How to make a catwoman costume for child
How to: A Chic Halloween DIY Catwoman Costume
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For DIY Catwoman accessories, check out my DIY lace mask blog and my DIY lace ears blog!
In October of 1995, I still hadn’t seen 1992’s Batman Returns, but that changed nothing. I knew, at the ripe age of six years old, I absolutely had to be Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman for Halloween.
Luckily, my mother sewed well and had a tendency to support my oddest dreams, so she endeavored to make me a costume. By hand. This was the old days, guys, before stringy green witches’ wigs and thin rayon capes. She crafted a catsuit that fit perfectly, complete with hand-painted white seams and a full-head mask.
Yes, that’s actually me.Today I’m going to show you how!
Just kidding. I have neither the time nor patience to take upon such a masterpiece, but this year, there’s still just no question. I have to be Catwoman for Halloween.
Why, you ask? Why other than my lifelong obsession with strong, dangerous women in head-to-toe black?
I look a little like Anne Hathaway. I used to look a lot like Anne Hathaway. Then she lost 20 pounds to play Fantine in Les Misérables and I learned to really cook, and the twinhood stopped, for the most part. But if you catch the girl with some thick bangs and a dress (the only place to hide my sprinter-thighs), I can still feed the hope.
Halloween is, by far, my favorite holiday–followed by Valentine’s Day and then Thanksgiving. At one point, I attempted to merge Halloween and Thanksgiving into one perfect holiday, either Hallowsgiving and Thanks-o-ween, but it never caught on. Maybe we all just felt too fat in our slutty pilot outfits after the feast, which reminds me..
Are we sick of those yet? The poorly-made, ill-fitting polyester suits with buttons screen printed on? The sexy elf or sexy pirate or sexy nurse or sexy ketchup bottle. . are we done with those yet? We are simply too chic for that. We are fashionistas, hear us roar!.. Forgive my necessary tribute to M. Pfeiffer to counteract my preference for Anne.
So I present to you a collection of chic Halloween costumes, starting with a DIY catwoman costume from the Dark Knight, based on the character played by the lovely Anne Hathaway. Each of these costumes centers around items you already have in your wardrobe, perhaps adding an accessory here or there.
Each costume is truly a fashionable look–perhaps not obsessively true to the original, but done with more sophistication and ease.
This post will be followed by a step-by-step tutorial on creating your own lace cat ears and how to make a simple lace mask. The DIY catwoman costume laid out here is a blend between Anne’s super-hot leather catsuit and her incredible lace mask in the ball scene.
If you want, you can add the lace cat ears and mask to a regular little black dress for a more authentic look from the scene, but I think this combination is sexy, playful, and a impossibly cool.
The How-To: DIY Catwoman Costume
A tight pair of black pants and a standard long sleeve black round neck shirt make up the base of the outfit; I’m sure you already have these in your closet. Next, add a pair of thigh-high leather boots, or settle for knee-high, if you must. There’s nothing like a pair of thigh-high boots to make you feel impossibly sexy, and you can find a cheap pair on eBay. Mimic the leather treatment with a pair of mid-forearm or elbow-length leather gloves–again, you can find a cheap pair of PU gloves on eBay for pretty darn reasonable. Wear a thick black leather belt around your hips to mimic her holster belt. Finally, add lace cat ears and a lace mask to top off the ensemble and finish off your chic interpretation. If you don’t want to make your own, try these cat ears or this mask. But I’ll be making mine and showing you how in the next few days!
What are you going to be for Halloween? Oh, and next up… two Anna’s.
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Meet Cheryl Malik
Cheryl Malik is the recipe developer, writer, and photographer behind the healthy, flavorful, family friendly recipes at 40 Aprons. She's been a blogger for 10+ years and is known for her delicious recipes and detailed recipe instructions. Cheryl is a mom of three who lives in Memphis, TN.
Batman and Catwoman • Heather Handmade
Holiday Sewing Projects
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ByHeather Handmade
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These easy DIY Halloween costumes are great for kids! Use what you already have and add a few details!
I was excited to make my kids’ Halloween costumes this year. My son has known for awhile that he would be Batman. He was set on it and there was no changing. I based everyone’s costume around Batman.
This is our last year that we can make it a family costume because next year my daughter will be old enough to have an opinion. Daddy is Robin (a red shirt with yellow dashes and an “R”), my son is Batman, my daughter is a Catwoman, and I am Mr. Penguin. I went with really easy costumes this year!
They are both so happy with their costumes and that makes me happy. I just want them to be happy. Look at all these handmade costumes you can make! My son and daughter do great character costumes like Jesse and Buzz Lightyear.
DIY Batman Costume
For Batman I made a bunch of different pieces. I used the Bimaa sweater sewing pattern for the top and used the hood. I made a size 4 with size 5 width. I didn’t want it to be too tight since the fabric didn’t have a lot of stretch and the muscles would take away stretch also.
I added muscles to the chest and upper arms (using the muscle suit tutorial from Sew a Straight Line), a vinyl batman symbol to the chest, arm gauntlets, and batman ears to the hood. I upcycled a black long sleeve tee that I thrifted. (These are the best tips for sewing and saving money!)
I made a simple yellow belt with a pocket. I had a bunch of yellow jersey from my stash that I interfaced before using. Then I made some black sweatshirt fleece Hudson Pants which my son can wear as regular pants after Halloween. I made a size 2 width with a size 4 length. I only altered them by sewing the pockets to the front of the pants.
The black mask is a felt mask I made for a Christmas gift last year. He only wears it sometimes which I knew would happen. The cape is a thrifted gift from our neighbors. (I’m really glad I didn’t have to make a cape for him!)
DIY Catwoman Costume
My daughter’s was a very easy costume. She wore her black leggings which I made last spring.
I made a black jersey Bimaa sweater with the cowl neck. This jersey had tons of stretch so I made a 12-18 mos size. The tail is just black fabric sewn and stuffed and then sewn onto black elastic. Here are some ideas for finding elastic to reuse.
The cat hat is one I made last spring. I’m glad it fits her so well, so I didn’t have to make something else. The tie really keeps it on her head; she takes hoods off immediately. I love how her hair peeks out the back.
I did a makeup nose and whiskers which is probably her favorite part. (She is always trying to get into my makeup.)
If you make something using this sewing project, I’d love to see! Please share it on social media with the hashtag #heatherhandmade and tag me!
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Do-it-yourself cat costume. How to make a cat costume
Fairy-tale characters-animals participate in many matinees. That is why the question of how to sew a cat costume with your own hands is relevant - any little princess will look cute and charming in such an outfit. Moreover, it will not lose its relevance and is perfect for other celebrations - small changes will help to instantly turn it into a stylish Halloween outfit . And most importantly, this does not even require special skills and knowledge - just the desire and the purchase of suitable materials are enough. nine0005
Stage 1: tail, ears, legs
Soft paws, triangular ears and a long tail are the main attributes of this beloved animal. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to make a cat costume should begin with the creation of these products.
For this you will need:
Before looking for how to make a cat costume at home, you need to take a sheet of suitable size, draw a triangular cat ear on it or transfer the finished template. nine0005
This is the easiest way to make a pattern. It must be folded in half so that 2 elements are obtained at once.
Put the resulting template on black felt, cut it out and attach it to the black hoop.
The pieces can be sewn with a decorative stitch.
The decorative seam also finishes the edges.
Cut out 2 triangles from pink material. nine0005
Sew or glue the parts.
The product is ready.
To create a tail will need:
A piece of cardboard or toilet paper
Pantyhose, Golphs, Stockings Black color
Use a piece of cardboard rolled up into a tube.
It is inserted into the black stocking tube until the required length is reached. nine0005
The end of the stocking is rolled up.
A stapler or pin is used to secure the tube.
Or you can just sew it on.
Small pieces of fur can be used for decoration.
Cat costume
Many women are interested in the question of how to make a cat costume for a child with their own hands. After the main details are ready, such as ears and tails, you need to take care of the final details. For this purpose, any black clothing is required. Leggings, tights or stockings are best suited. Black dress, skirt, blouse - any option. nine0005
If desired, skirt can be made of black tulle at all, by tying cuts of the required length to a wide elastic band. Or you can use a standard pattern for sewing a classic product.
It is worth noting that the answer to the question of how to make a cat woman costume is similar. To sew a pack, you will need strips of tulle of the required length - since they will be folded in half to secure, it is necessary to measure a double length to make the product. nine0005
An elastic band is attached to a stool or back of a chair - it is equal to the size of the future owner's waist. It is necessary to make an allowance - about 10 cm. It remains only to buy face paints in order to give her daughter a suitable make-up - a black nose and a charming mustache.
In a similar way, you can make a costume for an adult owner. For this, the same materials and a similar procedure are used. The main thing is to choose the right clothes that are in harmony with the tutu skirt, and also take care of the right makeup. Gloves with claws and stockings will complete the seductive look. nine0005
sewing a costume for a girl with her own hands, the image of Leopold the cat, an adult costume for a girl
For children's parties, the presence of a carnival costume is necessary. Whether it's a New Year's party, a Halloween party or a themed birthday. The original do-it-yourself cat costume for a girl will be an alternative to boring fairies and sorceresses.
Festive cat look
Babies are very mobile, and the finished outfit should not restrict their movement. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a dress for a New Year's cat costume that is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. nine0005
The costume consists of ears, ponytail, dress and gloves. All of the proposed options are easily combined with each other and are suitable for children and adults. The details of the costume do not require special sewing skills , this outfit is easy to sew by hand without the help of a sewing machine.
A thin jacket, fluffy white tutu skirt, matching gloves and tights, pink ears will turn your little one into a white kitten. A cute bow and soft makeup complete the look. nine0005
Even a novice needlewoman can cope with a skirt for a white cat costume.
You will need tulle and a wide elastic band .
- Cut tulle into strips equal to the desired length of the skirt.
- On the back of the chair stretch a wide elastic band - the basis of the future pack.
- Fold each strip of tulle in half and tie with an elastic knot. Do this with all the ribbons, forming a fluffy skirt.
Cat ears
Ears are an important part of the look. There are several easy ways to make DIY cat ears: from felt, lace or fluffy wire.
It's very easy to make ears out of decorative wire. It is necessary to bend the fluffy segments in the shape of the ears and fix it on the headband. Wrap the very base of the hoop with matching tape.
Soft lugs for younger girls .
For work you will need hair hoop, pieces of felt, sewing accessories. nine0140 Build a pattern on thick paper and cut out the blank. Transfer the pattern to the fabric.
Cut out four black pieces and two smaller pink pieces. Wrap the blanks of black parts around the hoop and fasten. Place two pink details on top of the black ones. Finish the edges with decorative stitching. Mask the hoop itself with a velvet ribbon or a strip of fur.
Tail for costume
The tail is sewn from fur tape , its width should be twice the finished part. Fold the workpiece in half and stitch. Turn it right side out and fasten the open edge to the suit. Insert the wire inside to maintain the shape. nine0005
For the second option you will need three narrow rolls of paper towels and a cloth.
Fold the rolls with a narrow edge towards each other, thread the wire into the structure. Wrap everything with regular plastic bag and fix. Sew a long stocking from the fabric and pull it onto a cardboard blank. Finish the open edge and sew to the suit.
Gloves and cuffs for kitten
Kitty costume will fit any gloves , decorated with fur on top, or fluffy cuffs , hand-sewn.
To do this, cut narrow strips of fluffy fur, fold in half and sew. Pass an elastic band through each blank and connect the open edges.
Another one original way is suitable for craftswomen who own a hook. With filet mesh, tie two elbow-length sleeves. Cut two strips from fluffy fur and sew along the bottom edge of the blanks. Leggings can also be made in this way. And for a complete image, decorate the edges of the skirt with a fur strip and make a fluffy bib from the same fur. nine0005
The finishing touches of the cat look
It is impossible to imagine a cat costume for the New Year without the appropriate makeup and additional accessories .
To imitate cat's eye with black cosmetic eyeliner or pencil , draw rather thick arrows going to the temples. Draw the edge of the nose with a dark brown pencil. Draw a mustache and slightly emphasize the lips with a soft gloss .
Young girls, to avoid allergic reactions, it is recommended to use face painting , not cosmetics.
A pink hair bow or collar (choker), a small bell or a gold chain will decorate a small cat.
Catwoman for Halloween
A universal version of an adult look - elegant tight dress or pantsuit , decorated on the edges of the cuffs with a fringing of fur ribbons. A more daring option - a spicy leather outfit, complemented by with fishnet ears and bold studded collar .
Cut out four eyelets from lace fabric . Fold them facing each other, sew and turn right side out. For stability, thread a thin and strong wire through them, giving the ears a shape. Wrap the hoop with a satin ribbon and fasten the finished lugs to it. Gloves made of the same openwork fabric complete the look.
There are no restrictions for the adult costume. It is appropriate to combine corsets with stockings and elastic oversleeves , or you can prefer long mitts and in addition make a “cat manicure” with long claws. Fluffy leggings and cuffs contrast with delicate ears and a chain around the neck. You can fantasize endlessly, it is only important to maintain the overall tone of the outfit and light up any party.
New Year's costume for a boy
Boys' costumes have been popular for a long time Puss in Boots and the kind cat Leopold . Both images are easy to implement with a minimum of effort. Wide blue pants, a yellow shirt and a big red bow around the neck will help transform into a cute cartoon look. Such things can be found in the child's wardrobe, but the cat's hat will have to be purchased separately or sewn independently.
- For the base, take a pattern of any hat and shorten it so that it fits on the top of the head, slightly covering the ears. To work, take the felt of the desired color and a little pink fabric for the inside of the ear.
- For the ears cut out from the base material 4 triangles and 2 smaller ones from the pink fabric. Fold the dark blanks in pairs facing each other and sew. Turn right side out, glue pink details. For the density of the structure, insert cardboard inside. Finish the outer edges of the pieces with decorative stitching. Sew the finished ears to the hat.
Puss in Boots
Awesome do-it-yourself cat costume for a boy will require a lot of time and skills , but such an outfit will certainly stand out against the background of the usual children's images.
Shirt and pants for a suit can be taken from the home wardrobe. An additional decorative frill at the bottom of the trousers will add a resemblance to the outfit of a cartoon cat. The main components of the image - hat, raincoat and boots .
For the raincoat you will need: black satin fabric, gold decorative cord and sewing accessories.
Fold the selected piece of fabric in half and determine the center line. On both sides of it, set aside the necessary measurements (neck girth), round off the lower part. nine0005
Cut the blank along the marked line, finish the edges with gold cord and sew on the ties.
An easy way to make a hat
A simple hat for a suit is made from black cardboard . To build a pattern, measure the circumference of the child's head. On the sheet, draw a circle corresponding to this measure, draw a smaller circle in the center and cut it out.
Hat top: draw a circle equal to the width of the smaller circle and add 10-15 cm to the hem. nine0005
Using the same dimensions, cut out a rectangle for the main part of the headpiece.
Sew or cover the resulting blanks with satin fabric. To seal the brim of hat , add doublerin to the middle.
Gather the parts together, mask the joints with fine decorative cord . Decorate the edges of the fields with a ribbon of feathers.
Additional accessories and makeup
Easy way to imitate boots with over the knee boots - sew leggings on an elastic band with a lapel. Take measurements from the child's leg and draw a rectangle on paper. Cut out pieces of fabric in the color of shoes and sew along the seam.
On the wrong side sew elastic bands to hold the gaiters in place. Separately, make a frill from the same material and sew along the top of the finished leggings. Decorate with lace or decorative buckles.
Sword buy in the toy department or cut out of thick cardboard , cover with foil or paint with silver paint . Don't forget about makeup. A button nose and face painting mustache will complete the transformation.