Signs for motherhood
Astrological guide to motherhood as per your zodiac signs
Motherhood is not for the meek. After all, being a mother is considered as one of the most thankless professions in a patriarchal society. Oh yes, it is a job! It’s way more demanding than working with various wolves of the wall street and the consequences are far more deadlier than wars waged on battlefields. After all, motherhood involves not just bringing a new life into the world, but nurturing it to become a wonderful human being – a task that seems near impossible. However, unlike other jobs, motherhood is never compensated. All our mothers ask for is some love and a little respect. A simple ‘thank you’ would truly fill their hearts with joy.
So here’s an astrological guide to motherhood based on zodiac signs that will not only help us discover the kind of mother we shall be but perhaps help us understand our mothers better. Through knowing ourselves – and our mothers – we can perhaps make the world a better place. Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers – by birth and by love!
An Aries woman will always become a ‘warrior mama.’ Well, she can’t help it if she’s ruled by Mars – God of war and competition! Not only will she make sure that her kids are scrubbed and cleaned but she’ll ensure that they’re well-fed, loved and showered with impulsive kisses and hugs. However, don’t expect her to pick them up and mollycoddle them whenever they cry – and when they grow, she won’t bother sugarcoating things. After all, life isn’t fair and one has to fight to get ahead – and an Aries mother will ensure she teaches her kids how to fight their way to the top! There’s always a sense of strict discipline and she will ensure that her well-mannered kids grow up to become independent adults who are capable of fending for themselves. Don’t expect her to compromise her style just because she’s entered motherhood. She’ll forever be the fiery spirit that confidently marches through life with her head held high – and will expect her kids to do so too! After all, motherhood isn’t for the faint-hearted and an Aries woman is anything but that!
However, an Aries mother, with all her wonderful strengths, comes with a temper! Quick to react – well, more like explode – and an expert at creating dramatic scenes – an Aries mother can go from zero to a hundred in less than a blink of an eye. However, she calms down just as quickly and almost immediately forgives her child after they apologise. It’s essential to remember that in spite of her brave and confident smile, she bruises easily and takes everything personally. Thus, every time her child misbehaves, it feels like her mothering skills are being attacked. However, this is the mother who not only champions her child but celebrates every single achievement and won’t hesitate bragging about every ‘A plus’ and gold medal at every possible social occasion.
A Taurus mother takes to motherhood very easily. She’ll cuddle her infant constantly and adore her toddler to bits. However, the minute they show even an ounce of a rebellious streak – her eyes see red and her bull horns grow sharp! There’ll always be delicious food in a Taurus mom’s house. Everything will be tastefully decorated with lots of creative touches here and there. However, if you dare stomp around with mud-filled shoes – prepare to say your final prayers. Motherhood only enhances her stubborn streak and her rules are the kind that can never be bent. However, in spite of her unyielding side, she actually is a fantastic mother who also becomes a best friend and the greatest confidant of her children. However, she won’t tolerate disrespect and if you’re a particularly rebellious teen, she’s not scared of you. She’ll never be – she created you – and she definitely can destroy you! But she wont – she loves you – just not your rebellious side. Once you mature out of that rebellious phase and have realised that her advice was the best – you two will have the strongest bond ever.
The Taurus mother has an almost miraculous threshold of pain and stress – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Her faith in her own power and whatever spiritual belief she follows is unsurpassable. She’s the mother, who will sacrifice her sleep night after night and pray her sick child back to health. She’ll defend her child profusely and will always love them with an intensity that’s almost divine. However, it’s rare that she’ll approve of whoever they date. Rare that anyone will meet her standards. A Taurus mother never lets sentiment interfere with practicality. However, she is deeply sentimental but is too afraid to show it. Thus, she masks it well with humour and good old fashioned pragmatism peppered with an indomitable spirit that always gets the job done!
A Gemini mother is messy but at least she’s never boring. She’s a natural born hustler with enough nifty hacks that allow her to cruise through the day. Never will she be restricted by motherhood in any which way. Her forever curious mind will fascinate children of all ages, and she’ll be the perfect source of all gossip. However, be warned, she comes with her share of mood-swings and random irritable outbursts that’ll catch you off-guard and eternally confuse you. Nothing pleases her and she rarely gets truly surprised. Her cynicism is high and try as you may, you can never pull a fast one on her. She’s seen it all, done it all and gotten away with worse stuff that you could ever dream off. When she gets bored, she’s not above using the kids as Guinea pigs in a hair-brained scheme for the sake of giggles. She hates sitting still and a life of basic domesticity is poison to her soul. She loves keeping busy but is never too busy for a fun talk. However, whatever you do – don’t bore her.
Drama is what keeps her going and she’s not above creating some of her own for the sake of a few cheap thrills. She has no patience for whiny behaviour, in spite of the fact that there’s not enough cheese in the world to go with all the ‘whine’ she doles out. Many a times, a Gemini mother’s kids mature faster than others – but that’s primarily because they tend to be the ‘responsible ones’, while the Gemini mother still behaves like a teenager going through a ‘rebellious phase.’ However, give her a chance and she’ll initiate you into her fascinating world and entertain you with wild stories of her past – as recent as a few days ago. She’ll always have the best connections and will always hook you up with her contacts. She may not be the most obviously ‘maternal’ of them all but at least there’s never a dull moment when she’s in her element.
There are mothers and then there are Cancerian mothers. Tragedy and sacrifice are her middle names and she’ll ensure that everyone knows it! The maternal gene in a Cancer woman is amped up by celestial steroids. There’s nothing in the world that she won’t do for her family – especially her children. Her sheer utter devotion and dedication can make other mothers pale in comparison. Even if she’s crumbling from within, her children will often view her as their steadfast pillar of support. Perhaps due to the fact that some of the harshest memories of her past continue to haunt her, she’ll always raise her children to find their way through the world by being sensitive and compassionate individuals. She’ll instil firm values and insist they operate from a place of empathy. However, remember, she’s a crab at the end of the day – try as hard as you may but you just cannot shake her off! And, it goes without saying, no one will ever be good enough for their darling child and her possessive nature will definitely get triggered by her children’s romantic interest.
She can’t help being possessive – it’s her love language. Just like she can’t give a gift without expecting that you owe her a lifetime of unquestionable loyalty. She can’t help being forever suspicious of people’s intentions and is slow to trust others – but that’s only because she knows the pain a heart feels when it’s been betrayed all too well. However, when she loves you – she loves you with undying devotion. A single sneeze from you and she’ll have your prescription ready while feeding you chicken soup (tofu miso if you’re vegan). Every report card, every art class scribble and in some cases, even lost milk teeth, are preserved for the sake of memory. And yes, her memory is sharp – and even when she’s in her nineties, she’ll vividly remember every single detail of your first steps as a baby. So forgive her possessiveness and give her time to accept your lovers. And yes, she wants grandkids soon!
Image credit: Roberto Nickson/UnsplashLEO
A Leo mother is the glamour mom that lavishly showers her children generously with love and affection. Her love for them is so blinding that she may not be able to see their faults and those who dare point them out, will fall prey to her leonine roar. However, when she does acknowledge her children’s faults – she becomes a strict disciplinarian and will insist that they shape up and get rid of all negative behavior. After all, their behavior is a reflection of her upbringing. She’ll never tolerate disrespect. Yes, she has her share of dramatic outbursts (she can’t help herself), however, when she’s really angry – she’ll give you the royal silent treatment – and trust me – it can truly hurt! Sure, she’ll happily play about and be the ‘best friend’ you’ve always wished for. Yet, she will instil good manners within you, teach you to respect your elders, ensure you know how to present yourselves as little princes and princesses in public, as well as, in private and will almost have a Drill Sergeant like ability to cause you to snap to attention at a moment’s notice.
Remember, she is a queen – even if it is only in her head. Thus, you have incredibly high standards to live up to. It’s a privilege to be born from a royal womb and you best know how to appreciate it. Unless severely afflicted, a Leo mother will never be stingy while doling out allowance. She’ll be the first to insist that you visit the salon regularly, as well as, treat yourself to a day of pampering at the spa. She won’t give up her life just because she’s a mother. Neither will she give up on taking care of herself. After all, she considers self-care an essential part of life and she will always insist her children do the same. Even if she has butch and rough sons, she’ll teach them how to moisturise and open the door for her and any lady friend they date (‘gentlemen friends’ too). Thus celebrate your royal mother by telling her how much she’s made your life better just by being her glamorous self!
Virgo mothers are either the glue that keeps the family together or the catalyst that can break them in an instant when the time is right. Either way, this is the mom who can perfectly manage to raise a child, pursue a career, fix all meals, change the lightbulbs, pay the bills and even pursue a course to further her education or update her skills. She’s a natural nurse and will always have medicines (or even herbal remedies) whenever the children fall sick. She’s great at games and is often the favourite to host playdates – all the kids love her. In fact, in a large family, she’ll most probably be the favourite aunt. However, that is before they discover her penchant for perfectionism and wanting things done her way in her house. Everything is organised in a way that’s practical and efficient and if that’s messed up in any way – well, expect an attack of unrelenting criticism. Yes, Virgo is the archetypal ‘nagging mother’ and is also the kind who’ll grumble through gritted teeth when things are getting chaotic. When it’s the last straw though, the meltdown is frightening.
However, the good thing is, she picks herself up, dusts it all off and gets back to it. Virgo mothers are almost super-human in that sense. Though, don’t be surprised if they pick up certain ‘habits’ to deal with the stress of becoming all that ‘super.’ Nevertheless, she’ll rarely ever shirk her maternal responsibilities. She knows that being a mother is a serious job and the ever people-pleaser, Virgo will always want to get a ‘gold star’ for any work she does – why should motherhood be any different? She’ll always raise her children with firm ethics – personal, moral and even emotional – and ensure that even her daughters know how to change tires, while her sons know how to do their own laundry and clean up after themselves. Rare will it be for a Virgo mother to limit her children to segregated tasks based on sexist principles. However, in spite of her modern outlook, she’s still a traditional girl at heart, even in motherhood!
Libra women make better wives than mothers. That’s not to say she won’t love her children. Au contraire – they’ll be loved to bits and tenderly cared for. However, the Venusian side of her is always tuned in to value ‘partnerships’ more than ‘parenthood.’ Take a look at the Goddess Venus herself – we know more about her torrid affairs with Mars, Adonis and other beings more than what kind of mother she was to Cupid – who somehow seemed to be fluttering around her like a well-matched accessory. Speaking of well-matched accessories – the children of Libran mothers will have a style of their own. She’ll teach them at a young age the importance of grooming, as well as, how to present oneself in public with an air of grace, refinement and impeccable manners. However, she won’t tolerate disobedience and if you push her buttons too far, gone will be her balanced and harmonious self and Venus shall become Kali in the blink of an eyes. However, if you survive her ‘Kali’ phase, you’ll be treated to goodies. It’s not the best style of parenting – but it works!
A Libra woman finds motherhood particularly difficult because she puts far too much pressure on herself to achieve a lofty standard that she’s imposed upon herself. The house must be tasteful and elegant – with no specs of dust. The children must be educated in the right schools, wear the best clothes and have the right kind of friends (oh yes, she went there). She needs to be the perfect hostess and always look good for her spouse. Keep up to date with current trends and – well, yes – it’s exhausting. Perhaps this is why sometimes she indulges in her sweet tooth or comfort carbs in order to deal with the pressure. Perhaps that’s why she’ll have a little too much wine and linger a little longer on the dance floor. Sometimes she’ll even flirt harmlessly just to feel beautiful. However, none of that will affect her complete commitment to her family and she will ensure that all your needs are met. Plus, when you’re older, her rants will make sense or be used as material for your stand up act.
Don’t expect a Scorpio mother to be the typical ‘Hallmark Card’ mother. She’s far too edgy to be that vanilla. A general rule of thumb when dealing with a Scorpio woman – the more ‘harmless’ and ‘sweet’ and ‘docile’ she seems – the deadlier she really is. Her children know that well and yet they love her to bits because they sense her deep devotion towards them and feel emotionally secure whenever they are in her presence. A Scorpio mother will never let her children’s talent nor potential go unnoticed. She’ll forever encourage them to aim high and will do whatever it takes to help them achieve their targets. She’s the best motivational coach when they need a pep talk and the ideal counselor full of sage advice whenever they’re facing problems and will also waste no second bailing them out whenever they’re in a fix. To anyone who poses a threat to her children, watch out – you’ll live to regret it. Scorpionic vengeance is always deadly – and spares no one! This is the sign that rarely forgives – but if she does – she never forgets!
You can’t pull a fast one on a Scorpio mother. You’ll find it hard to keep secrets from her. She’ll always know what you’re up to even before you do. A single look from her is enough to keep you in check. She won’t smother you – she understands the need to be free to discover oneself – however, if you wish to remain in her house in one piece – you best follow her rules. You’ll be surprised how open-minded she may be about certain things other mothers tend to clutch their pearls over. However, don’t mistake that open-mindedness for being a pushover. Then again, if you’ve been raised by a Scorpio mother – you probably realised she isn’t a pushover even whilst you were in her womb. As much as she’ll know everything about you – she’ll always remain a mystery to you. Even when you think you’ve figured her out – she’ll surprise you. It’s part of her charm – accept it with love.
A Sagittarius mother hates being in the kitchen. Oh, if she has to, she can whip up a delicious feast – but she’ll hate every minute of it. After all, life is all about exploring the unknown and discovering hidden corners of the world – not to be locked away in a kitchen and living an unfulfilled boring life of domesticity. She’s the embodiment of the phrase – “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom!” and will probably love it that she’s considered the ‘hot mom’ amongst all your friends. Yes, you’ll be embarrassed and yes, she doesn’t care. She’s not one for brooding, nor does she tolerate melancholy well. Her natural Jupiterian optimism makes her truly believe that a positive outlook is all you need to survive in life. Gloom and pessimism can actually make her sick – hence she refuses to indulge in them. Often she’ll surprise people at how dedicated a mother she can be – especially those who remember her best in her carefree youth where her devil-may-care attitude couldn’t be tamed. Yet, she’ll enjoy changing diapers, showering her kids with love and attention and will enjoy playing with them with all her heart. Just do not put her in the kitchen!
Tactfulness and subtlety are alien concepts to her. However, she’s honest to the core and doesn’t believe in mincing words. Yet, in spite of her best intentions – her honesty can be incredibly brutal – and sometimes, one may feel as though they’ve been kicked in the stomach by a wild horse whenever she drops her many ‘truth bombs. ’ The concept of subjectivity is also alien to her, for she truly believes her truths are universal truths. However, remind her of how she scared you and she’ll conveniently develop a bout of amnesia, forgetting anything bad that was her fault. However, in spite of all this, her heart is always in the right place. Allow her to surprise you with spontaneous excursions or even quick weekend getaways to break the monotony of life. Indulge her frank and honest take on your life’s problems. You’ll be surprised how astute her wisdom is and how sometimes the most simple and honest route is the best solution of them all.
A Capricorn mother is the ultimate ‘power mother’ – and she knows it. She’s the mother who will give her children the best that money can buy – insisting on quality over quantity. After all, quality things last longer and a Capricorn mother abhors wastefulness of any kind. This is why, she’ll insist that the plates are clean and the shoes last longer than a few seasons. To her, being economical doesn’t mean being cheap – a wise lesson that she’ll instil within her children. The kids shall be expected to have impeccable manners, be polite and respectful to elders, courteous yet cautious of strangers and of course, good old fashioned chivalry. This isn’t the mother who tolerates rudeness and disobedience – she considers it as a personal affront to her parenting. A Capricorn mother never sits still and is always got something that needs her attention. However, when it comes to her children, she will ensure that they get her complete attention. She’s perhaps the best listener out there and will rarely shame you for whatever you’re going through. Underneath the ice, she’s all warm and fluffy.
She’s hates it when children sit idle and if she had her way, she would put them in every hobby class possible to keep them mentally and physically active. Be it painting, music, dancing, sports of all kinds or even learning foreign languages – a Capricorn mother believes that a child should never forgo an opportunity to learn. Every skill they acquire shall benefit them in their life when they grow up in some way or the other. That’s because she’s ruled by Saturn – the karmic taskmaster who insists that we ‘learn our lessons’. However, Saturn also gives wisdom through experience – and a Capricorn mother often has the toughest ones – which is why she somehow manages to stay steadfast during the worst storms of life. It’s not like she doesn’t believe in your lofty and ‘alternative’ views or career paths. She wants you to prove that you are the best – and have the gumption to persevere through the tough times. Once you’ve showed her you can – she’ll be your biggest champion. Also, her sarcasm game is on point. Her sense of humour is legendary and will always lighten up even the tensest of situations.
Motherhood is a major adjustment for the average Aquarian woman. After all, human emotions in general baffle her – especially when they belong to infants that have no way of expressing them beyond a scream. However, with time, she manages to fulfil her maternal duties well. However, as much as she loves her children, there’s always an element of detachment. A strange aloofness and emotional distance that no one can really put their finger on. Some might even say she approaches motherhood as some sort of weird science experiment where the children are the Guinea pigs. No, she’s not heartless – but, she’s just – well, let’s just say she’s ‘unique.’ However, you’ll be surprised by how devoted she can be when the time is right. She’ll be quite the ‘social mom’ and will happily take part in all the PTAs and befriend the teachers and the other moms – who would be wowed by her natural ability to just be so ‘cool’ and in most cases, her airy glamour will charm them all. Nothing comes as a shock to her. In fact, what you find scandalous, she’ll probably yawn at.
She’s be quite progressive in many ways and she’d have beliefs that would probably make hippies of the past clutch their pearls. She has a unique way of looking at the world and often at times may have rather off-beat views on religion and spirituality in general. Don’t be surprised if she’s got a few ‘witchy rituals’ in her. Motherhood doesn’t dim her rebellious side and tantrums will not bend her will. She enjoys diving deep into rabbit holes and conspiracy theories fascinate her. She’d probably believe that Aliens are real and are living amongst us. Most of the times, she herself feels like an alien that’s trapped in a planet filled with ‘muggles.’ However, the thing you must know is that she values the truth above anything else. She hates lies and deception of any kind. She would prefer you confess even your most heinous misgiving with sheer honesty than lie about it. She can forgive almost anything except dishonesty. She will encourage you to march to your own beat and she’ll happily teach you how to discover your own personal rhythm. Just don’t cramp her style!
A Pisces mother clearly has a favourite amongst the siblings. She’ll never admit it but everyone will point out that the largest chunk of her heart goes to the ‘runt of the litter. ’ Okay, perhaps that was harsh – however, one must understand that Pisces is a natural empath and she can feel pain of others perhaps even better than they feel it themselves. So when she sees one of her children struggling the most – she can’t help but shower them with a little more love than the others. More often than not, it may cause resentment to develop amongst the others – however, rest assured that she loves all her children. Some just need a little bit extra in order to survive. She truly believes her love can heal all wounds and can reform even the most troubled souls. At times it may feel like a losing battle – but she’ll never ever give up trying. Even if she has moments of strictness, there’s always a part of her that hates being the one who punishes children. Yet, at the same time, she knows that a lack of firmness is often as bad as neglect – possibly even worse.
A Pisces mother is truly a sensitive soul. Motherhood can sometimes trigger some really unpleasant emotions within her and hence she’ll cope by indulging in things that can sometimes be addictive – be it shopping (they do call it retail therapy for a reason), cleaning (to mask the darkness of her soul), wine and other ‘stimulants’ (to allow life to appear rosier than it actually is) and in some cases – fitness (and impose it upon her children too). After all, life is too harsh, and we all need our escape – especially when it helps numb the pain. Sometimes she even makes an addiction out of motherhood – smothering children and ‘butting in’ every aspect of their lives. Boundaries are always an issue with her and sometimes it may seem as though she has no concept of them. However, in spite that, she’ll be the most generous soul – and wouldn’t hesitate to take a bullet for those she loves – especially her children. Her devotion knows no end and she’ll always make you feel special in her own way.
(Hero image credit: Kalea Jerielle/Unsplash; feature image credit: Alex Pasarelu/Unsplash)
Zodiac Signs As Mothers: The Meaning Of Your Mom’s Zodiac Sign
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No matter how much she may frustrate you, there’s no one who holds more significance in your life than your mother. She’s the person who brought you into this world and taught you about love; the person who took care of you when you needed it most. And if you’re wondering how to thank her for all that she’s done for you on Mother’s Day, her zodiac sign is the perfect thing to keep in mind!
If you’re a fan of astrology, you’ve probably spent countless hours analyzing your birth chart and reading up on your compatibility with your crush. However, if you’re not using astrology to reflect on your family dynamics, you’re really missing out, because it’s nothing short of illuminating. Your mother’s zodiac sign (and the way her birth chart affects yours) can say so much about your relationship with her. Astrology can describe why you butt heads, why you get along and how your relationship has evolved over the years. Your mother may be far from perfect, but if you’re lucky, the list of reasons to love her will never stop growing.
Here’s what your mother’s zodiac sign has to say about who she is and the type of mom she is to you:
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mom is an Aries, she never gives up. She’s full of energy, always up for a challenge and trusts her gut in any given situation. She’s probably super competitive whenever you play boardgames with her, and at times, I bet she can be too brash for comfort. However, at the end of the day, your mother also taught you to conquer your wildest dreams and push hard for your desires. Without her, you wouldn’t be the fearless fighter that you are.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mom is a Taurus, then you know you can rely on her no matter what. And while she can be stubborn, she’s also solid as a rock; someone who comes through on her promises and sees everything through to the end. You follow in her footsteps by having integrity in everything you do. Plus, no one’s a better cook than a Taurus mother, and she probably knew that they key to making you feel better was by whipping you up some comfort food.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If you have a Gemini for a mother, then you’re probably much smarter for it. Being the clever person that she is, I bet she’s always up for a late night conversation about all sorts of fascinating topics. Although she can have a sharp tongue, she’s also incredibly hilarious and always knows the right thing to say to make you laugh until your belly hurts. At the end of the day, your Gemini mom is just a kid at heart, which can make her feel more like a cool sibling than a strict mother.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If you have a Cancer for a mother, then you’re in luck. After all, Cancer is the most compassionate and caring zodiac sign of all, making your mother someone who puts other people’s needs above her own. Her emotional nature can be a *lot*, but you wouldn’t haver it any other way. She’s incredibly warm and resourceful, making her your favorite person to do art projects with. If you have a Cancer for a mother, you’re probably always looking for reasons to visit home.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mom is a Leo, then you know she lights up the room when she enters it. People gravitate toward her and bask in her light, because her endless charisma and powerful creative spark makes her someone everyone wants to be around. However, she can also be a bit of a diva, making her someone you hate disagreeing with, but that’s what makes her so interesting. You admire her confidence, because it’s taught you so much about how to have confidence in yourself.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mom is a Virgo, then you probably consider one of the smartest people you know. Whenever you have a question about something, you immediately ask her, because she’s basically a human encyclopedia. She also remembers every little detail, making her someone that remembers your idiosyncrasies and understands you better than you do. She can be a stickler for the rules and overly meticulous at times, her organizational habits set you up for greatness.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mother is a Libra, she’s probably your best friend. She’s funny, charming and always in the mood for a good session of gossip, making her your favorite person to be around. She’s probably incredibly beautiful too, making her your style icon and your beauty guru. Sometimes, she has a hard time making up her mind, so you’ve gotten used to choosing the restaurant for her. However, her easy going nature and non-confrontational nature makes you feel lucky to have her.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mother is a Scorpio, you know she would always go to bat for you. She’s highly protective (and she may even be a bit of a helicopter mom at times) but you know it’s just because she cares about you so much that you’re the center of her world. Your Scorpio mom is incredibly perceptive and highly psychic, making her the first person you go to for advice. However, it also means you can’t hide anything from her because she can see *right* through it.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If you have a Sagittarius for a mom, then you’ve probably shared enough beautiful memories with her to last a lifetime. After all, your Sagittarius mother is an adventurer at heart; someone who answers the call of the wild and goes where the wind takes her. And while this can make her a bit untethered and hard to pin down, it’s also what makes her the most exciting person you know. No one can show you a better time than your own mother and that’s facts.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mom is a Capricorn, then you know she’s the head of the household. Being the unflinching leader that she is, your Capricorn mother taught you everything you need to know about having discipline and working hard toward your goals. And while this made her kind of intense at times, you know that you can trust your mom to save the day no matter how bad the situation may be. Your mother is a provider; someone who would build a house for you from scratch.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If your mom is an Aquarius, then she’s probably one of the most unique people you’ve ever known. There’s something about her that sets her apart from everyone else, and chances are, she doesn’t quite fit in with the mold of a typical mother. However, her zany nature has always inspired you to be yourself, because at the end of the day, your mom never bows to the status quo. Instead, she follows the beat of her own drum while teaching you how to do the same.
Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
If you have a Pisces for a mother, then you grew up surrounded by empathy and mystical energy. Your mother is as effervescent as they come, making her someone who taught you how to explore the expanse of your imagination and follow your artistic urges. She also taught you how to let go of anger and practice forgiveness, showing you that life is so much sweeter without resentment. She may have been spacey and flakey at times, but that’s only because of what a dreamer she is.
Care of motherhood in Japan
In Japan, on the streets or on trains, heart-shaped key rings depicting a mother and child can often be seen on women's bags. This is the so-called "sign of motherhood", which informs others that a woman is pregnant. The "Badge of Motherhood" was introduced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2006 as part of the overall health program for pregnant women as a standard symbol for expectant mothers.
Silent request for support
Sign of motherhood poster
The early months of pregnancy, when the woman's body is rapidly adjusting to the growing needs of the fetus, can be the most difficult period. Before the appearance of obvious external signs of pregnancy, hormonal surges and physiological changes in the female body sometimes cause sudden attacks of morning sickness and other phenomena that negatively affect the general condition of the mother. The Ministry of Health launched the Sign of Motherhood program to provide public support for pregnant women and encourage people to be more attentive to the needs of expectant mothers.
Almost ten years have passed since the sign was created, but national and regional authorities, private organizations are constantly working to increase its recognition. Explanatory posters are created and placed at railway stations, restaurants and other public places. Badges, badges, and other accessories bearing this symbol are universally issued to mothers-to-be who register for boshi-techo (maternal and child health booklet) at municipal governments. They are available from some clinics and hospitals, as well as from expectant mothers' groups.
And yet, as shown by a survey conducted by one of the departments under the Cabinet of Ministers, despite all these efforts, the “sign of motherhood” is still far from universal recognition. According to the survey, only slightly more than 60% of women knew about the existence of this sign, and among men - less than half. It is sometimes said that these results can be explained by the rural population, which uses public transport less and rarely experiences the "sign of motherhood".
Expectant mothers use the sign in different ways. Usually it is attached to a handbag. Many women decorate it with sequins or hang it on decorative straps. Some people even choose signs with appeals, for example, with a request not to smoke nearby. Others use the sign depending on the situation, and show only when necessary.
The "sign of motherhood" does not oblige others to perform certain actions, but encourages them to show participation - to give up their seats in transport, to refrain from smoking and to help if necessary. Japanese social norms make it difficult to directly address a stranger, and the sign is a passive way of contact in which people behave in accordance with the situation without undue friction and stress.
Contradictions and misunderstandings
One would expect that in an aging country like Japan, with a very low birth rate by world standards, the program to support pregnant women would be enthusiastically received. Indeed, the overall impression of the appearance of this sign is mostly positive. As shown by one of the informal online surveys, this initiative was supported by 87% of respondents, but a number of other opinions can also be found online.
“Maternity sign” with the inscription “I have a baby inside”
One of the most common criticisms is the supposedly passive-aggressive nature of the sign: its use is often perceived as a kind of emotional blackmail, forcing passengers to give up their seats in transport. On the train, many want to get a seat right away, which is not surprising given the infamous crowding and the average daily travel time of almost an hour. Urban legends about "fake pregnant women" using the sign to make way for them also fuel mistrust. In the end, everyone decides for himself whether to give up his seat, and many do so, but, unfortunately, not everyone is so friendly. Some women say that sometimes they have to deal with derogatory comments or mocking looks from others when someone gives them a seat.
Another objection to the use of the mark relates to the excessive public display of pregnancy. There is a tendency among Japanese women to delay having a child until later in life, which for a significant number of people often means a long and difficult fertility regimen. Some critics of the "sign of motherhood" believe that the display of the sign does not take into account the feelings of such women, as well as those who are not capable of childbearing.
However, in the end, discussions about the "sign of motherhood" help to spread knowledge about it and its use. It seems that as people get used to this program, the number of negative opinions will decrease. The active promotion of the sign by organizations like the NGO Himawari no Kai (Sunflower Society, link in Japanese) helps spread the word about the "sign of motherhood" by drawing public attention to it.
Given the problems facing Japanese women, many advocates of using the "sign of motherhood" believe that it can help women experience pregnancy more easily and play an important role in government efforts to increase fertility. Its significance is not so much that women give up their seats on transport - the "sign of motherhood" is probably most valuable as a symbol of public support for the decision to have a child.
Banner photo: Arimura Haruko, Minister of State for the Advancement of Women in Society, talks about the "sign of motherhood" at a press conference on September 12, 2014 © Jiji
(article in English published November 14, 2014 )
Information on awarding state awards, assigning honorary titles, awarding the USSR premiums - Russian Federation
No. \ P | Nature of information | Name of the archive (institution) storing documents | Notes |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1. | Information about awarding state awards and honorary titles of the USSR: | Office of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards (from 1919 to the present) | |
1.![]() | The highest awards and degrees of distinction of the USSR: | ||
- Hero of the Soviet Union | Office of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards, Main Directorate of Personnel and Military Education (GUKiVO) MO RF | ||
- Hero of Socialist Labor - "Mother is a heroine" | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | ||
1.2. | Orders of the USSR: | ||
1.2.1. | Order of the USSR for awarding for labor merits, development of friendship and cooperation, strengthening peace and other services to the state and society, as well as for having many children and raising children: Lenin, the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, "For personal courage", "Badge of Honor", Honor, Labor Glory I, II, III degree, Maternal Glory I, II, III degree | Office of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
1.![]() | Order of Lenin (for the period 1941–1942). | TsAMO, Office of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
1.2.3. | Orders of the USSR for awarding for merits in the defense of the Fatherland: "Victory", the Red Banner; Suvorov I, II, III degrees; Ushakov I, II degrees; Kutuzov I, II, III degrees; Nakhimov I, II degrees; Bohdan Khmelnitsky I, II, III degrees; Alexander Nevsky, Patriotic War I, II degrees; Red Star; "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" I, II, III degrees; Glory I, II, III degrees | RGVA, Office of the President of the Russian Federation for state awards, until 1974 - TsAMO, TsVMA, after 1975 - GUKiVO MO RF | |
1.2.4. | Order of the Patriotic War (in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of March 11, 1985) | TsAMO | |
1.![]() | Medals of the USSR: | ||
1.3.1. | USSR medals for rewarding labor merits and merits in solving the most important national economic tasks: "For labor valor", "For labor distinction", "For the construction of the BAM", "For the transformation of the Non-Chernozem region of the RSFSR", "For the development of the subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex of the Western Siberia" | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
Medals of the USSR "For the restoration of ferrous metallurgy enterprises"; "For the restoration of the coal mines of Donbass" | RGAE | ||
Medal "For the development of virgin and fallow lands" | State Archives | At the place of awarding | |
Medals of the USSR "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", "Veteran of Labour" | State Archives | At the place of awarding | |
USSR medals for awarding merit and distinction during the Great Patriotic War (civilians): for the defense of the cities of Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, "For the defense of the Caucasus", "For the defense of the Soviet Arctic" | State Archives | At the place of awarding | |
Medal of the USSR "Partisan of the Patriotic War" I, II degrees | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | ||
1.![]() | USSR medals for military merits and distinctions, including during the Great Patriotic War: "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For the victory over Japan", "For courage", "For military merit", Nakhimov, Ushakov, as well as for the defense, capture and liberation of cities and territories: Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Stalingrad, "For the defense of the Caucasus", "For the defense of the Soviet Arctic"; for the capture of Berlin, Budapest, Vienna, Koenigsberg; for the liberation of Belgrade, Warsaw, Prague | RGVA, GUKIVO MO RF, TsAMO, TsVMA, TsA MIA, TsA FSB, TsAFPS of Russia, military commissariats | At the place of residence |
1.3.3. | USSR medals for awarding merit in the performance of civil and official duty: "For excellent service in the protection of public order", "For courage in a fire", "For saving drowning people" | Ministry of Internal Affairs (ATC) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state archives | At the place of awarding |
1.![]() | USSR medals for having many children and raising children - "Medal of motherhood" | State Archives | At the place of awarding |
1.3.5. | USSR medals (anniversary) in connection with important dates in history: "20 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War", "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow", "For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin", "For military valor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin” and others | State archives, military commissariats, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (ATC) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia | At the place of awarding |
1.4. | Information on establishing the ownership of orders (medals) by their numbers | TsAMO, TsVMA, RGAVMF, TsA FSB, TsA FPS, since 1981 (civilians) Office of the President for State Awards | |
1.![]() | Issuance of duplicate certificates for commemorative and anniversary medals of the Russian Federation | Military commissariats | At the place of residence of former servicemen and civilians |
1.6. | Honorary titles of the USSR and the RSFSR for special merits in various sectors of the national economy and other areas of activity, beginning with the words "People's ...", "Honored ..." | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
1.7. | Honorable Mentions | ||
1.7.1. | Certificate of honor of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol | State Archives | At the place of awarding |
1.![]() | Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on conferring the honorary title of the RSFSR "Honored ...", badge for the honorary title of the RSFSR | State archives, archival departments, departmental archives | At the place of awarding |
2. | State awards of the Russian Federation: | ||
2.1. | Title Hero of the Russian Federation | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
2.2. | Orders of the Russian Federation: "For Merit to the Fatherland", Zhukov, Courage, "For Military Merit", Honor, Friendship, incl. military - St. George (with a distinction - St. George's Cross), Suvorov, Ushakov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky, Nakhimov | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
2.![]() | Medals of the Russian Federation: "For Courage", "Defender of Free Russia", "For Saving the Perished", Suvorov, Ushakov, Nesterov, "For Distinction in Guarding the State Border", "For Distinction in Protecting Public Order", Zhukov, "For impeccable service" | Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards | |
Jubilee medals: "50th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" etc. | State archives, military commissariats, departmental archives | At the place of awarding | |
3. | Departmental awards: | ||
3.1. | Honorary titles and insignia in labor, beginning with the words "Veteran", "Master", "Specialist", "Drummer", "Honorary", "Excellent", "Best", "For active work", anniversary signs - " .![]() | GA RF, RGALI, RGAE, state archives, departmental archives | At the place of awarding |
3.2. | Certificates of honor, commendation, diplomas for successful active work and merits in various fields of activity | State archives, departmental archives | At the place of awarding |
4. | Party, Komsomol, trade union awards and prizes: | ||
4.1. | Party awards (including the badge "50 years of being in the CPSU") | RGASPI, RGANI, state archives | At the place of awarding |
4.2. | Komsomol awards (including the Lenin Komsomol Prize, the Badge of Honor of the Komsomol, the badge of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.![]() | RGASPI, state archives | At the place of awarding |
4.3. | Trade union awards (including the badge of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions "For active work in trade unions", the badge "For active work in the trade union group", the Certificate of Honor of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, joint diplomas of trade unions and ministries | Central Archive of the General Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, archives of trade union councils; state archives, archival departments, departmental archives | At the place of awarding |
5.![]() | Awards for participation in competitions, exhibitions | RGALI, GA RF, RGAE, state archives, archival departments, departmental archives | At the place of awarding |
5.1. | VDNKh participant medal | RGAE (Samara), VVC | |
6. | Awards: | ||
6.1. | State Prize in Science and Technology - 1940–1991 | RGAE (Samara), RGA in Samara | |
6.2. | Lenin Prize in Science and Technology - 1940–1991 | RGAE (Samara), RGA in Samara | |
6.3. | State Prize in Literature, Art and Architecture - 1964–1991 | RGALI | |
6.![]() |