How far behind can you be on child support
How Far Behind in Child Support Before Jail in Missouri
If you have a custody arrangement, you may wonder how far behind in child support someone can get before going to jail in Missouri. Find all the answers you need here.
Summer Masterson-Goethals
Masterson Law
(417) 522-1280
1771 S. Fremont
Springfield, MO 65804
How Far Behind In Child Support Before Jail In Missouri?
Frequently, family courts in Springfield and throughout Missouri, order child support for parents who are unmarried, separated or going through a divorce in Missouri. These financial payments are usually made from non-custodial parents to custodial parents. Child support payments are ordered to make sure that both parents bear the monetary obligation of raising their children.
While many people who are ordered to make such payments comply, there are those who fall into arrears. This might be by choice, or due to inescapable situations, such as a job loss or a loss of income. Despite the reason a parent is overdue on their payments, Missouri law allows courts to take action to ensure that the parent pays what they owe.
If you are struggling to make or receive timely child support payments, you likely have questions about how child support is enforced and what the consequences are for missing payments. Masterson Law, your Springfield, Missouri family law firm, has put together this brief guide to keep you informed on everything you need to know about child support in Missouri, including the laws surrounding how far behind in child support before jail in Missouri.
Questions about child support?
Contact a top child support lawyer today.
Missouri Division Of Child Support Enforcement Laws
If you have been ordered to pay child support or are on the receiving end of child support payments, you will likely come into contact with the Family Support Division of the Missouri Department of Social Services. The Missouri Household Assistance Department (FSD) is a state agency that supplies child assistance services to custodial parents, non-custodial parents, guardians, adult children, and alleged fathers to join local attorneys in protecting families throughout the state of Missouri.
Missouri Deadbeat Dad Law
When a non-custodial parent is behind on child support payments, he or she may worry about the possibility of jail time. However, there are a variety of child support laws enforcement alternatives available with the Missouri Family Support Division to motivate parents to pay before the option of jail comes up. The Family Support Division (FSD) assists households by supplying the following services surrounding child support:
- Establishing support orders: FSD establishes child support orders when an order does not exist. When figuring out the quantity of the kid assistance payment, FSD personnel utilize the child support standards developed by the Missouri Supreme Court.
The standards take the earnings of each parent into account.
- Modifying support orders: FSD likewise examines existing child support orders to identify if the orders should be altered based on changes in laws or circumstances.
- Enforcing support orders: In the case of a non-paying, or “deadbeat” parent, FSD helps families receive child support payments by:
- Withholding earnings
- Obstructing tax refunds
- Reporting noncustodial parents who are past-due on child support payments to credit bureaus
- Filing liens on property
- Obstructing lottery winnings
- Suspending licenses
- Asking the prosecutor to file civil contempt or criminal non-support charges upon demand by the custodial parent
- Combining efforts with other states to gather child support payments when noncustodial parents live outside Missouri
How Much Child Support Can You Owe Before Going To Jail?
Possibly the most severe approach to child support enforcement in Missouri is through a contempt of court order. If you owe unpaid child support, the custodial parent can request a hearing prior to a judge and ask that you be held in contempt of court. You should be served a file ordering you to participate in the hearing, where you will need to go and describe why you have not paid the amount that you owe. If you do not go to your hearing, the Missouri family court can release a warrant for your arrest. The amount of child support owed for it to get to this point varies from case-to-case, but the longer you let your child support payments remain past-due, the more likely you will be charged with contempt.
If you participate in the hearing, you could still go to jail or prison for breaking the order to pay the child support. This is a choice by the judge depending upon how persuading your story is regarding why you have not paid and whether or not you have hired a lawyer. Criminal prosecution is possible if a paying parent stops paying child support for 6 months within a twelve-month duration. Aggregate delinquency of more than $5,000 is a felony. Criminal nonsupport charges penalize the failure to pay, but they do not lead to a new order for payment, unlike a civil contempt order.
It’s important to note that judges hardly ever put a parent in jail for contempt of court. Typically, this occurs if an income-withholding order or a wage garnishment will not work. Courts acknowledge that a jailed parent can not generate income to make child support payments. However, if you are called to court, you should always consult a family law attorney before taking any action. An attorney can help you develop a strong defense to limit the possibility of jail time so you can get back on track with your child support payments.
Expert Child Support Attorney
Whatever custody situation you’re pursuing, we’re here to help.
What Happens When You Go To Jail For Child Support?
Many noncustodial parents think that if they fall behind on child support at a time when they are genuinely not able to make a payment, what they owe can, later on, be lowered by the court when an excuse is provided. If you wait to describe your circumstances, the court will be unable to decrease the back payments you owe. With the help of an attorney, it is essential that you alert the court as soon as your financial situation changes, offer evidence of the decrease in earnings, and ask that your payments be lowered appropriately.
If you do this, the court might briefly or completely lower the number of future payments. Without taking appropriate action, your likelihood of going to jail and the length of your jail sentence will only increase.
How Long Can Someone Go To Jail For Not Paying Child Support?
If you have been arrested for contempt of court, your child support order will continue while you remain in jail. You will be required to petition the court to request a decrease in your support amount based upon what you can make while in jail or prison. While this might be tough, it is very crucial that you attempt to do this. It is up to the court to figure out whether to reduce your child support due to the fact that you have been locked up, but your attorney can help advocate for this option on your behalf.
If your child support order has been decreased or suspended while you remain in jail, your release is considered a substantial and material change in circumstances. When this happens, the court needs to alter your support order. As an outcome, the quantity you pay in child support will likely increase to show your earning capability after your release from jail. Before the amount of your child support payments increases, the court will need to be asked and consent to alter the amount of child support you owe.
If you believe you may be going to jail for child support, your top priority should be to contact civil litigation lawyers in Springfield MO as soon as possible.
Child Support Mediation Help
Talk with an attorney and ensure your rights are protected.
When Does Child Support End In Missouri?
If you are ordered to pay child support, you likely know that it is required to be paid each month. However, many of our clients wonder when their child support payments will end. In Missouri, there are numerous ways that child support can end, or be ended.
Missouri Child Support Guidelines
In most cases, child support will end when the child has been emancipated, and this happens either by the child reaching the age of majority or through legal means. In the State of Missouri, emancipation is governed by statute and case law. Missouri child support laws specify that unless the situations of the child and the Court determine otherwise, child support orders end when the child passes away, marries, goes into active service in the military, becomes self-supporting, reaches eighteen (unless they fall under exceptions) or reaches the age of twenty-one.
Self-supporting means that the custodial parent has given up the child from adult control by express or implied consent. An example of this is when the custodial parent is no longer bearing most of the child’s costs. It can likewise mean that the child has left the home and is now situated elsewhere.
Twenty-one is the age of emancipation in Missouri. Some orders can extend the date of emancipation past the child’s twenty-first birthday to the age of twenty-two, when a specific number of terms in college has been reached, or when the child receives a higher education degree. To get a clearer idea of what your options are, it’s important to examine your initial order or talk to a lawyer.
An exception to the above is when the child is physically or psychologically incapacitated from supporting his or her self, insolvent, and unmarried, the court might extend child support past the child’s eighteenth or twenty-first birthday. When this happens, some parents look for legal guardianship over their adult child. If you believe that your family may benefit from this type of arrangement, our Missouri family law firm will be happy to help you explore your options.
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MO Child Support Online Payment
If you are ordered to make child support payments in Missouri, there are a number of ways you can make and receive a payment, including online.
Pay Missouri Child Support
Below is an overview of each child support payment method available to you in Missouri:
- To make a child support payment by phone, call 888-761-3665.
- To make a child support payment online, visit the Missouri Family Support Payment Center Internet Payment Website.
- To make a child support payment with cash, fill out the Missouri Child Support Division’s PayNearMe form and follow the instructions on the screen.
- To make regular payments through automatic withdrawal, download and complete the Automatic Withdrawal Authorization form and follow the instructions provided.
If you receive child support, you have a few options for obtaining your payments, including:
- Scheduling direct deposit of your payments into your checking account
- Getting payments on a prepaid card
Not receiving full and timely child support payments might jeopardize the capability of Missouri custodial parents to properly care for their children. For noncustodial parents, it might lead to severe legal problems.
Those who are having child support issues in Missouri might benefit from working with a lawyer. An experienced family law attorney can discuss their choices as well as help them to pursue enforcement or adjustments. If you have any questions or concerns about child support in Missouri, don’t hesitate to contact the trusted family law attorneys at Masterson Law for a consultation.
Missouri Child Support Lawyers
Let us help you navigate child support laws.
Summer Masterson-Goethals
Consumer and family lawyer, former legal aid attorney and Missouri Bar Leadership Academy member, Springfield Business Journal 40 under 40 Honoree. Site Map.
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3030 E. Battlefield, Suite A
Springfield, MO 65804
(417) 522-1280
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How Far Behind in Child Support Payments Before You Can Go to Jail?
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Home » Practice Areas » Family Law » How Far Behind in Child Support Payments Can Someone Be Before Going to Jail?
IAs part of the child custody matter between you and the other parent of your child or children, you may be required to pay a child maintenance amount each month, also known as child support. This money is allocated for the health and benefit of the children and is ordered by the court as a mandatory payment set up by the judge or magistrate handling your case.
While it is a required amount that is paid, a lot of men and women have created an idea in their mind that this is not an obligation. If they don’t want to pay it, they feel like they should not have to.
There are also those who are struggling to pay their child support because of hardships or emergencies that may have arisen. They may have every intention of paying their monthly support, but a loss of a job, an unexpected medical bill, or a reduction in hours at work can lead to a hardship that makes it difficult to stay current with the amount that is owed.
Not Paying Your Child Support is a Violation of a Court Order
Whether you are simply refusing to make your child support payments or you are unable to do so, you need to understand that failure to make your payments is a violation of the court order. This is a mandatory order, meaning that you are obligated to make this payment no matter what the circumstance may be.
Failure to do so is a crime that is referred to as contempt of court. A failure to make child support payments is seen as a person refusing to acknowledge the court’s order, resulting in a judge making a ruling that the person who has not made the payments is in contempt.
You Can Go to Jail for Not Paying Child Support
There are harsh consequences that can come from failing to make your child support payments. Understand that in the state of Arizona, a person who fails to pay the child support that they are obligated to pay by the court is guilty of a crime known as “failure of parent to provide for child.” In Arizona, this is a class VI felony, which can result in up to 1.5 years in prison.
The court could also rule that the amount owed does not reach the level of a felony, making it a misdemeanor. This can still mean that a fine of $2500 and jail time of up to six months can be imposed. It is at the discretion of the judge to determine.
For more information on this, you can review the Arizona statutes related to failure to pay court-ordered child support payments at Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 25-511 and Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 13-604.
What Can I Do to Avoid Going to Jail?
One error that many people make is that they feel that being behind one or two payments is not that big of a deal. Understand that the moment when you have fallen behind in your court mandated child support payments, you are guilty of contempt of court. The judge can order your arrest and order a trial date be set to determine if you are in violation of the law. Clearly, this is not the avenue you want for yourself.
However, if you do not take action when you get behind, you can easily find yourself standing before a judge trying to explain why it is that you have violated the court’s order. This does not end well in most cases.
To avoid these kinds of issues, contact the court in advance and let them know you are having some kind of financial problem. If you are sure that you are going to be unable to make your payment on time, contact the judge and let him or her know what the circumstance is. What you will often find is that something can be worked out to allow you to reduce or miss a payment, which would then be required to be made up at some point.
You should also consider contacting the other parent of your child. See if he or she is willing to work out some kind of agreement with you based on your circumstance. If there is an agreement put in place, this can be a mitigating circumstance which will require the court to take no action.
What is important is that you take a proactive stance to ensure you don’t put yourself in a bad situation with the court. Understand that they will work with you if you give them the opportunity. They are going to be less likely to work with you if you simply aren’t making payments.
Seek Legal Help
If you are finding yourself in this situation, it is best that you contact an attorney to see what your options are. This is especially true if you are behind in your payments and are concerned that the judge may file a contempt of court order against you.
By having an attorney contact the court on your behalf, you can preempt any kind of action that may have gone against you. Even if there is an order for your arrest at this point, working with an attorney can assist you to resolve this issue without an arrest being necessary.
It is important that you understand you should not simply let this go and hope it goes away. The longer you allow your payments to lapse, the more likely it is that you are going to find yourself in a really bad situation legally. This is why you should contact us at JacksonWhite to see how we can assist you. We can give you advice on how you can best remedy the situation, even representing you if you choose to retain us.
Call the Family Law Team at (480) 467-4348 to discuss your case today.
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JacksonWhite Law offers a full range of legal services to assist individuals, families and businesses in achieving success through out the state of Arizona on a wide range of legal matters.
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Fatherless factor / Pravoslavie.Ru
A month ago I happened to visit one family protection event. Well families in Russia today are being destroyed, and the environment the situation only contributes to this, does not only say lazy. I'm not talking about that. That is, about this too, but a little from a different angle or something ...
A business that I, in addition to just visiting, also had a chance to go up on stage and say a few words.
According to some estimates, about 30% of children in Russia raised by single mothers. How many statistics mothers raise their children alone, despite the fact that fathers in birth certificate recorded, no. The fact is that many divorced "dads" at best (if "better-worse" is applicable here) consider their participation in the life of the child only as monthly payment of a certain amount of money and, perhaps, infrequent visits or calls. At worst, it doesn't.
“I remember my father from the age of six, but I remember very poorly. He once every six years he moved to another city and started a new family, ”says the hero of those who have become cult, terrifying in their content, books and movie of the same name "Fight Club" appeared in the second half of the 90s in America. Occasionally, like fathers, this American dad gave his son some advice over the phone. And as a result of this upbringing grew up "a thirty-year-old boy from generations of men raised by women" asks the question: and now "can a woman solve my problems?
America is probably a bit ahead of us. But also Russia does not want to be left behind. Conveyor for the education of "adults" boys" who will wait for a woman to decide their problems, works properly.
I am not a supporter of the point of view that a mother raising a son alone, she will definitely make him a nurse, a mother's son and in any case "spoil". Among my friends and acquaintances are many decent, kind, strong men raised only by their mothers. But nonetheless, someone could not get married, someone went through a whole series of marriages and divorces, someone with great difficulty getting used to his father's role ... In general, problems there is. It's stupid to deny it.
Illustration from the magazine "Tram", No. 8, 1990.
I remember in the magazine "Tram" in the 90th year was published a short story in which mother boy Yurik, listening to his sighs: "if there was a dad, he would ..." pumped up biceps, began to wear a vest, smoke a pipe, speak in a bass voice and was even ready to grow a beard. This The story, like fairy tales, had a happy ending. But not its ending, but a nagging feeling of pity for this boy, and this tired mother crashed into my memory.The boy needs a man's shoulder next to him. And mother, no matter how I tried, but I still can't replace it. And their own fathers and Not all mothers with children have new life partners.
Today the Church pays attention to the problems single mothers: centers are being set up for women who find themselves in a difficult life situation, assistance is provided to the incomplete parish families. This is great and much needed! But in addition to material and first psychological aid Still, the mother-son family also needs some kind of male participation.
The first and main role in solving this issue, of course, should be left to the fathers. Unfortunately, after parting many of them perceive the child not as their son or daughter, but as "the child of the woman with whom I divorced." In addition, far from always divorced parents can find a common language, and go to a psychologist - especially on this issue - in our country not accepted (at best, to a lawyer).
However, even if the father has a new family, he However, the best interests of the child should not be forgotten. Father needs try to establish a constructive dialogue with the mother, with on the one hand, listening to its opinion, since it is precisely she spends most of the time with the child, but also offering his masculine perspective on solving some education issues.
But of course this is ideal. If the father and after divorce remains the father, then he does not need such advice. And if parting with his wife deleted from his life and child, it is unlikely that he will listen. So let's think about what other options for male education can be brought into the mother-son family.
Examples of male behavior can be shown meaningfully an adult man. It could be grandfather, uncle, godfather Or even a friend's dad. The main thing is that it should not imposing some abstract patterns (which, by the way, speaking, most often have the opposite of the expected result): "Don't cry, you're not a girl," "Lead like a man, etc., but live communication, in which the child will be able to see and accept the men he likes ways to solve problems.
Photo:, Alexander Sheverev
Significant an adult can also become a teacher or trainer in some circle or section.
If the child is not interested in "male circle", if there is neither grandfather nor uncle nearby, but godfather or mother's friends and would be happy to help, but there is no time, then a significant adult may have to be found elsewhere ways. Examples from books and films are important even for children from complete families. And in this case, reading and watching movies are of particular importance. In addition, now, in the century information, you can try to find some authority for child in the media space.
At the same event, the visit of which prompted me to all these thoughts, a pleasant young woman approached me woman. Her son seems to be 12 or 13 years old, and from the very born, she raised him alone. Natalia came to Moscow from Voronezh specifically to participate in this meeting organized by Father Dimitri Smirnov.
“It was hard, no one helped…” she told me. - Well, we read books with him about heroes, watched movies. Here we listen to the sermons of the priests. BUT Now my son himself says to me: if Father Dimitry of all collects in Moscow, go, and I'm here myself on the farm. Here so my son sent me. For Natasha's son significant a distant stranger became an adult man Priest…
There are ways out, and it is not at all necessary, as many believe, that a man-rag will grow up in a family without a father. Just single mom needs a little help. Help in this case not materially, but by their participation in the fate of the child.
Having listened to many correct words about the family, having seen many caring people, with some even enthusiasm, I took the train to go home.
In line for tickets, a thin man in dark glasses "in the prime of his life" inquired if will I buy him a Strike. To my question what this, he answered disappointedly: “The drink is energetic". Just a couple of minutes after train departure, this man dropped a can of some stinking slurry and, collapsed on the bench, began to snore. Other my neighbors in the car drank beer from one and a half liter eggplants and cocktails bought from passing vendors. The young man opposite was talking rudely on the phone, apparently with a former cohabitant ... In general, there was an ordinary life around, among which you have to grow, grow up and become a man to my son ...
And I'll tell you honestly, such a longing made my way ... So I suddenly got scared...
Photo: istock/Andrew Penner
I I pulled myself together and thought about what my son had, Thank God, there is a grandfather. What when my baby is a little grows up, the godfather will definitely take him on a campaign.
But when these very real men still have the opportunity to break away from their studies, it seems to me, was It would be nice if they looked around a little. “And what kind of boy is he walking through the yard with a full portfolio? Didn't he smoke yesterday, coughing and scared hiding behind bushes? Isn't this the son of a neighbor from the third floor, which is always at work? Or maybe he would interesting to see how I climb under the hood of my car? Maybe you just need to talk to him about anything..?"
I do not want to end with a hackneyed phrase, but nevertheless: there are no other people's children. It is this understanding that I seems to have helped raise more than one generation of men after a war that killed millions of fathers. Only it will help raise boys today...
Items filtered by date: April 2018
On April 21–22, the Health&Beauty Forum was held in Limassol for the seventh time, organized by Vestnik Kipra at the GrandResort Hotel. More than 2,500 guests attended the event over two days.
An interesting exhibition worked for two days, more than 35 seminars, lectures and master classes were held, a lottery and competition of hairdressers-stylists Hair Battle were held, a children's corner was open, various salon procedures were offered from specialists and much more.
The Mayor of Limassol Nikos Nikolaidis was the guest of honor of the first day of Health&Beauty. He toured the exhibition and greeted the participants, noting in particular that the forum made a great impression on him and is a great example of successful thematic projects.
We have gathered more than 130 companies on one platform. And it should be noted that every time the Health&Beauty exhibition is replenished with new brands. The guests had the opportunity to test most of the products presented at the exhibition. Specialists offered eyebrow tattoo treatments, manicure and make-up services, wellness and relaxation massages, and much more. And for the first time, within the framework of the Health & Beauty Forum, it was possible to register as a bone marrow donor. All that had to be done for this was to pass a swab from the oral cavity at the booth of the CIWOT organization. The full list of exhibitors can be found at
Over 35 free seminars and master classes in Russian, English or Greek were held in two days. Professionals from various fields - from non-invasive rejuvenation and clinical psychology to yoga, dance and proper nutrition - shared their experience and knowledge with the guests of the exhibition. The Health&Beauty site also hosted master classes in aikido, taijiquan, yoga, waltz, bachata, salsa, cha-cha-cha and zuku. In other words, the range of topics covered at the Health&Beauty Forum allowed each guest to create a unique schedule of lectures and seminars to their liking.
For the first time, professional competitions between hairdressers-stylists Hair Battle were held within the framework of the forum. The participants showed their skills and talents in two rounds, creating a retro hairstyle and a fantasy hairstyle with a spring theme. Seven experienced professionals competed for the main prize - 1,000 euros from Lally Anna Makeup, as well as sets of professional cosmetics from L'Oreal.
The jury included the famous fashion photographer Christopher Stavrinidis, the winner of the Russian Championship in hairdressing Kirill Maznikov, the specialist who pioneered the balayage technique, Jean Marc Le Naur, the owner of the Hairstylist @ Victorio beauty salon Victor Nazr, the owner of the famous beauty salons Joseph & Niki Beani: Art & Style Joseph Biani and fashion designer Remy Sabba.
Marina Safronova became the winner of the first Hair Battle. The top three also included Enzhi Zaharia (second place) and Svetlana Martynova (third place). Further places were distributed as follows: Anastasia Gorgola, Natasha Kalaijan, Nadezhda Podlinova, Katrin Shulga.
After a short break, our team is starting preparations for the next, eighth Heath&Beauty Forum, which will be held November 17-18, 2018 at the GrandResort Hotel. We promise it will be even more interesting!
See the photo report from the event on our website at
Elizaveta ENRO
Participants and guests of the forum say :
“So many new and interesting things! A professional approach to the organization and presentation of products is visible. Of course, we spent money, because we really want to try everything. It can be seen that many of the exhibitors are developing from year to year, and the hand-made jewelry simply captivated us.”
BABOR, exhibiting company:
“The organization of the forum was again on top! This year there are noticeably more new participants, whom we were glad to meet. I would like to separately note the Hair Battle competition and each stylist who took part in it. They managed to create completely different looks - impressive work! See you at the next exhibition."
Ekaterina Podgurskaya, guest:
“I want to express my warmest gratitude to the organizers, participants and, of course, the guests of this wonderful exhibition. There were many brands of color cosmetics, body care cosmetics and health products in general. You could try different procedures, which is important. Representatives of all firms communicated with each of the visitors, as with an old friend. Very soulful. We look forward to the next event!"
Elena Kirilishina, Galina wide company Babor Ekaterina Podgurskaya (right)
Maryana, guest:
“I come to the exhibition with my mother and friends, and we all find something new for ourselves. The organization is stable but good, so it is especially pleasant to come. I really liked the performances of the dancers, and my mother attended several seminars with pleasure.”
Vitaly, guest:
“At this exhibition, I found a new product for myself – medical cannabis, and listened to an interesting lecture about the components of the product. I was interested to know the methods and methods of treatment with the help of medical cannabis, as well as aspects of its legalization in various countries, because this product does not contain intoxicants and is not a drug.”
Maria (left), representative of Apivita:
“Apivita presents its products at the exhibition every year, it is a familiar brand. We plan to continue participating in exhibitions in order to be able to tell about our product and delight beautiful ladies. Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity!”
Maryana Vitaly Maria (left)
Mellona, the company-participating company:
“We were happy with another meeting with the Health & Beauty team. ''Bulletin of Cyprus'' did a great job! The event was organized at the highest level. See you in November!"
Ekaterina Monastyrskaya, guest:
“It so happened that I was at the exhibition for the first time, although I had heard a lot of good things about it before. But these days I could not help but come: a stylist who works in my agency took part in the hairdressing competition, and, which is especially pleasant, she won first place. We had time to see the exhibition - very good, and I did not expect that we actually have so many experts in the field of beauty. There are a lot of Russian-speaking masters, which is also pleasing. For busy people, the advantage is that experts and professionals are gathered in one place and you can come, spend an hour of your time and get acquainted with a wide range of services. In two days, I learned a lot of interesting and useful things for myself, such exhibitions must be!”
Irina Ryabushkina, Director of the Together Forever charity fund:
“This is not the first time we have cooperated with Vestnik Kipra, and it is very pleasant to work, since the combination of commercial and charitable activities gives certain results. We are grateful for the opportunity to organize a children's corner at Health&Beauty. The children drew, danced, made crafts, and it was especially pleasant to realize that the children understood that everything they do is not just entertainment, but also their contribution to the child's treatment. Our foundation organizes and pays for the treatment of Russian children abroad, and we are very pleased that the people of Cyprus came to the exhibition and took part in the work of our foundation. In general, the exhibition is a wonderful event, well prepared and organized. It seems to me that there is not a single woman left here who could say that she is unhappy. Everyone is happy! Thanks to the organizers!
Representatives of Mellona Ekaterina Monastynskaya Irina Ryabushkina
Marina Safronova, Maria Savvidis Salon B.C.A. ART (Limassol), winner of the Hair Battle competition:
“It was my first time participating in the competition and it was an amazing experience! On the first day, I wanted to emphasize the nuances of the retro era: a hat with a veil, clothes, a mouthpiece, a front sight over the lip, makeup and, of course, a hairstyle. On the second day, I tried to show spring: lightness, tenderness, “wind in my hair”, the awakening of nature! I am grateful to my models, how they got used to the images. I also thank the organizers of the competition for the opportunity to try my hand. Many thanks to the jury - it's so exciting to present my work in front of super professionals, and I'm glad that my images received high marks.
Personally, after such competitions, I want to move forward even more, develop in my own direction, this is an amazing charge of positive. All rivals were worthy, each created its own unique image. All well done! We worried, tried and of course enjoyed the process. The very participation in the competition, when you leave the "comfort zone" - is already half the success and victory over your fear and excitement. And how many spectators there were! They applauded, cheered, worried, the atmosphere was amazing.
I believe that health and beauty are important aspects for every person. Such exhibitions are very necessary, as they present industry novelties that are of interest to customers and help manufacturers and exhibitors talk about them. ”
Anna Lalli, Chairman of the organizing committee and sponsor of the Hair Battle competition:
“I would like to thank Vestnik Kipra and especially Natalia Vladimirovna Kardash and Marina Mikhailida for their help in organizing the competition and the idea of creating the Health&Beauty forum. This is a real holiday for the residents of Limassol and all of Cyprus! Many thanks to the participants and jury members of the Hair Battle, everything was unforgettable, and the strongest won! I believe that the exhibition and competition will develop and get better every year. It was an amazing two days of my life!”.
Marina Safronova (in the center) Anna Lally
Alla Gurbova, master of permanent makeup, makeup artist:
“There were many new companies and really interesting products at this exhibition, and it was very interesting for me as a permanent participant to see the exhibition of herself . The care for the participants is pleasant - a lunch was organized, which was so lacking before. To the wonderful visitors of the exhibition, and to all the girls, advice: find time for yourself, treat yourself to new products and don’t be afraid to change.”
Yuliya Polishko, doctor, cosmetologist, Proffile Beauty representative:
“I used to visit exhibitions as a guest, and this year I present products on behalf of the company for the first time. It's good here "on both sides of the stand." I am very pleased to share my professional knowledge and skills with girls, to help in choosing personal care products. Taking care of your loved ones and yourself is what we lack so much in everyday life, and the exhibition is a good way to relax with benefits for the soul and body.”
Natalia, guest:
“It's nice that world brands are represented at the exhibition. I tried some procedures and the professionals helped me find the right products. I wish the exhibition to develop and reach the world level.”
Alla Gurbova Julia Polishko Natalya
Irina, guest:
“I'm here for the first time and I liked everything. Unfortunately, I do not speak English and some of the interesting stands could not be assessed properly. It is very good that there is a kids club: the child is happy, with a great mood. We'll definitely come next time."
Claudia, guest:
“I have heard about Health&Beauty many times and finally I managed to visit it. I enjoyed watching the hairstyle contest - how everyone did it, who won. I marked a lot for myself for the future. I really liked the training stands and the stand with laser procedures.”
Oksana Lazareva, guest:
“I go to the exhibition every year and really look forward to it. I like that I can buy everything I need in one place. You don't even need to go shopping! It is comfortable to be here even with two children, they are also interested in walking here and having fun in the children's corner.”
Dionisis, son of Oksana Lazareva:
“I came with my mother. Of course, I'm not as interested as she is, but they gave me a few samples, and I'm happy to use them. Next time I will also come with my mother, I don’t want to miss something interesting.”
Tony Sokratus, stylist:
“I work with different aspects of style, with modern make-up technologies, including for filming and various events. I take part in the exhibition for the third time and constantly meet new people, find partners for work in the future. Everything is organized very professionally.”
Irina Claudia Oksana Lazarev Tony
Oksana, guest:
“I found a salon at the exhibition and tried the procedures that I had been looking for for a long time. Met and interacted with the staff. There really is a result from the procedure, and now I know where I can solve my problem. At one of the lectures, I had the opportunity to talk to a psychologist for the first time. I'm glad it was an open seminar where people could listen to information without talking about their problems. Now I understand that in some situations a psychologist is really needed.