How to stop child slumping in car seat
When it’s a Problem and How (Not!) to Fix it – CarseatBlog
Putting a newborn baby in a car seat is a daunting task even in the best of circumstances. They just seem so tiny and fragile, the buckles on the car seat seem huge in comparison and it often feels like you’re just going to smush (technical term) their insides when you tighten the harness. As they grow, they feel less breakable, but it seems like there’s always something new to worry about when it comes to car seats.
One of the most common questions I see on parenting and car seat groups is regarding head slump, typically in forward-facing kids or in older rear-facing children. There are new aftermarket products coming out each day that promise to “fix” this issue, but as a Pediatric Physical Therapist and a CPS Technician, I have some grave concerns that these “solutions” to head slump might actually be much worse than the problem itself.
What is head slump?The term “head slump” is used to describe a position of the head when the chin moves towards the chest in a moment of forward flexion of the cervical (upper) spine. It is most common when a person is sleeping upright, and to an adult, it can be pretty uncomfortable. Adults are not terribly flexible and some of us carry a tiny little bit (okay, a ton) of tension in our necks. But thankfully, our kids don’t. Their necks are more flexible than ours and much less prone to tightness from tension, so the forward flexed head isn’t usually painful for them.
The adult with head slump sleeping on an airplane isn’t in any danger from their head position and likewise, for most kids, it’s really a non-issue.
When is head slump something to worry about?The first and most common scenario where head slump is a real problem is in a newborn. The airway in a newborn baby is tiny, about the diameter of a drinking straw, and often it’s a little more flexible than an adult’s, meaning it’s easier to partially block or collapse.
Another reason head slump can be concerning for a newborn is that they may not have the neurological drive to reopen their airway. That is, their brain may not be developed enough to realize that it’s being deprived of oxygen or to tell the muscles to do something about it. Finally, because newborns have proportionally large heads on tiny neck muscles, even if they have the drive to lift their heads, they often lack the strength to make that lift against gravity.
Image from Journal of Emergency Medical Services
The other situation where head slump is a concern is in older children who do not have adequate head control. These are children with medical diagnoses of some sort and the problem is essentially the same as in a newborn – if a child cannot lift and maintain their head upright against gravity, then they need to be positioned to make sure that head slump does not occur. The same goes for babies with tracheomalacia, where the trachea is not as rigid and may be more prone to collapse.
These two groups aside, head slump is not a problematic position for typically developing children and older babies. These children have wider airways, the ability and awareness to lift their heads if they’re not getting adequate air, and the position itself isn’t inherently dangerous for the neck. There’s not a universal age where this happens, but once baby can fully lift their head and hold it up to look around for a few minutes during tummy time, they are likely in the clear.
With a newborn, make sure you have achieved the maximum rear-facing recline angle allowed by the car seat. Some seats have a specific newborn recline angle indicator within the overall range of acceptable recline positions.
Some seats have a single level-to-ground line that should be appropriate for a newborn but there is no option to make the seat more upright for an older baby.
Other seats just have an acceptable range of recline. If your seat does not have a newborn recline angle specified, for the first several months, you will want to install the seat or the base so that it is reclined as far back as possible but still within the allowed range.
For a child with special medical needs, including poor head control, you will want to rear-face as long as you can to offer the most head and neck support and use the deepest recline allowed for your seat. If the child is too big for a rear-facing seat, you can look into a forward-facing seat with recline options or a specialized medical seat with positioning features or inserts. Even in these cases, you should not exceed the approved recline for your child’s size, per the instruction manual.
For a typical older child with head slump, your first and easiest option is to do nothing. They are not in any danger from having their head dangling forward. I’ve ignored the situation with all 3 of my kids and it’s never been an issue.
If your older baby or toddler is experiencing head slump while rear-facing, it may be possible to recline their car seat a bit more. However, the downside of this is that bigger, heavier kids in very reclined rear-facing seats may be at higher risk for head injuries from “ramping” in a frontal crash. Proceed with caution before you make the decision to increase the recline on your older child’s rear-facing seat just to deal with a head slump issue. A potential sore neck after a nap (which is unlikely anyway) is much less dangerous than a potential head injury in a crash. More info on ramping can be found in this article.
If your child is riding in a forward-facing convertible seat and head slump is concerning to you, you may be able to return to the rear-facing position if your child is still under the RF weight and height limits of your seat. A rear-facing convertible is more reclined and can be more comfortable overall for sleeping.
For older children who are forward-facing, you can also consider buying a car seat which offers more than one recline position for forward-facing. The Chicco NextFit, Chicco OneFit, Chicco Fit4, Chicco MyFit (pictured right), Graco 4Ever DLX (recline positions are dictated by child’s weight), Graco TrioGrow SnugLock (recline positions dictated by child’s weight), Graco Extend2Fit (recline positions dictated by child’s weight), Britax One4Life, Britax Marathon CT, Boulevard CT, Britax Grow With You ClickTight, and surely a few others I’m missing all allow some degree of recline when forward facing, though this may or may not eliminate head slump depending upon the child and vehicle.
A cheap and easy way to reduce head slump is to place a sticker on the ceiling of your car above your child’s seat. If they start to fall asleep, you can have them look up toward the sticker, which will keep them more upright in the seat and may prevent, or at least delay, head slump during their nap.
What NOT to do:In the past several years a multitude of aftermarket (aka, non-regulated) products have been created to combat the head slump “dilemma”. Most of them are fairly similar in style – usually a fabric strip or sling of some sort, with elastic or velcro that attaches to the car seat. When the child starts to fall asleep you’re supposed to move the fabric piece over the forehead to help keep the head up. I don’t know how you do this safely while driving, but that’s kind of a secondary worry. These devices terrify me. They are not a solution for head slump, and should never be used for any child in any car seat, period.
For starters, every car seat on the market expressly prohibits the use of aftermarket (non-regulated) products, which means that if something happens, your car seat manufacturer could be absolved of all liability. More concerning, however, is the stress that these products could place on the neck in the event of a crash when used forward facing in a harness or booster.
The first picture below is my son pretending to forward face with a mock sling on his forehead. When he’s upright in a pre-crash position his head (blue circle) is aligned on a relatively neutral spine (green line). The following picture attempts to show what the alignment would look like during the first few milliseconds of a frontal crash. Even if the sling only held his head back for a fraction of a second, it could be enough to alter the alignment of his head, neck, and spine, while the torso moves forward first. You can see the huge curvature of the upper spine (curved green line). There are several delicate ligaments that are critical for spinal stability that could be torn, not to mention the potential for multiple fractures, especially on the back side of the spine where it is compressed. Once the sling slips off, the head will make the range of motions that it would have made from the start, without the sling. The concern is that the head and neck will go through an even greater range of motion since the head was briefly held back when the torso began moving forward. Whenever you have increased motion on the neck, there’s an increased risk of a very substantial spinal injury.
I can’t stress this enough – holding the head back, even for a millisecond, while the torso moves forward with great force in a frontal crash, is going to harm the neck. The physics of this are dangerous and potentially even fatal.
With a rear-facing child, the risk may seem less severe but we shouldn’t assume that. In a frontal crash, the child will ramp up significantly in the seat and the sling may end up on the child’s throat which could cause significant injury to their airway. Even if that doesn’t happen, we still need to consider the secondary “rebound” motion that the rear-facing child experiences in the late phases of a frontal crash. And of course, there are concerns about what might happen in a rear-impact crash. Even without a crash, these slings can slide out of place and could be a strangulation or smothering risk, especially for a baby.
Bottom line, these aftermarket products are just not safe. Even if they claim they’ve been crash tested, there is no way to know what that means since there are no safety standards for these products to pass or fail. Even if it was attached to a child dummy during a certified FMVSS 213 crash test, there’s still no way to know how it would affect a real child who might use it.
What should you do if you’re still concerned about head slump?Find a local CPS Technician using Safe Kids’ website here. Have the technician check your installation to see if more recline could or should be used with your seat. Have them check the harnessing too to determine if a snugger harness or improved placement of the chest clip could help prevent or reduce the head slump. If everything is as it should be, and your child isn’t a newborn or an older child with special needs and poor head control, try the sticker on the ceiling suggestion. If that doesn’t work, just try to let it go. Head slump happens sometimes, but it’s really not a concern for neurotypical older babies and kids. It may look scary or uncomfortable but in an older baby or child, the risk of something bad happening because of head slump is virtually non-existent.
Adding aftermarket products to a car seat to prevent head slump is absolutely more risky than what you are trying to prevent.
Doesn’t look comfortable but she’s sound asleep and not bothered by it.
How To Keep Your Toddler's Head From Slumping Forward In Car Seat, Because That Doesn't Look Safe
Courtesy of Samantha Darby
Because it seems inevitable.
by Mishal Ali Zafar and Jennifer Parris
Originally Published:
I remember when I first turned around my children's car seats. It felt liberating for them and for myself. I could finally see them and they could finally see me, along with the sights of the wondrous roads ahead. But I quickly learned that once they would fall asleep, my task was to continuously push their sleepy heads back, which would fall forward anytime the car stopped. If you're a parent who needs a break from push-back duty, you should know how to keep your toddler's head from slumping forward in a car seat.
Sometimes when children sleep in an awkward position for too long, it can put some strain on their neck muscles, according to About Kids Health. But even though it might look particularly painful, you shouldn’t worry too much about having to perpetually pop your child’s head back into the correct position, Dr. Denise Scott, M.D., a pediatrician with JustAnswer, tells Romper. “Older infants (from 9-12 months old) and toddlers have developed adequate neck and head control and no longer require head support,” says Dr. Scott. “The head bending forward will not cut off their airway as in a young infant.” And while it might appear to be utterly awkward, your kiddo will instinctively adjust themselves if their neck begins to ache or they find it to be too uncomfortable.
You might be tempted to position your child’s head in place with some sort of pillow or prop — but you shouldn’t. “It is not recommended to use a neck pillow of any kind in a car seat,” says Dr. Scott. “There are head straps available that go around the car seat and hold the forehead in place to keep the head upright, but again, it’s not necessary.”
Here’s How You Can Help Your Child’s Head From Falling Forward In Their Car SeatStill, it’s hard to watch your child’s head falling forward in their car seat, even if you know it’s not hurting them. To stop the slump, the first thing you can do is to look for a car seat that has a reclining feature. Many convertible car seats, explained the National Child Passenger Safety Board, are safe in a forward-facing, semi-reclined position, as well as fully upright. “For them to ride safely in a car seat, first and foremost, follow the manufacturer's instructions,” says Dr. Scott, and don’t make the car seat recline if it’s not supposed to.
So how do you keep your kiddo’s noggin from hanging down? “To prevent the head from falling forward, have harness straps snug, the chest plate at the level of the armpits and the seat reclined appropriately,” advises Dr. Scott. “If needed, a tightly rolled diaper cloth or thin blanket placed on each side of the head (never behind) and running down each side of the body can also be used to keep the head in place.”
You should always make sure your toddler is big enough to sit forward facing in the first place. Once your toddler is at the correct age and weight — according to the standards recommended by your car seat manufacturer — the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended that parents use a forward-facing seat that has a harness, because it can provide a lot more support and safety than a booster seat.
It’s always important to make sure that your toddler’s car seat is installed correctly. If you are unsure about the setup, you can find a car seat technician to help. Unfortunately, physics is probably going to be against you when it comes to the forward head slump, but these techniques and tips may make your car trips require a little less work — and make moving your child’s head less of a pain in the neck…for both of you.
Dr. Denise Scott, M.D., a pediatrician with JustAnswer
This article was originally published on
how to wean a child to jump out of a car seat?
By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 5 Posted by
Short answer
- One is to use a car seat belt cover to help prevent them from falling out of the belts.
- You can also use the seat belt clip cover to prevent them from opening the clip.
- Another thing you can do is make sure the car seat is properly adjusted to fit them.
- Finally, make sure you are using the correct car seat clip.
how to prevent the child from escaping from the car seat?
How can I prevent my child from unfastening the car seat?
How to prevent a 2 year old from getting out of a car seat?
There are several things you can do to keep your child in the car seat. One is to use a seat belt to hold them in place. You can also use a seat belt to secure them or install a locking clip to prevent them from falling out.
How do I stop my 3 year old from getting out of his car seat?
There are several things you can do to keep your child in a car seat. First, install the car seat correctly. Make sure the straps are tightened and the car seat is securely fastened to the car. You can also use the car's seat belt buckle to prevent the belt from loosening. Another thing you can do is put your child in a car seat with seat belts instead of a booster seat. A car seat with seat belts will keep your child in place better.
How can I prevent my child from taking their arm out of the car seat?
If your child can get his arm out of the car seat, you can try using the seat belt to hold him in place. You can also try using a leash or belt to hold it in place.
How can I prevent my baby from slumping in the car seat?
There are a few things you can do to keep your little one from falling off in their car seat. First, make sure it's properly fastened. You can also try tightening the straps on the car seat so it fits more snugly around his body. You can also cover him with a blanket or jacket to keep him from moving around too much.
How do I keep my baby in the car seat?
There are several ways to keep your baby in the car seat. First, make sure the car seat is properly installed. You can also use seat belts or a seatbelt to keep your child in the car seat. Finally, you can use toys or snacks to keep your child busy.
How do I secure my baby's car seat?
There are several things you can do to secure your child's car seat. First, make sure the seat is properly installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Second, use the seat belt or LATCH system to lock the seat in place. Third, make sure your child is strapped or seat belted and secure. Fourth, regularly check the seat for damage and replace it if necessary.
Are chest clips required on car seats?
Car seat chest clips are optional, but may be useful for keeping your child safe. The clip helps keep the child's seat belts in place, reducing the risk of the child being thrown out of the car seat in the event of an accident.
What is buckle protection?
Buckle guard is a small piece of metal or plastic that is attached to the end of a belt buckle to prevent the buckle from scratching or damaging the wearer's clothing.
Why do babies hate car seats?
There are several reasons why babies might hate car seats. One reason is that they are uncomfortable. Car seats can be hard and rigid, which can be uncomfortable for a small child. Also, toddlers may not like being confined to a small space. They may want to be able to move around and explore their surroundings. Finally, babies may not like being tied down and may feel unsafe in a car seat.
Can I force my baby to sit in a car seat?
It is generally not a good idea to force your baby into a car seat. Toddlers often resist being restrained and may cry or freak out when forced to sit in a car seat. It is important to remember that a car seat is not a guarantee of safety - it can only help protect the child in the event of an accident.
How can I prevent my child from unfastening the seat belt?
There are several things you can do to keep your child from unbuckling their seat belt. First, make sure they are sitting in the correct position in their car seat. You can also use the seat belts to keep them in place. Finally, you can try talking to your child about the importance of staying safe while wearing a seat belt.
Are Houdini belts safe?
There is no clear answer to this question because safety depends on how the belts are used. However, Houdini harnesses can be a safe way to protect someone if used correctly. They should only be used by trained professionals and should never be used as a restraint device.
Are car seats with a chest clip illegal in the UK?
There is no special law in the UK prohibiting the use of car seats with chest clips, but they are not recommended as they can be dangerous. Car seat belts can put too much pressure on a child's chest and lungs, which can make it difficult to breathe.
Why does my child's head fall forward into the car seat?
One of the possible reasons why your child's head falls forward in the car seat is that he is not yet strong enough to hold it on his own. Babies' heads are heavy and it may take some time for their muscles to develop enough strength to to keep them upright. Until then, it's perfectly normal for their heads to bow forward.
How do I keep my baby's head from tilting forward in a car seat?
There are several ways to prevent your child's head from falling off in a car seat. One way is to use a head support insert, which can be purchased separately or sometimes bundled with the car seat. Another way is to position the car seat at a slight angle so that the child's head is more likely to stay in place. Finally, make sure the straps are properly tightened and snug against the child's body.
How to wean a child from stooping - and yourself too!
Do you know that there is a direct connection between a person's posture and his place in the hierarchy of society. What can parents do to ensure that their son or daughter has a beautiful back?
Even Sufi sages called the three whales on which success, smile, posture and mood rest. Experts have long proven that there is a direct connection between the human body and its psychological state. Beautiful posture is a sign of self-confidence, while stoop is closely related to complexes.
The close relationship between self-confidence, success, and good posture is one of the reasons why posture must be shaped from childhood.
People with good posture:
- More successful in private life, they are more attractive to the opposite sex
- More authoritative and less suggestible
- Have better health
Posture is the habitual position of the body in a state of rest or movement. It's an established habit!
By the way, earlier, in institutes for noble maidens, the development of a graceful posture was a must. The noble maiden must have had good posture! Like the young cavalier: special attention was paid to teaching boys fencing and horseback riding!
Now, many children walk with their heads down, hunched over, and with relaxed abdominal muscles. Our age of high technology is partly to blame, because our children are already in the elementary grades comprehending the basics of computer literacy, and some of them sit at the PC for hours already at preschool age. This is where the slouching comes from.
Violation of posture is not only the appearance, it is also the first call to such diseases as: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, juvenile kyphosis and somatic disorders.
It is important to remember that the spine is fully formed by the age of 18-20. And until this time, parents should carefully monitor the correct posture of the child.
Do not neglect the exercise therapy for the prevention of postural disorders! Almost all students need to perform exercises to maintain posture.
Correct posture is always easy to recognize : chest turned out, shoulders slightly back, shoulder blades close together, stomach tucked up.
But how to determine the violation of posture? At a distance of 1.5-2 meters from you, put the undressed child in his usual position.
Notice if the head is tilted forward or tilted back? Are the shoulders at the same level? Does one half of the chest protrude forward? What is the shape of the legs: are they o-shaped, x-shaped or straight? With the arms lowered, is there the same gap on the right and left between the body and arms? When leaning forward with arms down, are both halves of the back at the same level?
Helping a child to find the right posture, we open the way for a successful life. Doctor Bubnovsky's Center provides assistance to children with posture disorders. Regular physical exercises help to strengthen the muscular corset, form the correct posture.
By the way, during the summer holidays, the Doctor Bubnovsky Center offers special prices for unique health-improving programs for children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years old.
In the summer, the children are free and it is easier for parents to find time to take care of the health of their children. Summer wellness children's programs include a free consultation with a doctor.
And a special bonus for adults - five simple tips to help you make good posture your constant companion:
- Keep your weight under control. Excess weight overloads the spine, especially the lower back, disrupts blood flow through the vertebral vessels.
- Do not neglect physical activity and gymnastics, for example, neck gymnastics, adaptive and joint gymnastics are very useful and not at all difficult and accessible to everyone
- Check with your doctor regularly.