How to increase breastfeeding milk supply
Low Milk Supply | WIC Breastfeeding Support
Many moms worry about low milk supply, but most of the time your body makes exactly what your baby needs, even if you don't realize it. There are also ways to tell if your baby is getting enough milk. If you aren't making enough, there are ways you can build your supply. And your WIC breastfeeding staff is always there to help!
Am I Making Enough Milk?
First, look for these signs that your baby is getting enough milk. For example, pay attention to the number of wet and dirty diapers and your baby's weight gain.
Things you should NOT worry about:
- How your breasts feel. Your breasts will feel softer and less full as your milk supply adjusts to your baby's needs. This does not mean you have low supply.
- If your baby nurses for shorter periods of time, such as only 5 minutes on each breast.
- If your baby's feeds are bunched together. This is called cluster feeding and happens when your baby starts nursing more often and for longer.
This can happen in the evenings or because of growth spurts.
- Not getting much milk when you express. Your baby is much more effective than a pump or hand expression at getting out milk. Find tips to help you pump.
If you are still concerned, talk to your baby's doctor about their growth.
Causes of Low Milk Supply
While most moms make plenty of milk, some do have low milk supply. This might happen if you:
- Limit your baby's breastfeeding sessions. Remember, the more you feed on demand, the more milk you make.
- Give your baby infant formula instead of breastfeeding.
- Introduce solid foods before baby is 4-6 months old.
- Take certain birth control pills or other medicine.
- Don't get enough sleep.
- Drink alcohol or smoke.
- Have had breast surgery.
Talk to your doctor if you have hepatitis B or C, herpes, or diabetes. These conditions may also affect milk supply.
Increasing Your Milk Supply
Breastfeeding frequently—especially in the first hours, days, and weeks—is the main way to increase your milk supply. Your body will make milk to meet your baby's demand.
Try these tips to help you make more milk:
- Breastfeed every time your baby is hungry. In the early weeks, your baby will eat 8-12 times every 24 hours. It's best not to put your baby on a strict feeding schedule. Follow your baby's cues, and let your baby tell you when it's time to eat.
- Make sure your baby is latching well.
- Offer both breasts at each feeding. Let your baby finish the first side, then offer the other side.
- Empty your breasts at each feeding.
Hand express or pump after a feeding to draw out all the milk and signal your body to make more.
- Avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early weeks. Feed your baby from your breast whenever you can.
- Get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet.
- Pump or express your milk. Pumping or expressing milk frequently between nursing sessions, and consistently when you're away from your baby, can help build your milk supply.
- Relax and massage. Relax, hold your baby skin-to-skin, and massage your breasts before feeding to encourage your milk to let down.
- Take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, eat well, drink enough fluids, and let others help you.
Consider Charting Your Progress
Record how often your baby is breastfeeding, for how long, and on which sides. If you are supplementing with infant formula, record how much your baby is getting and decrease the infant formula as your milk supply increases. WIC breastfeeding staff can help you determine how much infant formula your baby needs.
Still Have Questions?
Contact your WIC breastfeeding expert. They can talk to you about supply concerns and give you tips to increase your supply to meet your baby's needs.
Breastfeeding: Tips to Increase Your Milk Supply l University Hospitals l Northeast Ohio
Signs That a Breastfed Baby Is Being Well Nourished
- Your baby nurses at least 8 to 16 times in 24 hours, or every 2 to 3 hours. Your baby may be fussy once or twice a day. At these times, he or she wants to nurse often for several hours before seeming full. This is called cluster feeding.
- Your baby wets at least 6 cloth or 5 disposable diapers and has at least 1 bowel movement in 24 hours. This occurs by 1 week of age.
- You can hear your baby swallow milk while nursing or you can feel your baby swallow when lightly touching his or her throat.
- Your breasts seem softer after nursing.
- Your baby gains 4 to 8 ounces a week after the first week. There is no need to weigh your baby at home. Your baby’s doctor will do this for you. You may notice that your baby has outgrown his or her clothing.
- Your baby has regained his/her birthweight by 10 to 14 days after birth.
Factors Which Can Cause Your Milk Supply to Decrease
- Your baby feeds fewer than 8 to 16 times in 24 hours. Milk production is affected by how well the breast is drained.
- Your baby has a very weak suck, or has an improper latch.
- Giving bottles of formula or water after nursing. Most babies will suck on a bottle after nursing. This just means they need to suck. It does not mean they are still hungry. Babies cry or fuss for many reasons, such as being tired, bored, wet, hot or cold.
- Giving solid foods too early and/or before you breastfeed. Most babies do not need solid foods for the first 6 months if they are breastfeeding 8 to 16 times a day.
- Smoking can cause a decreased milk supply and interfere with the letdown reflex. Here are some things you should do:
- Try to quit or cut down.
- Smoke after nursing, not before.
- Don’t smoke in the same room with your baby.
- Beginning birth control pills too soon can decrease your milk supply. Wait at least 6 weeks before taking birth control pills and then use only the mini-pill (Progestin). If you still notice a decrease in your milk supply, talk to your doctor about other birth control options. Other medications may also affect milk supply. Check with your doctor. (Refer to PI-682, Breastfeeding and Birth Control: You Have Options.)
- Mothers who are exhausted may notice a decrease in milk supply. To keep yourself from getting too tired:
- Sleep or relax when your baby sleeps.
- Eat balanced diet that includes high-protein food.
- Drink when you are thirsty so that your urine is pale yellow in color.
Both under and excessive over hydration can decrease milk supply.
- Take an iron supplement if your healthcare provider says you are anemic.
- Talk with your doctor or nurse midwife about the need for vitamin supplement.
- Accept help when it is offered.
- Use nipple shields and pacifiers with caution.
- A breast flange that is too small or too large in size can hurt your milk supply.
- Pregnancy
- Breast reduction surgery may reduce milk supply.
If You Notice Your Milk Supply Is Low
You can increase your milk supply by:
- Nursing your baby often. Nurse every 2 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night (at least 8 to 16 times in 24 hours). If your baby will not nurse, use a good quality double electric breast pump to increase milk production. Pumping after breastfeeding signals your body to produce more milk.
- Nurse your baby at least 15 minutes at each breast.
Do not limit nursing time. If your baby falls asleep after one breast, wake him or her and offer the second breast. A few babies may benefit from nursing at one breast per feeding to increase the fat content of the feeding. Switch nursing- switching breasts several times during a feeding has been shown to increase milk supply.
- Gently massage breast before and during feedings.
- Use relaxation techniques to reduce stress and promote the flow of breast milk.
- Provide skin to skin time with your baby for about 20 minutes after feeds. This “kangaroo care” has been shown to increase milk supply.
- Be sure baby is positioned and latched correctly.
- Offer both breasts at each feeding.
- Try breast compression during the feeding to help drain the breast.
- Pump immediately after breastfeeding during the day. Rest at night. Some mothers find that they get more milk if they pump for 5 minutes, rest for 5 minutes, and pump for another 10 minutes.
Talk to your doctor about using medication or the herb fenugreek.
Works Cited
Wambach, Karen and Riordan, Jan “Breastfeeding and Human Lactation”, Fifth edition, Jones & Bartlett, 2016.
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Even if you don't have the opportunity to be near your baby, you can be sure that by pumping, he will receive all the necessary nutrients from breast milk. Perhaps you are already using a breast pump to continue breastfeeding when you go to work, or you just want to have more free time between feedings.
3 Philips Avent products to help you pump and store your milk comfortably:
Not sure when to start pumping or when to use a pump? Don't worry, we've put together a quick guide to help you learn how to express milk and learn about the benefits of using a breast pump. We'll also give you tips on how to express your milk when you're away from home, how to keep it adequate, and how to store it safely.
When should I start expressing milk?
Most women begin to express milk after six months, but there are circumstances that force them to do so sooner.
If you intend to express milk as early as possible, the answer to the question “When can I start expressing milk?” will be: "A few hours after birth." Some mothers find that expressing milk is effective at a very early stage, especially if the baby has latch-on problems, as pumping improves the flow of milk to the breast.
Other mothers start pumping after breastfeeding is established because they want someone in the household to help with feeds while they are away or with feeds after they go to work.
There are no specific rules about when to start pumping, so you can do whatever works best for you. Whatever your needs, you can pump to make your schedule less dependent on feedings.
How to express breast milk: general questions
How long should I express milk? How much milk do I need to express? What equipment do I need for this? Every mother has questions about this topic, however, once she starts expressing milk, she easily adapts to this process.
Most moms find a breast pump to be the easiest way to express breast milk. The principle of operation of different breast pumps may vary slightly, so read the instructions for use before using the device. Remember that it can take 1-2 minutes for milk to come out of your breast during pumping, so don't worry if you don't see it right away!
Not sure how long to express milk? If you are not in a hurry, try to express milk until you feel that your chest is empty. Due to the individual characteristics of each woman, the pumping time will be different.
The amount of milk expressed will depend on when you last breastfed and how long you have been using the pump and are accustomed to using it. Even your internal state and time of day can affect the amount of milk. If you have problems with lactation, check out our tips for increasing your milk supply. Generally, the best time to express is in the morning. During sleep, there is an increase in the level of hormones responsible for the production of milk.
Should breastfeeding be combined with pumping? Wait about an hour between pumping and the next feeding. So you will be sure that the baby will have enough milk! Feed your baby as much as it takes to keep him full and happy. Use a breast pump to fully express milk from your breasts and save excess milk.
How to Express Breast Milk: Practical Tips
Whether you are expressing milk at home (for a night feed) or at work, there are a few key points to keep in mind to help you.
1. Plan ahead. If you have to leave your baby, start using a breast pump a few weeks in advance. This way you will store enough milk for your baby and get used to using a breast pump.
2. Be ready. You may be aware of the so-called "oxytocin reflex", which stimulates the flow of milk due to the release of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin increases the secretion of breast milk that can be expressed. The production of the hormone can be caused in many ways, even just by looking at the child. Therefore, many mothers find it effective to look at a photo of their baby while pumping while away from home. After you finish pumping, you can also use bra pads to keep your breasts dry and protect your clothes from milk stains.
3. Get comfortable. The more comfortable you feel, the easier it will be to express milk. Find a quiet, private place and feel free to change the lighting and music to your liking. It is helpful to find a seat with good support so that you can sit comfortably with the pump in front of you.
4. Express as many times as you would like to breastfeed your baby. To maintain the required supply of milk, express it as often as you normally feed your baby. Thus, if the baby usually has three feedings during your absence, then you need to express milk at least three times.
How to choose the best breast pump for expressing milk
There are several different types of breast pumps, each with its own advantages. Choose the one that will help you feel comfortable in your daily life. Perhaps you prefer to have a device that is designed to be used on the go? Or do you need a breast pump that will allow you to express milk quickly?
Storage and preparation of milk after pumping
After you have expressed your milk, remember to freeze or refrigerate it. Then, before feeding the baby, it must be thawed and warmed up. Here are some tips on how to store breast milk:
- Use sterile milk storage containers or freezer bags to collect and store milk.
- Do not fill the container to the upper limit, because. when frozen, breast milk "expands", the optimal portion for storage is 60-120 ml.
- Label the container with the pumping date or write the pumping date on the container with a permanent marker.
- Store milk in the refrigerator at 2-4°C for up to 24 hours.
- After cooling the expressed milk in the refrigerator for 0.5 hours, the milk can be frozen in the freezer and stored there for 3 months.
- Place the milk closer to the back of the refrigerator or freezer than in the door to keep the milk at a constant temperature.
- Thawed milk placed in the refrigerator should be used within 24 hours.
- Do not refreeze defrosted milk.
- Transport milk in an insulated container with an ice pack.
Use these tips to prepare your expressed milk for nursing:
- Thaw or warm breast milk under running warm water, in a bain-marie, or with a bottle warmer.
- Do not use a microwave oven to heat milk.
- Do not heat milk to boiling point.
- Shake the milk bottle before feeding until smooth.
- Check milk temperature before feeding. The most optimal temperature is the average between body temperature and room temperature. To check the temperature of milk, you can drop it on your skin.
Advice for first-time moms
If you are just starting to express milk, remember that this process may not be entirely comfortable. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to express milk. Sometimes this will be difficult to do, for example if you are trying to express milk during a busy work day or in an unfamiliar place; therefore, it is necessary to practice well at home and show patience. You will soon learn how to express breast milk. In the next article, you will learn how to store breast milk!
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How much should a newborn baby eat
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Like every new mom, you're probably wondering, "How often should a newborn eat?" and “How many milliliters does a newborn baby drink at a time?”. A mother's body is designed to provide her baby with all the nutrients she needs, but every mom needs practical advice and confidence when it comes to how much milk a newborn should drink.
Whether you are breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a combination, here you will find all the information you need to know about how much food your baby needs to grow and develop properly.
Signs indicating that the child is hungry
Every mother has a wonderful maternal instinct, but we cannot guess the child's desires the first time. Over time, you will learn your child's unique gestures and body movements, as well as signs that he is hungry. In the meantime, here are some of the most common signs that a child is hungry:
- turns head towards your breast or bottle;
- clenches;
- puts pens in mouth;
- pouts, smacks or licks lips.
If your child is showing any of these signs, they may be trying to tell you it's time to eat. Ideally, your baby should be fed on demand when he is hungry. If you're breastfeeding, on-demand feeding is a good way to keep your milk supply going as your body will naturally respond to your baby's needs and continue to produce the required amount of milk. Bottle-feeding on demand can also be beneficial for your baby, as it allows him to self-regulate his feeding needs.
How much breast milk should a newborn drink?
So, how much should a newborn baby eat? A remarkable feature of each child is its uniqueness, so it would be wrong to feed the baby strictly according to the instructions. Don't panic if the recommendations below don't fit your own feeding schedule, but please contact your healthcare provider or pediatrician if you have any questions.
Although every baby is different, newborns typically eat every two to three hours, for a total of 8 to 12 meals a day.
How many milliliters does a newborn baby drink? At the very beginning, your body will only produce a small amount of yellowish and thick breast milk called colostrum. This milk is an ideal source of nutrients that your newborn needs, in addition, it has many immunological components. 1
How much milk does a newborn baby drink? Infants drink 30-60 ml per feeding, while this volume increases to 60-90 ml by two weeks of age. So don't worry if you don't feel like your body is producing much milk in those first few days after your baby is born! Feeding times will also vary, ranging from 10 to 30 minutes at the very beginning and then gradually increasing as your baby grows.
How much bottle-feeding breast milk does your baby take
If you choose to bottle-feed your baby from time to time, do so at the same intervals and for the same period of time as if you were breastfeeding. Pumping is a great option for breastfeeding your baby. It will allow you to separate from the baby if necessary and at the same time retain all the benefits of breastfeeding.
It's also important to get a bottle that helps make bottle feeding more natural for both you and your baby. For example, take a look at this Philips Natural bottle. Its wide, physiologically shaped nipple promotes a natural latch that is identical to that of a mother's breast, making it easier to alternate between bottle and breastfeeding.
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Natural Baby Bottle
- baby closes mouth;
- turns head away from bottle or breast;
- handles are not clenched into fists and are relaxed;
- falls asleep quickly.