How to teach your child sign language
25 Baby Signs to Know
We all hate seeing our kids unhappy—but when baby is too young to speak, it can be hard to know exactly what your little one wants. Are they hungry? Tired? Do they need a diaper change? Plus, it’s also probably just as frustrating for baby when their message just isn’t getting across. In recent years, more and more parents have been turning to baby sign language to help boost communication with their preverbal kids. Here, learn from experts what sign language for babies is, its benefits, how to start teaching it and 25 common baby signs to know.
In this article:
What is baby sign language?
Benefits of baby sign language Potential disadvantages of baby sign language How and when to start baby sign language
Common baby signs
Baby sign language chart
What Is Baby Sign Language?
Baby sign language is a set of simple hand gestures and movements, otherwise known as signs, that correspond to common words you use with baby every day. It’s a helpful tool to enhance communication between hearing parents and babies who can hear but can’t yet talk. Sometimes the baby signs are the same as those used in American Sign Language (ASL), but not always. “Baby sign is not a technical sign language, such as ASL or BSL (British sign language), which are primarily used by the deaf community and are more complex, with grammar and sentence structure,” says Jann Fujimoto, CCC-SLP, a certified speech-language pathologist in Wisconsin. “It’s a looser version that uses just signs for individual words.”
Academics began making powerful observations about how hearing families could benefit from using baby sign language around 200 years ago, thanks to the work of linguist William Dwight Whitney in the 1800s. But it wasn’t until the 2000s that baby sign language became readily available to parents through workshops, classes and baby sign language books.
Benefits of Baby Sign Language
Baby sign language is thought to offer a bunch of potential short-term and lasting benefits. Being able to understand what your preverbal baby wants or needs—and allowing baby to express themselves without the use of words—can go a long way in building your relationship. Some of the possible benefits of baby sign language are:
- Increases baby’s ability to communicate before they can speak
- Leads to fewer tantrums, since baby can get their message across
- Lowers frustration for parents, since you can understand what baby wants or needs
- Gives baby a head start in language acquisition
- Strengthens baby’s cognitive skills
- Enhances parent-baby bonding
In the late 1980s, Linda Acredolo, a University of California, Davis professor, and Susan Goodwyn, a professor at University of Southern California, Stanislaus, found that babies who used baby sign language actually learned verbal skills faster than those who didn’t sign. In a second study, they later checked in on those same children at age 8 and found that the babies who used signs scored higher on IQ tests than the non-signers.
Shira Fogel, a speech pathologist who founded Tiny Talkers, a baby sign language workshop program in Portland, Oregon, became a believer in the benefits of sign language for babies after witnessing her first child’s remarkable progress. Her daughter made her first sign (milk) at 5.5 months, knew more than 100 signs at 12 months and could speak in full sentences by the time she was 18 months old. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics believes baby sign language can help bridge the communication gap and has given it its stamp of approval.
It’s worth noting, though, that not all academics agree that baby sign language offers proven benefits. While some studies (like the ones conducted by Acredolo and Goodwyn) have found significant upsides to using sign language for babies, other studies haven’t unearthed any significant or long-term differences between children who learn baby sign language and those who don’t. So in general, the benefits of baby sign are considered theoretical.
And, as Jack Maypole, MD, associate clinical professor of pediatrics at Boston Medical Center, points out, some benefits of baby sign language may be overstated and overpromised by the vast offerings of baby sign products on the market. “While learning baby sign language may help hearing parents and children communicate better, the results won’t necessarily be transformative, so be wary of programs that promise to get your child into Harvard or have their first novel published by nursery school,” Maypole says.
Potential Disadvantages of Baby Sign Language
So you’ve brushed up on the possible benefits of sign language for babies—but what about potential downsides? Since baby can begin to communicate using signs instead of spoken words, many parents wonder—does baby sign language delay speech? Fujimoto says no. If baby is developing at a healthy pace, baby sign just supplements their learning and gives them another way to express themselves. If you think baby might actually have a hearing impairment, don’t just rely on baby sign language as a solution, she adds. Talk to your pediatrician about your concerns and ask about referrals to an audiologist, who can perform the proper hearing tests and assessments.
How and When to Start Baby Sign Language
If you’ve decided to give baby sign language a go, you may be wondering when to teach baby some signs. A good time to start is when baby is 4 to 6 months old, according to Fujimoto. As for how, there are many different approaches to teaching baby sign language, but generally, you can teach baby by saying a word like “milk,” while making the sign at the same time, and then giving baby the milk. “Don’t hold out the item as a prize and refuse to hand it over until your child makes the sign himself,” Fujimoto says. “Verbal reinforcement—by saying the word while also showing the sign—as well as consistency are key.”
As part of the consistency, you’ll want to use the signs every day for baby to truly understand them. While your little one likely won’t start making signs on their own until they’re about 6 to 9 months, eventually baby will start to make connections between the word, sign and item. Just like learning a foreign language, a preverbal baby is going to understand more than they can speak—or in this case, sign—at first.
For more resources, parents can turn to the many workshops, videos, books and apps available these days, all designed to help you teach sign language for babies. A typical class or workshop may teach parents 30 to 50 different signs you can then use with baby at your own pace. “Some families with older babies may learn best by singing along with a video, or attending a class together,” Fujimoto says. “Families should find the method that makes sense for them.”
Common Baby Signs
When you’re ready to begin teaching baby sign language, you’ll need to decide which baby signs to start with. Fujimoto says to choose the words you and your family use the most on a day-to-day basis, like “more,” “please” and “milk.” Ready to learn how to teach baby sign language? Brush up on the below illustrations of 25 common baby signs.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Hungry” in sign language
It’s important for baby to be able to communicate when they’re tummy feels empty—you know, before they get hangry. Teach them how to show you they’re “hungry” in sign language. You can make the sign for “hungry” by cupping your hand around your neck to make a C shape, then move your hand down from your neck to your stomach.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Drink” in sign language
Want to learn how to sign “drink” in sign language? This one involves mimicking the action! Make a C shape with your hand, as if you were holding a cup, then move it to your mouth as if you were drinking from it.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Milk” in sign language
Wondering how to teach baby sign language? It’s best to start with something baby knows, likes and wants—for example, milk. You can communicate the word “milk” in sign language, by making two fists, then extend your fingers and bring them back into fists.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Water” in sign language
Teach baby how to request “water” in sign language, and you’ll always know when your little one wants their sippy cup. The sign for “water” is made by extending your three middle fingers so they’re pointing up, with your thumb and pinkie tucked down, and then tapping your index finger to your chin.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“More” in sign language
Do you have trouble knowing if and when baby wants extra spoonfuls of their favorite puree? “More” is another important word for you and baby to learn. To express “more” in sign language, pinch your thumbs and fingers together on both hands, creating two O shapes, then tapping your fingertips together a few times.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Done” in sign language
When baby is full, they want you to stop shoving that spoon toward their mouth. Teach them to let you know they’re “all done” without fussing by using the ASL sign for “finished.” Start with your hands up, palms facing toward you, and turn them until your palms face out.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Play” in sign language
When it comes to baby sign language, the sign “play” certainly belongs in your arsenal. To communicate “play” in sign language, clench your fingers to your palms, leaving your thumbs and pinkies extended; then with palms facing you, twist your wrists back and forth.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Sleep” in sign language
Nobody likes having a fussy, sleep-deprived baby on their hands, so it’s a good idea to practice “sleep” in sign language. Hold your hand over your forehead with your fingers spread apart, then draw your hand down over your face until your fingers and thumb come together to touch your chin. Even babies who resist nap time may whip this one out when they’re especially exhausted.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Mom” in sign language
Your little one will want to know how to address their favorite people in baby sign language. To sign “mom,” simply spread your fingers apart, then with your pinkie facing forward, tap your thumb to your chin.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Dad” in sign language
As another one of baby’s favorite people, Dad will want in on the fun too! You can make the sign for “dad” by spreading your fingers apart, then with your pinkie facing forward, tap your thumb to your forehead.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Poop” in sign language
Everybody does it, so you might as well learn to sign it! If you want to indicate “poop” in sign language, clench both hands into fists and stack them on top of each other, with the thumb of the bottom hand tucked inside the upper fist. Then, pull your bottom hand down from the upper hand, leaving your thumb extended. Next time baby soils their diaper, they’ll let you know—before you even smell it.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Yes” in sign language
Another easy and important sign to learn is “yes.” Enthusiastically nodding your head is great, but this sign gives baby yet another communication tool. Intuitively, “yes” in sign language looks just like a nodding hand. Make a fist and then, folding at your wrist, bob your fist up and down.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“No” in sign language
Again, shaking your head works, but this sign helps reiterate the point. To express “no” in sign language, extend your thumb, index and middle fingers, then quickly snap them together.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Food” in sign language
Instead of signing “hungry,” baby may want to ask for “food.” This sign can also mean “eat.” Communicate “food” in sign language by flattening your fingers on top of your thumb and then bringing your fingertips to your mouth.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Help” in sign language
When learning and teaching baby sign language, be sure to review the sign for “help.” This can be useful to baby in so many different situations; plus, being able to ask for support from a parent or caregiver can help reduce any frustration a baby may feel. If you want to communicate “help” in sign language, simply make a fist with one hand, with the thumb extended, and place it over your other hand, which is extended flat. Then move both hands up together.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Bath” in sign language
Want to tell baby it’s bath time? Express ‘“bath” in sign language by making two fists, then moving them up and down in front of your chest (as if you were scrubbing yourself clean).
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Book” in sign language
Storytime is the best time! Use your hands to say “book” in sign language; clasp your palms together with your thumbs facing up, then hinge open your hands, keeping your pinkies together (as if you were cracking open a book).
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Medicine” in sign language
The sign for “medicine” is made by placing your middle finger into the palm of your opposite hand and twisting.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Share” in sign language
To sign “share,” extend one hand flat, with your thumb pointing up. Then, run your other hand back and forth along the top of your extended fingers.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Sorry” in sign language
Teach baby to show empathy and express feelings before they know how to do it verbally. The sign for “sorry” is made by rubbing a fisted hand in a circle over your chest.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Please” in sign language
Manners matter. Teach baby to ask for things politely from the get-go. To sign “please,” extend your fingers and thumb out, then rub your flattened palm against your chest in circles.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Thank you” in sign language
Nothing is sweeter than watching your little one express gratitude. And they’ll appreciate it when you show them the same respect and courtesy right back. To sign “thank you,” straighten your thumb and fingers, then bring your fingers to your chin and pull them away.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“You’re welcome” in sign language
The sign for “you’re welcome” is the same as the sign for “thank you”—flatten your hand, bring your fingers to your chin and pull them back.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“I love you” in sign language
This is one sign you’re going to both want to use all the time. To sign “I love you,” extend your thumb, index and pinkie fingers (but keep your ring and middle fingers down). Hold your hand out with the palm facing away and rotate your hand side to side.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Hurt” in sign language
The baby sign for “hurt” is done by clenching both hands into fists, then extending your index fingers and touching them together.
Baby Sign Language Chart
Here, you can see 25 of the most common signs, all in one comprehensive baby sign language chart.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
Now that you know the basics of how to teach baby sign language, begin practicing a few words you think you’ll use most frequently at home. Your little one will love having a special way to communicate their wants and needs with you. What’s more, having the ability to express your feelings to each other will help strengthen your bond. It’s a win-win!
About the experts:
Jann Fujimoto, CCC-SLP, is a certified speech-language pathologist in Wisconsin. With 17 years of experience, she has worked in birth-to-three programs, pre-schools and schools, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and outpatient clinics. She received her MS in communication disorders from the University of Texas at Dallas.
Jack Maypole, MD, is an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at Boston Medical Center and a pediatrician with over two decades of experience. He received his bachelor’s degree from Yale University and his medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine.
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.
Plus, more from The Bump:
When Do Babies Start Talking
How Should I Be Talking to Baby
11 Best Baby Book Subscriptions for Expanding Little Minds
25 Baby Signs to Know
We all hate seeing our kids unhappy—but when baby is too young to speak, it can be hard to know exactly what your little one wants. Are they hungry? Tired? Do they need a diaper change? Plus, it’s also probably just as frustrating for baby when their message just isn’t getting across. In recent years, more and more parents have been turning to baby sign language to help boost communication with their preverbal kids. Here, learn from experts what sign language for babies is, its benefits, how to start teaching it and 25 common baby signs to know.
In this article:
What is baby sign language?
Benefits of baby sign language Potential disadvantages of baby sign language How and when to start baby sign language
Common baby signs
Baby sign language chart
What Is Baby Sign Language?
Baby sign language is a set of simple hand gestures and movements, otherwise known as signs, that correspond to common words you use with baby every day. It’s a helpful tool to enhance communication between hearing parents and babies who can hear but can’t yet talk. Sometimes the baby signs are the same as those used in American Sign Language (ASL), but not always. “Baby sign is not a technical sign language, such as ASL or BSL (British sign language), which are primarily used by the deaf community and are more complex, with grammar and sentence structure,” says Jann Fujimoto, CCC-SLP, a certified speech-language pathologist in Wisconsin. “It’s a looser version that uses just signs for individual words.”
Academics began making powerful observations about how hearing families could benefit from using baby sign language around 200 years ago, thanks to the work of linguist William Dwight Whitney in the 1800s. But it wasn’t until the 2000s that baby sign language became readily available to parents through workshops, classes and baby sign language books.
Benefits of Baby Sign Language
Baby sign language is thought to offer a bunch of potential short-term and lasting benefits. Being able to understand what your preverbal baby wants or needs—and allowing baby to express themselves without the use of words—can go a long way in building your relationship. Some of the possible benefits of baby sign language are:
- Increases baby’s ability to communicate before they can speak
- Leads to fewer tantrums, since baby can get their message across
- Lowers frustration for parents, since you can understand what baby wants or needs
- Gives baby a head start in language acquisition
- Strengthens baby’s cognitive skills
- Enhances parent-baby bonding
In the late 1980s, Linda Acredolo, a University of California, Davis professor, and Susan Goodwyn, a professor at University of Southern California, Stanislaus, found that babies who used baby sign language actually learned verbal skills faster than those who didn’t sign. In a second study, they later checked in on those same children at age 8 and found that the babies who used signs scored higher on IQ tests than the non-signers.
Shira Fogel, a speech pathologist who founded Tiny Talkers, a baby sign language workshop program in Portland, Oregon, became a believer in the benefits of sign language for babies after witnessing her first child’s remarkable progress. Her daughter made her first sign (milk) at 5.5 months, knew more than 100 signs at 12 months and could speak in full sentences by the time she was 18 months old. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics believes baby sign language can help bridge the communication gap and has given it its stamp of approval.
It’s worth noting, though, that not all academics agree that baby sign language offers proven benefits. While some studies (like the ones conducted by Acredolo and Goodwyn) have found significant upsides to using sign language for babies, other studies haven’t unearthed any significant or long-term differences between children who learn baby sign language and those who don’t. So in general, the benefits of baby sign are considered theoretical.
And, as Jack Maypole, MD, associate clinical professor of pediatrics at Boston Medical Center, points out, some benefits of baby sign language may be overstated and overpromised by the vast offerings of baby sign products on the market. “While learning baby sign language may help hearing parents and children communicate better, the results won’t necessarily be transformative, so be wary of programs that promise to get your child into Harvard or have their first novel published by nursery school,” Maypole says.
Potential Disadvantages of Baby Sign Language
So you’ve brushed up on the possible benefits of sign language for babies—but what about potential downsides? Since baby can begin to communicate using signs instead of spoken words, many parents wonder—does baby sign language delay speech? Fujimoto says no. If baby is developing at a healthy pace, baby sign just supplements their learning and gives them another way to express themselves. If you think baby might actually have a hearing impairment, don’t just rely on baby sign language as a solution, she adds. Talk to your pediatrician about your concerns and ask about referrals to an audiologist, who can perform the proper hearing tests and assessments.
How and When to Start Baby Sign Language
If you’ve decided to give baby sign language a go, you may be wondering when to teach baby some signs. A good time to start is when baby is 4 to 6 months old, according to Fujimoto. As for how, there are many different approaches to teaching baby sign language, but generally, you can teach baby by saying a word like “milk,” while making the sign at the same time, and then giving baby the milk. “Don’t hold out the item as a prize and refuse to hand it over until your child makes the sign himself,” Fujimoto says. “Verbal reinforcement—by saying the word while also showing the sign—as well as consistency are key.”
As part of the consistency, you’ll want to use the signs every day for baby to truly understand them. While your little one likely won’t start making signs on their own until they’re about 6 to 9 months, eventually baby will start to make connections between the word, sign and item. Just like learning a foreign language, a preverbal baby is going to understand more than they can speak—or in this case, sign—at first.
For more resources, parents can turn to the many workshops, videos, books and apps available these days, all designed to help you teach sign language for babies. A typical class or workshop may teach parents 30 to 50 different signs you can then use with baby at your own pace. “Some families with older babies may learn best by singing along with a video, or attending a class together,” Fujimoto says. “Families should find the method that makes sense for them.”
Common Baby Signs
When you’re ready to begin teaching baby sign language, you’ll need to decide which baby signs to start with. Fujimoto says to choose the words you and your family use the most on a day-to-day basis, like “more,” “please” and “milk.” Ready to learn how to teach baby sign language? Brush up on the below illustrations of 25 common baby signs.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Hungry” in sign language
It’s important for baby to be able to communicate when they’re tummy feels empty—you know, before they get hangry. Teach them how to show you they’re “hungry” in sign language. You can make the sign for “hungry” by cupping your hand around your neck to make a C shape, then move your hand down from your neck to your stomach.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Drink” in sign language
Want to learn how to sign “drink” in sign language? This one involves mimicking the action! Make a C shape with your hand, as if you were holding a cup, then move it to your mouth as if you were drinking from it.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Milk” in sign language
Wondering how to teach baby sign language? It’s best to start with something baby knows, likes and wants—for example, milk. You can communicate the word “milk” in sign language, by making two fists, then extend your fingers and bring them back into fists.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Water” in sign language
Teach baby how to request “water” in sign language, and you’ll always know when your little one wants their sippy cup. The sign for “water” is made by extending your three middle fingers so they’re pointing up, with your thumb and pinkie tucked down, and then tapping your index finger to your chin.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“More” in sign language
Do you have trouble knowing if and when baby wants extra spoonfuls of their favorite puree? “More” is another important word for you and baby to learn. To express “more” in sign language, pinch your thumbs and fingers together on both hands, creating two O shapes, then tapping your fingertips together a few times.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Done” in sign language
When baby is full, they want you to stop shoving that spoon toward their mouth. Teach them to let you know they’re “all done” without fussing by using the ASL sign for “finished.” Start with your hands up, palms facing toward you, and turn them until your palms face out.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Play” in sign language
When it comes to baby sign language, the sign “play” certainly belongs in your arsenal. To communicate “play” in sign language, clench your fingers to your palms, leaving your thumbs and pinkies extended; then with palms facing you, twist your wrists back and forth.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Sleep” in sign language
Nobody likes having a fussy, sleep-deprived baby on their hands, so it’s a good idea to practice “sleep” in sign language. Hold your hand over your forehead with your fingers spread apart, then draw your hand down over your face until your fingers and thumb come together to touch your chin. Even babies who resist nap time may whip this one out when they’re especially exhausted.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Mom” in sign language
Your little one will want to know how to address their favorite people in baby sign language. To sign “mom,” simply spread your fingers apart, then with your pinkie facing forward, tap your thumb to your chin.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Dad” in sign language
As another one of baby’s favorite people, Dad will want in on the fun too! You can make the sign for “dad” by spreading your fingers apart, then with your pinkie facing forward, tap your thumb to your forehead.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Poop” in sign language
Everybody does it, so you might as well learn to sign it! If you want to indicate “poop” in sign language, clench both hands into fists and stack them on top of each other, with the thumb of the bottom hand tucked inside the upper fist. Then, pull your bottom hand down from the upper hand, leaving your thumb extended. Next time baby soils their diaper, they’ll let you know—before you even smell it.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Yes” in sign language
Another easy and important sign to learn is “yes.” Enthusiastically nodding your head is great, but this sign gives baby yet another communication tool. Intuitively, “yes” in sign language looks just like a nodding hand. Make a fist and then, folding at your wrist, bob your fist up and down.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“No” in sign language
Again, shaking your head works, but this sign helps reiterate the point. To express “no” in sign language, extend your thumb, index and middle fingers, then quickly snap them together.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Food” in sign language
Instead of signing “hungry,” baby may want to ask for “food.” This sign can also mean “eat.” Communicate “food” in sign language by flattening your fingers on top of your thumb and then bringing your fingertips to your mouth.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Help” in sign language
When learning and teaching baby sign language, be sure to review the sign for “help.” This can be useful to baby in so many different situations; plus, being able to ask for support from a parent or caregiver can help reduce any frustration a baby may feel. If you want to communicate “help” in sign language, simply make a fist with one hand, with the thumb extended, and place it over your other hand, which is extended flat. Then move both hands up together.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Bath” in sign language
Want to tell baby it’s bath time? Express ‘“bath” in sign language by making two fists, then moving them up and down in front of your chest (as if you were scrubbing yourself clean).
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Book” in sign language
Storytime is the best time! Use your hands to say “book” in sign language; clasp your palms together with your thumbs facing up, then hinge open your hands, keeping your pinkies together (as if you were cracking open a book).
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Medicine” in sign language
The sign for “medicine” is made by placing your middle finger into the palm of your opposite hand and twisting.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Share” in sign language
To sign “share,” extend one hand flat, with your thumb pointing up. Then, run your other hand back and forth along the top of your extended fingers.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Sorry” in sign language
Teach baby to show empathy and express feelings before they know how to do it verbally. The sign for “sorry” is made by rubbing a fisted hand in a circle over your chest.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Please” in sign language
Manners matter. Teach baby to ask for things politely from the get-go. To sign “please,” extend your fingers and thumb out, then rub your flattened palm against your chest in circles.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Thank you” in sign language
Nothing is sweeter than watching your little one express gratitude. And they’ll appreciate it when you show them the same respect and courtesy right back. To sign “thank you,” straighten your thumb and fingers, then bring your fingers to your chin and pull them away.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“You’re welcome” in sign language
The sign for “you’re welcome” is the same as the sign for “thank you”—flatten your hand, bring your fingers to your chin and pull them back.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“I love you” in sign language
This is one sign you’re going to both want to use all the time. To sign “I love you,” extend your thumb, index and pinkie fingers (but keep your ring and middle fingers down). Hold your hand out with the palm facing away and rotate your hand side to side.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
“Hurt” in sign language
The baby sign for “hurt” is done by clenching both hands into fists, then extending your index fingers and touching them together.
Baby Sign Language Chart
Here, you can see 25 of the most common signs, all in one comprehensive baby sign language chart.
Image: Kitkat Pecson
Now that you know the basics of how to teach baby sign language, begin practicing a few words you think you’ll use most frequently at home. Your little one will love having a special way to communicate their wants and needs with you. What’s more, having the ability to express your feelings to each other will help strengthen your bond. It’s a win-win!
About the experts:
Jann Fujimoto, CCC-SLP, is a certified speech-language pathologist in Wisconsin. With 17 years of experience, she has worked in birth-to-three programs, pre-schools and schools, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and outpatient clinics. She received her MS in communication disorders from the University of Texas at Dallas.
Jack Maypole, MD, is an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at Boston Medical Center and a pediatrician with over two decades of experience. He received his bachelor’s degree from Yale University and his medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine.
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.
Plus, more from The Bump:
When Do Babies Start Talking
How Should I Be Talking to Baby
11 Best Baby Book Subscriptions for Expanding Little Minds
Children's sign language for communication with the baby
- Developing classes with children
- from 1 to 7 years old in Chudo-Chado
- School for preschoolers in Bishkek
- +95‑5; +996 553 93‑60‑82
Children's sign language for communicating with a baby
Sign language is the most ancient way of communication, it not only helps to convey information to the interlocutor (ignorance of the language, deafness, dumbness), but also makes our speech more expressive (I caught such a fish!). In addition, unconscious non-verbal gestures (body language) can tell a lot about the internal state of a person.
An infant whose verbal (voice) communication system begins to develop closer to a year, and often later, is among adults in the position of a native from the Tumbu-Yumbu tribe, where no one understands his desires. Therefore, screaming and groaning is the only thing left for him to do in order to draw your attention to his own person.
How can I teach sign language to my baby?
You might think you don't know! But when you ask a small child "give!" Why do you hold out your hand to him? And why are you shaking your head if you say "no"? And why are you waving "bye-bye" when you're about to leave? These are some of the most famous gestures that the baby starts using with pleasure as soon as he understands what they mean.
When a child begins to reach out to you, he simply copies your “come to me!” gesture, which you unconsciously taught him from birth. But with conscious learning, child psychologists and experienced teachers advise following certain rules:
- start with 1-2 gestures, preferably the most urgent ones, such as "eat, eat", "drink", "more", "sleep", etc. Add new gestures only as you master the previous ones.
- When making a gesture, always say the word that corresponds to this gesture. Repeat this duet several times.
- Review what you learned anywhere and everywhere. Gesture while changing, bathing, playing and walking with your child. A big plus if the whole family is involved in the education of the baby.
- Despite the extensive library of children's gestures, you have the right to invent your own, understandable to both of you.
- Use the same gesture, such as "ball", in different variations (big ball, small walking ball, picture ball, football on TV, etc.)
- Be patient. Children are all different, and their development of gestures proceeds at a different pace, as well as the acquisition of speech skills.
- Learning should bring only joy. This principle is the basis of successful early childhood development. Praise and encourage your child for his efforts.
What will baby sign language do for your child?
- Children's sign language, like finger games, develops the baby's fine motor skills, which in turn has a positive effect on the development of speech. Mastering gestures, the child replenishes his vocabulary, learns to communicate with parents and other children, and this is a huge leap in his intellectual development.
- Sign language makes our speech more eloquent. At one matinee, I happened to listen to the choir of first-graders who sang, accompanying the words with appropriate gestures. That in itself adds vitality to any song. But there was a kid in the choir who put his whole soul into gestures. It was such a mesmerizing sight that it was impossible to take your eyes off it.
- Sign language is perceived by people faster than words reach them.
It is not for nothing that at interviews, employers pay more attention to how a person holds himself and speaks than to what he says. And, probably, everyone is familiar with experiments when a person was shown the gesture “what time is it?” (they tapped on their wristwatches), but at the same time they asked for a cigarette. And people either automatically called the time, or went into a stupor.
- When mastering gestures, the baby sees that they begin to understand him. Remember the famous phrase: “Happiness is when you are understood!”. The child becomes more calm and confident, he has less frustration about misunderstanding.
Our school of early childhood development "Miracle Child" is remarkable in that it is understandable to the baby. He perceives classes as a game, but in fact he is learning to read, count and write. The game develops the child's creativity and communication skills. And this is not only the best preparation for school, but also the best preparation for life.
Video-boom-Children's language gestures
Published: Miracle chado
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Sign language for babies | Chalk
One typical evening, a mother settles into a comfortable position to start dropping spoon planes directly onto her child's wide-open rotary airfield. The received, of course, is carefully “chewed” by the gums with small dental inclusions. And then the kid points to something in the direction of the refrigerator.
- What do you want?
He persistently points in the same direction.
Mom gets him some cheese.
Is this?
Then watermelon.
— Or is it? Or cucumber?
Everything is not right, and the child shakes his head negatively, mercilessly throwing them over the side of the table.
Mom starts to wind up.
— To drink? a toy? Yes, what do you want?!
The child cries because he is not understood. Mom is ready to cry because she doesn't understand. The result of the evening: everyone is crying, and dad is in shock.
Now imagine the same situation, only the child points to the side of the refrigerator, rubs his chest with a pen, and makes a growling sound.
“Ahhh…” Mom says. Did you see a bear on the fridge?
Mom goes to the refrigerator, takes a magnet with a picture of a bear and hands it to the baby. The kid rejoices, growls again and continues to eat his food. Everyone understood each other, and everyone is happy. class, right?
For several years now, there has been a trend in America to teach sign language to toddlers. And in this article I'll tell you why it's great.
Why teach sign language to a child?
- The first word can come to a baby at about a year old, but the real verbal explosion occurs by 1.5 years. There was an explosion, the child says something, but this “something” usually does not correlate well with reality. At this age, children understand more words than they can say. And I guess it's infuriating. More precisely, I see how it pisses my child off, so gestures come in handy. It is important that babies begin to “build” a constructor from words by 20 months, and it is easier for them to do this if they know several ways for self-expression. The kid feels calmer from the thought: there is no word, then there is an option to explain himself in the dance.
No, with a gesture, of course.
- I am a mother of a bilingual child and I have dozens of questions about my child's speech development. I know that only the practice of the Russian language will help him save it and translate it into an active language. And I also know that by those 18 months when a child is gaining vocabulary, bilinguals are doing double the thinking work. It turns out that bilinguals can hold their parents in anticipation of "when, when will he speak?" A little bit longer. But the beginning of speaking does not make life easier, because the child speaks as he hears, but he hears differently than we said it. In this case, sign language becomes the very bilingual bridge where all family members can exhale and “talk” Illustration by Alex Solis
- Sign language is an opportunity to start getting to know your child before he starts talking. You can find out in less than 18 months that he really likes bears, cheese and this particular book, and that he wants more berries.
Because he will show you this "more".
- If there is a lot of understanding and little frustration in your communication with your child, this is the basis for a tender and trusting relationship. If communication does not cause a lot of tension, then instead of filling your child with a stress hormone, you fill him with joy and love. And on this it grows and develops like parsley in the sun.
- The book "Signs of a happy baby" was my first in this topic. Its author, William Paul White, also closes the question that inevitably arises: if I start using sign language, will the child only want to gesticulate? Will he never speak then? The author refers to research and argues that the development of children who communicate with sign language can outpace the development of children who do not. When we name a word, it is transferred to the auditory center of the brain. When you show a word and name it, then it also passes into the visual and motor center. It turns out that both hemispheres work on language acquisition.
- By mastering sign language, a child learns to interact with an adult and through him masters conversational patterns: to stop for the interlocutor to speak, to listen and maintain eye contact.
- Even if the child is 2-3 years old, sometimes it is difficult to understand him. And he will repeat his thought over and over and over until you understand his message. I love kids for their perseverance. Sign language helps to understand faster and already run to give "hell-hell". What is the translation of avocado, of course.
How to teach sign language to a child?
When I learned about sign language, I pictured this scene for myself. We are walking with my son, we hear an airplane, then I show him the gesture of an airplane, he gestures in response, we laugh, hold hands and go into the light. And then the credits, the credits rolled...
But as you understand, everything went wrong.
- No, the child will not gesticulate back to you right away.
You may even come to the conclusion that he will never gesture back to you, and you are already tired of the incomprehensible looks of others. Just keep going. Just communicate with your child, and at some point he will definitely answer you. And then things will go even faster, because you will see the backlash for the first time, and this is seriously inspiring. And secondly, the child will learn the signs faster.
- You can start by simply pointing at objects. If the child points to some object, show him that you understand what he is talking about, and at that moment name the word and show it.
- Sign language is good because the parent learns to go to the level of the child, and here I'm talking about the level of the eyes. After all, it is necessary for the child to see that you are showing yourself this. And this is an opportunity to start a conversation with a child, even if it is an untranslatable combination of sounds. But the gestures are translatable.
- And this recommendation is for parents of bilingual children. If you use the system one parent - one language, then sign language becomes a link between languages. Dad says: "This is a ball" and shows the ball, and mom says: "This is a ball" and shows the same sign.
- Another hint: you can take the child's hands (only if he agrees to this) and perform the desired gesture with them. So the “more” gesture was difficult for my son, because you need to make fingers on one hand and on the other, and then knock them against each other. And it's not easy. But a couple of joint trainings resolved the difficulties, and now this is a favorite gesture.
- The JSP rule will help you in family mastering sign language. JPP: clarity, consistency, repetition - these three words help the child build meanings around the events. The same applies to sign language.
Mastering a new gesture with my son, I see his smile, attention to my hands and smile again.