How old is my child in months
Baby Age Calculator | Monthly Milestones
Created by Madhumathi Raman
Reviewed by Wojciech Sas, PhD and Steven Wooding
Last updated: Mar 30, 2023
Table of contents:- Why are baby month counter and baby age chart important?
- How do I use the baby age calculator to find my baby month calendar?
- How many days old is my baby?
- How many weeks old is my baby?
Having a baby is a proud moment for any parent, and our baby age calculator helps you keep track of the milestones during those magical first couple of years! 👼 You will be able to find out how to calculate baby age by month and calculate how old your baby will be at different points in time.
This baby month counter provides you with a timeline of the all-important first couple of years of your newborn and shows how old they are in months. From the baby age chart, you will be able to tell how many months old your child is, based on the milestone dates, and also keep track of your baby using our baby percentile calculator
Why are baby month counter and baby age chart important?
The first few years of a baby's life are crucial since all newborns 👶 require extra care and attention during the initial months to enhance their growth and development. Some newborns less than 7 days old may also be susceptible to newborn hyperbilirubinemia. Vaccination 💉 schedules for newborns are also based on how many months old the child is. Several baby formulas (see baby formula calculator) also depend on the infant's age in months. The dosage of medications such as infant Tylenol dosage also depends on your baby's age. So it becomes pivotal to keep track of the baby age chart to get timely consultations.
As a bonus, if you're feeling whimsical 😉, you may enter your own birthdate in this ages and stages calculator to check when you were 6 months old or when you were 9 months old, and so on! You could also use this to compare the milestones of two babies based on their age difference!
Pet age
If you own pets, then you can also use this tool to find the milestones for your dogs 🐶, cats 🐱, or even birds 🐦! Visit dog age calculator, cat age calculator, or bird age calculator for more information.
How do I use the baby age calculator to find my baby month calendar?
In order to calculate how old your baby is, all you need is just one thing:
- Your baby's birthday!
- Voila! A baby month calendar will be generated.
- You will now be able to see how old your newborn will be on different dates.
- You will also be able to see the day of the week in which each milestone falls, just in case you need to plan ahead for a party 🥂!
For example, if your baby was born on October 10, 2021, then the baby age chart will show the dates for months 1 through 24. From this baby month calendar, you can, for instance, calculate the 18 months milestone as Monday, April 10, 2023!
Alternatively, if your baby was born on June 19, 2021, for instance, and if today is October 15, 2021, you can find how many months old your child is (nearly 4 months old) by looking at the baby age chart. You may also use our korean age calculator for your baby!
If you are new to parenting, then our diaper calculator will help you to take the guesswork out of your shopping needs.
How many days old is my baby?
To convert your baby's age from years to days, we will multiply the number of years by 365 since each year contains 365 days (366 days in the case of leap year).
So, for example, when we convert two years to days, we get 2 × 365 = 730 days (if one of the years is a leap year, add 1 to the total number of days). This math will help you count how many days old your baby is!
The due date of delivery of a newborn is usually calculated based on the conception date. But sometimes, in case of premature delivery or similar scenarios, you could also check the adjusted age, gestational age, and chronological age of your infant.
How many weeks old is my baby?
What if you want to know how many weeks old your baby is? A typical calculation that works is multiplying the number of months by 4.345. So, for example, if your baby is 11 months old, it would mean that they are 4.345 × 11 = 47.795 weeks old or approximately 48 weeks old. This calculation will tell you how old your infant is in weeks.
You may also be interested to know that your baby's age helps determine the baby's milk intake requirement.
How old is an 18 months baby?
An 18-month-old baby is 1.5 years old or approximately 550 days old. At this age, most babies can walk and also say basic words. It is also somewhat remarkable to see how an 18-month-old baby is old enough to go exploring around the house and start understanding what everyday objects 🥄 are used for. You can also calculate the 18 months milestone for your baby using this ages and stages calculator!
How many weeks old is an 8 month-old baby?
To know how many weeks there are in 8 months, we'd do the following:
- A typical calculation that works is multiplying the number of months by 4.345.
- So when we convert 8 months to weeks, we get 4.345 × 8 = 34.76 weeks.
- This means the baby is approximately 35 weeks old!
This calculation will thus help you find how many weeks old an 8-month-old baby is!
How many weeks are in 13 months?
To know how many weeks is 13 months, a typical calculation that works is multiplying the number of months by 4. 345. So when we convert 13 months to weeks, we get 4.345 × 13 = 56.485 weeks or approximately 56.5 weeks.
How many months are in two years?
To determine how many months are in two years, we will multiply the number of years by 12 since each year contains 12 months. So when we convert 2 years to months, we get 2 × 12 = 24 months.
How do I calculate baby age in weeks to months?
To convert baby age from weeks to months, a typical calculation that works is dividing the number of weeks by 4.345. So, for example, let's say the baby is 35 weeks old. When we convert 35 weeks to months, we get 35 / 4.345 = 8.055 or approximately 8 months. This way, you can find how old your newborn is in months.
How do I find the age of my baby 22 weeks from today?
We can convert a baby's age in weeks to months as follows:
- Divide the number of weeks by 4.
- So when we convert 22 weeks to months, we get 22 / 4.345 = 5.063.
- This gives us approximately 5 months.
- So to find how old your infant will be 22 weeks from today, you just need to add 5 months to the current age in months!
When will my baby be 500 days old?
One month typically has 30 days. So when we convert 500 days to months, we'll get 500 / 30 = 16.67 months or approximately 17 months. So around 1 year 5 months of age is when your baby will be 500 days old!
Madhumathi Raman
Baby's birthdate
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Age Calculator
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Age Calculator
Date of Birth:
Age on this date:
Age = 22 years
Born on: Tuesday December 5, 2000
Age on: Sunday April 23, 2023
= 22 years 4 months 18 days
= 268 months 18 days
= 8,174 days
≈ 196,176 hours
≈ 11,770,560 minutes
≈ 706,233,600 seconds
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Calculator Use
Calculate the age of a person, place or thing. The age calculator calculates age given a date of birth in years, months and days. You can also use this calculator to find length of time between two dates.
The age calculator finds the age time span in years months and days, months and days, and in total days only.
How to Calculate Age
This age calculator uses 2 similar but slightly different methods to calculate age. One method is used to give age in years, months and days, and also months and days. The other method is used to very precisely calculate age in total days only.
When calculating age to the detailed level of days it's important to remember that not all months have the same number of days. Also, while a year has 365 days, a leap year has 366 days.
When you calculate age in terms that include years, this calculator provides the answer in common terms. For example, a teenager might say he is 15 years old rather than saying he's 12 normal years old plus 3 leap years old. This age calculator uses the same assumption -- although we know years may have different lengths, we generalize between regular years and leap years, and call them equal.
The same is true for months. If a baby is 7 months old, the parents would not say she is 4 months that are 31 days long, plus 2 months that are 30 days long, plus 1 month that is 28 days long. We typically generalize across months of different lengths, and count them all equal as general months.
The age calculator finds age in terms that are commonly used, calling all years equal and all months equal. When calculating days however, the calculator uses a function to find the precise number of days between dates.
If you wanted to know how many days you've been alive you need to account for extra days in leap years. You also need to know the total number of months with 31 days, total months with 30 days, and total months with 28 days.
The age calculator uses a function that recognizes how many leap years are in a given time span. It also calculates the specific number of days in a partial year. For example, if you were born on March 5 and today is June 7, the calculator finds the exact number of days that occur between those dates.
Your age in total number of days is calculated as:
- Number of years, x, with 365 days = 365x plus
- Number of years, y, with 366 days = 366y plus
- Number of days in the remaining partial year
This calculator assumes the start date is day 0 and begins counting one full day after day 0. For example if you input the dates 03/15/2022 and 3/18/2022 into the calculator you will get a total age of 3 days. Day 1 is the 16th, day 2 is the 17th, and day 3 is the 18th. The 15th is not counted in the tally of days.
Date Formats
The age calculator allows you to input single digit months and days. You do not have to pad them with a leading zero. You must input the 4-digit year however.
US date formatting can use a forward slash, a period, or a dash:
- mm/dd/yyyy
- mm.dd.yyyy
- mm-dd-yyyy
European date formatting can use a forward slash, a period, or a dash:
- dd/mm/yyyy
- dd-mm-yyyy
International date formatting according to ISO 8601 use only a dash (-):
- yyyy-mm-dd
Today's date is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Related Calculators: Date Difference, Date ± Days or Business Days Calculator.
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milestones and changes in each period
In the first year of life, children develop intensively, they learn new things and surprise others almost every day. Young parents often think about what skills the baby should master at a certain age. In the article we will consider the development of a child by months to a year, his main physical and psychological changes in each period.
Child development at 1 month
In the first month of life, the baby is just beginning to get acquainted with the outside world. Learns to recognize parents, to focus (still briefly) look at people and objects. The first smile - and now mom and dad forget about all the sleepless nights and dirty diapers.
During this period, the baby tries to independently hold the head in the prone position. So far, these are short and not entirely confident movements, but for a small person they are a whole feat. How you can help your baby learn to hold his head - find out in our article.
Child development at 2 months
The body, including the brain, continues to evolve at an incredible rate. The child can already follow with his eyes the objects and living objects of interest to him, respond to the sounds of the environment, and recognize his parents among other people. The baby now holds his head longer (still lying on his stomach) and can turn it from side to side.
At 2 months, you can not only see how the baby smiles at you, but also hear his first laugh. At the same age, children usually begin to babble - indistinctly babble in a language understandable only to themselves.
Child development at 3 months
At 3 months of life, the baby continues to explore the world around. Now he can hold his gaze on objects of interest to him for up to 30 seconds. In addition, the child already knows how to turn his head and observe moving objects.
The baby learns to respond to sound stimuli. If he hears a sound at a distance of less than a meter from him, then you can notice how the whole body freezes for a few seconds (the information received is being analyzed), and then the head begins to turn from side to side to find the source of the noise.
At this age, the child is already able to establish an elementary causal relationship: he begins to understand that his voice can attract attention, report discomfort or hunger. Some parents are beginning to categorize the types of crying and its message:
- Sudden high-pitched sobs indicate pain and bodily discomfort.
- Quiet sobs that quickly increase in volume - most likely the child is hungry.
- Crying, which is accompanied by rubbing of the eyes and restless movements, indicates that the baby wants to sleep.
Child development at 4 months
4 months - the period when the baby already knows how to turn his head and learns to roll over from his stomach to his back and back. The neck muscles become strong enough to hold it upright.
The limbs are no longer just dangling relaxed: the baby learns to grab objects and hold them in his hands. Movements gradually become clearer and more orderly.
At this age, children consciously make contact with others: they smile, walk, stretch out their arms and legs. The organs of hearing and vision continue to develop: the baby is already able to distinguish between primary colors and musical sounds. Therefore, experts advise children to sing songs, talk a lot with them, explaining what is happening around.
Child development at 5 months
5-month-old babies confidently roll over from their stomach to their back and make their first attempts to crawl. Read more about when and how babies start crawling. But they still don’t know how to sit without support: for this they need the help of adults and auxiliary items in the form of a high chair, pillows or a blanket. Some children try to stand on straight legs if one of the adults supports them under the handles.
At this age, kids confidently hold small toys in their hands, shake them, strive to taste them. Now the mouth is one of their main assistants in exploring the world. Remember that very often it is at this time that children awaken their interest in food in adult plates, as well as in the plates themselves and other cutlery. Therefore, you need to be very vigilant: otherwise, little hooligans will drag half the table behind them.
Child development at 6 months
Every month, the mobility of the baby increases: at 6 months they roll over from their back to their side, and then onto their stomach, and some babies begin to crawl. Albeit uncertainly, but the children are already able to move independently. Now parents should not leave the baby alone for a long time, especially in places where there is a danger of falling or stumbling on a sharp / hot object.
Six-month-old babies can usually stand and sit, using the hands of adults as a support. While this does not last long, but every day the skeleton and muscles of the child are getting stronger, allowing him to feel more confident.
At 6 months, babies can hold toys of different sizes in their hands, shake and feel them, and also taste them. Their behavior is becoming more and more meaningful: now it is easier for parents to understand the desires of the child and his emotions.
Babies now receive a huge amount of information through their eyes and ears. It is important to explain to them everything that is happening around, to give names to objects and actions. Let the crumbs have toys of different colors and sizes, making sounds and silent, smooth and rough. The more impressions the child receives, the more intensive his development will be.
Child development at 7 months
More than six months have passed since the birth of the baby, and a new important stage in his life is coming: independent movement. Most children begin to crawl by 7 months and the boundaries of their world expand significantly. It turns out that there are so many interesting and unknown things around! We remind you that adults need to be careful and ensure the safety of all places where the baby can get.
Around this time, children begin to develop long-term memory: they remember which toys make sounds and which are silent; distinguish between familiar people and those whom they see for the first time in their lives. Their speech becomes more fluent and sometimes it may seem that the child consciously pronounces a word. But most often this is just a set of sounds, similar to the cherished “mom” and “dad”.
Child development at 8 months
From day to day, the activity of the baby is growing. He rolls over, crawls, sits on his own. His manipulations become more diverse: the child shifts toys from one hand to another, throws them on the floor and picks them up again, tastes, shakes and listens to sounds. The kid is also attracted to joint games of hide-and-seek, “magpie-crow”, “bumps-bumps” and others.
At the age of 8 months, the perception of the surrounding world expands. If at 2 months the baby could distinguish sounds at a distance of 1 meter, now this radius has increased to four. The range of sounds that the child makes when communicating with you is also growing. He begins to recognize his reflection in the mirror, uses more and more developed facial expressions and gestures.
Child development at 9 months
A nine-month-old baby is not yet able to walk independently, but is already making attempts to kneel, and then on his feet, using nearby objects as a support. Many babies take their first, uncertain steps with the help of adults.
At 9 months, most babies master the so-called "pinch grip" - a method in which the baby takes the thing with his thumb and forefinger. From this point on, fine motor skills of the hands are significantly improved. Parents need to be vigilant: make sure that the baby does not put designer parts, buttons, beads and other small dangerous objects into his mouth and nose.
At this age, children begin to carefully study the actions of others and try to imitate them. The world around is getting more and more interesting!
Child development at 10 months
Every day the baby becomes more mobile, his actions acquire coordination and clarity. Some take their first independent steps, but they are the exception rather than the rule.
Most children this age enjoy playing with boxes and cabinets: opening and closing doors, taking out the contents, tasting them, and throwing them on the floor. If you do not want to one day find flour mixed with butter, pasta and ketchup on the kitchen floor, be vigilant. Do not leave the baby alone for a long time in a room full of temptations. Take care of safety and make sure that sockets, sharp and hot objects are out of reach of the child.
Child development at 11 months
As a rule, by this moment, most babies already know how to crawl and stand on their feet using a support. And some even take their first independent steps. It is considered absolutely normal if a child masters this skill at any time up to a year and a half. Parents need to be patient and help the baby to the best of their and his strength.
At 11 months, babies begin to understand simple phrases that parents often use; respond to their name; aware of when they are praised or scolded. At your request, they can point to their ears, eyes or mouth.
In addition, babies begin to imitate adults in the process of speaking, their monologues more and more resemble our usual speech. Learn more about baby's speech development. Some children say their first words.
Child development at 12 months
By the time a child is one year old, he or she has usually mastered the following skills:
- Crawls and takes unsteady steps with the help of an adult's hand or other support;
- Masters the “pluck grip”;
- Knows, but cannot yet pronounce the names of objects around;
- Mimics facial expressions of adults;
- Recognizes and emotionally reacts to parents and loved ones both live and in photographs;
- Knows how to drink from a bottle and tries to eat with a spoon;
- Understands and fulfills requests like “give”, “take”, “put”;
- Puts small items in and out of boxes, closes/opens jar and bottle lids.
Whatever the standards may say, each child is unique and learns the necessary skills in accordance with their temperament and level of physical development. Do not sound the alarm if you observe small deviations from the general norms. Remember how important your love, support and encouraging smile are to your baby. With their help, he will learn much more willingly and faster.
Norms of sleep and wakefulness of a child: a regimen by months. How much sleep should a child have?
"Sleep like a baby" - a phrase familiar to everyone. But, having become parents, many begin to understand its meaning in a different way, because sleepless nights make us reconsider ideas about children's sleep.
How many hours a day should a child sleep in order to have enough rest and develop harmoniously? How to recognize the signs of fatigue and correctly calculate the time of wakefulness? How to establish a regimen for children of different ages? All this is in our material.
- How much sleep should children of different ages need?
- Newborn sleep
- Norms of sleep and wakefulness of children from a month to a year
- Regime for children from one year to 14 years old
- Sleep and feeding patterns - summary table
- How to establish a routine: effective advice for parents
- Should I wake my baby up in the morning?
- When to put the baby to bed?
- How to calculate wake time?
- How to accustom a child to the regimen?
How much sleep should children of different ages need?
Nick Fedirko/Shutterstock. com
There are legends in the parenting community about babies who sleep all day long and wake up only to please mom and dad with their radiant smile. However, most babies up to a certain age do not know how to fall asleep on their own, barely feeling tired; therefore, the observance of the norms of sleep and wakefulness of a small person is the task of parents.
Sleep of newborns (up to 1 month)
In the first month of a child's life, it is pointless to expect any predictability: the main task of mother and baby during this period is to establish lactation, so frequent feedings and awakenings are the norm. According to pediatricians, newborn babies are applied to the chest 10-12 times a day - which means that the baby’s sleep will be intermittent.
Babies from birth to one month old sleep an average of 16-19 hours a day, with each sleep lasting from 15 minutes (only in the REM phase) to 4 hours, and the total duration of daytime sleep may exceed the duration of night sleep. Wake time should be no more than 50-60 minutes; and if the previous dream was short - only 20-30 minutes.
Norms of sleep and wakefulness from a month to a year
Andrii Orlov/
The regimen of babies changes greatly in the first year of life: every month the time of wakefulness increases and the number of daytime sleep gradually decreases.
1–2 months
Babies stay awake for 50–75 minutes including bedtime, and the minimum nap duration is increased: now the baby sleeps for at least 30 minutes.
On average, babies sleep 14-17 hours a day, of which 6-7 hours are naps (usually 4 or 5).
3-4 months
The total sleep time is slightly less - 14-16 hours a day, and the average time of being awake is one and a half hours. The number of daytime sleeps is reduced to three or four.
At this age, children eat every 2.5-3 hours: for babies who are breastfed, this period of time may be slightly less or, conversely, more; but when feeding with a mixture, pediatricians advise to maintain an interval of at least three hours.
5-6 months
Baby can stay awake for 2-2.5 hours in a row, while maintaining three daily naps for a total of about four hours.
In total, the child sleeps 13–16 hours a day and eats every 3–3.5 hours. For a six-month-old baby, one or two nightly feedings are already enough.
6–7 months
The age at which many babies refuse their third nap: they are ready to have fun for up to three hours, and the third nap no longer fits into the regimen.
During the sixth or seventh month of life, babies try solid food, but the number and frequency of breastfeeds usually remain the same.
8-10 months
The total amount of sleep per day is still 13-15 hours, of which only 2-3 hours are daytime naps. Wake time increases to 3.5 hours.
Babies get enough complementary foods but can still breastfeed 4-5 times a day.
11–12 months
Sleep intervals are up to 4. 5 hours and a second nap is usually maintained. Although most children remain breastfed for at least a year, the amount of complementary foods in their diet is much larger: they have three full meals and 1-2 snacks.
Read also Together or separately: how should the child and parents sleep?
Children's regimen from 1 to 14 years old
Problems with the regimen and lack of sleep occur not only in toddlers, but also in schoolchildren; therefore, it is important to ensure that the child gets enough sleep, even if he is already completely independent.
1 y. During the day, babies sleep 1.5-3 hours, at night - 10-12 hours.
By the age of 18 months, almost all children have one nap left.
2-3 years
Babies definitely need 1-2 hours of naps; night sleep usually lasts 10-11 hours. If the child nevertheless missed daytime sleep or flatly refuses it regularly, in the evening it is necessary to go to bed earlier than usual.
4-6 years old
Children at this age sleep 10-12 hours a day.
If your preschooler literally sleeps on the go in the evening, you should offer him to sleep for an hour or two during the day; if he has enough energy until the evening and he gets enough sleep at night, you should not insist on maintaining daytime sleep.
Schoolchildren (7-14 years old)
The beginning of school is associated with a lot of stress on the child's body, which will help to cope with healthy sleep. According to Rospotrebnadzor, schoolchildren need 8-11 hours of sleep per day, depending on age: elementary school students should sleep 10-11 hours at night; at 10–12 years 9–11 hours may be sufficient; at 13-14 years old - 9-10 hours.
Read more Schoolchildren's daily routine: how to organize and follow the correct schedule?
These figures are relative, because all children are different and are not at all obliged to “fit” into the boundaries of generally recognized norms; however, for convenience, we advise you to focus on our table.
Sleep and feeding patterns for children from one month to 14 years old - general table

Do not worry about your child when you send him to kindergarten and school. Stay close at a distance with the Find My Kids app and kids GPS watch - see where your child is and know what's going on around them.
How to set up a routine: actionable tips for parents
If your little one doesn't "fit in" with the tabular norms, but feels great, gets enough sleep and actively explores the world, you should not worry. However, a bad mood immediately after sleep, constant whims, long bedtimes or frequent awakenings are a reason to look for errors in the regimen.
Should I wake my baby up in the morning?
Many tired mothers rejoice at the opportunity to rest longer if the child does not wake up at the usual time. But for most children, routine is important for several reasons:
- unpredictable daily routine is alarming;
- due to late awakening, all daytime dreams will shift, as well as going to bed in the evening;
- a baby who has slept too long is likely to wake up lethargic and moody;
- Waking up early, like going to bed early, is considered by baby sleep experts to be the most physiological for young children.
Therefore, it is recommended to wake up babies both in the morning and from naps. The most suitable time to wake up is the interval from 6 to 8 in the morning; however, there is no need to constantly check the clock: a deviation from the usual routine for 15-30 minutes is unlikely to seriously affect the regimen of the crumbs.
The child does not want to get up in the morning: how to wake up the little "sleepy"?
When should I put my baby to bed?
Ground Picture/
It is not uncommon for a baby to have trouble lying down or wake up frequently at night, even with exemplary routine. This means that it is necessary to slightly shift the time for going to bed and focus not on age norms, but on the behavior of the baby:
- if a child becomes hysterical, and when trying to rock him, he arches and screams, most likely, he is already too overtired, and you need to start the ritual before going to bed earlier;
- if the baby is cheerful, playful and cannot fall asleep for a long time, it's time to slightly increase the period of wakefulness.
To avoid long bedtimes and tantrums, start getting ready for bed when the first signs of fatigue appear:
- the baby yawns, rubs his eyes and loses interest in the game;
- the child begins to act up, asks to be held;
- starts thumb sucking or looking for breasts;
- the child pulls his ears;
- the look becomes detached, the baby turns away from the toys.
How to calculate the time of wakefulness?
Oksana Kuzmina/
In order to prevent your baby from overworking, it is important to correctly calculate the time of wakefulness suitable for him. To do this, it is not necessary to memorize tabular values: it is enough to make simple calculations yourself.
Let's say your six-month-old baby sleeps from 21:00 to 8:00 (11 hours) and has three naps: 1.5 hours, 1 hour and 45 minutes. All sleep time must be summed up:
11 hours + 1.5 hours + 1 hour + 45 minutes. = 14 hours 15 minutes
There are 24 hours in a day; so your child's total awake time is calculated as follows:
24 hours - 14 hours 15 minutes. = 9 hours 45 minutes
If the baby has 3 daytime sleeps, then periods of wakefulness - 4. Divide the resulting total wakefulness time by 4:
9:45 4 = 2 hours 15 minutes + 2.5 h. + 2.5 h. + 2.5 h. .
How to accustom a child to the regimen?
Alena Ozerova/
If you don't know how to fix your baby's routine, start by following these recommendations:
- Put your baby to bed and wake him up at the same time in the morning.
- Enter a bedtime relaxation ritual that could include bathing, reading a book, a lullaby, whatever you and your baby enjoy.
- Plan all active entertainment and trips in the first half of the day to avoid overexcitation in the evening.
- Incorporate daily outdoor walks into your routine.
- Stick to the same daily routine: if you are used to massage in the morning, walk in the afternoon and bathe the baby in the evening, try not to change the sequence of these actions.