits the definition of "bread and circuses".
In the second trimester the emotional and intellectual sphere of a woman changes:
- the intensity of her emotions becomes brighter;
- long experiences disappear;
- the leading emotional background is positive and if nothing happens, life is beautiful.
Now your wife is quite well adapted to her condition, eats "for two" and needs a variety of positive emotions.
What is your role in this trimester? To be with her - a partner, in all her endeavors: theater, exhibitions, cinema, shops, various taste changes (including possible restrictions on products), sex, doctors, prenatal courses, swimming pool, etc.
This is the "golden time" of pregnancy, when you live this period vividly together, are saturated with the novelty of life, and already your baby shows itself to be moving. In this trimester, a woman begins to move from the position of a child to a motherly position. She is already beginning to take concrete care of the baby: she communicates with him, looks for information related to the child, goes to courses, makes plans ...
During this period, you also begin to feel your paternity, because it becomes possible to communicate with the child through the stomach, and you can already form a first impression of him: what he is like, what he does not like, how he reacts to external events, how long it takes to calm down …
During this period, your role doubles: for your wife you become a caring partner in life, and for a baby - a parent. All you need to do is to be a support for your wife and make it clear that she is loved, despite any changes that occur to her body.
The third trimester
The third trimester can be characterized as follows: “nesting and sleeping…”
The essence of this trimester is to experience 2 events:
- to equip the “nest” and
- prepare for childbirth.
Inevitably and unexpectedly for you, the wife will begin to show the nest-making syndrome, which is characterized by her completely irresistible desire to prepare a place for the child: buying a crib, various kinds of accessories for the child, etc. Even if your wife basically does not buy anything before the birth of the baby, you cannot avoid shopping.
And then your role may be to take a manly approach to evaluating the things you buy. If a stroller, for example, evaluate it in terms of functionality, ease of delivery, installation in an apartment, heaviness for a wife, rigidity for a child, etc. Here is the time to reveal yourself as a man - the head of the family!
We often have much more in us than we think. And pregnancy not only reveals a woman, but also enriches a man, making him stronger and giving him new skills and knowledge about himself. By the end of pregnancy, your wife will more and more “go away” into an internal state, as if glowing from the inside. She is psychologically and physiologically preparing for childbirth. She is almost ready to become a mother and ready to take care of the baby.
Your role is the role of an equal partner in organizing and living this event, as well as becoming a real father for the baby with all the rights to love him and all the duties to him: in saving his life and providing him with favorable conditions for health, growth and development .
And again, when the pregnancy is almost over: support, ability to feel, confidence that you and your wife are both equal parents, and everyone contributes to the life of the family and the baby.
perinatal psychologist at the Center for Traditional Obstetrics
Pregnant Dad Syndrome | How to help a pregnant wife
The signs of pregnancy in women are well known to everyone: the stomach grows, strange taste preferences appear, and mood swings occur. Usually during pregnancy, the mother leads a less active lifestyle, sleeps longer and eats more. What is dad doing at this time? As a partner, he often also adjusts to a changed lifestyle. And ... it changes not only inside, but also externally. His general motor activity decreases, nausea occurs in the morning, his tummy grows, drowsiness appears, etc.
Proven is the fact that the hormonal background of the "pregnant dad" is different from the pre-pregnancy state. The amount of testosterone (male hormone) decreases, and the level of estrogen and prolactin (female hormones) increases. Most likely, these changes are secondary, that is, they come after a changed daily routine, the nature of nutrition, and are more common in men who are sensitive, attentive and caring.
Whatever changes happen to your husband, remember that he is also human. He may have his own fears, weaknesses and worries before the upcoming fatherhood. Try to let your husband understand how important he is to you, talk to him about your feelings, consult, confess your love. Spend time together more often, go for walks, go to concerts, exhibitions and visits. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a wonderful state of waiting for a baby. And if two people share it, it's wonderful!
Dealing with pregnancy together
The body of each woman is individual, but some changes are observed in almost all expectant mothers. Many of them may have never been experienced by a woman before pregnancy, so they can be worrisome. Some of the changes are spiritual, some are physical. Some are due to the action of hormones, others are the consequences of an increase in the abdomen and body weight.
Here are the most common inconveniences encountered in mid-pregnancy:
• Edema.
• Problems of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, accumulation of gases, belching, heartburn.
• Varicose disease of the lower extremities.
• Expansion of the veins of the vagina.
• Spasms of calf muscles.
• Back pain.
• Pain in the womb and duck walking.
All these conditions are temporary, but neither doctors nor modern medicines are able to save the expectant mother from them. And, perhaps, only dad can significantly brighten up the life of mom. How?
There are many ways to please a pregnant woman. Here are the 10 most faithful of them:
1. Accompany the woman to the appointment with the doctor and ultrasound
It is pleasant for the expectant mother to realize that her beloved man is nearby, or at least outside the office door, in which she experiences not the most pleasant sensations. She will be able to share her experiences and the news she heard from the doctor with her dad, when they are still fresh and not blocked by the comments of her friends on the phone.
2. Give small gifts regularly
It is not necessary to give a new iPhone, a car or a ring. Even the most modest gift will be a wonderful sign of attention.
3. Giving flowers
Flowers are especially pleasing when they are given just like that, for no reason. Dad can set a recurring reminder on the phone for a specific day of the week.
4. Talk about your love
There are magic words in the world, and of course they are about love.
5. Cook breakfast
Even if a man does not know how to cook at all, he is able to build breakfast - boil eggs, make toast, brew delicious tea. Does not work? Then you can bring your favorite dessert from the restaurant after a business dinner.
6. Invite to a restaurant
It is sometimes useful to take a break from pregnancy. Oddly enough, many women do not want to go to the cinema during pregnancy - it is dark and noisy there. As an option, you can consider going to the theater, to a concert. Or you can just buy a new movie and watch it at home.
7. Massage
Massage your wife - this is the sacred duty of every future dad. Massage technique is not important, gentle touches are important.
8. Help around the house
During pregnancy, mom does not need to breathe dust or carry bags of groceries. Any woman will appreciate the opportunity to take a break from worries if her husband takes on these responsibilities.
9. Forgive breakdowns and tantrums
Change plans every five minutes and demand the impossible? Oh, how familiar! But sometimes a man just needs to agree with a woman so that she immediately changes her mind and acts sensibly.
10. Compliments
Most women get prettier during pregnancy, but they don't even know it! It is in the power of a man to convince a woman how beautiful she is!
Did any of these points get you hooked? Or did you come up with something of your own? Regular evening walks in the park? Shopping trips together? Discussing plans? Don't wait for a man to guess or read this article. Just ask him to do something that will change your pregnant life for the better.
Preparing for childbirth
A woman prepares for childbirth in special courses. Dad can also attend such courses, especially if he is planning a partner birth. But at the same time, many organizational issues lie on it, which you need to think about in advance, even during pregnancy.
• Organization of transportation to the maternity hospital
This is the duty of the Pope. He may not have a car, but it is desirable for him to organize the transportation of his wife to the hospital. How and what car to go? Which route? How quickly can you get to the hospital? Let there be no surprises in this matter for both of you.
• Collection of things for the maternity hospital
In fact, it is necessary to collect not one, but as many as three bags for the maternity hospital - in the maternity block, in the postpartum department and for discharge! And don't forget the documents! The help of the pope will be especially relevant if you have to go to the hospital when the woman has already begun contractions or the water has broken. She is noticeably nervous in this situation, and the composure of a man can do a good job.
• Arrangement of a children's room
Many parents start renovations while they are expecting a child. This is understandable, because the living space needs to be adapted for a new tenant. Repair dust and noise are not very compatible with an interesting situation, so it would be wiser if dad joins the home improvement.
A partner is also a partner in Africa
If the family decides on a partner birth, then this is one situation, but if the mother goes to the birth alone, this does not mean that the father can relax and do nothing. What business could he have? What should he do?
• Be as free from work as possible on the date of delivery and for a few weeks after it
Childbirth is something that concerns all family members and does not happen so often. Despite the fact that the man is not in the hospital, the very fact that he worries about his family, without being distracted by something else, will give the woman in labor strength.
• Stay in touch
Dad needs to take care of topping up his phone and his wife's phone. Before the expected date of birth, you need to regularly charge them, do not forget to turn on the sound. Alas, we often forget about such simple things. Often women are frustrated just because their phone runs out during childbirth, runs out of money on it, or they can't get through to their husband because he's unavailable!
• Be around
A well-known picture is a sleeping husband in a car near the walls of the maternity hospital. Yes, it's still relevant. Although in many maternity hospitals it is already possible to wait in a cafe, in a hall, in a corridor, etc. In any case, the closer the future dad is to the hospital, the better.
• Be ready to help
Sometimes relatives are required to buy something, go somewhere, help make a decision. After the birth, dad's help will also be needed: to bring things for the woman and the child to the postpartum department, buy something from the dowry, organize an extract.
Born - not free
When the time comes to pick up the child and wife from the hospital, dad should be fully armed.
It is not necessary to decorate the walls of the maternity hospital, it is better to prepare the apartment for the arrival of mother and baby. It should at least be clean. A young mother will also appreciate if a bouquet of flowers, balloons and, possibly, a poster (or at least a piece of paper) with a touching inscription will be waiting for her in the apartment. Dad needs to think about how to organize transportation from the hospital home. If you are accompanied by relatives on discharge, who then go to visit you, you will need to buy a simple treat. Do not plan long feasts. Baby and mom need rest now.
Going to be discharged, dad should not forget women's, children's things, a camera or a video camera. Be sure to buy flowers for the wife and the medical staff!
At the maternity hospital, upon discharge, a woman should be given an exchange card, a certificate from the registry office for registering the child, a sheet with recommendations and conclusions about the baby’s health, indicating the procedures performed and the vaccinations made. The husband needs to check if the wife has forgotten these documents.
Now dads often organize a solemn discharge - balloons that fly into the sky, a limousine, musical accompaniment, professional photography and video filming. Think about whether you want it and whether it will please you. If you answered yes twice, go ahead.
As you can see, pregnancy and childbirth are a lot of things for mom and dad. How to do everything and not forget anything?! Write lists! A wife should write to her husband what to do! It's easier for men to navigate. Not all of them know how to take the initiative and can immediately understand the situation. To shrug and say: “But mine didn’t think of it before” - this is not about moms, mom is, first of all, a manager. If this science of managing people is not familiar to you yet, then it's time to start mastering it.
Memo for future dads
How to organize help for a mother with a child after childbirth?
1. Define your male childcare responsibilities and stick to them. The more specific they are, the better. You can bathe the child. You can take the child and nurse him, say from 6 to 8 in the morning, giving the wife a chance to sleep. You can walk with the baby, go grocery shopping, buy diapers and baby water, etc.
2. Choose what appeals to you and suits your daily routine, and do it constantly. Such regularity will allow you to cope with the role of the father at first and give mom time to rest and recover faster after childbirth.
3. You can register a child and receive a birth certificate within 30 days after his birth. In order for your mother not to go to the registry office or the MFC, take these chores on yourself.
4. A newborn person also needs certificates! Don't forget about it! Registration, medical insurance, foreign passport - these are just some of them. But it is still necessary to draw up documents for receiving benefits and, if this is not the first child, maternity capital. It all takes time and effort, do not tear the mother away from the child, do it yourself.
Nothing brings two people closer than pregnancy, childbirth, and the birth of a child. After all, it is during this period that it is important for mom and dad to be a team and act together.
If a woman wants a man to help and do something specific during pregnancy, childbirth and after them, then you need to talk about it directly, and not wait for him to guess
In recent years, in many schools for childbirth, separate courses for dads have appeared, that is, mom and dad are preparing for childbirth according to different programs.