How to get child care certificate
Child Care Certificate Program
The Child Care Certificate Program is a state program that assists Families First participants, parents transitioning off Families First, parents working or enrolled in post-secondary education programs, teen parents, and children in foster care. It’s also called the subsidized child care program. To participate in the program, families must be declared eligible by the Department of Human Services (TDHS) staff or by the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) staff for children in foster care.
TDHS provides financial assistance with child care costs for families meeting income guideline criteria through several child care assistance programs.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSFamilies First participants are eligible to receive child care to assist in completing their approved activity on their Personal Responsibility Plan (PRP). Families must be determined eligible by Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) staff before they can participate in the program.
Transitional Child Care or TCC (also referred to as Transitional Families First, or TFF) is available for qualifying families for 18 months following the closure of Families First cash assistance. Thirty hours of paid work per week, including self-employment and/or education and training hours must be met to receive TCC. Eligibility is redetermined every twelve (12) months.
The At-Risk Child Care program serves guardians in Families First child-only cases that are working and/or in school. Child-only guardians are typically grandparents, aunts, or uncles that have care and control of a relative child. Thirty hours of paid work including self-employment and/or education and training hours must be met to receive ARCO.
Smart Steps Child Care Payment Assistance is available to income eligible families who are working or enrolled in post-secondary education programs. Smart Steps was established to provide child care financial assistance to eligible families with children ages six (6) weeks until kindergarten. The family is not required to receive other benefits through TDHS to qualify.
The Teen Parent Child Care Program serves teen parents who are enrolled in and attending high school and who meet income guidelines. Assistance may be available for eligible teens living at home with their parent(s) or those who are emancipated and living independently from their parent(s). Written or verbal communication from school staff that the school's requirements are met is adequate verification for school enrollment.
TDHS provides the child care certificate and provider payment processes as a service for the Department of Children's Services (DCS). The DCS state office provides the funding amounts and the fund utilization management for these funding sources. County and regional DCS program staff provides the child care referrals and provide the local management of regional DCS funds.
Apply online through the One DHS Customer Portal by clicking here.
Or complete the application below and then fax it, mail it, or bring it to your local TDHS office.
If you have questions about child care payment assistance or need a paper application, please contact the Child Care Payment Assistance Customer Service Line at: 1-833-740-1440 or via email at [email protected].
To make a request to transfer your child to a new provider, please submit information using this link:
Application for Child Care Payment Assistance/Smart Steps (HS-3408) - Instructions
Application for Child Care Payment Assistance/Smart Steps (Spanish) (HS-3408sp) - Instructions
Application for Child Care Payment Assistance/Smart Steps (Arabic) (HS-3408a) - Instructions
Application for Child Care Payment Assistance/Smart Steps (Somali) (HS-3408s)- Instructions
**Make sure you submit all required verification documents with your application. The required documents are listed on the first page of the application above**
If you are applying for child care payment assistant through Families First, you will not use the above application, but will apply through the Families First link at the top of this page.
Some child care assistance requires a co-payment based on income and household size. During this contact, the applicant may also discuss eligibility for SNAP/Food Stamps, TennCare/Medicaid, and cash assistance through Families First/TANF.
Once approved for child care payment assistance, the family may choose the type of care that best meets their needs. A Find Child Care locator is available to assist families in locating TDHS licensed or Department of Education (DOE) approved agencies. The agency must be participating or agree to participate in the Child Care Certificate program. Parents participating in Families First Child Care, Transitional Child Care or At-Risk Child Only Child Care may choose an agency or an individual to provide care. The individual’s home must meet health and safety guidelines, pass a background check and agree to complete health and safety training before approved. The TDHS establishes reimbursement rates and pays the selected and approved provider directly.
Click here for the Child Care Payment Assistance Fact Sheet
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Current state rate and Star Quality bonus table (Effective 07-1-2022)
Child Care Certificate Program Income Eligibility and Parent Co-Pay Fee Table
2017-2018 Market Rate Survey
2016 Market Rate Survey
2015 Market Rate Survey
Child Care EAV Electronic Reporting - Reporting Child Care Attendance Online
How do I get a Child Care Certificate? (with pictures)
A child care certificate is required by law for a person to work in a day care center. This type of certificate is available from community colleges and is typically one to two years in length. It is important to note that students must complete all applicable course work, meet experience requirements, and have a clean criminal record to obtain a child care certificate.
The child care industry is experiencing continued growth and is forecast to continue to grow for the next 10 to 15 years. When looking for a position in the child care industry, look at the reputation of the different companies. Physically visit each site to learn what type of service it provides and evaluate its organizational structure.
Find out which post-secondary educational institutes offer child care certificates. This type of program is available at community and career colleges. Look at the program details to find out what the application requirements are and how to apply.
All child care certificates have a specific practical experience requirement that must be met. The amount of experience required varies by institution. Most programs include an internship or cooperative portion to allow students to gain the necessary experience in a supervised environment.
Upon successful completion of the child care certificate, candidates are able to apply for positions with a range of child care service providers. Some people use this certification to obtain a position in a private home as a nanny or child care supervisor. Other positions include recreational supervisor, program coordinator, and child care program inspector.
The courses required to complete a child care certificate can be divided into four categories: child care, first aid, child development, and psychology. The child care courses are focused on the physical needs of children and infants. First aid courses include CPR for infants and children, as well as training in responding to accidents and emergencies. The ability to determine when a doctor is required is very important for someone who is responsible for children.
Child development courses focus on the different types of exercises and techniques used to encourage the mental and physical development of infants and preschool children. The work in this field has continued to grow and has resulted in huge shifts in education theory and the activities that day care centers encourage. These courses can be very complex and involve a significant amount of theory.
“Our father is on parental leave”
Both parents can take such leave if twins are born in the family. But what to do if the father of the twins was denied leave, and their mother cannot cope without help?
Who can go on parental leave with the mother of the kids?
Employed citizens are entitled to parental leave. It is provided after the end of maternity leave for the mother until the child reaches the age of 3 years.
Both his mother and father, grandparents, even a distant relative can go on leave to care for a child. The degree of kinship and cohabitation with the child's parents do not play a role, the main thing is the very fact of caring for him.
If there are two or more children in the family, then several family members can go on vacation at once to care for them. In this case, each of them submits to his employer an application for leave and allowance. The application must indicate which child will be cared for and the degree of relationship, i.e. who are you to the baby (Letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2010 No. 02-02-01 / 08-2324). At the same time, it is not required to provide documents confirming that the mother of the children alone cannot take care of them.
However, in practice, there are refusals to grant parental leave if one of the parents is already on such leave. This refusal can only be challenged in court.
How can I contest a denial of leave?
“I am a law enforcement officer. I have four dependent children. The eldest is 10 years old, the second child is 3 years old, and the twins are 8 months old. The wife is on parental leave. I also applied for parental leave but was denied. After going to court, I was asked to provide evidence that the spouse could not properly care for the twins. Can you tell me what this evidence might be?” - AG received such a letter the other day.
So, the court will have to submit birth certificates and schedules of children.
It is necessary to indicate that the eldest child attends school, attach his schedule and mention the need to accompany the child from home to the educational institution and back. You can get a certificate at school and a reference for the child from the class teacher, which will indicate which of the parents is raising him and going to parent meetings. If the student also attends sections, you need to provide documents confirming his presence in the classroom. The fact that the child is employed should be reflected in the schedule.
If the second child goes to kindergarten, then it is necessary to indicate on what schedule. In kindergarten, you can take a child's attendance report and a characteristic from the teacher, which will reflect who brings the child, how often he visits the group and is forced to stay at home due to illness. To confirm that a preschooler is regularly sick, you can take a certificate from the district pediatrician, which will indicate how often this happens and for how long.
The letter sent to AG says that the twins were born at the 34th week, and one of the girls was diagnosed with a genetic disease. Because of this, one has to travel to the regional center, which is located 200 km from the place of residence. The court will need to provide medical documents confirming the birth of children prematurely. Usually such children are registered in follow-up rooms at regional children's hospitals. Information about this is available in the child's card. You can get a certificate from the local pediatrician about the need for regular visits to the catamnesis office and about the child’s illness that requires the supervision of specialists in a medical institution outside the family’s permanent residence.
All this data will need to be brought together and shown to the court the schedule of the mother of four children of different ages, each of whom has their own needs. You can provide recommendations from a psychologist, which will indicate the need for "unloading" the mother in order to maintain her mental health and balance.
If your parents do not live near you, then you need to take a certificate from their place of residence, which will confirm that grandparents cannot help the mother of the children. If your parents work, then a certificate from their place of work will come in handy. If they are not alive, then death certificates can be provided. By doing this, you will show that your parents cannot constantly sit with the children and take care of them.
In court, you can describe in colors one day in the life of a mother with an hourly breakdown: when she got up, what she did, with whom she walked and played, when she went to bed. It will be necessary to explain why a mother cannot look after four children at the same time on her own: the youngest needs naps, several feedings and walks during the day, while a three-year-old asks to play with him, and a ten-year-old needs help with homework and taken to the pool.
And don't forget the law. It provides an opportunity for each parent to take parental leave, even for dads who are employees of law enforcement agencies.
Certificate of Employment 2022 - sample filling and forms
Certificate of employment is a document that confirms certain information about the employee. Contains information about salary, position, seniority, work experience. When you need a certificate from the place of work, how to properly draw up such a document and how to provide an IP certificate, you will learn from the article.
Download sample documents for work: | |
Certificate from work about salary No. 182 | |
Letter of employment certificate | |
Sample certificate for a Schengen visa from work | |
Certificate of employment sample for IP |
- What is a certificate of employment when it is issued
- What information is indicated in the certificate of employment
- Popular reference forms
- What you need to get a certificate of employment
- Rules for drawing up a certificate
- Who issues the certificate
- Who has the right to request a certificate
- Rules for issuing a certificate
- Certificate of individual entrepreneur from the place of work
What is a certificate of employment, when is it issued?
Issuance of a certificate of employment is regulated by art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It refers to documents related to work and is issued for presentation at the place of demand. The document is in the nature of confirmation or clarification of the requested information. Such certificates are often required by social security authorities, banking, credit institutions and others. The certificate is issued free of charge at the employee's oral or written request within three days from the date of the application.
Requirements for personnel officers began to change more and more often: a new professional standard and advanced training, unplanned changes in legislation. In order to keep up with competitors and not use outdated methods, you need to constantly improve your skills. Where to start, Valentina Mitrofanova will tell in her author's course. |
What information is indicated in the certificate of employment
The information that must be indicated in the certificate of employment is called by the employee himself. It can be:
- salary certificate;
- on personalized accounting and experience;
- on the nature and working conditions at the main place of work;
- that the employee does not enjoy certain types of benefits;
- others.
Places for presenting certificates of employment can also be very different. These are:
- embassies, travel agencies for visa processing;
- for presentation to the courts;
- to the pension fund; to a new place of work;
- in a welfare organization;
- others.
The law allows the employee not to indicate the place and reason for issuing this certificate.
Popular forms of certificates
There are standard certificates, for example, a salary certificate - form 2-NDFL. It contains information about the source of the employee's income, his salary and withheld taxes. Issued by the employer for a certain period (usually a year).
Form certificate for the future employer to calculate temporary disability benefits approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n. Contains information about:
- about the amount of salary for the two calendar years preceding the dismissal and the current year for which insurance premiums were accrued;
- how many calendar days of the specified period fell on periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, release from work with full or partial pay, if insurance premiums were not charged to the Social Insurance Fund for this period.
The employer must issue such a certificate on the day the employee leaves, otherwise the employee has the right to apply for it later.
Download certificate from work on salary No. 182
On average earnings for the last three months you will need a certificate from the previous place of work if the employee decides to register with the employment service.
Important! There is a recommended form of such a certificate in the Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2016 No. 16-5 / V-421. |
You can draw up a certificate in any form, only the details of the enterprise and information about average earnings for the specified period are required.
To obtain the right to a pension, certificates from work will also be required:
- in the form of SZV-experience, approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated 11.01.2017 No. 3p;
- in the form of SZV-M - Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2016 No. 83p;
- filled in the third section of personalized information for calculating insurance premiums - the calculation form was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 10.
10.2016 No. ММВ-7-11/551@.
When is a certificate of employment issued for visa ? This document is required by the embassy, it certifies the reliability and solvency of the tourist.
Sample certificate for a Schengen visa from the place of work download
The employer is obliged to issue not only the listed types of certificates.
When applying for child care allowance, a certificate from the second parent is required that he does not receive similar compensation at his job. |
When providing additional days off while caring for a disabled child, a certificate from the work of the other parent is also provided that he did not use this right.
Some types of certificates are directly regulated by the Labor Code. For example, Art. 283 requires to provide a certificate of the nature and working conditions at the main place of work when applying to another organization part-time.
Please note! The combination is prohibited if the main work is associated with harmful or dangerous conditions. |
An employee may request information about the approved vacation schedule in the main organization in order to receive leave from part-time work.
Important! Art. 286 of the Labor Code says that annual paid holidays at the place of combination are provided simultaneously with leave for the main job. |
Also, a new employer may ask a new employee to bring a reference from the workplace.
This is not an exhaustive list of what a certificate of employment may require and what information it may contain. Currently, the employer prepares and issues many certificates on the day of dismissal without the employee's application.
What you need to get a certificate of employment
The request for a certificate can be both written and oral. It depends on the document flow adopted in the organization. Sometimes the employer requires a written request indicating the purpose of obtaining the document and a description of the information that needs to be confirmed. In accordance with Art. 62 the employer is obliged to issue a work-related document within 3 days after the submission of the relevant written application.
Rules for drawing up a certificate
There are several types of certificates that have approved forms. We have listed them above. Basically, such documents are issued arbitrarily - there is no single form of a certificate from the place of work, a template or a sample. The organization itself can develop and introduce a form for such certificates. Then it must be included in the document flow of the enterprise and approved by order.
There are general rules to follow when preparing documents of this type.
Download a blank certificate form from the place of work
Who issues the certificate
Depending on the type of certificate, different departments can issue it:
- about salary, contributions paid - accounting department;
- on work experience in this organization - personnel department;
- the immediate supervisor also has the right to issue a certificate if it does not contain special information.
Important! Regardless of who prepares the certificate, it must be certified by the head of the organization or an authorized employee. |
The traditional validity of such documents is 10 days.
Who has the right to demand a certificate
According to the general rule, defined in Articles 62 and 84.1 of the Labor Code, an employee has the right to demand documents related to work from the employer. To do this, he must apply in writing to the management of the organization. The employee has the right to request from the employer copies of documents, certificates, extracts related to his labor activity, both while working for this employer and after dismissal. An exhaustive list of such documents, as well as a sample certificate from the place of work, is not established by labor legislation.
Important! There is a three-day period for issuing documents related to the employee's labor activity. |
Rules for issuing a certificate
And although there is no approved form of a certificate from the place of work, you can list some typical data that the document should contain. Be sure to include the following details:
- organization name;
- date of issue;
- description of information to be confirmed;
- signature of the director of the company.