How much omega 3 should my child take for add
ADHD and Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Safe Dosage
ADDitude Answers
Studies have yet to determine an optimum dosage of omega-3s, or fish oil, in children or adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I would recommend children four to six years of age start with a daily supplement of 500 mg of omega-3s; children seven years and older, 1000 mg. In both cases, I recommend a supplement that has equal amounts of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaeic acid). Talk with your health care provider to discover the optimum dosage for your child.
Although one Japanese study gave children very high amounts of omega-3s that resulted in improved ADHD symptoms, the FDA recommends taking no more than 3000 mg a day. Even then, talk with your doctor before increasing omega-3 intake to that level.
Note: ADDitude does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this website is provided for educational purposes only. See additional information. While comments are appreciated, due to the high volume of inquiries we receive, there is no guarantee that either ADDitude or the expert will respond to follow-up questions.
[Free Guide: 5 All-Natural ADHD Supplements]
Posted by Sandy Newmark, M.D.
Author of ADHD Without Drugs: A Guide to Natural Care of Children with ADHD and a Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco
A Reader Answers
Our kids take over 300 mg a day of DHA (liquid) and over 600 mg of total Omega-3
They also take GABA and 5-HTP
Posted by Laurie
A Reader Answers
My son’s neurologist told us we could give any where from 2,000mg (2g) to 15,000mg (15g) when he was 7 years old. He is 9 now and takes 8g a day, split between morning and evening. He can swallow just about anything but I still try to keep the size manageable. Some of the fish oil gel caps are huge!
Posted by Tigger’s Mom
A Reader Answers
Our pediatrician recommended 1000mg per day of Omega 3’s. We use Karlson for Kids liquid and I give it to both of my children with breakfast everyday. I would not use more than that as it can affect their coagulation and cause bleeding in higher dosing.
[10 Foods (and Supplements and Vitamins!) to Boost Your ADHD Brain]
Posted by LisaVRN
A Reader Answers
I give my son, who is 8, about 640 mg a day of Omega 3’s. It’s a 3:2 EPA to DHA ratio. The supplement is by Nordic Naturals and is called Ultimate Omega Junior. He has been doing well on it. I’ve given him higher doses before, up to 1000mg to 1200 mg, but he seemed to be irritable and somewhat agitated with the higher doses.
So, keep an eye out for this as you increase. I actually didn’t realize this could be an issue and was looking for other causes of his irritability. When someone else suggested that it could be the higher dose, I decreased it and he was a lot better. I guess it just depends on the kiddo.
Posted by JS
A Reader Answers
My son’s doctor recommends Omega 3 fatty acids with a ratio of twice as much DHA as ARA. Minami has one called More EPA. There is an adult version and a kid version. We give one adult or two kid softgels per day.
Posted by SueH
A Reader Answers
Our son’s doctor says there’s not a specific recommended dose, but just what works for the individual. Start out small, and then increase a little at at time. Some say it takes about 3 weeks to see results, so maybe try a dose for a month at a time. Then do a challenge study.
[Free Download: Fish Oil Supplements for Children with ADHD/a>]
It might not be just the Omega-3s, but more the ratio of Omega-3s to Omega-6s. I’ve heard a 1:1 ratio is ideal (typical diets range from 10 – 20 Omega-6 to 1 Omega-3). Even if my son is taking his regular dose of fish oil, if he ends up eating more “bad fat” foods (lots of butter, pizza, fried foods, etc.), his symptoms are worse. (By the way, don’t underestimate the role of fiber!)
He likes the Bioglan Kids Smart fish oil found at RiteAid or Amazon.
Posted by Stephanne
This question was originally asked on the ADDConnect forums.
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Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosage
Omega-3 fatty acids are a crucial component of a healthy diet.
These essential fats are especially important for children, as they play a key role in growth and development and are associated with numerous health benefits (1).
However, many parents are unsure whether omega-3 supplements are necessary — or even safe — for their children.
This article takes an in-depth look at the benefits, side effects, and dosage recommendations of omega-3 supplements to determine whether kids should take them.
Omega-3s are fatty acids that are integral to many aspects of health, including fetal development, brain function, heart health, and immunity (2).
They’re considered essential fatty acids because your body cannot produce them on its own and needs to obtain them from food.
The three main types are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
ALA is present in a variety of plant foods, including vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and certain vegetables. Yet, it isn’t active in your body, and your body only converts it into active forms, such as DHA and EPA, in very small amounts (3, 4).
Meanwhile, EPA and DHA occur naturally in fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, and are widely available in supplements (3).
While many types of omega-3 supplements exist, some of the most common are fish oil, krill oil, and algae oil.
SummaryOmega-3 fats are essential fatty acids that play a central role in several aspects of your health. ALA, EPA, and DHA are the three main types available in foods and supplements.
Many studies suggest that omega-3 supplements offer several benefits for children.
May improve symptoms of ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition linked to symptoms like hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and difficulty focusing (5).
Some research indicates that omega-3 supplements may help decrease ADHD symptoms in children.
A review of 16 studies revealed that omega-3 fatty acids improved memory, attention, learning, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, all of which are often affected by ADHD (6).
A 16-week study in 79 boys showed that taking 1,300 mg of omega-3s daily improved attention in those with and without ADHD (7).
What’s more, a large review of 52 studies concluded that dietary modifications and fish oil supplements were two of the most promising techniques to reduce ADHD symptoms in children (8).
Could reduce asthma
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects children and adults, causing symptoms like chest pain, breathing difficulties, coughing, and wheezing (9).
Some studies have found that omega-3 fatty acid supplements help relieve these symptoms.
For instance, a 10-month study in 29 children noted that taking a fish-oil capsule containing 120 mg of combined DHA and EPA daily helped decrease symptoms of asthma (10).
Another study in 135 children associated a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids with a reduction in asthma symptoms caused by indoor air pollution (11).
Other studies reveal a possible link between omega-3 fatty acids and a lower risk of asthma in children (12, 13).
Promotes better sleep
Sleep disturbances affect nearly 4% of children under age 18 (14).
One study in 395 children tied lower blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids to a higher risk of sleep problems. It also found that supplementing with 600 mg of DHA over 16 weeks decreased sleep interruptions and led to nearly 1 more hour of sleep per night (15).
Other research suggests that consuming more omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy could improve sleep patterns in infants (16, 17).
However, more high-quality studies regarding omega-3s and sleep in children are needed.
Enhances brain health
Emerging research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids may improve brain function and mood in children — in particular, learning, memory, and brain development (18).
In a 6-month study, 183 children who ate a spread high in omega-3 fatty acids experienced improved verbal learning ability and memory (19).
Similarly, a small, 8-week study in 33 boys linked 400–1,200 mg of DHA daily to increased activation of the prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain responsible for attention, impulse control, and planning (20).
Furthermore, several studies suggest that omega-3 fats help prevent depression and mood disorders in children (21, 22, 23).
SummaryResearch has found that omega-3 fatty acids may enhance brain health, promote better sleep, and improve ADHD and asthma symptoms.
The side effects of omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil, are generally very mild. The most common ones include (24):
- bad breath
- unpleasant aftertaste
- headache
- heartburn
- stomach upset
- nausea
- diarrhea
Make sure your kid sticks to the recommended dosage to reduce their risk of side effects. You can also start them on a lower dose, increasing gradually to assess tolerance.
Those who are allergic to fish or shellfish should avoid fish oil and other fish-based supplements, such as cod liver oil and krill oil.
Instead, opt for other foods or supplements rich in omega-3s like flaxseed or algal oil.
SummaryOmega-3 supplements are linked to mild side effects like bad breath, headaches, and digestive issues. Stick to the recommended dosage and avoid fish-based supplements in cases of fish or shellfish allergies.
Daily needs for omega-3s depend on age and gender. If you’re using supplements, it’s best to follow the instructions on the package.
Notably, ALA is the only omega-3 fatty acid with specific dosage guidelines. The recommended daily intakes for ALA in children are (3):
- 0–12 months: 0.5 grams
- 1–3 years: 0.7 grams
- 4–8 years: 0.
9 grams
- Girls 9–13 years: 1.0 grams
- Boys 9–13 years: 1.2 grams
- Girls 14–18 years: 1.1 grams
- Boys 14–18 years: 1.6 grams
Fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and plant oils are all excellent sources of omega-3s that you can easily add to your child’s diet to boost their intake.
Consider supplements if your child doesn’t regularly eat fish or other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids.
In general, most studies indicate that 120–1,300 mg of combined DHA and EPA per day is beneficial for children (25, 26).
Still, to prevent any adverse effects, it’s best to consult a trusted healthcare professional before starting your child on supplements.
SummaryYour child’s omega-3 needs vary by age and gender. Including omega-3-rich foods in their diet can ensure children are meeting their requirements. Before giving them supplements, talk to a medical practitioner.
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for maintaining your child’s overall health.
Omega-3s are especially beneficial for kids’ brain health. They may also aid sleep quality and reduce symptoms of ADHD and asthma.
Providing plenty of foods high in omega-3s can help ensure that your child is meeting their daily needs. If you opt for supplements, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional to ensure proper dosage.
daily rate, indications and contraindications, overdose, how to give the drug.
June 19, 2019
December 6, 2022
4 minutes
Table of Contents
- The value of omega-3 for a child
- Daily FFA
- What foods contain omega-3?
- How to choose an omega-3 supplement?
- Contraindications
- Overdose
- Recommended products
Please note that all information posted on the site Prowellness is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action, or medical advice. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product. This site is not a specialized medical portal and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. The Site Owner is not liable to any party who has suffered indirect or direct damage as a result of misuse of materials posted on this resource. nine0003
Omega-3 for children: daily allowance, indications and contraindications, overdose, how to give the drug.
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the growth and development of the child's body. Therefore, you need to ensure that the baby does not have a deficiency of much-needed substances. If the child's daily diet does not contain enough products containing omega-3, it is necessary to give him a drug or dietary supplement based on this component. nine0032 Dosage must be prescribed by a physician.
Omega-3 value for a child
Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids, biologically active compounds that are responsible for the full development of the child. Useful properties of the considered acids:
- are present in the structure of cell membranes, including the eyes, brain, heart;
- are involved in the formation of compounds similar to hormones;
- normalize blood pressure; nine0016
- contribute to the normal transmission of nerve impulses;
- transport “good” cholesterol into cells;
- strengthen the protective barriers of the body.
Attention! If a child has a deficiency of this substance, then he can often get sick, have problems with memory and attention, and in adolescence - be irritable and suspicious.
SFA per day
The amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids needed depends on the age and weight of the child. nine0032 Also, the norm of omega-3 for children may differ depending on the state of health. The real norm for children is 1500-1800 mg per day.
Attention! Be aware of the maximum allowable dosages. Doctors do not recommend consuming more than 3000 mg of omega-3 per day.
What foods contain omega-3s?
The following foods should be included in your child's diet:
- fish oil;
- mackerel, herring, salmon and other fatty fish; nine0016
- different varieties of vegetable oils - from sesame, flax, olives;
- vegetables - bell pepper, cabbage;
- avocado - fatty fruit;
- lentils, beans or chickpeas;
- nuts - cashews, walnuts.
- open tuberculosis;
- ulcers, gastritis and other diseases in which there are problems with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
- problems with the liver and kidneys: diseases such as chronic cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis;
- sand or stones in the bladder, gallbladder; nine0016
- problems with blood clotting or taking drugs that can affect blood clotting: ginkgo biloba, acetylsalicylic acid, oral anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents;
- severe injuries, surgical operations.
- nausea;
- poor appetite;
- flatulence and bloating;
- constipation.
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If the child does not like oily fish, you can offer shrimp or squid instead.
How to choose an omega-3 supplement?
If an insufficient amount of a substance is supplied with food, then it is recommended to use nutritional supplements. When choosing a supplement for a baby, you need to pay attention to the fact that the packaging indicates that it is for children. It is good if docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is listed in the composition, since it is the most important of the entire group of PUFAs. The content of preservatives and dyes should be minimal. nine0060
Introducing Goldfish. Complex of omega-3 acids for children - Vitamama. Omega-3 acids and vitamins contained in fish capsules are necessary for the harmonious development of the child. They contribute to the proper formation of the retina, strengthening memory, the full development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Do not forget about other useful macronutrients for children. An additional source of vitamins will be Ditops Fruit Chewable Tablets with Vitamins A, C and D. The three main vitamins for immunity and growth for every day in a convenient form will help take care of the proper development of your child. nine0003
Natural chewing marmalade (blackcurrant) - Yoo Go without sugar will not become superfluous in the diet. Each marmalade contains the maximum benefit of blackcurrant and Barabados cherry (acerola): good doses of vitamin C and healthy phytonutrients. Isomalt in marmalade is not only a sweetener, but also a prebiotic, and promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.
nine0031 There are several pathologies in which children and adults should not take drugs with omega-3 acids. Such diseases include:
Attention! In the presence of such complications, you should consult a doctor who will decide whether there is a need for additional polyunsaturated acids, and how the child can get them from food. nine0062Overdose
If the baby is given a single large amount of the drug, overdose symptoms may occur. Classic signs:
In this case, you should stop taking omega-3 and consult a specialist.
Please note that all information posted on the site Prowellness is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action, or medical advice. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product.
This site is not a specialized medical portal and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. The Site Owner is not liable to any party who has suffered indirect or direct damage as a result of misuse of materials posted on this resource. nine0003
Expert: Elagina Maria Business Profi of Siberian Wellness and nutritionist in cosmetics
Reviewer: Ekaterina Vorobieva Adept of a healthy and active lifestyle
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Omega-3 for children: benefits, daily allowance and main sources
During the period of active growth and development, the child should receive all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Among them is Omega-3. But the diet of children is sometimes far from ideal - they do not receive enough useful components to grow up healthy and quickly adapt to increasing school loads.
Let us analyze in detail how much Omega-3 a child needs and what to do if this norm is not respected?
What is Omega-3?
Omega-3 belongs to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. There are many representatives of this family of substances, but the most important of them are alpha-linoleic, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids. They are involved in many processes occurring in the body - they are present in cell membranes and blood vessels, activate metabolic processes and ensure the functioning of internal organs.
Not all omega-3s are produced by the body. Many of them the child can only get with food, so the diet of the child is of great importance. nine0060 Daily norm of Omega-3 for children:
● up to a year — 0.5 g/day;
● 1-3 years 0.7 g/day;
● 4-8 years - 1 g/day;
● 9-14 years - 1.2 g/day;
● 15-18 years - 1.6 g/day.What happens if the baby gets enough Omega-3?
General immunity is strengthened. The child's body copes better with infections and viruses. This is important during the flu and cold season, as well as during the period when the baby goes to kindergarten and school.
2. Polyunsaturated acids are present in the composition of the gray matter of the brain and are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. With regular intake of Omega-3, the child becomes more attentive, his mental abilities increase. nine0060 3. It is believed that a sufficient amount of Omega-3 in a child's body is an effective prevention of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Fatty acids also help the child cope with anxiety and stress associated with increased mental stress.
4. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the production of tear fluid, which prevents the development of dry eye syndrome in those children who spend a lot of time at the computer. And at an early age, useful substances are involved in the formation of the visual analyzer. This is the prevention of poor vision in a child.nine0060 5. Omega-3 plays an important role in the proper formation of bones and teeth - acids regulate the level of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, and also increase the absorption of minerals in the intestines. It is important to ensure the intake of nutrients during the period of active growth of the child.
6. Polyunsaturated acids protect the child's cardiovascular system, helping to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. And this is important with an unbalanced diet.
7. Fatty acids are involved in the body's absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - E, A, D, K. They are important for the normal condition of hair, skin and nails. nine0060 Experts note that children with omega-3 deficiency have learning problems caused by distracted attention and hyperactivity, they have sleep disturbances, anxiety and irritability. Problems familiar, unfortunately, to many parents. And before you constantly scold the child for inattention and restlessness, you should think about how balanced his diet is.In some cases, children with omega-3 deficiency are also underweight.
Food sources Omega-3
The body does not produce many of the omega-3 acids. But they can be obtained from food. Main sources:
● seafood and oily fish;
● mustard, chia and flax seeds and oils based on them;
● meat of wild animals;
● algae;
● spinach.
Pediatricians insist that every child should eat fish at least 3 times a week. It is the main source of fatty acids. In this case, it is better to choose a fresh product, and not frozen. The higher the fat content of the fish, the more fatty acids it contains. Suitable salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, perch. You can also opt for canned fish - vegetable oil in the composition prevents the destruction of unsaturated fatty acids even during long-term storage of the product. nine0060 To maintain the “correct” level of Omega-3, it is also important that the child consumes enough vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, and leafy greens.![]()
All of these are quite affordable products. That's just not every child has a love for the "right" food. Fish is one thing. But with algae and spinach, there will clearly be problems. Sometimes feeding your baby foods rich in omega-3s is a difficult task for parents.What to do if the diet does not replenish the norm of Omega-3? nine0181
If it is not possible to normalize the child's menu for sufficient intake of unsaturated acids in his body, biologically active supplements can be included in the diet. The most popular is fish oil. Probably everyone has tried it at least once. Fish oil contains all the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other useful substances.
But remember how specific the taste and aroma of fish oil. It is unlikely that they will be able to feed the child. So we are looking for another way - an additive without such an unpleasant smell and taste so that the child does not understand that he is taking fish oil.![]()
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