How much is shipping for operation christmas child
Shoebox Label Options
- Track My Shoebox
- Get Labels
- Activate Labels
Discover your shoebox
gift’s destination.
Once shoeboxes are processed in late December or early January, you can check country destinations
here if you donated online and attached the bar code label to your shoeboxes.
Enter one of the following in the field to the rightbelow to learn where your gift was delivered to a child in need.
- Email Address Used to Activate the Label
- Label Code (This is either a nine- or 15-digit code. Note that it can be entered without any dashes.)
Follow Your Box
Thank you for partnering with Operation Christmas Child and for donating
online to discover the destination of your shoebox gift. The gift-filled shoebox you packed will
share God’s love in a tangible way and can impact not only the child who receives it, but also
their family friends, and community.
Most importantly, please remember to pray for the child who will receive your gift.
Your shoebox gift(s) shipped to:
To make sure your shoebox gift gets to a child of the right gender and age, Samaritan’s
Purse offers some different label options. Labels also offer a way for you to give the necessary $10
donation per shoebox to provide for collection, processing, shipping, and other project costs. If
you donate online in either of the ways outlined below, the labels allow you to Follow Your Box and
find out the country where your box will be delivered with the message of Christ’s love. Just check
back on this page later to learn the destination of your box.
- Adhesive Labels
- Printable Labels
Adhesive Labels
Our adhesive labels are great if you’re planning ahead and packing 50 or more boxes, but if you’re filling some at the last minute, the printable options work best. This option makes shoebox packing even easier—just order, peel, and attach—and your gift is ready to be dropped off at a local collection site. If you want to donate your $10 per shoebox and Follow Your Box, simply go through the steps below to activate the tracking feature of the label.
Note: You can still use this label even if you choose not to activate the tracking.
A set of 50 adhesive labels will make your packing parties even easier! After shoebox
gifts are uniquely packed and prayed over, just apply a label and mark the correct
gender and age of the intended recipient. If you want to Follow Your Box and discover
the destination of your shoebox, these QR-coded labels allow you to easily donate to
activate and enable the tracking feature. Entire packs of 50 labels can be activated by
scanning or entering the nine-digit code on one label.
If you need more than 30 sets of adhesive labels, please contact us at [email protected] with your request.
Adhesive Shoebox Labels
Adhesive Shoebox Labels A set of 50 adhesive labels will make your packing
parties even easier! After shoebox gifts are uniquely packed and prayed
over, just apply a label and mark the correct gender and age of the intended
recipient. If you want to Follow Your Box and discover the destination of
your shoebox, these QR-coded labels allow you to easily donate to activate
and enable the tracking feature. Entire packs of 50 labels can be activated
by scanning or entering the nine-digit code on one label.
Sets of 50 labels01 set (50 labels)2 sets (100 labels)3 sets (150 labels)4 sets (200 labels)5 sets (250 labels)6 sets (300 labels)7 sets (350 labels)8 sets (400 labels)9 sets (450 labels)10 sets (500 labels)11 sets (550 labels)12 sets (600 labels)13 sets (650 labels)14 sets (700 labels)15 sets (750 labels)16 sets (800 labels)17 sets (850 labels)18 sets (900 labels)19 sets (950 labels)20 sets (1,000 labels)25 sets (1250 labels)30 sets (1500 labels)
If you already have a QR-coded label from a brochure or an event, click the button below
to begin the activation process. An entire set of 50 can be activated by scanning or
entering the nine-digit code for one label.
Activate Your Labels
Printable Labels
If you’re in a rush or only plan to pack a few boxes, use the calculator below to get a printable shoebox label that allows for Follow Your Box tracking.
As you checkout, print your unique label or save it to your computer. A receipt with your label will also be sent to your email address.
Take care not to cover the barcode with tape or damage it in any way as this can affect
scanning. If your label is ripped or separated from the shoebox in the packing process, it
may prevent us from letting you know where your gift will be delivered to a child
in need.
The email receipt containing your label also will provide a link back to this page so you can discover the destination of your shoebox!
If you prefer not to make your $10 donation per shoebox online, you can also download and print our basic labels.
Label Calculator
Number of Shoeboxes
Suggested Donation Amount
Why $10?
How to Pack a Shoebox
Frequently Asked
Have questions or suggestions? Email [email protected]
No time to pack your own shoebox?
You can Build a Shoebox Online in less than 5 minutes!
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Order Free Operation Christmas Child Materials
Prepare to pack your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes by ordering free resources. We’ll provide everything you need to get started this shoebox season—labels, posters, flyers, packing party guides, inspirational videos, and more. Each item will help you pack and send your shoebox gifts, as well as spread the word about Operation Christmas Child to your church, group, or community.
Be sure to place your order by October 24 in order to receive your free materials in time for National Collection Week! Don’t forget that you can also use shoeboxes of your own to pack full of gifts for children in need!
Please select a language option for your materials.
EnglishSpanishKoreanTraditional Chinese
Adhesive Shoebox Label Sets
Includes How-to-Pack instructions on back
Order a set of 50 adhesive shoebox labels for your shoebox packing.
Scan or enter the code on your label to give your suggested $10 donation online and activate tracking for your label. This step is not necessary to use the label, but it will allow you to discover the destination of your shoebox.
Entire sets of 50 labels can be activated simply by entering the nine-digit code on one label and selecting the option to activate the whole pack. If you need a single label, consider ordering our brochure that includes a label.
For more than 30 sets (1,500 labels), contact [email protected].
1 set = 50 labels
Sets of 50 labels01 set (50 labels)2 sets (100 labels)3 sets (150 labels)4 sets (200 labels)5 sets (250 labels)6 sets (300 labels)7 sets (350 labels)8 sets (400 labels)9 sets (450 labels)10 sets (500 labels)11 sets (550 labels)12 sets (600 labels)13 sets (650 labels)14 sets (700 labels)15 sets (750 labels)16 sets (800 labels)17 sets (850 labels)18 sets (900 labels)19 sets (950 labels)20 sets (1,000 labels)25 sets (1250 labels)30 sets (1500 labels)
How to Pack a Shoebox Brochure
Includes step-by-step instructions, a shoebox label, and a postage-paid donation envelope.
Please note that each brochure only contains one label.
Materials also available in the following languages: Spanish, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.
Promotional or Bulletin Insert This great tool contains a letter from Franklin Graham with a spiritual impact story as well as shoebox gift suggestions. 5.5" x 7.5" Materiales y publicaciones en español.
Don’t have time for mail delivery? Print your own 8.5" x 11" editable version with gift suggestions and instructions for how to pack a shoebox.
Selecting "1" as quantity below means you will receive one insert. These are not packs.
“Best of Operation Christmas Child” DVD
Inspire your church or group by showing them how God is using Operation Christmas Child around the world.
You also can view the contents of the DVD and
download these videos online.
Journey of a Shoebox Fold-out This 28" x 8" piece visually explains the journey of a shoebox from packing, collecting, and processing to delivery and The Greatest Journey. It shows at a quick glance what happens to a shoebox after it is packed.
“Let’s Be Friends!” Sheet Give little ones a simple way to include a note in their shoebox gift. This two-page coloring sheet also provides fill-in-the blank options for children to introduce themselves to their shoebox recipients.
Color-printed versions of this resource can also be ordered from our store. Packs of 50 sell for $2.
Download a printer friendly version of the page.
Download Black & White Version
Build a Shoebox Online Promotional Piece Spread the word about our contactless packing option that sends shoebox gifts to nations that are hard to reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One side of this promotional piece describes the easy steps of packing shoeboxes online, while the other covers how goal pages can be created for a church or group to track their progress toward a shoebox goal.
Folleto de Cómo Empacar una Caja de Regalos Incluye instrucciones paso a paso, una etiqueta de caja de regalos, una historia de impacto espiritual y un sobre para el donativo. Ordena suficientes para tu congregación, grupo o familia. Materiales y publicaciones en inglés.
Materials also available in the following languages: English, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.
Seleccionar "1" como la cantidad de abajo, significa que recibirás solo un folleto. Estos no son paquetes.
Encarte Publicitario Esta herramienta describe cómo empacar una caja de regalos, así como la aventura de esta, desde el empaque hasta la distribución. 5.5" x 7.5" Materiales y publicaciones en inglés.
¿No tienes tiempo para esperar a que llegue el paquete por correo? Imprime tu propia versión de 8.5" x 11."
Seleccionar "1" como la cantidad de abajo, significa que recibirás solo un folleto. Estos no son paquetes.
Póster Promueve eventos locales de Operation Christmas Child personalizando y desplegando estos posters en salones de clases, salones de juntas, negocios, drop-off locations o alrededor de tu vecindario. Materiales y publicaciones en inglés.
Seleccionar "1" como la cantidad de abajo, significa que recibirás solo un folleto. Estos no son paquetes.
Separadores / Guía de Oración
Recuerda a tu iglesia o grupo orar diariamente por todos los involucrados en el proyecto, desde los niños que reciben sus cajas de regalos hasta aquellos que las empacan. Materiales y publicaciones en inglés.
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Folleto: ¿Qué es Operation Christmas Child? Este genial folleto brinda a las Iglesias y grupos un resumen sobre Operation Christmas Child y explica visualmente el recorrido que realiza una caja de regalos desde el empaquetado, la recolección, el procesamiento, la entrega y La Gran Aventura.
Also available in the following languages: Traditional Chinese, and Korean.
Seleccionar “1” como la cantidad de abajo, significa que recibirás solo un folleto. Estos no son paquetes.
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DVD “Lo Mejor de Operation Christmas Child” Inspira a tu iglesia o grupo mostrándoles cómo Dios está usando a Operation Christmas Child alrededor del mundo. También puedes ver los contenidos de este DVD y bajar estos videos en línea.
Seleccionar "1" como la cantidad de abajo, significa que recibirás solo un folleto. Estos no son paquetes.
선물 상자를 포장하는 방법 브로셔 단계별 지침, 선물 상자 라벨, 기부금 봉투가 포함되어 있습니다. 성도, 단체 또는 가족에게 나누어 줄 만큼 충분히 주문하십시오.
Also available in the following languages: English, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
포스터 교실, 회의실, 직장, 수집 장소, 동네 등에 지역 Operation Christmas Child 이벤트 포스터를 꾸미고 게시하여 홍보해주세요.
Also available in the following languages: English, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
브로슈어: Operation Christmas Child란 무엇인가요? 이 브로슈어는 교회와 단체를 대상으로 Operation Christmas Child에 대한 대략적인 설명을 제공하며 선물 상자가 포장, 수집, 가공되는 과정을 시각적으로 보여줍니다. 선물 상자가 배송되기까지의 The Greatest Journey를 만나보세요.
Also available in the following languages: Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
如何包裝禮物盒手冊 包括逐步說明、禮物盒標籤、心靈啟發故事和捐款信封。為您的會眾、團體或家庭訂購足夠數量。
Materials also available in the following languages: English, Spanish, and Korean.
海報 將海報內容客製化,並在教室、會議室、企業、搭車地點或鄰近地區展示海報,以推廣當地的 Operation Christmas Child 活動。
Also available in the following languages: English, Spanish, and Korean.
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小冊:Operation Christmas Child是什麼? 這本優質小冊可為教會及團體提供Operation Christmas Child概覽,內容以視覺化的方式說明禮物盒從包裝、收貨、處理到運送的流程,並介紹「The Greatest Journey」。
Also available in the following languages: Spanish, and Korean.
Have questions or suggestions? Email [email protected]
New Year's special mail, Secret Santa Bill Gates and a surprise in a sock —
07:00, 12/24/2016 Plot: Kazanian in Silicon Valley
American Christmas Part 1
Today, many Western countries will celebrate Christmas Eve, and at midnight they will celebrate one of the main holidays - Christmas. The USA is no exception. Special promotions in retail chains, cultural and entertainment events and, of course, gifts from Santa Claus are timed to coincide with this holiday in the country. Realnoe Vremya's columnist, Kazan IT specialist Alexander Galkin, who works in Silicon (Silicon) Valley, in his new column tells readers about the traditions of the holiday and special promotions in which many famous Americans participate. nine0005
California is now in a rather unusual weather - cold. They write that even in Africa, in the Sahara desert, snow fell for the first time in many years. The temperature at night drops below zero, and the cars are covered with a crust of ice by morning. So you have to wait four or five minutes in the morning until they thaw with the engine running, and you can go. This is not at all typical for Silicon Valley, but it gives a special charm to the approaching Christmas and New Year, making it look like the holiday that I used to in Kazan. nine0005
Christmas and New Year's Day
In the US, Christmas and New Year's Day are traditionally one big holiday. This is due primarily because Christmas is seen as a family holiday, when the whole “big family” (extended family), that is, grandparents, brothers and sisters, all those who study and work in different cities, come to the parental home for a festive Christmas dinner at the common table. This is a time to forget old quarrels, a time to reconcile, a time to visit your parents and see relatives that you only see once a year - at Christmas. nine0005
Due to the long distances and traditional travel by car, the celebration itself is spread over a week and a half: starting from the 20th of December, almost all work stops and resumes only on January 6th.
One of the traditions in the USA is writing letters to Santa Claus. Photo by
Christmas mail
Those who for some reason cannot come usually send postcards. They are also sent to all friends, relatives and acquaintances, especially with whom they have not communicated for a long time. After reviewing the statistics, I learned that about three billion cards are sent in the United States at Christmas (that is, an average of 8-10 cards per person). nine0005
Operation Santa Claus
One of the traditions in the USA is writing letters to Santa Claus. Usually a letter to Santa is written by a child with the support of all family members on Thanksgiving Day, after a festive dinner. These letters, addressed to SANTA, NORTH POLE (Santa, North Pole), used to be collected at the local post office, where enthusiasts and volunteers answered the children. Moreover, in each separate district (precinct), this work was organized individually.
Quite quickly, the flow of letters assumed such proportions that already at 1912 in the United States, Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock decided to organize a centralized coordination of responses to letters to Santa Claus so that not a single child who wrote to him would go unanswered. The postal service did not last long and already in the 1940s transferred the responsibility for writing answers to charitable organizations and volunteer groups, while performing only the function of delivering mail from the addressee and back. This process is known as Operation Santa Claus. nine0005
Since then, anyone - an individual or an organization - can "adopt" (to adopt) one or more letters to Santa Claus in order to fulfill the desire of the child who wrote it, and send him the desired gift along with the answer. To do this, you need to come to a special US post office, where the "Operation Santa Claus" is being carried out. The most famous such branch is the central post office in Manhattan in New York, also known as the James Farley Building and having a unique postal code 10001 (by the way, this post office appears in the famous children's Christmas film "Miracle on 34th Street", and is also the prototype of the post office building in Terry Pratchett's famous novel "The Post Office"). nine0005
“The Post has outsourced the responsibility of writing responses to charities and volunteer groups, with only the function of delivering mail to and from the addressee. This process is known as Operation Santa Claus.Photo
In order to receive a letter, you must fill out a series of forms and show your driver's license (for personal identification) - but even after that you will not be given the original letter - you will receive only a copy of it with personal data smeared. True, you can choose the one that you like from several proposed letters. The clerk will register this letter under a certain number, and within two weeks you will need to bring a response and (optionally) a small gift to the child, which the clerk, based on the number, can send in the form of a reply to the letter. nine0005
Unfortunately, not all letters can be attached, and therefore the post office recommends that parents write a response on behalf of Santa Claus and send it in a sealed and signed envelope with a stamp pasted to a special address at a small post office in Anchorage, Alaska (the northernmost post office US Post Office). In the event that this letter is received before December 15, it will be guaranteed to be sent back. In order for the child to believe that the letter really came from Santa, a special commemorative postage stamp with the inscription: “North Pole, Santa Claus Post” will be pasted on it, which will be pasted over the original stamp. nine0005
Secret Santa
Another tradition that has gained popularity in recent years is Secret Santa. It's like a big game where couples are randomly selected to exchange Christmas gifts. This is usually done by Internet portals with large user communities: the most famous such portal in the United States is Reddit, and in the Russian-language Internet, the Pikabu.Ru portal. At the same time, users who want to send a gift are randomly combined into pairs (sometimes chains), and each receives the address of the person to whom he should send his gift. In the case of Reddit, the user usually gives a little information about himself - hobbies, hobbies, and so on - so that the one who will be chosen by his "secret Santa" can give the right gift. nine0005
This "game" on Reddit is regularly played by popular Americans such as rapper Snoop Dogg, basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This year, according to Reddit users, Microsoft founder Bill Gates was recognized as one of the best "secret Santa Clauses". Every year, photos of his gifts are posted in the appropriate forum on Reddit, and each time they are quite unusual. Moreover, in addition to unique and interesting things, every time Bill Gates makes a significant donation to one of the funds in accordance with the interests of his couple. And this year, the billionaire sent a whole box of gifts, including the latest model of the Xbox game console, slippers, a cookbook with a dedication, a sword from the Zelda game, a photo of himself, and also made a donation to, an organization dedicated to popularizing coding skills among schoolchildren. nine0005
“Every year, photos of his gifts are posted on the appropriate forum on Reddit, and each time they are quite unusual. Moreover, in addition to unique and interesting things, every time Bill Gates makes a significant donation to one of the funds in accordance with the interests of his couple.Photo
Religious aspect
In religious families, of course, more attention is paid to the origins of the holiday - the birth of Christ (nativity of Jesus Christ), as described in the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew: the story of Joseph and Mary, immaculate conception, the road to Nazareth for the sake of universal qualifications, the birth of a baby in a stable, the appearance of a star in the sky and the appearance of the Magi with gifts, an escape to Egypt from the wrath of Herod, and so on. nine0005
However, most children practically do not know this story (which is perfectly shown by surveys among schoolchildren, often held around Christmas), and for them it is just a family holiday. Moreover, both Christmas and New Year are official holidays in all US states, giving a total of three days off!
Christmas itself begins with the celebration of Advents.
The first Advent begins almost immediately after Thanksgiving, on Sunday, four weeks before Christmas, and from that moment on, old and young begin to count day by day until Christmas. Why? Because one of the main traditions of Advent, which is gaining more and more popularity, especially among children, is the so-called "advent calendar" (advent calendar). It is a cardboard box, often made in the form of a rather large house, on the front wall of which 24 doors are cut, numbered from 1 to 24, according to the days of Advent, when these doors can be opened. Behind each door is a small gift: a toy, a chocolate bar, notes with instructions and (in religious families) excerpts from the Holy Scriptures. An option is also possible in the form of 24 socks or mittens (as, for example, with us), hung by the fireplace. Every morning, the first thing children do is run to the calendar: open the next door and / or check the next mitten for what Santa Claus brought them at night. And so it goes on for 24 days of waiting. That is why, from the very morning, a festive atmosphere reigns at home and in the family, the expectation of an impending big holiday. nine0005
One of the main traditions of Advent, which is gaining more and more popularity, especially among children, is the so-called "advent calendar" (advent calendar)
sweets (chocolates, various sweets from Haribo), and themed (with Lego toys, with Pokemon), and various options for adults (there are options with 24 different types of beer, tea, honey, poetry books, and so on). Then the expectation of the holiday arises not only among children. nine0005
Advent is a special time of the year. Everyone runs around the shops in search of gifts for themselves and loved ones and is ready to spend more money than usual: many stores live on this, which make about 40-50% of their annual turnover on the eve of Christmas. Usually, by analogy with the Christmas calendar, every day the store offers a big discount or some special offer (free subscription to various online services, etc.), valid for only one day and, as a rule, in limited quantities (while the supplies last ). According to various estimates, many large stores (such as Macy's, Sear) only in the pre-Christmas period make up to 50% of their annual revenue. That is why all shopping centers are open at this time, and, as a rule, with additional opening hours. nine0005
In the heat of the search and selection of gifts, Americans do not forget that not everyone can afford to buy gifts for themselves and their children for Christmas. Therefore, at this time of the year, campaigns are held everywhere to collect money or new things for gifts. In particular, every year large companies collect and give small backpacks with various gifts to children from poor families. Also, for such families, the sale of products for the festive table (game, fruit) is organized at significantly reduced prices due to donations. nine0005
Alexander Galkin
Alexander Vladimirovich Galkin — development engineer at Microsoft; administrator and bureaucrat of Wikipedia in Esperanto; polyglot.
- Born on February 26, 1979 in Kazan.
- In 1996 he graduated from the Kazan Gymnasium No. 102 with a gold medal.
- In 2002 he graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the Kazan State Medical University. nine0089
- From 2002 to 2005 he worked at the Institute for Neuroscience in Berlin.
- Graduated from the Technical University of Hamburg in 2012.
- Since 2013, he has been working at Microsoft as a Software Development Engineer in the Bing search engine division. The office is located in Sunnyvale, California (Silicon Valley).
- Fluent in Russian, Tatar, English, German, French and Esperanto. He also speaks Italian and Spanish.
- Author of articles on various topics on,, Columnist of Realnoe Vremya. nine0089
The best Christmas books for children
As the biggest holidays of the year approach, we want children to spend more time in the festive anticipation and learn more about Christmas, the main symbols and understand the true meaning of the holiday. Although we can tell all this ourselves, Christmas books for children can reveal all the stories even better and more interesting. Reading them, children will not only have a good time, but also increase their horizons. Sharing the ten most popular publications - these books about Christmas, of course, should impress children. nine0005
Disney "Mickey's Christmas Memories"
Disney characters - Mickey and Minnie - are also waiting for the brightest holiday of the year. When Minnie asks Mickey on a cozy Christmas Eve what he likes best about Christmas, he has a lot of ideas! Choose the most beautiful Christmas tree, cook delicious food, choose the most soulful songs and, of course, invite all your friends. In Mickey's Christmas Memories, creating a festive atmosphere and waiting for a Christmas miracle will bring no less joy than the celebration itself! nine0005
“Look for things! Merry Christmas!"
Book “Look for things! Merry Christmas!” are richly illustrated winter tales for the little ones (from 2 years old). Children will be able not only to listen attentively to what their mother or father reads, but also to actively participate - find the attributes associated with the holiday in color pictures, learn to count them and answer various questions. Combine business with pleasure, because time together is the most valuable tradition of Advent and Christmas!
Jaume Coupon and Liliana Furtun "Merry Christmas, dear monsters!"
Favorite children's heroes Agus Pianola and funny monsters are back with new adventures in the book "Merry Christmas dear monsters"! This time they face a serious test - a Christmas rescue operation. Readers will be able to see how successful the mission was in a dynamic, modern and witty comic. The book will definitely appeal to schoolchildren, because the previous parts of the book series "Agus and Monsters" by Jaume Kupon and Liliana Furtun received recognition from the Latvian Children's Jury. nine0005
Yu Nesbe "Can Dr. Proctor save Christmas?"
When it turns out a few days before Christmas that the king has sold them and there will be no feast, Dr. Proctor, Lisa and Bull will not be able to accept this injustice. They are ready to do everything to save the long-awaited holiday! Will everything end well and the heroes will be able to light candles and sing Christmas songs? You will learn about it from the dynamic, humorous and at the same time heartfelt and instructive book by You Nesbe "Can Dr. Proctor save Christmas?" An exciting adventure that will cause a lot of positive emotions. nine0005
Christmas Gnome Activity Book
The best way to look forward to the holidays is not to sit on the sidelines, but to participate in fun, interesting and educational activities! The workbook "Christmas gnome" will make the mind and fingers of young children work (from 3 years old). Solve tasks, play mind games and stick stickers (more than 300 stickers) with the Christmas Elf and his friends - the inhabitants of the Christmas Village. And best of all, find special toys and special details in the book to create a holiday decoration for your home! nine0005
Ruta Svaža, Davis Ozols “The Missing Santa Claus”
The youngest readers of Latvia have already appreciated the stories of the authors Ruta Svaža and Davis Ozols about the girl Baiba. In the book The Lost Santa Claus, little Baiba is dressed up for Christmas and is waiting for Santa Claus to come. But he's late. To speed up time, Baiba and her mother go on a winter walk. When they return, they cannot recognize the party room - the windows are open, the spruce is upside down, the ashes from the fireplace are scattered all over the floor. What happened here? Where did Santa Claus go? Did he pass by Baiba's house this year? Subsequent events turn into an unexpected whirlwind...
Uldis Polis-Politis “Waiting for the White Holidays”
Collection of poems by the author Uldis Polis-Politis “Waiting for the White Holidays” is a tribute to everything connected with Christmas. These are simple and cute poems for the youngest readers who are just starting to learn to read. Printed letters will make the task easier, and illustrations for the brightest holiday of the year, included in the collection, excite the imagination. A great gift that will allow you to learn poems that you can tell at the Christmas tree! nine0005
Anna Casalis "Peksis the Mouse for Christmas"
Peksis the Mouse is already known to many young children (5+) from other parts of the book series in which he refused to eat, sleep and brush his teeth. Mouse's loved ones often have to go out of their way to help him learn from his misdeeds. However, the mouse was and remains very dear to them!
This time Mouse's mother faces an even more responsible task! As Christmas approaches, Mouse's mother knows now is the perfect time to teach her little one about compassion and generosity. On the 72 pages of the book, little readers and listeners of the fairy tale will also learn to recognize the time and place when someone needs support and help! nine0005
Ingo Signer Little Coconut Dragon.

The little dragon Kokos, who in other parts of the book series has already traveled around the world and even seen Egyptian mummies, is sad right before Christmas. He has to stay at home during the holidays because his parents have planned repairs to the cave. Weather forecasts also do not please the dragon - rains and thunderstorms are expected. The only salvation is that his friends stay at home, the porcupine Matilda and the saber-toothed dragon Oscar. nine0005
Together, all friends will definitely figure out how to make the holiday more exciting and make happy those who feel lonely during the holiday, just like the snub-nosed dragon Knedelis in his cave. What will they give him? Coconut already has an unusual idea...
JK Rowling "The Christmas Piglet"
The loss of a favorite toy is painful for every child, but even sadder when it happens on Christmas Eve. This is exactly what happened to Jack, whose favorite toy, namely a pig, suddenly disappeared.