How to read with your child sims 4
Solved: adult sim read to child (sims 4)
September 2014
I can't find a way to get an adult sim to read to a child which I need to do for a milestone in their aspiration.
Can someone help?
144 people had this problem.
November 2015
I was having the same problem... With this and purchasing medicine on the computer.
The solution I found was to sell the computer/bookcase and purchase a new one and then the options appeared. Hope this helps
September 2014
I had this problem too but I figured it out eventually haha. Purchase a childrens book (hover over them and it will show the books genre) or if you already have a childrens book move it to the adults inventory. From the inventory when you click on it you have the option to read to a child :-)
September 2014
How do you purchase a book and how do you get it into the adults inventory. I have children's books in the bookcases but I can't move them into an adult's inventory.
September 2014
If you have a bookcase, there is normally a child's book already on there e.g. Lord of the Swings. Take it from there and put it in your inventory.
Alternatively, if you don't have a bookcase, or want a larger selection of books, go to the computer and click purchase and the books. You can choose what you want then when you buy them they will be placed in your sim's inventory. Make sure you select children's books though if you want to be able to read them to a child!
Hope I helped!
October 2014
I tried this but it doesn't give me the option to read to child. ?
October 2014 - last edited October 2014
I assume the children are on your lot, right ?
You do have to put a childrens's book in your inventory. Only works with those
October 2014
Yes my sim has 3 children and children's book in parent inventory. I even tried them sitting next to each other on couch and still no option.
October 2014
Sounds like a glitch. Can you try traveling to another lot, then come back and try again.
October 2014 - last edited October 2014
There are currently 3 ways to initiate reading to a child or children (yes you can read to more than one see below).
- Click on the bookshelf and choose Open, From there you want to select the book and choose Read to Child...
- Open your inventory and click on the book and choose Read to Child...
Book out on object
- Click on the book and choose Read to Child...
The next thing you will see is a popup with the children that are near you. You can select more than 1 child and read to many at once I tested it and a family of 1 adult and 7 children the adult read to all 7 of them at once. Once you use the checkmark to confirm the children selected the option will que to begin.
If the adult is busy doing something the children may start a task as they will not gather with the adult until the action is started by the adult. The childrens books themselves are the white books with a purple design on them that looks like an octupus.
November 2015
I was having the same problem. .. With this and purchasing medicine on the computer.
The solution I found was to sell the computer/bookcase and purchase a new one and then the options appeared. Hope this helps
Discover the Joy in How to Read to a Child in the Sims 4! — SNOOTYSIMS
Have you ever wanted to have your adult sim read to your child sim? Are you unsure of exactly how to go about it? If so, then this article on how to read to a child in the Sims 4 is definitely for you.
Learn How to Read to a Child in the Sims 4!Parenthood: Reading to a child Sim!
In The Sims 4 game, there are many activities you can engage in with your adult and child sims. At the baby stage, there is not much to do but once they get to the toddler and finally child stage, all bets are off. There are plenty of activities to do with your child sim and it is best to do it before they become a teenager because you know how they can be!
One such activity that fits this criterion is reading to a child sim. Make sure you have the Sims 4 parenthood game pack which you can buy here!
Now, before you can even figure out how to read to a child in TS4, you have to first purchase a bookcase. If you do not have a bookcase, then you are not going to be read to your child sim!
- To first start this process, you need to go to the edit sims and then organize it by room.
- The next step is to go to the study room where you will find such items as desks, desk chairs, computers, and bookcases, which is what you are looking for.
- Click on the bookcases and then choose what one you want to buy. The cheapest by far is the wall bookcases. They are just a small bookshelf that attaches to the sim’s wall, but it will do the job of letting you buy books. Plus, it is cheap.
- After you have the bookcase or bookshelf, the next step is to purchase a book. Click on the bookshelf and go to purchase books. A little window will pop up with a list of books available to purchase.
Look for children’s books. It has its very own section so it should not be hard to find.
Once there, buy a couple of books and click out of the window. Now we’ll fine out how to read to a child in TS4.
How to read to a child in the Sims 4Now you have the books, so the next obvious step is to have your adult sim read to your child. So, you have already purchased the books at this point. What you must do before getting to read to your child, the sim is to go back to the bookshelf and look through all the books you have purchased.
After dragging two children’s books into your inventory, click on the book. There should be an option available for the adult sim in the household to read to one of the child sims.
Now the bonding session between you and your child sim can begin! After you are finished reading the book to the child, the child will either go off on their own. Or you can repeat the process and pick another book out of your inventory to read to your child.
So, you know how to buy a bookcase/book and read to a child sim. However, this still does not answer the pressing question of why you read to a child sim. This is, of course, besides wanting to bond with your child sim and it is improving the relationship between the two of you.
The biggest reason to read to your child sim is that it is necessary if you want to fill a sim’s aspirations. The Big Happy Family Aspiration and Successful Lineage Aspiration require an adult sim to read to their child sim for a set number of hours. Only once this goal is complete can you move further up the aspiration chain.
Final ThoughtsAnd that is it fellow sim lovers! You have learned how to purchase a bookshelf and book before using that book to read to a child in the Sims 4. These behaviors may seem trivial, but the thing is, it does more than just improve a relationship between these two sims. There are some bonuses as it can help you max out the Big Happy Family Aspiration and Successful Lineage Aspiration, which helps the sim in question gain an extra trait.
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SearchKids Achievement Goals
In The Sims 4, every Sim has specific goals, and kids are no exception. Each child is given the opportunity to complete four life goals, which, in turn, are divided into 3 stages, and in order to achieve them, you need to complete a series of tasks for which the child receives satisfaction points. Each life goal has its own skill, the development of which will help not only achieve the set goals, but will certainly come in handy in the future.
Basic Skill - Intelligence
Start pumping the skill right away, without waiting for it to appear in the targets. There are many different ways to do this. Experiment or create elixirs at the chemistry table with the Young Wizard Science Pack (available in buy mode from the Kids section for 210 Simoleons), look at the sky through a telescope, go fishing, play chess or a number game on the computer (available from 2 skill levels), work on extra homework and view the sympedia (available from skill level 6). After reaching level 10, the child will be able to develop the skills of logic, video games and fishing.
First stage - "Development beyond the years"
At this stage, the child has two goals to achieve. To achieve them, you will need the help of a second Sim.
Play 3 games of chess.
Reward for completing the goal - 75 satisfaction points.
All you need to complete the goal is a chess table, two chairs, and a partner to play with. Chess can be bought in shopping mode, you can go to the library, to the park or visit an avid chess player. However, it does not matter where to play, the main thing is to play 3 times with someone. Just click on the chess table and select the action "Play with..." if the table is free, or "Join the game" if someone is already sitting at the table. The goal will be completed after three games of the game.
Read with an adult for 2 hours.
Reward for completing the goal - 50 satisfaction points.
An older family member or housemate will help complete this goal. Switching control to it, you need to take a book of the genre "For children" and, by clicking on the book, select "Read to a child ...". After two hours of reading (not necessarily continuous) the goal will be fulfilled.
Second stage - "Young scientist"
At this stage, there are also two goals to be achieved, one of which is related to the Intelligence skill.
Reach level 5 in the Intelligence skill.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
As you can see from the name of the goal, you need to get the 5th level of the intelligence skill. Just download it as indicated above, and upon reaching level 5, the goal will be completed.
Finish homework 2 times while being attentive.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
Here the child will have to be in the "attentive" mood and, being in it, do two homework assignments. Additional homework assignments are also taken into account.
The fastest ways to become mindful are to put on and turn on an object that creates an aura of mindfulness, or watch a sympedia on a computer. You can also achieve mindfulness by thinking about chess moves. And from the 9th level of the intelligence skill, telepathy will help to get mindfulness. The most rare variant is a mood moodlet obtained while studying at school.
However, it doesn't matter how the desired mood is achieved, just do two homework tasks while in the Attentive mood, and the goal will be achieved.
Third stage - Prodigy
At the last stage, you have to achieve three goals, one of which is a direct continuation of the goal from the second stage.
Reach level 10 in the Intellect skill.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
Create 3 emotion potions.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
Emotion potions are crafted at the Young Wizard Science Kit Chemistry Table, and their creation will be available from Intelligence skill level 7. By clicking on the table, simply select the action "Create Potion ..." and "Potion of Emotion". The goal will be reached as soon as the third potion is created.
Potions created before the target is received do not count.
Get an A in school.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
Getting an A is pretty easy. You just need not to skip, do homework and additional tasks and attend school in a good mood.
The goal can be completed earlier if you get a five before the start of the third stage.
Completing all objectives in the three stages will earn you a unique reward, the Mental Giftedness trait, which will help you develop your mental abilities faster as an adult.
Naughty Prankster
Basic Skill - Motor Skill
Motor skills, unlike the main skill of the previous life goal, appear in the goals tab from the first stage. You can pump motor skills both on the street, playing on the playground, and at home, at the computer. At the computer, typing exercises and a game for the speed of entering commands from the keyboard will help to pump the skill. And on the playground, it can be a game on the web, all the available activities on the gymnastic complex "Star Cruiser X" and the pirate ship "Redbeard's Revenge". After skill level 10, the child will receive a positive moodlet when playing on the web.
First Stage - Energetic
Achieve level 2 in motor skills.
Reward for completing the goal - 50 satisfaction points.
Play at the gym while in a playful state.
Reward for completing the goal - 75 satisfaction points.
To accomplish this goal, you need to achieve a playful mood and play a little on the Battlestar X Gymnastics Complex or the pirate ship Redbeard's Revenge. The easiest way to achieve a playful mood is to place an object nearby that sets you up for playfulness. The second way is to play pirates on a pirate ship or explore space in a gymnasium. Just send the child to play, and in a few seconds after getting a playful mood, the goal will be fulfilled.
You can also achieve playfulness by watching children's and comedy shows, as well as taking a bubble bath or playing in it.
Second Stage - "Nimble Inventor"
Achieve level 5 in motor skills.
Reward for completing the goal - 100 satisfaction points.
Practice typing for 4 hours.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
The goal is performed at the computer and takes into account all the time spent on this exercise. Thus, if the child has practiced typing earlier and more than 4 hours, then the goal will be completed immediately.
In fact, this stage can be skipped completely if the goals from it are completed earlier.
Third Stage - "Naughty Prankster"
Reach level 10 in motor skills.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
Climb the cobweb 3 times.
Reward for completing the goal - 100 satisfaction points.
To complete the goal, select the "Play" action on the web and wait a bit. Your goal will be completed as soon as the child crawls back and forth three times on his hands.
Get the highest score in a typing game.
Reward for completing the goal - 200 satisfaction points.
Put the child at the computer and start the game at the speed of entering commands from the keyboard. Some time after the start of the game, the goal will be completed.
The reward for completing all three stages is the "Physical Perfection" trait, which will help you develop your physical skills faster in the future.
Creative talent
Basic skill - Creativity
You can pump up creative skills if you interact with toys that develop creative abilities. You can also play the violin or piano, draw at the table for crafts. And after reaching skill level 10, the child will be able to download the skills of playing the violin and piano.
First Stage - "Active Imagination"
Reward for completing the goal - 50 satisfaction points.
Purchase the Creative Craft Table from Buy Mode and place it on your Home Lot.
Draw 2 pictures while inspired.
Reward for completing the goal - 50 satisfaction points.
First you need to get inspired, and then sit down at the craft table to draw. The easiest way to get inspired is to place and turn on an object nearby that creates an inspiring environment. The second way is to take a thought-provoking shower. Another way for those who have a fully pumped creativity skill is to play in a dollhouse. You can also get inspiration by talking to soft toys.
When inspired, sit down at the craft table and draw whatever pattern you can. After two finished drawings, the goal will be achieved.
Second Stage - Dreamer
Achieve Level 5 in the Creativity Skill.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
Play with 3 toys.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
Buy any 3 toys and play with them 3 times. It is important that all toys are different, only one game with each of them counts.
Third Stage - "Creative Gifting"
Achieve level 10 in the Creativity Skill.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
Play a musical instrument for 5 hours.
Reward for completing the goal - 200 satisfaction points.
Need to play the violin or piano for five hours. The total time of playing a musical instrument since the receipt of this goal is taken into account.
Draw 5 types of pictures on the craft table.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
The higher the level of the child's creative abilities, the more variants of pictures he can draw. In total, at skill level 10, 5 types of works are available: animal, people, vehicles, forms and a monster. To complete the goal, you need to draw all 5 types of paintings.
Achievement Achievement Reward - The "Creative Giftedness" trait, which will allow adult Sims to develop their creativity faster.
Basic Skill - Communication
As the name suggests, the skill can be developed by interacting with other Sims in person, over the phone, or online, or through the Kids Forum. The skill also develops if the child talks to plush toys or rehearses speech in front of a mirror. Having pumped the skill completely, you will be able to pump the skills of charm and dirty tricks.
First stage – “Tatarka”
Get to know each other.
Reward for completing the goal - 75 satisfaction points.
To complete this goal, you just need to get to know any Sim. In some cases, the first acquaintance does not work and the goal does not count, then try to make friends with one of your new acquaintances.
Meet 5 new characters.
Reward for completing the goal - 50 satisfaction points.
Meet five different Sims you've never spoken to before.
Stage 2 - "Popular Kid"
Achieve level 5 in the communication skill.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
Make a friend/girlfriend forever.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
Chat, chat, and chat with the Sim you want to be friends with forever. When your relationship is at the highest level in the "Friendly" social menu, the "Become Best Friends" option will appear. By choosing it, you will fulfill this goal.
The goal can be completed earlier if the child already had a friend forever. And since communication skills can also be developed earlier, this stage can be skipped completely.
Third stage - "Social Lion"
Reach level 10 in the communication skill.
Reward for completing the goal - 250 satisfaction points.
Make friends with 3 children.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
Make friends with 2 adults.
Reward for completing the goal - 150 satisfaction points.
To complete the last two objectives, befriend five different Sims, three of which must be children.
The reward for completing all three stages will be the Gift of Communication personality trait, thanks to which communication skills will develop faster in adulthood.
How to read with adults in Sims 4 it is written to read a book to a child for 3 hours, but there is no action to read to a child. given by the author Lili Havaligavali, the best answer is In general: you bring the parent into the room, talk to the child, start the parent to read the children's book (to see the children's children, the child should try to start reading the book, and see which ones are available), the most important: While the adult reads directly into this moment click on the book in his hands. “Read to a child” should appear, I personally checked it.
Source: Experience
As a young adult and adult, your Sim can have children, achieve professional success, or pursue a lifelong dream. After that, he will turn into an elderly Sim. This stage, which is the last in the life of a Sim, is associated with certain restrictions. For example, such a character cannot conceive a child. It's important to note that there is no retirement in The Sims 4: an elderly Sim can work to death (and contribute to the family budget). But it should be remembered that usually older people experience discomfort more often, for example, due to tension.
In the Simology panel ([ Y ] key), you can find out how much time the Sim will live. When the green stripe, marking the last stage of his life, reaches the end, he can only accept his death.
Publication date: 09/09/2014
Game rating: None
In this article, you will learn how to properly use the character editor in Sims 4 and get some useful tips when creating your character
Sims 4 character editor
This program is available at the very beginning of the game, you can also download it absolutely from the official website of the game and practice creating your character. It is thanks to the character editor that you can create not just a Sim, but a full-fledged personality that will develop or degrade, experience different feelings, and most importantly, live!
By downloading the free Sims 4 character editor application, you automatically become a member of a whole gaming community. Each created Sims can be posted on the official website of the game, where you can also participate in competitions and contests in which you will have to create a character using the program, while keeping within certain limits.
Sims 4 Character Creation
Now let's get into the details of creating your character. Launch the game or the character editor, after loading, click on the big arrow, you will see a layout or a trial character that you will have to edit. Next, try to perform all your actions in stages.
Note: If you don't want to bother with the appearance of your character, you can press the die at the bottom center and then a random character will appear.
We begin a detailed analysis of the character editor. On the top left there is an inscription: "Hello! My name is. ". Click on this inscription, type in the Name and Surname of your character. A little lower is a column, now we analyze in more detail what can be edited in it: a) Gender of the character (male\female), b) Age (child\teenager\young\adult\elderly) Note: For an independent life, Sims must be at least young with ) Choose one of the nine types of gait d) Choose one of the three head options and edit its tone using the scale e) Determine the character's character, about this later and in more detail.
The character's personality is divided into one main column (life goal) and three additional columns (character traits). When creating your Sim, you must first select one of the 10 Aspirations, each with 1 to 3 traits (Example: With food aspirations, you can earn bonus points for cooking or crafting exclusive meals). Thus, you can choose the direction for the development of your character and understand what he will really enjoy.
Once you've decided on an Aspiration, you'll need to set up three trait traits for your Sim. The traits themselves are divided into 4 types: emotions (9 options), hobbies (6 options), lifestyle (11 options), communication (9 options). As a result, out of 45 options for traits, you will have to choose only 3. Be careful about this important and slightly tedious process. Character traits will not only manifest themselves in the life of your character, but also add bonuses when interacting with the outside world (Example: The character of a family man is happy to communicate with his loved ones and receives additional happiness points, while if he does not see his family for a long time, then the happiness points fade faster ). After you set everything up, you can proceed to the complete editing of the appearance of your ward or ward.
First, edit your Sims body (click on it with the mouse). Two scales will appear to the left of it, one is responsible for the muscles, and the other for excess weight. Adjust both scales. You can also turn on the in-depth editing mode, then with the mouse and wheel you will have to determine the size of each limb of your Sim, as well as determine his muscles and the amount of fat on it. After creating the perfect body is over, click on the character's head. Now you can edit the Sims face, move the camera away a little so that you can try on clothes and other accessories. You will have to choose the right top, bottom and boots for your character, or roughly put together five different costumes (daily life, sleep, parties, work, sports). After you finish dressing up your Sim, click on the arrow in the lower right corner, so you will create your character.
Note: You can create multiple characters at once, but then you have to link them in a special column called relationships. There you will have to mark that the created characters are to each other (husband or wife, brother or sister, parent or child, or you can just leave them as friends).
This completes the character's training, tips on the game you can find on our portal in the appropriate section.