How to keep baby bottles sterile when out
Sterilising baby bottles - NHS
It's important to sterilise all your baby's feeding equipment, including bottles and teats, until they are at least 12 months old.
This will protect your baby against infections, in particular diarrhoea and vomiting.
Before sterilising, you need to:
- Clean bottles, teats and other feeding equipment in hot, soapy water as soon as possible after feeds.
- Use a clean bottle brush to clean bottles (only use this brush for cleaning bottles), and a small teat brush to clean the inside of teats. You can also turn teats inside out then wash them in hot soapy water. Do not use salt to clean teats, as this can be dangerous for your baby.
- You can put your baby's feeding equipment in the dishwasher to clean it if you prefer. Putting feeding equipment through the dishwasher will clean it but it does not sterilise it. Make sure bottles, lids and teats are facing downwards. You may prefer to wash teats separately by hand to make sure they are completely clean.
- Rinse all your equipment in clean, cold running water before sterilising.
The advice above applies to all your baby's feeding equipment, and whether you are using expressed breast milk or formula milk.
How to sterilise baby feeding equipment
There are several ways you can sterilise your baby's feeding equipment. These include:
- cold water sterilising solution
- steam sterilising
- boiling
Cold water sterilising solution
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- Leave feeding equipment in the sterilising solution for at least 30 minutes.
- Change the sterilising solution every 24 hours.
- Make sure there are no air bubbles trapped in the bottles or teats when putting them in the sterilising solution.
- Your steriliser should have a floating cover or a plunger to keep all the equipment under the solution.
Steam sterilising (electric steriliser or microwave)
- It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, as there are several different types of sterilisers.
- Make sure the openings of the bottles and teats are facing downwards in the steriliser.
- Manufacturers will give guidelines on how long you can leave equipment in the steriliser before it needs to be sterilised again.
Sterilising by boiling
- Make sure the items you want to sterilise in this way are safe to boil.
- Boil the feeding equipment in a large pan of water for at least 10 minutes, making sure it all stays under the surface.
- Set a timer so you do not forget to turn the heat off.
- Remember that teats tend to get damaged faster with this method. Regularly check that teats and bottles are not torn, cracked or damaged.
After you've finished sterilising
- It's best to leave bottles and teats in the steriliser or pan until you need them.
- If you do take them out, put the teats and lids on the bottles straightaway.
- Wash and dry your hands before handling sterilised equipment. Better still, use some sterile tongs.
- Assemble the bottles on a clean, disinfected surface or the upturned lid of the steriliser.
Find out more about expressing breast milk and how to make up formula feeds.
Page last reviewed: 24 September 2019
Next review due: 24 September 2022
Sterilizing Baby Bottles: The Easiest Ways to Keep Bottles Germ Free
While you expected some of the more obvious struggles of bringing your newborn home—sleepless nights, diaper changes, and spit-up—the seemingly endless collection of dirty baby bottles was not even on your radar. Is soapy water enough? Do you really need to sterilize baby bottles? How do you even do that?!
Washing bottles and pumping parts kills some germs and eliminates the visible buildup from breast milk or baby formula, but bottles need more than just soap and warm water to ensure they’re safe for your baby.
Sterilizing baby bottles takes washing a step further to keep your baby safe and healthy.
Table of Contents
- The difference between sterilization and sanitization
- Why bottle sterilization is important?
- How to sterilize baby bottles
- Method 1: Sterilize baby bottles with boiling water
- Method 2: Microwave baby bottles for sterilization
- Method 3: Cold-sterilization chemicals to sterilize baby bottles
- Method 4: Dishwasher for baby bottle sterilization
- Method 5: Electric sterilizer for baby bottles
- 8 Best Baby Bottle Sterilizers
- Handling sterilized baby bottles
The difference between sterilization and sanitization
A quick google search on cleaning baby bottles will leave you wondering what the difference between sanitizing and sterilizing is– aren’t they the same thing?!
While they’re close, the biggest difference is essential for keeping your newborn safe. Sanitizing reduces the germs to a level that’s considered safe while sterilizing removes virtually all of the germs. 1 If you’re lucky, your dishwasher may sanitize and/or sterilize bottles and bottle parts. Once you’re sure your bottles and parts are dishwasher safe, check your manual to see the correct settings for level of cleanliness required.
How to sanitize baby bottles
The first step to sanitizing baby bottles (and other dishes) is to wash and rinse them to remove all visible residue. Then, to sanitize, either dip them for 30 seconds in water that’s at least 170 degrees Fahrenheit or soak them for one minute in a solution made with one tablespoon of bleach and one gallon of cold water.2
This process can sanitize all of your dishes to protect your family from foodborne illness. But, for your vulnerable newborn, sterilization may be a better choice,
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Why bottle sterilization is important?
Keeping your baby’s bottles free of harmful germs and bacteria is one simple way to help them stay safe and healthy.
While they’re arguably the cutest feature (second to toes, of course), babies’ mouths have plenty of bacteria that gets transferred to the bottle during feedings. This bacteria can multiply quickly and cause babies to become ill.
While older kids and adults can often fight off simple bacteria, babies are more vulnerable to foodborne illness due to their developing immune systems, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 3
And unfortunately, a bottle that looks clean isn’t necessarily germ-free.
No matter how clean the baby bottles may look, harmful germs and bacteria could still be present. Washing bottles with soap and water does kill some germs, but sterilizing the bottles takes it a step further for the extra level of safety your baby needs.
How often should you sterilize baby bottles?
Bottles should always be sterilized before the first use, whether they were stored away or taken directly out of the package, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).4
If your baby was born prematurely, has a weakened immune system, or is under three months old, bottles should be sterilized at least once daily.
As babies get older and their immune systems strengthen, daily sterilization may no longer be needed– washing well with hot soapy water and a bottle brush then rinsing in hot water can do the trick.
How to sterilize baby bottles
Sterilizing bottles can seem overwhelming at first, but there are several methods to choose from to make keeping your baby safe as easy as possible.
You may choose to sterilize the bottles using supplies you already have at home or purchase a convenient baby bottle sterilizer. Find what works best for your family to make this task feel more manageable.
Method 1: Sterilize baby bottles with boiling water
Boiling the bottles in water is one of the cheapest sterilization methods as all you need is water, a pot, and a stove. Simply disassemble the bottles and place them in a pot with enough water to cover everything.
Bring the water to a boil and let it boil rapidly for 5 minutes or as directed by the bottle manufacturer. Then, remove from the heat and allow the water to cool before using sterile tongs to remove the pieces.
Pros of sterilizing with boiling water
- Free
- No extra equipment to buy or store
- No chemicals used
Cons of sterilizing with boiling water
- Nipples tend to degrade quicker with this method, so it’s important to inspect them regularly and replace them as needed
- Potential burn risk from the boiling water and steam
Method 2: Microwave baby bottles for sterilization
A microwave steam sterilizer can be purchased for $15-$40, making it one of the cheaper options. Most of the sterilizers on the market can sterilize 4-6 bottles at once. Simply add water and microwave for the specified amount of time instructed on the packaging, generally around 2 minutes.
The power of the microwave will create steam which kills germs and bacteria. Microwave steam bags work the same way and are even cheaper but can often only hold a few bottles at a time.
It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for specifics regarding the time and power settings. This ensures the bottles are properly sterilized without being damaged. The last thing you need is a melted baby bottle!
Once sterilized, the contents will remain sterile for up to 24 hours as long as the lid remains sealed—depending on which sterilizer you use.
Pros of sterilizing with the microwave
- One of the cheapest methods
- Quick—only around 2 minutes for sterilization
- No chemicals used
Cons of sterilizing with the microwave
- Additional purchase needed
- Takes up counter or cabinet space when not in use
Method 3: Cold-sterilization chemicals to sterilize baby bottles
Cold-sterilization tablets are an option for situations where electricity is unavailable or when you need something portable, like when you are traveling with a baby.
Simply fill a container with enough cold tap water to cover the bottles, add the sterilization tablet, and allow the bottles to sit in the solution for the specified amount of time.
Cold-sterilization typically takes around 15-30 minutes. The solution can be used for up to 24 hours, so you can sterilize several bottles (even more than once) with one tablet.
Pros of using cold-sterilization chemicals
- Perfect for when electricity is not available– like camping, traveling, or power outages.
- Lightweight and portable
- No risk of burning yourself from steam
- Solution lasts 24 hours
Cons of using cold-sterilization chemicals
- Chemicals are used, which may not be preferred by some
- Ongoing expense to purchase product
Method 4: Dishwasher for baby bottle sterilization
According to the CDC, you can use your dishwasher to sterilize bottles as long as it has a heated drying cycle or sanitizing setting. 4 This helps to ensure that temperatures reach high enough heat to properly sterilize the bottles.
You’ll need to verify that your dishwasher has this setting and that your bottles and nipples are dishwasher safe.
Pros of using a dishwasher for sterilization
- Low cost
- No additional items needed
- Can be put in the dishwasher along with other dishes
Cons of using a dishwasher for sterilization
- Some dishwashers don’t have a heated drying cycle or sanitizing cycle
- Not all bottles and nipples are dishwasher safe
- Takes longer than other methods
Method 5: Electric sterilizer for baby bottles
Electric sterilizers use steam to kill germs and bacteria. Once you purchase an electric sterilizer and ready it on your counter, simply add the amount of water specified by the manufacturer and turn the sterilizer on.
Many of these units will automatically move to a drying step and will keep the bottles sterile for up to 24 hours once the process is complete.
Pros of using an electric bottle sterilizer
- The quickest and easiest option
- No chemicals
Cons of using an electric bottle sterilizer
- Takes up counter space
- One of the more expensive methods- $60-$200
8 Best Baby Bottle Sterilizers
Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer
Munchkin Jumbo Microwave Bottle Sterilizer Bag
Philips Avent Premium Sterilizer with Dryer
Dr. Brown’s Electric Sterilizer with LED
Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags
Wabi Touch Control Dual Function UV Sterilizer & Dryer
Tommee Tippee Advanced Steri-Dry Electric Sterilizer and Dryer for Baby Bottles
Munchkin Portable UV Sterilizer
Handling sterilized baby bottles
Regardless of which option works best for your family, washing your hands with hot soapy water before touching any of the bottle parts or formula is essential.
Then, take time to clean anything the bottles will come in contact with to keep them sterile before your baby’s next feeding.
After sterilizing the bottles, you’ll want to let them air dry completely. Bacteria thrive in moist environments and could begin to grow in the sterilized bottles if they’re put away while they still have moisture in them.
Verified by: Kelsey Lorencz, RDN
Shop Bobbie Organic Infant Formula
Bobbie Organic Infant Formula is a USDA Organic, EU-style infant formula that meets all FDA requirements. It is a complete nutrition milk-based powder modeled after breast milk and is easy on tummies. It is non-GMO and doesn't have corn syrup, palm oil, or maltodextrin. Learn more about Bobbie.
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- Understanding the Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing & Sterilizing | Canadian Institute of Food Safety
- Keep Your Home and Food Safe: How to Clean, Sanitize, & Disinfect | Stop Foodborne Illness
- Food Safety Booklet for Pregnant Women | FDA
- How to Clean, Sanitize, and Store Infant Feeding Items | CDC
The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant's pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.
how often to boil at home
From time immemorial, newborn children are the most unprotected and unstable people to various diseases. From birth, they are completely dependent on adults, so parents must be able to ensure the cleanliness and sterility of their living conditions. On the one hand, parents must be able to properly care for babies and prepare formulas for nutrition, on the other hand, they must know how to sterilize bottles for newborns in order to exclude possible disorders and diseases.
- 1 What is sterilization for?
- 2 Materials, of which a container for baby food 9000 3 Best Sterilization of the container for baby food
- 3.2 using a sterilizer 9000 3.3 in a double boiler 9000 3.4 Using a multicooker ,9000 3.
- 3.6 Microwaveable
- 4 How do you ensure sterility when you are away from home?
- 5 Conclusion
- 9000 3.1 Boiling

What is sterilization for?
Sterilization of home feeding bottles is a practical matter and is especially relevant when an infant is not breastfeeding. Diarrhea and colic are the most harmless consequences of getting foreign microflora into baby food. However, there are cases of more dangerous situations that can lead to disastrous consequences.
That's why harmful germs should not get into baby dishes. But how often should she be sterilized? The answer is after each wash before the next use, and also if milk (including breast milk) is supposed to be stored. At the same time, it is necessary to destroy bacteria not only in the bottles themselves, but also on nipples, caps and other elements of children's dishes.
Materials used to make baby food containers
Previously, feeding bottles were made only from glass. Currently, you can find products made of plastic, which has become very popular due to its cheapness and resistance to damage. Can plastic bottles be boiled? Plastic is quite resistant to deformation from hot water, but still, in this case, care must be taken.
Glass containers are resistant to deformation, safe for children's health and have a longer shelf life than plastic products. However, glass is a fragile and heavier material.
Plastic bottles require careful selection because some plastic bottles can release harmful substances and toxins during heat treatment, as well as provide a favorable environment for the growth of microbes. However, samples of proven brands guarantee complete safety, so the sterilization of plastic bottles in any way proceeds without any negative consequences. Many companies even attach new inventions to their samples for more convenient use.
Best Ways to Sterilize Baby Food Containers
In the past, germs were removed from feeding bottles, most often by boiling. At present, with the development of technology, other methods of carrying out the procedure have been invented. In some cases, this can be done even in cold water.
Boiling as a way to kill bacteria from children's dishes is still very popular. But how do you boil baby bottles and pacifiers safely? To do this, you need a deep pot, the height of which can ensure that the bottle is completely covered with water. After filling the container with it, the pan must be put on fire and brought to a boil. Next, it is necessary to boil the bottles for ten to fifteen minutes, and after that the water must be drained. For some time before use, they can be stored in a saucepan covered with a lid.
Video: Boiling a bottle:
If you plan to boil plastic accessories, make sure that the material is heat resistant beforehand.
Using a sterilizer
To ensure the cleanliness and sterility of dishes for babies, modern manufacturers produce special sterilizers, thanks to which parents do not wonder how to properly sterilize bottles for newborns. The device is a small box with compartments for containers and a lid plus a heating element. To use it, you need to pour water into the compartment, and fill the cells with bottles. Many installations are also equipped with convenient timers, and thanks to their design, the dishes inside can remain sterile for a long time.
It is best to purchase treatment equipment and utensils from the same manufacturer. Then the use will be as comfortable and convenient as possible, and the result will be the best.
In a steamer
How do I boil baby bottles and pacifiers with a steamer? This question arose by itself in connection with the appearance of this gadget in people's kitchens. According to the instructions, it is necessary to pour water into the lower compartment to the specified level, and put children's dishes in one of the upper sections. To make it sterile, just turn on the timer for five to ten minutes.
Video: how to steam sterilize?
It is best to place feeding accessories in one of the lower compartments, this will ensure a better flow of hot steam.
With multicooker
How to sterilize baby bottles with modern kitchen devices? Carrying out the procedure in a slow cooker is as convenient and simple as using a double boiler. As a rule, here it is necessary to use the “steam” mode, pouring one liter of water into the bottom of the apparatus and placing the accessories on the appropriate grid.
With tablets
Antiseptic tablets for baby dishes are a relatively new invention and extremely convenient to use, especially if it is possible to perform the procedure only in cold water. They can be purchased at pharmacies and specialty stores. It is important that the preparations are odorless and leave no residue. For the same purpose, the proportions of the product and water should be correctly observed.
Water is poured into a suitable container (it can be at any convenient temperature) so that it completely covers the container. The operation time usually takes about forty minutes, thirty of which are nipples, bottles and accessories in solution.
In a microwave oven
The operation must be carried out using special bags or containers intended for use in a microwave oven (usually the manufacturer makes notes on the product packaging about the possibility of using it in a microwave oven), distributing the bottles there and filling them with water. The residence time in the oven will be about seven to eight minutes.
Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the feeding accessories with a specialized dishwashing detergent, soda or laundry soap.
It is recommended to avoid the use of aggressive detergents.
How to ensure sterility while away from home?
Very often there are situations when it is impossible to use popular methods of bacteria destruction. For example, this is possible on long trips, vacations in the country or nature. Then the sterility of bottles, pacifiers and other items for feeding and caring for newborns must be ensured in advance.
First of all, you should prepare a package with items for the procedure. For example, in a hospital, you can use the method of sterilization in a microwave oven, in the country - with water and antiseptic tablets. Sealed bags and containers are suitable for transporting already sterilized dishes. Specialized hygiene items can be purchased at a children's store or pharmacy. They can be used up to twenty times.
The health of a child from the first days of life is primarily ensured by impeccable cleanliness and hygiene, so parents are obliged to carefully monitor this when caring for small children. They are given instructions on how to sterilize baby feeding supplies and recommendations on how often to do it, in different ways. It is important to observe them correctly and ensure systematic actions to prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.
Video: How should baby bottles be sterilized?
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Teats and bottles harbor millions of microbes. They are not afraid of boiling water, soda and detergents. The only thing that kills them is hot steam, which literally dissolves bacilli with a probability of up to 99.9%. Porridge and milk keep longer. A formula-fed baby is less likely to get sick.
So, mums, end your feeding with poorly washed bottles and learn how to disinfect them the way our grandmothers did. Only in a new way.
How to sterilize baby bottles
Washing with a brush or sponge is a must after every feeding. And it is better to sterilize in the evening or in the morning, in order to get rid of all pathogenic bacteria and not worry about the cleanliness of children's accessories.
When doing this, you must follow the safety rules: otherwise you can inadvertently scald or deform plastic dishes.
Below are three general guidelines for sterilizing baby bottles.
- The utensil must not be immersed in boiling water, otherwise it will soften and melt.
- Glasses and bottles are placed with their neck down: so that the steam cleans the inside, and the condensate flows down the walls into a bowl.
- Bottles must not touch the sides of the pan as they may melt and stick to them.
After sterilization, it is better not to remove the dishes from the container for about ten minutes. It should cool down to a comfortable temperature. And if you really need it, you should use tongs, oven mitts or a kitchen towel folded in several layers.
By the way: Baby utensils: how to choose - 4 key parameters to help
How to sterilize pacifiers for babies?
Teats are sterilized in the same way as bottles, but with the base down - to steam not only the outer, but also the inner walls. And let the moisture drain.
Types of sterilization
Two types of sterilization are used for the treatment of children's utensils - steam and dry heat.
- In the first case, the vessel is steamed.
- In the second, washed and still wet bottles are heated in the oven, sterilizer, microwave, multicooker and even in the dishwasher, which supports steam treatment at 80+°C.
Life hack: how to steam bottles and other things with sterilization bags (such as Nuvita NV1087)
- Put dishes in food bags.
- Pour 60-70 ml of water into them.
- Microwave for 2-3 minutes.
The sterilization process is as simple as a copper penny. Evaporating moisture destroys pathogenic (and not only) microbes from various surfaces. Materials exposed to hot air and steam do not creak from cleanliness, but are sterile and safe for health.
In this way, not only nipples and bottles are disinfected, but also brushes, bowls, thermoses and cups like Avent SCF796/01 and so on.
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The microwave oven offers 3 sterilization options. Not all of them are suitable for processing nipples.
- Place the bottles in a glass or ceramic dish → fill it with water → cover with a lid → put the microwave on maximum power for 5-7 minutes.
- Pour water into the bottle 1-1.5 cm from the bottom → microwave for 3-5 minutes. The nipples will have to be washed separately.
- In the Nuvita type microwave sterilizer (NV1085), it is enough to put the container → pour water → click on the valve → set the device to work for 5-8 minutes.
Picking up a hot dish is easier with tongs or oven mitts.
Sterilization in the microwave gives its advantages and disadvantages, described in the table: the inner bowl of the multicooker. So that the saucepan does not smell like food, otherwise bottles or children's dishes will take over this smell.
The subsequent sterilization process in the multicooker is similar to microwave.
- Pour ≈ 1-1.5 liters of water into the bowl.
- Place the steam rack and place the bottles upside down.
- Seal the steam device hermetically.
- Set "Steam" mode to 15 minutes or "Sterilize" mode.
- Remove the dishes and cover with a towel to cool completely.
This method also has its pros and cons.
Children's sterilizer is an electrical device for cleaning utensils. Works carefully, the bottle will not crack due to overheating.
Everything is calculated with medical precision in the method of steaming with a sterilizer. The device holds up to 6-8 bottles and the same number of nipples. A great example of such a device is the Philips Avent 3-in-1 steam sterilizer. It is ideal for a family with several kids.
How the device works is as simple as it gets. It consists of step by step actions.
- Pour cold water into the tank (how much is indicated in the instructions).
- Place pre-cleaned bottles in special niches. This should be done upside down.
- Close cover.
- Switch on the sterilizer for 7-15 minutes.
- Allow the device to “cool down” for 5-7 minutes. This is necessary so that you do not accidentally burn yourself with steam.
If the use of the bottles "does not burn", then they can be left under a closed lid - so they will be sterile for another 4-5 hours. If you need to get one of the bottles, take only it, and close the rest of the clean bottles with lids.
Before putting the dishes into the sterilizer, make sure they are clean. The device removes germs and odor, but does not cope with pollution.
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Avoid Sterilization Mistakes: 4 Common
Many parents make basic mistakes that are best addressed in advance.
1. Unwashed or poorly washed utensils
Leftover food provokes the reproduction of microflora and can cause stomach problems in a child. And sterilization does not wash out food residues - only cleaning can do this.
2. Pot boiling
You can't boil! The maximum allowable temperature for children's utensils is 110 ° C. And often it is even less. Otherwise, the bottles may melt.
3. Installation in a steamer and microwave without water is contraindicated
The device will burn, and the dishes will melt.
4. Sterilization of dishes with visible chips and cracks
Microbes accumulate and multiply in them, which can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only.