How to increase your chance of having a boy
Is It Possible to Influence the Sex of Your Baby?
Are you wanting to expand your family and have your heart set on having a little boy? While it may seem taboo to admit you have a preference for the sex of your unborn child, it’s OK to admit your dreams. We won’t share your secret with anyone!
If you haven’t yet conceived, you may have heard rumors about things you can try to influence the sex of your baby. Perhaps you just started searching for ideas to help you have a baby boy. What are some things you can try? Are some methods more effective than others?
We understand that “sex” and “gender” are terms that are evolving in our world, so before going any further, we’d like to clarify that when we talk about the sex of a baby in this article, we’re only talking about the baby’s chromosomes, the XY combination that is thought of as male.
Thus, the “sex” mentioned in this article is determined by the sperm contributing a Y and the egg contributing an X.
As to whether there’s a guaranteed way to influence your chances have a boy — no, there isn’t. Short of medically implanting an embryo that is known to be a boy, there are no guarantees when it comes to the sex of your baby.
In general there is approximately a 50/50 chance of having a boy or girl if things are left to nature. It all comes down to which sperm wins the race, and millions of them are racing.
That’s where the idea the influencing the sex of your future child comes in. Some argue that by using timing, position, diet, and other methods you can alter the odds in favor of the male sperm.
Interestingly, one 2008 study of 927 family trees indicates that whether you’ll have boys or girls may actually be determined by the father in more ways than one. Not only do chromosomes in the sperm dictate the sex of the baby, but some fathers may be predisposed to have more boys or girls.
According to this study, men may inherit a tendency to have more boys or girls from their parents, which may mean that some men produce more Y or X chromosome sperm. Thus, if a man has more brothers, he may also have more sons.
If you really want a boy, there are suggestions that some parents will tell you worked for them. None of these suggestions are scientifically proven to guarantee results, but people try them hoping to improve the odds in their favor.
For starters, you may want to consider what you’re eating as you try to conceive. While this concept has not been widely studied or substantiated (so take these suggestions with a grain of salt), researchers in a 2008 study of 740 women found an association between taking in more calories and conceiving a boy.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should wildly increase your portion sizes and nosh throughout the day as you try to conceive. Keep in mind that healthy eating habits now (whole foods, fruits and vegetables, low-sugar snacks) will help you continue to take in the appropriate number of calories when you’re pregnant.
The women studied also consumed higher levels of potassium. (Want to eat more potassium? Try bananas, sweet potatoes, and white beans. )
The study also noted that “Women producing male infants consumed more breakfast cereal than those with female infants.” So go ahead and pour yourself a bowl!
The Shettles method
Another suggestion to increase your chances of having a boy is a conception plan called the Shettles method, which was developed by Landrum B. Shettles around 1960.
Shettles studied sperm to determine what might impact the speed of the sperm. (After all, the sperm that wins the race and fertilizes the egg determines the gender.) He considered timing of intercourse, positions, and the pH of body fluids to see which may have an impact on gender.
Key points of the Shettles method include:
- sex close to ovulation
- sperm deposited close to the cervix using positions allowing for deep penetration
- alkaline environment in the vagina
- woman having an orgasm first
How effective is the Shettles method? Well, it depends who you talk to. Shettles claims an overall 75 percent success rate in the current edition of his book, and there are plenty of people who claim that they successfully conceived a boy or girl using his method.
On the other hand, some older research found that sex 2 to 3 days after ovulation may not lead to pregnancy at all. And another (also dated) study suggested that X and Y chromosomes do not have the meaningful shape differences Shettles believed existed.
Looking for more reliable ways to increase your odds? Depending on your circumstances and the availability of these options, there are medical interventions you can try.
However, these treatments can be expensive and mentally and physically taxing. They also come with risks, from surgical complications to miscarriage and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Therefore, they’re generally not suggested for sex selection without a medical need.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) allows people to conceive a child through medicalized procedures. Some of these methods include: in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT).
Through a process called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) or preimplantation genetic selection (PGS) it’s possible to use IVF to create embryos, test these embryos for their sex, and implant an embryo with the desired sex into the uterus.
This essentially guarantees that if all goes well with the pregnancy you’ll have the little boy (or girl) you’ve been dreaming of.
Considerations for sex selection
It’s important to note that while PGD/PGS is allowed in the United States, this process is illegal in many other countries like the United Kingdom and China unless there is severe medical grounds.
While it’s possible for people to travel to another country to have the procedures done (and many people do so), the high cost and extra complications involved may make it less appealing.
One reasons lawmakers have given for making PGD/PGS illegal is a fear that parents will choose to have a disproportionate amount of boys or girls. Having a population with too many male or female babies could result in problems with future population growth.
In countries that ban sex selection, one suggestion has been to limit PGD/PGS to medical issues and “family balancing.” This would require families to have a child of the other sex before they could decide on a future child’s sex.
Perhaps an even greater reason lawmakers have seen to limit PGD or make it illegal are the ethical concerns involved. This is a complex and emotionally-charged subject. It’s important to explore your own feelings and discuss your options with your doctor.
It’s natural to imagine your future child, and have hopes for what they’ll be like. However, it’s important to keep in mind that determining the sex of your baby is not usually within your control.
Remember every child is unique. Just because you have a little girl does not mean that you have to give up hopes of the fun things you imagined doing with a son. Likewise, just because you are successful in your quest to have a little boy does not mean life will be exactly what your imagination predicted.
If you find yourself feeling extreme disappointment, resentment, or struggling to bond with your child for any reason, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider or a trained therapist to help you work through your feelings.
How to Have a Boy — Best Way to Conceive a Baby Boy
One of the very first questions you’ll hear when you announce that you’re pregnant is “Are you hoping for a girl or a boy?” While the expected answer is usually “I just want a healthy baby,” it’s honestly fine if you’re secretly hoping for one gender over the other.
If you’ve been dreaming of becoming a boy mom and dressing your little guy in all of the adorable dinosaur and motorcycle T-shirts you see in the baby clothing section, you may be wondering or even googling “what makes you likely to have a baby boy?” From what you eat or don’t eat to the times of the month you should conceive and should not conceive, there’s a lot of old wives' tales about how to conceive a boy.
“There are multiple suggested tips and tricks to conceive one gender or the other, however, there is no actual scientific evidence that any of this works,” said Dr. Jodie Horton, MD. “Despite the lack of research that any method may work, it won’t stop people from trying. ”
What Makes You Likely to Have a Boy?
According to Dr. Horton, parents who want to increase their odds of having a boy can opt for gender selection methods through in vitro fertilization. However, if you are looking for a more natural and less expensive route, here are some methods that parents say helped them successfully conceive a baby boy.
A Diet That Could Help You Conceive a Boy
From what you eat to how much you eat, adjusting your diet may help increase your odds of conceiving a boy naturally.
One study found that when mothers increased their calorie intake and ate breakfast cereals, they were more likely to give birth to boys. Researchers of the study say this may be because of higher blood glucose. So if a little boy is part of your plan, stock up on your favorite sugary cereal.
While there is no scientific data backing this idea, there are plenty of supporters with anecdotal information that the key to having a baby boy is to eat foods that increase the alkaline in a woman’s body. This high alkaline level is believed to create the perfect high pH environment to conceive a boy.
Here’s the food you’ll want to add to your cart:
- Fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, green leafy veggies and root vegetables
- Foods that contain potassium, such as bananas, avocados and salmon
- Foods high in alkaline like nuts, seeds and whole grains
To keep your pH environment boy-friendly, avoid:
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Meat
- Processed food
The best part of these diet tips: Eating more fruits and veggies and cutting out processed food is always a good idea even if it doesn’t increase your odds of having a boy.
Vitamins to take to conceive a baby boy
Dr. Horton said the first supplement you should take is a prenatal vitamin. “It’s important to take prenatal vitamins with folic acid at least three months before getting pregnant.” However there are some theories on how additional supplements can help increase your chances of conceiving a boy.
Evening primrose oil and guaifenesin are said to improve the quality of cervical mucus, making it easier for sperm to reach the egg. Since boy producing sperm swim more quickly than girl producing sperm, these supplements could help the boy sperm get to the egg faster and be the first to fertilize the egg.
Dr. Horton noted that before adding any vitamins or supplements to your daily routine, talk to your doctor.
Fertile Days to Conceive a Boy
Checking your monthly calendar for what is the best time to conceive a baby boy? Here are three different methods you might want to try.
The Shettles Method
Developed by Dr. Landrum B. Shettles in the 1960s, this method focuses on timing intercourse to increase their odds of having either a boy or a girl. For this method, couples should have sex on the day a woman ovulates as well as the days after — up to three days. They should also avoid sex in the time between menstrual periods and the days leading up to ovulation. The theory here goes back to the speed the boy producing sperm swims and making sure that when the egg is released, the boy sperm are closer than the girl-producing sperm.
The Whelan Method
Made famous by Elizabeth Whelan, this method gives the opposite advice of the Shettles Method for having a baby boy. After tracking your basal body temperature (when your body is at rest) for a few months to learn when you ovulate, the Whelan Method states you should have sex four to six days before ovulation if you want a boy.
The Babydust Method
Created by microbiologist Kathryn Taylor, this method follows a strict sex schedule to help increase your odds of having a boy. To start, women should chart their luteinising hormone — the hormone that triggers ovulation — twice a day for at least three months before trying to conceive. This can be done with at-home ovulation kits. Then have sex as close to ovulation as possible and avoid the two or three days before ovulation to conceive a boy.
Frequency of Sex to Conceive a Boy
During your most fertile days of the month, you may want to have sex as often as possible to increase your odds of getting pregnant. However, Dr. Horton said if you are trying for a boy, have less sex. “If you have sex less frequently your partner will have a higher sperm count. It is believed that male sperm are not as strong as female sperm so the higher sperm count can limit male sperm's chances of fertilizing an egg first,” she said.
The Bottom Line
While none of these methods guarantee you’ll have a little boy, they can help you become more aware of your fertility cycle, your diet and how your body works, which could help you have the baby of your dreams.
Before you start planning to grow your family and try any of these methods to conceive a boy, it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor. “You want to be in the best health possible before conceiving,” said Dr. Horton. “Studies found that the healthier you are mentally and physically, the higher the chances are for getting pregnant. ” From starting a prenatal vitamin, cutting stress, making lifestyle changes, and addressing any medical problems, Dr. Horton said, you’re ensuring a better pregnancy for you and your future baby.
“I tell my patients to enjoy conceiving your child, take care of yourself and the baby during the pregnancy, and be happy with having a healthy mom and baby. Each child is unique and should be loved and appreciated regardless of gender.”
little princess or brave cowboy?
Planning the sex of the child: a little princess or a brave cowboy?
"What should I do to get pregnant with a boy?" or “How to get pregnant with a girl?” – the most pressing questions during planning pregnancy. They have existed at all times. Therefore, recommendations on how to predict the sex of a child begin with ancient folk methods and end with the latest medical developments. Unfortunately, practically none of these methods gives a reliable guarantee that your expectations will be met. But whoever is born to you, little princess or brave cowboy, believe me, this little man will be the best and most beloved in the world. Simply because he is yours. nine0003
X and Y chromosome theory
Even from a school textbook on biology, we know that sex is determined by the combination of X and Y chromosomes. For boys it is XY, for girls it is XX. A woman's ovum initially contains X chromosome. Accordingly, in order to conceive a girl, an egg must be fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, and a boy by Y. There are fewer X sperm in the sperm, but they are more hardy and live longer. So here is the secret formula for getting pregnant with a girl.
nine0002 Reduce the amount of sperm + create an acidic environment in the vagina + have intercourse a couple of days before ovulation You can reduce the number of spermatozoa by making love a short time after the previous sexual intercourse. For example, surrendered to passion in the evening, conception scheduled for the morning. In a short period of time, the body of a man will not have time to produce a large number of spermatozoa.
In an acidic environment, XY spermatozoa will die, and XX spermatozoa will retain their ability to live. You can create an acidic environment in the vagina, for example, by douching. Incorrectly prepared douche solution can be dangerous and cause health problems. For proper preparation, consult a gynecologist. Also, the acidic environment will increase if 3 months before conception actively eat sour berries, citrus fruits, canned products. nine0003
During these couple of days before ovulation, the spermatozoa with the XY chromosome set will already be incapacitated, but the XX spermatozoa will survive until ovulation and fertilize the egg.
How to get pregnant with a boy?
Alkaline environment in the vagina + sexual intercourse right at the peak of ovulation
An alkaline environment promotes the survival of Y spermatozoa and this environment naturally forms in the vagina during ovulation. Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, you need refrain from the above products that create an acidic environment, and avoid getting a douche solution or lubricants into the vagina. A few days before ovulation simply wash with mild baby soap. nine0003
To get a boy, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse directly on the day of ovulation. Sprinter spermatozoa Y will be the first to get to the egg and infiltrate it. AND before this, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for several days. Favorable for conception of a boy a couple of days after ovulation.
Usually, all women planning a pregnancy know exactly when they have the day of ovulation. If not, just count 14 days from the first day of your period. Of course, the pharmacy sells special tests that determine ovulation. But it's not hard to figure it out on your own. nine0003
intimate details
To get a girl, you need to make the XX sperm journey longer, and in this case, posture plays a role. Suitable missionary or on the side. To this end, lengthening the path spermatozoa, the penis for a girl should not be inserted at all deeply. And for a boy, as deep as possible. And the position is desirable man behind.
There is also such a theory - in order to become pregnant with a girl, you need to minimize foreplay and prevent a woman from having an orgasm. But for the boy, on the contrary, there is the exact opposite version is that a woman must definitely get an orgasm, since uterine contractions during it, as it were, draw in spermatozoa. And for this, the prelude must last longer. nine0003
There is no scientific evidence for the theory that the less often a couple has sex, the more likely it is to conceive a girl, and the more often a boy.
For a future heir, men are advised to drink a cup of coffee or other drinks containing caffeine a couple of hours before conception. And a few days before it, do not overheat scrotum with underwear with insulation or hot baths.
Playing blood
The blood in our body is updated regularly. For women, this happens every 3 years, for men, every 4. It is believed that the baby will be the sex of the parent whose blood is “newer”. This can be easily calculated by the age of the partners. But it is worth considering the forced blood loss. For example, giving birth or donating blood. In this case, you need to consider this dates. You can, of course, not suffer and not calculate, and even more so not get upset if the forecasts are not comforting. There is an option to simply go and donate blood to the parent whose the floor is planned to be transferred to the future child. It is better to do this 3 months before conception. nine0003
There is also a table to determine the sex of the child. In this case, you have no power to decide whether to become pregnant with a girl or a boy, you can only see the probability. So or you will have to select a partner for blood type and Rh factor.
Blood type | father | |||
mother | I | II | III | IV |
I | girl | boy | girl | boy |
II | boy | girl | boy | girl |
III | girl | boy | boy | boy |
IV | boy | nine0057 girlboy | boy |
Rh factor | father | |||
mother | + | - | ||
- | girl | boy | ||
+ | boy | girl |
Need | Not allowed |
products with magnesium and calcium | salty products |
fish | smoked meats |
seafood | conservation |
lean boiled meat | spicy food |
eggs | potatoes |
pasta and flour products | corn |
wheat and rice groats | carbonated drinks |
all dairy products, especially cottage cheese, cheese, yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk | fruit juices |
vegetables - eggplant, beets, onions | nine0057|
apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, raspberries, strawberries, grapes | |
walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews pine nuts | |
raisins, dried apricots, prunes | |
cakes, pastries, sweets |
It is advisable to start following the diet 3 months before conception. Well, at least a month before conception, you need to sit on it. Note that the likelihood that your hopes for the sex of the baby justified, increase if such a diet is observed not only by the mother, but also by the father. nine0003
Chinese table
The gender of the child has been tried to be determined since ancient times in different nations. After all, hundreds of years ago it was not only a parental whim - the fate of the whole family depended on it. AT version of the Chinese table, a year must be added to the age of the mother, since in China a newborn baby is considered 9 months old.
Moon phases
When the moon enters the phase of the male sign of the zodiac, it is more likely that a boy will be born. And the girl will turn out if the moon is in a female sign. nine0003
Male signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
Female signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
At the same time, girls are usually born to women of the male sign, and boys to the female. If the "sex" of the mother's zodiac sign matches the "gender" of the sign father's zodiac - the probability is much greater.
Statistics and observations
Couples in which spouses smoke appear more often girls .
Sons more often give birth to women with a large weight.
Girls are usually obtained from tall and large men.
In families where the father is the obvious head of the family, more often boys are born . Perhaps this is due to an excess of male hormones in the father.
Mothers who were relaxed and calm during pregnancy usually have boys . Or those mothers who constantly whine during pregnancy, whine and complain. And for those who steadfastly endured stress and were constantly in suspense, while adequately maintaining self-control - girls. nine0003
Women who have been treated for infertility or have been unable to conceive for a long time usually receive sons .
The method refers not only to the choice of the sex of the child, but in principle to all spheres of life. At first glance, everything is very simple - to imagine the desired object as often as possible. Presenting your child in detail, talking with him or her, can increase the likelihood of a child of the desired gender being born.
nine0004 Folk remediesOf course, these methods are very doubtful, and are unlikely to bring you closer to the expected result. But in order to reveal the topic completely, we still have to mention them.
For a boy, put objects or toys for boys in bed (preferably those that do not carry violence in themselves, such as a typewriter, not a gun). For girls before the act of love put all sorts of feminine things in bed - a mirror, a comb, a cosmetic bag, etc.
If during intercourse the head of a woman is directed to the north - there will be a boy, to the south - a girl. nine0003
Sexual intercourse in the rain will result in a girl, in dry weather a boy. And for the boy it is desirable that the night was calm, and the moon shone right in the window.
5 days before the planned conception, drink a glass of plum or apple juice daily 20 minutes before bedtime.
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday are auspicious days to get pregnant with a girl.
Before sexual intercourse, the mother must tie a thread around the little finger of her right hand. nine0003
Sexual intercourse under a young birch is likely to end in the conception of a girl.
100% percent guarantee
All of the above methods are absolutely no guarantee that you will have a boy or a girl. The only way that guarantees you the desired gender of the child with A 100% guarantee is artificial in vitro fertilization. In laboratories, sperm is preliminarily divided into fractions of the X and Y chromosomes, and artificial the desired spermatozoon is introduced into the egg. The latest medical innovation in this area is the MicroSort method. This technology includes intrauterine insemination, it is easier and more affordable than IVF. But such technologies are now functioning only in some countries. And not only because the technique is quite new and allow it not all couples can afford it. On the one hand, it is considered simply unethical - to be so unceremoniously introduced into the ideas of nature. On the other hand, the distribution such methods can create a huge imbalance in society, so it will be possible to implement it in the future only with the permission of the world government and under its strict control. nine0003
How to conceive a girl or a boy: only scientific methods
June 12, 2019 Likbez Health
No matter how hard scientists try, it is not always possible to determine the sex of a child.
If you just have sex in a comfortable environment, the probability of conceiving a boy or a girl is about the same - 50 to 50. But this can be influenced.
What may determine the sex of the unborn child
At first glance, everything is simple: if the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y-chromosome, a boy will be conceived. If with X - a girl. It would seem that it is enough to somehow influence the composition of the sperm so that the necessary chromosomes are the first to enter the egg, and the job is done. But no. nine0003
Statistics show that the sex of a child may depend not only on spermatozoa, but also on the physical condition and lifestyle of future fathers and mothers. Here are just a few examples.
Mom's diet
Scientists asked 740 women who had just given birth to remember what they ate before conception. It turned out that if the expectant mother prefers foods rich in potassium, eats cereal for breakfast and receives a large number of calories daily, then the likelihood of having a boy is higher. nine0003
There is something in this, because a similar pattern is observed in nature. For example, malnourished hamsters usually produce females, while well-fed hamsters usually produce males.
Parents' stress level
The researchers found that during the two years after the earthquake on the island of Zakynthos, far fewer boys were born than girls.
Scientists suggest that more fragile Y-chromosome spermatozoa do not survive periods of high psychological stress. In addition, stress can affect the hormone levels in the mother's body and cause the egg to prefer X-chromosome sperm. nine0003
Father's financial situation
According to some reports, men who grew up in prosperity and inherited a large fortune from the family are more likely to have boys. This trend does not apply to female heirs, as well as those who have achieved financial success on their own.
Maternal blood pressure
In 2017, Canadian endocrinologist Ravi Retnakaran discovered a link between blood pressure levels in expectant mothers and the birth of a child of a certain gender. Women's blood pressure was measured approximately 26 weeks before conception. nine0003
Those who had it higher were more likely to give birth to boys. Ravi called pressure "an as yet unrecognized biological factor in gender balance."
Recall that these are just statistics. There is no evidence that changes in diet or other factors always affect the sex of an unborn baby.
How to influence gender
Since modern science is not able to take into account all the "gender balance factors", there are no natural ways to plan and guarantee a child of the desired gender. But there are artificial ones. Let's go through the most popular. nine0003
How to conceive a girl or boy naturally
The best known option is ovulation planning, or the Shettles method. This American doctor in the 1960s published the book "How to choose the sex of the child", which became an instant bestseller. In it, the author explains: “male” (Y) spermatozoa are smaller, lighter and faster than “female” (X). Therefore, couples who want to conceive a boy should have sex during the period as close as possible to ovulation. Then the "male" sperm will get to the egg first. nine0003
According to Shettles, Y-chromosomes benefit when sperm is ejected as close as possible to the opening of the cervix. This is achievable in the doggy-style position (man behind).
If parents want to conceive a girl, the doctor recommends having sex in the missionary position and doing it 2-4 days before ovulation. In this case, only the more stable and heavy "female" spermatozoa will survive until the moment the egg appears.
Alas, ovulation planning and other natural methods are very unreliable. nine0003
The method is criticized by other physicians. Estimates of its effectiveness vary. Some doctors claim a 96% success rate, while others claim that planning for ovulation only works 39% of the time, which is even worse than regular sex with its 50/50 probability distribution.
How to conceive a boy or girl by artificial means
Sperm sorting
This method involves "filtering" the semen, sifting out the lighter Y-sperm. They are then injected into the female egg using in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology. nine0003
Efficiency is quite high. According to some reports, sorting is successful in more than 90% of cases if the couple is hoping to conceive a girl, and more than 85% if it is a boy.
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
This is the most effective, but at the same time extremely controversial method of sex planning. It consists of several stages. IVF is carried out at the first stage: several eggs are fertilized at once. At the second stage, using genetic analysis, it is determined which of the embryos that have begun development have the “correct” gender. At the third, selected embryos (one or more) are introduced into the uterine mucosa - this is how pregnancy begins. nine0003
PGD is justified if the unborn child has a high risk of hereditary diseases associated with sex.