Itchy underarms during pregnancy
Dry Itchy Skin During Pregnancy: Causes & Remedies
Do you find yourself waking up at night to scratch more times than you do to hit the bathroom?
We know firsthand how many changes our bodies undergo during pregnancy — some more unexpected than others. We expand, our hair gets thicker, and yes, our skin often gets itchier.
What is all that itchy and dry pregnancy skin about? Does it mean something specific when certain body parts itch? Can it be a sign of a more serious condition?
In this article, our medical experts will answer these questions and more. We’ll help you find that much-needed relief for your itchy skin during pregnancy.
Table of Contents
- Decoding the Itchy Spots
- When Itching May Be Serious
- Solutions For Dry Pregnancy Skin
- Still Itching?
Decoding the Itchy Spots
So, you’ve heard of your belly itching during pregnancy — but have you ever heard of itchy underarms or eyes? Believe it or not, it can happen! Feeling itchy in some places during pregnancy is entirely normal, but feeling it in others can be cause for alarm.
Pay attention to the severity of the itching. Although mild itching is expected and common in pregnancy, you and your doctor should investigate further if it gets too severe to bear.
Editor's Note:
Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD
One way to understand why you’re itching is to look at the specific areas where the urge to scratch is strongest.
1. Belly
An itchy belly might be the least surprising itch during pregnancy — after all, it’s where we experience the most visible change.
Not only do the high levels of estrogen in your body make you itch, but increased blood supply to the skin can also cause itching.
Your belly is growing and expanding to accommodate your new baby. As that happens, your skin will lose elasticity and moisture, possibly causing it to become dry and itchy (1).
2. Breasts
Itchy breasts are common and might be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. This is due to hormone level changes that occur after ovulation and continue to develop as your pregnancy progresses.
As you go through your pregnancy, tissue growth, which can lead to dryness, and increased blood flow to the breasts can also cause them to itch or even hurt.
3. Eyes
Itchy eyes during pregnancy might be something you never considered, but the good news is it’s completely normal. Dry eye syndrome is an actual condition that occurs when the hormonal changes in your body cause your eyes to produce fewer tears. During pregnancy, extra water retention can also spread to the eyes and cause a general feeling of skin tightness and itchiness.
This leaves your eyes feeling dry and itchy and can even cause you to experience moments of blurred vision.
4. Underarms
While this can be annoying, especially if you are pregnant in the summer and want to wear sleeveless tops, experiencing itchy underarms during pregnancy is completely normal.
Hormonal changes can trigger skin irritation. Pregnant women are also more prone to yeast infections, which can occur in your underarms and cause swelling and itching (2).
5. Hands and Feet
Itchy hands and feet during pregnancy can not only be annoying, but they may also be dangerous. If your itching is mild and occurs during the early to mid-stages of your pregnancy, chances are it’s safe and healthy.
If the itching primarily includes the palms and soles, becomes more intense — especially at night, or comes on suddenly in the third trimester, it could be obstetric cholestasis, a much more serious condition (3).
When Itching May Be Serious
Most pregnancy itching is entirely normal and not cause for concern.
However, there are times when itching can be a symptom of larger issues and might require a doctor’s supervision to manage.
1. Obstetric Cholestasis
Obstetric cholestasis is a condition that occurs in the late stages of pregnancy, usually the third trimester. It occurs when your liver cannot handle your increased hormone levels, causing it to stop functioning correctly and not release bile as it should.
While we don’t yet know the precise causes, some experts believe it happens because a pregnant woman’s rising progesterone and estrogen levels overwork the liver. These hormones are at their highest levels during the third trimester, when cholestasis often occurs. This causes the levels of bile in the blood to increase and deposit under the skin, resulting in severe itching.
Other symptoms of obstetric cholestasis include:
- Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin.
- Darkened urine.
- Pale-colored bowel movements.
- Fatigue.
- Depression.
- Loss of appetite.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Pain in the upper right quadrant, with no signs of gallstones.
- Absence of rash.
Severe itching in obstetric cholestasis can also occur anywhere on the body. Contact your doctor right away if you experience severe itching — especially in your hands and feet. Cholestasis is a serious condition that can result in fetal distress, preterm labor, and even stillbirth. Many believe the effect on the baby is due to the high bile salts in the blood, making the uterus more sensitive to the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractions.
Editor's Note:
Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD
If your doctor determines you have obstetric cholestasis, they will monitor your liver enzymes carefully throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. Obstetric cholestasis can also affect your absorption of vitamin K, the vitamin responsible for blood clotting, and your doctor might offer you a vitamin K supplement. If the condition gets too serious, they might determine that it’s necessary to induce you early for your baby’s safety (4).
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) is a condition that occurs in roughly 1 in 150 pregnancies (5). It’s a rash that usually begins on the belly, in or around stretch marks, and spreads to other areas such as the back, legs, buttocks, and arms within a few days. The face is usually spared. It also usually occurs later in pregnancy or even after delivery.
No one knows exactly what causes PUPPP, but there are several theories.
Some researchers believe it’s due to skin stretching and rapid weight gain. Others think it’s caused by fetal cells migrating to different parts of your body, including your skin cells (6). A third theory says an overworked organ system causes it.
PUPPP can occur in anyone but is more common in :
- First-time mothers.
- Moms carrying multiples.
- Women who are Caucasian.
- Moms who are pregnant with boys.
- Moms experiencing high blood pressure.
The good news is that PUPPP is not dangerous to you or your baby. The bad news — it can be pretty annoying.
3. Prurigo
Prurigo is the name for a group of hard, itchy lumps that affects about 1 in every 300 moms. It usually occurs in the second or third trimester but has been seen in the early months of pregnancy. The lumps start off looking like tiny insect bites on the abdomen and joints, such as the elbows and knees (7). The bumps will increase with scratching and as the days go on.
Studies show that prurigo occurs more often in women who have a history of eczema and asthma. This condition is harmless to you and your baby and should disappear shortly after delivery. Some women find it takes a few weeks to vanish.
Talk To Your Doctor
Doctors don’t usually prescribe a clinical treatment for prurigo right away, but if the condition is severe, they may recommend corticosteroids, antihistamines, or emollients. Consult your physician if you believe you may need treatment.
4. Pemphigoid Gestationis
Pemphigoid gestationis is a rare condition characterized by an itchy rash that eventually develops into blisters (8). It was previously known as herpes gestationis; however, it does not relate to the herpes virus. This condition is an autoimmune disease, meaning your body’s immune system is fighting against its own tissue.
This condition is an autoimmune disease, meaning your body’s immune system is fighting against its own tissue. Some researchers believe some parts of the placenta enter the mom’s bloodstream and travel to the skin, causing antibodies to form against the skin. There is also a correlation between pemphigoid gestationis and other autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid and blood.
This is what pemphigoid gestationis can look like:
- A rash that often starts around the umbilical area or center of the abdomen.
- Can occur on the buttocks, back, arms, and legs.
- Usually spares the face, mouth, and genital areas.
- Blisters develop one to two weeks after the rash appears.
Pemphigoid gestationis is not fatal to your or your baby but may cause the following:
- Premature delivery.
- Low birth weight in babies.
- Transient blistering on babies.
- Susceptibility to other autoimmune disorders in mothers.
Doctors might prescribe antihistamines, immunosuppressants, or even intravenous immunoglobulin to help get the condition under control. In most cases, although you might experience a flare of the rash just before giving birth, this condition remedies itself within days of delivery.
5. Impetigo Herpetiformis
This is a very rare skin condition that fewer than 100 women have experienced (9).
The condition presents itself similarly to pustular psoriasis, although most women with it do not have a history of psoriasis in their families.
Impetigo herpetiformis usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy and will go away once the baby is born. The rash starts as pustules that form on the edges of a red patch of skin, typically on the inner thigh or groin. It usually does not cause severe itching.
The rash may spread to the torso, back, legs, and arms but typically does not reach the hands, feet, or face. In extreme cases, the rash may extend to the mucous membranes of the mouth and nail beds.
Women with impetigo herpetiformis may also experience these symptoms:
- Nausea.
- Fatigue.
- Chills.
- Fever.
- Diarrhea.
If you think you might be suffering from this condition, visit your doctor right away. It’s essential that it’s detected and treated early because the disease can increase your risk of both maternal and fetal morbidity. It’s also important to diagnose this condition since it can recur in future pregnancies.
Mothers with this disease are also at risk for placental insufficiency, meaning the placenta cannot give your baby enough nutrients and oxygen to grow and thrive.
Prednisone is the typical medication used to treat impetigo herpetiformis, with the dosage decreasing slowly as the symptoms fade. If you have this condition, your doctor will need to closely monitor you to ensure that you and your baby remain safe.
6. Yeast Infection
Who would have thought the joys of pregnancy would also mean being more susceptible to every woman’s arch-nemesis: the yeast infection?
Higher levels of estrogen can make your vagina produce more glycogen and affect the PH balance of the vagina. This creates the perfect environment for yeast to grow. Your underarms and the area under your breasts are also places where yeast can thrive (10).
These are some signs of the signs of a yeast infection:
- Itchiness or pain in the infected area.
- Swelling.
- Underarm darkening or discoloration.
- A foul or musky odor.
- White discharge that resembles cottage cheese.
- A burning sensation when you urinate.
If you think you could have a yeast infection, make sure to keep the vaginal area clean and dry. You can also try taking probiotics to balance out your body’s healthy bacteria. Try cleaning your underarms with apple cider vinegar, which may help kill the yeast.
Talk to your doctor if you suspect you have a yeast infection since the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Your doctor can recommend an antifungal cream to give you some relief and run any necessary tests. Yeast infections may be a sign of gestational diabetes, as the increased sugar levels in the blood give the yeast nutrients to grow.
Fortunately, most itchy skin in pregnancy is directly related to the skin itself, namely dryness and stretching. There are things you can do to improve your skin’s hydration status and relieve itching.
Editor's Note:
Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD
Solutions For Dry Pregnancy Skin
In most cases, itchy and dry skin during pregnancy is entirely normal. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer until your little one is born.
We found the following suggestions to be very helpful in relieving some of the itch and discomfort:
- Stay Hydrated: Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help you replace some of the moisture your skin has lost from stretching during pregnancy.
- Avoid Scratching: Scratching might feel great in the moment, but it can cause damage in the end. By breaking the skin and causing it to work harder to heal, you can make your dry and itchy skin worse. Scratching can also lead to infections, which are even harder to treat.
- Moisturize: Sweet almond oil, vitamin E, cocoa butter, and shea butter can nourish your skin while helping to replace some of the moisture it loses during pregnancy.
- Avoid Hot Baths: Hot water can dry out your skin even more, making the itch worse. Instead, try to take a lukewarm bath or shower.
- Stay Away From Chemicals and Fragrances: Your skin is often more sensitive during pregnancy. If you find yourself itching after using your favorite perfume, try unscented and nature-based bath and cosmetic products until your baby is born.
- Wear Loose Clothing: Tight clothing can irritate your skin as it rubs against it throughout the day. Choose soft, loose clothing made of natural fibers to help you feel more comfortable.
- Try a Cold Compress: A cold compress will slow the transition of nerve signals to your brain. A compress will also help relieve the itching sensation that can occur from dry skin or a rash during pregnancy. Lay a washcloth or towel on the affected area and put the cold compress on top. Make sure to limit the amount of time you keep it on. If left too long, it can restrict blood flow. If your skin goes numb, it’s time to take the compress off.
A Warning About Antihistamines
Antihistamines are often considered safe during pregnancy and might be tempting if nothing seems to be helping relieve the itchy sensation of dry skin or rashes. However, it is essential to be careful during the first trimester.
Before you go to the drugstore, consult your doctor. They will consider your medical history and advise you about the safest antihistamines to use during pregnancy.
Still Itching?
Dry and itchy skin is common in pregnancy, and many women experience it.
Lucky for us, there are many ways to alleviate the symptoms and resume preparing for the arrival of your new baby in scratch-free bliss. Drink enough water, keep your skin moisturized, and wear loose, comfortable clothing to relieve the itch.
Always remember: if you experience excessive itching or rashes of any kind and other associated symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, nausea, or vomiting, contact your doctor for assistance.
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Causes, Treatments, When to See Your OB
Scratch, scratch, scratch. All of a sudden it feels like all you can think about it how much you itch. Your pregnancy may have brought on a whole host of new “fun” experiences: dizziness, nausea, heartburn, or even trouble breathing.
You’d likely been warned about all of these from other pregnant women and weren’t shocked when you hit these milestones in your pregnancy journey. The last thing you imagined you’d be feeling though was itchy!
You hadn’t heard about intense itching during pregnancy from a lot of your friends, so now you’re wondering: What’s causing this? Is this normal? Should I be worried?
Although we can’t diagnose the exact cause of your itchiness, we’ve compiled a list of some common reasons pregnant women may be feeling the urge to scratch — and some signs you should head in to see your doctor.
There are many reasons why you may feel itchy during pregnancy. These might include:
- Stretching skin. First pregnancies and pregnancies with multiples tend to cause skin to stretch quite a bit more than it is used to.
- Dryness. Hormone changes in pregnancy can cause itchy, flaky dry skin.
- Perfumes or fabrics. Different materials and chemicals can literally rub you the wrong way.
- Hormones. The hormonal changes you experience in pregnancy can affect everything from mood to circulation to, yes, itchiness.
- Cholestasis. This is a liver disorder that can result in the buildup of bile acids in the blood that cause feelings of itchiness.
- Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). This is an itchy rash that occurs around stretch marks during late pregnancy.
- Prurigo. These crusty, itchy bumps on the arms, legs, or abdomen that can appear in any trimester.
It’s important to consider where on your body you are experiencing itching. Most pregnancies will involve some itching belly and itching breasts because the skin in these areas is going through so many changes.
Itching around your stretch marks may be a result of PUPPP, while itchy arm and leg areas are more likely to be a result of fabrics rubbing you the wrong way or prurigo.
Occasionally feeling slight itchiness is normal, but intense itching of the abdomen, arms, and legs can be a sign that your body needs some attention. Some people also experience vaginal itching during pregnancy, which may require treatment. In addition, sometimes there may be rashes associated with pregnancy itching.
Itching is not generally considered an early pregnancy symptom. In fact, many types of rashes typically only appear later in pregnancy and some may not resolve until after your baby is born.
That said, any time intense or prolonged itching appears during the course of your pregnancy it should be reported to your doctor.
Just as there are many potential causes for itchiness in pregnancy, there are a variety of ways to help alleviate any itching that you may be feeling. Consider these natural remedies you can try at home:
- Change perfumes or detergents. You may even consider making your own soap/perfumes/detergents to avoid chemicals in commercial products that irritate your skin.
- Wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics. (This will help keep potentially irritating fabrics away from your skin AND help keep you cool to avoid any heat-related rashes!)
- Take an oatmeal bath or use a yogurt skin treatment. Lathering up with pine tar soap is a common home remedy for PUPPP.
- Use a moisturizer to help with dry skin. Olive oil and coconut oil are both very moisturizing as are shea and coconut butter.
- Apply some calamine lotion. This chalky pink liquid isn’t just for bug bites and poison ivy!
- Increase your water intake and make sure that you’re staying hydrated. Don’t forget to include electrolytes in your hydration. Making sure to include some coconut water or a water with electrolytes added will help your body to make the most of the water that you’re providing it.
- Turn on your humidifier and/or a fan. Keeping the air moist and cool will help with dry skin and itchy heat-related rashes.
Remember: If itching doesn’t improve or gets worse, it’s time to make plans to visit your doctor!
You should see your doctor if you have any of the following.
Signs of cholestasis
- jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and the white area of the eye)
- dark urine
- lack of appetite
- nausea
- light stool
- depression
- intense itchiness, including itching feet
Cholestasis is a liver condition that results in a build-up of bile acids in the blood. There is not usually a rash, but the skin may develop a more yellow tone. In pregnancy, the condition, if it does appear, occurs in the third trimester.
Your doctor will diagnosis cholestasis with a blood test. A medical history will also typically be taken, because cholestasis can be an inherited condition and is more common if your mother or sister also had it during one of their pregnancies.
Many over-the-counter anti-itch medications will not be effective if cholestasis is the cause of your itch, but your doctor may be able to prescribe other drugs that can help alleviate some of the itchiness and reduce the amount of bile acid in the blood.
Ultimately, the solution to cholestasis is delivering the baby, and the itch will usually clear up within a few days of giving birth.
Because there is an increased chance of stillbirth, fetal distress, and preterm delivery, your doctor may want to discuss an earlier induction or more frequent monitoring during your pregnancy (and for a period after delivery) if you are diagnosed with cholestasis.
Signs of PUPPP
- rash made up of small, pimple-like dots, typically spreading from stretch mark areas and not extending beyond the breasts
- blisters around the rash
- feeling extra itchy at night
Typically, your doctor will diagnose PUPPP through a skin examination. In rare cases a skin biopsy may be ordered. Blood work to rule out an infection may be done as well.
The ultimate cure for PUPPP is to deliver the baby, and the rash will usually be gone within a few weeks of delivery. Moisturizers, steroid creams, and antihistamines prescribed by your doctor, as well as itch relieving baths, can help to temporarily relieve itchiness until your due date.
Signs of prurigo
- itchy, crusty bumps on the arms, legs, or abdomen
While moisturizers may help with the itch from prurigo, treatment typically involves topical steroids and oral antihistamines. If you’ve had prurigo during one pregnancy, there’s an increased chance that you’ll experience it in future pregnancies. While it may clear up shortly after giving birth, it can also unfortunately last for weeks or even months after giving birth.
If you feel intensely itchy or itchy for a prolonged time during your pregnancy, it’s a good idea to check in with your OB or midwife. They can prescribe medications, rule out various illnesses, and make sure that you and your little one are safe.
That intense itch you’re feeling during pregnancy could be due to many different things. It’s important to think about any other symptoms you’re experiencing, the timeline of your itchiness, and even just your daily activities to figure out how to solve this uncomfortable problem.
Because itchiness can be a symptom of a more serious condition, it’s important to consult with your doctor if it continues or any other symptoms appear.
After all, you don’t want your itching to distract you from experiencing the morning sickness, heartburn, and frequent trips to the bathroom you’ve been warned about from other pregnant women!
Why does the skin itch during pregnancy?
Skin itching during pregnancy is not a very common phenomenon. Most often, the skin begins to itch unbearably (as after mosquito bites) in the evening, closer to night, which can provoke insomnia and generally worsen a woman’s mood. Usually itching does not harm the baby and goes away after childbirth. However, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist and dermatologist.
What does it come from? nine0005
The cause of itching during pregnancy in most cases is a violation of the liver: the production and outflow of bile, a general increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. This is due to a hormonal failure in the body of the future mother - a violation of the synthesis of estrogens, as well as due to fetal pressure on the bile ducts. The fatty acids produced in large quantities enter the woman's skin with the bloodstream and irritate the nerve endings, causing excruciating itching. Similar phenomena associated with stagnation of bile in the body can make themselves felt in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes itching is accompanied by such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus. nine0003
Who is predisposed?
Itching during pregnancy is usually observed in women with chronic diseases of the biliary tract and with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Such future mothers need to regularly (at least once a month) do a biochemical blood test to exclude toxic effects on liver cells.
How to fight?
A pregnant woman should tell her gynecologist about the discomfort associated with skin itching. In some cases, itching can be a sign of the development of such a dangerous disease as hepatitis. The doctor will conduct appropriate examinations. If, according to an objective examination, itching does not pose any danger, it is often possible to get rid of discomfort simply by following a diet aimed at lowering cholesterol levels, limiting the intake of fatty, spicy and salty foods that prevent the liver from coping with the function of bile secretion, as well as drinking plenty of water - it is necessary to eliminate dry skin. If the diet does not help, the doctor may prescribe choleretic drugs suitable for pregnant women. nine0003
It is important to find the cause of the bothersome itching, eliminating a whole group of skin diseases that can occur during pregnancy.
Itching in the abdomen and chest
This itch is worth mentioning separately. As a rule, the skin on the abdomen or chest itches in the second and third trimesters due to its stretching, because it is these parts of the body that increase in volume during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important not to scratch the skin - this will lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which, unlike itching, will not go away after childbirth. Regularly use moisturizing creams, special products for stretch marks, do a light massage of the chest and abdomen with circular movements of your fingers and do not take hot showers. nine0003
You can get answers to any questions about pregnancy and childbirth from leading EMC experts in the classes of the School of Moms.
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🔍 popular pregnancy questions and answers
Itchy armpits!
28 January 2012 16:22 at Personal Journal
Girls, it's not very convenient to ask, but I don't have the strength anymore. Itchy armpits! Moreover, there is no redness, no rash. It's just that the skin has become a little bumpy or something. And it was in the last stages of pregnancy ... Who had this? Maybe someone knows how to get rid of itching? My armpits itch I don't know from what! I have already stopped using desicum at home - I don’t sweat much, but I still itch. Worth a scratch and all!!! more and more itchy! Until today, there was no redness, no pimples - nothing at all, it just itched, but yesterday I shaved, today I went to the pool and that's it - today there are already pimples . .. In general, they have been itching for a couple of weeks, probably ... What could be? who faced? nine0003 0 111289
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what to do?
6 August 2011 10:18 at Personal journal I comb it a lot, then it hurts ... I don’t know what to do = (I shave my armpits, it’s red and itchy around those areas where it’s shaved . .. the deodorant ran out and once I sprinkled body lotion with alcohol content. from this I started to itch =( I smeared it with bepanthen - no results =( what should I do?
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October 20, 2011 00:48 at Personal Journal
Girls, woke up from the fact that itchy armpits, arms and chest. It's just unbearable. Well, I woke up, started scratching, that's not so bad. But in less than a few minutes, a severe pain appeared in the stomach area, which spread throughout the stomach! The abdomen swelled up and became more rigid. I drank 2 no-shpy at a run. The baby kicks, but the pain does not go away. It just hurts a lot. What is it? It feels like gasses have suddenly formed in the entire digestive tract and in such a volume that the intestines and stomach will burst! nine0003 0 9540
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December 4, 2013 09:19 at Personal Journal
Has anyone had something similar? I always use an epilator, including underarms. yesterday, even with a fool, I shaved with an ordinary disposable machine. and since my dezik ended, I anointed it with a man's. Today I woke up with small pimples under my armpit. itchy, I don’t know what to do with them, I smeared it with chloramphenicol. Don't go to the doctor, I won't go. I ask you for advice
0 5282Rash on the child's body. Useful Article
February 23, 2016 11:06 am at Personal Journal
Location A rash in a child can appear not only on the whole body, but also affect only one area. In this case, the number of possible diagnoses is reduced, and recovery occurs faster. On the head, the rash worries babies in different parts of the body. On the back of the head, small pink dots most often indicate overheating and the development of prickly heat. the areas of the cheeks, as well as on the beard, speak of an allergy to food or drugs. If a child has a rash on the eyelids, the child may have chosen inappropriate hygiene products. If the rashes on the eyelids look like scales or are covered with ...
10 110434What is daddy))) Part 3
October 2, 2009 2:41 pm at Humor ) I sometimes think that I have not 2 children, but three. Don't you have that feeling? Although, of course, I really want to believe that there are quite adequate fathers somewhere :)) 41. When Zhorzhik was little, about 3 months old, he lies, cries ... Dad comes up: Zhorzhik, what happened, why are you crying? She takes him in her arms: oh, you’re wet, you’ve peed… why are you silent? 42. Dad shied away in the garden for a long time until he found the group (for the first time in the garden). I went into the group and explained to the teacher that I was Zhenya's dad, I came for my son. And the teacher was with experience, decided to check and ask Zhenya: "Is that your dad?" But the son at this time ...
1 91537What is dad))) Part 3
October 2, 2009 2:41 pm at )) I sometimes think that I have not 2 children, but three. Don't you have that feeling? Although, of course, I really want to believe that there are quite adequate fathers somewhere :)) 41. When Zhorzhik was little, about 3 months old, he lies, cries ... Dad comes up: Zhorzhik, what happened, why are you crying? She takes him in her arms: oh, you’re wet, you’ve peed… why are you silent? 42. Dad shied away in the garden for a long time until he found the group (for the first time in the garden). I went into the group and explained to the teacher that I was Zhenya's dad, I came for my son. And the teacher was with experience, decided to check and ask Zhenya: "Is that your dad?" But the son at this time . ..
0 102130Dads burn
October 5, 2009 4:00 pm at Puziki, let's chat
-1. I recently went to Laura with a small one, however, this is not the first time we go to the doctor, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There the first line in large block letters: THE BABY HAS COME WITH DAD! 2. Also about dad (though not about the nursery). When the little one was a year old in . ..
9 233171Dads burn
October 5, 2009 16:00 at Personal journal
ask that on a separate piece of paper they write in PRINT letters the names of the medicines, and the dosage, and the number of times a day. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There the first line in large block letters: THE BABY HAS COME WITH DAD! 2. Also about dad (though not about the nursery). When the little one was a year old in ...
4 213068Our men are so funny - but still so loved)))
Complain We go to the doctor not for the first time, so I’m already used to asking for the names of the medicines, the dosage, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t call in the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. An hour after returning, the wife shows the children's card. There, in the first line, in large block letters: THE BABY HAS COME WITH DAD! PS Damn, do you really think we are such clowns? 2. Also about dad ...
2 12262 October 14, 2009 10:17 am at Personal Journal 1. Recently I went to the laura with a small one, however, this is not the first time we go to the doctor, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There the first line in large block letters: THE BABY COME FROM…7 77766 About our children's dads))) Complain January 31, 2010 15:46 at Humor A lot, but everything is so alive that I couldn't cut anything. Who is enough?))) 1. I recently went to Laura with a small one, however, this is not the first time we go to the doctor, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There, the first line in large block letters: ... About the fathers of our children))) Complain 31 January 2010 15:46 at Personal journal Who is enough?))) 1. I recently went to Laura with a small one, however, this is not the first time we go to the doctor, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There, the first line in large block letters: ... About moms, dads and babies! Very fun))) Complain March 12, 2010 11:56 am at Personal Journal Copied from the same site from the girl! Taken from the mother's forum. 1. Recently I went to the laura with a small one, however, we don’t go to the doctor for the first time, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t call in the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. An hour after returning, the wife shows the children's card. There, in the first line, in large block letters: THE BABY HAS COME WITH DAD! Ps Damn… Baby: skin problems and how to fix them Complain 14 March 2010 12:30 at Personal journal which is a kind of protective cover designed to facilitate the baby's transition from the water (internal) environment to the air (external). But after a couple of days, it is completely absorbed and the baby's skin is left without protection, which can lead to certain kinds of problems. The most common of these are diaper rash. These are inflammations of the skin on those parts of the body that have been exposed to prolonged exposure to moisture or increased friction, this leads to a violation of the protective barrier of the skin, which facilitates the access of microbes to it. Basically, diaper rash affects the inguinal folds, ass, thighs, folds ... What is it and how to deal with it? Complain 4 May 2010 20:37 at Postpartum recovery Hello everyone! She gave birth on April 17, a little more than 2 weeks have passed. The first week that we spent in the hospital was normal. when we were at home, the first days I didn’t complain about anything either ... I connect it with the appearance of milk, it came on the 10th day after giving birth at home ... and it started ... acne came out under the nose, something like malaria ... now it seems to have been cured with acyclovir ... ttt the same ... sorry ... on the ass poured out ... pimples and itches .... on the forehead, too, as if under the skin a bunch of some kind of bumps .... and also armpits !!! I shave them as usual, use the same deodorant... and everything itches there.... I eat as usual, since I breastfeed, I don't eat citrus fruits, in general, I follow the rules.... maybe it's some kind of hormonal restructuring????... Dads rock. Part 5 Complain May 20, 2010 13:15 at Humor 41. When Zhorzhik was little, about 3 months old, lying, crying… Dad comes up: Zhorzhik, what happened, why are you crying? She takes him in her arms: oh, you’re wet, you’ve peed… why are you silent? 42. Dad shied away in the garden for a long time until he found the group (for the first time in the garden). I went into the group and explained to the teacher that I was Zhenya's dad, I came for my son. And the teacher was with experience, decided to check and ask Zhenya: "Is that your dad?" But the son was busy at that time, he played with friends, he knew that they would take him home and confidently answers: “NO, not mine” and continue to play. Dad then had to explain for a long time who, who is who. Almost called the police... 43. After giving birth, we were in the observational department ... This is REALLY VERY FUNNY! As time goes by, read =) I signed up ... =) Complain June 11, 2010 09:46 at Personal journal About dad ... 1. I recently went to Laura with a small one, however, this is not the first time we go to the doctor, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There the first line in large block letters: THE BABY HAS COME WITH DAD! 2. Also about dad (though not about the nursery). When small ... About dads, from the forum of young mothers)) Complain June 7, 2010 08:31 at times, so I'm already used to asking for the names of the medicines, the dosage, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine. The wife, an hour after returning, shows the children's card. There the first line in large block letters: THE BABY HAS COME WITH DAD! 2. Also about dad (though not about the nursery). When the little one was a year old in ... about dad)))) Complain 12 September 2010 08:57 at 1. I recently went to Laura with a small one, however, this is not the first time we go to the doctor, so I’m already used to asking for the names of medicines, dosages, and the number of times a day to be written in PRINT letters on a separate piece of paper. It seemed that they went normally, though I had to call my wife to find out the number of the kindergarten (According to my explanation - well, it’s across the road, there’s also a school nearby and you have to park at the garbage heap, you can’t drive into the kindergarten - they couldn’t determine the number). In general, I went, wrote everything down, everything is fine.