Itchy ankles pregnancy
Why Itchy Feet Are a Thing During Pregnancy & How to Get Relief
While not the most talked-about pregnancy woe (swollen feet and back pain, anyone?) itching, also known as pruritus, is a very common complaint. Some women experience itching all over, while others feel it specifically on certain body parts such as their hands, feet, belly, or chest.
Most itching is just downright annoying, but severe itching can lead to loss of sleep or even be a sign of a very serious medical problem. We’ll talk about what could be causing your itchy feet, some treatments you can try, and when to call your doctor.
Hormonal skin changes
Your hormones are going crazy (as you’ve probably already noticed), and all that extra action from your endocrine system can cause your skin to get irritated.
Plus, your immune system works differently while you’re pregnant — it temporarily increases or suppresses certain functions so that your baby can grow in the best way possible.
The combination of hormones and immune system changes can lead to some pregnancy-specific skin conditions that may cause itchy feet.
You may notice:
- small, itchy bumps that resemble bug bites (prurigo)
- rash-like, itchy hives (PUPP)
- red, scaly, itchy patches (eczema or AEP)
The good news is that these skin conditions will not harm your baby and should go away after you deliver.
Nerve sensitivity
Again thanks to our good friends, the hormones, some pregnant women find that their nerves just seem more sensitive during pregnancy.
So seemingly “normal” things like sweating, being warm, wearing tight clothing, chafing, wearing the wrong shoes, or just lying in your bed can make your feet itchy.
Not the kind of stretching you do in your prenatal yoga class — we’re talking about stretching of the skin. Your body goes through some amazing changes to house that rapidly growing baby, and stretching the skin, on your abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and breasts, is one of them.
Depending on your genes, hormones, and rate of weight gain you may be more or less prone to developing stretch marks (striae gravidarum). Stretch marks can be a source of itching.
While your feet are unlikely to develop stretch marks, they do bear extra weight during pregnancy and the ligaments undergo some stretching of their own that can lead to an itching sensation.
If you experienced psoriasis prior to pregnancy, you might get a welcome break from symptoms while you are pregnant. But, some women continue to experience painful, itchy plaques even during pregnancy, which can occur on your feet.
Now for the rare, but serious, reason for itchy feet during pregnancy: intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. This is a liver condition that, if it occurs, usually shows up during the third trimester.
Normally, your liver helps send bile to your digestive tract, where it aids in breaking down dietary fat.
Hormonal and digestive changes, as well as possible genetic predisposition, can cause the liver to not work like it should, which allows bile acids to build up in your body. This buildup of bile can cause some intense itching, particularly on your hands and feet.
Cholestasis can be dangerous for your baby. It can increase the risk of premature birth, fetal distress, and even stillbirth.
Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms
- severe itching
- increase in itching
- itching that gets worse at night
- yellowish tinge to your skin or eyes (jaundice)
- dark urine
- pale or grey bowel movements
- right-sided upper abdominal pain
- nausea or upset stomach
For typical causes of itchy feet during pregnancy, there are several remedies you can try to get some relief and much-needed rest. These include:
- Soothing oatmeal baths. This natural and effective remedy is simple to try at home — and what pregnant mama doesn’t need a nice soak in the tub? Do check with your doctor before you add essential oils to your soak, as some are not safe for pregnancy or can further irritate your skin.
- Cold. Cool footbaths, cold washcloths, or even ice packs wrapped in towels can be applied to your feet to help soothe itchy skin. Don’t apply ice for more than 15 minutes.
- New socks. Loose-fitting socks made of natural, breathable fibers (such as cotton or even wool) can help keep feet from becoming sweaty and itchy.
- Massage. A foot massage — performed by you, your partner, or any willing pal — may help distract your nerves and decrease itchiness. Just be sure to stroke gently and avoid acupressure points on your feet and around your ankles, as some spots may stimulate uterine contractions. (Talk to your OB-GYN if you have any questions about this, especially if you’re far from your due date.)
- Moisturizers. A simple, unscented moisturizer such as cocoa butter, shea butter, or colloidal oatmeal can help soothe itchy feet. Check with your doctor before using any kind of topical medications, such as calamine lotion or lotion with diphenhydramine (Benadryl), as some may not be safe during pregnancy.
- Medications. If your itchy feet are caused by eczema or psoriasis, check with your doctor before using medications, even if they are over the counter. Many of these meds are not safe to use during pregnancy, and your doctor can help find safer alternatives. One preferred treatment for psoriasis during pregnancy is ultraviolet B phototherapy. If your itchy feet are keeping you from sleeping, in spite of trying at-home remedies, your doctor may be able to recommend a mild sleep aid to help you rest in spite of the discomfort.
If you think you have any symptoms of cholestasis, call your doctor right away. They may want to do blood tests to check your liver function, as well as an ultrasound called a biophysical profile to check on your baby’s movement, breathing, heartbeat, blood flow, and fluid levels.
If you do have cholestasis, your doctor will monitor you and your baby more frequently. Some possible treatments and tests include:
- nonstress test and biophysical profile
- blood work to check your liver function
- soaking itchy areas in cool or lukewarm water
- medication, such as ursodiol, to help decrease bile accumulation
- early delivery of your baby
While it may sound scary to deliver your baby earlier than you expected, your doctor will carefully weigh the risks of both early delivery and continuing your pregnancy with cholestasis.
The risks of cholestasis can be high, so it is often safer to deliver your baby, especially if you are at least 37 weeks pregnant. Babies delivered at this time typically do amazingly well, and you get to snuggle your bundle a little sooner!
Pregnancy is a wonderful, bumpy (pun intended) ride. In addition to all of the excitement and anticipation, there may be some less-than-glamorous side effects along the way. One of these may be itchy feet.
Itchy feet can be caused by a variety of hormonal and immunological changes that are normal during pregnancy. There are options to relieve your discomfort at home, such as oatmeal baths, cold packs, and moisturizers. If these aren’t effective, your doctor may be able to help.
In rare cases, itchy feet can be a sign of a serious medical problem. It’s important to call a doctor if you’re concerned about any of your symptoms so that they can help keep you and your baby safe. They will be able to monitor your baby, as well as recommend medication or delivery if needed.
Itching and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Itching is common in pregnancy. Usually it's thought to be caused by raised levels of certain chemicals in the blood, such as hormones.
Later, as your bump grows, the skin of your tummy (abdomen) is stretched and this may also feel itchy.
However, itching can be a symptom of a liver condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), also known as obstetric cholestasis (OC).
ICP needs medical attention. It affects 1 in 140 pregnant women in the UK.
Symptoms of ICP
The main symptom is itching, usually without a rash. For many women with ICP, the itching is often:
- more noticeable on the hands and feet, but can be all over the body
- worse at night
Other symptoms can include:
- dark urine
- pale poo
- yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), but this is less common
Symptoms of ICP typically start from around 30 weeks of pregnancy, but it's possible to develop the condition as early as 8 weeks.
Non-urgent advice: Call your midwife or GP if you have itching that's:
- mild or distressing, possibly worse at night
- anywhere on your body, but may be worse on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet
Feeling itchy like this can be a sign of ICP and needs to be checked.
Mild itching
Wearing loose clothes may help prevent itching, as your clothes are less likely to rub against your skin and cause irritation.
You may also want to avoid synthetic materials and opt for natural ones, such as cotton, instead. These are "breathable" and allow the air to circulate close to your skin.
You may find having a cool bath or applying lotion or moisturiser can help soothe the itching.
Some women find that products with strong perfumes can irritate their skin, so you could try using unperfumed lotion or soap.
Mild itching is not usually harmful to you or your baby, but it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition, particularly if you notice it more in the evenings or at night.
Let your midwife or doctor know if you are experiencing itching so they can decide whether you need to have any further investigations.
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a potentially serious liver disorder that can develop in pregnancy.
Normally, bile acids flow from your liver to your gut to help you digest food.
In ICP, the bile acids do not flow properly and build up in your body instead. There's no cure for ICP, but it should go once you've had your baby.
ICP seems to run in families, but it can happen even if there is no family history. It is more common in women of south Asian origin, affecting around 1 in 70 to 80 pregnancies.
If you have had ICP in a previous pregnancy, you have a high chance of developing it again in another pregnancy.
Some studies have found that babies whose mothers have ICP have a higher chance of being born prematurely or stillborn.
Because of the link with stillbirth, you may be offered induction of labour. This could be any time from 35 weeks, depending on the level of bile acids in your blood.
If you have ICP, you will probably be advised to give birth in hospital under a consultant-led maternity team.
Diagnosis and treatment of ICPICP is diagnosed by excluding other causes of the itch. Your doctor will probably talk to you about your medical and family history and order a variety of blood tests.
These will include tests to check your liver function (LFT) and measure your bile acid levels (BA).
If you are diagnosed with ICP, you will have regular liver function tests so your doctor can monitor your condition.
There is no agreed guideline on how often these tests should happen, but the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the British Liver Trust advise weekly tests.
ICP Support, the UK's largest research group investigating ICP, also recommends weekly bile acid measurements. These readings help doctors recommend when your baby should be born.
If your LFTs and bile acids are normal and you continue to have severe itching, the blood tests should be repeated every week or 2, to keep an eye on them.
Creams and medicines for ICPCreams, such as aqueous cream with menthol, are safe to use in pregnancy and can provide some relief from itching.
There are some medicines, such as ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), that help reduce bile acids and ease itching.
UDCA is considered safe to take in pregnancy, although it is prescribed on what is known as an "informed consent" basis as it has not been properly tested in pregnancy.
You may also be offered a vitamin K supplement. This is because ICP can affect your absorption of vitamin K, which is important for healthy blood clotting.
Most experts on ICP only prescribe vitamin K if the mother-to-be reports pale stools, has a known blood clotting problem, or has very severe ICP from early in pregnancy.
If you are diagnosed with ICP, your midwife and doctor will discuss your health and your options with you.
Further information
The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) has more information about obstetric cholestasis, including what it means for you and your baby, and the treatment that's available. You can also get information about ICP from the British Liver Trust.
The charity ICP Support provides information about ICP. You can also watch their video about ICP featuring mums and clinical experts.
Community content from HealthUnlocked🔍 popular questions about pregnancy and answers to them
Itchy legs during pregnancy
6 February 2019 21:52 at Tubs, let's talk
For 4 days in a row, the skin is itching below, the knees are reddened. .. I can hardly restrain myself so as not to comb to the blood. 😭 I'm going to the doctor next Wednesday. I think it's from my liver, because I drink a lot of pills. I would like to get tested before admission. Has anyone else had scabies while pregnant? Because of which? And how were they treated?
0 13226Itchy feet when swimming 😡
October 9, 2016 23:36 at Personal journal
Has anyone come across? It’s been about 2 weeks already, as soon as I get under the shower, I don’t even have time to soap myself, my calves and knees start to itch . .. I don’t bite anything, and then after a shower for another 15 minutes like that! even already small bruises in these places! can itching pregnant? But why only in the soul? I take clexane, maybe because of it
Night chills and itchy legs below the knees. What is it?🤭😳
December 7, 2020 18:53 at Personal Journal The husband always lamented that again he was a dunce and hid himself with everything he could, almost with his head. At the same time, I felt very comfortable, I was not cold. And now, as soon as it gets closer to the night, it freezes me terribly. I wear woolen socks and a terry bathrobe. Legs and hands are cold. Almost gives me the creeps. With all this, the husband walks in shorts, sorry. And at night, the legs below the knees begin to itch terribly. I had this during pregnancy, as soon as I get very nervous. But now, then I'm not nervous! Great mood. But those legs are driving me crazy! It also freezes!😭 No temperature, not sick . ..
Red legs during pregnancy/33 weeks
January 16, 2021 18:43 at Personal log
Has anyone else experienced this, what could it be? Attaching photo. The legs are always the same color now, before pregnancy they were normal. If you press it, it leaves a white trace, but after 3 seconds it becomes the usual red color of the legs. Glucose tolerance test was not done; I suspect cholistasia of pregnant women in myself, the limbs of the legs itch terribly. It’s scary ((. The doctor somehow doesn’t care about my complaints, she doesn’t look / doesn’t listen to swelling or heartbeat.
0 14413Bruises on the legs during pregnancy
17 October 2014 10:34 at Personal journal bumped somewhere and forgot ... but they appear new. By the way, my legs have been very itchy for 3 weeks already, I went to the dermatologist, he said that it was scabies, it honestly smeared for 5 days, it didn’t get any easier, I went to the therapist, she sent me to the hematologist, who was on vacation until November 17 . .. Someone had itching during pregnancy? Or bruises on your legs? What did the doctors tell you when it went away?
Hepatosis during pregnancy in the third trimester.
September 6, 2015 18:57 at Personal Journal Until the last, I didn’t want to create a post so as not to get upset myself, I read a lot, and don’t scare pregnant girls, knowing how weak-nervous we are in general, and why extra worries ... The situation is as follows, I’m lying in the hospital, tomorrow is X day, when I pass regular tests for kidney enzymes or samples, as they are correctly called, in order to see whether the indicators have decreased, or, God forbid, increased. It is scary to think if the indicators are elevated ... Nothing foreshadowed such a diagnosis. It all started with the fact that I noticed during the day that my urine was yellow, well, I think someone probably didn’t flush (office toilet), and then in the evening it was confirmed that I was with . ..
itchy legs can't
13 April 2012 20:33 at Personal journal almost cured of her herpes, so since yesterday my legs began to itch insanely. below the knees and to the ankles. in the ankle area there is even something like a small rash. I try not to scratch too much but it's easy. I have an appointment on the 17th. and the skin on my legs is also tight and dry - I couldn’t fall asleep yesterday, only body milk helped. smeared and it became easier. did anyone have this? how did you save yourself and what could it be connected with? I also read about “pregnancy scabies”, they say, hormones ... maybe it? but I still have a rash in places where I scratch ... in general, advise how to be.
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Complain I’m absolutely terrified, I’m itching and I can’t stop, it’s already red and with a small crust on the crease of my finger on top ((I think it’s a fungus . .. I don’t even know where I picked it up (((I should go to a dermatologist, but I don’t know when I get there, but I need to treat it with what then start, who came across, can you tell me something ??0003 0 353273
Girls, can I have another question about itching during pregnancy? Read it, it's not difficult, please!!! Maybe cholestasis?
May 23, 2015 10:44 am at Personal Journal , which I, alas, combed). So, now my skin is incredibly dry, especially after a shower. If you do not immediately lubricate with cream, then it begins to dry (reminiscent of something like when the skin peels off after sunburn / burning), and sometimes itching still appears. I went to the doctors, showed them my hands / feet, explained the situation - everyone is talking about a common allergy. But I can’t just calm down - I need to get on the Internet and read everything. As a result, I found information about cholestasis - liver disease. So, in the symptoms it is written that the main one is itching of the palms and ...
strange rashes on the legs during pregnancy
September 7, 2015 15:36 at Personal journal
Girls, good afternoon everyone. I don't know if you can help me, but suddenly one of you also faced this problem. I have very clear skin, never suffered from pimples or any kind of rash. But as soon as I found out about the pregnancy, I noticed that on my legs (sorry for the details - on the thighs) some small red pimples appeared that did not change and did not disappear. But! There are new ones nearby. They don't hurt, they don't itch, they don't bother me. But they stress me out a lot. I think that maybe this is a hormonal restructuring of the body, but then what to do about it and how to get rid of this scourge. Thanks to everyone who answers)))0003 0 0214
Allergies during pregnancy
February 11, 2020 22:25 Personal journal
Girls tell me to what kind of gynecologist, dermatologist or allergogue? spots. And some kind of scabies does not go away on the hands .. it itches with pimples, and then it becomes dry and it itches anyway (but I had it before pregnancy, I couldn’t cure it, but now it’s just worsened pipets) And my legs itch ( this was also before pregnancy)
Girls may have experienced this during pregnancy…
14 August 2011 11:57 at Personal journal blisters, pimples, in general, small foci that itch insanely ... I thought it would go away, the next day after the discovery it didn’t go away, I went to the skin specialist, said Dyshidrosis, or it looks like it, it’s not contagious, it’s just an allegedly allergic reaction, or just because of the exchange substances failure ... I prescribed a couple of drugs externally naturally ... Maybe someone had this during pregnancy, what was the treatment ??? Maybe I'll find something else attractive for myself, than I can calm my hands and feet...
0 3720rash during pregnancy
September 7, 2015 15:39 at Personal journal
Girls, good afternoon everyone. I don’t know if you can help me, but suddenly one of you also encountered this problem. I have very clear skin, never suffered from pimples or any rashes. But as soon as I found out about the pregnancy, I noticed that some small red pimples appeared on my legs (sorry for the details - on the thighs), which do not change and do not disappear. But! There are new ones nearby. They don't hurt, they don't itch, they don't bother me. But they stress me out a lot. I think that this may be a hormonal change, but then what to do about it and how to get rid of this scourge. Thanks to everyone who answers)))
Itching during pregnancy ((((
Complain no already... So also the body began to itch: then the arms, then the legs, then the back... What to do?What could be the reason??? 00 to Personal journal
Restless Leg Syndrome Hello dear editors. I have a question for you - why does it “twist” its legs? Every night before going to bed, he starts to pull and twist. Sometimes it feels like insects are crawling up my legs, or bones and muscles are itching that I can't scratch. From this, I constantly “jump” my legs at night, it irritates my wife and I myself can’t fall asleep. Ointments don't help. What kind of disease is this and how to get rid of discomfort? Severov R.O., Rostov region, Shakhty This is a syndrome of "restless legs" - a disease manifested by unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities and their excessive motor activity, mainly at rest or during sleep. Main manifestations Unpleasant sensations in the legs: crawling ...
How I beat Restless Leg Syndrome
May 6, 2019 10:48 pm at Personal Journal
This condition is probably familiar to many, especially during pregnancy. You go to bed - and the nightmare begins - your legs twist, pull, itch, numb, hurt! One at a time or all at once. And they need to move, only then comes relief. I have RLS primary, congenital, but it manifests itself moderately. But during pregnancy came complete horror. I even started twisting my arms. At night I walked around the apartment and roared, during the day I was like a boiled vegetable. And this is the third pregnancy. Doctors said to drink calcium and endure. In search of salvation, I began to read a lot on this topic (wouldn’t have been puzzled about 10 years ago!). And I found that RLS can be aggravated by a lack of ferritin, which is involved in dop ...
Our pregnant legs…
June 19, 2011 10:07 pm at Personal Journal
Girls, pregnant, how are your legs? For some reason, I started to itch. at what the feet, fingers, between the fingers, at the top of the paw up to the ankle, the ankle itself, and sometimes even a little higher, itch. in general, my paws ((there is no rash, no irritation either. it doesn’t look like a fungus. maybe it’s from sweat? or swelling? outwardly, nothing is visible on the skin at all. except that it turns red when I comb it
Itchy ankles and feet with hv
10 August 2017 20:32 at Personal journal
Itchy feet and ankles. Sensation as if stinged with nettles. Never had an allergy. Now I drink vitamins as well as during pregnancy elevit and iodomarin. I don’t eat strange foods, because I’m on guards and I keep a diet. In general, I don’t understand why scabies is like this, there is no rash, and pimples, like after nettles, appear and immediately itch, then once they disappear. Who had something like that. According to doctors, there is not much time to run, the child is 1 month old. 9Girls, help with advice, I probably won’t be able to sleep today !!! Last night, itching of the feet began, small pimples appeared ... I thought it might be nervous or a reaction to the foot cream ... Today, the itching also appeared on the back of the palms ... I consulted with a familiar therapist - he said either an allergy or cholestasis of pregnant women.
My Pregnancy #1! Ended in 3 months. how to do an ultrasound) but for now here: 09/23/15 - I did a test and it turned out to be positive. I was so happy me: my legs are cold, and at the same time it’s hot, the body temperature is 37-37.3, it tingles at the bottom right, my head is spinning, I get up early at 6 in the morning, although earlier at 10 I get up, my stomach pulls when I’m not lying down and my chest, this is the very thing, I started to hurt right after O. http: // / and usually 7-3 days before M. , and when I take off my bra, the nipples are straight dark. sissy blurred and really huge. a …
Swelling of the legs
8 August 2018 16:31 at Personal journal
, but after a night's sleep, the swelling does not go away. Then, I thought about the kidneys, but I go to the toilet normally, there are no dark circles under my eyes. At first, it didn’t bother me, but now they are whining and itching in places of edema. Also, when sitting, the tailbone aches (maybe related) Now I am far from home, I will only get to our doctors on Tuesday, where I am now they will not accept me with the new rules introduced. I'm not looking for treatment from you, I just want to know if someone has come across a similar one and what was it connected with? Oh yes, not pregnant.
0 11240planned trip and about my pregnant condition))
July 3, 2015 05:14 at Personal journal
Hello everyone 1. And so: According to their calculations, I have 26 weeks ... gained 1.400 in weight. The initial weight was 52.8 and now 59.5)) it’s not sickly ... everything is reflected on the face, the cheeks are growing) Further: the pressure is 110/70 - it’s a little high for me ... my head hurt then .. Coolant - 85 (grew by 5 cm in a month) VDM - 25 (3 cm up) Heartbeat: 139The position of the fetus, according to the doctor, head down) She complained about thrush, prescribed the drug. According to the tests, everything is fine, I let go for a walk until the decree) And now about me: it’s hard to walk already ... my stomach, although small, seems to burst soon, especially if we sing .. The little one is moving, today he woke up with me at 4.30) and right now I’m writing- hello…
Childbirth. Preeclampsia. Part 1
March 23, 2018 22:09 at Personal Journal
Of course, 10 months have already passed, but I decided to write about childbirth. The whole pregnancy was all right, they put a low placentation, but everything is fine. Initially, they said that the fetus is large, this is in the husband (all large ones are born along his line). At 37 weeks, I woke up and realized that my legs were itching, as if someone was biting them ... I read on the Internet that this could happen with preeclampsia. I went to the maternity hospital (there was a contract for childbirth in the 10th maternity hospital). My doctor was not there that day, so another doctor looked at me on the chair, said that everything was fine. Go home, when I said that my legs itched, he laughed and hinted that I would come up with it ... My legs itched for about 7 days after everything was gone. 40 weeks have come ...
Week 23. To the archivist 🧘🏻♀️🧚♀️
23 April 2019 08:20 at Personal journal
Well. Hello 24th. It is useful to leave such posts here to read them during the next pregnancy) I feel good. For a couple of days in a row, my stomach was very heavy. I was nervous, but chamomile saves. From Femibion, she switched to folk and iodomarin. The belly is already big. I don’t see legs behind him if I stand up straight 🤪 My appetite is not brutal (thank you, daughter! 🤣), maybe I’ll keep my beautiful ass) There are no stretch marks (except for those that I got from the first B), I continue to smear with castor oil. Legs itch terribly. With the transition to spring, the headaches disappeared. So far, drowsiness has remained due to the change in weather. The baby is active, especially when I'm nervous. I try to be calm. The belly, although large, is completely ...
April 22, 2016 12:13 pm at Personal Journal
Mommy, this is my second pregnancy. The legs itch terribly, namely the lower leg, and also the elbows, stomach and back. During the first pregnancy, this was not the case, and the gynecologist said that she was allergic to depilation on her legs, and the skin on her stomach was stretched.
September 10, 2022 11:39 at Personal Journal
Terrible night! Is everything repeating itself, she was pregnant with her son, she combed her hands and calves into meat (she went bandaged). Today at three I woke up from the fact that my legs were wet and itchy, I was wet, and I was scratching my knuckles on my legs, I got up, everything was in blood, I combed it to the bones😡. And most importantly, it didn’t hurt me, but now it hurts to walk, everything burns and hisses😭. Well, what kind of misfortune is this during pregnancy!?1 15240Bitten by insects
3 August 2021 16:50 at Personal Journal red spots and itchy terribly (((apparently during pregnancy such a reaction ... did someone have this? what can you anoint? Fenistil, locoid - the instructions say not during pregnancy.
May 25, 2022 03:01 am at Personal Journal
I woke up because my palms and legs (feet) were very itchy. It is not possible to endure simply, scratching does not help, does not go away. After half an hour, everything became normal with the legs, and the hands (palms) were itching badly. I drank a zodak (I know that it’s impossible during pregnancy, but this is the only thing that came to mind, I hope nothing will happen from a single use). The itching gradually disappeared, and the hands began to either swell or swell, it is not clear. The fingers began to go numb, and the pads of the fingers became oak and did not feel anything with the pads. After about 15 minutes, the sensitivity began to appear a little bit (although I can write a post, otherwise the sensor did not even perceive the fingertips). In general, I became very, very scared ...
0 11301allergy or what could it be?
March 20, 2017 20:19 at Personal Journal
in February, her hands were chapped, she began to smear with dexpanthenol. after 3 weeks, pimples began to appear on the hands, which itch. I still comb until I bleed, even at night I can wake up from this. I sinned on the ointment, but now it’s gone further on my hands, on my legs (there is less than on the hands, but still there) tomorrow I’m going to an appointment at the LCD, we’ll see what the doctor says. then I want to go to a dermatologist. it wasn't like that before. who faced this? What can be used to get rid of this garbage during pregnancy?
Visit to the clinic
November 27, 2012 15:27 at Personal log
Today I went to the clinic. I went to Laura, a therapist, an ophthalmologist and did an ECG. Everything's fine with me. Lor-examined and said that everything is normal. I checked my hearing, everything is ok. I tell her that sometimes I have a sensation of an inflated balloon inside my left ear. And yesterday my nose was stuffy at work, as the first signs of a cold. She said that my auditory canal is narrower on the left than on the right, and during pregnancy it may just be low pressure, and because of this, sometimes this is the effect. She dropped some alcohol on me and let me go in peace. I forbade washing my nose with water, only splashing and blowing my nose with Aqualor or Aquamaris. Because we draw in water and can inhale up to the throat and carry all the infection there. ...
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Why legs itch during pregnancy. What to do if your legs itch during pregnancy - Pregnancy. Weekly pregnancy.

February 28, 2019 0
During pregnancy, a woman experiences a variety of changes in her body, experiences various kinds of sensations, which often cause significant discomfort. One of the unpleasant phenomena is itching of the skin of the legs. What causes this condition, is it dangerous and how to get rid of annoying itching, we will tell further.
- Can legs itch during pregnancy
- Why legs itch during pregnancy - threatening reasons
- Legs itch during pregnancy: physiological causes
- Legs itch during pregnancy: what to do for a woman
Can legs itch during pregnancy
Women who are expecting a baby may experience itching. The reasons for this phenomenon can be quite natural or be the first signal of trouble in the field of health. Therefore, any discomfort from the skin should be alarming.
It must be understood that the banal itching of the legs can be a threat to the health of not only a woman, but also her baby. Fortunately, most cases of itchy feet during gestation are benign, so there is no need to worry prematurely. You just need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and exclude various diseases with him.
Why legs itch during pregnancy - threatening causes
Itchy feet may indicate a serious medical condition. If it becomes intolerable, chronic, does not allow sleep at night, the following diseases should be excluded from a pregnant woman:
- Cholestasis is a pathology that manifests itself in the form of dysfunction of the gallbladder and liver. During pregnancy (mainly in the second half), this phenomenon often occurs, because the organs are under tremendous stress. Itchy skin is almost always the first symptom. It is easy to distinguish this disease from any dermatological pathologies, because at first the legs itch during pregnancy, and then the itching begins to spread rapidly throughout the body. As a rule, itching worsens closer to the night, may be accompanied by focal reddening of the legs.
- Diabetes mellitus - a woman during pregnancy can develop gestational diabetes mellitus. An increase in sugar is usually temporary and often asymptomatic. Itching of the legs, arms, and abdomen helps to suspect something was wrong. Additional symptoms include night sweats and thirst.
- Fungal infection is a classic cause of itchy feet. Increased sweating against the background of hormonal changes or a lack of personal hygiene contributes to the development of fungal flora. If a fungal infection occurs during pregnancy, then the toes itch, the skin becomes irritated, reddens, and cracks. The feet and ankles may also itch.
- Allergy - the female body during pregnancy is very sensitive to various allergens. The cause of itchy feet can be foods, cosmetics, household chemicals, new clothes, animals. Itching on the legs may be accompanied by peeling, redness of the skin, rashes.
- Iron deficiency - deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins is also accompanied by itching of the extremities.
Quite often, a woman's legs itch during pregnancy due to iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia that has already occurred.
- Lymphoma is a malignant disease of the lymphatic system. If this deadly condition occurs, the woman's lymph nodes increase, night sweats appear, temperature jumps occur, and her legs itch below the knees during pregnancy.
- Skin diseases - itching accompanies most skin pathologies. If itching does not stop for a long time and there are external signs of skin problems, it is necessary to exclude eczema, lichen, dermatitis and other pathologies.
Itchy legs during pregnancy: physiological causes
Pregnancy is a period of completely natural deviations from the norm, which at first glance seem abnormal and cause fear in pregnant women. So, itching of the skin of the legs can cause many concerns, while being physiological in nature. For example, congestion in soft tissues caused by hormonal changes leads to impaired blood flow in the lower extremities, which is a variant of the norm during pregnancy. Moreover, this phenomenon often causes severe itching of the legs, arms and other parts of the body. If there are no third-party symptoms, there is no reason to worry either.
Another physiological phenomenon during pregnancy is hyperhidrosis or active sweating. This condition is also caused by hormonal activity and does not require treatment. But excess sweat leads to the active reproduction of bacteria and fungi, so a woman's feet may itch during pregnancy. In this situation, more careful hygiene is required.
Itchy legs during pregnancy: what should a woman do
If your itchy feet are caused by excessive sweating or swelling, there are some things you can do to help reduce itchy skin:
- In the period of severe itching, take cool baths with the addition of a decoction of herbs - chamomile, sage.
- To reduce swelling, massage the legs.
- Observe hygiene, refuse synthetic clothing, socks, low-quality shoes.
- Eliminate vitamin deficiency, and if present, eliminate it (on the recommendation of a doctor).