Can you feel a baby at 8 weeks
8 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy
When you're pregnant, you have lots of questions. Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is packed with lots of useful information. From what's happening inside your body, to how your baby is developing, and tips and advice on having a healthy pregnancy – this is your one-stop pregnancy guide!
- 1st trimester
- 2nd trimester
- 3rd trimester
Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is full of essential information. From early pregnancy symptoms to how your baby is growing and developing, you'll find it all here.
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
- Week 11
- Week 12
You might be feeling bloated and you may have slightly swollen breasts, but it will probably be a few more weeks before you start looking pregnant.
What's happening in my body?
Your baby is growing very quickly. The placenta is getting ready to provide nutrients and oxygen and take away the waste. As part of this process, your placenta is sprouting little branches that will enable it to attach itself to the wall of your womb.
Beating the pregnancy blues
There may be times when you feel anxious and stressed. Look after yourself and get as much rest as you can. Try to eat 6 small healthy meals a day. You could also experiment with mindfulness. You can read NHS advice on how to cope with feelings and relationships during your pregnancy. The important thing is to share your worries, as there is lots of support available. A good start would be to talk to your midwife or doctor.
Early pregnancy symptoms (at 8 weeks)
You may be feeling tired and sick, you could find yourself peeing more often as your expanding womb pushes onto your bladder. If this starts to affect your sleep, try to drink lots of fluids in the day but less in the evenings.
Your symptoms could also include:
- a metallic taste in your mouth
- sore breasts
- morning sickness (read some ways to cope with morning sickness on week 6's page
- headaches
- mood swings
- new likes and dislikes for food and drink
- a heightened sense of smell
- a milky white pregnancy discharge from your vagina
- light spotting (see your doctor if you get bleeding in pregnancy)
- cramping, a bit like period pains
- darkened skin on your face or brown patches – this is known as chloasma faciei or the "mask of pregnancy"
- thicker and shinier hair
- bloating and the feeling of being bloated (read ways to cope with bloating on week 10's page)
Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.
What does my baby look like?
Your baby is now around 16mm long, which is about the size of a raspberry. By next week, they will be twice the size!
The tiny head has started to uncurl a bit. Their arms are getting longer and are bigger than the legs as the upper part of the body grows faster than the lower part. The legs are getting longer too, although the knees, ankles, thighs and toes have not developed yet.
Around now, your embryo becomes a “foetus”, which means offspring in Latin.
Action stations
Share the news with your GP or ask for an appointment with a midwife at your doctors' surgery. Alternatively you can refer yourself to your local hospital – look for contact details on their website.
You'll need to arrange a booking appointment. This usually takes place between weeks 8 and 12, and takes around an hour. You can talk about the options for your pregnancy and the birth. You'll also be offered screening tests for infectious diseases, and conditions such as Down's syndrome. You could ask about the Maternity Transformation Programme and how it could benefit you.
You will be offered your first dating scan at 8 to 14 weeks.
If it's your first pregnancy, you will probably have around 10 appointments and 2 scans in total.
Ask your midwife or doctor about online antenatal classes – they may be able to recommend one. The charity Tommy's has lots of useful information on antenatal classes and preparing you for birth.
Antenatal classes will give you the chance to meet other people and prepare you for parenthood. The NCT offers online antenatal classes with small groups of people that live locally to you.
Take prenatal vitamins. You're advised to take 400mcg of folic acid every day, until at least week 12. This helps your baby's nervous system to form and offers some protection from conditions such as spina bifida.
To keep bones and muscles healthy, we need vitamin D. From late March/early April to the end of September, most people make enough vitamin D from sunlight on their skin. However, between October and early March, you should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement because we cannot make enough from sunlight.
Some people should take a vitamin D supplement all year round, find out if this applies to you on the NHS website. You just need 10 micrograms (it's the same for grown-ups and kids). Check if you're entitled to free vitamins.
Do you think you or your partner could have a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? If so, get checked out, as this could affect your baby's development. Talk to your midwife or GP, or visit a sexual health clinic.
It's recommended that you do 150 minutes of exercise a week while pregnant. You could start off with just 10 minutes of daily exercise - perhaps take a brisk walk outside. Check out Sport England's #StayInWorkOut online exercises (scroll to the pregnancy section). Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.
There's no need to eat for 2. If you pile on the pounds, you could put yourself and your baby at risk of health problems such as high blood pressure. Eat healthily, with plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and avoid processed, fatty and salty foods. You may be able to get free milk, fruit and veg through the Healthy Start scheme.
If you have a long-term health condition, then let your specialist or GP know you're pregnant as soon as possible. Don't stop taking any regular medication without discussing it with your doctor first.
How are you today? If you're feeling anxious or low, then talk to your midwife or doctor. They can point you in the right direction to get all the support that you need. You could also discuss your worries with your partner, friends and family.
You may be worried about your relationship, or money, or having somewhere permanent to live. Don't keep it to yourself. It's important that you ask for help if you need it.
You and your family should follow the government and NHS guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19):
To find out about about COVID-19 and pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, have a look at advice on the:
Want to know when the baby's due?
Use the NHS's pregnancy due date calculator.
You'll get a more accurate date from your doctor or midwife when you have a dating scan (usually at 8 to 14 weeks).
Go back to week 7
Go to week 9
8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development
At 8 weeks pregnant, your pregnancy is already in full swing, and you might be experiencing some common symptoms, like morning sickness, mild cramping, or spotting. Every pregnancy is different, so don’t worry if you haven’t noticed anything just yet. Keep reading to find out what happens at 8 weeks pregnant, plus what to expect in terms of symptoms and your little one's development.
Highlights at 8 Weeks Pregnant
Your eighth week of pregnancy is here, and we’ve got some exciting and important highlights for you to check out:
Your little one is starting to develop tiny fingers and toes!
You’ll likely have a prenatal appointment with your healthcare provider this week, or in the coming weeks—the perfect time to bring up questions.
Start thinking about when (and how) you’d like to share the big news! The end of the first trimester is on the horizon, which is when many people tell others that they are pregnant.
Be prepared for some new symptoms, like pain in the lower back. The muscles are working harder to support your growing uterus.
Confirming Your Pregnancy at 8 Weeks
At 8 weeks pregnant, it's likely that you've gotten a positive result after taking a pregnancy test, which works by detecting levels of the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your urine. It's also possible to receive a negative pregnancy test yet still be pregnant! To know for certain, make an appointment with your healthcare provider.
Once you confirm your pregnancy, you might start wondering when your due date is if you’re eight weeks pregnant. Your healthcare provider will be able to confirm that date, but in the meantime, try our Due Date Calculator.
How Many Months Is 8 Weeks Pregnant?
Though it’s more common to refer to your pregnancy in weeks, it’s sometimes easier to envision it in months. There is not a single, standard way to group the 40 weeks of pregnancy into months, but at 8 weeks pregnant, you could be nearing the end of your second month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any belly bump or symptoms!
8 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
This week is all about your little one working on those important internal and external features, including adorable fingers and toes!
Your baby’s hands and feet, once simple buds, are starting to form tiny fingers and toes, and those arms are able to flex at the elbows and wrists.
At this point, eyes begin to develop pigment, and genitals are forming too, although it's still too soon to know your little one’s biological sex. If you feel like taking a guess, have some fun with our Baby Gender Quiz.
The internal organs are making progress, too. As the intestines form, they start to take up space in the umbilical cord because there’s not enough room in your baby’s abdomen yet. Even at this early stage, the intestines are working to carry waste away from the body.
How Big Is a Baby at 8 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby has already come a long way, and soon, growth will speed right up! At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of a raspberry—just half an inch long.
Your Baby: What Does 8 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
At 8 weeks of pregnancy, here’s a glimpse of what the embryo may look like:
Your Body at 8 Weeks Pregnant
By the time you’re 8 weeks pregnant, pregnancy symptoms may be more noticeable. Your clothes might start to feel a little snug and you may experience some symptoms you hadn’t felt before, or some that seem to come and go. On the plus side, your healthcare provider may be able to detect some cardiac activity at 8 weeks pregnant, though your baby’s heart rate might be a little too fast to pick up in an internal or external ultrasound.
By the way, if this isn’t your first pregnancy, you may be interested in reading about some of the ways a second pregnancy differs from the first.
8 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
What “should” you be feeling at 8 weeks pregnant? Because every person and pregnancy is different, there’s no standard way anyone “should” feel at this time. However, at 8 weeks pregnant, you might experience some of these symptoms:
Morning sickness. By now you may be dealing with morning sickness that causes nausea and even vomiting at 8 weeks pregnant. The good news is morning sickness symptoms usually subside during the second trimester, and you're almost there! If you’re wondering how to stop nausea at 8 weeks (or at least reduce it), try nibbling on crackers before you get up, and aim for five or six small meals a day, rather than three large ones.
Food and smell aversions. Certain tastes and odors that have never bothered you before may seem overbearing or repugnant, thanks to increased hormones that amplify your sense of smell and make your stomach feel as if you’re on a wild roller coaster ride. If everything makes you feel nauseated or you can’t keep anything down at 8 weeks, talk to your healthcare provider.
Diarrhea. Your digestive system may be far more sensitive now, and symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, and stomach pain are all common at 8 weeks pregnant. Practicing healthy eating habits and staying hydrated may help. Contact your healthcare provider if diarrhea lasts longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms. Don't take anti-diarrheal medicine or any medication before checking with your provider.
Frequent urination. Yes, you may be making lots of extra trips to the bathroom at this time! At 8 weeks pregnant, and throughout your pregnancy, you may notice some symptoms come and go, and this is a common one.
As your baby grows and your uterus expands, both put pressure on your bladder.
Abdominal cramping. Cramping is also common at 8 weeks pregnant and is another symptom that may come and go. Mild cramping or feeling like your period is coming at 8 weeks pregnant (and beyond) can be associated with the continued growth of your uterus. If the symptoms are severe, consult your healthcare provider to rule out problems.
Back pain. By the time you’re 8 weeks pregnant, lower back pain may strike. That's because the muscles in your back are working harder than usual as your weight is redistributed to accommodate your growing uterus. Furthermore, your center of gravity is changing, and those pregnancy hormones are working on relaxing ligaments in the joints of your pelvis, which can lead to discomfort.
Spotting and discharge. Spotting (light bleeding) and discharge can be normal at 8 weeks pregnant, and you may notice these symptoms when you wipe.
However, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you feel at all concerned and call right away if you notice heavier bleeding or abnormal discharge.
Fatigue. Your progesterone levels are increasing, which can often leave you feeling more tired than usual. Go ahead and grab some extra snooze time whenever you can. If you’re feeling exhausted, listen to your body and try to take it easy.
Trouble sleeping. Changing hormone levels, discomfort, and extra trips to the bathroom often add up to disturbed sleep. Try listening to peaceful music or reading a book if you’re feeling wide awake. You can also try drinking warm milk or taking a shower or bath before bed. Some women find lying on their left side helpful, as it improves blood circulation. Placing a pillow between your knees may help you feel more comfortable too.
How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 8 Weeks?
Can you start showing at 8 weeks? Every pregnancy is unique, but it’s safe to say that you probably won’t see any difference in your belly’s size (even when pregnant with twins) at 8 weeks. Remember, your little one is only the size of a raspberry! If you’re experiencing slight bloating around your abdomen at 8 weeks pregnant, you might notice what appears to be a small belly. You may not have a true baby bump around week 12 to 16, as your uterus becomes too big to fit into your pelvis area.
What Does 8 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
To get a better idea of what your belly might look like around 8 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your second month of pregnancy, check out the image below.
8 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
As you round out the second month in your pregnancy journey, there are plenty of important things to do and think about in the coming weeks, from brushing up on pregnancy symptoms to researching baby names. Check out our list below.
You might want to add a few pieces of stretchy clothing to your wardrobe that will grow with you. Your clothes might be feeling tight by now, and you'll want to avoid tight pants from here on out.
Don't forget to get fitted for the correct bra size throughout your pregnancy as your breasts grow.
Take care of yourself by exercising. If you were fairly active before your pregnancy, it’s usually considered safe to continue the activities you enjoyed (just confirm with your healthcare provider to be sure).
Getting good care is important! It’s time for your first visit with your healthcare provider, so if you haven’t chosen a provider, now is a good time. Your options may depend on where you live and your insurance coverage, but whomever you choose, it’s important that you’re comfortable with this person's philosophy and practices.
Should you tell your boss you’re pregnant at 8 weeks? How about family and friends? When to tell people you’re pregnant is the subject of much debate: Some choose to tell close friends and family right away. Others wait until they’re past the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is much lower.
In the end, it’s totally up to you!
If you have a little spare time this week, take a moment to read up on some of the pregnancy warning signs you shouldn’t ignore. Being aware of the symptoms of potential complications might help you feel confident about what may be normal and what may not be. Remember, your healthcare provider is the expert, though, so if you’re ever in doubt or have concerns, contact them right away.
It’s still early and you won’t yet know the biological sex of your baby, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun thinking about baby names. Start making a list of names—you may even like to add them to your pregnancy memory book, if you have one, so in the years to come your child can look back at the names you were considering. You can keep adding to your short list before eventually making your choice—no pressure though, as you still have many months to decide.
Connect with other parents who are due around the same time as you, or other parents in your area.
There may be a social media group you can find, or perhaps a community support group you can reach out to. Parents with babies or young children in your neighborhood can be a wealth of information and support.
8 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
Eight weeks is a good time for your first prenatal visit. Prenatal care appointments typically occur once a month until the last two months of your pregnancy, becoming more frequent before you give birth. These checkups give you the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you might have. As you prepare for your appointment, consider the following questions to ask your healthcare provider.
What are some ways to get a better night’s sleep?
Is it normal to be having more vivid dreams during pregnancy?
Is traveling while pregnant safe? If so, when is the best time to take a trip and when should I stop traveling?
When and how should I contact the provider if I have questions or concerns between appointments?
What types of prenatal tests are needed or recommended, and when should they be scheduled?
8 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Here is a little to-do list you may consider during this period in your pregnancy:
Find a healthcare provider you like and trust, whether that person is a physician, nurse-practitioner, or midwife.
Check with your chosen provider about when your next checkups will be and download our Pregnancy Guide for a handy prenatal visit calendar.
Start to plan how and when you’ll share the big news with family and friends.
Consider making an appointment with the dentist. Your dentist may be able to provide you with personalized information on taking care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy.
Take some time off this week! If you can, set aside half a day to do something you enjoy. Then make a habit of it. Set aside a few hours each week just for yourself.
At what time can the uterus be felt through the abdomen?: ru_perinatal — LiveJournal
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I have a second pregnancy, and if for the first time I was admitted to the hospital at 6 weeks with bleeding and, after lying down for 2 weeks, then until the last I was terrified of a miscarriage / premature birth (so much so that as a result the child was transferred for a week and a half), now, for the second time, everything was replaced by the fear of a frozen pregnancy. nine0022 In addition to the enlarged and terribly sore breasts, there are no external signs of pregnancy, and I'm still trying to find out that my stomach has begun to grow at least a little in order to somehow relax, but of course, it's too early for the stomach to grow, now the 9th week .
On the 7th week I decided to measure BBT - and found that it had dropped to 36.7. Deciding that this was definitely the end, she ran to the ultrasound in a panic - it turned out that nothing, everything was in order, the small one was already moving, her heart was beating.
On the 8th week, I felt on my stomach such a slightly-slightly protruding barrel of orange right above the pubic bone, I was terribly delighted, because before, everything was absolutely smooth and smooth. But then I discovered that it can be felt only with tense abdominal muscles, and if the stomach is completely relaxed, then nothing of the sort is felt, and fear reappeared. nine0022 So, at what time should the uterus be accurately and clearly palpable?
Sorry again for the stupid question.
Yes, I'm a psycho and an alarmist.
The next scheduled visit to the doctor is on February 10 - you can go crazy before that time, but you won’t run on ultrasound every day... beginning of pregnancy, nerves, repeated pregnancy/delivery/baby, fears, cervixSubscribe
Toxicosis and stomach pain
Hello everyone! Tell me, please, are there pains in the stomach after eating with toxicosis, or is this a separate joke? No vomiting, only…
Quadruple test and 2nd screening
Hello! Tell me, is it necessary to do a quadruple test before the 2nd screening ultrasound or ultrasound is enough, provided that the 1st screening and nipt were .
(no topic)
Hello everyone! I have hCG 65 and a pale second strip, and before the planned date of menstruation, there are still 3 days (and the strip appeared the day before yesterday). In the past… 9Hint Tell me, please, are there pains in the stomach after eating with toxicosis, or is this a separate joke? No vomiting, only…
Quadruple test and 2nd screening
Hello! Tell me, is it necessary to do a quadruple test before the 2nd screening ultrasound or ultrasound is enough, provided that the 1st screening and nipple were ...
(no topic)
Hello everyone! I have hCG 65 and a pale second strip, and before the planned date of menstruation, there are still 3 days (and the strip appeared the day before yesterday). In the past…
How to find pregnancy on your own. Is it possible to find pregnancy early. Why do you often want to go to the toilet
Some women may be interested in how to feel the uterus themselves during pregnancy.
Many representatives of the weaker sex follow the movements of the gynecologist very carefully during the examination. And this is not surprising, because the process is quite intimate, and it is not always clear what exactly the doctor is doing. nine0033
The main task of a gynecologist is to examine the external and internal organs, diagnose and develop tactics for the treatment of women's diseases. In addition to all this, you can notice that almost always the doctor palpates the abdomen, especially in pregnant women. Let us consider in more detail when it is possible to feel the uterus during pregnancy, why this is done, and whether independent actions can cause complications.
It is important not only to know how to feel the uterus during pregnancy, but also why you might need it. Initially, the specialist must determine with what question the patient came to him. nine0033
Feeling the uterus during a gynecological examination. Source: dr_woman.jofo.mef
If the visit is planned, there are no complaints or pathologies, then diagnostics of this type is carried out for the following purposes:
- Determining the presence or absence of a pathological enlargement of the reproductive organ;
- Detection of inflammatory processes;
- Determination of the zone of localization of painful sensations.
If the gynecologist has diagnosed one or more abnormalities, then the patient will be assigned additional tests that will help to accurately determine the disease. Also, during probing, the doctor determines the presence of pregnancy, and also roughly establishes its duration, the norms of the course. nine0033
Many pregnant women might wonder how to feel the uterus during pregnancy at home. It is important to understand that such manipulations should be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise the development of serious complications is not excluded. If conception has occurred in the current cycle, then the walls of the reproductive organ become softer.
In addition, you can also determine what shape the uterus has, what position the cervix is in, whether it is dilated and by how many centimeters. If during palpation it was revealed that the organ cavity is hard and dry, then fertilization has not occurred. A leading gynecologist can tell you how to feel the uterus during pregnancy on your own in the early stages, but often doctors do not recommend doing such manipulations.
Position of the uterus by week of pregnancy. Source:
By probing the uterus, you can also determine the time of ovulation. During this period, it will also be soft. To obtain the most accurate results, it is necessary to do examinations regularly, because at different periods of the cycle the state of the reproductive organ will be different. If during the procedure the girl feels pain or discomfort, it must be stopped.
Many girls are interested in how to feel the uterus during early pregnancy on their own, they look for photos of actions in specialized literature and on thematic resources. However, in most cases, only a doctor with rich practical experience can diagnose fertilization in the first weeks. That is why it is better to entrust the examination to a specialist, and on your own it is better to do a regular pregnancy test, which you can buy at any pharmacy. nine0033
If you ask a specialist a question about how to feel the uterus during pregnancy, with a high degree of probability he will be against carrying out such a procedure at home.
But even if such restrictions do not stop the patient, she must adhere to the following rules:
- It is strictly not allowed to perform actions too often;
- No movement should be accompanied by pain or discomfort;
- All actions must be performed slowly and smoothly; nine0010
- During the examination, it is necessary to relax as much as possible.
After careful preparation, the girl should take a horizontal position, relax the muscles of the lower abdomen and pelvis, and begin to gently probe the abdomen from above in the place where the uterus is supposed to be. If pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped.
Self-diagnosis is carried out in a relaxed state. Source:
If during the diagnostics the walls were soft to the touch, it can be preliminarily assumed that pregnancy has occurred. However, only a doctor can confirm this fact after examining a woman on an armchair. At about 3-4 months of gestation, the uterus descends to the bottom.
Sometimes girls also ask how to feel the uterus at the 11th week of pregnancy. At this time, in the lower abdomen, most expectant mothers have a tubercle under the palm of their hand. It is very important not to press hard so as not to injure the child. Actually, starting from this period, most likely, the position of the reproductive organ will be determined without difficulty.
At the doctor
The most correct option for determining the level of the position of the reproductive organ is to visit a specialized medical institution, that is, a antenatal clinic or a private gynecologist. The specialist will be able to make a final diagnosis only after he performs an examination in the mirrors and palpates the abdomen. nine0033
In the first trimester, this method of determining the presence or absence of pregnancy, as well as its duration, is the most accurate. During the procedure, the doctor will pay attention to the fact that the reproductive organ is quite soft, and before the onset of 12 weeks it is located in the pelvic area, gradually becoming round.
Subsequently, gradually with the growth of the fetus, the uterus loses its symmetry, and then again acquires the shape of a ball. If it is felt that the reproductive organ has become hard or tense in the period from 12 to 14 weeks, then the tone has increased and there is a threat of miscarriage, respectively, maintenance therapy is required. nine0033
During childbearing, expectant mothers try to protect their belly from traumatic factors. If you carry out the procedure for probing the uterus too often or aggressively, or at the same time it is bad to relax, then this can cause pain, opening of bleeding, increased tone and even miscarriage.
If a woman has self-examined during pregnancy, after which she develops pain in the pelvic area, especially if it is of a spasmodic nature, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist, since these symptoms precede a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. nine0033
Actually, since the complications of incorrect self-diagnosis are really serious, it is difficult to understand why specialists are against home procedures.
Pregnancy definition (video)
How to find the uterus during pregnancy? Usually, it is by feeling the uterus that it is possible to determine whether the girl is in position. In general, it is possible to determine pregnancy at a fairly early date due to presumptive and reliable signs. Many external signs of an “interesting situation” have been recognized since ancient times, but even today they remain quite relevant. It goes without saying that almost all of them are hypothetical, probable signs. nine0033
Thanks to the development of medicine, a great opportunity has arisen to compose a number of reliable, clear signs. However, they become reliable and effective only in the fourth or fifth month of gestation. Therefore, in order to determine pregnancy in the initial stages, one can be guided only by probable signs. These include: cessation of the menstrual cycle, severe irritability of the girl, nausea accompanied by vomiting, changes in taste preferences, addiction to spicy and sour-salty foods, the appearance of fat (especially in the abdomen), pigmentation on the face.
In addition, the probable signs of early pregnancy include a bluish tint of the vaginal mucosa, an increase in the size of the uterus, a change in its shape and consistency, as well as coarsening of the mammary glands. nine0033
However, all of the above signs make sense only when they are present in the aggregate. That is, separately, such signs can occur in girls who are not in a position, in which case they will occur for completely different reasons. For example, the cessation of menstruation can occur as a result of hormonal disruptions, infectious diseases, nervous strain, or be associated with beriberi of the current season. The size of the uterus can increase due to a growing tumor, and skin pigmentation can be triggered by a number of other reasons. nine0163 Therefore, if you are interested in whether it is possible to feel pregnancy on your own, then remember that this can only be done in conjunction with other signs.
Reliable signs of pregnancy.
« Is it possible to find pregnancy at an early stage ? - the answer to such a question is ambiguous, since only a professional can do this, and independent attempts are unlikely to bring results.The methods described below are effective only from the fourth to fifth month of pregnancy. For example, by feeling the uterus, it is possible to determine the parts of the unborn child. The head (rounded part) is the easiest to feel, and smaller parts like legs and arms can also be identified. You can feel the fetus moving with your hand. Through the use of a stethoscope and a heart monitor, you can listen to the fetal heart beat. nine0033
How to find pregnancy ? The main part of the definition of pregnancy is the examination of the vagina, as well as palpation of the uterus - a diagnostic study based on the palpation of certain parts. The normal size of the uterus is about 79 millimeters along the longitudinal axis. During pregnancy, these sizes increase. Until the end of the third month, the female uterus is located in the pelvic area, so it is possible to examine it only by the method of vaginal examination. Already from the fourth month, the uterus leaves this area, because it does not fit in it (for this reason, the belly of the pregnant woman subsequently increases).
Then it becomes much easier to feel the uterus in the abdominal cavity. nine0033
A healthy uterus in a non-pregnant girl is pear-shaped. During pregnancy, its shape changes. The uterus becomes spherical, then it becomes slightly asymmetric, after which it becomes spherical again. During pregnancy, the uterus becomes softer. This happens because the number of muscle fibers and their size increases. This symptom is most pronounced in the cervix. In some cases, it appears so strongly that the neck, when viewed, looks like it is separate from the body. A characteristic feature is a change in uterine softness during pregnancy. At first it is soft, then it becomes more dense. nine0033
Video. Tone of the uterus during pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy.
This type of pregnancy is a rare pathological process in which the fetus develops outside the uterine cavity. In this case, the life of the woman in labor is at risk, since an ectopic pregnancy is characterized by tissue rupture.
Is it possible to find an ectopic pregnancy ? In the early months, it can be extremely difficult to recognize such a pregnancy. The first sign is stabbing, sharp pain in the pelvis or abdomen. Other symptoms include low blood pressure, fainting, or dizziness. If the girl is rather thin, then you can lie on your back and try to feel for a small tubercle in the ovaries. This will indicate a possible ectopic pregnancy. nine0033
Video. Two lives are at stake. Ectopic pregnancy.
Similar interesting articles.
Women use natural methods to determine ovulation. Some authors of home examination methods additionally recommend determining the position of the cervix and its consistency. It can be hard, medium hard and soft. And also the position in the vagina is important - high, medium or low.
Frequently asked questions
- Can you feel the cervix? nine0018
Yes, but it all depends on the length of the vagina. The average anatomical parameters are from 7 to 12 cm.
In the vertical position of the body, the vagina slightly bends in the upper part. The middle finger is the longest - usually 7-8 cm.
- How to feel the cervix if the vagina is long?
For this, it is recommended to perform the examination in a squatting position, or on the edge of a chair, in the bathtub. You can bend one leg at the knee, placing it on a chair. In this position, the organ approaches the vestibule of the vagina. The cervix will be at its farthest base. To the touch, normally, it is moist, smooth, spherical in shape, slightly protrudes into the vaginal cavity, harder than adjacent tissues. nine0033
- Can a finger hurt the cervix?
Waiting for an addition to the house is a state that is hard not to notice. And yet, most would like to know about it from the very beginning, in order to exclude a possible negative impact due to malnutrition, bad habits. For others, this is necessary for a faster and therefore safe disposal of the fetus.
Therefore, many are looking for methods on how to determine pregnancy in the early stages for sure with the greatest accuracy. nine0033
After conception, the body changes so much that even when the embryo is still very tiny, one can suspect its presence by the woman's appearance. Knowing how to determine pregnancy by external signs is not suitable for everyone, because in some they appear indistinctly.
After the connection of the egg with the sperm cell, its shell begins to intensively produce. The hormone is designed by nature to give special properties to the endometrium. It becomes more pliable so that the fetal egg can comfortably settle in it. But progesterone also has an effect on the skin. It enhances the production of its fat glands, which often provokes the appearance of pimples on the face, chest, back. The definition of pregnancy in the early stages is real even by the fact that for some the skin simply becomes more oily, shiny. Others have to wash their hair more often, as they get dirty faster than before, become greasy.
nine0022 Another skin-related sign that gives a chance to learn how to identify an early pregnancy is hyperpigmentation. On the face, décolleté and from the chest to the navel, a woman has spots that look like freckles. A change in the hormonal balance leads to an uneven distribution of melanin in the epidermis, due to which they are formed.
The mammary glands are prepared for their main function from the very beginning. Therefore, they are one of the first to tell you how to find out pregnancy in the early stages. The chest becomes more sensitive to minimal contact, but also more rounded, seductive. Due to the increase in the milk lobules and the expansion of the ducts, it increases in size, it feels heavy, swollen. nine0022 Pregnancy in the early stages will help to determine changes in the nipples and skin around them. From soft pink, it becomes brownish, tubercles become noticeable on the areoles. The nipples look more prominent, as if sexually aroused.
How sensations change
How to determine pregnancy without tests? A woman's own feelings can help if she is attentive to them.
Hormonal changes give a completely different perception of familiar things. It can affect unexpected aspects of life. nine0033
A pregnant woman may suddenly develop aversion to something that previously did not cause much emotion. It's about smells, someone's actions, people, even lighting and sounds. This is manifested by irritability, outbursts of anger, after which fatigue is clearly felt, even drowsiness. For some, the last sensations are always present. This is one of the surest signs of how to detect pregnancy in the early stages. Because in a normal state and with a normal level of female hormones, it is easier for a lady to control herself and her feelings. nine0033
Food perception
After conception, a woman's taste preferences may inexplicably change. Food, which previously left indifferent, becomes necessary. Or earlier, a favorite food begins to cause disgust to the point of vomiting from its aroma alone. This is another manifestation that will clearly demonstrate how to recognize pregnancy in the early stages.
Another nuance regarding eating behavior is its variability. suddenly turns into a complete disgust for food. The last sign is more often observed in the morning. nine0022 The woman also appears regardless of the meal. Some have to constantly carry wipes with them to get rid of the liquid.By reversing food preferences, you can understand how to distinguish the symptoms of PMS from pregnancy, because some of them are similar. But premenstrual bursts of desire are characterized by a good appetite and interest in sweets, and by no means an increase in salivation and an aversion to food.
Precise signs of fertilization that has taken place nine0103
To understand how to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages, it is necessary to present the changes that accompany this condition. The most important of them are associated with the renewal of hormonal balance. And it gives other manifestations.
Basal body temperature
(BT) women change after conception.
This can be traced if measurements are taken rectally or in the vagina for at least the entire last cycle before conception. After ovulation, in which it happened, BT remains at fairly high values. Whereas if it were not for the new situation, it would have declined. nine0022 We must not forget that such a definition of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay may be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, it is advisable to seriously consider it only together with other signs.
Conception does not take place in the uterus, as one might think. Before getting there, the egg travels a path that takes 6-8 days. This will be the earliest term for determining pregnancy before the delay. The fetus manages to leave distinct traces of its presence in the body. Important is the stage of its screwing into the wall of the uterus. This is accompanied by injury to the vessels of the mucosa, which by this time is becoming more. The external result of the implantation of the fetal egg is weak.
This is another indicative factor, how to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages. Simultaneously with, which will last no longer than 2 days, there is a slight pain in the abdomen. nine0033
Why do you often want to go to the toilet
Early detection of pregnancy may be based on changes in the functioning of the urinary system. To ensure the growth and nutrition of the embryo, the body directs an increased amount of blood to the small pelvis. The number of vessels is also growing. This stimulates the bladder. Its walls are more likely to contract, which causes a desire to urinate. By ear, the sign is perceived as a symptom. But with frequent urination due to pregnancy, pain should not be felt, as it happens due to illness. nine0033
It is not difficult to understand how to more reliably determine pregnancy in the early stages if you know the mechanism of development of the processes occurring in the reproductive organs. One of them concerns the lining of the uterus, which is regularly replaced in the absence of conception.
But when it took place, the endometrium remains in place for 9 months without changes, that is, the entire period while the fetal egg remains in it. This means that all the time the woman will not menstruate. And its first absence on time is considered a fairly accurate sign of pregnancy. nine0033
At the doctor's
Certainly, the methods by which the doctor determines pregnancy in the early stages are considered the most correct. After all, he has at his disposal the equipment designed for this, special knowledge and the results of laboratory tests:
- Research on hCG. The presence of an embryo in the body is marked by the appearance of a new substance in the biological fluids. It is isolated by blood tests or. This can also be done with a home test. But the laboratory will detect hCG one hundred percent. nine0010
- ultrasound. With the help of the device, you can see the fetal egg, the place of its fixation, calculate the size. How a gynecologist determines pregnancy in the early stages through examinations, and the result will depend on the technical data of the device.
If he has a vaginal sensor, it is even possible to accurately determine how many weeks the embryo is.
- Chair examination. The specialist knows exactly how to find pregnancy in the early stages. The fertilized egg itself is still imperceptible, but the tissues of the reproductive organs are changing. The mucous membranes become cyanotic due to increased blood supply, the uterus is more edematous, its neck is softer. nine0010
Grandma's pregnancy test
Folk methods for determining pregnancy in the early stages can hardly be considered reliable. But some learned about it with their help before clearer signs became apparent. You should not ignore the many years of experience of grandmothers, especially since it is based on really existing manifestations of a new state. The most common folk methods for determining pregnancy in the early stages:
Folk signs for determining pregnancy in the early stages look like this:
- in a dream a girl sees fish or water;
- the half of the bulb, on which it is thought, sprouts in water earlier than its other part.