How many month is 22 weeks
22 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development
22 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
When you are 22 weeks pregnant, your baby’s eyelids are still fused shut, but the eyes themselves are starting to move. Tear ducts are also forming and your baby now has eyebrows — little tufts of fine white hair. He may be furrowing those tiny brows! Your baby is becoming more and more responsive to external stimuli. If you were to have an ultrasound this week and there were to be a loud noise during the scan, you might see your baby react. For example, your baby might pull his arms and legs closer together in response to the sound.
Your baby’s brain is rapidly developing, and nerve endings are forming. By about now your baby has developed a sense of touch, which means he might be experimenting with this new sense by stroking a body part that he happens to reach or sucking his thumb. Your baby is now starting to put on layers of what’s called brown fat, which helps keep him warm.
The Size of the Fetus at 22 Weeks Pregnant
Wondering about the size of your fetus when you are 22 weeks pregnant? He could be about 1 pound and almost 7 1/2 inches long, crown to rump.
Check out this illustration to help you get a sense of what your little one might look like this week:
Mom's Body at 22 Weeks Pregnant
At 22 weeks, you are about six months pregnant and right in the thick of the second trimester.
As your bump becomes more prominent, you might find that more and more people are able to tell that you’re pregnant, making this new stage in your life seem all the more real for you. As your belly grows, you may struggle with your body image. Some days you may love your pregnant body; other days you may feel uncomfortable with these physical changes and worry that you’ll never look the same again.
Having these kinds of feelings is normal, and it might help to speak to your loved ones or your healthcare provider about what you’re going through. Eating healthily and getting regular exercise may also help you feel better. For more on this, read about tracking your weight gain during pregnancy.
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22 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 22 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Heartburn. That burning sensation in your throat and chest during pregnancy could be heartburn.
Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with your heart! Heartburn happens when stomach acids leak into the esophagus. It’s quite common during pregnancy because some hormones relax the valve that usually keeps the acids out. Eating small meals throughout the day, staying upright after eating a meal, and avoiding spicy and fried foods might help. Check with your healthcare provider if you’re struggling with heartburn.
Hot flashes. Hormonal changes and a faster metabolism are probably responsible for you feeling hotter and sweatier than normal. The best you can do is to try and stay cool, so wear loose clothes, drink lots of water, and put on the fan or air conditioner.
Racing heart. Did you know that your heart is pumping up to 30 to 50 percent more blood now that you’re pregnant? This is actually good news — more oxygen and nutrients are being delivered to your baby via the placenta. For this reason, having a racing heart can be normal during pregnancy.
If you also feel short of breath or you feel your heart racing and it stays that way, call your provider ASAP.
Pelvic pain. Pregnancy hormones loosen your joints, helping them become more flexible. But this flexibility may be causing you some pain. To help, try not to lift heavy objects and avoid standing for too long. Learn more about hip and pelvic pain.
Abdominal pain or cramping. You might experience mild uterine cramps or abdominal pain at 22 weeks pregnant or at another time during this trimester. This could be normal — for example, you could be experiencing Braxton Hicks “practice” contractions, which help your body get ready for labor, or you could be feeling your abdominal muscles and ligaments stretch as your belly grows. However, if the cramping or abdominal pain you feel is severe, or if you’re at all unsure about whether what you’re feeling is normal or not, contact your healthcare provider.
22 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
Try some stress-relief methods.
It’s normal to worry during pregnancy. However, it’s better for both you and your baby if you try to keep your stress levels under control. Of course, this is easier said than done, but strategies such as cutting back on how many hours you work, delegating tasks to others, exercising regularly, and speaking to someone you trust about your fears and anxieties could really help.
Sex during pregnancy is generally safe if you’re having a healthy and normal pregnancy, and when both you and your partner feel up for it. You won’t hurt your baby — the amniotic sac and the muscles of your uterus keep your baby protected. You may find that your sex drive ebbs and flows during pregnancy. Some moms-to-be report an increased desire for sex during this trimester, as their energy levels have now returned after the first stage of pregnancy. Seeing some spots of blood or having mild cramping after sex can be normal, but if you have heavy bleeding or persistent cramping, contact your healthcare provider.
If you have pregnancy complications — for example, if you’re at an increased risk of preterm labor — your provider may recommend abstaining from sex during your pregnancy.
Keep looking for those baby names! If you’re struggling to find inspiration, check out our list of 1,000 baby boy names and our list of 1,000 baby girl names. If you have a few favorite names but you’re struggling to pick, consider throwing a baby naming party – perhaps your loved ones can help you make your mind up.
If you have other children, consider how you will let them know about the new arrival and think about how you would like to involve them in your pregnancy.
Start planning your baby’s nursery and think about what changes need to be made to the existing room to make it comfortable for your baby. If your baby will be sharing the space with your toddler, read our article on creating a room for two.
22 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor
How are you doing with regard to weight gain? If you’re not where you should be for 22 weeks pregnant, what changes should you make to get back on track? You can also play around with our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator.
Do you need a flu shot? What should you do if you come down with the flu?
What should you do if you come in contact with someone who has chicken pox?
22 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
If you now know your little one’s gender and would like to do a big reveal to family and friends, start organizing your gender reveal party. To help you out, check out our ultimate guide to organizing a gender reveal party so that you can host it with ease, and check out these 50 ideas for revealing your baby’s gender.
With a few months to go until your due date, now is a good time to start thinking about and researching your options for labor and delivery. Consult your healthcare provider and find out what’s available to you. You might like to enquire about pain relief and other comfort measures that might be options for you. If a birth plan is something you might like to have, take a look at our downloadable birth plan guide.
Start to think about who you would like with you during labor and delivery. It could be your partner, a relative, or a friend. Some moms-to-be hire a doula — someone who has received special training in labor support and childbirth. If you would like to hire a doula, then start asking around for referrals — you could ask your healthcare provider or the person who runs your birthing class. Schedule appointments with potential doulas to get to know them a little better, and don’t forget to ask them about their fees, as the cost may not be covered by any insurance you have.
If you’re thinking of breastfeeding, ask your healthcare provider or other moms in your area for tips on finding a good lactation consultant or lactation classes that you could sign up for.
Sign up for even more weekly pregnancy tips.
Baby and You at 22 Weeks Pregnant
Key Takeaways at 22 Weeks Pregnant
- Your anatomy scan has happened already, and if you opted for genetic testing—such as amniocentesis—it’s probably wrapped up at this point.
- You might feeling on top of the world—or not. At this point, your bump has popped and things might be a little cramped. Braxton Hicks and back aches may have you feeling mildly uncomfortable. Switching positions and getting some light movement should help!
- Baby has developed nerve endings and looks more and more like a baby every day!
It’s getting crowded in there! Now that you’re 22 weeks pregnant, your rapidly growing baby is invading your space—to say the least. That’s why it might be tough to catch your breath and why your back might be killing you. Hey, as baby grows, they may be expanding your belly so much (so fast) at week 22 of pregnancy that you might start to get some stretch marks (sorry)—and you might even have a newfound “outie” belly button!
Baby at Week 22
Now that baby's eyes and lips are more developed, they’re looking even more like a newborn. Baby is sleeping in cycles—about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).
How big is baby at 22 weeks?
At 22 weeks, baby is the size of a coconut. Average baby size at 22 weeks is 10.9 inches long (at 22 weeks pregnant, baby’s size is measured from the crown of the head to the heel of the foot) and 15.2 ounces.
What does baby look like at 22 weeks?
If you could see inside that 22 week baby bump, you’d see that baby now has eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and fingernails. You’d see baby working on coordination and experimenting with the sensation of touch by moving their hands over their own face or grabbing the umbilical cord. You’d also see baby at 22 weeks responding to light and sound from outside your belly, so feel free to play with baby using a flashlight or by playing music for them!
22 weeks pregnant is how many months?
How long is 22 weeks? Hmm… it’s becoming difficult to keep track, so what exactly is 22 weeks in months, you ask? You're about five months pregnant, although doctors refer to your progress by week, not month.
22 week ultrasound
If you haven’t had your mid-pregnancy ultrasound yet, this is the week! This 18- to 22-weeks pregnant ultrasound gives you a glimpse of all baby’s major organs and other body parts. You’ve probably wrapped up the rest of your genetic testing at this point. Feel relieved that you’ve got all that out of the way!
3D Views: My Baby, My Body
See their progress for yourself with our 3D interactive tool.
See My Baby in 3D
See My Body in 3D
Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 22
The most common 22 weeks pregnant symptoms have to do with the fact that baby (or babies, if you’re 22 weeks pregnant with twins) is taking over so much territory in your body. This includes:
Stretch marks
These scars are caused when your skin stretches so fast or so much that it actually tears below the surface. What’s not so cool is that the stretch marks may never go away completely, but they will fade in color after delivery, so they’ll be much less noticeable.
Outie belly button
Your innie has basically gone inside out and you’ve suddenly got an outie. This is another byproduct of an expanding belly. It can be a weird feeling, we know. Your outie will go back to an innie, we promise!
Increased sex drive
Some moms-to-be actually find they have an increase in libido around 22 weeks. That’s because your hormones are pretty much raging at this point. (We hope you're enjoying it!)
Increased vaginal discharge
You’ve got a water works situation down there—SO not fun, but don’t worry, extra discharge is just the result of increased blood flow down there. This could be a reason not to feel the sex drive boost other moms-to-be get at this phase of the game, but we think you should try to get into the mood anyhow. We really doubt your partner will mind a little excess lubrication.
Swollen hands and/or feet
Now that you’re pregnant, you have an increase in the amount of fluids in your body—so minor swelling is totally normal and will die down pretty much as soon as baby is born. Severe or sudden swelling, on the other hand, is not normal. It could be a sign of a dangerous pregnancy complication called preeclampsia, so tell your OB right away if you’re super swollen or swollen with sudden onset.
Your back hurts due to extra pressure from baby and from carrying around the extra weight. A heating pad, a prenatal massage and/or sleeping with a body pillow can help ease the pain.
Hair issues
Some people end up growing thick, lustrous hair, which is great when the hair is actually on your head. When it’s not on your head, well, go ahead and curse those hormones for the umpteenth time. (And break out the tweezers if you want!) Other people end up with thin, limp hair. Whatever happens with your hair, your hormones are to blame, and all should return to normal after pregnancy. (Actually, many women lose a lot of hair in the postpartum period or when they stop breastfeeding, so hair changes can be expected for a period of time after giving birth)
Trouble catching your breath
Baby continues to crowd your lungs, making it tough to breathe at times. Remember not to take your workouts too far, and when you feel winded, take a break right away.
What to expect at 22 weeks pregnant
At 22 weeks, baby’s size is having quite an impact on the way you feel. Between Braxton Hicks, swollen feet, feeling winded and other 22 weeks pregnant symptoms, you’re really feeling the weight (haha) of this pregnancy. Try to take it easy when you get worn out, and don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself. Growing a person is hard work!
Your Pregnant Belly at 22 Weeks
A typical 22 weeks pregnant belly measures approximately 20 to 24 centimeters from pelvic bone to the top of the uterus—that’s called the “fundal height.” If you’re 22 weeks pregnant with twins, don’t even consider fundal height, since twin pregnancies are all so different, there’s no real “typical.”
At 22 weeks pregnant, weight gain is likely on your mind. Your OB is probably telling you to stick to a slow and steady weight gain—about a pound or slightly more or less per week, depending on your body type. To do that, many people advise eating about 300 extra calories per day. Don’t obsess over calorie counting or anything—it’s just a good guideline to keep in mind.
Three hundred extra calories doesn’t mean you have to eat exactly three meals plus one or two small snacks. In fact, you should consider switching it up and eating five or six small meals over the course of your day. That way, it might be easier to stick to a well-rounded diet (since, admit it, most of us make healthier choices with our meals than we do with our snacks). Plus, by eating smaller meals and more regularly, you’ll lower your chances of having drops in energy, or heartburn, indigestion and other issues with that 22-week pregnant belly. Sounds delicious to us!
Can baby feel when I rub my belly?
Yes! Baby’s brain and nerve endings have now developed enough that they can sense touch, which means they’ll feel your hand pressing gently on your 22 week baby bump. Baby may even respond by pressing back—cool!
"By this time, it may be more obvious to an older child that you're pregnant.
The uterus can only hide for so long!… Some of my patients have bought simple gifts for the sibling from the actual baby to give them after the new baby is born to help with the changes. Around 22 weeks you will probably still have some energy so you may want to work on getting some things organized like that to help long term." - Christine Greves, MD, an ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies in Orlando, Florida
Tips for 22 Weeks Pregnant
Suddenly feeling a whole lot less exhausted? Woohoo! Here’s how you can channel your extra energy this week.
Practice saying no
People are enchanted by a pregnant belly, but they might forget their manners and comment on your body or touch your belly without asking. Be prepared to step back and say “no thank you” whenever someone attempts to touch or offers unsolicited commentary.
Take advantage of feeling good
If you’re experiencing that wondrous second trimester energy, take advantage of it! Plan a trip or get some projects done around the house. Now’s the time to travel, if you’d like to, before the baby arrives. The third trimester might come with the return of exhaustion, so use this energy to your advantage.
Breathe through Braxton Hicks
If you’re having Braxton Hicks contractions, practice breathing through them, which will also help when you eventually go into labor. There are all kinds of breathing exercises, from yoga breathing to traditional labor breathing techniques, so choose what works best for you and use it.
Keep up with prenatals and healthy eating
Eating well and taking your prenatals not only helps baby grow strong and healthy, but it supports your body too, as it works hard to grow and house your little one. Calcium and magnesium are particularly important right now for baby’s bones and teeth, so focus on fortified foods, dairy products, avocados, salmon and dark leafy greens. (Hint: If you’re craving a treat, dark chocolate is also an excellent source of magnesium. Eat it with calcium-rich milk, and it’s practically health food!)
Plan a portrait session
Twenty-two weeks is a good time to start planning for a maternity portrait session. You’ll want to aim for a third trimester sesh to capture that big, beautiful belly, but it shouldn’t be so late that you risk going into labor before your appointment.
Pregnancy Checklist at 22 Weeks Pregnant
Reminders for the week:
fetal development, what is happening, sensations, ultrasound, size and weight of the child
Many women wonder, 22 weeks is how many months? Recall that gynecologists consider the gestational age only by weeks from the date of the last menstruation - this is the most accurate option. Week 22 is approximately the sixth month of pregnancy, however, for a better understanding of what is happening, it is worth focusing on obstetric data.
What happens in a woman's body at the 22nd week of pregnancy
The total weight gain at the 22nd week of pregnancy is 4-5 kg. The tummy is still almost invisible, and the expectant mother can lead a normal life without significant restrictions. It is no coincidence that gynecologists call this period the honeymoon of pregnancy. The manifestations of early toxicosis are already subsiding, the body is getting used to the new conditions of existence, but the big belly does not interfere yet. During this time, you can plan various work projects, take exams and travel.
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, noticeable changes occur in the mammary glands. Even from an early date, they increase in size, but only in the middle to the end of the second trimester, primary milk, colostrum, begins to be released from them drop by drop. It is a whitish-yellow liquid, without a specific odor, slightly sweet in taste. Colostrum can leak until the very birth. In order not to experience discomfort from soaking underwear, you can use special inserts in a bra.
Colostrum does not appear in all pregnant women, and if it does, then at different times. Some expectant mothers notice it already at the end of the second trimester, others only before childbirth. The absence of colostrum throughout pregnancy is also the norm.
Women's health: what you need to know in the 22nd week of pregnancy
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, expectant mothers most often face such problems:
Insufficient weight gain. Many women look forward to when the body already acquires the forms characteristic of pregnancy. A small belly is sometimes scary - what if the child develops incorrectly? As a rule, there is no cause for concern - although the uterus already reaches the level of the navel, the rounding of the figure is not yet so noticeable. If, according to the results of a recent ultrasound, everything is in order, and the development of the fetus is in accordance with the gestational age, there is no need to worry about the fact that you have a small stomach.
Excessive weight gain. There is also the opposite problem - when the weight grows too fast. The reasons can be different - dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, swelling. On this issue, it is worth consulting with a doctor - to find the cause and adjust the weight gain.
Normally, a pregnant woman gains 300-500 g per week. Weight gain depends on the mother's diet, lifestyle, genetic predisposition and other factors.
Another common problem of the second trimester of pregnancy is increased uterine tone. It's not a disease. The uterus is a muscular organ, it can contract and relax from time to time, and this is normal. The increased tone of the uterus can cause discomfort to the expectant mother, but this is a natural process that does not require medical intervention. Sometimes it is enough to change the position and rest to get rid of the discomfort. But if toning the uterus causes pain, unusual discharge appears, you should definitely consult a doctor.
What happens to the fetus at the 22nd week of pregnancy
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus reaches 500-600 g, height - 26-27 cm. The proportions of the body are aligned, the head no longer seems too large in relation to the body. Most of the time the child spends in the fetal position - the head is tilted, the arms and legs are pressed to the stomach.
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, all internal organs of the fetus are formed. The heart, intestines, kidneys work. Only the lungs are turned off from the general system - they will begin to function only when the child is born.
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the active development of the fetal nervous system continues. The brain already contains those neurons that will remain with it for life. Now there will be only an increase in the total mass of the brain. The baby explores the environment with interest, tastes the amniotic fluid, sucks his finger.
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the spine is finally formed. The strengthening of the bones of the fetus continues. Subcutaneous fat is laid down. The skin gradually acquires a characteristic pale pink color.
Norma at the 21st week of pregnancy
Mother's weight gain
+ 4-5 kg from the starting weight
Standing the bottom of the uterus
The weight of the fetus
9000 500-600 gfetus
26-27 cm
Fetal movements in the 22nd week of pregnancy
At this time, the baby makes about 200 movements per day. Not all fetal movements are noticeable to the expectant mother. They seem still rather weak, and not every movement of the child can be caught. Movements are felt in the lower abdomen - like smooth jolts. They are best felt in the supine position, in a calm environment and at bedtime. Many women compare these sensations to the splash of water or the light touch of a feather.
If the baby seems to be moving little or, on the contrary, is acting too active, you need to see a doctor.
Examinations at the 22nd week of pregnancy
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, a planned examination is not performed. Ultrasound screening should have been done earlier - at 18-21 weeks. If this does not happen, you need to get a referral for an ultrasound from a doctor. It is important to make sure that the development of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age, there are no deviations in the structure of organs and other complications.
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother continues to visit the doctor regularly - at least once every two weeks. At each appointment, the gynecologist conducts a general examination, measures the pulse and blood pressure, evaluates the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen. He also listens to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope.
Useful tips for expectant mother
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, you should pay special attention to the diet. The nutrition of the expectant mother should be balanced. The daily menu should include meat and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals. You need to eat often, in small portions, do not overeat and avoid feeling hungry. Do not get carried away with exotic products - often during pregnancy they cause allergies, even if there was no reaction before. It is also recommended to abandon strict diets. Any dietary restrictions should be discussed with a gynecologist.
- 1. Obstetrics: national leadership: E. K. Ailamazyan, G. M. Savelyeva, V. E. Radzinsky;
- 2. Normal pregnancy.
Clinical guidelines, 2019;
- 3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2020 N 1130n "On approval of the Procedure for the provision of medical care in the field of obstetrics and gynecology";
- 4. WHO antenatal care guidelines for a positive pregnancy experience, 2017.
- Obstetrician-gynecologist (Southern State Medical University, Faculty of Pediatrics, specialization at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)
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22nd week of pregnancy, baby weight, photo, pregnancy calendar | Mamovediya
The 22nd week continues the 6th month of pregnancy. Half the way is left behind, but ahead of you is the most important event in life - the appearance of a baby in this world... loves your voice and knows the rhythm of your heartbeat; you feel your child, rejoice in his pushes... There is still time to enjoy this period, when you and your child are a single whole, inseparable, inseparable and happy. .. Catch moments of happiness and write them down in a piggy bank of pleasant memories.
What's going on?
The baby is already 20 weeks old, he is actively preparing for the changes that await him here - on our planet Earth. Now his planet and his universe is his mother , and somewhere else from the "space" various sounds, melodies and voices are heard, sometimes a bright light breaks through, sometimes someone touches his house - his mother's tummy. The kid already knows well when the father does it, and when someone else does it.
Full height of a child at the 22nd week of pregnancy can reach 27-29 cm , the length from the head to the coccyx - 19 cm . The weight of the baby ranges from 350-420 g .
The child continues its development, all organs and systems are constantly improving, preparing for independent life outside the mother's tummy
The baby can already boast of eyebrows, although they do not yet have color - the melanin pigment responsible for color will color them a little later.
Perception is getting better - a set of neuron cells is already present in the brain in full. The first skills and way of knowing a baby are touches . The baby is constantly engaged in the study of himself and his environment with the help of touches - he touches the legs, face with pens, plays with the umbilical cord, sucks his fingers, legs can push off the walls of the uterus . The kid learns to control his body - bend and move his arms and legs, tilt his head and the like.
The child already has full-fledged nails, joints and bones are getting stronger.
What does it feel like?
You are still in a comfortable period of pregnancy. The tummy still does not cause trouble - it almost does not limit you in movements and activities, you are not tormented by nausea and weakness. You do not rush time and enjoy this unforgettable stage in your life...
But time passes and changes in your body continue. The uterus is already rising 2 cm above the navel 0100, which makes you change the usual position of other organs and systems. The lower ribs have moved apart a little and now they can hurt a little. Slightly the chest rose . If this makes you feel a little uncomfortable, try raising your arms up or sitting up straight.
Blood volume continues to increase. This, still occurs mainly due to the plasma. So, remember the occurrence of such a phenomenon as physiological anemia . It is extremely important to keep hemoglobin levels under control during this period of pregnancy in order to prevent the development of ordinary anemia.
Although the tummy is not yet too big, however, as well as weight gain in general, it causes a change in your gait - it can become a little awkward - well, get used to it - in the future your movements will become more and more limited.
Nutrition for the expectant mother!
Physiological anemia, which is the most likely to appear this week, obliges you to pay attention to the consumption of foods rich in iron, namely: dried fruits, green apples, quail or chicken eggs, soy cheese, meat .
Divide your meals into 5-6 small meals.
Due to the risk of edema control the amount of liquid you consume. It is best to drink purified water and fresh, but coffee, cocoa, strong tea and carbonated drinks should be discarded.
Do not forget about the importance of including fermented milk products, in particular kefir, in your daily menu.
In addition to iron, your body generously shares its calcium reserves with your baby. So, do not forget to replenish them - apricots, persimmons, fish and broccoli will be useful to you.
Risk factors for mother and child!
Great attention should be paid to blood pressure, hypotension (decrease in blood pressure) or hypertension (its increase) may occur. If you are confused by excessive weakness and drowsiness, ringing in the ears or dizziness, consult a doctor for an examination and determine the cause. Blood pressure is measured before each visit to your gynecologist, so you can control the dynamics of pressure readings. An increase in the upper values by more than 24 mm Hg, and the lower ones by more than 14 mm Hg, is the reason for an urgent visit to the antenatal clinic.
Hemorrhoids are another unpleasant side of pregnancy . This condition can be caused due to an increase in blood volume and weight in general. Pain, itching, bleeding during bowel movements are all symptoms of hemorrhoids. To prevent and alleviate an existing problem, drink liquids in the amount allowed for you, eat liquid meals - soups, borscht, fresh vegetables and fruits . It is important to avoid constipation.
Anemia - enough has been said about it, but this risk factor cannot be missed! We know that anemia can occur due to iron deficiency (90% of cases), however, there are cases of anemia due to lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 . What is the danger of anemia? It can be the cause of various complications both in the well-being of the mother and have negative consequences for the baby. So, it has been proven that children born to women who had anemia are more likely to have allergic reactions and get sick. To prevent anemia, make sure that your daily menu is enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Time will fly by very quickly, and within a couple of months after the birth of the baby, you will be asking yourself the question - was he (or she) in my tummy? To capture in memory these wonderful days of , you can make a family photo session. The best time for this is 30 - 32 weeks. So now is the time to look at photography ideas (if you plan to do it yourself) or find a good professional and schedule a meeting.
If we're talking about a photo shoot, then it's a good idea to have a weekly profile picture of your belly. Then you will mount a collage and you will be able to admire how your baby grew and developed under your heart. Then only your creativity and imagination...
Another important topic for discussion is the topic of intimate relationships
Very often, sex during pregnancy is taboo. This happens for various reasons: really important - threat of termination of pregnancy announced by a doctor, and far-fetched - can harm the child and the like. If your taboo does not bear the reasons announced by the doctor, feel free to remove it. First of all, you should discuss this issue with your husband. The first trimester for a woman is the most difficult, and, as a rule, she really does not want to make love - the perception of a new self, toxicosis, weakness. But now you can feel increased sexual desire . This is facilitated by an increase in secretion and an increase in the sensitivity of erogenous zones. Intimacy in the 22nd week of pregnancy can give you not only a lot of pleasure, but even previously unknown sensations. Statistics show that many women experience an orgasm for the first time during the second trimester of pregnancy.