Red bumps palms
8 Common Causes and Treatment Options
Palm rash
A rash is a symptom that can cause your skin to itch, burn, or develop bumps. While not often an indicator of a more serious condition, a rash can be a sign of an infection or exposure to an irritant.
You can develop a rash all over the body, including the palms of your hands. Throughout the day, your hand comes in contact with people, the environment, and other irritants that can cause a reaction. Understanding the cause of your rash and symptoms can help your doctor diagnose your condition.
There are a number of conditions that may cause you to develop a rash on your palm. Some of the most common include:
- an allergic reaction
- dry skin
- contact dermatitis
- psoriasis
- hand, foot, and mouth disease
- dyshidrotic eczema
- impetigo
- ringworm
1. Allergic reaction
Food allergies or medications can trigger an allergic reaction that may present as a rash. It may cause your hands or skin to itch, blister, or even develop hives.
Other common symptoms that may accompany your palm rash include:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- itchy mouth
- swelling
- difficulty breathing
- difficulty swallowing
- anaphylactic shock
A severe allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock are considered a medical emergency. You should seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the more serious symptoms.
2. Dry skin
In the colder months, the weather can cause your skin to dry out. This can directly apply to your palms, causing your hands to itch and flake.
Eczema and some medications may also cause your skin to dry out and develop a rash. Scratching your palms may worsen your symptoms.
3. Ringworm
This fungal infection is a common but treatable condition. Ringworm is a skin infection that manifests as a ring-shaped rash on various parts of your body. On the palms, however, it won’t develop its characteristic ring-shaped pattern.
In addition to a palm rash, you may experience:
- dry skin
- deep cracks
- thickened skin
- inflammation
4. Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a form of eczema that causes a rash when your skin or hands touch an irritant. Sometimes, skin rashes can happen immediately. In most cases, though, a skin or palm rash takes time to develop.
Contact dermatitis commonly occurs after touching:
- poison ivy
- poison oak
- nickel
- makeup
- latex gloves
- jewelry
You may also develop a palm rash from touching cleaning supplies, bleach, and some soaps. If you develop a palm rash that doesn’t improve or is accompanied by burning, seek immediate medical attention.
5. Psoriasis
This skin condition is a disease that can cause inflammation on various parts of your body, including your palms. Psoriasis can be inherited, but it may be triggered from injury to the skin, other skin conditions, or infection.
Other than inflammation on your palm, you may also experience:
- redness
- dry, scaly skin
- plaques, or thickened skin in affected areas
- painful cracks in your skin
6. Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a highly contagious condition seen frequently among children. It’s a viral infection that can cause you to develop sores and a rash in your mouth and on your hands and feet.
Other symptoms you may experience with this infection include:
- fever
- sore throat
- blisters on your tongue
- red rash on your palm or soles
- appetite loss
This condition is likely to heal within a few days with only mild signs of symptoms. If your symptoms worsen or don’t improve, schedule an appointment with your doctor.
7. Dyshidrotic eczema
Dyshidrotic eczema is a specific type of eczema that causes small, itchy blisters to develop on your palms. They typically appear in clusters and may be painful. The blisters will dry and peel within three weeks.
If you’re diagnosed with this condition, you may also develop blisters on your fingers and the soles of your feet. Dyshidrotic eczema is most common among women, though it can occur in men. To date, there’s no cure for this condition.
8. Impetigo
Another common skin infection among children is impetigo. This condition causes you to develop blisters on your face, neck, and hands. Children are more likely to develop this infection if they already experience other skin conditions such as eczema or contact dermatitis from poison ivy.
Impetigo is contagious and can spread from person-to-person contact, or coming in contact with things an infected person has touched. Impetigo also causes itching and can be spread to other parts of the body from scratching.
Treating your palm rash depends on the underlying cause. Some rashes can heal on their own and require no treatment. In other cases, treatment could be as simple as using lotion to moisturize your dry skin.
If you’re experiencing an allergic reaction, allergy medicine or an antihistamine can reduce symptoms and eliminate your palm rash. If your rash is the result of dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe a topical cream to suppress your immune response. For cases of eczema and psoriasis, avoid potential triggers and keep your hands moisturized to prevent dry skin.
For bacterial and viral infections, your doctor may prescribe you with a topical or oral antibiotic. If your symptoms don’t improve or worsen after treatment, seek immediate medical attention.
A palm rash is often a minor symptom that can be treated within a few days. However, some cases of palm rash are an indication of a more serious skin condition or infection.
If you begin to experience additional symptoms with your palm rash, or if your symptoms worsen, schedule a visit with your doctor or a dermatologist. They can help you diagnosis the condition and find the right treatment for you.
You can book an appointment with a dermatologist in your area using our Healthline FindCare tool.
8 Common Causes and Treatment Options
Palm rash
A rash is a symptom that can cause your skin to itch, burn, or develop bumps. While not often an indicator of a more serious condition, a rash can be a sign of an infection or exposure to an irritant.
You can develop a rash all over the body, including the palms of your hands. Throughout the day, your hand comes in contact with people, the environment, and other irritants that can cause a reaction. Understanding the cause of your rash and symptoms can help your doctor diagnose your condition.
There are a number of conditions that may cause you to develop a rash on your palm. Some of the most common include:
- an allergic reaction
- dry skin
- contact dermatitis
- psoriasis
- hand, foot, and mouth disease
- dyshidrotic eczema
- impetigo
- ringworm

Food allergies or medications can trigger an allergic reaction that may present as a rash. It may cause your hands or skin to itch, blister, or even develop hives.
Other common symptoms that may accompany your palm rash include:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- itchy mouth
- swelling
- difficulty breathing
- difficulty swallowing
- anaphylactic shock
A severe allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock are considered a medical emergency. You should seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the more serious symptoms.
2. Dry skin
In the colder months, the weather can cause your skin to dry out. This can directly apply to your palms, causing your hands to itch and flake.
Eczema and some medications may also cause your skin to dry out and develop a rash. Scratching your palms may worsen your symptoms.
3. Ringworm
This fungal infection is a common but treatable condition. Ringworm is a skin infection that manifests as a ring-shaped rash on various parts of your body. On the palms, however, it won’t develop its characteristic ring-shaped pattern.
In addition to a palm rash, you may experience:
- dry skin
- deep cracks
- thickened skin
- inflammation
4. Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a form of eczema that causes a rash when your skin or hands touch an irritant. Sometimes, skin rashes can happen immediately. In most cases, though, a skin or palm rash takes time to develop.
Contact dermatitis commonly occurs after touching:
- poison ivy
- poison oak
- nickel
- makeup
- latex gloves
- jewelry
You may also develop a palm rash from touching cleaning supplies, bleach, and some soaps. If you develop a palm rash that doesn’t improve or is accompanied by burning, seek immediate medical attention.
5. Psoriasis
This skin condition is a disease that can cause inflammation on various parts of your body, including your palms. Psoriasis can be inherited, but it may be triggered from injury to the skin, other skin conditions, or infection.
Other than inflammation on your palm, you may also experience:
- redness
- dry, scaly skin
- plaques, or thickened skin in affected areas
- painful cracks in your skin
6. Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a highly contagious condition seen frequently among children. It’s a viral infection that can cause you to develop sores and a rash in your mouth and on your hands and feet.
Other symptoms you may experience with this infection include:
- fever
- sore throat
- blisters on your tongue
- red rash on your palm or soles
- appetite loss
This condition is likely to heal within a few days with only mild signs of symptoms. If your symptoms worsen or don’t improve, schedule an appointment with your doctor.
7. Dyshidrotic eczema
Dyshidrotic eczema is a specific type of eczema that causes small, itchy blisters to develop on your palms. They typically appear in clusters and may be painful. The blisters will dry and peel within three weeks.
If you’re diagnosed with this condition, you may also develop blisters on your fingers and the soles of your feet. Dyshidrotic eczema is most common among women, though it can occur in men. To date, there’s no cure for this condition.
8. Impetigo
Another common skin infection among children is impetigo. This condition causes you to develop blisters on your face, neck, and hands. Children are more likely to develop this infection if they already experience other skin conditions such as eczema or contact dermatitis from poison ivy.
Impetigo is contagious and can spread from person-to-person contact, or coming in contact with things an infected person has touched. Impetigo also causes itching and can be spread to other parts of the body from scratching.
Treating your palm rash depends on the underlying cause. Some rashes can heal on their own and require no treatment. In other cases, treatment could be as simple as using lotion to moisturize your dry skin.
If you’re experiencing an allergic reaction, allergy medicine or an antihistamine can reduce symptoms and eliminate your palm rash. If your rash is the result of dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe a topical cream to suppress your immune response. For cases of eczema and psoriasis, avoid potential triggers and keep your hands moisturized to prevent dry skin.
For bacterial and viral infections, your doctor may prescribe you with a topical or oral antibiotic. If your symptoms don’t improve or worsen after treatment, seek immediate medical attention.
A palm rash is often a minor symptom that can be treated within a few days. However, some cases of palm rash are an indication of a more serious skin condition or infection.
If you begin to experience additional symptoms with your palm rash, or if your symptoms worsen, schedule a visit with your doctor or a dermatologist. They can help you diagnosis the condition and find the right treatment for you.
You can book an appointment with a dermatologist in your area using our Healthline FindCare tool.
Red spots on palms | Prima Medica
Many disease states of a person manifest themselves on the skin. Including red spots on the palms indicate the presence of any trouble in the body. To successfully eliminate a skin defect, it is necessary, without delay, to find out the cause of its occurrence. It is necessary to start the examination with a consultation with a dermatologist.
Epidemiology of red spots on the palms
The epidemiology of this disease is ambiguous; for a long time it was considered as a purely professional one. According to foreign studies, allergic contact dermatitis affects approximately 30% of the adult population, mainly in developed countries. In addition, according to German scientists, no more than 40% of patients come to medical institutions with such problems. Among children, the prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis is lower, however, it was diagnosed in a fifth of all children and adolescents who sought medical help for dermatitis.
Causes of red spots on the palms
Rashes on the palms can be triggered by many factors.
The most common form of this is contact dermatitis. It can be allergic and simple (burns, frostbite, abrasions). The reasons for the simple are almost always obvious; when they are eliminated, dermatitis also disappears. Allergic occurs in the place that was in direct contact with the substance that caused the allergy. For example, with cleaning, detergents. This can lead to sensitization to cold (cold allergy). Rashes appear immediately after a sharp cooling of the skin on the arms or legs. Less commonly, an allergic rash on the palms and/or feet may be caused by a food or drug allergen. In the pathogenesis of sensitization in these cases, mainly not antibodies, but T-lymphocytes take part. Microscopic studies of samples from the lesion show large concentrations of lymphocytes and other immune cells that have moved from the bloodstream to redness.
Risk factors for red spots on the palms
Risk factors for the appearance of red spots are nervous strain or severe stress, decreased immunity.
These same factors cause relapses of dyshidrotic eczema. This is a non-contagious chronic disease accompanied by severe itching. Its causes have not yet been fully elucidated, and they presumably include allergic manifestations caused by household chemicals and food products, and a hereditary predisposition. Dyshidrotic eczema can be observed not only on the skin of the palms and feet, but also on the back. Most of those who applied for this disease are younger than 40 years old, among them patients of both sexes. The pathogenesis of dyshidrotic eczema is not actually associated with sweating disorders, as previously thought. In a family history, 50% of patients have a predisposition to allergic reactions. Risk factors, in addition to emotional overstrain, are called high temperature and humidity.
Rashes can be infectious (for example, beginning lichen), viral (herpes), parasitic (scabies) in nature. Such a rash, usually first appearing on the palms, quickly spreads to other parts of the body. It is transmitted by contact with a sick person, a fungal infection (lichen) can also be contracted from a sick animal. Herpes is ubiquitous, 90% of the adult population of the planet has antibodies to it.
A bright crimson rash, localized only on the palms or feet - erythrosis (Lane's disease). Itching for this disease is not typical. Such rashes should be well known to the patient, since the tendency to them is inherited from close relatives. The palms, as well as the feet, have an extensive network of arterial and venous vessels - nature has provided a good blood supply to this part of the body. In the pathogenesis of the disease, the main role is played by hereditary disorders in the vessels that interact between the venous and arterial systems - anastomoses. Through these vessels, blood is discharged into the venous bed with an increase in blood pressure, if the anastomoses are narrowed or completely impassable, then the blood discharge is disturbed, arterioles and capillaries constantly work in overload mode. This contributes to their constant expansion and the appearance of red spots. The disease is quite rare, it manifests itself both from birth and at a later age under the influence of factors provoking its development. Men and women get sick equally often, in one family the disease manifests itself in all or almost all of its members.
Dysfunction of the heart muscle, vegetative-vascular dystonia causes seizures, leading to a decrease in vascular tone and the appearance of dotted red spots on the palms. They do not itch, do not hurt and pass along with the attack.
Diabetes is a risk factor for skin infection. Changes in the hormonal background during puberty, during pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs can also cause rashes; the rapid growth of itchy rashes on the palms is a signal for a visit to an oncologist.
Symptoms of red spots on the palms
Since red spots on the palms can be caused by a variety of reasons, the symptoms also have some differences.
The clinical signs of allergic contact dermatitis are similar to those of the acute stage of eczema. The first signs are the appearance of sufficiently large reddenings, later small multiple bubbles begin to form against their background. Bursting and getting rid of the contents, they are exudative red spots on the surface of the skin, drying up, they can become covered with scales and crusts. The main focus is located where contact with the allergen occurred. Red spots on the palms itch, making it difficult to sleep and stay awake. Sometimes itching precedes the appearance of rashes - palms itch and red spots appear, as if from scratching. Allergic contact dermatitis can be localized on the feet if you had to walk barefoot on a substance that causes allergies. Since the body is sensitized to the effects of the allergen as a whole, the appearance of secondary foci can occur anywhere in the body, very distant from the primary focus. Secondary lesions may look like red nodules, vesicles, spots, hyperemia and swelling. Allergic dermatitis can also look like one red itchy spot on the palm of your hand (usually at the site of contact with the allergen), single and massive rashes can also appear on the back of the hands and feet.
Dyshidrotic eczema in symptoms resembles contact dermatitis. The first signs are the appearance of grouped small, approximately millimeter-sized, deeply located vesicles, sometimes with vesicles. The newly appeared small red spots on the palms are very itchy. Later - they merge, burst, forming erosive surfaces that peel off and crack. This stage is already accompanied by pain. It is localized in 80% of cases on the hands, sometimes on the soles, red spots on the palms and feet itch. First, the skin surfaces between the fingers, palms and soles of the foot are affected, then the rash can spread to the back surface.
The first signs of erythrosis (Lane's disease) - a significant number of bright rashes of a rich crimson color appear on the palms. At the same time, they appear on the feet, however, they notice them there later. The spots do not differ in soreness and itching. Upon closer inspection, you can see that the spots are not continuous - these are small dots, concentrated very close. Such accumulations are localized on the fingers and between them, palmar tubercles under the extreme fingers - the little finger and thumb. The border with healthy skin is sharply defined and is located on the lateral surface of the hands and feet. Rashes with erythrosis are never located outside the hand or foot. This pathology is not characterized by increased sweating on the inner surface of the palms and feet, which is used to differentiate it from similar diseases.
If the hands of the hands down lowered turn red and small white spots appear on them, this indicates a problem with the capillary circulation, but special treatment is usually not prescribed. If a person has red palms with white spots forming a marble ornament, then this indicates circulatory disorders.
Having found red scaly spots on the back of the hand, one can assume the presence of psoriasis, by the way, this disease also has a palmoplantar form. Ringworm and other infectious skin diseases can also start on the hands, since our hands most often come into contact with infected objects. Such symptoms should be an incentive to contact a dermatologist.
On the hands, lichen can be localized, for example, microsporia (ringworm). Although the palms, and even more so the feet, are extremely rarely affected, however, this cannot be completely ruled out. You can get infected not only from a sick animal, but also from a person. At first, a red pimple appears, which itches, but not too much, grows and brightens in the center, dry scales begin to form there. Along the edges are red small papules, forming a clear border. The formation gradually increases, along the edge of the spot, a limiting roller is formed, consisting of vesicles, nodules and crusts.
Infection with scabies caused by the scabies mite can be suspected by finding characteristic rashes that itch intensely, especially at night or after taking a bath (shower). The rash is characterized by thin, winding light lines connecting the entrance and exit of the tick. At the ends there are small spots or vesicles, which sometimes merge into plaques with exudation. On the skin of the palms, these rashes are localized between the fingers. We need to look for more such rashes. Ticks love thin delicate skin, flexion areas of the arms, external genitalia, abdomen, sides, skin folds. They never settle on the back. In children - palms, feet, buttocks, face and head.
Red spots on the palms and temperature in a child may appear at the onset of infectious diseases - measles, chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever. Allergic contact dermatitis can sometimes be accompanied by fever. Adults are also not immune from childhood illnesses, especially since childhood illnesses in adults often occur in an atypical form and are quite difficult. The presence of such symptoms should be alarming and force you to immediately consult a doctor.
Noticing red spots on the palms of a child, parents, as a rule, seek medical help. Basically, rashes in infectious diseases are localized not only on the palms, they appear after an increase in temperature (measles, scarlet fever) and other symptoms. So, measles is characterized by photophobia - the child asks to draw the curtains on the windows, scarlet fever is a type of sore throat and a rash usually complements the symptoms. Chickenpox and rubella can occur in children in a mild form without an increase in body temperature, and rashes are localized throughout the body, and with chickenpox they also itch a lot.
Allergic dermatitis on the palms appears after contact with an allergen, which can be, in principle, any substance. Most often it is chocolate, citrus fruits, medicines, plants (including domestic ones), animal hair (more often cats), insect bites, cosmetics and household chemicals. Rashes, deep red, itchy, may be accompanied by respiratory disorders.
Lana's disease often manifests itself already in childhood. Diseases of the circulatory and hematopoietic organs, accompanied by a hemorrhagic rash, may appear as red spots on the palms.
Non-compliance with hygiene rules in young children manifests itself as sweating, diaper rash, dermatitis. The palms are not the most characteristic part of the body for such rashes, but it cannot be ruled out.
Complications and consequences of red spots on the palms
The consequences and complications of rashes, especially itchy ones, are fraught with an associated secondary infection. Sometimes such rashes, which appeared as an allergic reaction, quickly disappear on their own when contact with the allergen is excluded. However, if the spots do not go away, you should immediately contact a dermatologist so as not to aggravate the course of the disease and avoid possible complications, since the appearance of spots on the palms indicates trouble in the body.
Diagnosis of red spots on the palms
Diagnosis is based on a complete examination of the skin and mucous membranes, based on typical signs of the disease. Laboratory studies: bacterial cultures, urine and blood tests - biochemical and clinical, in some cases a blood test is done for hormones, remoprobes, immunological tests. A medical history is compiled taking into account hereditary predisposition. Instrumental diagnostics is prescribed: ultrasound of internal organs, skin biopsy, microscopy of scrapings and cultures. For differentiation with diseases accompanied by a similar clinic, differential diagnosis is carried out. For example, with a preliminary diagnosis: dyshidrotic eczema, contact dermatitis, fungal infections (dermatophytosis of the feet), palmar-plantar psoriasis, neurodermatitis with localization on the palms and feet, eczematitis, epidermomycosis, spongiosis, scabies and some other skin diseases should be excluded.
By analyzing complex data, including a detailed medical history, clinical examination data, as well as the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor can make the correct final diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Treatment of red spots on the palms
In dermatology, with the similarity of symptoms, diseases can have completely different etiologies - from infection by microorganisms to autoimmune aggression, therefore, treatment methods in most cases are based on symptoms. Only certain diseases require radical treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of their occurrence.
Most often, in symptomatic therapy, external medicines are used to relieve itching, pain, eliminate rashes, oral preparations or injections are much less commonly used.
In case of recurrence of the disease, water procedures using soap, foam and shower gels are not recommended in order to avoid skin irritation. It is undesirable to use household chemicals, at least you need to wear gloves. It is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to adverse environmental conditions - solar radiation, rain, wind, snow. Do not wear products made of synthetics, fur, wool on areas of irritation. From the diet of the patient are excluded products that most often cause allergies: citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee.
If red spots on the palms are caused by contact dermatitis, you need to identify and remove the irritant, after which in most cases it goes away on its own or simple rehabilitation is required to eliminate residual irritation on the skin. Patients with an immediate allergic reaction often do not need treatment at all, since the inflammation disappears after contact with the allergen is eliminated as quickly as it arose. It's just that the patient must know his allergens and eliminate the possibility of contact with them throughout his life. It is necessary to take into account the fact that over time the spectrum of substances that cause allergies in a given person usually expands.
In more complex forms of allergic contact dermatitis, drug therapy is carried out, mainly consisting in the use of local antihistamine or hormonal ointments, lotions with drugs. At the vesiculo-bullous stage of allergy, it is recommended to open the blisters on the patient's bodies, while the upper part (lid) of the blisters is not removed, but impregnated with an antiseptic and left in place. Modern techniques recommend the use of epithelial ointments in such cases.
Patients with a severe form of the disease are prescribed potent drugs both externally and internally, and in order to increase the absorption of the drug, hermetic dressings are used. When dressing, the damaged skin is treated with a salt solution and ice is applied to it.
Difficulties are cases of occupational allergic contact dermatitis, when a radical change in the type of activity is often required to cure the patient.
Treatment of allergic contact dermatitis begins with weaker external preparations, if there is no effect, after a few weeks they switch to stronger ones. They finish the fight against residual phenomena, again using weaker means. When prescribing an external agent, the doctor usually takes into account the factor that ointment works better on dry surfaces with cracks, and cream on wet surfaces. If a secondary infection is suspected, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, which can cause allergies. You do not need to try to eliminate it yourself, you should consult a doctor to adjust the appointment.
Ointments (creams, gels) and other external preparations are applied to dry, clean skin in a thin layer, without rubbing.
Fenistil gel (active ingredient - dimethindene maleate, blocker of H1-histamine receptors). The drug reduces the production of histamine in the body, eliminates itching, irritation and other symptoms of an allergic reaction. Helps to strengthen the capillary walls, has an analgesic and healing effect.
It is characterized by speed, noticeably improves the condition almost immediately, the highest concentration at the site of application can occur within an hour. 10% of the active ingredient is absorbed into the systemic circulation. It is used for itchy rashes of various etiologies, including simple and allergic contact dermatitis.
It is contraindicated in cases of sensitization to demididene other ingredients, newborns, pregnant women in the first three months, with prostate adenoma, angle-closure glaucoma.
It is used two to four times a day, in severe cases, accompanied by severe itching or extensive areas of damage, it can be combined with taking Fenistil drops or capsules.
May cause adverse reactions at the site of application.
For allergic diseases with an associated secondary infection, the doctor may prescribe Lorinden C ointment. This is a combined preparation containing the glucocorticosteroid flumethasone pivalate, which relieves inflammation, itching, exudation and other allergy symptoms, in combination with iodochloroxyquinoline, which has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women in small areas. It is not prescribed for syphilitic and tuberculous skin lesions, oncological skin diseases, the consequences of vaccination and sensitization to the components of the drug.
Ointments that help accelerate tissue regeneration - Actovegin, Solcoseryl, the active substance of which is a calf blood extract devoid of a protein component.
Solcoseryl ointment is a biogenic stimulator of cellular metabolism, stimulates the absorption and assimilation of oxygen and glucose by the cells of the damaged epidermis, repairs and maintains its viable state. Prevents the formation of trophic changes, accelerating the process of restoration of the epithelial layer. Once or twice a day, a thin layer is lubricated with lesions, can be used in dressings. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women.
Actovegin ointment is an activator of intracellular metabolism, stimulates the absorption and assimilation of oxygen and glucose by the cells of the damaged epidermis, repairs and maintains its viable state. Additionally improves blood circulation. Two or three times a day, a thin layer lubricates the lesions. Use by pregnant and lactating women - with caution. May cause side effects in the area of application.
To get rid of residual effects, Methyluracil ointment with the same active ingredient is also prescribed. Stimulates the reproduction of leukocytes and, to a lesser extent, erythrocytes, which leads to cell renewal, accelerated healing and activation of the protective functions of the skin. It is prescribed for people with leukopenia with long-term non-healing skin lesions, the treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor. Contraindicated in malignant diseases of the blood and bone marrow.
Therapy with non-hormonal ointments is usually prolonged, hormonal ointments are used for no more than one to two weeks. Ointments with glucocorticosteroids cause many side effects, including vasodilation, atrophy and depigmentation of the skin at the site of application.
Dyshidrotic eczema is treated by conducting all kinds of examinations and finding out the provocateur of this condition. After the diagnosis, they begin treatment: they use antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs inside and out, in severe cases - hormonal drugs and ointments. Diuretics, hemodez are prescribed for the prevention of side effects of glucocorticosteroids.
Small lesions in the initial stage are treated with ointments with Naftalan oil, sulfur, birch tar; with an attached fungal infection - the drug Fukortsin, which is produced in the form of a solution and has a wide range of antimicrobial activity, including against fungi. Contraindicated in allergic dermatoses, children 0-11 years old. Apply to the affected areas of the skin from one to three times a day, apply until the symptoms disappear. May cause overdose effects: dizziness, nausea, weakness, dyspepsia. Contraindicated in sensitization, not used on significant body surfaces.
Elidel cream copes well with eczema of all types, in terms of its effectiveness it can be compared with strong hormonal ointments. The active ingredient is pimecrolimus, a derivative of ascomycin. Provides selective inhibition of the production and release of pro-inflammatory factors from T-lymphocyte and mast cells. It also suppresses the secondary immune response of T-helper epithelium. Does not affect the processes of renewal of the skin, does not cause their atrophy. It helps well with itching, inflammation - exudation, hyperemia, thickening of the skin. Can be used on surfaces of any area, pregnant women and children from 3 months of age. The cream is carefully treated with diseased skin two or more times a day.
It can cause overdrying of the skin, after taking water procedures, a moisturizer is applied before treatment. Contraindicated in case of sensitization to the components, in case of infection of the skin, with the possibility of malignant degeneration.
With non-infectious genesis of dyshidrotic eczema, Advantan ointment with the active ingredient methylprednisolone is also used. The ointment inhibits accelerated cell division, reduces the manifestations of inflammation - redness, rash, swelling, itching. Available for dry, normal and oily skin. Contraindicated in case of sensitization to the active substance, infection with viruses, tuberculosis and syphilitic skin lesions.
Treatment of areas with rashes is carried out once a day, the duration is not more than four months, for children - no more than one.
Side effects are local in nature - from rashes to atrophy of the skin surface, folliculitis, hyperhairy.
Elokom ointment with the active ingredient mometasone furoate, which is active against pro-inflammatory mediators, promotes the binding of histamine and serotonin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes edema, dries and reduces exudation. It can penetrate into the general circulatory system, causing side effects common to all glucocorticosteroids. Usually, a daily one-time treatment of the affected skin areas is recommended. Hormonal ointments are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
In case of Lana's disease, which does not cause discomfort (itching, exudation), treatment can not be prescribed. In some cases, glucocorticosteroids are used, orally and topically, to dilate blood vessels, improve additional blood circulation and reduce pressure in the arterial bed. This reduces the redness of the palms and the pressure on the blood vessels.
With an infectious, viral or parasitic etiology of red rashes on the palms and feet, a specific treatment is prescribed to eliminate the causative agent of the disease. The doctor prescribes the treatment regimen and drugs.
For example, with lichen and other fungal infections, Fukortsin solution, Lamisil spray and cream, Lamicon spray and cream are prescribed.
Lamisil (Lamicon) spray and cream have the active ingredient terbinafine. Its action is to interrupt the production process of the main component of the fungal cell membrane - ergosterol. The fungicidal action of the preparations consists in the inactivation of the enzyme squalene epoxidase, the catalyst of the third, penultimate stage of the biosynthesis of ergosterol. Its deficiency with the simultaneous concentration of squalene in the membrane kills fungal cells.
Squalene epoxidase of human skin cells is not susceptible to terbinafine, which explains the selective effect only on fungal cells.
These drugs have a fungicidal effect on the pathogens of epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, pityriasis versicolor, candidiasis, as well as on dermatophytes, aspergillus, cladosporium, scopulariopsis, fungicidal or fungistatic - on yeast fungi of various species.
Manifestations of systemic action of the drug are insignificant.
Studies have not revealed adverse effects of terbinafine on intrauterine development of the fetus, however, during pregnancy it is prescribed only under strict indications. Terbinafine is found in breast milk, therefore it is better to refrain from its use during breastfeeding.
Contraindications for use - allergy to the ingredients of the drug; breastfeeding period; age up to 3 years.
Use with caution in cases of: impaired liver and / or kidney function; alcoholism; neoplasms; violations of metabolic processes, hematopoietic processes, patency of the vessels of the extremities.
Recommended duration of use: in case of ringworm and epidermophytosis, the lesion is irrigated once a day for one week; with pityriasis versicolor - twice a day for one week.
For the treatment of fungal infections, especially those located in places covered by shoes, the form of release of the drug is very important. The fatty components of ointments and creams, which are mainly prescribed for topical use, can cause a greenhouse effect in the infection zone, exacerbation of the inflammatory process and its further spread. In order to prevent such a development of the disease, antimycotics in the form of a spray are used to treat the lesion site. With the defeat of the palms, you can use both ointments and sprays.
With herpetic lesions of the skin of the palms, Acyclovir cream is used. It has an antiviral effect, blocking the process of viral DNA synthesis, as well as immunomodulatory. This cream is intended for the treatment of rashes caused by the herpes virus. Herpes is treated by smearing the rashes five times a day with an interval of one hour. Repeat this procedure for five to ten days. The tolerability of this remedy is not bad, although local side effects may also occur.
For scabies, antiparasitic ointments, such as benzyl benzoate, are usually prescribed. The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor.
For bacterial skin lesions, ointments with antibiotics that are active against the identified microorganisms are used.
If rashes of any etiology are accompanied by severe itching that interferes with the patient's nightly sleep, the doctor may prescribe sedatives or antihistamines with sedative components.
Vitamins A and E are prescribed to reduce the permeability of the vascular membranes, accelerate the processes of restoration and renewal of the skin surface, stabilize the hormonal background and systemic effects on the body.
As part of complex therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed. This can be acupuncture, laser therapy, high frequency currents or magnetic waves, cryotherapy, electrosleep, ultraviolet radiation, paraffin therapy.
Alternative treatment for red spots on palms
Alternative treatment of red spots on the palms can be used rather in the complex of therapeutic measures, it does not exclude a visit to the doctor, diagnosis. How self-treatment can help only in cases of non-infectious skin lesions of a mild degree.
Spots of allergic origin at the very beginning of their appearance can be cooled with water or a cold compress to relieve itching and swelling;
Before going to bed, it is recommended to immerse the hands daily for 15-20 minutes in warm water, combined in a bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs: succession, chamomile, celandine, sage, oak bark in equal proportions. This procedure soothes inflamed skin, disinfects and eliminates itching.
You can make ointments:
- Mix 5 milliliters of whole cow's milk (homemade) with the same amount of purified pharmacy glycerin, add rice starch until a homogeneous slurry is obtained - treat rashes with this ointment at night and wash off in the morning;
- Mix a quarter cup of fresh cranberry juice with 200 g of Vaseline, treat rashes to eliminate itching and irritation;
- Crush 25 fresh leaves of St. John's wort in a wooden mortar, place in a glass jar, pour a quarter liter of homemade sunflower seed oil into it, cover with a lid and infuse for at least 15 and no more than 20 days, shaking occasionally. Then the composition is filtered, stored in a cool place in a dark glass container, well corked. Treat affected skin. Sun exposure to the affected and treated areas is undesirable.
For dyshidrotic eczema, the following recipes are recommended:
- wipe rashes with horseradish tincture: four teaspoons of which are steamed with 0.
5 l of boiling water and infused for two hours, cooled and used, or blackberry leaves tincture, which are crushed (100g), steamed with two liters of boiling water and infused;
- lubricate palms and feet with sea buckthorn oil 3-4 times a day;
- lotions with tincture of eucalyptus: steam four tablespoons of crushed dry eucalyptus leaf? liters of boiling water, simmer for half an hour over low heat, stirring, cool and strain.
Ointment from the branches of black currant. Two currant sprigs are carefully crushed and ground into powder, add 200 g of butter there. Heat in a water bath, stirring for at least five minutes. The cooled ointment is ready for use.
In case of Lana's disease, vasodilating applications can be made with herbal balm prepared according to the following recipe: make an herbal collection from the same amount of dry chopped herbs: sage, St. John's wort, succession, plantain, chamomile. Brew a tablespoon of herbal mix with a glass of boiling water and insist for a long time to make a gruel. Heat this slurry to
possible causes, symptoms and treatment features
If red spots appear on the palms and feet, this is considered a very alarming sign, as it may indicate the course of various diseases. This condition can be triggered by various diseases and infections. Therefore, you should not ignore such a sign.
The main causes of spots
The causes of red spots on the palms and feet can be very different. There are many different diseases, with the progression of which red spots appear on the skin of the hands and feet. If itching additionally joins, then this may indicate diseases such as:
- allergic dermatitis;
- eczema;
- scabies;
- herpes.
In addition, if the red spots on the palms and feet itch, this may be a sign of chronic fatigue or constant stress. Often a similar symptom appears when changing the diet, and can also be a sign of a hormonal disorder.
Enterovirus infection
Enterovirus infection can have many different signs, one of which is red spots on the palms and feet. It's a kind of skin infection. Redness is observed on the chest, head, palms.
Redness is formed immediately on all areas of the skin. Sometimes it can take the form of small rashes on the feet and palms. Within a week, the bubbles disappear, leaving behind age spots, which eventually disappear on their own.
If red spots appear on the palms and feet, this may be a sign of an allergic reaction. Among the allergens, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- food;
- cleaning and hygiene products;
- pet hair.
Allergy can be a hereditary disease, a sign of poor drinking water quality, air pollution. During the examination, it is necessary to pass special nutritional tests so that you can adjust the special diet. In addition to the presence of red spots and itching, there may be other symptoms, such as headache, drowsiness and nausea.
Fungal infections
If the palms and feet are covered with red spots and peeling, this may be a sign of a fungal infection. In this case, the nails darken, and severe itching also appears between the fingers. In a neglected form, sores and cracks form on the feet.
Due to a fungal infection, toxic substances accumulate in the body, provoking the occurrence of other diseases. Often a similar problem occurs in adults, but with a weakened immune system, the infectious process can also be observed in children. Treatment must be comprehensive and carried out in relation to the whole family.
Red spots on the palms and soles of the feet may indicate the presence of scabies. Rashes on the palms begin to itch strongly, weakness, apathy, lethargy, loss of appetite appear. In this case, it is imperative to pass a scraping for scabies. After confirming the diagnosis, complex treatment should be carried out.
It is necessary to carry out a full course of therapy with antiparasitic agents with disinfection of bed linen, as well as preventive measures for all contact people.
With a lack of vitamins of group B, vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of red itchy spots on the feet and palms, as well as excessive dryness of the skin. The tongue also becomes red and dry. Extremities may be cold.
A person has increased sensitivity, sleep disturbance, tearfulness. With a lack of vitamin B in young children, severe convulsions can occur, and vision deteriorates. In addition, it can provoke the onset of psoriasis. The doctor selects a vitamin complex and a diet purely individually.
Eczema and dyshidrosis
If bubbles appear between the toes on the soles and feet, which rise even above the keratinized layer of the skin, this may indicate the presence of a very dangerous disease - dyshidrosis. The formation of bubbles is additionally accompanied by swelling, burning, itching, as well as even greater progression of hyperemia.
Only a qualified dermatologist, who will select a competent treatment, should clarify the diagnosis. If red spots on the palms and feet hurt, itch, and the itching does not go away for a long time and spreads to other parts of the body, then this may be a sign of eczema.
If red spots with a brownish tint form on the arms or legs and they begin to peel off, then lichen may be the cause of their occurrence. After these spots pass, white marks remain in their place. For treatment, antifungal medications are used.
Pink lichen may also occur, in which the limbs itch very much, red spots form, surrounded by black dots. To eliminate the disease, antihistamines are used to help eliminate itching and burning. A special diet may be prescribed.
Ringworm is somewhat similar in symptoms to pink. However, longer and more serious therapy is required. This disease affects especially tender places, in particular, spots form on the palms, folds of the arms and inner thighs.
Other causes
Other causes of itching and rashes on the extremities include:
- insect bites;
- infectious diseases;
- diabetes;
- blood diseases;
- excessive sweating;
- mechanical injury.
Insects can be serious skin foes as they cause red spots, swelling and itching when bitten. If you comb the damaged area, then an infection can additionally join.
Also provoke the appearance of red spots on the palms and feet of the Coxsackie virus, measles, chickenpox, erysipelas. The source of these diseases are pathogenic microorganisms. Mechanical damage to the skin can be associated with frostbite, calluses, burns, and abrasions.
After the diagnosis is made, the patient needs to carry out a number of activities to help eliminate the disease. If the red spots are very itchy and flaky, then the doctor prescribes antihistamines. In addition, the patient is shown immunotherapy. If these signs indicate the course of an inflammatory or infectious process, then a person is prescribed antibacterial drugs.
When Lana's disease progresses, medications with adrenal hormones are prescribed. Therapy must be comprehensive. The patient is prescribed medications in tablet form and special ointments of local action on the affected areas of the skin. In addition, be sure to use vitamins A and E.
Atopic dermatitis can be chronic. When the red spot becomes more dense, then hormonal drugs are required. Often, the patient is prescribed drugs such as Lokoid and Beloderm.
Lichen also requires long-term therapy. Often the patient is prescribed "Clotrimazole". If lichen is actively spreading through the skin, then antifungal drugs are required. Tissue repair occurs approximately 20-21 days.
Pink lichen implies a special diet. In addition, the patient is prescribed antihistamines that help eliminate severe skin itching. The use of various ointments is shown, for example, such as "Sulsen" and "Microseptin".
If a person does not have the opportunity to immediately consult a doctor, and red spots and itching interfere too much, then it can be eliminated on his own. Severe itching can be relieved with:
- baby cream or glycerin;
- alcohol solution;
- special oils;
- salt solution.